


Taunton Names from Pigot's Directory, 1830



NameAddressOccupation/Directory Section
Abraham HenryFore stSilversmith
Abraham HenryFore stWatch & Clock Maker
Ackland BenjaminHigh stIronmonger
Ackland BenjaminHigh stSmith
Ackland SamlHigh stBoot & Shoe & Patten Maker
Ackland ThomasEast stBrazier and Tin-Plate Worker
Adair Alex esq.Heatherstone parkNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Adair Wm. esq.Heatherstone parkNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Adams JamesPaul stBaker
Adams JohnHigh stBoot & Shoe Maker
Alexander JamesFore stWorking Cutler
Allen Joseph PittsFore stSaddler &/or Harness Maker
Amet ChasSt James' stFrench Professor or Teacher
Anderton W. P. esq.RosyfordNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Ash CorneliusSt James stCanal Agent
Atherstone Edw.BathpoolMusic Professor or Teacher
Atkins ThomasSt James' stSilk and Crape Manufacturer
Atton Richard WilliamNorth stLinen & Woollen Draper
Atton Richard WilliamNorth stTailor & Draper
Bacon JosephEast stWhitesmith
Badcock J.D.H. & R.Fore st Royal ExchangeFire, &c. Offices & Agents
Badcock John, Daniel, Henry and RobertTaunton Bank Fore stBankers
Badcock Mrs. AnnMary stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Badcock Mrs. HannahMary stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Badcock Mrs. IsaacFore stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bailey GeorgeNorth stShopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries
Baker ChristopherNorth-TownCooper
Baker WilliamCannon stCabinet Maker
Baldon ThomasNorth stShopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries
Bale Jas.East Reach GuardianFire, &c. Offices & Agents
Bale JohnRoyal Marine Silver stInnkeeper
Ball JohnHigh stLinen & Woollen Draper
Ball Mr. D.Rough Moor MillsConductor For Silk Manufacturer Stokes & Sons of London
Ball Mrs. Wm.Mary st, (Ladies' Bdg)Academies and Schools
Ball Richard Jun. & Co.Bridgwater wharfBrick Maker and/or Merchant
Ball Richard Jun. and Co.Bridgwater wharfTimber Merchant and Dealer
Ball Wm.Mary stMusic Professor or Teacher
Banfield SamuelNorth stChina & Glass Dealer
Barker JohnEast stTailor
Barnes JamesFore stBookseller & Stationer
Barnes Mrs.Hammet stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Barrett JohnCastle lodgeVeterinary Surgeon
Bartelotte Jn. Hooker esq.Bishop's HullNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bartlett JohnCannon stWorsted Maker
Bartlett JohnEast stPlumber
Bartlett JosephUpper High stBaker
Bastable JohnEast stBrush and Last and Patten Maker
Bath MaryNorth stShopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries
Batt MariaCrown & Anchor Fore stInnkeeper
Beacham R. F. esq.Walford houseNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Beadon IsaacNorth stMaltster
Beadon JohnAngel Inn East stInnkeeper
Beadon Rbt. & SonsChurch squareAttorney
Beadon William1 CrescentSurgeon
Beal MichaelNorth-TownBaker
Beard John BaronUpper High st 
Bennett JohnBristol Inn North stInnkeeper
Bennett JohnUpper High stBasket Maker
Besley Jamesfrom the Full MoonCarrier
Besley JamesGeorge & Dragon North stInnkeeper
Betty SarahHarmony rowStay Maker
Billet JamesEast stSurgeon
Billett John esq.PitminsterNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Billings ElizabethHigh stMilliners, Dress & Straw Hat Makers
Billings JamesHigh stBoot & Shoe Maker
Bird JohnCastle greenAttorney
Bishop JohnNorth stBookbinder
Bishop JohnNorth stPrinter-Letter-Press
Blackmore JamesHigh stChina & Glass Dealer
Blackmore Rd.Tancred cottageDentist
Blake Malachi esq.North stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Blake. Downing esq.HolwayNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Blinkhorn WilliamBackbridge Mills StaplegroveSilk Manufacturer
Blinkhorn WilliamBackbridge Mills StaplegroveSilk Throwster
Bliss Mrs.14 CrescentNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bluett JohnFore stGrocer & Tea Dealer
Bluett JohnFore stWine & Spirit Merchant
Bluett Rev. BucklandHaygrassNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bluett, The MissesChurch squareNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Blundell William, esq.13 CrescentNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Body John P.High stBaker
Bolton - esq.EastbrookNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bond CharlesNorth stCooper
Bond GeorgeOld Inn Bishop's HullInnkeeper
Bondfrom the Bristol Inn North stCarrier
Bowditch JamesNorth stBrick Maker
Bowditch MaryNorth stLinen & Woollen Draper
Bragg WilliamCheapsideBookseller & Stationer
Bragg WilliamCheapsidePrinter-Letter-Press
Brass JohnUpper High stBoot & Shoe Maker
Brewer JohnKingston rdBlacksmith
Brewer ThomasEast ReachBoot & Shoe Maker
Brewer WilliamNew Inn WiltonInnkeeper
Brice EdwardPaul stCurrier & Leather Cutter
Brice ThomasHigh stSaddler &/or Harness Maker
Brice ThomasNorth stCorn Factor
Bridge Mrs. Mary2 Mount terraceNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Brooks FrancisBoot Paul stInnkeeper
Browning JosephHigh stConfectioner
Bruford GeorgeFore stChymist and Druggist
Bryant IsaacBishop's hullMaltster
Bryant WilliamBishop's HullBaker
Bryant WilliamBishop's HullGrocer & Tea Dealer
Bryant WilliamBishop's hullMiller
