


Wiltshire - Survey of the Manor of Brinkworth, 1587


Transcribed by Clive R.G. Henly, 1993
From an original document held at the Wiltshire & Swindon Archives.
Library Reference: 88:2/44

Place Name Index   Person Index

This survey was commissioned by the then Lord of the Manor, Thomas Howard Earl of Suffolk, so that he would be in a position to sell the Manor if the need should arise. This much can be gleaned from the preamble which appears on the following page.

The paragraph numbers have been added by the translator for purposes of clarification and indexing. They do not appear in the original document.

Most christian names in the original document have been recorded in their Latin form. In this translation the Latin names have been given with their English equivalents in square brackets, e.g. ‘Johannes [John] Smith’. Note that the Latin name "Jacobus" can be translated either as "Jacob" or ‘James’.

Above some of the names in the original document the word "mort" has been written. Perhaps the survey was kept as a "working" document for a few years after its commission, and this would be a way of noting that a person had since died. When this annotation took place (if indeed it was only the once) it is not known. As an indication, the will of James Taylor (or James Davis alias Taylor) was proved at the PCC in 1597. In paragraph 52 he is noted as dead, although in paragraphs 1 and 70 he is not.

Dates in the original document were given in terms of regnal years (e.g. "21st day of September in the 3rd year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth"). In this translation the editor has entered the year number in square brackets (e.g. "[1549]") in order to improve readability and ease of use. Notes that have clearly been added to the document after it was first written are in italics.

Dotted lines (" .... ") indicate words which were either unreadable or which could not be translated. A question mark ("?") has been place after any word where a translation has been attempted but not with total certainty.

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WRO 88:2/44Page 1Copyright C.R.G. Henly 1994

And after all this you shall fynde the contents of the acres of Brinkworthe Woods the whyche doth belonge unto my lorde Thomas Howarde and he is too make sale of them at his owne pleasure and which is yearlye too be made therof after the renres of the manor you shall fynd them wyth the names of the woods, wyth the tythes that is theron yearlye too be made.

And followyinge the value of the woods you shall fynde the totall sume of the value of the manor of Brynckeworthe as it is nowe too my lorde Thomas and after that value you shall fynde a value made by me of the hole manor what it is worthe yf yt ware in my lords handes or lette yt maye be yt wyll ..... too you too be of a greatter value then the grounde is worthe for I have valued the ground ..... muche but the perfecte that all the inhabitantes within Brynckworthe here wyth the forests of Braydon wyth there catell and the goodness of the grounde of the forests knowe and the great quantytye of catell that ..... and wythin the same may ....., wyll make you be of my opynyon that the value is not so much as wylbe given.

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The manor of Brynckworthe in the parish of Brynckworthe in the county of Wilshere.

A survey of the said manor made in the month of June in the 29th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth .....

The rents of the free tenants of the said manor.

The Parson of Brynckworthe holds free ...... the parsonage with the glebe land, rent per annum 13s 4d.

The same Parson pays court silver for 4 tenements and meadows by the parsonage - 22d.

  1. Jacobus [James] Davis als Taylor holds by indenture for the term of 2000 years two tenements containing 60 acres granted by Henry Knevett knight and Dame Elizabeth his wife, rent per annum 12d.

  2. Johannes [John] Lewen holds by indenture two tenements called Selyes and another called Wysdoms containing 46 acres granted by Henry Knevett and Elizabeth his wife, rent per annum 2s.

  3. Thomas Trumphon holds by indenture for the term of 2000 years one close of ground called Great Spachenham containing 35 acres of pasture granted by Henry Knevett and Elizabeth his wife, rent per annum 12d.

  4. Johannes [John] Rychemonde holds by indenture for the term of 2000 years one pasture called East Hargrove containing 24 acres of ground and 8 acres in Glase Land granted by Henry Knevett and Elizabeth his wife, rent per annum 12d.

    Sum of free tenents 20s 2d.

