3 Jan - 31 Jan 1865
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
January 1865 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 3 January 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 26th December, William, youngest son of the late Andrew ELLIOTT, Esq., of Carlisle, Cumberland, to Eleanor, third daughter of Samuel HOWLETT, Esq., of Yoxford.
On the 30th December, at Princes' Street Chapel, Norwich, by the father of the bride, assisted by the Rev J. ALEXANDER, Walter Henry, son of Samuel PIGG, to Martha, second daughter of the Rev. J.J.J. KEMPSTER.
On the 26th December, at Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, Isaac BURGESS, sailor, to Caroline COCKEL, of Beccles.
On the 27th December, at Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, Thomas SOUTH, wax chandler, St Mary's Lambeth, London, to Mary Ann YOUELL, daughter of Mr George YOUELL, pump maker, Beccles.
On the 28th December, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, Mr William FIDDES, of Sheffield, to Jean, youngest daughter of Mr Alexander HANNAH, of Beccles.
On the 23rd December, in London, Arthur, infant son of Mr William CUPISS, and grandson of Mr Francis CUPISS, Diss.
On the 21st December, in the 80th year of her age, Mary, relict of the late Mr C. KING, of Bungay.
On the 24th December, at Gorleston, Mr William LING, formerly of North Cove, aged 90.
On the 21st December, from an accident in the Blackheath Tunnel, John CULLING, aged 52, eldest son of Mr James LONG, of Broom [sic].
On the 28th December, at Stubb's-green, Loddon, aged 64 years, Martha, the wife of Mr William RICHES.
On the 29th December, of diptheria [sic] croup, in the 5th year of his age. William, son of Charles BARKWAY, of Beccles.
On the 31st December, at Beccles, in the 73rd year of his age, Mr Thomas Keer BARKER, late ironmonger at that place.
On the 31st December, at Beccles, Elizabeth HUNT, aged 51 years.
On the 1st January, at his residence, Butter Market, Bury St Edmund's, much respected, Mr John STEEL, in his 79th year.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 3 January 1865 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS .....About noon on Wednesday the body of a man was found floating in the River Waveney near Burgh Castle, and was taken in a boat to Yarmouth. It was dressed in corduroy trowsers [sic], dark skin waistcoat with the hair outside, drawers, and white cotton shirt. The body is that of a man about 30 or 35 years of age, is about five feet 6 inches high, and has sandy hair and whiskers. In one of the pockets were found four sovereigns, a florin, and threepence. Mr CHAMBERLIN held an inquest on the body on Thursday, at the Workhouse, when an open verdict was returned.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 10 January 1865 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 27th December, at Yarmouth, Mr C. MILLER, to Emmeline Sarah, second daughter of the late Mr Wm. [sic] MARSHALL, of Halesworth.
On the 3rd January, at St Mary's Church, Watton, Mr Sydney SMITH, of Southwold, to Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of Mr BURTON, Watson [sic - Watton?]
On the 28th December, at Loddon, aged 64, Martha, the wife of Mr W. RICHES.
On the 1st January, at Norwich, James ST QUINTIN, Commander R.N., aged 74. The deceased was one of the few remaining who witnessed the Battles of Trafalgar, St Domingo, and Copenhagen.
On the 3rd January, in Hatter street, Bury St Edmund's, Mrs Mary JOHNSON, of Beccles.
On the 23rd December, deeply regretted by her family and friends, in the 41st year of her ape [sic!], Martha, the fourth daughter of the late Mr S. REDGRAVE, formerly of Bungay, baker.
On the 1st January, at Harleston, in his 71st year, Mr Anthony GISSING, for many years a much respected inhabitant of Stradbroke, in this county.
In addition to the above: - Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 10 January 1865 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS The body found floating in the River Waveney reported in last week's paper, has been identified as that of William CALVER, basket- maker, of Yarmouth. It is said that he was paying his addresses to a young woman who resides upon the North-quay, and the supposition is that he fell into the river whilst waiting about to see her.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 17 January 1865 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 10th January, at Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, William Wellington DAVY, son of the late Mr John DAVY, to Hannah Lucy MORRIS, daughter of the late Mr Thomas MORRIS, farmer, Bolton.
On the 8th January, at Great Yarmouth, aged 77, Benjamin DOWSON, Esq., Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Norfolk, for more than half a century a merchant at that place.
On the 8th January, at Reydon, Samuel BLOOM, Esq., in the 88th year of his age.
On the 9th January, at Bedingfield Rectory, Frances, only daughter of the Rev J. and Hon. Mrs BEDINGFIELD, in the 19th year of her age.
On the 9th January, after a long affliction, Jane, wife of Mr William LENNY, of Beccles, and daughter of the late Mr John HARVEY, of St Margaret's Ilketshall, Suffolk.
On the 10th January, at Beccles, greatly esteemed and regretted by his fellow- townsmen, and all who knew him, Mr William Henry LEAVOLD, merchant, in his 74th year.
On the 12th January, at an advance age, Mr Richard DAY, for many years a coachbuilder at Harleston.
