4 Jul - 25 Jul 1865
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
July 1865 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News : assorted extracts
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 4 July 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 24th June, at Halesworth, by the Rev V.J. STANTON, assisted by the Rev A. MATCHETT, Mr Henry E. LAKER, of Holbrook, to Ellen, fourth daughter of Mr Robert CHASE, sen. of Bungay.
On the 29th June, at the Congregational Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev J.B. BLACKMORE, Mr Samuel MOORE, to Fanny CRICKMORE, both of Lowestoft.
On the 25th June, at St Margaret's Southelmham, much respected, aged 80, Miss Eliza LAST.
On the 26th June, at Wangford, Elizabeth, relict of Mr James DRAKE, late of Sotherton, Suffolk.
On the 28th June, after a short illness, Emma Whitten, the beloved wife of Mr Fred. HOWLETT, of Beccles, in her 37th year.
On the 29th June, at Carlton Colville, much lamented, Martha, the beloved wife of John BULLARD, aged 53.
On the 29th June, at Wangford, Frances, the beloved wife of the Rev W. CROWN, aged 52.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 11 July 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 7th July, at Bournemouth, Hants, the wife of Mr John MOBBS, late of Beccles, of a daughter.
On the 3rd July, at the parish church, Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANHAM, Mr James DENNY, to Miss Mary Ann FISK, both of Lowestoft.
On the 6th July, at the parish church, Lowestoft, by the Rev Charles HEBERT, vicar, Mr Charles DENTON, farmer, of Hopton, Suffolk, to Miss Charlotte Barry BARBER, daughter of the late Mr John BARBER, fish merchant, of the above port.
On the 6th July, at St Peter's per Mountergate, Norwich, Mr Arthur Edward KING, of Beccles, to Jane Eliza WATSON, youngest daughter of Mr James WATSON, Builder, Norwich.
On the 17th May last, at Bombay, Naomi, wife of Mr Robert CARLEY, late of Bungay.
On the 28th June, at Diss, aged 83, Harriett, relict of the late Saml. [sic] FARROW, Esq.
On the 29th June, at Wangford, after a severe and long affliction, Frances, the beloved wife of the Rev W. CROWN, Primitive Methodist minister, aged 52 years.
On the 3rd July, at Bungay, aged three weeks, Edward, son of Mr William COCKS, Earsham Street, Bungay.
On the 5th July, at Windsor, after a painful affliction, aged 35, James, eldest son of Mr Edward EVERETT, painter, of Beccles.
In addition to the above: -
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 11 July 1865 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Were held on Friday last, before the Mayor, (in the chair), and Dr CROWFOOT. William ARNOLD, veterinary surgeon, of Beccles, was summoned for neglecting to pay a poor rate of 6 Shillings and 8 Pence. It appeared from the evidence of Mr LOVE, assistant overseer, that the defendant hires [sic] a house in the New Market, and that previous to the last quarter he had been rated at 4 Shillings and 6 Pence instead of 6 Shillings and 8 Pence, on account of his indigent circumstances; but in consequence of the shop having been let during the latter part of the last quarter, and occupied by himself and family at the beginning, the rate had been raised to the proper amount of 6 Shillings and 8 Pence, which the defendant refused to pay, contending that the shop had not been used for any profitable occupation. The Bench ordered the payment of the 6 Shillings and 8 Pence, and costs, and as defendant was unable to pay a distress was issued upon his goods.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 18 July 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 8th July, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev John LOCKE, Mr Elijah HAWES, to Miss Mary Ann MAYS, both of Gorleston, Suffolk.
On the 11th July, at Bergh Apton, by the Rev W.F THURSBY, assisted by the Rev W. LAWRENCE, Mr Philip CLARKE, of Geldeston, to Elizabeth, only daughter of Thomas S. CLARKE, Esq., of the above place.
On the 13th July, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev C.S.SHAW, curate, William REMBLANTS, woodman, to Keturah BARBER, both of Beccles.
On the 13th July, at Mettingham Church, by the Rev J.C. SAFFORD, Mr Thos. JORDAN, of Bungay, to Mary, third daughter of the late Mr John CULLUM, of Mendham.