    The rents of Customary Tenants of the said manor

  5. Ricardus [Richard] Becke holds for himself and William Sherer son of Maurice? Sherer one messuage with 4 closes of meadow and pasture called Flechers containing 10 acres and one close in Wyndmyll Field containing 2 acres ..... by copy made to John Becke (mort) and the said Richard Becke and William Sherer dated the 20th day of February in the years of the reign of Philip and Mary the first and second [1555], rent per annum at the feast of the annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel equally 4s 1d ob. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. 2 hens and 1 cock. Value of the lease £8 10s per annum. 1 heriott.

  6. Thomas Jeffres holds for himself for the term of his life onlyone messuage called Badges with a close of pasture containing 9 acres by copy dated 25th day of September in the 13th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1571], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 5s 3d ob. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 2d. 2 hens, 1 cock. Value of the lease £7 4s per annum. 1 heriott. Granted to Robert Beale and others.

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  1. Johannes [John] Haywarde (mort) holds for himself and Alice his sister two messuages containing 48 acres of meadow and asture adjacent to one called Eles and another called Worthe by copy dated 25th day of September in the 19th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1577], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 18s 1d. Court silver 11d. Mead silver 8d. One dayes mowynge in the Custom Mede & making. 2 hens, 1 cock. Value of lease £32 per annum. 2 heriotts.

  2. Thomas Bele holds for himself and Christopher (mort) and Gualfrido [Geoffery] his sons two tenements with 20 acres of meadow and pasture adjacent called Hore House and Phelpes by copy dated 29th day of March in the 10th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1568], rent per annum at the feats aforesaid equally 10s 3d. Court silver 11d. Mead silver 6d. Value of lease £13 6s 8d per annum. 2 heriotts.

  3. Radolphus [Ralph] Pynnell and Alice his sister wife of William Henlye hold one messuage with 19 acres of meadow and pasture called Players by copy dated 9th day of July in the 17th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1575], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 7s 1d ob. Court silver 2d ob. Mead silver 2d. Value of lease £13 6s 8d per annum. 1 heriott.

  4. Johannes [John] Sherer (mort) holds for himself and Thomas Sherer his father and Thomas Sherer brother of the aforesaid ohn one messuage with 18 acres of meadow and pasture called Hele House by copy dated 21st day of September in the 22nd year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1580], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 5s 2d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. 2 hens and 1 cock. Value of lease £34 per annum. 1 heriott. Query for a lycence.

  5. Michell [Michael] Frye holds by copy one messuage called Fremans otherwise Selwyns with 18 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated first day of October in th tenth year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1569], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 6s 6d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. One dayes mowynge and makynge in Custom Meadow. Value of lease £12 per annum. 1 heriott.

  6. Williamus [William] Henlye holds for himself and Johanne his sister one messuage called Wysdomes and another messuage alled Walter Holdes containing 25 acres by copy dated 28th day of March in the 4th and 5th years of the reign of Philip and Mary [1558], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 13s 10d. Court silver 11d. Mead silver 6d. 4 hens and 1 cock. Value of lease £20 per annum. 2 heriotts.

  7. Elizabeth Arnolde (mort) widow holds during her widowhood, the reversion to Richard Arnolde son of Walter Arnolde defunct, one tenement called Fryttes with a close containing 60 acres by copy dated 12th day of October in the second year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth [1548], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 20s. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 2d. Value of lease £5 7s per annum. 1 heriott.

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  1. Margaret Henlye widow holds during her widowhood, the reversion to Walter Clarke in the name of Agnes his wife daughter of the said Margaret, one messuage called Churchemans containing 19 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated 28th day of March in the 5th year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth [1551], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 9s 5d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. 2 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £15. 1 heriott.

  2. Johannes [John] Philipes holds for himself and Johannes [John] Barnes and Gualfrido [Geoffery] Barnes two tenements called Hartes and Howles containing 26 acres by copy made by Lord Thomas Howarde not presented, rent per annum 8s 8d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Half a days mowynge and makynge in Custom Mead. 2 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £17 13s 4d. per annum. 1 heriott.

  3. Johannes [John] Barnes holds for himself and Gualfrido [Geoffery] his brother two tenements called Hartes and Howells containing 26 acres by copy not presented, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 8s 8d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Half a dayes mowynge and makynge in Custom Mead. 2 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £17 13s 4d per annum. 1 heriott.

