1 June - 29 June 1869
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 1 June 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
COLES --- MULLETT. On the 25th May, at Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, rector, Mr William COLES, baker, of St John the Evangelist, Westminster, to Emma MULLETT, youngest daughter of Mr James MULLETT, tailor, Beccles.
RAY --- SMITH. On Wednesday last, at Sporle, Norfolk, by the Rev Joseph HARRISON, brother-in-law of the bride, assisted by the Rev T. JONES, vicar, Mr John Norman Reynolds RAY, of Aylsham, to Helen, sixth daughter of the late Mr T. SMITH, of Blickling.
RANDALL --- LAMBERT. On the 27th May, at St Nicholas', by Rev F.C. CLUTTERBUCK, Mr John RANDALL, to Elizabeth LAMBERT, both of Great Yarmouth.
ALBEMARLE --- On the 16th May, at the Hotel de l'Europe, Lyons, Frances, Countess of Albemarle, widow of Augustus Frederic, the fifth Earl, and daughter of Charles STEER, Esq., of Chichester.
MARSHALL --- On the 17th May, at 2, Queen's Cottages, Albion Road, Yarmouth, Ann, widow of Mr Jeremiah MARSHALL, proprietor of houses, aged 82.
NORTON --- On the 22nd May, at Rickinghall, aged 81, Harriet, widow of Thomas NORTON, formerly of Beccles.
SCAFF --- On the 29th May, at Beccles, Mr Wm. [sic] SCAFF, aged 86 years.
WARNES --- On the 20th May, at South Market Road, Yarmouth, Sarah, widow of John WARNES, a fisherman, aged 47 years.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 1 June 1869 Page 5, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
LOWESTOFT Longevity.---A few days since Rachel, the widow of James PEEK, fisherman, Kirtley, completed her 102nd year.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 8 June 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
HARAVAN --- MANNING. On the 31st May, at St Peter's Chapel, by the Rev J.C. WALKER, Mr James HARAVAN, to Miss Mary Ann MANNING, both of Lowestoft.
LACK --- THORNDICK. On the 3rd June, at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev S.H. WARDLEY, James LACK, of Docking, Norfolk, to Elizabeth THORNDICK, of Lowestoft.
PARRY --- GOODWIN. On the 25th May, at Whittington, Herefordshire, by the Rev C.H.P. ABBOTT, Mr William PARRY, of Sutton St Nicholas, to Ellen, fifth daughter of Mr Philip GOODWIN, glover, of Halesworth.
SQUIRE --- HILL. On the 1st June, at Fishley, Norfolk, by the Rev J. POTTER, M.A., incumbent, Albert, youngest son of the late Robert SQUIRE, of Acle, to Mary Georgiana, eldest daughter of the Rev George Frederick HILL, vicar of Repps with Bastwick.
ALLEN --- On the 31st May, aged 84 year, much respected, Miss Lidia [sic] ALLEN, of Woodbridge.
BAXTER --- On the 1st June, Mr Jonas BAXTER, colt breaker, etc, Leiston.
BROCK --- On the 3rd June, deeply regretted by his family and friends, aged 20 years, Harry, third son of Mr E. BROCK, of Topcroft, near Bungay.
ROSE --- On the 4th June, at the Cliff Brewery, Ipswich, Mr Thomas ROSE, aged 70 years.
THRING --- On the 30th May, at her residence, 36, Royal York Crescent, Clifton, Jane THRING, relict of the late Rev Dr THRING, D.D., Rector of Sutton Veny, and Vicar of Fisherton Delamere, Wilts., and only child of the late Richard DUGDALE, Esq., of Compton Bassett, Wilts., aged 78.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 15 June 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BRYANT --- JULIANS. On the 9th June, at the Parish Church, Henstead, by the Rev G.A. WHITAKER, Mr George BRYANT, to Martha Ann, eldest daughter of Mrs Ann JULIANS, both of Hulver.
DANN --- COPEMAN. On the 8th June, at the Congregational Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev F. GOODALL, Francis DANN, to Louisa COPEMAN, both of Lowestoft.
