


Taunton St Mary's - Marriages 1728-1812

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Surnames ABBOT to BAZZET

Surname Forenames Spouse Marriage Date
Abbot John Mary Langford 10 Jul 1732
Abbott Abraham Eleanor Shoebrooks 02 Jan 1785
Abbott Arthur Jane Hamling 08 Jul 1804
Abbott William Sarah Morkham 27 Mar 1800
Ackland George Elizabeth Bond 25 Dec 1790
Ackland John Joan Hill 11 Oct 1772
Ackland Samuel Sarah Thorn 06 May 1806
Ackland Sarah Abraham Collins 31 Aug 1784
Acreman Charles Joane Grinslade 15 Dec 1743
Acreman Mary Abraham Chaplin 02 Oct 1743
Acreman Robert Mary Keen 18 May 1747
Adams Ann Joseph Shaddock, Wiveliscombe 16 Sep 1772
Adams Elizabeth James Berth 27 Jul 1774
Adams Elizabeth James Collard 08 Oct 1789
Adams George Miss Anne Langley 19 Nov 1761
Adams George Sarah Brinkworth 18 Mar 1802
Adams Grace John Deer 05 Nov 1754
Adams Hannah Peter Mills 29 May 1797
Adams Jane John Bozley 22 Jun 1801
Adams Malachi Sarah Tuthill 15 Jul 1737
Adams Martha Caleb Stower 14 Nov 1751
Adams Mary Samuel David Thomas 04 Jan 1782
Adams Patience William Lacey 17 Jan 1803
Adams Rachel Michael Maull 27 Mar 1758
Adams Reed Mary Warren 25 Dec 1811
Adams Thomas Mary Winter 15 Jun 1795
Adams Thomas Sarah Weech 04 May 1807
Adams William Hannah Langford 12 Feb 1793
Adems Elizabeth Joseph Sharpe 01 Dec 1751
Ailles James Susannah Webber 11 Mar 1788
Aimes [or Himes?] Robert Elizabeth Bowdidge 11 Jun 1743
Aishford Mary Francis Trott 20 Sep 1784
Alderman Jane John Maundry 11 Nov 1752
Alexander James Mary Dell 12 May 1793
Alexander Sarah John Burd 07 Feb 1743
Alford Betty Samuel Breakman, Curry Rivall 07 Oct 1764
Alford Thomas Rachel Parsons 13 Nov 1768
Alford William Sarah Sawyer 24 Dec 1792
Allen Agnes Samuel Hammett 17 Nov 1732
Allen Eleanor William Pyne 25 Jul 1735
Allen Elizabeth Ambrose Purcey 18 Jul 1732
Allen Elizabeth John Bindon 01 Oct 1739
Allen Elizabeth William Hurley 10 Feb 1741
Allen Elizabeth Thomas Dun 27 Jul 1756
Allen Elizabeth John Grant 27 Sep 1802
Allen John Sarah Burton 23 Apr 1798
Allen Joseph Joan Courtnay 25 Apr 1749
Allen Joseph Anna Pearsall 16 Feb 1762
Allen Joseph Pitts Ann White 04 Dec 1794
Allen Lewis Mary Hix 24 Aug 1752
Allen Mary Thomas Grinslade 03 Feb 1745
Allen Mary Robert Rattanbury 19 Oct 1760
Allen Mary Philip Norman 23 Sep 1768
Allen Mary John Perrey 15 Aug 1769
Allen Mary James Jeans 29 Nov 1807
Allen Mary William Crouch, w. 20 Aug 1812
Allen Rachael John Poole 06 Jan 1801
Allen Rachell William Hunt 09 Jan 1742
Allen Rebecca Thomas Lunnip 04 Sep 1793
Allen Robert Mary Poole: 04 Sep 1731
Allen Robert Mary Parsons 26 Jul 1761
Allen Robert Deborah Soper 17 Jun 1799
Allen Thomas Lavinia Webber 21 Oct 1810
Allen William Mary Dibble 05 May 1748
Allen William Betty Dibble 10 Oct 1792