On the 13th January, in the 93rd year of her age, Elizabeth, relict of the late Mr Charles CHINERY, Beccles, greatly respected by a large circle of friends.
On the 13th January, at Bungay, in the 77th year of his age, John MINTER, journeyman carpenter. The deceased worked for Mr John D. BOTWRIGHT, builder, and for his family upwards of 62 years as apprentice and journeyman, and until within a week or two of his death, his illness being only of a few days' duration.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 24 January 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 16th of January, at Gisleham. Mr P.N. KENDALL, statione [sic - perhaps stationer?], Lowestoft, to Margaret, the youngest daughter of the late Mr Alfred LARKE, farmer of the above parish.
On the 19th January, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev J. LECKE, John HACON, to Elizabeth Jones ELLIS, both of Lowestoft.
On the 19th January, at Loddon Church, by the Rev J.J. SMITH, Mr Thomas LORD, of Norwich, to Charlotte Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr G. LAMB, merchant, Loddon.
On the 3rd January, at her brother-in-law's, at Brussels, Miss Susan HARRISON, formerly of Beccles, aged 46. Deceased was buried in the Protestant burial ground at Brussels.
On the 9th January, at Barnby, of consumption, George, eldest son of William and Sophia TURNER, in the 24th year of his age, much respected and deeply regretted by his family and friends.
On the 12th January, at Brighton, Lady BROUGHAM and VAUX [sic], aged 78.
On the 14th January, at his residence, South Quay, Gt Yarmouth, aged 68 years, John BARKER, Esq., one of the Borough magistrates.
On the 16th January, in the 10th year of her age, Margaret, fifth daughter of Robert William and Hannah BURLEIGH, of Halesworth.
On the 16th January, at Great Yarmouth, in the 86th year of his age, Samuel TOLVER, Esq., many years Town Clerk of that borough.
On the 20th January, at Beccles, Eliza, daughter of Mr Alfred KETT, laborer, aged 19 weeks.
On the 26th January, at Beccles, Mr Francis SPRUNT, grocer, aged 60 years.
In addition to the above: - Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 24 January 1865 Page 4, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
POLICE OFFICERS Wanted for the City of Norwich Police Force, a few smart Active Young Men.---Qualifications: to be under 30 years of age; To stand clear 5 feet 8 inches, without shoes; to read and write well. Candidates must apply personally to the Chief Constable, at 10 am on any day. Robert HITCHMAN, Chief Constable Guildhall, Norwich
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 24 January 1865 Page 4, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
POLICE OFFICERS Wanted for the City of Norwich Police Force, a few smart Active Young Men.---Qualifications: to be under 30 years of age; To stand clear 5 feet 8 inches, without shoes; to read and write well. Candidates must apply personally to the Chief Constable, at 10 am on any day. Robert HITCHMAN, Chief Constable Guildhall, Norwich
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 31 January 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 20th January, at St Mary Magdalen Church, Peckham, London, Mr John DRIVER, farmer, Westhall, to Elizabeth, the third daughter of Mr James WOODARD, Southwold.
On the 23rd January, at St Margaret's Church Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANHAM, Mr Benjamin PARKER, of Waterloo House, to Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Mr James SMITH, all of Lowestoft.
On the 25th January, at St Michael's Church, Chester Square, London, by the Rev William Hay CHAPMAN, M.A., Incumbent of Southwold, brother of the bride, and the Rev John MONSELL, D.D., Sir John BLOIS, Bart., of Cockfield Hall, to Eliza Ellen, youngest daughter of Captain Alfred CHAPMAN, of 90 Eaton Place, London.
On the 29th January, at Beccles Church, by the Rev Charles Henry SHAW, curate, George PRIME, carpenter, to Maria WRIGHT, both of Beccles.
On the 22nd January, at Herringfleet, Mr W.H. MADDISON, aged 64 years.
On the same day [22 January], at St Margaret's Ilketshall, aged 76, Mr James CARLEY, formerly of St Michael's, Southelmham.
On the 26th January, at Yelverton Rectory, the Rev Edward POSTLE, aged 65 years.
On the 24th January, Lydia, daughter of Mr Charles MARSHALL, labourer, Beccles.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 31 January 1865 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
SOUTHWOLD An inquest was held on Monday the 23rd March, before W.B. ROSS, Esq., Deputy-Coroner, at the Lord Nelson Inn, on the body of Harriet LOWSEY, aged 63 years. ---From the evidence it appeared that the deceased was the wife of James LOWSEY sailmaker, of Southwold. On Friday morning the 20th March, she had been to purchase some bread and herrings, and when within a few yards of her own door she shrieked out and fell down. She seemed quite helpless. She was picked up and carried home, and placed on a chair. Deceased had been in Melford Asylum four times, the last time being about eight years ago. Lately she had complained of headache, and appeared low spirited, and at times her mind was affected. About four hours after she was taken to bed she expired.---Mr F.H. VERTUE, surgeon, of Southwold, said deceased suffered from mental affliction at times. He believed the cause of death was apoplexy.---The Jury returned a verdict of 'Natural Death."