On the 14th July, at Ditchingham Church, by the Rev W.E. SCUDAMORE, Mr Wm. FAIRHEAD, to Anna, eldest daughter of Mr GOAT, all of Ditchingham.
On the 24th December last, off the Island of Jamaica, Henry, second son of Mr Samuel HOWLETT, of Yoxford.
On the 6th July, the Rev J. Lucas WORSHIP, rector of Stokesby-cum-Herringby, Norfolk, aged 71 years.
On the 9th July, at Wrentham, Suffolk, the wife of Wm. ALGAR, late of Barnaby, Suffolk, farmer.
On the 10th July, at Beccles, Mr James ELLIS, aged 85 years.
On the 12th July, at Halesworth, in the 85th year of her age, Mary Ann, the widow of Capt. RUDGE, late of Fishguard, Pembrokeshire, and the last surviving sister of the late Robert CRABTREE, Esq., of Halesworth.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 18 July 1865 Page 4, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EASTERN COUNTIES' ASYLUM FOR IDIOTS AND IMBECILES, Essex Hall, Colchester. The Sixth Annual Meeting and Thirteenth Election of this Charity took place at the Town Hall, Great Yarmouth, on Thursday 13th July, 1865. R. STEWARD, Esq., Mayor, in the chair. The following were the successful Candidates: - RE-ELECTION CASES Michael TOWLER..........4036 votes Frederick HURRELL..........3772 votes ORDINARY CASES Richard BUILDER..........5299 votes Elizabeth WILKIN..........4301 votes Isaac POTTER..........4041 votes Wm. W. HARRINGTON..........3745 votes Anne FORD..........3543 votes Forms of Application for the Admission of Cases, and all needful information, may be obtained by applying to Mr W. MILLARD, Secretary and Superintendent, Essex Hall, Colchester. All the Banks in the Eastern Counties receive Subscriptions. Contributions are earnestly solicited.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 25 July 1865 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 18th July, at the Independent Chapel, Bungay, by the Rev C.S. CAREY, Mr William WRIGHT, compositor, to Miss Sarah WHISKEN.
On the 15th July, at Dovercourt (at the residence of her son-in-law, the Rev W.H. CHRISTMAS), Harriett, widow of the late Joseph STAMMERS, Mendham Mills, Suffolk, and youngest daughter of the late Mrs Mary GAY, Upper Market, Norwich.
On the 19th July, at Woodton, highly respected, Mr Robert LEEDER, aged 95.
On the 19th July, at Beccles, aged 70 years, Mary , the beloved wife of Mr James PIPER.
On the 19th July, at Beccles, deeply regretted, Elizabeth, the much beloved wife of Abraham CLARKE, of the same place.
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In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 25 July 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS ...On Saturday the 15th July, Thomas BAYES, recently a footman in the service of Mr AMHURST. of Didlington-park, and Emily BAYES, a well-dressed woman, alleged to be his wife, were charged before the magistrates, at Swaffham, with breaking into Didlington Hall and stealing a cash box containing 110 Pounds. William FORD, butler to Mr AMHURST, said that the prisoner had been discharged on suspicion of having committed a petty theft. He knew where the key of the butler's office, in which the cash-box had been kept, was generally put, and also a window was always kept open during the summer at the back of the house, by which entrance could be obtained into the interior. The prisoner had gone to London, but two witnesses stated that on the night of the robbery they had seen him near Didlington Hall.Suspicion consequently fell on him, and he was apprehended in London. A bundle of bank-notes was found in a house where the female prisoner had been, and was handed to the police. The prisoner made a statement, in which he said he had gone to Norfolk to visit his father. While there he got drunk, and instead of visiting his friends he went into Didlington Hall, by the open window at the back, opened the door of the butler's office with the key, which he found in its usual place, broke open the cupboard, and took the cash box. He told his wife that his father had given him the money, and she knew nothing of the robbery. BAYES was fully committed for trial at Norwich Assizes, and the woman was remanded to ascertain if she was married. If she is she will be discharged.