Allerot William Joan Williams 15 Sep 1750
Allin Ann Thomas Virgin 06 Jan 1760
Allin Joseph Mary Owins 05 Nov 1749
Allin Mary John Bray 09 Sep 1797
Allin William Elizabeth Dryer 01 Sep 1748
Alloway Mark Sarah Salter 03 Oct 1808
Allway Mary David Tise 24 Dec 1738
Allway Mary John Rumson 04 Nov 1764
Alven Thomas Elizabeth Shaddock 09 Apr 1737
Alvin Elizabeth Thomas Dinham 17 Nov 1793
Alvin Henry Hannah Edmunds 23 Apr 1728
Alway Dorothy George Shole 08 Feb 1730
Amory Elizabeth Thomas Bishop, Dunster 01 Feb 1759
Amory George Grace Woodbury 23 Sep 1731
Amory George Grace Herred [or Hened?] 27 Jul 1732
Amory Grace William Bryant 20 Dec 1740
Amory Mary Abraham Dudderidge, Crowcombe 30 Apr 1792
Amory Thomas Mary Baker 07 Sep 1741
Anderdon Ferinando Miss Mary Hobart 25 Sep 1759
Anderson Edward Maria Baldon 07 Jan 1804
Anderson Henrietta Charles George, b., Cheltenham, Gloucestershire 16 Jan 1806
Anderson John Burdet Jane Bindon 21 Dec 1784
Andress John Mary Southwood 13 Mar 1809
Andrew Elizabeth John Forward 12 Jan 1744
Andrew Thomas Christian Smith 28 Dec 1768
Andrewes Amos Elizabeth Strawbridge 25 Dec 1764
Andrews Dorothy John Guddridge 10 Apr 1734
Andrews Elizabeth John Somers 03 May 1731
Andrews Elizabeth Samuel Palmer 23 May 1774
Andrews Elizabeth John Willcox 24 Aug 1790
Andrews Hannah Richard Hunt 24 Dec 1733
Andrews Hannah Francis Scoltock 08 Aug 1774
Andrews Jonathan Grace Slocombe 20 Sep 1774
Andrews Mary Robert How 27 Jan 1733
Andrews Mary John Chappel 02 Jun 1739
Andrews Patience Richard Dunrich 18 Apr 1742
Andrews William Phillis Prat 08 Feb 1737
Ansford Sarah Thomas Barray, Oxford Militia 22 Sep 1806
Anstey Thomas Joan Edwards 21 Nov 1795
Antton Edward Sarah Humphrey 29 Jul 1801
Aplin Dorothy Charles Thomas 19 Sep 1743
Aplin Elizabeth Spence Uriah Churley, Uffculm, Devon 31 Aug 1780
Aplin George Margaret Chilcott 31 Aug 1812
Aplin Henry Mary Sweeting 14 Dec 1743
Appleby Elizabeth Joseph Baker 01 Jan 1739
Appleby Mary John Hucker 12 Jul 1740
Applen John Hannah Culverwell 26 Aug 1760
Applin Rachel William Batt 05 Aug 1739
Applin William Joan Hurford 02 Jan 1735
Apsey Henry Mary Drake 10 Aug 1795
Arberry Abraham Mary Standfast 22 Feb 1803
Arbery George Sarah Northam 04 Sep 1798
Archer James Ann Hasteds 12 Sep 1747
Armstrong Eleanor Elexander Grant 22 May 1747
Arnold Cassandra John Walsh, St. George, Hanover Square, London, b. 27 May 1802
Arscott John Mary Sparks 26 Oct 1769
Arscott Thomas Elizabeth Pring 15 Nov 1745
Arter Martha John Phippen 28 Aug 1764
Arthur Elizabeth Moses Gray 22 Feb 1732
Ash Abigail Edward Stone 15 Nov 1802
Ash Benjamin Mary Miller 10 Feb 1741
Ash Elizabeth Thomas Bale 06 Feb 1767
Ash Elizabeth John Curry 22 Jan 1799
Ash George Margaret Bond 29 Apr 1762
