


2 Jul - 30 July 1867


July 1867 East Suffolk Gazette

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 2 July 1867 Page 5, column 4


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 18th June, at Great Yarmouth, Mr Robert Cavins BARBER, draper, to Margaret, daughter of Mr Adam AUSTIN.

On the 18th June, Mr Henry BARKHAM, to Maria, eldest daughter of James ROBINSON, Diss.

On the 20th June, at Topcroft, by the Rev J.G. BRISCOE, Mr G. Brown DICKERSON, to Sarah, fourth daughter of the late Edmund CHENEY, farmer, Topcroft.





On the 20th June, at Aldeby, after a long affliction, William Girling BORRETT, aged 68, many years a resident in that parish.

On the 21st June, at Southwold, Commander William Cress SIMMONS, R.N., aged 73. Deceased was for upwards of eight years harbour master of the above place.

On the 19th April, at Charlotte Town, Prince Edward's Island, Mr William BUTCHER, formerly of St James's Southelmham, Suffolk, in the 78 [sic] year of his age.

On the 28th June, at Gillingham, the Rev John FARR, rector of that parish, aged 47 years.

In addition to the above: -

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 2 July 1867 Page 5, column 2


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS A Suffolk Onion Eater.---A somewhat remarkable character died a few days ago at Wickham Market, after an illness of six weeks. Although he had reached his 89th year, the man in question, John GOODALL, had never required medical assistance, until his first and last illness. His diet consisted chiefly of bread and onions; of the latter he was very fond, and used to say that there was a deal more flavour in an "inion" than in cheese and butter. During the last winter he ate five pecks of raw onions. Although in very humble circumstances he was much respected by those who knew him for his quiet and contented demeanour.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 9 July 1867 Page 5, column 4


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 2nd July, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Loddon, by the Rev Samuel H. WARDLEY, the Rev Joseph HALL, Wesleyan Minister of that place, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr William LAMB.

On the 2nd July, at the Free Methodist Chapel, Wisbeach, by the Rev R. BUSHELL, of Pimlico, Mr A.S. CLARKE, of Lowestoft, to Lissie, youngest daughter of Mr George MARSHALL, of Flora Cottage, Wisbeach.





On the 1st July, after a few days' illness, Robert John, the beloved child of Edward and Emily ABBOTT, Diss, aged 3 years and 3 months, to the inexpressible grief of his sorrowing parents.

On the 4th July, at his residence, West Tower, Norwich Road, Ipswich, in his 62nd year, John KING, Esq., proprietor of the Suffolk Chronicle.

On the 29th June, at Great Yarmouth, Laura, wife of Mr B. L. GROSS, solicitor, Ipswich.

On the 2nd July, at Beccles, in his 103rd year, Mr Robert STAMMERS, formerly of Ellough, labourer.

On the 4th July, at Beccles, Mary Masters MAYHEW, eldest daughter of Mr Joseph MAYHEW, aged 12 years.

On the 6th July, at Beccles, Rachael, wife of Mr Thomas NICKER, butcher, aged 59 years.

In addition to the above: -


East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 9 July 1867 Page 4, column 3


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

FIRST - CLASS PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS MASON & Co., 20, St Giles' Street, Norwich, and 28, Old Bond Street, London. Every Branch of Photography; Miniatures in Oil and Water Colours. Family Pictures and Works of Art copied, and enlarged or reduced to any size. Old Daguerreotypes produced in Carte-de-Visite. Photographs Of The Halls In Norfolk, Large Size 5 Shillings, Carte-de-Visite size 1 Shilling each. Portraits Of The Clergy In the Diocese of Norwich. Price 1 Shilling. MASON & Co., Photographers Royal & Photographic Publishers, 20, St Giles' Street, Norwich, and 28, Old Bond Street, London.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 16 July 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 11th July, At Skirbeck Church, Boston, by the Rev Dr ROY, Samuel Frederick PELLS, of Beccles, to Harriet Dobbing, youngest daughter of W.H. KIRBY, Esq., civil engineer, Boston.

