7 May - 28 May 1867
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
Beccles and Bungay Weekly News May 1867
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 7 May 1867 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 24th April, at St James', Paddington, the Rev B.K. WOODD [sic], eldest son of B.T. WOODD, Esq., M.P., of Conyngham Hall, Yorkshire, to Esther Harriet, second daughter of the Rev E. HOLLAND, of Hyde Park Gardens, and of Benhall Lodge, Suffolk.
On the 29th April, at Woodton, by the Rev -- PACKER, Mr Edward WATSON, of Beccles, to Jane Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr STEARN, of Woodton.
On the 27th April, at Hedenham, Mr Robert BIRCHAM, of the Mermaid Inn, and Rosary.
On the 29th April, at Ditchingham, after a few days' illness, deeply lamented by her family, Maria, the beloved wife of Richard MANN, Esq., aged 59.
On the 1st May, at Beccles, Arthur John, son of Mr John COLE, Inspector of Police, aged 5 years.
On the 2nd May, at Beccles, Rosa, daughter of the late William LEIGHTON, gardener, aged 14 years.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 7 May 1867 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS ....Mr Joel FOX, furrier, of Norwich, has just sent to the Paris Exhibition a pair of very handsome ladies' muffs. One of these, and by far the most attractive, is made of the skin of a golden pheasant (with the head of the bird stuffed), on spotted miniver. It is lined with white silk, and has white cords and tassels. The other, which corresponds with it, is of the skin of a most beautifully marked British pheasant, on seal-skin, with dark brown silk lining, cords and tassels. Mr FOX has displayed great taste and skill in the production of these very beautiful muffs.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 14 May 1867 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 4th May, at the parish church, Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANHAM, Mr Henry DEAN, to Miss Elizabeth Ann NEWRICK, both of Lowestoft
On the 7th May, at Ditchingham church, Mr David TODD, marine store dealer, to Miss Maria LEGGETT, both of Ditchingham.
On the 8th May, at the parish church, Ditchingham, Mr Samuel BULL, builder, of Ditchingham, to Mrs DRAPER, of the same place.
On the 4th May, at his residence, Great Ormesby, near Yarmouth, William Manning FELLOWES, Esq., aged 69.
On the 5th May, at Earsham, aged 77 years, Mr Robert HOGG, brewer.
On the 5th May, at Ellingham, at the residence of her son-in-law, aged 77 years, Mrs Jane SMITH, relict of the late Mr James SMITH, of Bungay, builder, etc.
On the 6th May, at Grosvenor Place, the Hon. Lady MIDDLETON, widow of the late Sir William MIDDLETON, Bart., of Shrubland Park, Suffolk.
On the 8th May, at Boyton Alms-house, William BOYCE, aged 84. The deceased was upwards of 38 years parish clerk, and member of the old company of ringers, at Wangford.
On the 9th May, at Beccles, William, aged 7 years, of scarlet fever, third beloved son of Mr J. GOBBETT, Superintendent of Police.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 14 May 1867 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS ....Commander C.C. RISING, son of Robert RISING, Esq., of Horsey, who so distinguished himself in the capture of a slaver on the coast of Africa, and was severely wounded, has been appointed to the Dauntless screw frigate, 21 guns, and Inspecting Commander of the Coast Guard at Bridsleytown and extending thence to Great Yarmouth.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 21 May 1867 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 15th May,at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, rector, Mr James EDWARDS, miller, of Beccles, to Elizabeth, daughter of the late Mr Zachariah EDWARDS, of Thurlton.
On the 8th May, at Great Yarmouth, aged 76, Lieut. John William SIMPSON, R.M. [sic], of North Walsham. He was one of the officers who received the Emperor Napoleon on board the "Bellerophon" on the 15th July 1818.
On the 13th May, at Lowestoft, aged 67, deservedly respected, Mr James BIRD, gardener, leaving a wife and family.
On the 15th May, at the Goldrood, near Ipswich, Captain Henry James LACON, R.N., youngest son of the late Sir Edmund LACON, Bart., of Ormesby, Norfolk, aged 56.
On the 16th May, much respected and regretted, Elizabeth Batt ECCLESTONE, the beloved wife of Richard ECCLESTONE, draper, Great Yarmouth, aged 70 years.
