


7 Jul - 28 Jul 1868


East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 7 July 1868 Page 5, column 6

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 2nd July, at the Baptist Church, Gorleston, by the Rev W. ALLNUTT, M.A., Stephen Samuel BATELY, of Bradwell, to Zipporah Keriah, third daughter of John GOFFIN, Esq., Portland Cottage, Southtown, Yarmouth.

On the 25th June, at St John's, Lowestoft, by the Rev H. BEAUMONT, M.A., John MORGAN, of Binfield-road, Stockwell, to Alice Scott Lind, daughter of Samuel HOWETT, of the Marine Esplanade, Lowestoft.


On the 31st [sic] June, at Beccles, in his 7th year, James, son of Mr Charles BARKWAY, of this town.

On the 1st July, Robert BARBER, formerly fel-monger [sic], Beccles, aged 70 years.

In addition to the above: -

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 7 July 1868 Page 5, column 3

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS .....Fatal Accident.----About two months since a well was began to be sunk on the premises of Mr George KERSEY, brickmaker, Carlton, but owing to there being some difficulty in getting the curb to run, it was abandoned for a time, and on Monday, a young man named George COOK, aged about 20, undertook to complete the work. All went on well until about mid-day on Thursday, when they had reached the depth of 46 feet, the earth and brickwork suddenly gave way, and buried the young man in about 25 feet of soil and bricks. It is feared some time will elapse before the body can be extricated. Mr Geo. [sic] KERSEY had a narrow escape as he was coming out of the well just at the time, and had scarcely reached the top, when it gave way. Every exertion is being made to recover the body. Men were employed during the night, and up to 12 o'clock on Friday the body had not been recovered.

And also: -

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 7 July 1868 Page 5, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS ....Fatal Accident.----Passing from the Crown Hotel, at Diss, to the Roydon-road there is a dangerously narrow piece of road, about midway of which there is a kind of square consisting of artisans' and labourers' cottages, the entrance from the square to the road being very abrupt. On Saturday evening a child about two years of age, named Florence BROWN, daughter of Mr Thomas BROWN, power-loom weaver at Mr R. ALDRICH's cocoa matting manufactory, suddenly ran from the square into the road, when she was knocked down and ran over by a timber drag which was passing at the time. The poor child's head was crushed and she was internally injured, and died in about two hours. An inquest was held at the Cherry Tree Inn on Monday, before E. PRESS, Esq., when Solomon READ, ostler at the Cherry Tree, who witnessed the accident, said there was not the slightest blame attached to any one, and a verdict in accordance with the facts was returned. At the suggestion of Mr R. BURROWS (foreman), the jury kindly subscribed 7 Shillings and 6 Pence for the sorrowing parents, and a further sum of 1 Pound 10 Shillings was collected by Mr FELSTEAD, foreman at Mr ALDRICH's factory. Mr BROWN has only recently come to work at Diss, and the deceased was one of a family of five, all under seven years of age.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 14 July 1868 Page 5, column 6

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


Recently, at Bungay, Mr Isaac AUGUST, tailor.

On the 8th July, at Hedenham Hall, Norfolk, Lieut.-Col. John MANN, J.P. for this county, late of the Madras Army, in the 63rd year of his age.

On the 9th July, aged one month, Fanny Edith, daughter of Mr John BARNBY, farmer.

On the 8th July, at Thun, Switzerland, in his 47th year, deeply lamented by his family and friends, John MARGITSON, Esq., of Ditchingham House, Norfolk, a magistrate for the County of Suffolk, and late Major of the 3rd Battalion Suffolk Rifle Volunteers.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 21 July 1868 Page 5, column 6

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 12th July, at the Parish Church, Lowestoft, by the Rev J.C. WALKER, Mr James GALLANT, to Margaret ELVIN, both of Lowestoft.

On the 15th July, at the Parish Church, Lowestoft, by the Rev J.C. WALKER, Mr Wm. [sic] Henry COLEMAN, to Mary Ann COOK, both of Lowestoft.

On the 19th July, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev J.J.S. BIRD, Louis Vencenza GARDINER, sailor, to Anne OXBOROUGH, daughter of George OXBOROUGH, bricklayer, Beccles.

On the 19th July, at the Independent Chapel, Bungay, by the Rev S. H. WARDLEY, Samuel, youngest son of Mr Edward BUXTON, to Keziah, fifth daughter of Mr Edgar EASTWICK, of Roydon Hall, Stowmarket.


On the 9th July, at Oxford, after a long affliction, borne with Christian resignation, Walter, second son of Mr John COOPER, Baptist Minister, Wattisham.

On the 13th July, at Ditchingham, deeply regretted by his family and friends, Mr P.S. MILLARD, of the firm of MILLARD and Son, and TEWSON, auctioneers, etc.