FRANCIS --- BURTON. On the 10th June, by the Rev J.W. COLVIN, Mr Alfred FRANCIS to Mary Ann BURTON, both of Yarmouth.
FELGATE --- WEAVERS. On the 7th June, at the Congregational Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev Fairfax GOODALL, James Edward FELGATE, to Charity WEAVERS, both of Kirkley, near Lowestoft.
SCARFE --- THOMPSON. On the 8th June, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Woodbridge, by the Rev R.H. MOLE, Mr Albert SCARFE, of Hackney, London, to Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Mr Robert THOMPSON, Thouroughfare [sic], Woodbridge.
BELL --- On the 5th June, at Thorpland near Downham Market, aged 82 years, Edward BELL, Esq., the last surviving son of the late Henry BELL, Esq., of Wallington Hall, Norfolk.
BROOKE --- At Beccles, Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr William BROOKE, innkeeper, and Norwich carrier, aged 27 years.
COLLETT --- On the 9th June, in the 74th year of his age, the Rev Woodthorpe COLLETT, incumbent of Brightwell cum Kesgrave, Suffolk.
FREEMAN --- On the 12th June, at Ringsfield, Martha, wife of Mr William FREEMAN, in her 49th year.
GORHAM --- On the 9th June, at the Grove Cottage, Yoxford, in the 84th year of her age. Diana, relict of Capt. Richard GORHAM, of her Majesty's 63rd Regiment of Foot.
GROSS --- On the 9th June, at Church street, Woodbridge, suddenly, Mr Frederick GROSS, in the 62nd year of his age.
MILLER --- On the 5th June, at Diss, Daniel Bayles MILLER, after a few days' illness, in his 36th year, highly respected by all who knew him.
RIX --- On the 12th June, in his 18th year, Francis Meadows, youngest son of Mr William S. RIX, of Beccles.
WILLIAMS --- On the 7th June, in her 89th year, Elizabeth, relict of the late Joshua WILLIAMS, for 65 years landlady of the Black Boys Inn, Thornage.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 15 June 1869 Page 5, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS ......Presentation.---On Thursday morning last, a number of the parishioners met at the Vicarage, Farnham, and presented to the Rev Joseph KING a handsome drawing-room clock, bearing a plate with an inscription expressive of the esteem and regard which has been felt towards him during his ministry of more than 20 years. The clock was presented by Mr Thomas BARBER, churchwarden, together with a cheque for 100 Pounds. The Rev F. JOHNSON, rector of Stratford, expressed the comfort it had been in two parishes which were so closely connected in schools and services and many ways, to have had as incumbent of Farnham one with whom it was so easy to co-operate in Christian work as Mr KING. The universal feeling was one of regret at his departure, mingled with a hope that he might be prospered greatly in ministering to the new flock with which he had been entrusted. - The Rev J. KING, who was deeply affected, returned thanks. - Mrs JOHNSON, of Stratford, then presented to Mrs KING, on behalf of the subscribers, a silver salver engraved with a similar expression of deep esteem; adding that it was only wives and mothers who could rightly appreciate the duties and anxieties, and of late the afflictions also, in which Mrs KING had borne so exemplary a part, and won so much regard. Cake and wine was then handed round, and the health of Mr and Mrs KING was warmly proposed by Mr CHAPLIN, of Rose Hill, and duly acknowledged : also the health of the family at the vicarage, to whom the younger members of the parish owed so much. The health of the Rev F. and Mrs JOHNSON was then given by Mr KING; also that of Mr BARBER, and it was mentioned that besides the handsome subscription which the worthy churchwarden had given, he had again come forward nobly to make up the cheque presented, to the round sum which he had determined on.
