


Taunton St Mary's - Marriages 1728-1812

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Surnames PLACE to PRYER

Surname Forenames Spouse Marriage Date
Place Elizabeth William Cottrell 18 Mar 1762
Place Thomasin William Graham 15 May 1769
Pleass Joan John Hill, Pitminster, but living Taunton a month 19 Jan 1756
Pleass Thomas Elizabeth Harris 23 Jul 1810
Pless Mary John James 18 Sep 1796
Pocock Ann John Pylernan 31 Aug 1734
Pocock Grace John Wood 13 Dec 1731
Pocock Grace Philip Dobin 12 Nov 1753
Pocock John Jane Fidore 12 May 1730
Pocock Mary Samuel Trott 07 Nov 1742
Podger John Elizabeth Toms 30 Apr 1730
Podger John Elizabeth Miller 17 Feb 1735
Podger Lawrence Elizabeth Fry 08 May 1745
Podger Mary Robert Handfast 02 Mar 1739
Pointington Mary William Wallis 21 Jul 1730
Pointington Mary Robert Hill 09 Jun 1739
Pointinton Grace William Cole, p. North Petherton 22 Aug 1751
Pole John Grace Bridle 22 Jun 1736
Pole Jonathan Ann Gill 15 Feb 1763
Pole Jonathan Hannah Elems 24 Apr 1769
Poles Elizabeth Thomas Hull 06 Jul 1730
Pollard Elizabeth George Shattock 05 Jan 1761
Pollard James Mary Rees 14 Dec 1774
Pollard James Ann Pope 02 Jan 1793
Pollard John Joan Jarveice 18 Oct 1767
Pollard Stuckly Mary Cumin 12 Feb 1760
Pollard Thomas Mary Baker 13 Sep 1796
Pollard Thomas Lydia Bryer 29 Jul 1811
Pollet Silas Alice Paine 02 Sep 1765
Pomrey Sarah James Parrat 14 Aug 1791
Pomroy Samuel Mary Massey 06 Jul 1783
Pond James Joan Walford 26 Apr 1740
Pond James Betty Bucknell 05 Jun 1761
Ponton Jeremiah Mary Webber 22 May 1797
Pook Ann John Oatway 25 Jun 1731
Pook George Elizabeth Coles 09 Aug 1803
Pool Mary Samuel Parsons 18 Jan 1776
Pool Sarah John Winsor 04 Nov 1804
Poole Ann Henry Sweeting 11 Jan 1781
Poole Betty Thomas Hurford 23 May 1791
Poole Charles Rebecca Waters 01 Jan 1783
Poole David Elizabeth Priest 16 Nov 1805
Poole Eleanor Richard Warren 21 May 1797
Poole Elizabeth William Hutchings 21 Feb 1808
Poole Hannah Henry Webber 05 Oct 1730
Poole James Joan French 07 Feb 1757
Poole James Mary Brayley 30 May 1768
Poole John Christian Osler 27 Aug 1746
Poole John Dorothy Hembrow 28 Apr 1747
Poole John Susanna Smith 07 Jun 1772
Poole John Sarah Brooks 04 Jan 1785
Poole John Rachael Allen 06 Jan 1801
Poole John Elizabeth Hill 31 Mar 1805
Poole Joseph Elizabeth Cogan 30 Oct 1797
Poole Joseph Jane Corden 02 Aug 1810
Poole Margaret John Prowse, Esq., South Petherton/Norton Fitzwarren 10 Sep 1778
Poole Martha William Blackmoor 22 May 1797
Poole Martha Thomas Netcott, w., Halse 03 Feb 1800
Poole Mary Robert Allen 04 Sep 1731
Poole Mary John Hill 31 Dec 1731
Poole Mary Christopher Gardner 30 Nov 1748
Poole Mary William Paine 07 Jul 1755
Poole Mary John Soper 21 Jan 1794
Poole Mary John Liddon, b. 24 May 1809
Poole Mary William Copham 11 Dec 1810
Poole Nanny Mark Brannan 17 Feb 1801
Poole Sarah Israel Evans 06 Jan 1742
Poole Sarah William Turle, Bishop's Hull 26 May 1776
Poole Sarah John Rowsel 05 Nov 1793
Poole Sarah Aaron Bennett, b., Ilminster 07 Nov 1811
Poole William Mary Pepperell 29 Dec 1735
