6 Jun - 27 Jun 1865
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
June 1865 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News : assorted extracts
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 6 June 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 21st May, after a severe and protracted affliction, in the 72nd year of her age, Elizabeth, widow of the late Mr William BOYDON, of Southwold.
On the 31st May, in Norwich Hospital, Mr Robt. KING, for 27 years servant in the employ of Richard MANN, Esq., of Bungay.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 6 June 1865 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Held on Thursday before J.L. BEDINGFIELD, Esq., and Major MARGITSON. Assault Upon A Dairy-Maid At Bungay Elizabeth COATES, of Flixton, was charged with having at Flixton on the 24th May last unlawfully assaulted and beaten Harriet WALNE, servant. As Mrs COATES did not appear, Inspector MAY proved the service of the summons. The complainant said Mr BEAUMONT, the father of the defendant, came to her at her father's house yesterday, and brought with him a paper on which she saw Mrs COATES' name written, and asked her to sign it, which she did. The Inspector said that when he served the summons, Mrs COATES admitted that she struck the complainant, and said that she was sorry that she had done so. The Bench decided to hear the case in the absence of the defendant. Harriet WALNE said, I live in Mr BEAUMONT's service as dairy-maid, and Mrs COATES, his daughter, is his house-keeper. I was setting up my milk between eight and nine o'clock on the morning of the 24th May, when defendant came to me and complained of my being slow. I replied that I was going as fast as I could; she then called me a fool, and I said "Not a greater fool than many other people;" upon which she desired me to beg her pardon. I said, "I have neither said nor done anything to beg your pardon for;" she then struck me in the face and hurt me very much. I told her I should not remain any longer in the service, and demanded my wages, which she refused to pay, and I then left without receiving them. The Bench convicted the defendant, who was fined 7 Shillings and 6 Pence and 10 Shillings and 6 Pence costs, or in default seven days imprisonment.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 13 June 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 8th June, at Geldeston Church, by the Rev A. O. HARTLEY, M.A., J. Edwin CRISP, Esq., of Beccles, to Letitia Adelaide, youngest daughter of Robert DASHWOOD, Esq., of the same place. No cards.
On the 5th June, at St Nicholas Church, Yarmouth, by the Rev H. NEVILLE, Mr R.A. KING, builder, Beccles, to Anna, second daughter of the late Mr W. SALMON.
On the 1st June, at Halesworth, Thomas CRACKNELL, Esq., in the 78th year of his age.
In addition to the above: -
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 13 June 1865 Page 4, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
SARAH HAYWARD, Cooper etc Bridge Street, Beccles. Returns her thanks to the Gentry and Inhabitants of Beccles and its neighbourhood, for the favors bestowed upon her and her late husband for upward of 30 years, and informs them that she has disposed of the business to her Son Philip HAYWARD, and trusts the same kind patronage will be extended to him. June 1865.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 20 June 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 13th June, at Hedenham Church, Mr William SEARLE, of that place, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr John BEAUMONT, late of the Buck Inn, Flixton.
On the 13th June, at Beccles, by the Rev C.H. SHAW, Mr TILLET, of Bungay, to Ellen, fifth daughter of Mr W. NEALE, of Beccles.
On the 5th June, at Diss, Ann Maria, wife of T.E. WALLACE, Esq., and second daughter of the late Rev Wm. MANNING, rector of Diss and Weeting.
On the 7th June, Henry, only son of Mr ANGOLD, surveyor, of Diss, aged 25.
On the 10th June, at her residence, Linden House, Ipswich Road, Stowmarket, deeply lamented aged 71 years, Mrs Mary PRENTICE, widow of the late Thomas PRENTICE, Esq., of that town.
On the 13th June, at Beccles, Mr Thomas CORNABY, aged 55 years.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 27 June 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 14th June, at Halesworth Church, by the Rev A. MATCHETT, Mr Alexandre Isodore VACHEROT, of Kensington, architect, to Mary Arabella, youngest daughter of Mr John STAGOLL, of Halesworth, land surveyor.
On the 19th June, at the parish Church Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANHAM, Mr Robert RIX, son of Mr Henry RIX, farmer, to Miss Rossanna [sic] BRIGHTEN, daughter of Mr Robert BRIGHTEN, both of Lowestoft.
On the 17th June, Ann, relict of the late John BUTLER, of Loddon, in her 90th year.
On the 17th June, at Loddon, aged 90, Mrs BAKER, widow.
On the 17th June, at Elm Lodge, Hampton , Lord Charles FITZROY, second son of the fourth Duke of Grafton, in his 75th year.
On the 18th June, at Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Mrs Livingstone, mother of the celebrated African traveller.
On the 19th June, after along illness, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of the Rev S.S. WARNOLL, rector of Sotterley.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 27 June 1865 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
LODDON Petty Sessions, Wednesday. (Before J. KERRICH, Esq., chairman, Sir T.P. BEAUCHAMP, Bart., and R. GILBERT, Esq.,) Horace ALGATE was charged by Sir T.P. BEAUCHAMP, Bart., commander of the Loddon Corps, with taking, carrying away, and refusing to give up, one tunic, one pair of trowsers [sic], one cap and plume, with belts, etc, the property of the Loddon Rifle Corps. The case was proved by Mr RODWELL, secretary, and the complainant. The defendant was discharged, but was ordered to restore the belts etc, if not a further summons would be issued. Walter BECKETT and James ADKINS were charged by police-constable BROWNE with having in their possession guns for the purpose of taking game at Geldeston, on Sunday morning last.The defendants have since absconded. Samuel STIMPSON, laborer, was charged by Jonathan DAWSON, of Thurlton, farming bailiff to Mr BOND, with stealing five hens' eggs, his property. The prisoner, who had nothing to say, was sent for trial.