On the 8th July, Mr Ruben [sic] WHITE, of Islington, to Mary Ann, third daughter of Mr L. FOREMAN, of Bungay.





On the 3rd July, at Broome Rectory, aged 68, the Rev James William WENN.

On the 6th July, William DAY, Esq., forty years Clerk to the Magistrates of the city of Norwich, aged 69.

On the 9th July, at the rectory, St Cross, Southelmham, the residence of his brother, John Nugent ROSE, Esq., of Holme, Inverness-shire, late of the Bombay Civil Service.

On the 9th July, in London, at the residence of her son-in-law, Elizabeth, relict of Mr Robert John DEBNEY, of Southwold, aged 81 years.

On the 12th July, suddenly, Mr Joshua MOORE, farmer, St Margaret's, Southelmham, in his 61st year.

On the 12th July, after a short but severe affliction, the wife of Mr RACKHAM, of Bedingham Priory, deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 23 July 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 16th July, at the Baptist Chapel, Bungay by the Rev Joseph BRAND, Mr Samuel NURSEY, eldest son of Mr James NURSEY, of Bungay, carrier, to Ann, eldest daughter of Mr John CLARKE, baker.

On the 16th July, at the parish church, Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANAM [sic], Mr Thomas Francis BURGESS, to Miss Emily SCARLAND, both of Lowestoft.

On the 17th July, at the Congregational Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev GOODALL, Mr John MAJOR, to Emily Frances London SMITH, both of Gorleston, Suffolk.





On the 11th July, at Brundish, in her 89th year Susanna GEDNEY, widow of Mr James GEDNEY.

On the 12th July, after a short but severe affliction, the wife of Mr RACKHAM, of Bedingham Priory, deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.

On the 19th July, at Beccles, John, son of Thomas CROWFOOT, maltster, aged 16 years.

On the 19th July, at Beccles, Mary, daughter of William EDWARDS, labourer, aged 10 months.

In addition to the above: -


East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 23 July 1867 Page 8, column 1


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

YARMOUTH Two Men Drowned.---We regret to have to record the accidental drowning on Friday morning the 12th July, of two men - James NORGATE of Bradwell and George SUTTON of Billockby. These men were two of the crew of the smack Gipsy Queen, belonging to Mr WARNER of Gorleston, and were sworn friends. They were continually larking with one another, and it was whilst so engaged that they both fell overboard together and were drowned. The smack at the time was lying in the roads, some of the crew were ashore with the small boat and the rest were down below. Those below heard the trampling overhead and then a sudden splash, but on going on deck could see no one. The two men, without doubt, clung together as they fell into the sea, and being heavily clad, did not rise again to the surface. This is another terrible warning of the insecurity of life.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 30 July 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 23rd July, at Lowestoft, Mr Henry George COLE, of that place, to Miss Harriet SQUIRE, of Hackney Road, London.

On the 24th July, at Aldeby Church, by the Rev E. BADELEY, Mr John S. LEMAN of Loddon, to Sarah Ann, youngest daughter of Mr John BLOOMFIELD, of Aldeby.





On June 9th (Whit Sunday), at Peshawur, of typhoid fever, Charles Jebb ARNOLD, ensign in the 77th regiment, eldest son of the Rev C.T. ARNOLD, of Rugby, aged 22.

On the 22nd July, at Beccles, Albert, son of George SPALLING, labourer, aged 2 years.

In addition to the above: -


East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 30 July 1867 Page 8, column 1


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS ....The Recent Triple Birth.---We noticed in our last issue the fact that a woman named SUTTLE, residing in Lower Orwell Street, in the parish of St Mary Key, Ipswich, had given birth to three children, two girls and a boy. The Rev J. DUNINGHAM, incumbent of the parish, has taken a great interest in the case, and having brought it to the notice of Her Majesty, she has been graciously pleased to forward, through Major-General Sir Thomas M. BIDDULPH, K.C.B., one of the keepers of her Majesty's privy purse, the sum of 3 Pounds, which has been handed to the poor woman, and which we need scarcely say is a most acceptable gift.