On the 13th July, at Halesworth, much respected, aged 55 years, Hannah, relict of the late Mr William LARKE, of Bungay.

On the 14th July, at his residence, 27, Victoria-street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Abraham, eldest son of Mr Abraham CLARKE, of Beccles, much lamented and respected.

On the 17th July, at the Union House, Shipmeadow, Francis BENNETT, late of Beccles, aged 68.

On the 19th July, at Beccles, Pells BARNARD, aged 37 years, Gunner, 9th Brigade, Royal Artillery.

In addition to the above: -

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 21 July 1868 Page 7, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

ALARMING FIRE AT DISS On Friday morning se'nnight, about one o'clock, the inhabitants of Diss were aroused from their slumbers by cries of "Fire!" and the ringing of the fire bells, and in about half an hour the streets were thronged by people, hastily dressed, on their way to the scene of the conflagration. The east side of Crown Street, from the Baptist Chapel to Mr SMITH's chemist shop at the corner, is occupied by Messrs HEYWOOD (blacksmiths), DOVE (watchmaker), Bullock (cooper), and J. EVANS (currier), their respective dwelling houses and shops forming a line fronting the street. At the back are a number of buildings, including Mr HEYWOOD's workshop, Mr BULLOCK's cooperage, a large warehouse in the occupation of Mrs COPEMAN, cabinet maker, whose house and show rooms are on the opposite side of the street, two or three stables in the occupation of Messrs ESLING, Mr BULLOCK, and others, and Mr EVANS's currier's shop and drying sheds. Most of these buildings were constructed of very inflammable materials, and this fact, coupled with their exceedingly dry condition in consequence of the long drought, excited great fears of a sweeping destruction of property. Further, the angle of Crown Street and St Nicholas Street is former by Mr SMITH's chemist shop and wooden buildings at the back, these being continued more or less along the south side of St Nicholas Street. It only required a strong south or south west wind, and a dark night to have realised the worst forebodings of the inhabitants. Happily, there was but a slight breeze, and with a tolerable sized moon and day just breaking at the time the fire broke out, there was sufficient light to admit the work of extinguishing the fire to be carried on with promptitude and certainty. Sergeant SEWTER was on duty in Mount Street, and was one of the first to discover the fire, and promptly summoned the fire brigade, who got the fire engine to the spot as quickly as possible. The nearest supply of water was the moat at Mr T.L. TAYLOR's brewery, a distance of about 100 yards. Here the engine was stationed and the pumps speedily set to work ; but, as is too often the case, the hose was found to be in a very imperfect condition, and some time elapsed before any amount of water could be thrown on the burning mass. The fire broke out in Mr BULLOCK's cooperage, adjoining which is his stable, and a pony standing therein was burnt to death. Mr FULCHER, of the Beehive Inn, with praiseworthy energy, attempted to liberate the poor animal, but its terror on finding itself surrounded by flames caused it to cling to the place of its destruction. Mr FULCHER, however, rendered good service by procuring a hand saw and cutting off the communication with the dwelling house. Mr J. ALDRICH also rendered effectual service by directing the work of one of SHALDER's portable fire engines, procured from Mr TAYLOR's brewery ; and the saving of Mr EVANS's currier's shop may be attributed to Mr ALDRICH's efforts. In Mr ESLING's stable was a valuable mare, which Mr PEARCE, shoemaker, and Mr ANDREWS, watchmaker, succeeded in getting out at considerable risk to themselves. Mrs COPEMAN's furniture warehouse had been filled only the day before with a consignment of valuable goods, a quantity of which was completely destroyed and we regret to add that she will be a considerable sufferer, in consequence of the stock being only partially insured. Mr BULLOCK's loss is estimated at about 100 Pounds, and was not covered at all by insurance. Mr EVANS was insured to the full amount of his loss. In addition to the damage done by the fire, the furniture of Messrs EVANS, BULLOCK and DOVE was materially injured by its hasty removal. The efforts of the fire brigade were well supplemented by the hearty and prompt co-operation of hundreds of the inhabitants, who formed themselves into a double line from the burning premises to the moat, and several thousands of gallons of water were thus conveyed ; both young and old, men and women, labouring with a good will, which it was pleasing to witness. It would be invidious to name particular individuals, but the energy and sustained efforts of Messrs Frederick HAMMOND and James HARRISON in handing water from the moat, and that of Messrs Walter BURROWS and G. ARCHER, at the fire itself, were beyond all praise. A volunteer fire brigade was formed on the instant its necessity was realised. The appearance of the fire form the Park fields and the Mere was weird and sublime ; the moon shining in the south, the day breaking in the east, with the glimmer of the flames through the foliage of the trees, made up a spectacle which will not be soon forgotten. Taken into account the surroundings of the locality of the fire, it may considered extremely fortunate that thousands of pounds worth of property was not destroyed. The fire is supposed to have been purely accidental. On Sunday, about noon, the fire again broke out, but was extinguished by a few pails of water.