Bryant William, gent.Hammet stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bryer RobertSt James stCabinet Maker
Buchanan Mrs.Moore farmNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bucknell RobertFore stTallow Chandler and Soap Boiler
Bullen Robt.Uttermare East ReachAttorney
Buncombe & StoneMountAttorney
Buncombe & StoneMount, West of EnglandFire, &c. Offices & Agents
Buncombe HenryEast st 
Buncombe Mrs.Rough moorNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bunt ThomasPaul stMaltster
Bunter JamesFore st ImperialFire, &c. Offices & Agents
Bunter JamesFore stWoollen Draper
Burridge Rev. WilliamMiddle stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bury Edward esq.Cannon stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Bussell Jos.Hunt's court High stBaker
Bussell JosephHigh stTailor & Draper
Bussell RichardMarket House Market plInnkeeper
Bussell Wm.High stHarness Maker
Butcher JoelEast stPlumber
Butti JosephEast stHardwareman
Cadbury Wm. esq.Rum hillNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Caray Peter esq.Cannon stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Cardew Rev. J.H.Curry MallitNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Carew - esq.Crowcombe courtNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Carew T. G. W. esq.Tetton houseNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Carpenter RobertHigh stGrocer & Tea Dealer
Carter PhilipEast stBoot & Shoe Maker
Carver RichardMount terrace 
Cattell JohnUpper High stBoot & Shoe Maker
Cattlefrom the Bristol InnCarrier
Chadwell Jamesfrom the New AngelCarrier
Champante Jacob esqBelmontNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Chapman Richard gent.1 Mount ter.Nobility, Gentry and Clergy
Chapman SamuelEast gateBaker
Chapman SamuelEast gateMiller
Chapman ThomasBack laneCarpenter and Joiner
Charlton Mrs.10 CrescentNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Charter Thos. esq.Bishop's LizardNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Chilcott WilliamEast stBoot & Shoe Maker
Chorley Wm. HutchingsHolway laAcademies and Schools
Chorley Wm.Hunt's court High stBaker
Christmas HenryEast ReachLanguages Professor or Teacher
Clapp Georgefrom his house North streetCarrier
Clapp Henryfrom his house North TownCarrier
Clark SamuelEast gateGrocer & Tea Dealer & Draper
Clarke JohnKing & Queen Paul stInnkeeper
Clarke JohnNorth stSaddler &/or Harness Maker
Clarke Jos.Fore stClothes Salesman
Clarke Jos.Priory farm houseAcademies and Schools
Clarke JosephFore stTailor
Clarke Rev. JohnTauntonNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Clarke Rev. R.Church TauntonNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Clarke ThomasOld Angel Fore stInnkeeper
Clarke WilliamEast stBasket Maker
Clarke William, esq.HalswellNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Clarke William, esq.Mile endNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Click WilliamNew Angel High stInnkeeper
Cliffe Mrs.Wilton cottageNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Clifton Thomas esq.Hatch courtNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Clitsom Mrs.11 CrescentNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Clively MaryHunt's courtShopkeepers & Dealers in Sundries
Clulow EdwardHigh stTailor & Draper
Cocking JosephCannon stBuilder
Cocking JosephCannon stCabinet Maker
Cogan JohnEast ReachCurrier & Leather Cutter
Cogan ThomasKingstonTanner
Coker Rev. W. K.North CurryNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Coles EdwardUpper High stAttorney & Clerk of The Peace
Collard MaryNorth stHat Manufacturer and/or Hatter
Collard Wm. DunmanHigh stCurrier & Leather Cutter
Cook CaptainCannon stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Cook The MissesCannon stNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Cooper ColonelBarton houseNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Copham Williamback of CheapsideFishing-Rod Maker
Cornish BenjaminHigh stCooper
Cottrellfrom the Crown High stCarrier
Court WilliamHigh stCorn Inspector
Cox & ClatworthyHigh stIronmonger & Cutler
Cox & WinterTancred stLace Manufacturer
Cox GeorgeFore stBrazier and Tin-Plate Worker
Cox GeorgeFore stIron & Brass Founder
Cox GeorgeFore stIronmonger & Cutler
Cox HenryCannon stTanner
Cox JosephNorth stAuctioneer
Cox JosephNorth stCoal Merchant
Cox JosephNorth stWine & Spirit Merchant
Cox William B.East st, Berks, Gloucester and ProvincialFire, &c. Offices & Agents
Cox William B.East st, Clerical, Medical & General (life)Fire, &c. Offices & Agents
Cox William BlatchEast stMaltster
Cox William BlatchEast stWine & Spirit & Porter Merchant
Cox William CharlesFore stBrazier and Tin-Plate Worker
Cox William CharlesFore stBrush Maker
Cox William CharlesFore stIron & Brass Founder
Cox William CharlesFore stIronmonger
Cox William gent.Bishop's HullNobility, Gentry and Clergy
Creedy Sarah H.East ReachStraw Hat Maker
Crockford JohnChurch squareAcademies and Schools
Cross JohnHarveys buildings High stPainter & Glazier & Paper Hanger
Curry JohnBathpoolMaltster
Curry SamuelThree acresMaltster
Curry ThomasThree AcresBrick Maker

Transcription by Roy ParkhouseEmail: roy[at]parkhouse.org[dot]uk