


Taunton Names from Pigot's Directory, 1830


Surnames SALTER to YOUNG

NameAddressOccupation/Directory Section
Salter CharlesNorth stBoot & Shoe Maker
Sander JamesFore stHaberdasher and Hosier
Sandford MissLeycroft cottageNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Sansbury JohnTone bridgeIron & Brass Founder
Sansbury JohnTone bridgeSmith
Savery Wm.St. James' stPlumber & Smith
Sayers Charles gent.Upper High stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Scales Miss PriscillaSilver StNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Scarlett JamesRace Horse East ReachInnkeeper
Schaifino JohnKing George East ReachInnkeeper
Seager WilliamNorth-TownShopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries
Sealey Mary AnnBishop's HullAcademies and Schools
Searle Mrs.4 Mount terraceNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Shapland ColonelBroomfieldsNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Shattock ElizabethNorth stMilliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers
Shattock JamesNorth stPlumber
Sheppard & MasonEast stStay Maker
Sheppard JohnHigh stCabinet Maker
Shewbrooks JohnKing stSawyer
Shewbrooks SamuelHigh stBuilder
Shewbrooks SamuelHigh stPlasterer &/or Tiler
Shillibeer HenryBlatchford near TauntonSurveyor - Land
Shorland Miss8 CrescentNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Short JamesNorth stBaker
Slocombe CharlotteNorth stStraw Hat Maker
Slocombe JaneUpper High stMilliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers
Slocombe JohnNorth stBoot & Shoe Maker
Slocombe JosephFore stHatter
Slocombe MaryBishop's HullAcademies and Schools
Small CharlesEast stTallow Chandler and Soap Boiler
Small JohnWhite Swan East stInnkeeper
Smetham AaronEast stAuctioneer
Smetham AaronEast stTailor
Smetham AaronWhite Lion East stInnkeeper
Smith Jno. gent.Broadland's lodgeNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Smith Rev. C.Bishop's LizardNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Smith Rev. SidneyCoombfloreyNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Smith VincentEast streetPercussion Cap Maker
Snell & CoHigh stCarriers
Snow JohnEast ReachHat Manufacturer and/or Hatter
Snowdon John, esq.Upcott houseNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Southwood Thos. esq.PitminsterNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Sparks GeorgeBishop's HullBlacksmith
Spencer WilliamEast stConfectioner
Spiller WilliamCrescentCarpenter and Joiner
Spooner EdwardCannon stSilk Manufaturer's Agent
Spratt Wm.Ring of Bells St. James' stInnkeeper
Stacey JohnTone MillsMiller
Standert HughEast ReachSurgeon
Steevens JohnEast stGrocer & Tea Dealer
Stephens JohnCheapsideLinen & Woollen Draper
Stephens JosephEast gateBoot & Shoe Maker
Stevens HenryEast stBoot & Shoe Maker
Stevens JohnNorth stSaddler &/or Harness Maker
Stevens WilliamFore stStraw Hat Maker
Stevenson - gent.5 Mount terraceNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Stevenson Geo. & Co.Upper High stSilk Manufacturer
Stevenson Geo. & Co.Upper High st.Silk Throwster
Stevenson MissBishop's HullNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Stewart JohnCrown & Tower Silver stInnkeeper
Still BenjaminMary stCarpenter and Joiner
Stone GeorgeMiddle stAttorney
Stone John OwenEast stSurgeon
Stone JohnEast ReachBoot & Shoe Maker
Stone Mrs.High stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Stone Webb esq.TrullNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Stone William Henry and HenrySt James stBrewer
Stone William Henry and HenrySt. James stCoal Merchant
Stone William Henry and HenrySt. James stIron Merchant
Stone Wm. Hny & HnySt James' stMaltster
Storer JamesFore stWatch & Clock Maker
Stuckeys Banking CompanyFore stBankers
Summers JohnNorth stIronmonger & Cutler
Sumption MathewOxford Inn Cannon stInnkeeper
Sutton CharlesFore stSilversmith
Sutton CharlesFore stWatch & Clock Maker
Sutton RobertTone bridgeCoal Merchant
Sutton RobertUpper High stMaltster
Sutton SusanHigh st (Ladies' Brdg)Academies and Schools
Swaffield WilliamMary stTailor
Sweet EdwardNorth stBoot & Shoe Maker
Sweet MaryNorth st Castle(Posting and Commercial)
Sweetland Mrs.High stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Tapscott Robertfrom the Saracen's Head High StreetCarrier
Taylor IsaacWaggon & Horses East ReachInnkeeper
Taylor JamesHigh stTailor & Draper
Taylor JamesKing's Arms North townInnkeeper
Theakerfrom the Bell InnCarrier
Thomas JamesBishop's HullBoot & Shoe Maker
Thompson WilliamCannon stPhysician
Thorn GeorgeHigh stBaker
Thorn GeorgeHigh stConfectioner
Thorn HenryFore stBookseller & Stationer
Thorn HenryFore stPrinter-Letter-Press
Thorn Jas.Mary stHouse & Coach Painter & Glazier
Thorn MariaNorth stMilliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers
Thresher GeorgeNorth stTailor
Timewell JamesBlack Horse North townInnkeeper
Timewell Thos.HalseIron & Brass Founder
Timewell Thos.HalseSmith & Founder
Tindall Robert esq.St. James stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Tite WalterSpread Eagle North stInnkeeper
Toms WilliamFore stBookseller & Stationer
Toms WilliamFore stPrinter-Letter-Press
Toms WilliamFore st, Westminster (Life)Fire, &c. Offices & Agents
Toms Wm.Fore st British (Fire)Fire, &c. Offices & Agents
Towers Rev. RichardCrescentNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Townsend CatherineFore stLinen & Woollen Draper
Townsend Catherine Milliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers
Trenchard LucyMount house (Ladies's Boarding)Academies and Schools
Trewdall JohnFore stIronmonger & Cutler
Trewren Mrs.Middle stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Trood & Sonfrom their wharf North TownCarriers
Trood & Sonfrom their wharfConveyance By Water To Bridgwater
Trood and SonTrood's wharfCoal Merchant and Wharfingers
Trood HenrySt. James stBaker
Trubey SarahEast stShopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries
Turle JohnNorth stHair Dresser
Turle RichardFore stGrocer & Tea Dealer
Turle RichardFore stTallow Chandler and Soap Boiler
Turle Wm.Cottage crescentMusic Professor or Teacher
Turner Mrs.Upper High stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Tytherleigh ArthurHarvey's buildings High street 
Tytherleigh JohnBishop's hullMiller
Upham JohnDevonshire Inn East stInnkeeper
Vanzandt Mrs.Netherclay houseNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Vibert James esq.PitminsterNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Vile JosephEast stHat Manufacturer and/or Hatter
Vincent JohnEast stCarpenter and Joiner
Wadman JohnBlue Boy High stInnkeeper
Wake Johnto MineheadCarrier
Waldron Henry esq.UpcottNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Warman SamuelPaul stBlacksmith
Warman SamuelShakspeare East ReachInnkeeper
Warre Rev. FrancisCheddoreNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Warren Jn. Woolcot esq.Middle stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Warren JohnEast ReachButcher
Warren SarahFore stConfectioner
Warren WilliamHigh stWatch & Clock Maker
Warren WilliamNorth stBookseller & Stationer
Warren WilliamNorth stConfectioner
Warrey Jos.High stPlasterer &/or Tiler & Stenciller
Weaver JohnThree Tuns Tancred stInnkeeper
Weaver NancySeven Stars East stInnkeeper
Weaver SamuelEast stWatch & Clock Maker
Webb GeorgeUpper High stBaker
Webber JamesSt James stCabinet Maker
Webber Williamcarpenter and joiner and builder 
Webber WilliamEast ReachBuilder
Welch CharlesNorth stSurgeon
Welch Jno.Mill laCurrier & Silk & Woolen Dyer and Calenderer
Welch JosephEast stSurgeon
Welch RobertMill laneBoot & Shoe Maker
Welman Mrs.PoundisfordNobility, Gentry and Clergy
West HannahEast stWine & Spirit Merchant
Westover JohnCannon stTurner
Wheddon SamuelPaul stTailor
Whitby RobertUpper High stWorsted Maker
White DavidMary stAuctioneer
White EalesEast ReachBrewer
White EalesEast Reach General Country (Fire)Fire, &c. Offices & Agents
White EalesEast ReachMaltster
White JamesHigh stCabinet Maker
White John gent.East ReachNobility, Gentry and Clergy
White RichardHigh stAuctioneer
White RichardHigh stCarpenter and Joiner and Builder
Whiting J. esq.Moncton lodgeNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Whitmarsh Brown & CoNorth StCarriers
Whitwham AbrahamHigh stHat Manufacturer and/or Hatter
Wilkinson Wm.J.P. & Co.High stWine & Spirit Merchant
Willcocks JohnFull Moon top of High stInnkeeper
Willmottfrom the Old Angel Inn High stCarrier
Winslowe Richd. esq.Mount NeboNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Winter IsaacWiltonTanner
Winter JohnNorth TownBoot & Shoe Maker
Winter RobertEast stBaker
Winter Thomas JohnChurch sq 
Winter Thos. JohnChurch sq GlobeFire, &c. Offices & Agents
Winton Rev. RobertBishop's HullNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Wisdom MissHunt's court High stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Withey JohnCannon stStone Mason
Wood MarthaBishop's HullPaper Makr
Wood Rev. WilliamStaplegroveNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Wood ThomasNew Inn East ReachInnkeeper
Woodforde ThomasEast stPhysician
Woodforde Thomas, esq.7 CrescentNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Woodward WilliamHigh stCarpenter and Joiner and Builder
Wright SamuelFore stGrocer & Tea Dealer
Wyatt JohnMiddle stBaker
Wyatt JohnMiddle stMaltster
Yandall PhilipSaracen's Head High stInnkeeper
Yandall WilliamNorth stTailor
Yea MissPyrland houseNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Young Jno.North stNursery & Seedsman & Corn Factor

Transcription by Roy Parkhouse
Email: roy[at]parkhouse.org[dot]uk