  4. Johannes [John] Pynnell (mort) holds for himself, George Pynnell (mort) and Henrico [Henry] Pynnell sons of the said Johannes [John] 4 closes of meadow and pasture containing 20 acres by copy dated the 9th day of January in the 17th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1575], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 7s 1d ob. Court silver 2d. Mead silver 2d. Value of lease £13 6s 8d per annum. 1 heriott.

  5. Johannes [John] Walker (mort) holds for himself, Thomas Walker and John Walker (mort) sons of the aforesaid John one messuage called Taylors containing 7 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 29th day of March in the 10th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1568], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 7s 6d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 2d. 2 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £6 per annum. 1 heriott.

  6. Williamus [William] Barnes holds for himself, John Barnes (mort) his brother and Margerie Barnes his sister one messuage called Slade Howse containing 33 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 24th day of January in the 14th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1572], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 13s 2d ob. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. One dayes mowynge & makynge in Custom Mead. 3 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £26 13s 4d per annum. 1 heriott.

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  1. Williamus [William] Bele junior, holds for himself, Roberto [Robert] Bele and Galfrido [Geoffery] Bele sons of the foresaid William one messuage called Norris with 25 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 3rd day of April in the 14th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1572], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 9s 10d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. One dayes mowynge and makynge in Custom Mead. Value of lease £20 per annum. 1 heriott.

  2. Johannes [John] Sherer holds for himself and Hugoni [Hugh] his brother one messuage called Parkers with 14 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 25th day of April in the 26th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1584] made by Lord Thomas Howarde, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 6s 1d ob. Value of lease £10 per annum. 1 heriott.

  3. Alicia [Alice] Goldinge widow holds during her widowhood, the remainder to John Goldynge son of the said Alice, one messuage called Cookowes containing 12 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 5th day of September in the 3rd year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1561], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 5s 5d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Value of lease £6 8s 4d per annum. 1 heriott. Thomas Dixon by indenture.

    This grante was granted by Sir James Stumpe knighte when the manor was in feofment too Stumpes and he had no right in the same therefore yt is good to examen the same. This is now holden by Indenture for 4 lyves.

  4. Robertus [Robert] Reve holds for the term of the life of Elizabeth his wife one messuage called Siblyes containing 33 acres of meadow and pasture by copy not presented, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 26s 8d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. 2 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £14 per annum. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted too Thomas Sherer the father and too Thomas Sherer his son by Sir Henry Knevett & Dame Elizabeth his wife by copy dated the firste of September in the 16th year of the reigne of Queen Elizabeth [1574]

  5. Williamus [William] Bele senior and Williamus Bele his brother hold two messuages, one called Cultabius als Worthe and the other Elder with 73 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 22nd day of September in the 3rd and 4th years of the reign of Philip and Mary [1556], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 53s 4d. Court silver 16d ob. Mead silver 10d. Value of lease £50 per annum. 3 heriotts.

    This reversion is granted by Sir Henry Knevett & my ladye his wife too Robert Bele, Jefferye Bele and Alice Bele the sons and daughter of the above William the elder as appeareth by copy dated 29th of March in the tenth year of the reigne of Queen Elizabeth [1568]

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  1. Agneta [Agnes] Skinner (mort) holds during her widowhood two tenements, one called Fosters the other called Gyllymans containing 16 acres, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 7s 2d ob. Court silver 11d. Mead silver 4d. One dayes mowinge & makynge in Custom mead. 4 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £10 per annum. 2 heriotts.

    This reversion is granted to Thomas Lewen (mort) and too William (mort) and Thomas Lewen his sons by Sir Henry Knevett & my lady his wife by copy dated. Possession in William last life.

  2. Georgius [George] Jonnes holds in the name of Agneto [Agnes] his wife for her the term of the life of the aforesaid Agnes three messuages one called called Gorwayes als Cowps the other called Byrdes the third called Basyes containing 75 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 20th day of October in the 28th year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth [1536], rent per annum 22s 5d. Court silver 16d ob. Custom monye 14d. Value of lease £50 per annum. 3 heriotts.

