2 Nov - 30 Nov 1869
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 2 November 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BANYARD --- RYE. On the 29th October, at Weston Church, by the Rev H. MAYERS, Alfred Edwards BANYARD, of Church Farm, to Anna Maria Kezia, only daughter of Mr John RYE, Wetherden.
CLAPHAM --- ELLIS. On Thursday last [28 October], at St Mark's Church, Lakenham, by the Rev N.T. GARRY, assisted by the Rev J. LEACH, Mr Thomas CLAPHAM, one of the choir, to Miss Elizabeth ELLIS.
COOPER --- LE GOOD. On Tuesday last [26 October], at the parish church, North Walsham, Charles Barber, second son of Mr George COOPER, coach proprietor, to Georgiana LE GOOD, both of North Walsham.
MASTER --- CREASY. On the 15th September, at Colombo, Robert Pulvertoft, second son of Alfred MASTER, Esq., of Norwich, to Amy, second daughter of the Hon. Sir Edward CREASY, Lord Chief Justice of Ceylon.
HAMMOND --- On the 23rd October, at Great Yarmouth, in her 36th year, Kerenhappuch, the beloved wife of Mr Hinchman HAMMOND, builder, greatly respected.
MOORE --- At Beccles, on the 27th October, aged four weeks, Muriel May, daughter of William MOORE.
MILLS --- On the 28th October, at Beccles, aged 65 years, Mr Edward MILLS, for many years bailiff to the Beccles and Bungay County Court, also town-crier of this borough.
NETHERTON --- On the 29th October, at Beccles. Rachel, wife of Mr Henry NETHERTON, builder, of Deptford, aged 35 years.
OXLEY --- On the 5th November, at St Catherine's, Henry Edward OXLEY, Esq., of Fonthill, Canada, eldest son of Edward OXLEY, Esq., formerly of Norwich.
READ --- On the 20th October, at Loddon, aged 69, Mrs Sarah READ, much respected.
RICHES --- On the 25th October, at Beccles, Mary, daughter of Isaac RICHES, labourer, aged 6 weeks.
SCOWEN --- On the 21st October, aged 83, Mr John SCOWEN, forty years coachman to the Ipswich and other mails.
THOMPSON --- On the 26th October, at Beccles, Louisa, infant daughter of Mr John THOMPSON.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 9 November 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
CLARK --- GREENGRASS. On the 7th November, at Beccles Church, by the Rev W.W. TYLER, curate, James CLARK, railway plate layer, to Mary Ann GREENGRASS, both of Beccles.
DORLING --- FULCHER. On the 4th November, at the Congregational Chapel, Needham-Market, by licence, by the Rev James JENKINS, Mr Frederick Westrope DORLING, of West Row, near Soham, Cambs., to Jane, daughter of Mrs FULCHER, Stonham, Suffolk.
EVERETT --- FOOTMAN. On the 4th November, at St Matthew's Church, Ipswich, by the Rev C.H. GAYE, Albert, eldest surviving son of Thos. [sic] EVERETT, of Norwich, to Harriet, daughter of the late John FOOTMAN, Esq., of Ipswich.
FLOWER --- TACON. On the 3rd November, at the Independent Chapel, Wrentham, by the Rev J. FLOWER, assisted by the Rev F.S BASDEN, William FLOWER, chemist, Beccles, to Jane SPELMAN, second daughter of W. H. TACON, Esq., White House, Wrentham. [If this of interest to anyone, a description of the wedding is also available from the paper].
JAMES --- BURGES. On the 2nd November, at St George's, Hanover Square, the Rev John B. JAMES, rector of Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire, to Eliza, daughter of Hume BURGES, Esq., and niece of the late Rev George BURGES, vicar of Halvergate, and Moulton, Norfolk.
KIDMAN --- MABSON. On the 2nd November, at St Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth, by the Rev Canon NEVILL. Mr Robert Rising KIDMAN, of South Walsham, eldest son of Mr Robert KIDMAN, of Repps, to Mary Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr W. MABSON, of Great Yarmouth.
MOORE --- SEATON. On the 29th October, at St Andrew's Church, Romford, by the Rev J.W. SKELTON, Edward Thomas MOORE, of the Great Eastern Railway, Bighgate Station, to Margaret Black SEATON, of Romford.
