4 May - 25 May 1869
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 4 May 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
KENT --- On the 1st May, at Norwich, the wife of Alfred KENT, Esq., solicitor, of a daughter.
COLLINS --- PLUMMER. On the 24th April, at St Nicholas' Church, Yarmouth, by the Rev J.W. COLVIN, Mr John COLLINS to Charlotte PLUMMER, both of Great Yarmouth.
MASSEY --- PEIRSON. On the 28th April, at Framlingham Church, by the Rev E.N. BLOMFIELD, assisted by the Rev G. ATWOOD, rector, Thomas MASSEY, Esq., solicitor, at St Clement's, Oxford, son of Thomas MASSEY, Esq., surgeon, to Emma Jane, eldest daughter of the late John PEIRSON, Esq., Broadwater, Framlingham.
SKINNER --- FOSTER. On the 29th April, at Great St Andrew's Church, Cambridge, by the Rev J. GRIFFETH [sic], LL.D., Principal of Brighton College, assisted by the Rev Russell SKINNER, M.A., rector of Sweffling, father of the bridegroom, Russell Walton SKINNER, M.A., Clare College, Cambridge, to Annie Victoria Sophia, only daughter of the late Henry FOSTER, Esq., of Cambridge.
SOUTHGATE --- ANNES. On the 20th April, at Weybread, by the Rev Mr DONNISON, Mr Samuel SOUTHGATE, miller and merchant of Needham Market, to Emma, eldest daughter of Mr John Kersey ANNES, farmer, of Weybread, in this county.
BEALES --- On the 28th April, at Row 42, Yarmouth, Eleanor, wife of Mr Charles BEALES, general hawker, aged 48 years.
GOLDSMITH --- On the 24th April, at 1, Bideford Terrace, Yarmouth, Mr Samuel GOLDSMITH, formerly a miller, aged 62 years.
OSBORNE --- On the 28th April, at Aldeburgh, deservedly beloved, Mrs James OSBORNE, aged 79.
PRIEST --- On the 29th April, in her 89th year, Susan, relict of Richard PRIEST, Gent, of Harleston, Norfolk.
THOMPSON --- On the 29th April, at her residence at Bury St Edmund's, Mrs Benjamin THOMPSON, daughter of the late Plowman YOUNG, Esq., M.D.
WHITEHEAD --- On the 28th April, at The Mount, Coggeshall, Elizabeth, wife of William WHITEHEAD, Esq., formerly of Chelsea, in the 69th year of her age.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 4 May 1869 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that I will not be answerable for any Debts my Wife, HARRIET FOYSTER, may contract after this date. FRED. JAMES FOYSTER. Beccles, 3rd May, 1869.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 11 May 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
ISAACSON --- RALPH. 6th February, at Melbourne, Stuteville John, third son of the late Rev S. ISAACSON, rector of Bradfield St Clare, in this county, to Laura, eldest daughter of T. Shearman RALPH, Esq., M.R.C.S., England, Kew.
NUDD --- PEARSON. On the 2nd May, at St Nicholas' church, Yarmouth, by the Rev A.P. HOLME, Mr John NUDD to Georgiana PEARSON, both of Great Yarmouth.
STEWARD --- PEACOCK. On the 4th May, by banns, at St Augustine's, South Hackney, London, by the Rev Sidney S. BROWNE, George Edward, eighth and youngest son of the late Rev John Henry STEWARD, of East Carleton, Norfolk, formerly rector of Hethel and vicar of Swardestone, in the same county, to Mary, widow [of] Edward Gryffydh [sic] PEACOCK, Esq., formerly of the Indian Navy, and of East India House.
BARBER --- On the 29th April, at Ravenham, in his 55th year, William BARBER, 28 years gardener at Ravingham Hall.
LANT --- On the 7th May, at Beccles, aged 29 years, Charlotte, widow of the late Mr George LANT, hair-dresser.
PRIEST --- On the 29th April, at her residence, Harleston, in her 88th year, Susan, relict of the late Richard PRIEST, Esq., surgeon.
REEVE --- On the 26th April, in her 62nd year, Mary Ann, wife of Edward REEVE, of Hedenham, Norfolk.
WRIGHT --- On the 7th May, Emma, widow of the late Samuel WRIGHT, labourer, aged 85 years.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 18 May 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
LONG --- HAMSLEY. On the 13th May, at St Peter's Chapel of Ease, Lowestoft, by the Rev J.C. WALKER, Robert LONG, to Mary Ann Elizabeth HAMSLEY, both of Lowestoft.