    This reversion is granted to Thomas Hawkyns the elder and Thomas Hawkyns the younger by Sir James Stumpe but it is thought this grant not to be good for that Sir James Stumpe had nothynge too do in the land at the grant. For there was a feofement made to Edward Nichols and Edward Gele and to their heyres for certen lyves

    Note that this is also voyded in that the said Hawkins did make the reversion of mother Norbern. Agnes the base daughter of mother Norborns husband lyvinge and having an estate in remainder of her father the said Norborne who was perfectly known to be the party for whome her father intended it although ...... base borne and ...

  3. Johanna Webe widow holds during her widowhood one messuage called Balwyns and one holding called Sewens containing 26 acres of meadow and pasture, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 12s 9d. Court silver 11d. Mead silver 6d. 2 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £26 per annum. 2 heriotts. Granted to Robert Beale and others.

    This reversion is granted to Richard Webbe (mort) son of the said Joanne and Walter Webbe his brother as it appeareth by copy dated the 7th day of June in the 29th year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth [1537]

  4. Williamus [William] Hele (mort) holds in the name of Elizabeth his wife one tenement called Churchmans with 29 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the first day of April in the first year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth [1547], rent per annum 12s ob. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Value of lease £24 per annum. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted by Sir Henry Knevett and my lady his wife to William Hele (mort) and to Margery and Elizabeth his daughters as appeareth by copy the first of October in the 10th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1568]


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  1. Williamus [William] Thorne (mort) holds for the term of his wife one messuage called Wyngods with 24 acres of meadow and pasture by Copy dated the 4th day of 4 April in the third year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth [1549], rent per annum 7s 7d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. 2 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £16 per annum. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted by Sir Henry Knevett and my lady his wife to Margaret Thorne the daughter of the said Willyam as it appeareth by copy the last of March in the 21st year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1579]

  2. Williamus [William] Clerke holds in the name of Johanne his wife and Joanne Cowles now wife of John Peacock one messuage with a meadow containing 44 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 20th day of February in the first and second year of the reign of Philip and Mary [1555], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 16s 4d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Value of lease £30 per annum. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted by Sir Henrye Knevett and my ladye his wife too the forsaide Willyam Clarke Jeffrye and Rychard Clarke his sons and as appeareth by copy dated the third of September in the 21st year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1579]

  3. Robertus [Robert] Reve hold for the term of his life and Elizabeth his wife one messuage called Pyngells containing ten acres of meadow and pasture, rent per annum 20s. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Value of lease £8 per annum. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted by indenture to William Bele the younger and his assigns by the Lord Thomas Howarde for 49 years if Robert Bele, Jeffery Bele and John Bele the sons of the said William shall so long live, paying yearly 13s 4d. So as there is lost by this grant a heriott at every death and 6s 8d a year less rent which should have been considered before the grant.

  4. Agneta [Agnes] Pynnell (mort) widow holds for herself during her widowhood one messuage called Breches and another tenement called Bakers containing 21 acres of meadow and pasture, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 6s 11d. Court silver 11d. Mead silver 6d. 2 hens 1 cock. Value of lease £15 per annum. 2 heriotts.

    This reversion is granted to Richard Pynnell her son but I have seen no copy for the son therefore .... further.

  5. Alicia [Alice] Bele widow holds during her widowhood one messuage called Alfords containing 9 acres of meadow and pasture, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 3s 9d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 2d. 1 hen 1 cock. Value of lease £6 8s 4d per annum. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted to John Bele, Humfrye Bele and John Bele (mort) her sons by Sir Henry Knevett and my lady his wife by copy dated 7th April in the 14th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1572]

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  1. Edmundus [Edmund] Wallis senior and Edmundus [Edmund] Wallis junior his brother hold one messuage called Players and another messuage called Mylwards containing 53 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 28th day of May in the fifth year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth [1551], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 20s. Court silver 11d. Mead silver 8d. Value of lease £36 per annum. 2 heriotts.

    The reversion of this is granted to William Knevett (mort), Catharine his daughter and William (mort) his son by Sir Henry Knevet and my lady his wife as appeareth by copy not shewed therefore .......