On the 16th May, aged 29 years, Mr Charles SUTTON, third son of Mr W. SUTTON, wheelwright, Broome, near Bungay.
On the 18th May, at Bungay, Mr John NEWSTEAD, aged 65 years.
On the 19th May, very suddenly, John, only son of the late Mr HOGG, brewer, Earsham.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 21 May 1867 Page 1, column
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
C.F. PARKER New Market Place, Beccles, Has just returned from London with a very choice selection of Bonnets, Hats, Flowers, Feathers, and Millinery of Every Description; also a choice selection of Jackets, Pepplum Mantles, and Shawls of the Newest Designs. Also a Cheap Lot of Fancy Dresses, Silks, Sunshades, Prints etc Before you make your Summer Purchases call and inspect the immense Stock at C.F. PARKER's. The Show Rooms are now ready with all the Newest Novelties for the approaching Season.
And also: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 21 May 1867 Page 4, column 2
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BECCLES Presentation To Mr R. WARD. The teachers of the Sunday-school connected with the Congregational Church met in the School-rooms on Tuesday last, and took tea together. After opening the proceedings with singing and prayer. The Rev John FLOWER, president of the school, who was in the chair, said the main feature of the present meeting was the recognising of the transfer of the office of superintendent from Mr WARD to Mr Henry READ. Mr FLOWER remarked that the term of Mr WARD's connection with the school had been unusually long - it had lasted fifty years, and what years these had been! What a change had come over the people of this country during that time! Whole classes of people could now read whose parents were altogether illiterate. This change had produced a corresponding one in the work of Sunday-school teaching; whereas fifty years ago the duty of a teacher was to instruct in the art of reading - now he had far higher aims. The duty demanded higher requisites in a teacher, and involved increasing responsibility. The disinterested kindness shewn [sic] towards the children gave the teachers a hold on their parents which should be employed for good. Our beloved Queen has recorded that when she first heard the Rev Norman M'CLEOD pray in an earnest manner for the Royal Children she "felt a lump rise in her throat;" all parents in this respect are alike - "one touch of nature makes the whole world kin." .....The Rev J. FLOWER, said that he had been requested by the teachers to make a present to Mr WARD in their name, which he did with very great pleasure. He spoke of the diligence with which Mr WARD had fulfilled his duties, and of the simplicity of purpose which he had shewn [sic], never employing his official superiority to gratify the love of power, or even to appear to assert pre-eminence over his brethren..... ....Mr FLOWER then begged Mr WARD's acceptance of a silver inkstand, bearing the following inscription: -"presented to Mr Robert WARD by the teachers of the Independent Sunday-school, Beccles, on his retiring from the office of Superintendent, after a connection with the school of upwards of fifty years. May 14th, 1867."
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 28 May 1867 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 16th May, at Mettingham Church, by the Rev W. Chartres SAFFORD, rector of Attleborough, brother of the bride, assisted by the Rev G. F. MATTHEWS, incumbent of St Mary's, Bungay, the Rev W. P. GOODE, rector of Earsham, to Louisa Chartres, only daughter of the Rev J.C. SAFFORD, of Mettingham Castle.
On the 17th May, at Denton Church, by the Ven. Archdeacon BOUVERIE, Mr W.B. MIDDLETON, to Emma, fourth daughter of Mr William HOLLAND, both of Denton.
On the 13th May, unfortunately drowned off the island of Moen (Denmark), aged 27 years, deeply regretted, Thomas Masterton, eldest son of the late Mr T. DANCE, Trinity Pilot, Lowestoft.
On the 15th May, Elizabeth Mayhew, beloved wife of Mr George ROLLINSON, of the Kiln Farm, Rede, in this county, eldest daughter of the late Mr John STEEL, of Bury.
On the 18th May, at Carlton Colville, aged 73 years, Mr John LAY, much respected.
On the 20th May, at Aldeby, highly respected, aged 83, William WEEVERS [sic], for forty-four years farmer of that parish,
On the 22nd May, at Lowestoft, aged 71, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr Charles TILMOUTH, merchant, beloved and respected.
On 24th May, at Beccles, Mr John EASTER, gun maker, aged 43 years, son of the late Mr Edward EASTER, of Hales, Norfolk.