


5 Nov - 26 Nov 1867


November 1867 East Suffolk Gazette

No marriage or death announcements. Instead: -

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 5 November 1867 Page 5, column 1


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

YARMOUTH Extract From Cassell's Magazine.---I don't mean to be too typographical, but I must say a word about the "Rows" for which alone Herringhaven deserves a visit. The rows are not wooden arcades like those of Chester, but straight and extremely narrow alleys, running between the principal street and the river, like the rungs of a ladder, to the number of one hundred and fifty-six. Now-a-days, only the humbler class of people live there, but having penetrated into a good many of them, I am bound to say that in no instance have I seen the squalor and misery of a low neighbourhood in London. There are vice and poverty in Herringhaven, as elsewhere, but you see none of those sights which sadden the heart of the reflective Londoner. I think the filthy coal-smoke has something to do with the degradation of our metropolitan poor. Country folks, who come and settle in Babylon, grow in time weary of contending with the blacks, and suffer their children to grow up grimy and ragged, while the children playing about the doors in the rows of Herringhaven are clean, healthy, decently dressed, and civil -spoken. Some of these rows are paved with flagstones, or the yellow bricks, and in such cases are tenanted by the smaller class of shopkeepers; but the majority of them are furnished with the ordinary egg-shaped flint pebbles of the country, picturesque to the eye, but torturing to tender feet in canvas shoes. In these rows the houses stand back from the narrow footway, being separated from it by a low wall with a gate in it. If you peep in at the gate, you will see a scrupulously-scrubbed paved yard with a pump in it - pumps abound in Herringhaven - some fuchsias in pots, for the natives are great flower fanciers, or a scarlet-runner climbing up the wall. Whitewash is laid liberally on every accessible place; the causeway is plentifully supplied with gutters, made of semicircular yellow tiles; and in no instance have I encountered those vile odours which offend you on the Continent. It would be false to say that I never smelt fish; one gets whiffs of fish in all parts of Herringhaven, and there is a vast deal of shrimp-boiling and curing done in these rows; but of those filthy stenches which Coleridge numbered seventy-two in the city of Cologne, I detected not one. I must observe, in conclusion, that these rows are traversed by narrow carts, made expressly for that purpose.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 12 November 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 30th October, at Frant, Sussex, by the Rev Sir Henry THOMPSON, Bart., assisted by the Rev T.W. CRANE, John Humphrey BLAND, Esq., eldest son of the Rev R.W BLAND, of Abbeville, White Abbey, in the county of Antrim, to Emily Charlotte, daughter of the late Rev Wyndham C. MADDEN, rector of Bergh Apton, Norfolk.

On the 31st October, at Diss Church, by the Rev C.R. MANNING, rector, assisted by the Rev Mr WARREN, curate, Peter H. NEWSON, maltster, of Bury St Edmund's, youngest son of Mr George NEWSON, of Banham, Norfolk, to Emily, eldest daughter of Mr John ESLING, of Diss.

On the 31st October, at the parish church, Swanage, Dorset, by the Rev Duncan TRAVERS, Ettrick William, Navigating Lieutenant R.N., son of the late William CREAK, Commander R.N., the nephew of the late General Sir Henry HAVELOCK, K.C.B., to Grace Mary, daughter of the late W.B..BRODIE, Esq., of Salisbury, and niece to the late Sir Benjamin BRODIE, Bart.

On the 4th November, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev J.J.S. BIRD, curate, Benjamin REVELL, Bombardier, Royal Horse Artillery, to Henrietta, third daughter of Mr James MOORE, of Beccles, baker.

On the 5th November, at Geldeston Church, Norfolk, by the Rev A.O. HARTLEY, M.A., (brother-in-law of the bride), the Rev W. George SHARPIN, B.A., curate of Broome, Norfolk, to Mary Ann, second daughter of Robert DASHWOOD, Esq., of Dunburgh Hill, Geldeston.





On the 28th October, aged 90, Mr William LYON, of Melton, formerly a farmer of Bulcamp.