  2. Agneta [Agnes] Dobbes holds during her widowhood one tenement called Paynes containing 20 acres of meadow and pasture, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally £4. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Value of lease £15 per annum. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted to Richard Derham, Richard Dobbes and William Dobbes her sons by two husbands by Sir Henry Knevett and my lady his wife by copy dated the 18th of September in the 18th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1576]

  3. Johannes [John] Skull holds for himself during his life one messuage called Tregalles containing 23 acres of meadow and pasture by copy dated the 23rd day of April in the 20th year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth [1528], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 11s 5d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Value of lease £18. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted to William Skull, Jeffery and Morris Skull brothers, sons to the said John Skull by Sir Henry Knevett and my lady his wife by copy dated the 29th of March in the 10th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1568]

  4. Elizabeth Foskett widow holds during her widowhood the remainder to John Foskett brother to Richard Foskett husband of the said Elizabeth one messuage called Beles containing 55 acres, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 14s 5d. Court silver 5d ob. Mead silver 4d. Value of lease £44. 1 heriott.

    This reversion is granted to William Foskett, Walter Foskett, Morris Foskett (mort) by Sir James Stumpe and this copy is ..... by upon Sir James Stumpe had nothing to do in this land at the time of the grant, for there was a feofement made to Edward Nichols and Edward Gele and their heirs for certen uses at the time of this grant.

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The rents of the demesne tenants of the aforesaid manor

  1. Williamus [William] Bele holds for himself and Williamus [William] and Georgius [George] (mort) sons of the said William by indenture 8 acres of pasture called West Hargrove granted by Henry Knevett knight and Dame Elizabeth his wife by indenture dated the 20th day of January in the 20th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1578], rent per annum at the Feasts of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of St Michael the Archangel equally 5d. Value of lease £5 6s 8d per annum.

  2. Thomas Bele holds in the name of Eleanor his wife and John (mort) and Thomas sons of the said Thomas Bele one close of pasture called Wood Close containing 15 acres by indenture made the 20th day of July in the 15th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1573], rent per annum 20s. Value of lease £10 per annum.

  3. Williamus [William] Henlye holds by indenture one close of pasture containing 5 acres called Fryttus by indenture dated the 20th day of September in the 13th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1571], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 8s 4d. Value of lease £4 per annum.

  4. Williamus [William] Sticheall holds in the name of Ann his wife and Williamus [William] Henlye .... aforesaid one close of pasture called Ipcrofts Furlong containing 4 acres by indenture dated the 20th day of September in the 13th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1571], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 5s. Value of lease 40s per annum.

  5. Cristopherus [Christopher] Nichols Agneta [Agnes] his wife and William son of the said Christopher hold one tenement and one close of pasture called Bene Croft containing 9 acres by indenture dated the 13th day of July in the 15th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1573], rent per annum 20s. Value of lease £8 per annum.

  6. Thomas Lewen holds by indenture one pasture called Benecroft containing 14 acres 3 rood by indenture dated the 18th day of July in the 10th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1568], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 3s 10d. Value of lease £10 per annum.

  7. Johannes [John] Brooke Maria [Mary] his wife (mort) and Leonard son of the said John hold one tenement of 6 acres and a rood of meadow and pasture with the tithes of the said pasture and meadow as appeareth by indenture dated the 10th day of October in the 14th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1572], rent per annum 10s. Value of lease £5 per annum. 1 heriott.

    The reversion hereof is granted to Thomas Dixon.

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  1. Johannes [John] Skull William and Galfridus [Geoffery] sons of the said John holds one close of pasture called Ly Close containing 4 acres with the tithes of the close as appeareth by indenture dated the 20th day of October in the 10th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1568], rent per annum 6s 8d. Value of lease 40s per annum. 6s 8d for a heriott when it happens.

  2. Johannes [John] Walker (mort) Thomas Walker and Johannes [John] Walker (mort) hold one close of pasture called Horsecrofte containing an acre with the tithes of the close as appeareth by indenture dated the 3rd day of September in the 10th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1568], rent per annum 2s. Value of lease 16s per annum.