MILLS --- HALL. On the 8th May, at the United Methodist Free Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev F. GOODALL, Mr Samuel MILLS, of Kirkley, to Harriet HALL, of Lowestoft.
THIRTLE --- YOUNGMAN. On the 13th May, at St Peter's Chapel of Ease, Lowestoft, by the Rev C. HEBERT, Mr Thomas Elven THIRTLE, to Miss Mary Ann YOUNGMAN, both of Lowestoft.
BAKE --- At his residence, Pembridge Crescent, London, Henry BAKE, aged 43; deeply lamented by his bereaved family and a large circle of friends.
RALPH --- On the 11th May, at Leiston, aged 36 years, Mr Abraham RALPH.
SMITH --- On the 13th May, very suddenly, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Robert SMITH, 3, Tavern Street, Ipswich, and eldest daughter of the late E.E. ABBOTT, of Diss. Beloved and regretted by a large circle of sorrowing friends.
SWAN --- On the 9th May, aged 26 years, at Mangalore, East Indies, Dinah Marian, the beloved wife of Mr W.M. SWAN of that place, and eldest daughter of the late Mr Edward DURRANT, of Hedenham, near Bungay.
THURSTON --- Lately, at St James's, Southelmham, Lucy, wife of Mr William THURSTON, veterinary surgeon, and only sister of Mr HART, of Loddon.
WEAVERS --- On the 14th May, aged 56 years, Mr John WEAVERS, Grocer, Bungay.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 18 May 1869 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BUNGAY Petty Sessions. Thursday, May 14.---Before the Rev J.C. SAFFORD (chairman), Richard D. FRENCH, and Robert DASHWOOD, Esqrs. ......Transfer of Alehouse Licences. The licence of the Rose and Crown Inn, Bungay, was transferred from Richard NORMAN to John GURNEY. The licence for the Queen's Head Inn, Bungay, was transferred to Mr George William CHASE, one of the executors of the late Mr Robert CHASE..
And also: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 18 May 1869 Page 5, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
YARMOUTH Hospital returns.---Accidents treated during the week: - Walter MIDDLETON, 3, burns; William FOLKES, 16, scalp wound; Alfred HALL, 14, severe contused hand; James EVERETT, 58, removing steel from eye; Ann CROSS, 40, removing needle from hand; Charles JUDD, 22, injury to thumb; Benjamin BATELEY, 17, adze wound of leg; Robert BROWN, 13 months, burn; Edward LEYBORN, 40, dog bite; John HICKMAN, 37, fractured clavicle and severe contusions; William HORN, 6, severe laceration of leg. Outdoor patients: Admitted, 32; discharged, 39; remaining, 207. Indoor patients: Admitted 4; discharged, 3; remaining, 8.
And again: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 18 May 1869 Page 8, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
YARMOUTH POLICE ......Monday, May 10th.---Before R. HAMMOND, Esq., (in the chair), J. FENN, J.SCOTT, R.D. BARBER, C.E. BARTRAM, .E.R. ALDRED, P.PULLYN, F. PALMER, J. OWLES, and E.H.L. PRESTON, Esqrs. Double Duty. John JACKSON was charged on the information of Sergt.-major HANLON, with having enrolled himself a member of the East Norfolk Militia, he being at the time a member of the 5th Royal Lancashire Militia. Prisoner was fined 40 Shillings, or a month's imprisonment.