On the 1st November, at Ellingham Hall, Norfolk, Alfred Townsend SMITH, second son of Henry SMITH, Esq., aged five months.

On the 4th November, at the Union House, Shipmeadow, aged 51, Mr Robert SCOTT, currier, late of Bury St Edmund's.

On the 4th November, at Lowestoft, aged seven months, Jane, the beloved child of Mr Robert BURGESS, Factory Lane.

On the 5th November, in London, of typhoid fever, William, the dearly beloved son of Frederick and Elizabeth Harriet CHENERY, of St Mary's-street, Bungay, in the 22nd year of his age, deeply regretted by all who knew him.

On the 5th November, at Hillington Hall, Norfolk, Hugh, eldest son of Hay GURNEY, Esq., of Thorpe, near Norwich, aged 19 years.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 19 November 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 6th November, at Broome, Mr John R. PALMER, farmer, Broome, to Elizabeth, third daughter of the late Mr John DOE, of Kirby Cane, Norfolk.

On the 12th November, at St Mary's Church, Bungay, William WALPOLE, eldest son of Mr William PEPPER, of Covehithe, to Emma Hammond, only daughter of Mr Wm CLEMENTS, Angel Hotel, Bungay.

On the 12th November, at Barningham, Norfolk, by the Rev T. WILSON, Harry Berners UPCHER, fourth son of H.R. UPCHER, Esq., of Sherringham Hall, Norfolk, to Frederica Lucy, third daughter of John Thomas MOTT, Esq., of Barningham Hall, Norfolk.

On the 17th November, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, rector, Joseph PITCHERS, labourer, to Eliza FREEMAN, both of Beccles.





On the 3rd November, at Spexhall, in the 74th year of his age, Mr Francis GIRLING.

On the 4th November, at Barton Hall, Norfolk, Anne, daughter of the late Sir Thomas PRESTON, Bart., of Beeston Hall, in the same county.

On the 5th November, Sarah, wife of the Rev Frederick G. GOODWYN, rector of Thurlton, Norfolk, younger daughter of the late J. COMBERBACK, Esq., of Eccles Hall, Staffordshire.

On the 10th November, at Benacre Hall, Lady Caroline, wife of Lord William Godolphin OSBORN, aged 71 years.

On the 11th November, at Beccles, aged 38 years, Hannah WORMAN, many years a faithful servant in the family of John CRISP, Esq.

On the 15th November, at Beccles, Mr Charles WELLS, shoemaker, aged 56 years.

In addition to the above: -

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 19 November 1867 Page 5, column 1


