Taunton Names from Pigot's Directory, 1830
Surnames SALTER to YOUNG
Name | Address | Occupation/Directory Section |
Salter Charles | North st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Sander James | Fore st | Haberdasher and Hosier |
Sandford Miss | Leycroft cottage | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Sansbury John | Tone bridge | Iron & Brass Founder |
Sansbury John | Tone bridge | Smith |
Savery Wm. | St. James' st | Plumber & Smith |
Sayers Charles gent. | Upper High st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Scales Miss Priscilla | Silver St | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Scarlett James | Race Horse East Reach | Innkeeper |
Schaifino John | King George East Reach | Innkeeper |
Seager William | North-Town | Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries |
Sealey Mary Ann | Bishop's Hull | Academies and Schools |
Searle Mrs. | 4 Mount terrace | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Shapland Colonel | Broomfields | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Shattock Elizabeth | North st | Milliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers |
Shattock James | North st | Plumber |
Sheppard & Mason | East st | Stay Maker |
Sheppard John | High st | Cabinet Maker |
Shewbrooks John | King st | Sawyer |
Shewbrooks Samuel | High st | Builder |
Shewbrooks Samuel | High st | Plasterer &/or Tiler |
Shillibeer Henry | Blatchford near Taunton | Surveyor - Land |
Shorland Miss | 8 Crescent | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Short James | North st | Baker |
Slocombe Charlotte | North st | Straw Hat Maker |
Slocombe Jane | Upper High st | Milliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers |
Slocombe John | North st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Slocombe Joseph | Fore st | Hatter |
Slocombe Mary | Bishop's Hull | Academies and Schools |
Small Charles | East st | Tallow Chandler and Soap Boiler |
Small John | White Swan East st | Innkeeper |
Smetham Aaron | East st | Auctioneer |
Smetham Aaron | East st | Tailor |
Smetham Aaron | White Lion East st | Innkeeper |
Smith Jno. gent. | Broadland's lodge | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Smith Rev. C. | Bishop's Lizard | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Smith Rev. Sidney | Coombflorey | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Smith Vincent | East street | Percussion Cap Maker |
Snell & Co | High st | Carriers |
Snow John | East Reach | Hat Manufacturer and/or Hatter |
Snowdon John, esq. | Upcott house | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Southwood Thos. esq. | Pitminster | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Sparks George | Bishop's Hull | Blacksmith |
Spencer William | East st | Confectioner |
Spiller William | Crescent | Carpenter and Joiner |
Spooner Edward | Cannon st | Silk Manufaturer's Agent |
Spratt Wm. | Ring of Bells St. James' st | Innkeeper |
Stacey John | Tone Mills | Miller |
Standert Hugh | East Reach | Surgeon |
Steevens John | East st | Grocer & Tea Dealer |
Stephens John | Cheapside | Linen & Woollen Draper |
Stephens Joseph | East gate | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Stevens Henry | East st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Stevens John | North st | Saddler &/or Harness Maker |
Stevens William | Fore st | Straw Hat Maker |
Stevenson - gent. | 5 Mount terrace | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Stevenson Geo. & Co. | Upper High st | Silk Manufacturer |
Stevenson Geo. & Co. | Upper High st. | Silk Throwster |
Stevenson Miss | Bishop's Hull | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Stewart John | Crown & Tower Silver st | Innkeeper |
Still Benjamin | Mary st | Carpenter and Joiner |
Stone George | Middle st | Attorney |
Stone John Owen | East st | Surgeon |
Stone John | East Reach | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Stone Mrs. | High st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Stone Webb esq. | Trull | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Stone William Henry and Henry | St James st | Brewer |
Stone William Henry and Henry | St. James st | Coal Merchant |
Stone William Henry and Henry | St. James st | Iron Merchant |
Stone Wm. Hny & Hny | St James' st | Maltster |
Storer James | Fore st | Watch & Clock Maker |
Stuckeys Banking Company | Fore st | Bankers |
Summers John | North st | Ironmonger & Cutler |
Sumption Mathew | Oxford Inn Cannon st | Innkeeper |
Sutton Charles | Fore st | Silversmith |
Sutton Charles | Fore st | Watch & Clock Maker |
Sutton Robert | Tone bridge | Coal Merchant |
Sutton Robert | Upper High st | Maltster |
Sutton Susan | High st (Ladies' Brdg) | Academies and Schools |
Swaffield William | Mary st | Tailor |
Sweet Edward | North st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Sweet Mary | North st Castle | (Posting and Commercial) |
Sweetland Mrs. | High st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Tapscott Robert | from the Saracen's Head High Street | Carrier |
Taylor Isaac | Waggon & Horses East Reach | Innkeeper |
Taylor James | High st | Tailor & Draper |
Taylor James | King's Arms North town | Innkeeper |
Theaker | from the Bell Inn | Carrier |
Thomas James | Bishop's Hull | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Thompson William | Cannon st | Physician |
Thorn George | High st | Baker |
Thorn George | High st | Confectioner |
Thorn Henry | Fore st | Bookseller & Stationer |
Thorn Henry | Fore st | Printer-Letter-Press |
Thorn Jas. | Mary st | House & Coach Painter & Glazier |
Thorn Maria | North st | Milliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers |
Thresher George | North st | Tailor |
Timewell James | Black Horse North town | Innkeeper |
Timewell Thos. | Halse | Iron & Brass Founder |
Timewell Thos. | Halse | Smith & Founder |
Tindall Robert esq. | St. James st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Tite Walter | Spread Eagle North st | Innkeeper |
Toms William | Fore st | Bookseller & Stationer |
Toms William | Fore st | Printer-Letter-Press |
Toms William | Fore st, Westminster (Life) | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Toms Wm. | Fore st British (Fire) | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Towers Rev. Richard | Crescent | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Townsend Catherine | Fore st | Linen & Woollen Draper |
Townsend Catherine | Milliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers | |
Trenchard Lucy | Mount house (Ladies's Boarding) | Academies and Schools |
Trewdall John | Fore st | Ironmonger & Cutler |
Trewren Mrs. | Middle st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Trood & Son | from their wharf North Town | Carriers |
Trood & Son | from their wharf | Conveyance By Water To Bridgwater |
Trood and Son | Trood's wharf | Coal Merchant and Wharfingers |
Trood Henry | St. James st | Baker |
Trubey Sarah | East st | Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries |
Turle John | North st | Hair Dresser |
Turle Richard | Fore st | Grocer & Tea Dealer |
Turle Richard | Fore st | Tallow Chandler and Soap Boiler |
Turle Wm. | Cottage crescent | Music Professor or Teacher |
Turner Mrs. | Upper High st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Tytherleigh Arthur | Harvey's buildings High street | |
Tytherleigh John | Bishop's hull | Miller |
Upham John | Devonshire Inn East st | Innkeeper |
Vanzandt Mrs. | Netherclay house | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Vibert James esq. | Pitminster | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Vile Joseph | East st | Hat Manufacturer and/or Hatter |
Vincent John | East st | Carpenter and Joiner |
Wadman John | Blue Boy High st | Innkeeper |
Wake John | to Minehead | Carrier |
Waldron Henry esq. | Upcott | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Warman Samuel | Paul st | Blacksmith |
Warman Samuel | Shakspeare East Reach | Innkeeper |
Warre Rev. Francis | Cheddore | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Warren Jn. Woolcot esq. | Middle st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Warren John | East Reach | Butcher |
Warren Sarah | Fore st | Confectioner |
Warren William | High st | Watch & Clock Maker |
Warren William | North st | Bookseller & Stationer |
Warren William | North st | Confectioner |
Warrey Jos. | High st | Plasterer &/or Tiler & Stenciller |
Weaver John | Three Tuns Tancred st | Innkeeper |
Weaver Nancy | Seven Stars East st | Innkeeper |
Weaver Samuel | East st | Watch & Clock Maker |
Webb George | Upper High st | Baker |
Webber James | St James st | Cabinet Maker |
Webber William | carpenter and joiner and builder | |
Webber William | East Reach | Builder |
Welch Charles | North st | Surgeon |
Welch Jno. | Mill la | Currier & Silk & Woolen Dyer and Calenderer |
Welch Joseph | East st | Surgeon |
Welch Robert | Mill lane | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Welman Mrs. | Poundisford | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
West Hannah | East st | Wine & Spirit Merchant |
Westover John | Cannon st | Turner |
Wheddon Samuel | Paul st | Tailor |
Whitby Robert | Upper High st | Worsted Maker |
White David | Mary st | Auctioneer |
White Eales | East Reach | Brewer |
White Eales | East Reach General Country (Fire) | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
White Eales | East Reach | Maltster |
White James | High st | Cabinet Maker |
White John gent. | East Reach | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
White Richard | High st | Auctioneer |
White Richard | High st | Carpenter and Joiner and Builder |
Whiting J. esq. | Moncton lodge | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Whitmarsh Brown & Co | North St | Carriers |
Whitwham Abraham | High st | Hat Manufacturer and/or Hatter |
Wilkinson Wm.J.P. & Co. | High st | Wine & Spirit Merchant |
Willcocks John | Full Moon top of High st | Innkeeper |
Willmott | from the Old Angel Inn High st | Carrier |
Winslowe Richd. esq. | Mount Nebo | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Winter Isaac | Wilton | Tanner |
Winter John | North Town | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Winter Robert | East st | Baker |
Winter Thomas John | Church sq | |
Winter Thos. John | Church sq Globe | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Winton Rev. Robert | Bishop's Hull | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Wisdom Miss | Hunt's court High st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Withey John | Cannon st | Stone Mason |
Wood Martha | Bishop's Hull | Paper Makr |
Wood Rev. William | Staplegrove | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Wood Thomas | New Inn East Reach | Innkeeper |
Woodforde Thomas | East st | Physician |
Woodforde Thomas, esq. | 7 Crescent | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Woodward William | High st | Carpenter and Joiner and Builder |
Wright Samuel | Fore st | Grocer & Tea Dealer |
Wyatt John | Middle st | Baker |
Wyatt John | Middle st | Maltster |
Yandall Philip | Saracen's Head High st | Innkeeper |
Yandall William | North st | Tailor |
Yea Miss | Pyrland house | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Young Jno. | North st | Nursery & Seedsman & Corn Factor |
Transcription by Roy Parkhouse
Email: roy[at]parkhouse.org[dot]uk