


National Gazetteer (1868) - Nunney


The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868

"NUNNEY, a parish in the hundred of Frome, county Somerset, 3 miles S.W. of Frome, its railway station and post town, and 120 W. of London. The village, which is large, is situated on a small stream in confluence with the river Frome. The parish includes the hamlet of Trudox Hill, at which place are the remains of a Roman camp. There are traces of a nunnery, which is supposed to have given name to the village, also the ivy-covered ruins of De-la-Meres' Castle, which was garrisoned by the Royalists during the civil war, but was taken and burnt by the Roundheads in 1645. On the banks of the Frome are numerous lime kilns, and an edge-tool manufactory. A large proportion of the land is in pasture. The soil is of various qualities, but in general rich, with a subsoil of clay and limestone.

The tithes have been commuted for a rent-charge of £366 10s., and the glebe comprises 58 acres. The living is a rectory* in the diocese of Bath and Wells, value £400. The church, dedicated to St. Peter, is an ancient structure, with a tower containing six bells. The interior of the church contains several effigies and monuments of great antiquity, including those of the De-la-Meres and other proprietors of the manor, who resided at the castle. The register dates from the 16th century. There are various charities, the chief of which is that of Thomas Turner, who bequeathed in 1839 the sum of £14,000 for instruction, sickness, and old age. There are two National schools, both of which have Sunday-schools in connection with them. There are places of worship for Independents, Wesleyans, and Primitive and Reformed Methodists. James Theobald, Esq., is lord of the manor. An annual cattle fair is held on the 11th November."

"TRUDOX HILL, a hamlet in the parish of Nunney, county Somerset, 4 miles S.W. of Frome. There is a ruined chapel."

[Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)
Transcribed by Colin Hinson ©2003]