  3. Galfridus [Geoffery] Pynnell (mort) Johanna his wife, Maria [Mary] Goldynge hold a moiety of one grove called West Hargrove containing 16 acres of meadow and pasture with the tithes as appeareth by indenture dated the 15th day of January in the 18th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1576], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 10s. Value of lease £8 per annum.

  4. Williamus [William] Clarke Galfridus [Geoffery] Clarke and Johannes [John] Clarke (mort) hold by indenture dated the 20th day of January in the 20th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1578] 8 acres of pasture called West Hargrove, rent per annum 5s. Value of lease £4 per annum.

  5. Galfridus [Geoffery] Pynnell (mort) Johanna his wife and Henricus [Henry] son of the said Galfridus [Geoffery] hold one close called Horsecroft containing an acre and one close containing 60 acres of pasture and another close containing 8 acres of pasture with the tithes as appeareth by indenture made by Lord Thomas Howarde dated the 30th day of May in the 26th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1584], rent per annum 25s. Value of lease £11 per annum.

  6. Johannes [John] Sherer Williamus [William] and Johannes [John] his brothers hold Grittenham Manor in Brinkworth and divers closes of meadow and pasture containing between them 542 acres as appeareth by indenture dated the 21st day of November in the 11th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1569], with the tithes of the said closes, rent per annum £8. Value of lease £60 per annum.

  7. Johannes [John] Bleke junior and Johannes [John] Blecke (mort) his brother holds one tenement and divers closes of pasture called the Breches containing 23 acres as appeareth by indenture not presented, rent per annum 40s. Value of lease £15 per annum. ..... lett out.

  8. Williamus [William] Taylor and Jacobus [James] (mort) his brother hold by indenture not presented one close of pasture in Wyndmill Fylde called Ipcroft containing three acres of pasture, rent per annum 3s 4d. Value of lease 40s per annum.

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  1. Williamus [William] Bele junior holds by indenture for the term of 49 years if Robertus [Robert] Galfridus [Geoffery] and Johannes [John] sons of the said William so long live, one pasture with two meadows containing 36 acres of meadow and pasture called Pyttes Lande with the tithes of the said pasture by the grant of Lord Thomas Howarde by indenture not presented, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally £3. Value of lease £30 per annum.

  2. Johannes [John] Smithe (mort) Florens [Florence] (mort) his wife and Johannes [John] (mort) his son hold one close called Brode Crofte containing 5 acres of pasture by indenture not presented, rent per annum 16d. Value of lease 66s 8d. Thomas Dixon ... ye same.

  3. The same Johannes [John] (mort), Florens [Florence] (mort) his wife and Baldwyn his son hold one messuage called Crofte House by indenture not presented containing three acres of pasture, rent per annum 6s. Value of lease 4s 4d. The reversion hereof is granted to Thomas Dixon.

  4. Robertus [Robert] Goldinge (mort) and Thomas his son hold one meadow called Lytell Spachenhams containing 14 acres and a rood of pasture with the tithes of the said close as appeareth by indenture dated the 18th day of March in the second and third years of the reign of Philip and Mary [1556], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 7s 8d. Value of lease £10 per annum.

  5. Michell [Michael] Fry (mort) Johannes [John] and Anthonius [Anthony] sons of the said Michell [Michael] hold one close of pasture called Parkers Furlong containing 6 acres as appeareth by indenture dated the 23rd day of August in the 12th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1570], rent per annum 15s. Value of lease £4 per annum.

  6. Nicholas Messenger holds one tenement with two closes of meadow and pasture containing 10 acres called Shephouse Furlong with the tithes as appeareth by indenture dated the 4th day of April in the third year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth [1549], rent per annum 8s 4d. Heriot 1 lost upon ye .... Value of lease £6 13s 4d per annum. Querie for a licence.

    This reversion is granted to Thomas Dixson and Thomas his son and Katherine his daughter, but by whom I know not therefore with grant this. .... to Wyllm [William] Derren 3 lyves

  7. Franciscus [Francis] Wye (mort) gentleman holds by the demise of the Lord Chancellor of England during his life one meadow called Wood Bydye and another close of pasture called Oxe Hayes containing 37 acres, rent per annum with the tithes 10s 10d. Value of lease £24 per annum.

