1 Jul - 30 Sep 1862
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
July - Sept 1862 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News Births, Marriages, & Deaths.
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 1 July 1862 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 30th June, at Beccles, Henry HARVEY, Esq., late of Catton, near Norwich, in the 82d year of his age.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 8 July 1862 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 1st July, at St Margaret's Church, Lowestoft, by the Rev -- FOX, John SCOTT, Esq., to Elizabeth ALEXANDER.
On the 3rd July, at St Peter's, Pimlico, Henry WETTON, Esq., of Chertsey, to Marion, daughter of W.C. WORTHINGTON, Esq., F.R.C.S., etc of Lowestoft.
On the 3rd July, at the Independent Chapel, Beccles, by the Rev J. FLOWER, James, son of Mr John STRATFORD, carpenter, to Georgianna, daughter of Mr John COPEMAN, both of Beccles.
On the Thursday last, aged 87, at Rollesby Rectory, Catherine, wife of the Rev Robert John FRANCIS, late of Beccles.
On the 24th June, in the Workhouse of the Loddon and Clavering Union, in her 105th year, Mary, widow of the late Mr Samuel LOCK, late of Loddon. The deceased, with the exception of being blind and deaf, enjoyed her faculties to the last.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 15 July 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 12th of July, at Ellingham Church, by the Rev Robert COBB, M.A., rector, Mr William SHEARING, jun., to Harriet, only daughter of the late Mr Thomas CHAPLIN, of Gillingham.
DEATH On the 10th July, at Hedenham, the wife of Mr R. B. BIRCHAM, Hedenham Mermaid, aged 70 years.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 22 July 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
No births, death and marriages. Instead:-
LOWESTOFT POLICE COURT Held on Wednesday, the 16th July, before Charles STEWARD, Esq., R.C. FOWLER, Esq., H.S. WADDINGTON, Esq., the Rev R.C. DENNY, and Major LEATHES. Ale House Offence James BROWN, of Blundeston, a beer house keeper, was charged with keeping his house open during the hours of divine service, on Sunday, the 29th June, contrary to the form of the statute. Arthur AMISS, of Lound, said that about 2 o'clock on the day in question, in company with others, he went to the defendant's house, and remained there till between five and six. There were other men besides himself, they were drinking all that time, and were the worse for drink when they left the house. The Chairman addressing the defendant, said he was surprised when he saw him come into the room, as he had known him a great many years, as a respectable man, but they could not overlook the thing. It was bad when the house was kept open only a few minutes after divine service, but in this instance, the house was kept open an hour before and an hour after divine service, and the parties left the house the worse for drink. He was fined 2 Pounds including costs. The money was paid.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 29 July 1862 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
No births, deaths and marriages listed. Instead: -
BUNGAY A BAZAAR for the reduction of the debt upon the Wesleyan Chapel was held in the Corn Hall, on Tuesday, the 22nd July. The day being fine a large number of visitors arrived; the hall which was very tastefully decorated with evergreens, flowers, mottoes, flags, etc, by Messrs STOLLERY, BALLS, AND COCKS, was opened at 11 o'clock a.m. The stalls, extending on each side of the hall, were presided over by Mrs and Miss SADD, Mrs and Miss STOLLERY, Miss MITCHELL, and Miss BLOOMFIELD, who were very energetic in their endeavours to lighten the purses of the visitors, and we are pleased to state their efforts were successful. A refreshment stall was placed across the bottom of the hall, which gave constant employment to Mrs G. COCKS, Mrs DELF, Mr George CANNELL, and Mrs F. STOLLERY; while in the opposite corners were the penny portrait gallery and the post office; an harmonium was played at intervals by Mr W. WALESBY. We also noticed Mr A. BOATWRIGHT with his photographic Cameras, and have since seen some well executed stereoscopic views of the hall and its contents during the sale; they are doubtless deserving of great praise. Sermons of a useful and earnest character were preached in the chapel by A. CHAMERLAIN, Esq., from Wroxham, in the afternoon; and by the Rev B. RIDSDALE, from Lowestoft, in the evening; after which the congregation returned to the Hall, where they remained until 10 o'clock. A committee meeting was held on Friday evening, when the accounts were audited, and a balance of just 50 Pounds was declared.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 5 August 1862 Page 4, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
No births, deaths and marriages listed. Instead: -
EARSHAM STREET, BUNGAY JOHN TILLETT, FISHMONGER Begs respectfully to inform the Public that he will have for sale on Thursday, the 7th instant, about Twenty Salmon, at 1 Shilling and 1 Shilling and 2 Pence per pound [weight], which is the lowest price that has been asked this season.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 12 August 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
No births, deaths and marriages listed. Instead: -
YARMOUTH SUDDEN DEATH--On Monday, 4th inst., the earthly career of Mr DOUGHTY, an old and respected inhabitant of this town, suddenly terminated. Up to the time of his retiring for the night, no change was observable, but he had hardly entered his bedroom when he fell down and expired. The cause of death was disease of the heart.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 19 August 1862 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library No births, deaths and marriages listed. Instead: -
Held on Thursday, the 14th inst., before J. L. BEDINGFIELD, Esq., Captain MARGITSON, and Richard MANN, Esq. William BARBER, William BAKER and Henry PITTS, three lads, pleaded guilty to a charge of playing pitch-halfpenny on the Common, on Sunday, the 10th inst., and were each sentenced to seven days' hard labor in Ipswich Gaol.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 26 August 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 10th August, at Thorpe, Mr John SPENDALL, of Norwich, to Miss Mary Ann EARLE, of Bungay.