Poole William Ruth Purkiss 30 Apr 1740
Poole William Hannah Wood 16 Mar 1803
Poolman Abraham. Hannah Herdeman 29 Apr 1731
Pope Abraham Mary Pym 07 Feb 1735
Pope Ann James Pollard 02 Jan 1793
Pope Ann William Cooksley 20 Mar 1810
Pope Benjamin Mary Channing 10 Feb 1746
Pope Benjamin Mary Charley 15 May 1768
Pope Gerard Ann Hare 09 Jul 1731
Pope Hannah Richard Sweet 07 Mar 1758
Pope Jane Richard Withers 03 May 1754
Pope Mary John Young 04 Jun 1770
Pope Mary John Pearce 09 May 1774
Pope Peter Elizabeth Govyer 01 Aug 1743
Pope Richard Mary Trott 02 Nov 1761
Pope Sarah Caleb Bryant 08 Oct 1744
Pope Thomas Mary Farnham 11 Oct 1760
Popel John Jane Mockeridge 24 Feb 1806
Popham Ann Thomas Wheadon 23 Mar 1754
Porker William Elizabeth Barlow 31 Dec 1732
Porter Amy George Hurford 03 May 1810
Porter Ann Samuel Buncombe 23 Nov 1783
Porter Barbara Richard King 05 Nov 1780
Porter Daniel Margaret Sansom 16 May 1739
Porter George Sarah Foxe 20 Nov 1737
Porter George Mary Simms 07 Mar 1796
Porter Hannah Henry Hill, b., St. James, T. 19 Oct 1798
Porter James Mary Parsons 30 Apr 1730
Porter James Mary Stacey 14 Feb 1747
Porter Jane Philip Bowden 30 Apr 1758
Porter John Sarah Slocombe 04 Jun 1770
Porter Joseph Hannah Ismant 25 Jan 1757
Porter Joseph Sarah Bond 30 Sep 1771
Porter Joseph Mary Pain 16 Aug 1774
Porter Joseph Dorcas Gardner 01 Dec 1796
Porter Katherine Thomas Avery 12 Aug 1762
Porter Mary John Pitman 21 Sep 1731
Porter Mary Robert Baggs 16 Mar 1773
Porter Rachael William Mansill 02 Sep 1806
Porter Rachel John Lockyer 19 Oct 1748
Porter Reuben Sarah Hill 02 Apr 1800
Porter Robert Elizabeth Dobin 05 Oct 1732
Porter Samuel Elizabeth Burgin 22 Feb 1732
Porter Samuel Ann Webber 22 Dec 1751
Porter Samuel Hannah Grey 26 Dec 1763
Porter Sarah Thomas Towser 05 Oct 1730
Porter Sarah William Elworthy 15 Oct 1758
Porter Susanna Richard Jefferys 05 Nov 1732
Porter William Ann Nicholes 21 Sep 1777
Pottenger James Mary Axford 30 Jun 1812
Potter Anthony Elizabeth Hinedun 17 Jan 1764
Potter Elias Mary Poundsbury 19 Jul 1762
Potter Elizabeth John Shattock 20 Apr 1767
Potter Elizabeth Francis Scaife 13 Mar 1777
Potter Hannah John Staple 15 Nov 1778
Potter Honour John Bollom 04 Mar 1739
Potter John Betty Barrington 08 Jun 1747
Potter John Sarah Brush 05 Jun 1755
Potter John Betty Coombs 24 Jun 1789
Potter Margaret Ridard Banbary 15 Jan 1781
Potter Mary Henry Tows 23 Jan 1729
Potter Mary James Scriven 03 Sep 1730
Potter Mary William Bassell 04 Sep 1764
Potter Matthew Elizabeth Trude 18 May 1800
Potter Samuel Ann Corner 24 Dec 1799
Potter Tobias Susanna Bevis 23 Feb 1736
Poundsberry Joan David Hobbs 14 Jun 1769
Poundsbury Mary Elias Potter 19 Jul 1762
Pounsberry Ann James Locke 12 Apr 1790
Pounsberry David Dorcas Gange 05 Jan 1756
Pounsbery Betty John Lantrow, Walcot, Bath 02 Oct 1793
Pounsbery James Margaret Sweeting 01 Aug 1782
Pounsbury Thomas Edeth Marler 08 Apr 1729
Pounsford Joan John Rood 01 Sep 1751
Powel Betty Samuel Dove 04 Jun 1733
Powel Betty James England 03 Apr 1749
Powel Joan Robert Verrior 14 Aug 1743