Ash Hannah Samuel Lake 10 Feb 1763
Ash Hannah John Wiche 26 Dec 1765
Ash Jane Joseph White 03 Feb 1734
Ash John Hannah Wilkins 02 Feb 1732
Ash John Elizabeth Marler 06 Mar 1753
Ash John Rachel Payton 16 Feb 1764
Ash Joseph Mary Collins 07 Jan 1734
Ash Mary Nathanael Patteram 05 Nov 1729
Ash Mary James Newman, Bridgewater 14 Oct 1735
Ash Nathaniel Mary Slocombe 29 May 1792
Ash Samuel Mary Smith 20 Apr 1731
Ash Samuel Prudence Thomas 11 Jul 1731
Ash Samuel Elizabeth Shole 24 Feb 1786
Ash Samuel Jane Graddon 13 Jun 1809
Ash Sarah Malachi Page 14 Dec 1731
Ash Thomas Elizabeth Roggers 12 May 1752
Ash Thomas Sarah Waldron 12 May 1756
Ashelford Elizabeth William Fry 09 Jun 1811
Ashford Betty Timothy Elms 28 Dec 1789
Ashford Eleanor Robert Delbridge 17 Jun 1750
Ashford Elizabeth Daniel Page 11 Jun 1738
Ashford Elizabeth Charles Strabridge, Buckington[? Bulkington], Wilts, sadler 29 May 1756
Ashford Jane Francis Crockem 14 Aug 1774
Ashford Joanna George Harvey 01 Dec 1741
Ashford Robert Elizabeth Baker 08 Apr 1751
Ashford William Jane Cornish 16 Jun 1741
Ashford William Lydia Davey 04 Jan 1752
Ashford William Mary Mills 11 Oct 1789
Ask George Sarah Jenkins 08 Aug 1735
Astcott William Elizabeth Bishop 04 Jun 1777
Aston Catherine William Shew 31 Jan 1759
Atkins Ann John Russel 26 Oct 1737
Atkins Christian Benjamin Moore 27 Jun 1736
Atkins Henry Margaret Caselick 06 Oct 1789
Atkins Mary John Shepherd 15 Feb 1750
Atkins Sarah Thomas Davies, b., Langedward, Wales, cpl in the 40th Reg. Foot 08 Jan 1811
Atkins Stephen Jane Garland 19 Dec 1748
Atkins William Sarah Hurford 13 Jul 1801
Atlee Samuel Elizabeth Gibbons 21 May 1731
Attwell Mary David Knight 15 Apr 1800
Atwell Ann Samuel Moone 23 Jul 1740
Atwell Robert Jane Harvey 28 Oct 1734
Atyoe Agnes Matthew Rugman 29 Apr 1731
Atyoe Eleanor Thomas Burnel 29 Apr 1731
Austin Betty Jonas Giles, Ashbrittle 29 Jul 1807
Austin Sarah James Drayton 06 Nov 1797
Avery Thomas Katherine Porter 12 Aug 1762
Avery Thomas Ann Bodley 30 Nov 1775
Axford Catherine John Beck 08 Apr 1782
Axford Mary James Pottenger, Crewkerne 30 Jun 1812
Axford William Ann Meade 19 Sep 1752
Babb Agnes William Selvin 27 Feb 1789
Babb Edward Susanna Caller 12 Jun 1757
Babb John Mary Rowley 24 Sep 1786
Babb Mary Simon Spiller 13 Oct 1731
Babbidge Thomas Grace Gredy 18 Nov 1734
Badcock Elizabeth Thomas Humphrys, b. 27 Oct 1812
Badcock John Maria Jeffries 28 Apr 1795
Bagbeer Robert Mary Evans 29 Jun 1797
Bagg Jeremiah Mary Cozins 02 Jul 1750
Bagg Robert Ann Hughs 31 Dec 1749
Baggs Ann John Winded 25 Dec 1790
Baggs Hannah James Criddle 17 Apr 1775
Baggs Mary Matthew Dover 05 Aug 1792
Baggs Robert Mary Porter 16 Mar 1773
Bagwell Philip Charlotte Crott 13 Mar 1809
Bailey Betty Thomas Swinger 29 Sep 1812