On the 16th August, at St Margaret's Church, Lowestoft, by the Rev George FOX, Mr Edward SOWELLS, of Great Yarmouth, to Mrs John BAKER, of the same place.
On the 17th, at St Marylebone Church, London, Mr H.W. GIBBS, of New Church- street, Paddington, to Martha, third daughter of Mr James CARR, bootmaker, Woodbridge.
On the 11th of August, at Pulham Rectory, aged 85, Mrs R.C. KING, widow of R.C. KING, Esq., surgeon, Saxmundham.
On the 17th [August] in London, aged 42 years, Mr Samuel TILLETT, cabinet- maker, late of Halesworth.
On the 17th [August] at Lowestoft, in her 72nd year, Phillis, widow of the late Mr Samuel RAY, of Worlingworth, in this county.
On the 15th [August], aged 69 years, Mr James BARBER, farmer, Carlton.
On the 20th [August], greatly lamented by his family and friends, in his 18th year, Arthur George, the eldest son of Mr Charles MINNS, of the Watchouse Inn, Bungay.
On the 24th August, much respected, Mr Simon PRESS, manager of the Beccles Gas Works, in the 57th year of his age.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 2 September 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 26th August, at Sutterton Vicarage, Lincolnshire, the Rev Joseph Nankivell TOWNSEND, M.A., only son of the late Thomas TOWNSEND, Esq., Chief Judge of the Tilla Court, Madras, and of Pulteney street, Bath.
On the 24th August, at Sydenham, Andrew JOHNSTON, Esq., of Holton, formerly of Renny-hill, Fifeshire, aged 64.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 9 September 1862 Page 4, column 2
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library No births, deaths and marriages listed. Instead: -
BUNGAY SERIOUS ACCIDENT--On Monday, the 1st inst., a severe accident happened to a young man named Frederick DOWNING, who is employed at Mr FARROW's steam sawing machine. It appears the young man had thrown off the rigger which drives the saw, in order to stop it, but as the brass on the spindle was heated, it did not stop immediately. DOWNING, imprudently, pressed his thumb against the plate, which, being greasy, resisted the pressure, and his hand slipped in front of the saw, and the thumb and three fingers of his right hand were completely severed.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 16 September 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 10th September, at Beccles, the wife of Mr Thomas GOSS, of a son.
On the 11th September, at the Independent Meeting House, Halesworth, by the Rev D.T. CARNSON, Mr John Edwin HART, Clare, to Lucy, youngest daughter of Mrs ELWORTHY, of the former place.
On the 5th September, very suddenly whilst at Halesworth, much respected, Mr Thomas Cocks MORE of Metfield younger son of Mr Richard MORE, of the Park, St James Southelmham.
On the 10th September, at his residence in Bungay, John Barber SCOTT, Esq., in the 71st year of his age.
On the 11th September, very suddenly, Mr JEX of Brampton, aged 74 years.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 23 September 1862 Page 4, columns 4 & 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 16th September, at Newton, Isle of Ely, by the Rev H.E. DANIEL, Charles John IFE, of Southwold, to Ann Rose MILLS.
On the 21st September, at Beccles, Susan, the eldest daughter of Mr Robert TOOK, postman.
On the 20th September, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr John NORMAN; in the 92nd year of her age.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 30 September 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On Wednesday the 24th September, much respected, aged 62 years, Fanny, wife of Mr Edward WALESBY, harness maker Bungay.