7 Jan - 25 Mar 1862
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
January - March 1862, Beccles & Bungay Weekly News, Births, Marriages, & Deaths.
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 7 January 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 6th January, at Beccles, the wife of Alfred KENT, Esq., Solicitor, of a son.
On the 26th December, at St Michael's Church, Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, rector, Sergeant William SMITH, 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, to Amelia, only daughter of Mr Robert GARRETT, of Beccles.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 14 January 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 8th January, aged 71 years, very suddenly at his residence, Sandgate, near Folkstone, Edward Proudfoot MONTAGU, Commander, R.N.
On the 10th January, at Mutford, Mr John DEBENHAM, aged 79 years, after a long affliction, which he sustained with christian fortitude and resignation.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 21 January 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 15th January, after a few days illness aged six months, Frederick William Adkin, only Son of Mr W.COCKS, Market-place, Bungay.
On the 19th January, at Beccles, aged 69 years, Harriett, wife of Mr Eddy SMITH, of the "Queen's Head."
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 28 January 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 22nd January, at Mr James SNELL's, of Beccles, in the 99th year of his age, much respected, Mr Robert KIRBY, late of the grove [sic] farm Dallinghoo, in this county.
On the 24th January, at Ellough, in her 85th year, Patience, the widow of the late Mr W. PEARCE of Mautby.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 4 February 1862 Page 4, column
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 27th January, at Basingstoke, Herts., aged 90 years, after a severe affliction, at her daughter's, Mrs SWAN, relict of the late John SWAN, resident in Beccles for many years.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 11 February 1862 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 4th February, at St Michael's Church, Beccles, by the Rev F. W. DAVENPORT, Mr James BENSLEY, to Mary Ann, daughter of Mr J. UTTING, of Brampton, Suffolk.
On the 4th February, at St Bures Mary, by the Rev T. Pilkington TUFNELL, brother- in-law of the bride, assisted by the Rev A. HANBURY, Robert James HARDY, Esq., second son of James HARDY, Esq., of Jacques'-hall, Bradfield, to Sophia Jane, third daughter of B.F. SYMMONS, Esq., Bures.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 18 February 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 15th February, at Lowestoft, Archdale Gwynn, third son of Henry SHARPIN, Esq., aged 24 years.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 25 February 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On Thursday, the 19th February, at Beccles, the wife of Mr R. GARRETT, shoemaker, of a son.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 4 March 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
No births, deaths or marriages listed. Instead: -
YARMOUTH TOWN MISSION---The 24th anniversary of the establishment of this mission was celebrated on Tuesday at the Corn Hall by a tea meeting. After tea, W. BRIGGS, Esq., was called to the chair. From the report made it appeared that in the south district Mr HUGGINS, the missionary, had held 186 meetings, which were attended by 9,745 persons. It [sic] had paid 1,035 visits to the sick and 3,037 domiciliary visits; had distributed 3,035 tracts; and he had been employed in his labors 2,084 hours. Mr JONES, attached to the sailors' mission, had held 225 services on shore, which were attended by 10,981 persons, and 26 services afloat, the hearers at which numbered 1,692. He had paid 1,150 visits to families, and 442 visits to the sick; had visited 491 ships, and conversed with 571 sailors; distributed 2,486 tracts, given away twenty-seven foreign gospels, sold fifteen foreign scriptures, and had been employed 1,523 hours in the work. Owing to the removal of Mr MONTEITH, there were no statistics from the north districts. The general summary showed that there had been 11 cases of reformation, 17 of conversion, 12 persons induced to join christian churches, 54 children added to the school, 10 hopeful, and 15 happy deaths. The receipts for the year had been 243 Pounds 8 Shillings and 4 Pence, which included a balance of 25 Pounds 9 Shillings and 4 Pence. The expenditure had been 281 Pounds 1 Shilling and 9 Pence, and a balance was left of 35 Pounds 6 Shillings and 7 Pence. The North Mission Schools were well attended, and 109 Pounds 9 Shillings and 2 Pence had been expended on the room. 23 Pounds 5 Shillings and 7 Pence had been received for the beachmen's mission. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. W. GRIFFITHS, and ---- WOODS (Independent), ---- BOND (Wesleyan), W.T. PRICE (Baptist), ---STOWE, (Primitive Methodist), Mr HUGGINS, and other gentlemen.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 11 March 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
27th February, at Beccles, Amelia DUNNETT, aged 44 years.
2 March, at Beccles, Federick John, son of Mr William GOFFIN, aged 17 years.
3 March, at Beccles, Susan, wife of Mr William WRIGHT, boatbuilder, aged 84 years.
10 March, at Beccles, William BARBER, aged 62 years.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 18 March 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 10th March, at Halesworth, aged 64, Mr Rainbird CALVER, upwards of 50 years in the bank of Messrs. GURNEYS and Co.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 25 March 1862 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.
On the 21st March, at Beccles, Mr Edward MILLS, of the Crown Inn, aged 46 years.
On the 20th March, Sarah DEVEREUX, relict of the late Mr Edmund DEVEREUX, St George's Colegate, Norwich, aged 85 years.
On Saturday the 22nd March, suddenly, at her residence at Beccles, in the 72nd year of her age, Dorothea Louisa, only surviving daughter of the late Rev Roger Freston HOWMAN, formerly rector of Shipmeadow in this County, and of Hockering in the County of Norfolk.
On the 15th March, in his 44th year, highly respected, and deeply lamented, Robert WRIGHT, Esq., for nearly 17 years the conscientious and indefatigable principal of the Lancing Grammar School, Sussex.