Taunton Names from Pigot's Directory, 1830
Name | Address | Occupation/Directory Section |
Abraham Henry | Fore st | Silversmith |
Abraham Henry | Fore st | Watch & Clock Maker |
Ackland Benjamin | High st | Ironmonger |
Ackland Benjamin | High st | Smith |
Ackland Saml | High st | Boot & Shoe & Patten Maker |
Ackland Thomas | East st | Brazier and Tin-Plate Worker |
Adair Alex esq. | Heatherstone park | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Adair Wm. esq. | Heatherstone park | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Adams James | Paul st | Baker |
Adams John | High st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Alexander James | Fore st | Working Cutler |
Allen Joseph Pitts | Fore st | Saddler &/or Harness Maker |
Amet Chas | St James' st | French Professor or Teacher |
Anderton W. P. esq. | Rosyford | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Ash Cornelius | St James st | Canal Agent |
Atherstone Edw. | Bathpool | Music Professor or Teacher |
Atkins Thomas | St James' st | Silk and Crape Manufacturer |
Atton Richard William | North st | Linen & Woollen Draper |
Atton Richard William | North st | Tailor & Draper |
Bacon Joseph | East st | Whitesmith |
Badcock J.D.H. & R. | Fore st Royal Exchange | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Badcock John, Daniel, Henry and Robert | Taunton Bank Fore st | Bankers |
Badcock Mrs. Ann | Mary st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Badcock Mrs. Hannah | Mary st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Badcock Mrs. Isaac | Fore st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bailey George | North st | Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries |
Baker Christopher | North-Town | Cooper |
Baker William | Cannon st | Cabinet Maker |
Baldon Thomas | North st | Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries |
Bale Jas. | East Reach Guardian | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Bale John | Royal Marine Silver st | Innkeeper |
Ball John | High st | Linen & Woollen Draper |
Ball Mr. D. | Rough Moor Mills | Conductor For Silk Manufacturer Stokes & Sons of London |
Ball Mrs. Wm. | Mary st, (Ladies' Bdg) | Academies and Schools |
Ball Richard Jun. & Co. | Bridgwater wharf | Brick Maker and/or Merchant |
Ball Richard Jun. and Co. | Bridgwater wharf | Timber Merchant and Dealer |
Ball Wm. | Mary st | Music Professor or Teacher |
Banfield Samuel | North st | China & Glass Dealer |
Barker John | East st | Tailor |
Barnes James | Fore st | Bookseller & Stationer |
Barnes Mrs. | Hammet st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Barrett John | Castle lodge | Veterinary Surgeon |
Bartelotte Jn. Hooker esq. | Bishop's Hull | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bartlett John | Cannon st | Worsted Maker |
Bartlett John | East st | Plumber |
Bartlett Joseph | Upper High st | Baker |
Bastable John | East st | Brush and Last and Patten Maker |
Bath Mary | North st | Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries |
Batt Maria | Crown & Anchor Fore st | Innkeeper |
Beacham R. F. esq. | Walford house | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Beadon Isaac | North st | Maltster |
Beadon John | Angel Inn East st | Innkeeper |
Beadon Rbt. & Sons | Church square | Attorney |
Beadon William | 1 Crescent | Surgeon |
Beal Michael | North-Town | Baker |
Beard John Baron | Upper High st | |
Bennett John | Bristol Inn North st | Innkeeper |
Bennett John | Upper High st | Basket Maker |
Besley James | from the Full Moon | Carrier |
Besley James | George & Dragon North st | Innkeeper |
Betty Sarah | Harmony row | Stay Maker |
Billet James | East st | Surgeon |
Billett John esq. | Pitminster | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Billings Elizabeth | High st | Milliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers |
Billings James | High st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Bird John | Castle green | Attorney |
Bishop John | North st | Bookbinder |
Bishop John | North st | Printer-Letter-Press |
Blackmore James | High st | China & Glass Dealer |
Blackmore Rd. | Tancred cottage | Dentist |
Blake Malachi esq. | North st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Blake. Downing esq. | Holway | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Blinkhorn William | Backbridge Mills Staplegrove | Silk Manufacturer |
Blinkhorn William | Backbridge Mills Staplegrove | Silk Throwster |
Bliss Mrs. | 14 Crescent | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bluett John | Fore st | Grocer & Tea Dealer |
Bluett John | Fore st | Wine & Spirit Merchant |
Bluett Rev. Buckland | Haygrass | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bluett, The Misses | Church square | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Blundell William, esq. | 13 Crescent | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Body John P. | High st | Baker |
Bolton - esq. | Eastbrook | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bond Charles | North st | Cooper |
Bond George | Old Inn Bishop's Hull | Innkeeper |
Bond | from the Bristol Inn North st | Carrier |
Bowditch James | North st | Brick Maker |
Bowditch Mary | North st | Linen & Woollen Draper |
Bragg William | Cheapside | Bookseller & Stationer |
Bragg William | Cheapside | Printer-Letter-Press |
Brass John | Upper High st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Brewer John | Kingston rd | Blacksmith |
Brewer Thomas | East Reach | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Brewer William | New Inn Wilton | Innkeeper |
Brice Edward | Paul st | Currier & Leather Cutter |
Brice Thomas | High st | Saddler &/or Harness Maker |
Brice Thomas | North st | Corn Factor |
Bridge Mrs. Mary | 2 Mount terrace | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Brooks Francis | Boot Paul st | Innkeeper |
Browning Joseph | High st | Confectioner |
Bruford George | Fore st | Chymist and Druggist |
Bryant Isaac | Bishop's hull | Maltster |
Bryant William | Bishop's Hull | Baker |
Bryant William | Bishop's Hull | Grocer & Tea Dealer |
