3 Nov - 24 Nov 1868
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 3 November 1868 Page 5, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 21st October, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Loddon, by the Rev G. GIBSON, Mr George W. CANNELL, Stubbs Green, to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr W. LAMB, of Loddon.
On the 27th October, at the Independent Chapel, Bungay, by the Rev C.S. CAREY, William, eldest son of Mr GOFFIN, to Lois, third daughter of Mr James EARL, all of Bungay.
On the 29th October, at St Nicholas', Great Yarmouth, by the Rev F.C CLUTTERBUCK, Christopher Mellis, second son of Mr C. SMITH, Wrentham, to Ellen Mary, youngest daughter of the late Mr W. EASTAUGH, of Brooke.
On the 27th October, at Beccles, Mr Robert BULLOCK, watchmaker, aged 80 years.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 3 November 1868 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
SHIPWRECKED FISHERMEN AND MARINERS' ROYAL BENEVOLENT SOCIETY, (Supported by Voluntary Contributions.} "Perils Of The Seas." There can be no more satisfactory evidence of the usefulness of a public charity than that which the details of its administration supply. The number of persons relieved from its exchequer, with a statement of the circumstances that necessitated such relief, are naturally the most prominent items in each annual report of its management....... We all know there is a vast amount of distress in the world, but there are special cases in which that distress is severely aggravated, and hence the advantages resulting from what may be termed a "speciality" in some of our institutions. We are wont to classify such under distinctive titles, so that the avowed object for which they were established may be better known, and relief be more immediately afforded. For an illustration of this special class of charitable institutions there is none that effects a greater amount of personal relief under the most trying and painful circumstances than does the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, and as such it maintains an undisputed title to the support and sympathy of the whole nation. Facts are the best exponents of a report, because they realise all the conditions on which the usefulness of a public charity depends, and these facts show that during the past year 7,520 shipwrecked men, and 3,969 widows and orphans, making together 11, 489 persons, were relieved from the funds of this institution in the hour of their greatest extremity. The number is indeed appalling, but nevertheless it proves the elasticity of public benevolence, and while we cannot do otherwise than deplore the occurrence of so many casualties in a single year at sea we must congratulate ourselves on the existence of such a society as this, and its capacity to grapple with and alleviate the miseries and misfortunes of so many of our fellow creatures.....As the funds of the institution are getting low through this extraordinary drain, and the storms of winter are gradually approaching, we do hope that old friends will still uphold the cause......We may add that contributions in aid of the Funds will be thankful received by Mr Robert JARMAN, Old Market, Beccles, the honorary representative of this Society at Beccles.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 November 1868 Page 5, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 2nd November, at Beccles, aged 17 years, Albert GEORGE, second son of Mrs GEORGE, widow.
On the 3rd November, at Beccles, Elizabeth, wife of James HOGGETT, hawker, aged 77 years.
On the 4th November, at the Grove, Beccles, Georgianna, youngest surviving daughter of Mr John King GARROD, aged 19 years.
On the 8th November, at Beccles, aged 67 years, Miss Mary Ann TAYLOR, daughter of the late Mr Jeremiah TAYLOR, of Beccles, butcher.
On the 8th November, at Sunbury Terrace, Islington, of heart disease, aged 34 years, Alfred BOTWRIGHT (manager at Messrs. BOOSEY & Son's, London), third son of Mr Thomas BOTWRIGHT, of Bungay.
On the 9th November, at Beccles, Mr William BARDWELL, farmer, late of Sotherton.
