


5 Mar - 30 Apr 1867


Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News

March & April 1867 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News

Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 5 March 1867 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 28th February, at St Mary's Church, Bury St Edmund's, by the Rev Sir Charles CLARKE, Bart., assisted by the Rev John RICHARDSON, incumbent, Henry Robert Taylor ALEXANDER, Esq., of Cork Street, London, to Frederica Charlotte, youngest daughter of the Rev H. Aston OAKES, rector of Nowton, and resident in St Mary's Square, Bury St Edmund's.


On the 24th February, after a short but severe affliction, Henrietta, wife of Mr ALGER, baker, Bungay, aged 44 years.

On the 23rd February, after a short affliction, Mr Emmanuel LEECH, of Hedenham, near Bungay.

On the 26th February, at Earsham, near Bungay, after along affliction, Mr William SMITH, colt breaker.

On the 26th February, at Beccles, Alfred, son of Mr Geo. [sic] BULLOCK, gardener, aged 15 months.

On the 28th February, Mr John BARWOOD, carter, in the 81st year of his age.

On the 2nd March, very suddenly, Emily, wife of Mr Charles HANCY, of the "Horse and Groom," Bungay.

On the 3rd March, at Beccles, in her 44th year, Ellen Harriet, wife of Mr Robert JARMAN.

On the 3rd March, at Beccles, aged 77 years, suddenly, of paralysis, John WILLIAMS, Esq., many years a resident in that town.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 12 March 1867 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 4th March, at Stowmarket Church, by the Rev C. HILL, Harry, only son of the late Mr William WARREN, of Beccles, to Laura, eldest daughter of Mr D. HUDSON, formerly of Walton, in this county.

DEATH On the 2nd March, at Great Yarmouth, aged 72 years, William H. BESSEY, Esq., J.P., and ship merchant, of that port.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 19 March 1867 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 9th March, at St Peter's Church, De Beauvoir Square, London, by the Rev W. FINCH, M.A., George S. SEABROOK, eldest son of Samuel SEABROOK. U.S., America [sic], and grandson of the Rev T. SEABROOK, late of Wickhambrook, Suffolk, to Bessie, youngest daughter of John CORNABY, Ditchingham.

On the 10th March, at Bungay Holy Trinity, by the Rev F. BARKWAY, James, Second son of Mr Edward BUXTON, to Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr John WATSON, blacksmith, both of the above place.


On the 10th March, at Beccles, aged 47 years, Elizabeth, widow of Mr Henry ALECOCK, whitesmith.

On the 13th March, in her 17th year, Marianne, third daughter of Robert William and Hannah BURLEIGH, of Halesworth, Suffolk.

On the 13th March, at Halesworth, Agnes LONDON, aged 58 years, sister of John F. LONDON.

On the 13th March, at Beccles, aged 7 years, Ellen, daughter of Mr James SEXTON, baker.

On the 17th March, at Beccles, aged 10 years, Clara Ruth, daughter of Mr Joseph PRATT, tailor.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 26 March 1867 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 12th March, at Norwich, Joseph John Larter EMMS, late of Lowestoft, to Emma, youngest daughter of Mr Robert TYRREL, builder, Pakefield.

On the 18th March, at Hedenham, by the Rev R.M. MARSHALL, Mr Robert DARBY, builder, of Bungay, to Mrs DRIVER, of Hedenham.


On the 10th March, at Maddox Street, London, in his 77th year, William DARBY, Esq., late Superintending-Surgeon of the Cawnpore Division, Bengal Presidency, and son of the late John Hours DARBY, Esq., of Lowestoft.

On the 13th March, Mr James WILSON, High Street, Lowestoft, aged 77.

On the 14th March, at Hove, Brighton, Emma Grace, wife of John BAKER, Esq., and daughter of the late T. GIRDLESTONE, Esq., M.D., of Great Yarmouth.

On the 17th March, at Ditchingham, aged 78, Mr William CUDDON, merchant and maltster, deeply lamented by his family and esteemed by a large circle of friends.

On the 19th March, at his residence, Spall's Cottages, Flixton-road, Bungay, Mr Thos. [sic] RICHARDSON (late compositor in the employ of Messrs Childs and Son), aged 29 years. His life was one of integrity, and his end was peace. He died regretted by a large circle of friends.

