An 1868 Gazetteer description of the following places in Frensham
The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868
"FRENSHAM, a parish partly in the hundred of Farnham, county Surrey, and partly in the hundred of Alton, county Hants, 4 miles S. of Farnham, its post town and nearest railway station on the South-Western line. It is situated on a tributary of the river Wey, and includes the tythings of Churt and Pitford, with the ecclesiastical district of Shotter Mills. The parish is very extensive, and only one-third of the land is under cultivation. The surface is hilly and sandy. There are two small lakes called Frensham Ponds, on which are abundance of fowl. Hops are grown in the neighbourhood.[Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)The living is a perpetual curacy* in the diocese of Winchester, value £106. The church is a plain structure, dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin. There is a National school for boys and girls. At Shotter Mills is a district church, the living of which is a perpetual curacy,* value £86, in the gift of the Archdeacon of Surrey. Near Manor Hill is a chalybeate spring."
"CHURT, a tything in the parish of Frensham, in the hundred of Farnham, in the county of Surrey, 2 miles from Frensham, and 5 S. of Farnham.
"PITFOLD, a tything in the parish of Frensham, hundred of Farnham, county Surrey, 2½ miles S.E. of Frensham, and 3 W. of Haslemere. It is situated near Hindhead Common, and is joined with Charl or Churl to form a tything. There is a paper mill, and a chapel-of-ease has been recently erected."
Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2003] These pages are intended for personal use only, so please respect the conditions of use.