


5 Jan - 29 Mar 1864


Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News

January - March 1864 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News Deaths and Marriages

Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library 
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 5 January 1864 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 1st January, at St Pancras, London, by the Rev Canon CHAMPNEYS, Mr George J. GRIMWADE, of No.45 Argyle Square, London, of the firm of GRIMWADE and RUST, shorthand writers, of 43 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, and second son of Mr William GRIMWADE, many years resident at Beccles, to Arabella Ellen, eldest surviving daughter of James W. CARTRAY, Esq., of Newport, Isle of Wight.


On the 30th December, in his 49th year, much respected, Mr Charles MITCHELL, of Holly Hill, Ditchingham.

On the 2nd January, at Beccles, after a long affliction, Mr George WIGG, aged 75 years.

On the 3rd January, at Beccles, Robert NICHOLDS, aged 57 years.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 12 January 1864 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 7th January, at Rumburgh,Suffolk, by the Rev Regenal [sic] N. DURRANT, Rector, assisted by the Rev C. J. BOWEN, Incumbent of Bungay St Mary, Mr Edward John OWLES, of Aldeburgh, Suffolk, second surviving son of Mr Thomas OWLES of the Lowlands, and Trinity Street, Bungay, to Susanna Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr John SADD of Rumburgh Abbey.


On the 4th January, at Thurston, near Bury St Edmund's, Admiral Sir William Hall GAGE, G.C.B., and G.C.H., Admiral of the Fleet, in his 87th year.

On the 4th January, at his residence, Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, after an illness of several years, much respected, Mr Robinson TAYLOR, many years connected with the Ipswich Journal.

On the 6th January, at Beccles, Mr Robert DARKEN, landlord of the Duke Inn, aged 57 years.

On the 7th January, Mrs Mary Anne MAYHEW, relict of the late Mr Jeremiah MAYHEW, of Beccles, formerly of Brandon, in her 77th year.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 19 January 1864 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 11th January, at St Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth, Mr G. A. VARVEL, of Bungay, to Eleanor, daughter of the late Isarel [sic] ARNOUP, of Beccles.


On the 13th January, at Beccles, John CRISP, Sen., Esq., in his 85th year.

On the 18th January, at Beccles, Jemima, widow of Robert TYRRELL, aged 75 years.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 26 January 1864 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 18th January, at Beccles, Mr Shepherd SMITH, tailor, aged 73 years.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 2 February 1864 Page 4, column 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 25th January, at Wanstead, Daniel Frederic WILSON, vicar of Mitcham, to Sarah Maria second daughter of the late Andrew JOHNSTON, Esq., of Holton, Halesworth.

On the 30th January, at Mettingham Church, by the Rev J.C. SAFFORD, Mr Henry PLUMBER, to Emma PATRICK, both of the above parish.


On the 25th January, aged 68 years, Mr John MINNS, of Ditchingham, for many years rate and tax collector for that parish.

On the 26th January, at Beccles, Hannah, widow of the late John DAVY, painter, aged 53 years.

On the 27th January, at 19 Montague-street, Portman-square, aged 79, Maria, widow of the late Edward HODGE, Major 7th Hussars, and youngest sister of Sir Edmund BACON, Premier Baronet, Raveningham Hall, near Beccles.

On the 27th January, at Beccles, Henry, son of Mr Thomas BALDRY, aged 23 years.

On the 28th January, after six years affliction, in his 27th year, Alfred, eldest son of Mr Samuel BARRELL, of Bungay.

On the 31st January, at Beccles, Mary Hannah, youngest daughter of Mr William CUTTING, aged 7 months.

On the 1st February, at Bungay, aged 17 years, after a short but severe affliction, Christiana Sophia, daughter of the late Rev ---- HOGARTH, Rector of Redisham, Suffolk.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 9 February 1864 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 19th January, at Norwich, Mr George FISHER, formerly a member of the well- known Norfolk and Suffolk company of comedians.

On the 29th January, aged 72 years, James MEEN, Gent., of Harleston.

On the 2nd February, aged 51 years, Elizabeth, wife of Mr Thomas JORDAN, of Bungay.

On the 4th February, at Ipswich, William LARK, cabinetmaker, aged 57.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 16 February 1864 Page 4, column s 4 & 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 14th February, at St Michael's Church, Beccles, by the Rev C.H. SHAW, Curate, Horace ALGATE, shoemaker, to Jemima WOODHAM.


On the 11th February, at his seat in Leicestershire, Thomas BOWEN, Sheriffe [sic], Esq., of Henstead Hall, near Beccles, and Thurmaston Lodge, near Leicester, in his 40th year.

On the 13th February, at Beccles, Robert ANDREWS, laborer, aged 80 years.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 23 February 1864 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 1st February, after a few days illness, aged 46 years, Mr William HEMBLEN, farmer of Mettingham.

On the 10th February, aged 32 years, Mr David KITCHEN, of Bungay.

On the 13th February, at Braintree, in her 72nd year, Mary, relict of the late James CUDDON, of Bungay.

On the 16th February, at North Cove, Mrs HUKE, wife of Mr James HUKE, grocer etc [sic], leaving a family of nine children to deplore her loss.

On the 16th February, at Earsham Lodge, in his 90th year, Sir William Windham DALLING, Bart.

On the 17th February, at Broome, Jane Elizabeth, the infant daughter of Mr Frederick SNOWLING, farmer.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 1 March 1864 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 17th February, at Hall Farm, Carlton Colville, Mr William BREWSTER, aged 64 years.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 8 March 1864 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 2nd March, at Letheringham, by the Rev John DIXON, Mr E. WOOLNOUGH, of Framlingham, to Barbara, daughter of the late John CATCHPOLE, of Easton, and niece of Mr CATCHPOLE of Letheringham Abbey.

On the 2nd March, at St Michael's Church, Beccles, by the Rev C.H.SHAW, curate, William STEVENSON, to Marian RAVEN.


On the 28th February, at Stockton, near Bungay, in the 92nd year of his age, Mr John NESLEN, of Borough Castle, Norfolk.

On the 2nd March, at Bungay, Laura S, the wife of Henry BELLMAN, Esq.,Solicitor and Magistrate's clerk.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 15 March 1864 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 10th March, at Beccles, Roseanna WESTHORP, aged 2 years.

On the 10th March, at Beccles, Frederick, son of Frederick TILLETT, fish monger, aged 10 months.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 22 March 1864 Page 4, column 3

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 10th March, at the Mans [sic], Dirleton, N.B., by the Rev Dr FOWLER, of Ratho, Edmund BOYCOTT, son of the Rev William BOYCOTT, rector of Burgh, Norfolk, to Mary Dundas, daughter of the late Rev James SCOTT, minister of Dirleton.

On the 16th March, by the Rev Charles Henry SHAW, curate at St Michael's Church, Beccles, Benjamin WOOLNER, to Ann BOND, both of Beccles.


On the 10th December, within three week's sail of Melbourne, Australia, Edward, second son of Henry SHARPIN, Esq., deeply lamented by his family and friends.

On the 18th March, at North Cove, much respected, Mr Charles HUKE, aged 76.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 29 March 1864 Page 4, column 3

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library


On the 20th March, at Beccles, Charlotte SPENCER, widow, aged 58 years.

On the 26th March, Hannah, widow of Mr Samuel MENDHAM, shoemaker, late of Beccles, aged 82 years.

On the 26th March, aged 55 years, Mr John Rising REEVE, of Bungay.