On the 9th November, at Beccles, aged 83 years, Mr Jonathan CORBYN, late of Halesworth.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 November 1868 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BUNGAY Petty Sessions. Thursday, November 5.---Before Richard MANN and Richard Day FRENCH, Esqrs. Larcenies.---Frederick GREY, labourer, charged with stealing, at Bungay, on the 2nd November, a calico shirt, the property of William FRANCIS, of Bungay, labourer, pleaded guilty, and as he had been previously convicted was sentenced to weeks [sic] hard labour. Charles CHENERY and Edward CALVER, labourers, Wortwell, were charged with stealing, at Southelmham St Cross, on the 4th November, a cockerel and a pullet, the property of Mr William MEEN, farmer. Mr William MEEN said : I had twelve fowls of a particular breed on my premises yesterday. At About 12 o'clock at noon, I saw the prisoners standing in a shed in my stack-yard, and as it was raining fast at the time, I thought they had gone in to take shelter, as they do not work for me. The fowls are accustomed to go into this shed. After I had been to my barn, I returned to the shed and found that the prisoners had left. I saw a number of chickens' feathers upon the ground outside the shed, and suspecting that the prisoners had robbed me, I went in pursuit, and found them in the Fox public house, selling herrings. I asked CHENERY if he had not got some fowls belonging to me, he said "No." I then asked him to show me what he had got in his pocket, but he refused, as he said he had nothing of mine. He afterwards said if I would go into the road with him he would show me. This I declined to do, and sent for Mr NEWSON, the parish constable. When he came, CHENERY took a cockerel and pullet out of his pocket and threw them down. Mr NEWSON took them up, and I identified them as mine. The prisoner CALVER said that he (CHENERY) bought them of his uncle. Robert NEWSON, of Southelmham St Cross, parish constable, said : I was sent for to go to the Fox public house yesterday. I went, and on going into the house saw the last witness and the prisoners. I said to CHENERY "Have you got anything belonging to Mr MEEN?" he said "No" I then said "Young man, take my advice, if you have anything belonging to Mr MEEN bring it forward." He stood a few minutes, and then said "I have got something of Mr MEEN's." He then unbuttoned his coat, and took two fowls out of his pocket, which Mr MEEN said were his. I took the prisoners into custody, and when policeman BARNARD came, I delivered them and the fowls into his charge. Policeman Robert BARNARD said : I received into custody, from the last witness, yesterday, the two prisoners and two fowls, which I now produce. When I charged CHENERY with having stolen them from Mr MEEN's he said "I know that." The other prisoner said "I did not steal them, and I weren't there when they were got. I had been on an errand to Flixton, and as I was returning past Mr MEEN's I saw CHENERY in the shed, he called me to him, and I went to him." The prisoners, after being duly cautioned, elected to have the case settled by the magistrates, when CHENERY pleaded guilty, and CALVER not guilty. The Bench convicted CHENERY, and sentenced him to 21 days hard labour, but acquitted CALVER, with a caution.
And also: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 November 1868 Page 4, column 6 & Page 5, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
LOWESTOFT Court House. Wednesday November 4.--- Before Edward LEATHES (chairman), R.C. FOWLER, James PETO, and William JECKS, Esqs. ......Charge of Bigamy - the Queen v. GOWING Mr Henry GOWING of No.13, Wellington Esplanade, Kirtley, lodging-house keeper, was charged with having, on the 17th September 1839, at the parish of St Peter Mancroft, Norwich, married one Martha HAWKES, spinster, and afterwards and while she was living, married one Jane WALPOLE, at the parish Church of South Lynn All Saints, on the 29th August, 1843. Mr STANLEY appeared for the prosecution, and Mr SPARROW for the defendant. Mr STANLEY addressed the Bench, and said it was not his intention to go then into the facts of the case, but simply to call witnesses as to the marriages and put in the certificates. They had simply to enquire whether bigamy had actually been committed, and if so, there would be no alternative but to send the case for trial. Inspector JEFFERIES deposed to receiving and executing a warrant upon the defendant, at his residence above named, on Wednesday last. James GILL, of St Lawrence, Norwich, shopkeeper, said he knew defendant previous to his marriage with Martha HAWKES. He was present at the wedding, which took place in the parish church of St Peter's Mancroft, in the month of September, 1839. Mr STANLEY was about handing in the marriage certificate, when Mr SPARROW objected, as it was not dated, nor had the stamp been cancelled as required by the Act of Parliament. Mr STANLEY admitted that the objection was fatal. He had endeavoured to obtain another from the incumbent but had been disappointed. The case was then adjourned until 11 a.m. of Monday the 9th November.