Application Under The Vaccination Act. Mr CUFAUDE, clerk to the Guardians, made the following application to the Bench. He said : Mr Chairman and gentleman [sic]. I have to apply to you for a summons against John Guias GODFREY, of Row 97, ship carpenter, for having neglected to have his child vaccinated with the terms limited by the law. You are aware that vaccination is now compulsory, and must be performed within three months after the birth of a child. The child may be vaccinated by the father's own medical attendant, or by the public vaccinator, at the expense of the parish and the State. The benefit to the community by vaccination is undoubted. Small pox engenders the very worst diseases, and weakens the constitution; and that is why it is enforced by law. In foreign countries - Prussia, I believe, and continental states - it has been certified that the duration of life has been lengthened from five to seven years by vaccination. No gentleman is allowed to hold the position of the office similar to that of mayor in this country, justice of the peace, or any office of dignity or profit under the Crown, unless he produces his certificate of vaccination. It is essentially necessary to any man's successful career in life, and, consequently, vaccination is universal. In this country there are certain people who object to vaccination and probably some on principle. But they must nevertheless submit to the law, which makes it imperative on parents of a child to have that child vaccinated within three months of its birth, and rules and regulations are made on this subject by Her Majesty's Honourable Privy Council; and it is apparent that to make vaccination of real value, it must be insisted on, and the principle thoroughly carried out. By the law of the land, twice a year the registrars make out returns to the Board of Guardians, and the Guardians have no option but to prosecute defaulters. On turning to the lists in the North District, I find there 269 in default, and in the South District 139. Not any one of these persons could say they were unacquainted with the law. Whenever a child's birth is registered (and that is compulsory) notice in writing is given by the registrar to the person registering the child, informing the person of the law on the subject, and the penalty in case of default; and, in addition, as compulsory vaccination is comparatively of late date, the Board of Guardians have put out most prominent handbills on the 22nd January and the 19th March, setting forth the penalties of not carrying out the provisions of the Vaccination Act. Moreover, every person who had failed to have his children vaccinated has received a letter from me, explicitly and clearly showing the penalties, and informing the person, that, if the children were not vaccinated within a month, the Board would have no alternative but to prosecute. Of course this has caused much trouble and expense, and such a process cannot be repeated. The Guardians, by such means, greatly reduced the list of defaulters, and not desiring to be harsh, but, on the contrary, they have drawn from the list promiscuously ten names, so that no person could say there was an invidious distinction made. I was directed to investigate the cases, and from the ten cases to bring one or two before you, and I have at present brought this only. The man, it seems, admitted having received the notice of vaccination when the birth was registered, but he said the child was ill. I have heard that Mr MOXON who attended the child, offered to vaccinate it, and he was public vaccinator for the district; but the man objected to the child's being vaccinated, on the grounds that he did not approve of vaccination, and that he had known some of his neighbours' children that had been vaccinated have their arms affected, as he believed, thereby. As regards the assertions made by some people that their children could not be vaccinated, in consequence of ill health, I would remark that in such cases they have failed to send certificates to that effect, and are by the statute subject to the like penalties as for neglecting to vaccinate. Mr MOXON offered to vaccinate this man's child from ichor taken from his own child, but the man still refused, and has neglected to take the child to any public vaccinator or medical practitioner, and, consequently, is liable to the penalty and the costs. I may add, the object of the Guardians is not to punish this particular individual; but the Lords of her Majesty's Privy Council having insisted that vaccination should be carried out generally, they are compelled, and also determined, to enforce the law, as it must act for the welfare of the community at large. The Chairman : Everything you have said is no doubt perfectly true; but, perhaps, being a workhouse case, it will be better for me to keep my mouth shut. When I opened my mouth on a recent occasion I did not expect to be so catechised as I have been. It will be better for me not to come into conflict with that august body. (A laugh.) The magistrates at once granted a summons, which was made pageable for the next day.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 25 May 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BALLS --- SAYER. On Tuesday in Whitsun week, at the Church of St Mary Coslany, Norwich, by the Rev E.A. HILLYARD, Rector of St Lawrence, Samuel BALLS, of Pitt-street, only surviving son of the late Mr B. BALLS, to Providence, younger daughter of Mr W. SAYER, of St Lawrence.
BROOKS --- PEARSALL. On the 20th May, at Camberwell Church, London, James Robinson BROOKS, linen draper, East Dulwich, eldest son of Mr James R. BROOKS, of Bungay, to Sarah Anna, only child of Mr Robert PEARSALL, engineer, Great Grimsby.
HANK --- WEBB. On the 16th May, at St Peter's Chapel of Ease, Lowestoft, by the Rev J.C. WALKER, Mr John HANK, to Susannah WEBB, both of Lowestoft.
HORNSEY --- ALLERTON. May 15, at the Congregational Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev F. GOODALL, George William HORNSEY, to Mary Ann ALLERTON, both of Lowestoft.
JENKINSON --- SOANES. On the 17th may, at Southwold, by the Rev R.C. M. ROUSE, Mr Edward JENKINSON, chemist and druggist, of Linfield, Sussex, to Charlotte Elizabeth, only daughter of the late Capt. John SOANES, of Southwold.
MILLER --- CHIPPERFIELD. On the 13th May, at the Parish Church, Westhall, by the Rev S. BELOE, of Holton, Shrofleld [sic] Augustus MILLER, third son of Mr MILLER, farmer, Westhall, to Fanny, the youngest daughter of Mr Nathan CHIPPERFIELD, of the King's Head Inn, Halesworth.