MOTUM --- BOND. On the 2nd November, at St Paul's, New Cross, Jesse William MOTUM, third son of Mr W.F. MOTUM, of Wickham Market, to Emma, daughter of Mr Samuel BOND, of Woodbridge.
WETHERELL --- NEWSON. On the 3rd November, at Hasketon Church, by the Rev T. MAUDE, Mr J. de C. WETHERELL, of Highgate, London, to Amelia Hannah, only daughter of Wm. [sic] NEWSON, farmer, Hasketon, Suffolk.
BRANCH --- On the 1st November, in his 70th year, after a long affliction, Mr Robert BRANCH, farmer, and collector of taxes at Bunwell, in this county.
BREWSTER --- On the 29th October, much respected, Mr Robert BREWSTER, Town Surveyor, Lowestoft.
BROOKE --- On the 3rd November, at his residence, in Crown Street, Bury St Edmund's, in the 91st year of his age, Thomas BROOKE, Esq., formerly of Melton, Suffolk.
BLOCK --- On the 2nd November, Arthur George, eldest son of Mr George BLOCK, carpenter, aged 11 years.
CARLOS --- On the 1st November, at The Grove, Frostenham, Suffolk, Lydia Louisa, relict of the late Rev James CARLOS, aged 86.
CARR --- On the 4th November, William, infant son of Mr James CARR, bootmaker.
CALVER --- On the 2nd November, at Beccles, Elizabeth, wife of Mr James CALVER.
FRANCIS --- On the 2nd November, at All Saints, Norwich, the Rev Robert John FRANCIS, rector of Rollesby, Norfolk, aged 95 years, for 40 years chaplain to Beccles gaol.
JENKS --- On the 1st November, at Little Gaddesden Rectory, aged 84, the Rev David JENKS, for above 40 years rector of the parish.
KEITH --- On the 29th October, at Great Yarmouth, aged 75, Thomas Moore KEITH, Esq., of Bracondale, near Norwich.
MITCHELL --- On the 2nd November, at Wymondham, aged 88, John MITCHELL, Esq.
PLUMTRE --- On the 30th October, Elizabeth, widow of Robert PLUMTRE, Esq., of The Precincts, Norwich, in her 90th year.
RUFFELL --- ON the 29th October, in London, in his 63rd year, Mr Ambrose RUFFELL, formerly of Kersey, Suffolk.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 9 November 1869 Page 5, columns 3 & 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS Dreadful Occurrence At A level Crossing. ---On Friday, an inquest was held at the Six Bells, Stoke-by-Clare, before J.W. ION, Esq., deputy coroner, on the body of Sarah ROGERS, aged 63 years, who met with her death under very shocking circumstances. It appeared that on Wednesday night deceased, who is the wife of a carpenter, went to see her daughter, the wife of a labourer named SPEARMAN, and about six o'clock left the house of the latter in order to purchase a piece of pork for her husband's supper at the shop of Mrs MEARS. In order to reach the shop, she would have to pass over a level crossing near the Stoke station of the Great Eastern Railway. The poor woman put her shawl over her head when she left her daughter's house, which may account for her not hearing the down train as it left Stoke station, and as there was no light at the crossing the danger was thereby increased. At all events, she was knocked down by the engine of the advancing train, the driver of which felt the slight rise of the trailing wheel, and afterwards found that he was dragging something which caused the ballast to rustle. On arresting the progress of the engine he saw the clothes of a woman between the trailing wheel and the sand-pipe, and when it was brought to a stand, and he had obtained the assistance of the Stoke station-master and others, they found the trunk of deceased's body, without head or legs, which were afterwards picked up near the crossing. Mrs SPEARMAN stated that on a dark night she had been thrown down at this crossing by her foot catching the wire running parallel with the rails, and the Jury appended to their verdict of "Accidentally Killed" a statement to the effect that the crossing is dangerous to passengers by reason of there being no light, and that the Railway Company should provide a light on dark nights until after the last train has passed.