And also: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 15 June 1869 Page 5, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
SUFFOLK AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION A meeting of the committee of the Agricultural Association was held at the Station Hotel, Ipswich, on Friday afternoon. Mr J. G. SHEPPARD took the chair during the earlier part of the proceedings, but was compelled to leave before they concluded, when his place was supplied by Mr R. GARRETT; the other members present were Mr E. PACKARD, the Mayor of Ipswich; Mr H. BIDDELL, Mr G. M. SEXTON; Mr J.A. HEMPSON; Mr E. COTTINGHAM, Mr C. BOBY, Mr W, WILSON, Mr R. WRINCH, Mr T. FREEMAN, Mr I. RIST, Mr J.P. COBBOLD, Mr N.CATCHPOLE, and Mr M. BIDDELL. The secretary (Mr R. BOND) stated that the judges and veterinary inspector, who had been nominated had all consented to serve. Two vacancies which had occurred in the stewardship were filled by the appointment of Mr Thomas FREEMAN, Ipswich, and Mr S.A. GOODWYN, Leiston Hall. The next business was to examine the certificates of the labourers, servants etc, and determine the most deserving to receive the prizes, and the following was the result: - Class 1.---To the labourer in husbandry, whose rent does not exceed 5 Pounds a-year, by whom the greatest number of legitimate children have been brought up to the age of six years, without or with the least parochial relief. 12 premiums of 2 Pounds each. 24 competitors. George PAWSEY, recommended by Sir C. BUNBURY, Bart., 12 children, 12 above six years. No money : some wine 12 years since, during typhus fever. William DALLINGER, recommended by Mr Henry LINGWOOD, nine children, nine above six, no relief. John CALVER, recommended by Mr Wm [sic] N. KING, 14 children, 9 above six; 4 Shillings and three coffins for dead children, costing 22 Shillings more. John BUNTON, recommended by Mr Richard CHAPLIN, 8 children, 8 above six; four loaves of bread. Jonathan SHELDRAKE, recommended by Mr Edward PAGE, 8 children, 8 above six, no relief. William NICHOLLS, recommended by Mr D. BARKER, 14 children, 7 above six; 7 Shillings and 6 Pence. Jonathan SMITH, recommended by Mr E. H. BOBY, 7 children, 7 above six; during three weeks only. Noah WILSON, recommended by Mr R.V. EDWARDS, 10 children, six above six; five stones of flour. John MALLETT, recommended by Mr William LAST, 8 children, six above six; about two stones of flour. James WISEMAN, recommended by Mr Peter BLOFIELD, 6 children, six above six; no relief. George QUINTON, recommended by Mr G.S. GOLDING, 10 children, five above six; no relief. Robert CROWFOOT, recommended by the Earl of STRADBROKE, eight children, dive above six; four stones of flour. Class 2.---To the labourer in husbandry, whose rent does not exceed 5 Pounds a-year, who has worked the longest on the same farm or with the same master or mistress. 12 premiums of 2 Pounds each. 37 competitors. Edward STANNARD, recommended by Lord HENNIKER, 51 years. James CRISP, recommended by Rev E.C. ALSTON, 50 years. Thomas KNIGHTS, recommended by Mr WM [sic] CHAMBERS, 49 years. John WARNER, recommended by Mr Thomas LINGWOOD, 48 years. Michael CHAPMAN, recommended by Mr Henry M. DAY, 46 years. Robert WELTON, recommended by Mr John F. VINCENT, 46 years. Benjamin CATCHPOLE, recommended by John BERNERS, Esq., 46 years. John BUCKLE, recommended by Mr William HILL, 45 years. Robert SIMPER, recommended by H.BROOKE, Esq., 44 years. Isaac KINDRED, recommended by Mr W.A. STANDFORD, 43¾ years. John HAMMOND, recommended by Mr George ROPE, 43½ years. Richard PEARCE, recommended by Mr Jas. [sic] CHASTON, 42 years. Class 3.---To the horse driver who has worked the longest with the same master or mistress, or upon the same farm. 10 premiums of 2 Pounds each. 19 competitors. Isaac SALMON, recommended by Mr R.L. EVERETT, 51 years. James WINNEY, recommended by Mr John SPURLING, 42 years. John WINNEY, recommended by Mr F. KEER, 40 years. John RICHER, recommended by Sir G. BROKE-MIDDLETON, Bart., 39 years. William SOUTHGATE, recommended by Mr George RANSON, 39 years. Robert DALE, recommended by Mr Isaac RIST, 35 years. Samuel SMY, recommended by Mr G. GODDERHAM, 34 years. William SILVERSTONE, recommended by Mr R. RUNNACLES, 30½ years. James MUDD, recommended by Mr J.A. HEMPSON, 29 years. Wm. [sic] WALLER, recommended by Mr G.S. MUMFORD, 28½ years. Class 4.---To the female domestic dairy servant who has lived the longest upon the same farm, or with the same master or mistress, and has had the care of not less than six cows. Four premiums of 2 Pounds each. Seven competitors. Sarah BRANTON, recommended by Mr James CATCHPOLE, 10 years and seven months. Mary A. SMITH, recommended by Mr Robert J. LAST, 10 years. Sarah COPPING, recommended by Mr Nathan WALKER, 8½ years. Sophia POACHER, recommended by Mr G.W. BATES, 6 years. Class 5.---To the shepherd who shall have reared from not less than 400 ewes, the greatest number of lambs with the smallest loss of ewes.........