    This reversion is granted by my Lord Thomas Howard to John Grenwoode and to whom else I know not therefore it is good it now set down.

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  1. Walterus [Walter] Webe (mort) and Richardus [Richard] (mort) his brother hold one close of pasture called Wysdoms Furlong containing 5 acres as appeareth by indenture dated the 6th day of March in the second year of the reign of King Edward the Sixth [1548], rent per annum 18d. Value of lease 66s 8d per annum. Nicholas Panting ....

    This reversion as I am informed is promysed to Thomas Dixson by my Lorde Thomas Howard know yt were good yt now sett downe, for how manye lyves yt is granted.

    The rents of cottagers of the said manor.

  2. Johannes [John] Osborne (mort) holds by copy during his life one cottage called Cosynes Shoppe House containing 2 rood with an orchard, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 2s. Value of lease 26s 8d per annum. Holloway holds it.

  3. Johannes [John] Bele and Johannes [John] and Williamus [William] sons of the said Johannes [John] hold one cottage with a close containing an acre of pasture by indenture dated the 6th day of September in the 12th year of the reign of Queen Elizabrth [1570], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 4s. Value of lease 40s per annum.

  4. Edwardus [Edward] Whyte William his brother and Johanna Jeffryes hold one cottage with an orchard containing 2 acres as appeareth by indenture dated the 20th day of October in the 18th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1576], rent per annum 4s. Value of lease 33s 4d per annum. Letten to Jeffery Skull.

  5. Williamus [William] Baylyfe Johannes [John] and Williamus [William] his sons hold one cottage with a close containing one acre of pasture by indenture dated the 5th day of July in the 15th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1573], rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 4s. Value of lease 40s per annum.

  6. Williamus [William] Berter (mort) Emma (mort) and Alicia [Alice] daughters of the said William hold one cottage with an orchard containing two rood by indenture dated the 28th day of January in the 14th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1572], rent per annum 12d. Value of lease 26s 8d per annum.

  7. Johannes [John] Mathewe (mort) Hugo [Hugh] and Thomas his sons hold one cottage with an orchard containing two rood by indenture dated the 14th day of September in the 12th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1570], rent per annum 3s 4d. Value of lease 26s 8d per annum.

  8. Johannes [John] Wynckeworthe (mort) Johanna his wife and Thomas (mort) his son hold one cottage with an acre of pasture by indenture not presented, rent per annum at the feasts aforesaid equally 3s 4d. Value of lease 40s per annum.

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  1. Agneto [Agnes] Twynhyo (mort) widow holds for herself, John and William (mort) sons of the said Agneto [Agnes] one cottage an orchard containing two acres by indenture not presented, rent per annum 2s. Value of lease 33s 4d per annum.

  2. Elionora [Eleanor] Dyxson Dorathea [Dorothy] and Maria [Mary] daughters of the said Elionor hold one cottage with a close containing an acre of pasture by indenture not presented, rent per annum 3s 4d. Value of lease 40s per annum. Granted to Dorothy Nicholas.

  3. Henricus [Henry] Smithe (mort) Elizabeth (mort) his wife and Nicholas their son hold by indenture not presented one cottage with a close containing an acre of pasture, rent per annum 4s. Value of lease 46s 8d per annum.

  4. Jacobus [James] Davis als Taylor holds to ... one cottage with an acre of pasture, rent per annum 16d. Value of lease 40s per annum. Elizabeth Davis.

  5. Robertus [Robert] Wattes Thomas Wattes and Johanna Wattes children of the said Robert hold by indenture not presented one cottage with an acre of pasture, rent per annum 3s 4d. Value of lease 40s per annum.

  6. Nicholas Grenwaye holds during his life by indenture not presented one cottage with a meadow, rent per annum 20d. Value of lease 26s 8d per annum.

  7. Williamus [William] Barnes holds during his life by indenture not presented one cottage with three acres and three roods of pasture, rent per annum 3s 4d. Value of lease 46s 8d per annum.