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

YARMOUTH Death Of A Naval Veteran.---On the 10th November, the grave received, at the good old age of eighty-two years, the remains of James SHARMAN, who was a seaman on board the Victory at Trafalgar when NELSON received his death wound. For very many years SHARMAN had been one of the "lions" of Yarmouth, and but few visitors to the splendid monument erected on the South Denes to the memory of NELSON - of which SHARMAN was the keeper - would omit having a gossip with the veteran. He was a native of Yarmouth, and entered the navy in 1799, having been "pressed" when a waiting-lad at the Wrestler's Inn, on board H.M.S. Weazel [sic], Capt DURBEN. Having served four years, he was wrecked off Cabaratta Point, near Gibraltar. He then joined the Victory, under Capt. Thomas HARDY, and at Trafalgar he assisted in the sad office of carrying the dying NELSON from the lower deck to the cock pit. From Nall's Guide to Yarmouth we learn that - "He returned home in the Victory, and that he was successively drafted to the Ocean, the Milford, and the Prince Frederick, from which he was discharged for illness. He was subsequently admitted to Greenwich Hospital, the confinement of which, however, not suiting him, he was, upon the warm recommendation of his old commander, Capt. HARDY, appointed to the office of keeper of NELSON's monument at Yarmouth, which he held for upwards of fifty years. Referring to 'David Copperfield,' its readers will not fail to remember the graphic description of a tempest and shipwreck on our coast, and of the deed of daring performed by Ham Peggoty, in dashing into the surf to save a struggling mariner; the incidents are no creations of the novelist's brain; they occurred at Yarmouth many years ago, and the prototype of the brave Ham was James SHARMAN. The facts as detailed in the local papers of the day, are briefly these: - On the 25th November, 1829, the Hammond brig, from Newcastle to London, during a tremendous tempest, both of wind and wave, parted from her only chain, and came on shore south of the Monument near to the harbour; but owing to there being loose sand between the vessel and the beach, she was unable to come nearer than three or four hundred yard. All attempts to reach the vessel from the shore having failed, and the day fast closing in, the sight, it may readily be believed was distressing enough; but the lingering light of heaven displayed one more appalling - amid the rage and war of elements, the wreck parted, a mast falling on either side, burying, as was supposed, the whole of the crew in the surging tide. About seven o'clock in the evening, however, SMITH, a preventive man, brought in a report to the Fort public-house, that he heard groans upon the wreck. Upon this, SHARMAN, the keeper of the monument, went down to the shore with the man, and attaching a rope to his waist, which he gave to SMITH to hold, he ventured through the surf to where the wreck had drifted. The surf carried him three times off his legs, and the fourth time threw him with his back on the wreck; the sea all this time running mountains high, and the night as dark as pitch. After some search he discovered a man clinging to the breast-hook, who informed him that three other men had but a few minutes before been washed off by the sea. SHARMAN took the rope off his own body, tied it round that of the man, took him up in his arms, and plunging with him into the swelling surf, at the same time calling to SMITH to haul ashore, the man was thus rescued from sharing the fate of his six companions; while SHARMAN, in the heroic endeavour to save the life of a fellow-creature, left himself at the mercy of the waves, and the chance of getting to shore."---The hardy old veteran kept the possession of his faculties to the last, and until within a few days of his death was always ready to greet those who came to while away an hour listening to the yarns the old seaman was only too delighted to recount. About a fortnight ago, however, his usual health failed him, and he gradually became weaker, until Wednesday, the 6th November, when he breathed his last.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 26 November 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 15th November, at the parish church, Horsford, by the Rev J.D. BALLANCE, Mr Henry RICHES, of Bungay, to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr Frederick A. WILLIAMSON, of Horsford.

On the 20th November, at Hedenham, by the Rev Francis HOPKINSON, L.L.D., uncle of the bride, the Rev Robert M. MARSHALL, M.A., Rector of the parish, youngest surviving son of the late W.S. MARSHALL, Esq., of 4, Hyde Park Square, and Plashwood Hall, Suffolk, to Edith. eldest daughter of Sir Samuel W. BAKER, of Hedenham Hall.





On the 18th November, at Ditchingham, deeply regretted by his family and friends, Mr William STAMFORD, farmer.

On the 18th November, at Southwold, in the fourth year of her age, Margaret Elizabeth, youngest child of J. Eustace and Julia C. GRUBBE.

On the 19th November, at Leiston, aged 44 years, Mr James FORSDIKE. Deceased was for many years foreman of the drill department at Leiston Works.

On the 19th November, at Beccles, the infant son of Mr William POLL, aged 6 weeks.

On the 20th November, at Hastings, in the 20th year of his age, deeply regretted, Arthur Henry Selby, eldest son of the late Rev W.H. BEAUCHAMP, rector of Langley and Chedgrave, Norfolk.

On the 20th November, after a few days' illness, the infant son of Mr YOUNGMAN, of Ellingham Mills, near Bungay.

On the 20th November, at Beccles of consumption, Mr John STAMFORD, engine fitter, aged 52 years.

On the 21st November, at Beccles, aged 35 years, Emma Mary Ann, wife of Mr Henry HOPSON, of Beccles, bricklayer.

On 21st November, at Beccles, Ann, wife of Mr William DELF, of Beccles, gardener, aged 48.

On the 24th November, at the Union House, Shipmeadow, Philip GIRLING, at the advanced age of 93.