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 22 June 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
APPLEBY --- JILLINGS. On the 10th June, at St Mary's Church, Islington, by the Rev J. GREEN, Thomas Henry APPLEBY, of Holloway, eldest son of Mr T. APPLEBY, of San Francisco, late of the city of York, to Elizabeth JILLINGS, youngest child of Mr R. JILLINGS, farmer, Holton.
BRYANT --- ROPER. 16th June, at Great Finborough, by the Rev W.V. KITCHING, M.A., Thomas F. BRYANT, the Hall, Debenham, to Clara, fourth daughter of Frederick C. ROPER, Esq., Boyton Hall, Stowmarket.
CLARK --- CLARK. On the 10th June, at the Parish Church, Bildeston, by the Rev C. WALLACE, Mr Daniel CLARK, bootmaker, to Miss Ellen CLARK, both of Monks Eleigh.
COSSEY --- MUIR. On the 15th June, at Pelton Lane Baptist Chapel, Halifax, by the Rev Thos. [sic] MICHAEL, assisted by the Rev John BLOOMFIELD, of Bradford, Edward Francis, eldest son of the late Mr Richard COSSEY, Pakefield Farm, Laxfield, Suffolk, to Elizabeth Clayton, only surviving daughter of Mr MUIR, Savile Mount, Halifax, Yorkshire.
GRAHAM --- HARDY. 15th June, at St Paul's, Knightsbridge, by the Right Rev the Lord Bishop of Oxford, assisted by the Rev W.J. EDGE, vicar of Benendon, Henry John Lowndes, youngest son of the late Wm. [sic] GRAHAM, Esq., of Tamrawer, Stirlingshire, to Edith Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the Right Hon. Gathorne HARDY, M.P.
SANDS --- ABBOTT. 15th June, at Sudbury, by the Rev Joseph STEER, Nehemiah, only son of Mr Thos. [sic] SANDS, of Finningham, to Bessie, second daughter of Mr Samuel F. ABBOTT, of Lowestoft.
SEELY --- GAGE. On the 10th June, at Lowestoft, William, youngest son of W. SEELEY, Esq., Norwich, to Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr Henry GAGE, general posting proprietor, Lowestoft.
ARCHER --- On the 15th June, at Bungay, very suddenly, Betsy, widow of Mr Peter ARCHER, aged 65.
BETTS --- On the 17th June, at Lowestoft, C.J. BETTS, aged 32, Drill Instructor of the 17th Suffolk Rifle Volunteers.
EASTER --- On the 12th June, at 18 Tottenham Street, Yarmouth, Mr Augustus John EASTER, an annuitant, aged 83 years.
NEWMAN --- On the 14th June, at Saxmundham, in his 76th year, Mr George NEWMAN, for many years a highly respected tradesman of that town.
NEWMAN --- On the 16th June, at Bungay, very suddenly, Ann, widow of Mr John NEWMAN, of the White Lion Inn, aged 53 years.