On the 22nd March, Mr FROUD, sawyer, of Bungay, after a lingering illness, aged 66 years.

In addition to the above: - 

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 26 March 1867 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

SHOCKING MURDER IN NORWICH AND ATTEMPTED SUICIDE A shocking murder, accompanied with an attempted suicide, by an old man, on Friday morning, threw the city, and especially the neighbourhood of St Benedict's, into a state of unusual excitement. The murderer is a poor old man named John WINTER, aged 71, and his victim his wife Elizabeth, aged 73; both natives of Norwich. They had been living till within the last month in Barwell's Court, St Stephen's, when they removed to Fountain Yard, St Benedict's, where they occupied a room on the ground floor, which, although bearing some marks of poverty, was of a very comfortable character, compared with what is usually found where a single room is used for every purpose. In one corner was a good French bedstead, well supplied with bedding, while the general appearance of the place denoted tidiness and care. For many years the couple had lived together, it is said, on terms of the greatest affection, but recently the unkind words, and still less kind physical treatment of the man towards his helpless wife, raised some suspicion that his mind was weakening. The apparent cause of this treatment and of the culminating act we are recording, is the impression that had forced itself upon the unhappy man that he and his wife would go to the workhouse. For this foreboding there appears to have been no ground, for, in addition to receiving parochial relief, their wants were attentively looked after by their married daughter, Elizabeth HARDESTY, living on Grapes-hill, whose husband is in the employment of Mr HARDY, grocer. On Friday morning the old man got up, dressed himself, opened the shutters, and made a fire. He was spoken to by a neighbour named COOKE, who says that she noticed something strange and reserved in his manner. However, shortly afterwards Mrs HARDESTY's daughter Clara, aged 12, went as usual to attend to the old people, and they breakfasted together, deceased keeping in bed. When the meal was finished the old man turned out the little girl, and she, alarmed, at once ran home. He then seems to have obtained a razor, and bound up the handle with cord (for the supposed purpose of preventing the blade shutting), inasmuch as when an elder granddaughter, Laura came, she found the door locked, and her grandfather on the bed in the act of cutting the throat of her grandmother with the razor bound in the manner described. Her shrieks brought the neighbours to the house, and the door was forced open by Mr MINNS, butcher, who entered the room in company with Hannah GOULDER. They found that blood was pouring from a ghastly wound the old man had inflicted in his own throat, and that he was stretching from the bed to lay the razor on the window-sill. This scene was also witnessed by Mrs HARDESTY herself. Mrs WINTER was found to be quite dead and the left side of her throat presented a fearful wound, which seemed to be more of the nature of a "dig" or thrust than a cut. On addressing WINTER as to what he had done, Mrs GOULDER was told by him, as well as he could articulate, "Go to ---." Subsequently, however, he expressed his gladness for what he had done, remarking that now his wife would not go to the workhouse, nor should he. Medical aid was at once sent for, and Mr F.C. BAILEY was soon at the house. Detective GARROD, of the county constabulary, and police constable BULLARD were also speedily in attendance, and, with other members of the city constabulary, rendered what service they could. The bed was found to be saturated with blood, and that so determined had been the attempt at suicide that the windpipe was completely severed. Mr BAILEY dressed the wound, and a stretcher was obtained on which the man was conveyed from beside the body of his wife to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Although it is doubtful whether he will recover, he is likely to live two or three days.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 2 April 1867 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 26th February, aged 3 years and 6 months, Florence Augusta, second daughter of Mr James Henry PIPER, second master at Sir John LEMAN's Endowed School, Beccles.

On the 28th February, at Beccles, Edward, son of Robert DAVEY, lime-burner, aged 9 months.

On the 29th February, at Beccles, William, son of George WARD, labourer, aged 6 months.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 9 April 1867 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 22nd March, at Loddon, in her 89th year, Mary, relict of Joseph DRAPER, formerly of Belton, Suffolk.

On the 23rd March, after a few hours' illness, Margaret, the beloved wife of Mr William SEXTON, Jetty Mills, Great Yarmouth, in her 63rd year.