A Ship Church For Ipswich.----The dedication of H.M.S. Helena, converted into a Bethel, for the service of God as a ship church, took place on Wednesday morning, under most gratifying circumstances. The day was fine, and the bells of St Clement's rang out cheerily as between 500 and 600 persons congregated in the ship church, which has been fitted up with due regard to the appearance and comfort of the ship as a place of worship. Through the influence of the Rev R.H. WHITEWAY, rector of St Clement's and St Helen's, the Bethel was obtained from the Government, and has been converted by Mr CURTIS, of the Ship Launch Inn, into a ship church, containing a residence for the Rev G. DANIEL, in accordance with admirable plans contributed by Mr H.M. EYTON, architect and surveyor. The cost of the conversion of the war sloop into a ship church - nearly 1,000 Pounds - has until now been defrayed by the Rev Mr WHITEWAY, who will, no doubt, meet with ready support from the public. The opening service on Wednesday was conducted by the Rev R.H. WHITEWAY, aided by the Ven. Archdeacon GROOME, who preached the sermon. The large congregation represented all classes, the Mayor (E. PACKARD, Esq.), the Mayoress, a large number of the clergy and gentry of the town, and many of the residents of the parish of St Clement's especially, being present. Two flags have been presented to the Rev R.H. WHITEWAY by the captains and seamen of the port as an expression of their gratitude to him for his exertions on their behalf in obtaining the Helena as a church ship. The captains and seamen also thanked the Rev G. DANIEL, in the address accompanying the presentation, for the great interest he had taken in promoting their comfort and welfare.
Joshua CHARD A Suffolk Folk Hero.---In Joshua CHARD, a tall, bronzed, handsome specimen of seafaring man, Suffolk can boast the possession of a skilful and courageous, and withal humane and gentle, seaman who has been instrumental in rescuing more lives and more property from destruction on our dangerous coast than it has ever been the privilege of any other man to do, and with no small solicitude for its success, we desire to support an appeal which is now being made to the public for funds with which to provide him with a boat which will enable him to continue the career of usefulness which has rendered his name famous. Originally a carpenter, he became through his fondness for the sea a clever boatman, and has acted, in the absence of Trinity pilots, as a pilot on our coast. Courting peril everywhere that he had an opportunity of aiding ships in distress, he has within twenty years aided in saving 109 lives, of which 80 were saved in his own boat, and now that he has lost his last boat it is proposed to raise sufficient money to enable him to build himself a new boat adapted to his precarious trade. Never did a generous-hearted, brave seafaring man deserve more unstinted help, and, as the appeal in his favour is submitted by influential gentlemen, we are happy in believing that it will be successful. Many subscriptions are acknowledged by Mr W.B. BYNG, the secretary, who, we hope, will soon be able to cry, "Hold, enough." -- 'Suffolk Mercury'
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 16 November 1869 Page 8, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
KING --- GERREL. On the 7th November, at St Peter's Chapel of Ease, Lowestoft, by the Rev J.C. WALKER, Samuel Wm. [sic] Barber KING, to Elizabeth GERREL, both of Lowestoft.
LUBBOCK --- GURNEY. On Thursday last [11 November], at Earlham Church, by the Rev W. N. RIPLEY, stepfather of the bride, Frederic, son of the late Sir John William LUBBOCK, Bart., of High Elms, Kent, to Catherine, only daughter of the late John GURNEY, Esq., of Earlham Hall, Norfolk.
MOORE --- ELLIOTT [sic]. On Thursday last [11 November], at St Mary's Church, Trimley, by the Rev T. PALMER, Rector of St Martin's, David, eldest son of Mr James MOORE, of Walton Ferry, to Rachel, youngest daughter of Mr Chenery ELLIOT [sic], of the Three Mariners' Inn, Trimley, Suffolk.
PITCHERS --- ALDEN. On the 14th November, at Beccles Church, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTONE [sic], Rector, Robert PITCHERS to Mary Ann ALDEN, both of Beccles.
WELCHMAN --- CHATER. On Wednesday last [10 November], at St John's Church, Lowestoft, by the Rev M.H. BEAUMONT, assisted by the Rev M. JACKSON, Frederick Robert WELCHMAN, Esq., of Southam, Rugby, only son of Robert Frederick WELCHMAN, Esq., of Stockton House, Rugby, to Mary Eleanor, only daughter of W. CHATER, Esq., Lowestoft.
GARDENER [sic] --- On the 6th November, at Beccles, Eliza Maria infant daughter of George GARDINER [sic], labourer.
PEARSON --- On the 9th November, at Tibenham, aged 52, Mr John PEARSON. He was for 36 years a useful local preacher amongst the Primitive Methodists, and was greatly beloved by a large circle of friends.