Bailey Hannah John Upham 18 Nov 1798
Bailey Joan Robert Norcott 13 Mar 1740
Bailey John Betty Bruford 06 Nov 1765
Bailey John Ann Bryer 31 Mar 1812
Bailey Martha George Clarke, b., St. Nicholas, Ipswich 26 Mar 1812
Bailey Mary John Lux 27 Dec 1748
Bailey Mary John Long 01 Apr 1765
Bailey Mary John Terry 27 May 1783
Bailey Mary Thomas LoveIl 19 Oct 1809
Bailey Robert Joan Joyce 06 Oct 1742
Bailey Sarah Henry Shaddock 19 May 1744
Bailey Sarah William Kingdon, b., Milverton 10 Apr 1802
Bailey Sarah John Bragg 23 Sep 1802
Bailey Sarah John Smart, w., St. James, Clerkenwell, Middlesex 02 May 1810
Bailey William Jane Palmer 01 May 1786
Baker Ann John Fry 05 Mar 1739
Baker Ann Hugh Mackcoy, sojourner T. M. 09 Feb 1747
Baker Ann William Phiffin 20 Jan 1751
Baker Benjamin Mary Ball 21 Dec 1792
Baker Betty James Chamberlin, Churchstanton, Devon 21 Oct 1779
Baker Elizabeth Henry Leigh 08 Sep 1738
Baker Elizabeth Robert Ashford 08 Apr 1751
Baker Elizabeth John Pitman 09 Feb 1755
Baker Elizabeth John Tripus 27 Jun 1757
Baker Elizabeth John Warren 11 Apr 1787
Baker Elizabeth William Pratt, T. St. James, w. 06 Apr 1797
Baker Esther John Wadelton 03 Mar 1795
Baker Frances Richard Burtt 15 Feb 1747
Baker Francis Frances Haywood 11 Dec 1750
Baker Grace Samuel Deering 22 May 1740
Baker Hannah John Keen 21 Dec 1750
Baker Henry Joan Gill 13 Feb 1740
Baker Henry Mary Webber 25 Jun 1787
Baker James Joan Coverled 29 May 1743
Baker James Hannah Beadon 24 Sep 1746
Baker Jane William Sprage 29 May 1731
Baker Jane James Buncombe 25 Dec 1784
Baker Joan Richard Gregory 09 Jun 1738
Baker Joan Robert Lyddon 14 Aug 1746
Baker Joan John Holway 07 May 1748
Baker John Ann Littlejohn 20 Jun 1731
Baker John Sarah Shepton 13 Oct 1734
Baker John Elizabeth Wright 11 Jul 1739
Baker John Elizabeth Hawkins 08 Jul 1759
Baker John Ann Brome 30 Mar 1760
Baker John Hannah Langdon 16 Oct 1766
Baker John Sarah Harwood 23 Nov 1766
Baker John Mary Hardiman 30 May 1803
Baker Joseph Elizabeth Appleby 01 Jan 1739
Baker Joseph Betty Haste 25 Oct 1809
Baker Mary John Clutsome 04 Feb 1736
Baker Mary Nicholas Violet 12 May 1737
Baker Mary Thomas Bush 03 Jun 1741
Baker Mary Thomas Amory 07 Sep 1741
Baker Mary John Small 11 Aug 1795
Baker Mary Thomas Pollard 13 Sep 1796
Baker Mary Michael Maul 04 Jul 1803
Baker Phebe John Corp 24 Sep 1753
Baker Rachel John Parkhouse 17 Mar 1765
Baker Robert Grace Herring 10 Jun 1754
Baker Robert Ann Farnham 08 Aug 1781
Baker Samuel Mary Pitcher 12 Jan 1735
Baker Sarah Samuel Cridland 23 Sep 1734
Baker Thomas Ruth Hitchcock 08 May 1774
Baker Thomas Elizabeth Burt 09 Jul 1786
Baker Thomas Mary Dring 20 May 1811
Baker William Joan Moore 16 Jul 1732
Baker William Elizabeth Cannicot 24 Aug 1738
Baker William Ann Derham 24 Dec 1745
