


7 Mar - 28 Mar 1865


Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News

March 1865 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News; assorted extracts

Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 7 March 1865 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 25th February, at Wrentham, much lamented by her family, after a protracted affliction, Joana [sic], the beloved wife of Mr Neriah WIGG.

On the 27th February, at Stoven, aged one year and eight months, Alfred Briggs, the beloved son of Alfred and Marian ANDREWS.

On the 1st March, at Sotterly [sic], after a long affliction, Mary, Relict of the late Mr John MANN, in the 77th year of her age.

On the 1st March, at Beccles, Lucy, wife of Mr James WYATT, farmer, aged 67 years.

On the 5th March, Mr Robert THROWER, shoemaker, aged 84 years.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 14 March 1865 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 4th March, at Brampton Rectory, the wife of the Rev Sterling Browne WESTHORP, of a daughter.


On the 6th March, at the parish church of St Lawrence, Jewry, London, by the Rev W.B. CORVIE, vicar, Edward Albert, second son of the late Mr Samuel Powell BEETON, of Milk Street, Cheapside, to Marian, second daughter of Mr J. CORNABY, of Ditchingham.

On the 9th March, at St Peter's Mancroft, Norwich, Donald MACDONALD, Esq., of Port Elizabeth, Algia Bay, to Helen, daughter of Thomas W. READ, Esq., of Trowse.


On the 20th February, at Norwich, Mr William E. JOLLYE, late surgeon of Loddon.

On the 5th March, very suddenly, at his residence, 13 Amherst-road, west, Norwich, the Rev William L. THORNTON, M.A., President of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference, aged 54.

On the 5th March, at Halesworth, Mr William WATSON, Innkeeper, aged 55.

On the 7th March, at Sotterley, Emily Kate CROSS, third daughter of George and Emmeline CROSS, aged 6 years.

In addition to the above: -

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 14 March 1865 Page 4, columns 3 & 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

SOUTHWOLD Sudden Death.---An inquest was held at the Swan Inn before W.B. ROSS, Esq., deputy coroner, on the 6th March, on the body of Emma DENNY, aged 13 years. The deceased was the daughter of Mr Frederick DENNY, grocer and draper, Southwold. Deceased had an egg and a cup of coffee for her supper, and went to bed about nine o'clock in very good health with her sister. About three o'clock on the morning of Thursday, the 2nd March, the deceased called out to Miss RIX, a young person who waits in the shop, and said she felt sick. The deceased got up and was sick. There was no light in the room. The deceased was not out of bed more than five or ten minutes, and she went to sleep again till 5 o'clock, when she was heard to make a noise in her throat. The deceased got out of bed and was sick again, and apparently went to sleep again. About 7 o'clock she seemed to be unconscious, she did not speak in answer to her sister, but merely stared. Mr Thomas FULLER, a relation, was sent for. He advised Mr DENNY to send for a doctor. In the evening, while getting supper, the deceased said that she had eaten a quantity of sweetmeats. When in bed the deceased complained several times of sickness and of headache. The deceased had been into Mr FULLER's shop that day (Thursday), and had purchased two ounces of sugared almonds, and two ounces of acidulated pear drops, which were quite wholesome. Dr BLACKETT, of Southwold, attended the deceased , who was all but dead when he arrived, and died a few moments after. He made a post mortem examination, and found everything healthy, with the exception of the membrane of the brain, which was excessively congested. He was certain there was no poisonous matter in the sweets; if there had been, he would have found it, but he found none.---The Jury returned a verdict of "Natural Death."

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 21 March 1865 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 11th March, at the Chapel, British Embassy, Paris, by the Rev H.T. SWALE, Chaplain to the Embassy, Heneage C. Ragot CHESTER, late captain of Her Majesty's 29th Regiment, of Ashstead, in the County of Surrey, to Madeline E. SHERRIFFE, only daughter of R.M. Oliver MASSEY, Esq., and the widow of T. B. SHERRIFFE, Esq., of Henstead Hall.

On the 14th March, at Beccles, by the Rev J. Talbot JOHNSTON, Isaac, the third son of Robert BLOCK, of the above place, to Louisa, youngest daughter, of Mr James CLEVELAND, Veterinary Surgeon, of the same place.

On the 15th March, at the Parish Church of St Giles, Cambridge, by the Rev Cannon CLAYTON, assisted by the Rev T.M. DICKSON, James Cole COPEMAN, of Loddon, Solicitor, to Rose, youngest daughter of Henry SMITH, Esq., of Merton Hall, Cambridge.

On the 12th March, at Beccles Church, by the Rev C.H. SHAW, curate, Mr Charles ALDIS, gardener, to Ann HUBBARD, both of Beccles.


On the 9th March, at Yarmouth, in the 73rd year of his age, Mr John BETTS, late Harbour Master of that port.

On the 12th March, much regretted, aged 28 years, Charles, third surviving son of William and Elizabeth LING, of Bulcamp.

On the 10th March, at Yarmouth, in his 32nd year, William KNIGHTS, of Beccles, wherryman, son of the late James KNIGHTS, wherryman.

On the 18th March, at Beccles, Mr George GARDENER, aged 32 years.

In addition to the above: -

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 21 March 1865 Page 4, column 3

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library 

EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS ...Considerable excitement has been caused at Brandeston and its neighbourhood by the refusal to bury a Dissenter, because he was unbaptised, a young man, named Allen MAYHEW, 23 years of age, a member of the Independent Chapel in the above place. He was born, and had lived until last autumn, in the adjoining village of Kettleburgh, and his friends wishing to bury him in the parish where he had lived so long, made application to the Rector for that purpose, when they were very politely informed that they could have a grave dug, but that he could perform no kind of service, the laws of the Church not permitting him to bury any unbaptised person. This is the first time in the memory of the oldest inhabitant such a refusal has been given, and as may be supposed the event has caused no little surprise and indignation. On Tuesday last, therefore, the corpse was carried to the Independent Chapel, where a funeral service was performed by the minister, the Rev T.S. KING. The body was then taken to the churchyard, and at once lowered into the grave. The mourners and spectators (of which there was a considerable number), assembled to witness this strange scene, then retired to an adjoining meadow, where an address was given and prayer offered by Mr KING.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 28 March 1865 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 22nd March, at the Church of Holy Trinity, Bungay, Mr John COLMAN, formerly of Wisbeach, to Eliza, youngest daughter of Mr George CATCHPOLE, Flixton Road, Bungay.


On the 19th March, at Bungay, aged 7 years, of diphtheria, Aquilla, third daughter of Robert BIRD, hawker, Ipswich; and on the same day, Eliza, the fifth daughter, aged 2 years.

On the 20th March, at Southwold, in the 68th year of her age, Elizabeth, the wife of Mr James MAGGS, auctioneer.

On the 11th day of January last, at Young, New South Wales, after a few days' illness, in the 45th year of his age, Mr Edmund FREEMAN, second son of the late Mr Thomas FREEMAN, of Henham.

On the 24th March, at Beccles, after only one day's illness, Thomas, son of William DELF, gardener, aged 7 years.

In addition to the above: -

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 28 March 1865 Page 4, column 1

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

AT ELLINGHAM To Be Let, A Comfortable Residence, conveniently situated in the Village of Ellingham, containing Two Front Rooms, Pantries, Washhouse, Three Sleeping Rooms, with a Large Garden attached. Mr Henry DANIELS, the present tenant, has carried on a good Grocery Business for many years, for which the premises are well adapted. For Particulars apply to Mr H. READ, Beccles.