  8. Johannes [John] Cowles Margeria [Margery] his wife and William Clarke hold by indenture not presented one cottage with two roods, rent per annum 4s. Value of lease 26s 8d per annum.

  9. Margaret Hele widow holds to .... one cottage with a garden, rent per annum 2s. Value of lease 26s 8d per annum.

  10. Williamus [William] Skull (mort) Thomas (mort) and Johanna his children hold one cottage with two acres of pasture by indenture dated the 14th day of July in the 16th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1574], rent per annum 12d. Value of lease 33s 4d per annum.

  11. Jacobus [James] Skull and two others hold by indenture not presented one cottage with a garden, rent per annum 12d. Value of lease 26s 8d per annum.

  12. Jacobus [James] Borne (mort) Johanna his wife William his son hold one cottage with an orchard containing two rood by indenture dated the first day of June in the 19th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1577], rent per annum 2s. Value of lease 26s 8d. per annum.

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  1. Walter Rede (mort) and Isabella his wife now wife of Johannes [John] Hedges holds one cottage with a close containing 2 acres of pasture by indenture dated the first day of June in the 15th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth [1573], rent per annum 2s. Value of lease 33s 4d per annum. 80. Johannes [John] Pope (mort) and two others hold by indenture not presented one cottage with a garden and three acres of meadow, rent per annum 3s 4d. Value of lease 40s per annum. The late fyne of this is £27. Elizabeth Pope.

  2. Ambros [Ambrose] Whyte and two others hold by indenture not presented one cottage with a close containing an acre of pasture, rent per annum 2s. Value of lease 40s per annum.

  3. Walterus [Walter] Palmer and two others hold by indenture not presented one cottage with an acre of pasture, rent per annum 2d. Value of lease 40s per annum. William Lewen rent .... 12d.

  4. Thomas Pinnell holds during his life by indenture not presented one cottage with a garden, rent per annum 12d. Value of lease 26s 8d per annum.

  5. Nicholas Emates holds to .... one cottage containing 2 rood of pasture, rent per annum 2s. Value of lease 26s 8d.

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Place Name Index

Note: the references are to the numbered sections above,
eg land called 'Alfords' in #33 above.

Bene Croft42
Brode Crofte54
Churchmans14, 28
Cosynes Shoppe House60
Crofte House54
Cultabius als Worthe als Elder24
Glase Land4
Gorwaies als Cowps26
Great Spachenham3
Grittenham Manor50
Hargrove, East4
Hargrove, West38, 47, 48
Hartes15, 16
Hele House10
Hore House8
Ipcrofts Furlong41
Ly Close45
Lytell Spachenhams55
Ox Hayes58
Parkers Furlong56
Players9, 34
Pyttes Lande53
Shephouse Furlong57
Slade House19
Walter Holdes12
Wood Bydye58
Wood Close39
Wyndmill Field52
Wyndmyll Field5
Wysdoms Furlong59


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Person Index

Note: the references are to the numbered sections above,
eg 'Elizabeth Arnolde' in #13 above.

 Gualfrido15, 16
 Johannes15, 16
 Robert6, 27
 Johannes53, 61
 John31, 33, 39
 Robert24, 31
 Thomas8, 39
 Williamus20, 24, 38, 53, 61
 Jacobus1, 70
 Thomas22, 44, 54
 Thomas57, 59
 Edward26, 37
 Williamus12, 40, 41
 Thomas15, 21, 31, 49, 53, 58, 59
 Henry, Sir34
 Elizabeth1-4, 23
 Henry1-4, 23-25, 28-30, 33-36, 38
 Thomas25, 43
 William25, 82
 Edward26, 37
 Galfridus47, 49
 Johanna47, 49
 Elizabeth23, 31
 Robertus23, 31
 Johannes10, 21, 50
 Thomas10, 23
 Jeffery36, 62
 Johannes36, 45
 William36, 45
 James22, 26, 37
 James, Sir26, 37
 Johannes18, 46
 Thomas18, 46


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C.R.G. Henly, 9 Renfrew Drive, Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2FX.

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