5 Dec - 26 Dec 1865
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
December 1865 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 5 December 1865 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 30th November, at Beccles Church, by the Rev C.H. SHAW, curate, Benjamin WOOLNOUGH, carpenter, of Beccles, to Thurza ATKINS, of Lowestoft.
Lost at sea, in the month of April last, in one of the boats from the burning ship Fiery Star, homeward bound from Brisbane, South Australia, Alfred Burkitt, youngest son of Mr G. FARROW, of Great Yarmouth, aged 23 years.---At the same time, William, eldest son of Mr FARMAN, of St Olaves, near Lowestoft, aged 23 years.
On the 4th September, at Port Louis, of cholera, Austin DAY,son of Mr John DAY, Globe Inn, Lowestoft, aged 18 years.
On the 16th November, at Loddon, in her 65th year, Maria Smith JOLLYE, the deeply lamented wife of Guyton William JOLLYE, Esq.
On the 27th November, at Lavenham, Suffolk, at an advanced age, Peter ARNULL, Esq., many years connected with the Great Eastern Railway Company.
On the 25th November, at Ipswich, Sophia widow of the late William Henry ALEXANDER, banker, in her 60th year.
On the 25th November, in her 87th year, Mrs Sarah COTTON, of Harleston.
On the 25th November, at Somerleyton Rectory, the Rev Edward Missenden LOVE, 49 years rector of Somerleyton and Blundestone, aged 82.
On the 26th November, at Lowestoft, aged 86 years, Mary, daughter of the [sic] Mr Simon WOODS.
On the 30th November, at Halesworth, aged 79 years, Prudence, relict of Mr Thomas TIPPELL.
On the 3rd December, at Beccles, Frederick, second son of Mr James THURTELL, aged 24 years.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 5 December 1865 Page 4, column 3 & 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Thursday, Nov 30.---Before J.L. BEDINGFIELD, Esq., Rev J.C. SAFFORD, Richard MANN, Esq., and other Magistrates. ....Poaching.----Edward DUNN, of Harleston, labourer, and Charles CARVER, of Wortwell, carpenter, were charged with having on the night of the 26th Nov., unlawfully entered certain inclosed land, situate in the parish of Flixton, in the occupation of William BEAUMONT, with certain nets, for the purpose of taking game. Mr KENT of Beccles, appeared for the defendants. George HOWLETT said: I am under gamekeeper to Sir R. S. ADAIR, of Flixton Hall. At about 11 o'clock on Sunday night last, the 26th November, I and five men, watchers, were going up a lane towards Tinck's wood. I heard a gate go, and I and the men immediately ran up. We saw four men against a gate that leads into Mr HARRISON's field. As we approached, they raised their sticks in a threatening manner; but when we drew nearer to them they ran away up Mr HARRISON's field. We pursued them a short distance, but as they kept calling out "Bah! bah!" we knew there were others behind; we therefore left off the pursuit, and returned to the gate.When we got into the lane, we saw the two prisoners in the opposite meadow, which is in the occupation of Mr BEAUMONT, of Flixton. They had lurchers with them, and also sticks. We went up to them; VINCE collared CARVER, and BUTCHER laid hold of DUNN, who struggled and got away; when I collared and held him. We took them to the Buck Inn, Flixton, and I afterwards came to Bungay for the police. I produce a net which I found against the door of the Buck Inn on the following morning, and I produce a stick which I took from BUNN [sic should read DUNN!] [questioned] By Mr KENT: There is a footpath in Mr BEAUMONT's meadow, but it is only used by the workmen on the adjoining farms. I don't know that it is a public footpath. When we first saw the prisoners they were about ten yards from the gate. They said they thought there was a footpath, but I told them there was none. The men made no great deal of resistance, but they called out "Don't grane [sic] us." I would take anybody into custody if I found him in that field with dogs and a stick at 10 o'clock at night. The prisoners made a noise such as the others did who ran away. This is a well- known signal of danger among poachers. James VINCE, one of the watchers, who was in company with the last witness on the night in question, fully corroborated his evidence, and produced a net which he found in the meadow the following morning, near the spot where he collared CARVER. Mr KENT, at some length, cross-examined the witnesses, but without shaking their evidence in the least. He afterwards addressed the Bench in their defence [sic], and urged that there was no evidence to prove that they entered the meadow with an unlawful intent, as there was a footpath in it; neither did the evidence prove the allegation of the information that they were in search of game, as none of the implements used in such pursuit were found upon them, nor were the nets found shown to have belonged to them. The Bench convicted the prisoners, and they were each sentenced to three months' imprisonment, and at the conclusion of the same, to enter into recognizances [sic] of 10 Pounds each, and to find two others in 5 Pounds each, or one of 10 Pounds, for their future good behaviour.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 12 December 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 1st December, at North Cove, near Beccles, by the Rev T.P. WADLEY, Mr Robert JOHNSON, of Lowestoft, to Jane Eliza, fifth daughter of Mr Cornelius GIBSON, of Willingham. At the same time and place, Mr Thomas Mortlock BURTON, of Stratford-le-Bow, to Maria Susanna, sixth daughter of Mr Cornelius GIBSON, of Willingham.