Balaam Elizabeth Valentine Clatworthy 09 Sep 1749
Balaam John Sarah Gudderidge 16 May 1748
Balam Jone John Sayer 03 Nov 1728
Balch Edward Sarah Spiller 04 Feb 1795
Balden Elizabeth John Brooks, Oldham, Lancaster 27 Jan 1796
Baldon Maria Edward Anderson, serjeant 13th Regt., b. 07 Jan 1804
Baldon Thomas Elizabeth Maull 11 Feb 1790
Bale Bartholomew Ann Rodber 12 Oct 1803
Bale Elizabeth John Teape Slocombe, b. 11 Apr 1809
Bale Grace Edward Dobb 11 Dec 1768
Bale James Mary Harner 23 Sep 1805
Bale Joseph Mary Willand 20 Jul 1783
Bale Joseph Elizabeth Stevens 26 May 1801
Bale Mary Nicholas Dean, b. 04 Mar 1800
Bale Thomas Elizabeth Ash 06 Feb 1767
Baley James Elizabeth Pearce 31 Jul 1783
Ball Ann James Odery 26 Mar 1801
Ball Benjamin Sarah Herring 25 Jun 1781
Ball Betty Thomas Boles, Ruishton 02 Apr 1793
Ball Edward Mary Land 05 Nov 1736
Ball Elizabeth Charles Green, Croacombe, b . 04 Mar 1802
Ball Jane William Marks 03 Aug 1736
Ball John Susanna Brimson 08 Dec 1776
Ball Mary William Trott 27 Dec 1781
Ball Mary William Webber 26 Sep 1786
Ball Mary Benjamin Baker 21 Dec 1792
Ball Mary Thomas Strangways, w., Creech 13 Apr 1802
Ball Matthew Jenny Withyman 24 Dec 1782
Ball Samuell Ann Clark 15 Dec 1801
Ball Sarah Christopher Hare 11 Aug 1737
Ball Sarah William Turle 16 Dec 1794
Ball William Jane Sowthy 19 May 1728
Ball William: Sarah Channon 09 Jul 1786
Ballam Jane Edward Coles 09 Sep 1728
Ballam Samuel Mary Pursey 03 Apr 1812
Ballefant James Mary Thorn 01 Apr 1801
Balley James Elizabeth Dowdle 09 Sep 1790
Ballom William Ann Matthews 11 Nov 1770
Balster Sarah Richard Murton 21 May 1756
Bamfield Agness Robert Vicaris 08 Oct 1738
Banbary Ridard Margaret Potter 15 Jan 1781
Banfield John Elizabeth Board 03 Jul 1812
Banton Mary Samuel Meade 27 Oct 1737
Barber Ann Joseph Spiller 07 Feb 1735
Barber Ann Charles England 21 May 1801
Barber Joan John Dare 25 Jan 1734
Barber Mary John Greed 01 Feb 1803
Barber Sarah James Hunt, Oxford Militia 07 Feb 1808
Barby Rose James Brown, p. St. George, Gloucester 15 Jul 1796
Barker Elizabeth John Haddon 14 Mar 1734
Barker Elizabeth Thomas Knight 23 Sep 1746
Barker James Jemima Nightingale 21 Feb 1811
Barker Joseph Maria Sweeting 08 May 1794
Barker Mary George Warren 06 Jul 1803
Barker Massy Thomas Parsons 21 Sep 1741
Barker Richard Frances Jervice 04 Jul 1731
Barker William Fanny Parsons 03 Feb 1778
Barley Sarah John Bickham 24 Jul 1729
Barlow Elizabeth William Porker 31 Dec 1732
Barly James Mary Purcey 24 Dec 1730
Barly William Frances Shorland 19 Apr 1731
Barnell Jane William Beaton 15 Jun 1797
Barnes Thomas Elizabeth Brailey 03 Jan 1786
Barnes Thomas Mary Lisson 16 Jun 1806
Barnicot Richard Mary Booby 21 Apr 1740
Barnicott Joseph Elizabeth Chapple 31 Oct 1750