RUDDOCK --- On the 9th November, at Debenham, Suffolk, at an advanced age, Mrs RUDDOCK, widow of the late Mr Eli RUDDOCK, land surveyor and schoolmaster, formerly of that place.
STEARNE --- On Wednesday last [10 November], at Victoria road, Diss, Annie Elizabeth, third and beloved daughter of Henry and Elizabeth STEARNE, deeply regretted.
WELLS --- On the 31st of August, at Auckland, New Zealand, after a few hours' illness, deeply lamented by his family, Mr James WELLS, for many years a resident of Saxmundham, Suffolk.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 16 November 1869 Page 8, column 2
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
HALESWORTH Petty Sessions, Wednesday, Nov.10---Before J.W. BROOKE, Esq. (chairman), A. PURVIS, and T. LOMAX, Esqrs. Game Trespass. Arthur KEMP, of Wissett, plate-layer, was charged with having, on the 23rd October, at Wissett, trespassed in the daytime on land in the occupation of William NEWSON, in search of game. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 1 Pound, and 10 Shillings costs, which he paid. Transfer Of Licenses. The license to the Tuns Inn, at Halesworth, was transferred from Isaac MILLS to James CHANDLER; the Race Horse, Westall, from William CLEVELAND to Shropfield Augustus MILLER; the Hare and Hounds, Spexhall, from Robert WRIGHT to James HARVEY; the Swan, Wissett, from James HAVEY [sic] to George HURREN; the White Horse, Sibton, from John THURLOW to William PINKNEY; the Bell, Walpole, from William PINKNEY to John THURLOW; and that to the Angel, Peasenhall, from Mary GIBBS to Louis BARBER; and a new license was granted to Benjamin NAPTHINE, to the Fox at Darsham.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 23 November 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
VINCE --- LISTER. On the 9th November, at St Bartholomew's, Heigham, by the Rev Joseph KAHN, Robert John, eldest son of Mr Robert VINCE, of Norwich, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Samuel LISTER, late of Great Ellingham, Norfolk.
BORRETT --- LING. On the 18th November, at Benacre Church, by the Rev W. GOOCH, rector, and the Rev T. CURTIS, Wm. [sic] Hambling BORRETT, of Tunstall, to Maria, elder daughter of Frederic LING, Benacre.
BIDWELL --- On the 15th November, at the house of her daughter, Mrs MINNS, of Ditchingham, Harriet BIDWELL, relict of the late Mr James BIDWELL, Denton, Norfolk, aged 89 years.
CATTERMOLE --- On the 12th November, Clarinda Catherine, the beloved daughter of Mr CATTERMOLE, Bungay.
CLARK --- On the 14th November, at Beccles, Charlotte Neoma, daughter of Charles CLARK, labourer, aged 14 months.
FAIRWEATHER --- On the 17th November, at Beccles, Matilda FAIRWEATHER, aged 27 years.
PENRICE --- On Tuesday last [16 November], at Great Yarmouth, in her 83rd year, Anne, relict of the late George PENRICE, Esq., M.D., Cantab.
BARDWELL --- On the 13th November, Everett BARDWELL, of the Lower Close, Norwich, solicitor.
FEAKES --- On the 14th November, aged two years, Samuel, son of William FEAKES, carpenter, Cockfield.
GREEN --- On the 14th November, at Barning Heath Asylum, much respected and deeply lamented, Mr Thomas GREEN, aged 49 years, many years Superintendent of Police, Sittingbourne, Kent, and formerly of Lowestoft, in this county, leaving a widow and nine children to mourn their irreparable loss.
MANNALL --- On the 17th November, at Aldeburgh, Sarah, the beloved wife of John MANNALL, in her 72nd year, after a few days' illness.
PAGE --- On the 16th November, at Woolpit, in this county, of scarlet fever, Susanna E., widow of the Rev Luke Flood PAGE, rector of Woolpit, in her 67th year.
WHITE --- On the 12th November, of consumption, in her 19th year, Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr Henry WHITE, Halesworth.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 30 November 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
ALDOUS --- COX. On the 22nd November, at the parish church, Alburgh, by the Rev - COMBE, John, fifth son of Mr William ALDOUS, earthenware manufacturer, Beccles, to Susannah, third daughter of Mr Stephen COX, miller, Alburgh, near Harleston, Norfolk.