And also: -

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 21 July 1868 Page 7, column 6

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

EIGHTEEN HOUSES DESTROYED BY FIRE AT STOWMARKET. On Sunday morning, the 12th, at about eleven o'clock, one of the most destructive fires that have taken place in Suffolk for many years broke out in Bury-street, Stowmarket, and raged for four hours with so much fury that before it was mastered no less than thirteen houses on the west side of the street, and five on the east side, were totally destroyed. The fire first commenced in a cottage, situate near the Carpenter's Arms, on the east side of the street, and occupied by W. EASLING. It had a thatched roof, the adjoining cottages towards the north side being also thatched, whilst the Carpenter's Arms, on the other side, though a slated building, was built with stud work, lath and plastered. A narrow gateway divided this from two houses, the property of Mr GUDGEON, one used as an office and the other tenanted by Mr W. TURNER. On the opposite side of the street the houses were nearly all thatched. At about eleven o'clock it was noticed that some sparks were coming out of EASLING's chimney ; whether it was on fire, or whether they were burning some light wood is not known, but a minute or so afterwards the roof was seen to be in flames which spread with great rapidity, owing to the dryness of the thatch. An alarm was instantly given to all parts of the town, causing no little confusion in the several places of worship. The fire bell at the church sent out its summons and in a few minutes the ministers conducting the services brought them to a close. Mounted messengers were sent off to the neighbouring parishes, at Buxhall the service was stopped, and the fire brigade with their engine, under the superintendence of Mr William POULTER, started off and were in the town almost as soon as the town engine could be got ready. R.J. PETTIWARD, Esq., of Finboro' Park sent his private engine as well as some of the "Extincteurs," in one of his fastest travelling vehicles, and also came himself, working as hard as any member of the brigade. The Woolpit Coombs and Needham engines were also soon in the town, but it was a considerable time before a supply of water could be got, a line of persons being formed all down Bury-street, round the road past the mill down to the river, so that by passing pails of water along they managed to keep one of the engines at work. Mr John PHILLIPS thoughtfully set his pump working at the Artesian well in his brewery ; the Woolpit engine was placed at the back and pumped the water to Union-street, whence it was sent to Bury-street by the Needham engine, and thence it was sent by the Buxhall engine to the Coombs engine, which again forwarded it to the working engine. While all these preparations were going on the fire destroyed the houses on the east side, respectively occupied by ADAMS, W. EASLING, WORLLEDGE, TRUDGETT, and MARKWELL, but a party consisting of several persons had in the meantime set to work, and by great exertions pulled the end of the Carpenter's Arms house down before the fire touched Mr TURNER's house, which was preserved by the application of wet blankets, counterpanes etc A stiff north-easterly wind was blowing at the time, and the thatched houses up and down the street were soon on fire in such manner that all attempts to put them out were utterly useless ; the only thing to be done was to cut through them at either end, and thus stop the progress of the fire. This was effectually done, and by this means the fire was ultimately got under [sic], but not before thirteen houses had been completely destroyed. The occupiers of the houses were all poor people, and there were only three houses in which there were no children. To see the poor creatures making fruitless efforts to rescue their goods, with the fire at their doors and over their heads, was a pitiable sight ; women running to and fro carrying away their babies, whilst others were assisting to get out the furniture ; but the majority were unable to save anything beyond a few chairs and here and there a bed. One woman, who had lost everything, said her husband had just gone away for his harvest and she did not know where to send for him. Another, on asking Messrs DAWSON Brothers' manager (Mr FOOTTILL) for a room to sleep in, said, "I have seven little children under thirteen years of age, and all I have is one bed." The engines played on the smouldering embers until eight o'clock, and entirely extinguished what little fire remained. The cottages were partly insured.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 28 July 1868 Page 5, column 6

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 21st July, at Beccles, Alfred, infant son of Mr James HAMMOND, Millwright.

On the same day, at Beccles, aged 3 years, Edith Anne, daughter of Mr GUTTERIDGE, railway porter.

On the 24th July, aged 1 year and 9 months, Herbert, son of James HAMMOND, millwright.

On the 9th June, at Calcutta, aged 27 years, William, eldest son of Mr Joseph Bell MOORE, of Leiston, Suffolk.

On the 15th July, aged 78, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr Benjamin BERRETT, of Carlton Colville, near Lowestoft.

On the 16th July, at Saxmundham, aged 15 years, Charles, the beloved son of Mr Henry HAYWARD, plumber, etc, after a long and painful affliction.

On the 20th July, Edward Missenden LOVE, Esq., J.P., formerly Capt. 60th Rifles, eldest surviving son of the Rev E. Missenden LOVE, of Somerleyton, in this county.