And again: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 November 1868 Page 5, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS ......Charge of Bigamy.---At the Worship-street police-court, London, on Thursday, the 29th October, William Robert GOODWIN, aged 38, was charged before Mr NEWTON with feloniously intermarrying with Sarah Ann HOY, his first wife, Eliza HOPKINS, being then and now alive. Mr LEWIS, solicitor, conducted the prosecution. From the evidence it appeared that in August, 1849, the prisoner was married in the name of BYGRAVE to Eliza HOPKINS, at the parish church of Aylsham, in Norfolk. Five years afterwards, his wife returned to her father's, and since then she had not cohabited with him. In the month of May, 1866, the prisoner was married at St Leonard's, Shoreditch, to Sarah Ann HOY, who was then not 19 years of age. She lived with him until August, 1867, when having received information that the prisoner had a wife living, she went back to her parents, and shortly afterwards instituted the present proceedings. Prisoner said in his defence that he left his wife 13 years ago, because she committed adultery. He was committed for trial at the Central Criminal Court.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 17 November 1868 Page 5, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 10th November, at Beccles Church, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, rector, Mr William SPALL, carpenter, to Miss Elizabeth BARBER, both of Beccles.
On the 2nd November, Charles James Hewlett CHILDE, eldest son of the Rev C.F. CHILDE, M.A., rector of Holbrook, Suffolk, aged 33.
On the 5th November, at Brighton, after a fortnight's painless illness, Thomas JEX -BLAKE, Esq., born at Swanton Abbotts, 17th December, 1790; for many years Justice of the Peace for this county.
On the 7th November, at Great Yarmouth, in her 68th year, Jane, relict of Mr John LARTER, surgeon, deeply regretted.
Suddenly, at King George's Sound, Australia, David LITTLE, Captain of the ship King Lear, of London, eldest son of the late David LITTLE, of Great Yarmouth, aged 34.
At Bungay, in her 78th year, deeply lamented, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr Peter PALMER, who was three years Mayor of Southwold, and many years one of the aldermen.
At Woolmer Lodge, Liphook, Hampshire, the Lady Margaret Sophia MACDONALD, the wife of Sir Archibald Keppel MACDONALD, Bart., and only daughter of the late, and sister of the present Earl of Leicester, by his second lady, the late Anne Keppel, daughter of the fourth and sister to the present Earl of Albemarle. Lady MACDONALD was in her 36th year.
On the 13th November, at Beccles, Mr William KING, bricklayer, in his 81st year.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 17 November 1868 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
HARLESTON County Court. Monday, November 9.---Before J. WORLLEDGE, Esq., Judge. Marrying A Widow And Her Debts.---Henry CUTHBERT, of Diss, merchant, v. James BRYANT, of Wingfield, journeyman miller. - Claim 11 Pounds 6 Shillings 8 Pence for goods supplied to Mrs BRYANT's former husband, who kept a public-house. Mr J. STANLEY, of Norwich, who appeared for the defendant, admitted the debt, and asked for an easy order, on account of the hardship of the case and defendant's limited means. - Defendant said he did not know of the debt when he married the widow. - Ordered to pay 5 Shillings a month.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 24 November 1868 Page 5, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 14th November, at St Nicholas Church, by the Rev F.C CLUTTERBUCK, Mr Thomas TURNER, to Belinda HOLT, both of Great Yarmouth.
On the 16th November, by the Rev J.W. COLVIN, Mr Samuel OAKLEY, to Alice BUNN, both of Great Yarmouth.
On the 18th November, at St George's Hanover Square, by the Rev James BEDINGFIELD, M.A., rector of Bedingfield, Suffolk, the Rev W. Farley WILKINSON, M.A., curate of St Stephen's, Shepherd's Bush, to Anne Eliza, third daughter of John Longueville BEDINGFIELD, Esq., of Ditchingham Hall, in this county.
On the 9th November, Mr Samuel FISKE, carpenter, Wrentham, in his 86th year : greatly respected by all who knew him.
On the 11th November, at the Vicarage, Little Walsingham, in the 82nd year of her age, Ann, relict of the Rev D.H. Lee WARNER, of Walsingham Abbey, in this county, and Tibberton Court, Herefordshire.
On the 12th November, at Lowestoft, Eliza, the beloved daughter of Samuel and Jane HOWETT, of Lowestoft, aged 28 years, deeply lamented.
On the 13th November, at Swainsthorpe, in his 64th year, Mr William SMITH, upwards of thirty years carpenter at the Dunston Hall Estate.
On the 13th November, Mary, relict of the late Henry SHORTING, Esq., of Eye, Suffolk, second daughter of the late Rev Richard SPURGEON, of Mulbarton.