BREWINGTON --- CRACKNELL. On the 20th November, at Feltwell, in this county, by the Rev T.H.C. DAY, Mr William BREWINGTON to Mrs E. CRACKNELL, both of that place.
POINTEN --- MUSSETT. On the 21st November, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Walsingham, Norfolk, by the Rev Thomas BURROWS, Mr John POINTEN, to Miss Maria MUSSETT, both of Binham.
RANDS --- WEBSTER. On the 17th November, at Museum-street Meeting-house, Ipswich, Mr Ebenezer RANDS, merchant of Great Yarmouth, to Eleanor, youngest daughter of R.B. WEBSTER, of Ipswich.
BRISTER --- On the 18th November, at Loddon, aged 81, Edward BRISTER, much respected.
CAMPKIN --- On the 22nd November, at Thetford, in his 74th year, Mr Stephen CAMPKIN, late of Melbourne, Cambridgeshire.
CLARE --- On the 20th November, at Great Yarmouth, aged 78 , Charlotte, widow of Captain Michael CLARE, greatly respected.
FREESTON --- On the 20th November, at Heckingham, Norfolk, Elizabeth, widow of John FREESTON, Esq., aged 77.
HINSBY --- On the 29th November,at Bungay, in his 70th year, Mr Wm [sic] HINSBY, for many years a cooper in that town.
LADBROOKE ---On the 18th November, at Norwich, Henry LADBROOKE, landscape painter, of King's Lynn.
MANNALL --- On the 17th November, at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Sarah, wife of Mr John MANNALL, in her 72nd year.
MILLS --- On the 22nd November, at Beccles, Mr Robert MILLS, shoemaker, aged 77 years.
NOCKOLDS --- On the 25th November, in her 78th year, Esther, relict of the late Mr Henry NOCKOLDS, Norwich.
PAGE --- On the 16th November, at Woolpit, Suffolk, in her 67th year, Susannah E., widow of the Rev L.F. PAGE, Rector of Woolpit.
POWELL --- On the 19th November, after a long affliction, Mr Wm. [sic] POWELL, baker, 43, Commercial-road, Lowestoft, aged 43.
STODDART --- On the 11th of October, while endeavouring to land from the wreck of the Royal Standard, off Cape St Thomas, Brazil, Mary STODDART, niece of the Rev R.W. STODDART, M.A., of Hundon, Suffolk.
STAFF --- On the 21st November, at Thetford, Jessie Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr John STAFF, of Norwich, aged 49 years.
SMYTH --- On the 18th November, at Darsham, Mr George SMYTH, in the 91st year of his age.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 30 November 1869 Page 8, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
LOWESTOFT. Loss Of Seven Hands From A Fishing-lugger.---The fearful gale of Sunday night and Monday morning brought an occurrence which carried lamentation, mourning, and woe into several families in this town and neighbourhood. On Monday, the 22nd November, about 8 a.m., the fishing-lugger Tyro, the property of our much-esteemed fellow-townsman, Mr James STERRY, was crossing Smith's Knowle, when a heavy sea struck her, throwing her upon her beam ends. Providentially the foresail burst from the weight of water, and the lugger, being one of the old-fashioned deep sea craft, righted; but what a breach had that uplifted wave caused, when out of eleven hands that had just been engaged in ship's duties - the major part of them in setting the three-reefed foresail, and then setting the jib - it at one fell swoop hurried seven hands to a watery grave, an eighth having been washed overboard, but catching hold of a rope was enabled to get on board again. The painful sense of desolateness, from the terrible reduction in the number of the crew, that oppressed the survivors can better be imagined than described.......The following the names of the poor fellows who were drowned: - Matthew COOK, Lowestoft, mate, married, children grown up; Robert LONG, Lowestoft, hawseman, married, no children; James THURLOW, Lowestoft, net-ropeman, single; Henry WHITE, St Michael, all workman, single; Henry BROWN, Bungay, capstanman, single; William ALEXANDER, North Cove, capstanman, single (this young man shortly after the commencement of the voyage took another's berth who was unable to complete his term on account of sea-sickness); and William WRIGHT, Lowestoft, capstanman, single. The following were saved: - William SMITH, master; David BAKER, wallman; John SPALL, net-stower; and William PITCHERS, boy. Mr STERRY, who feels deeply this melancholy and large loss of life, says he never had in his long experience a better set of men. The boat will, we believe, be made up, as some difficulty is experienced in getting hands.