POLE --- On the 19th June, at Beccles, Richard POLE, aged 50 years.
SALTER --- On the 19th June, at Beccles, Mr James SALTER, aged 48 years.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 22 June 1869 Page 5, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS ......Marriage Festivities.---The marriage of Mr Chas. [sic] BALDWIN, late butler to the Hon. J.M. HENNIKER - MAJOR, M.P., and now landlord of the Horse Shoes Inn, Thornham, near Eye, and Miss Rosa BACON, only daughter of Mr H. BACON, farmer, Rickinghall, took place on Thursday the 10th June. As early as three o'clock in the morning passers-by could see that some very interesting affair was about to take place; triumphal arches were raised and flags were hoisted for a mile or more on the road leading to the homestead. It was evident that a good feeling existed between the bride and her parents and those for miles around them, for where substantial flags could not be obtained pocket handkerchiefs and bouquets of flowers, mounted on long poles and tied to the tops of trees, were to be seen at the front of every cottage door. Shortly after eleven o'clock four carriages were on the way containing the bride with her father and mother, the following six bridesmaids, Miss CUBITT, Miss EASTALL, Miss JACOB, Miss WRIGHT, Miss LOCOCK, and Miss LOWING, and the bridegroom and Mr LOWING. The Rev C. MAUL, the very worthy rector of Rickinghall, performed the interesting ceremony in the presence of upwards of 80 of the bride and bridegroom's relatives and friends. After the ceremony was completed, good wishes were showered upon them from every direction. After the usual wedding breakfast, music, singing, and games of every description, including fireworks, were the order of the day, the bells of Thornham and Rickinghall rang merry peals, and a set of handbells rang some beautiful changes in Mr BACON's garden.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 29 June 1869 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
ARGYLE --- BOWER. On the 22nd June, at St Nicholas' Church, Yarmouth, by the Rev W. DAWSON, Mr John ARGYLE, of Yarmouth, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas BOWER, of Heigham, Norwich.
BELL --- HORSLEY. At the Parish Church, Beccles, on the 22nd June, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, John Joseph BELL, of London, to Sarah, only daughter of Mr Charles HORSLEY, Beccles.
GEORGE --- FORDER. On the 21st June, at St Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth, Mr Thomas B. GEORGE, Church Scripture-reader, to Ellen FORDER, stationer, both of Yarmouth.
HALSEY ---SHARMAN. On the 24th June, at St Nicholas' Church, Yarmouth, by the Rev J.W. COLVIN, Mr William HALSEY, to Jane SHARMAN, both of Yarmouth.
MIDDLETON --- WRIGHT. On the 22nd June, at St Nicholas' Church, Yarmouth, by the Rev A.P. HOLME, Mr Samuel MIDDLETON, to Harriet WRIGHT, both of Yarmouth.
BAILEY --- On the 26th March, at Preston, near Melbourne, Victoria [Australia], of disease of the heart, aged 40 years, Hannah Naomi, the beloved wife of Thomas BAILEY, formerly of Ely, Cambridgeshire, and daughter of the late Jonathan HALL, of Sudbury, in this county. [This death announcement appears in error in the paper in the section on marriages.]
BARNBY --- On the 25th June, at Beccles, Mr Robert BARNBY, farmer, aged 83 years.
BLUNDERFIELD --- On the 13th June, at Loddon, aged 1 year and 7 months, Arthur Edward, son of Mr W. R. BLUNDERFIELD.
LAWRENCE --- On Wednesday last [23 June], at Loddon, after a short but very severe illness, Mr Edward LAWRENCE, in his 79th year.
PEDGRIFT --- On the 20th June, aged 19, Arthur John, eldest son of the late Mr Arthur Robert PEDGRIFT, and grandson of Robert PEDGRIFT, Esq., surgeon, Loddon.
SMITH --- On the 19th June, after a few days' illness, Ernest Athol, infant son of Samuel and Sarah SMITH, carriage manufactory, Halesworth.