Barns Ann Richard Wood 16 Jul 1740
Barns Elizabeth Robert Hembry 27 Apr 1741
Barns John Mary Gill 29 Nov 1736
Barnstable Joan Edward Slocombe 22 Jul 1747
Barray Thomas Sarah Ansford 22 Sep 1806
Barrel Hannah William Moses 11 May 1768
Barrell Sarah William Clarke 19 Oct 1753
Barrett Edward Hannah Cogan 07 Sep 1796
Barrett Jacob Sarah Taylor 26 Mar 1792
Barrett Ruth John Berryman 01 Jan 1753
Barrington Betty John Potter 08 Jun 1747
Barrington Margaret William Lockier 20 Apr 1731
Barrington Mary William Morrice 22 Oct 1739
Barrington William Elizabeth Dinham 19 Dec 1750
Barten Elizabeth John Purryer 24 Apr 1780
Bartholmew James Elizabeth Cook 31 Jul 1731
Bartholomew James Mary Hawker 12 May 1748
Bartholomew Mary William Haskins 08 Mar 1739
Bartin Mary John Crocker 29 Dec 1773
Bartlee John Elizabeth Wright 21 May 1730
Bartlee Samuel Sarah Burridge 02 Apr 1759
Bartlee Samuel Rachel Dinham 14 Oct 1770
Bartlet Ann William Syms 10 May 1730
Bartlet Benjamin Sarah Hooper 26 Nov 1752
Bartlet Elizabeth Richard Sweeting 22 Oct 1750
Bartlet Joan William Ridler 15 Feb 1742
Bartlet Joan Giles Bawdripp 11 Mar 1762
Bartlet Mary Richard Bond 16 Feb 1735
Bartlet Thomas Mary Court 31 May 1742
Bartlett Elizabeth Thomas Staple, alias Cook 10 Nov 1738
Bartlett John Joan Mead 27 May 1739
Bartlett John Mary North 13 Feb 1775
Bartlett William Mary Janes 19 Aug 1789
Bassell William Mary Potter 04 Sep 1764
Basset Aaron Joan Peckel 04 Aug 1729
Bastable John Hamling Margaret Jenkins 16 Feb 1807
Bastone Isat Thomas Opey 23 Mar 1749
Bate John Joan Dyke 28 Apr 1759
Bater Sarah Thomas Marke 21 Feb 1781
Bater William Elizabeth Osmond 18 Jun 1733
Bath Ann John Westlake 08 Dec 1746
Bath Charles Mary Ann Bussell 21 May 1807
Bath Elizabeth John Sweeting 27 Feb 1786
Bath John Elizabeth Old 22 Sep 1761
Bath John Ann Tucker 31 Oct 1808
Bath Mary John French 15 Sep 1761
Batstone Richard Mary Cummings 20 Jun 1752
Batt Betty John Coles 22 Oct 1764
Batt Hope George Spiller 07 Apr 1788
Batt John Dinah Holgrove 09 Jul 1742
Batt John Mary Wedhams 18 May 1745
Batt John Elizabeth Bowering 30 Sep 1783
Batt Joseph Jane Chard 15 Apr 1734
Batt Joseph Mary Smith 14 Feb 1742
Batt Mary William Jeanes 29 Jul 1770
Batt Mary William Milton 28 Feb 1793
Batt William Rachel Applin 05 Aug 1739
Batt William Rebecca Stephens 15 Aug 1784
Battrem Thomasin Benjamin Warring 25 Jan 1733
Battrick Robert Sarah Facy 12 Jun 1765
Bawdripp Giles Joan Bartlet 11 Mar 1762
Bayley Betty John Winicott 01 Jan 1759
Bayley Elizabeth Shadrach Cook, West Monkton 26 Sep 1780
Bayley Sarah John Vicarey 09 Sep 1736
Bayley Sarah Joseph Broom 08 Jan 1788
Baynam John Elizabeth Smith 19 Feb 1732
Bazzet James Mary Gouge 12 Dec 1780

Transcription by Roy Parkhouse
Email: roy[at]parkhouse.org[dot]uk