On the 5th December, at Wateringbury, by the Rev H.C. BARTLETT, vicar of Westerham, the Rev Henry STEVENS, vicar of Wateringbury, eldest son of the Very Reverend the Dean of Rochester, to Charlotte, youngest daughter of the late James PATERSON, Esq., Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park.
On the 5th December, at Beccles, Mr William MEEN, late of Barsham, farmer, in the 83rd year of his age, much respected by all who knew him.
On the 9th December, aged 81 years, Mr Isaac BULL, bricklayer, Bungay.
On the 10th December, after a very long affliction, the beloved wife of Mr Robert DARBY, builder, Bungay.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 12 December 1865 Page 4, column 2
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BECCLES Cattle Plague.---Very many good suggestions on the cattle plague have been made, and, among others, the following mode of treating stock on their journey from one place to another, which certainly merits attention. It is suggested "that a nose- bag, with a small strap to buckle behind the ears, should be placed on any bullock before starting on his journey; the bag to be made of tar twine or such coarse material that the animal could freely breathe, and should be dipped in a solution of chloride of lime with camphor placed at the bottom." As the poison is probably inhaled by the breath, this mode of treatment during transit may be very beneficial. At any rate it does not cost much, and the same bags after being properly cleansed and disinfected, would do for several lots of cattle. It grieves us to say that the plague is Spreading All Over The Kingdom. The last weekly page reports an increase of 1000 cases over the previous week.
And also: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 12 December 1865 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF NORFOLK NEWS ...A memorial on behalf of Mr THACKER of Yarmouth, whose sad loss we recorded last week, has been issued. Mr THACKER's loss is estimated at 250 Pounds. Mr Charles THACKER is a dairyman, and resides at the back of Regent Road and Theatre Plain; he has lost the whole of his herd of eleven valuable cows and four heifers by the plague. The herd was inspected and certified as healthy by Mr SHIPLEY, V.S., on Monday, November 20th; the following day one of the cows was stricken by the disease, and within a week the whole of the animals died. This herd represented the savings of a long and industrious career, and unless Mr THACKER be generously assisted by his friends and the public, he will be a ruined man.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 19 December 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 13th December, at St John's Church, Lowestoft, by the Rev A. CORNFORD, Mr Robert CLARK, of the Suffolk Hotel, Lowestoft, to Ann, only daughter of Mr Charles GOLDSPINK, Attleborough.
On the 7th December, at Scottow, by the Hon. and Rev J.H. NELSON, M.A., Mr John B. HYLTON, of Great Yarmouth, to Mary Anna, elder daughter of Mr John COLK, of Scottow.
On the 18th November, in Riley, Illinois, North America, Sophia, the beloved wife of John WIFFEN, and daughter of the late Robert LEEDER, of Woodson, near Bungay.
On the 10th December, at Brighton, in the 73rd year of her age, Louisa Sarah, the beloved wife of the Rev Fisher WATSON, late vicar of Lancing, and fourth daughter of the late Sir Edmund LACON, Bart.
No death or marriage announcements. Instead: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 26 December 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS R.D.ALEXANDER, Esq., of Ipswich, a member of the Society of Friends, who has long been known for his exertions in connection with the Teetotal movement, died at his residence, St Matthew's Street, on Saturday, 16th December, in the 78th year of his age. Mr ALEXANDER was well known in connection with the Teetotal movement as the author of a series of small tracts in its support, entitled "The Ipswich Temperance Tracts." These had, we believe, a large circulation, and were sold at a low price in all parts of England.