On the 24th March, aged 29, Anna, the beloved wife of Mr Thomas HASTINGS, Kirtley Road, Lowestoft.

On the 26th March, aged 59, Lavinia NAYLOR, widow of the late Thomas NAYLOR, watchmaker, Lowestoft.

On the 27th March, suddenly, aged 46, Frances Ann, relict of the late Mr William HAMMERSLEY, fish merchant, Lowestoft.

On the 29th March, Mr Benjamin MAYHEW, of No.10, Arlington-square, London, (ninth son of the late Mr John MAYHEW, of Beccles), in his 42nd year.

On the 29th March, at Ingham, Elizabeth, the wife of the Rev Isidor LICHTENSTEIN, curate of that parish, aged 50.

On the 2nd April, at Beccles, James, son of George SPALDING, labourer, aged 12 years; also on the 3rd April, Mary Ann, wife of George SPALDING, aged 38 years.

On the 5th April, after along affliction, Mr John TYE, shoemaker, Bungay, for many years beadle at St Mary's Church.

In addition to the above: -

In addition to the above: -

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 9 April 1867 Page 4, column 1

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

THE AGRICULTURAL GANG SYSTEM An important blue book has just been published, being the sixth report of the Children's Employment Commission. Blue Books have the reputation of being dry, but this report is quite sensational in its revelations. Its burden is the sufferings and degradation of children employed in agriculture in some of the Eastern Counties. We like not the word "gang;" it suggests convict life, and reminds one of the prison. But we must take the fact as it is, and the naked fact is that agricultural gangs of women and children still exist in several counties, notably Lincolnshire, Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire, Norfolk, Suffolk and Nottinghamshire. The whole system is but a development of that monster evil, the insufficiency of house accommodation for the labouring poor. It seems that in many of these counties there are large farms on which there is scarcely any accommodation for housing the labourers, certainly not for any additional number that may be brought into any district, according to the exigencies of agricultural employment. The result is that a person calling himself a gang-master hires a number of children and young persons, takes them into any place where their services may be required, sets them to work, in the spirit of the Egyptian task-masters of old, and makes a per centage [sic] out of their earnings. In the early morning he collects his gang and takes them to their labour; and many of the poor children have to walk four or five miles to their work. It is given in evidence, for instance, by one woman, that her little girl, of six years of age, had to walk eight miles to her work; that she worked from eight in the morning till half-past five, and that for this the child received 4 Pence. "She was that tired," plaintively said the mother, "that her sisters had to carry her the best part of the way home." It may easily be imagined that any man who would work children under such a system as this is not likely to be a man of very good character. The report shows us indeed that they are generally indolent and intemperate; they carry sticks, and thus a gang-master, taking his children to work, virtually acts much the same as a cattle-driver. His mode of payment makes him necessarily a hard taskmaster; and his complete control over the girls under him has the worst possible results. We might easily adduce many facts which would clearly prove that the gang system is a great anomaly and disgrace to our civilised country, and to the advanced age in which we live. But what we have stated is enough to show that its entire system is bad. We cannot wholly blame the gang-master; the farmers who in any way encourage the system are also to blame. These farmers, we learn, are inclined to look upon the plan as a necessary evil; they do not applaud it, they simply endorse it, and make no effort, in too many cases, to counteract it. But such a system as this, which supports many of the evils of the negro slave system, cannot be necessary. The Commissioners, who have inquired into the whole system, do not conclude their report without pointing out several remedies. Among their suggestions are, that gang-masters should be licensed, a necessary qualification being a certificate from three householders, two of whom must be guardians of the poor; that no boy under eight, and no girl under twelve, should be allowed to work in a gang, or be allowed to work elsewhere for more than eight hours a day; and arrangements are suggested for the separation of the sexes, and for the protection of women, and children from cruelty or unfair treatment. We trust that the attention of Parliament may be speedily directed to the whole subject. We have derived the greatest benefits from the regulations as to the employment of children in factories. The children and the poor of our fields and hamlets are worthy of equal care and consideration.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 16 April 1867 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 4th April, at Trinity Chapel, Wolvertree, near Liverpool, by the Rev Enoch MILLER, M.A., J. Allden OWLES, Esq., M.D., fourth son of Mr Thomas OWLES, Bungay, to Anna, youngest daughter of James HOWELL, Esq., Grove Park, Liverpool.