SKINNER --- EADE. On the 12th May, at the Independent Chapel, Walpole, by the Rev H.J. HAAS, Mr David SKINNER, to Mrs Hannah EADE, both of Leiston.
ALBEMARLE --- On the 16th may, at the Hotel de l'Europe, Lyons, Frances, Countess of ALBEMARLE, widow of Augustus Frederic, the fifth Earl, daughter of Charles STEER, Esq., of Chichester.
BRIGHAM --- On the 15th May, at her son-in-law's, the Hill Farm, Framlingham, in her 78th year, Ann, widow of Mr James BRIGHAM, late of Thorpe Abbots.
CROSS --- On the 11th May, in her 77th year, Mrs Ann CROSS, Saxmundham.
CUDDON --- On Monday, at Bungay, Mr John CUDDON, turner, formerly of Beccles, aged 85.
HEMBLEN --- On Tuesday last [11 May], at Bungay, much regretted, Mr Francis HEMBLEN, formerly of the Trinity Hall Farm.
NUTHALL --- On the 17th May, at Great Yarmouth, Sarah, relict of the late Philip NUTHALL, in the 89th year of her age.
SMITH --- On the 19th May, at Bungay, aged 81, Mr Selah [sic] SMITH.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 25 May 1869 Page 1, column 2
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
NORFOLK HOUSE, ST ANDREW'S , NORWICH. Carpet and Furnishing Drapery Departments. In consequence of the high price usually charged by Dealers in Goods suitable for Furnishing purposes, George DIGGENS & Company Have completed a New and Extensive Warehouse for the express purpose of supplying their Customers with the following Goods, which are of the very best quality, At the same Prices as the London Wholesale Houses. The Stock is all fresh bought direct from the Manufacturers, and consists of Carpets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats, Matting of all kinds; Damask, Lace and Muslin Window Curtains; Rolling Blinds; Russia, Barnsley and Irish Linen Sheetings; Croydon, Wigan, and Twill Cotton Sheetings; Blankets; Toilet, Terry, and Marseilles Quilts; White and Coloured Counterpanes; Printed Cloth, Velvet, Pile, and Damask Table Covers; Toilet Covers, Table Linen, Doyleys, Napkins, and Tray Cloths, Towelling, Glass Cloths, etc N.B. -- G.D. & Co. are appointed Sole Agents in this District for the Sale of the North British Felt Company's Carpets, which obtained the Prize Medal at the London and Paris Exhibitions. Ready-Made Bordered Felt Carpets, In All Sizes. G. DIGGENS & Co., Norfolk House, Swan Lane & Bedford Street, St Andrew's, Norwich.
And also: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 25 May 1869 Page 5, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS ......Sixty Miles On A Bicycle.---The longest journey by velocipede yet performed in the Eastern Counties, so far as we are aware, was done on Monday, when Mr William GOLDSMITH, assistant to Mr THORN, coachbuilder, St Gile'sGates, ran a bicycle to Swaffham, a distance of 27¾ miles, in the morning, and back again in the evening. He did the first 16 miles to Dereham in two hours and ten minutes over a heavy road, and the remaining 11¾ in one hour and twenty minutes, the 27th mile from Norwich being done in six minutes. The page journey he performed with two breaks of less than five minutes each, completing the 27¾ miles in four and a quarter hours, by which time the work had begun to tell in uphill running. As he moved about a good bit at Swaffham, he must have done at least 60 miles in the day.
And again: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 25 May 1869 Page 5, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS ......Velocipede Exhibition.---On the invitation of Mr GIDNEY, of East Dereham, Mr THORN, coach-builder, of Norwich, and several members of the Norwich Velocipede Club, visited Dereham on Friday evening, and gave an interesting display of their skill in the use of the new fashionable bicycle, in the Corn Hall. There was a large gathering on the occasion, the company including some of the leading residents of the town and neighbourhood; but unfortunately the space left for the velocipedists was too confined to allow them to "show off" to the best advantage. Mr THORN, however, and Mr GRIFFITH performed some marvellous feats, and some of the other gentlemen may, at any rate, be complimented on having been so nearly equal to them in the dexterous management of their "machines," that it was a disputed question in many minds as to who were really the most accomplished of the party. Some two or three gentlemen residing in the locality also displayed their skill in riding. A couple of hours' amusement was thus afforded to the spectators, who often evinced their gratification by hearty applause. The band of the 15th N.R.V.C. played at intervals. The Norwich velocipedists, at the close of the display, partook of a first-class supper at the King's Head, at the generous invitation of Mr GIDNEY.