Powel Thomas Mary Parsons 26 Dec 1753
Powel Thomas Elizabeth Parsons 27 Dec 1753
Powell Ann Thomas Cross 28 Feb 1742
Powell Joan John Needwood 25 Apr 1749
Powell John Joan Lidley 04 Oct 1742
Powell Thomas Amey Martin 23 Jul 1797
Pownesbury David Mary Foulkes 11 Jun 1731
Poyer James Jane Tutt 13 Nov 1769
Poyer Mary George Spiller 12 Oct 1775
Poyle Mary William Knight 27 Feb 1764
Poyten Esther James Hellard 11 Oct 1731
Poyten Sarah Samuel Dynman 26 Jan 1744
Poyton Elizabeth Richard Matthews 04 Nov 1752
Prat Phillis William Andrews 08 Feb 1736
Pratt John Mary Matthews 26 Jul 1779
Pratt Joseph Elizabeth Elworthy 16 Nov 1775
Pratt Mary William Burgess 08 Jan 1733
Pratt Mary Thomas Pratt 25 Oct 1777
Pratt Thomas Mary Pratt 25 Oct 1777
Pratt William Mary Hill 26 Aug 1794
Pratt William Elizabeth Baker 06 Apr 1797
Preddy William Mary Evett 07 Oct 1810
Prepon Sarah Robert Larken 31 Oct 1791
Prescot Henry Joan Ellis 07 Jan 1745
Prescot John Sarah Cogan 20 Oct 1808
Preston John Elizabeth Jones 12 Apr 1792
Prettey Sarah Peter Cornish 14 Jul 1754
Pretty Mary Thomas Wall 10 Aug 1785
Price William Sylvanus Susannah Faulkner 04 Jan 1774
Prickman Anstiss Joseph Harman, T. St. James 30 Aug 1764
Prickman Peter Mary May 14 Nov 1766
Priddle Mary John Cross 16 May 1803
Priddy Catharine Bartholomew Cure 31 May 1731
Priddy James Sarah Dyer 09 Jun 1794
Priddy John Elizabeth Sully 15 Jan 1784
Pridham Thomas Miriam Priest 09 Jan 1792
Priest Elizabeth David Poole, Cheddon, b. 16 Nov 1805
Priest John Ann Woods 23 Feb 1750
Priest Maria Thomas Cross 21 Feb 1811
Priest Miriam Thomas Pridham 09 Jan 1792
Priest Sarah Mark Long 15 Jun 1740
Priest Thomas Mary Slocombe 25 Sep 1739
Priggs Mary John Lane 05 Feb 1756
Prince Elizabeth John Newberry, Otterford 24 Nov 1779
Prince Sarah Robert Fleed 22 Sep 1776
Prince William Mary Edwards 22 Nov 1774
Pring Elizabeth Thomas Arscott 15 Nov 1745
Pring John Margaret Salter 16 May 1733
Pring John Ann Webber 28 May 1743
Pring Mary John Coleman 17 Nov 1793
Pring Robert Temperance Whedon 27 Dec 1741
Prior James Elizabeth Foxwill 08 Oct 1792
Prior John Elizabeth Hellard 28 Aug 1740
Pristel Betty George Hooper 17 Sep 1751
Pritchard Mary John Phillips 19 May 1801
Pritchard Mary Henry Hurle, Stogursey, b. 11 Oct 1803
Pritchett Joseph Sarah Watson 16 Nov 1765
Prockter Joan Edward Boone 09 Jul 1732
Prockter Josias Miriam Hawkins 16 May 1749
Procter Eleanor John Maylard, Cullumpton 30 Sep 1793
Procter Elizabeth Richard Stephens 15 Dec 1728
Procter Mary James Dare, Bridgwater 25 Dec 1802
Procter Thomas Jane Waterhouse 06 Apr 1739
Procter Thomas Joan Salter 20 Apr 1786
Proctor William Julien Cure 14 Jun 1739
Properjohns John Mary Woolfrey 15 Nov 1812
Properjohns Mary George Martin 19 Mar 1804
Prouse Elizabeth William Warman 15 Jun 1733
Prout Mary William Brookhouse, 33rd Reg. 25 Nov 1786
Prowse Jane Benjamin Sugg, Hill Bishops 11 Mar 1755
Prowse John Margaret Poole 10 Sep 1778
Prowse Richard Anna Maria Noss 28 Jul 1812
Pryer John Kezia Nation 19 Jul 1757

Transcription by Roy Parkhouse
Email: roy@parkhouse.org.uk