On the 4th April, at the parish church of St Mary, Hornsey, Middlesex, by the Rev Richard HARVEY, rector, John Edward ARNOLD, of Luton, to Elizabeth STRATTON, youngest daughter of Mr William STRATTON, of Brighton.


On the 24th March, in the 53rd year of her age, at Woodstock, Canada West, after a long and painful affliction, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Mr Henry GAYFER, and eldest daughter of the late Mr John BIRD, baker, Beccles.

On the 9th April, at Beccles, Mary Sarah, the beloved wife of W.J. CROWFOOT, Esq., M.D., aged 33 years.

On the 13th April, at Beccles, aged 23 years, Edward, son of Mr Edmund CHANDLER.

In addition to the above: -

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 16 April 1867 Page 1, column 1

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

Government Emigration to Victoria.---H.M. Emigration Commissioners grant Free Passages to Victoria, in first-class vessels, to Single Female Domestic Servants of good character, on payment of 10 Shillings each; and to Agricultural Labourers and their Wives under forty years of age, having, if any, not more than two children under seven, or three under ten years of age, upon payment of 1 Pound each for adults and 10 Shillings each for children, towards the expense of bedding etc. A few Married Couples belonging to other classes of Labourers can be occasionally provided with assisted Passages. Full particulars and forms of application may be obtained at the Commissioners' Office, or of their local agent, Mr W.H. TAYLER, New Market place, Beccles. By order of the Board, Richard B. COOPER, Assistant Secretary. Government Emigration Service, 8, Park-street, Westminster, S.W., January, 1867.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 23 April 1867 Page 4, column 6

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 13th April, at Lincoln, Mr George FOSTER, late of the Norfolk Hotel, Norwich, aged 80.

On the 14th April, Theophila Ruth, child of William WORSHIP, Esq., Great Yarmouth.

On the 17th April, much respected, Hannah, the beloved wife of Mr James STERRY, fish merchant, Lowestoft.

On the 12th April, aged 73 years, Jemima, the beloved wife of Mr Sidney SMITH, veterinary surgeon, of Halesworth.

On the 16th April, in her 39th year, Sarah Jane, the beloved wife of Mr E.R. EDWARDS, of Camberwell, and youngest daughter of the late Mr W. PARISH, Bury St Edmund's.

On the 18th April, at Flixton-road, Bungay, aged 23 years, Eliza Colman, the beloved daughter of George and Harriet CATCHPOLE.

On the 18th Aril, at Beccles, Alfred, third son of Mr John GOFFIN, carpenter.

On the 20th April, at Beccles, Anna Grace, youngest child of Mr Robert JARMAN, aged 2 years and 9 months.

On the 22nd April, at Beccles, aged 86 years, Mr Isaac PIPER, late carrier between this town and Yarmouth, for nearly 30 years.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 30 April 1867 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 18th April, at St Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth, by the Rev H.R. NEVIL [sic], Mr Richard TUNBRIDGE, to Emily, only daughter of Mr Thomas HUDSON.

On the 11th April, at Rochdale, George Wotton, fourth son of W. DAVIE, Esq., Great Yarmouth, to Elizabeth Sutherland, youngest daughter of the late W. GORDON, Esq., Outer-Erie, Orkney.

On the 23rd April, at Aldeburgh, Suffolk, Henry FAWCETT, Esq., M.P., of 42, Bessborough- gardens, S.W., Fellow of Trinity Hall, and Professor of Political Economy, Cambridge, to Millicent, daughter of Newson GARRETT, Esq., of Alde House, Aldeburgh.


On the 22nd April, Isabella, the beloved wife of Thomas Fowler STEWARD, Esq., of Great Yarmouth, and daughter of the late Robert TRAVERS, Esq., of Cork.

On the 25th April, at Lowestoft, in the 25th year of his age, Richard PONT, clerk in Messrs Gurneys and Co's bank, and late of Beccles.

On the 26th April, at Beccles, Albert Edward, infant son of John WHITE, labourer.