Bryant William | Bishop's hull | Miller |
Bryant William, gent. | Hammet st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bryer Robert | St James st | Cabinet Maker |
Buchanan Mrs. | Moore farm | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bucknell Robert | Fore st | Tallow Chandler and Soap Boiler |
Bullen Robt. | Uttermare East Reach | Attorney |
Buncombe & Stone | Mount | Attorney |
Buncombe & Stone | Mount, West of England | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Buncombe Henry | East st | |
Buncombe Mrs. | Rough moor | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bunt Thomas | Paul st | Maltster |
Bunter James | Fore st Imperial | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Bunter James | Fore st | Woollen Draper |
Burridge Rev. William | Middle st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bury Edward esq. | Cannon st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Bussell Jos. | Hunt's court High st | Baker |
Bussell Joseph | High st | Tailor & Draper |
Bussell Richard | Market House Market pl | Innkeeper |
Bussell Wm. | High st | Harness Maker |
Butcher Joel | East st | Plumber |
Butti Joseph | East st | Hardwareman |
Cadbury Wm. esq. | Rum hill | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Caray Peter esq. | Cannon st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Cardew Rev. J.H. | Curry Mallit | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Carew - esq. | Crowcombe court | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Carew T. G. W. esq. | Tetton house | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Carpenter Robert | High st | Grocer & Tea Dealer |
Carter Philip | East st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Carver Richard | Mount terrace | |
Cattell John | Upper High st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Cattle | from the Bristol Inn | Carrier |
Chadwell James | from the New Angel | Carrier |
Champante Jacob esq | Belmont | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Chapman Richard gent. | 1 Mount ter. | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Chapman Samuel | East gate | Baker |
Chapman Samuel | East gate | Miller |
Chapman Thomas | Back lane | Carpenter and Joiner |
Charlton Mrs. | 10 Crescent | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Charter Thos. esq. | Bishop's Lizard | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Chilcott William | East st | Boot & Shoe Maker |
Chorley Wm. Hutchings | Holway la | Academies and Schools |
Chorley Wm. | Hunt's court High st | Baker |
Christmas Henry | East Reach | Languages Professor or Teacher |
Clapp George | from his house North street | Carrier |
Clapp Henry | from his house North Town | Carrier |
Clark Samuel | East gate | Grocer & Tea Dealer & Draper |
Clarke John | King & Queen Paul st | Innkeeper |
Clarke John | North st | Saddler &/or Harness Maker |
Clarke Jos. | Fore st | Clothes Salesman |
Clarke Jos. | Priory farm house | Academies and Schools |
Clarke Joseph | Fore st | Tailor |
Clarke Rev. John | Taunton | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Clarke Rev. R. | Church Taunton | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Clarke Thomas | Old Angel Fore st | Innkeeper |
Clarke William | East st | Basket Maker |
Clarke William, esq. | Halswell | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Clarke William, esq. | Mile end | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Click William | New Angel High st | Innkeeper |
Cliffe Mrs. | Wilton cottage | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Clifton Thomas esq. | Hatch court | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Clitsom Mrs. | 11 Crescent | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Clively Mary | Hunt's court | Shopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries |
Clulow Edward | High st | Tailor & Draper |
Cocking Joseph | Cannon st | Builder |
Cocking Joseph | Cannon st | Cabinet Maker |
Cogan John | East Reach | Currier & Leather Cutter |
Cogan Thomas | Kingston | Tanner |
Coker Rev. W. K. | North Curry | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Coles Edward | Upper High st | Attorney & Clerk of The Peace |
Collard Mary | North st | Hat Manufacturer and/or Hatter |
Collard Wm. Dunman | High st | Currier & Leather Cutter |
Cook Captain | Cannon st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Cook The Misses | Cannon st | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Cooper Colonel | Barton house | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Copham William | back of Cheapside | Fishing-Rod Maker |
Cornish Benjamin | High st | Cooper |
Cottrell | from the Crown High st | Carrier |
Court William | High st | Corn Inspector |
Cox & Clatworthy | High st | Ironmonger & Cutler |
Cox & Winter | Tancred st | Lace Manufacturer |
Cox George | Fore st | Brazier and Tin-Plate Worker |
Cox George | Fore st | Iron & Brass Founder |
Cox George | Fore st | Ironmonger & Cutler |
Cox Henry | Cannon st | Tanner |
Cox Joseph | North st | Auctioneer |
Cox Joseph | North st | Coal Merchant |
Cox Joseph | North st | Wine & Spirit Merchant |
Cox William B. | East st, Berks, Gloucester and Provincial | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Cox William B. | East st, Clerical, Medical & General (life) | Fire, &c. Offices & Agents |
Cox William Blatch | East st | Maltster |
Cox William Blatch | East st | Wine & Spirit & Porter Merchant |
Cox William Charles | Fore st | Brazier and Tin-Plate Worker |
Cox William Charles | Fore st | Brush Maker |
Cox William Charles | Fore st | Iron & Brass Founder |
Cox William Charles | Fore st | Ironmonger |
Cox William gent. | Bishop's Hull | Nobility, Gentry and Clergy |
Creedy Sarah H. | East Reach | Straw Hat Maker |
Crockford John | Church square | Academies and Schools |
Cross John | Harveys buildings High st | Painter & Glazier & Paper Hanger |
Curry John | Bathpool | Maltster |
Curry Samuel | Three acres | Maltster |
Curry Thomas | Three Acres | Brick Maker |
Transcription by Roy ParkhouseEmail: roy[at]parkhouse.org[dot]uk