3 Dec - 31 Dec 1867
December 1867 East Suffolk Gazette
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 3 December 1867 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 14th November, at Bedingham Church, by the Rev C.W. LOHR, Mr Samuel PARSON, of Starston, farmer, to Susannah, youngest daughter of the late Edmund CHENEY, of Topcroft.
On the 21st November, at Wangford, by the Rev J. R. CROWFOOT, Mr Thomas FREEMAN, of Henham, to Catherine, relict of Mr Charles COOPER, of Ipswich.
On the 21st November, in London, Mr James ROW, North Hall, Wrentham, to Anne, youngest daughter of Mr W. MILLER, of Boyton Vale.
On the 21st November, at All Saints, Norwich, by the Rev Henry OWEN, rector of Heveningham and Rural Dean, assisted by the Rev G.S. OUTRAM, the rector, Edward Robert OWEN, Esq., of Oxford, to Louisa, daughter of the Rev Robert John FRANCIS, rector of Rollesby.
On the 23rd November, at St Mary's, Chelmsford, by the Rev R.J. DUNDAS, Mr G. WESTGATE, Pulham St Mary Magdalen, to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of the late Mr George SELF, of Tivetshall.
On the 25th November, at the parish church, Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANHAM, Mr William Cook FLETCHER, to Miss Hannah Betts SMITH, both of Lowestoft.
On the 1st December, at Beccles, by the Rev J. Talbot JOHNSTON, Mr Robert MOORE, of Cley, to Elizabeth, second daughter of Mr W.M. SHORE of Scarborough.
On the 13th November, at Great Yarmouth, Mr Richard CLARKE, late of Burgh Castle, Suffolk, aged 78.
On the 21st November, at Ditchingham, at the advanced age of 93 years, Susan, relict of the late Thomas SMITH, formerly gardener at Ditchingham Hall.
On the 23rd November, in London, aged 67, Robert BROWN, Esq., merchant, of Norwich, and South Beach, Great Yarmouth.
On the 25th November, after a few days' illness, aged 72, Mr Joseph BECKETT, of the Suffolk Hotel, Bury St Edmund's.
On the 26th November, after a long affliction, at the house of his daughter (Mrs LANGRIDGE, of Woodbridge), Mr Thomas KENT, aged 75, for many years a respected inhabitant of Halesworth.
On the 30th November, at Bungay, Sophia Elizabeth, the beloved daughter of John and Mary Ann ASHBY, of consumption, in the 18th year of her age.
On the 30th November, at 14, Florence-street, Islington, Sarah Ann, the wife of Mr James BALCH, and eldest daughter of the late Mr John MAYHEW, of Beccles, in her 46th year.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 December 1867 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 4th December, at the parish Church, Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, rector, John CHAMBERS, shipwright, of Lowestoft, to Agnes Emma FREESTONE, of Beccles.
On the 4th December, at St John's Church, Lowestoft, by the Rev J. POTTS, assisted by the Rev H.M. BEAUMONT, M.A., William MOORE, of Beccles, to Rosa Devereux, third daughter of W.W. GARNHAM, of Lowestoft.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 December 1867 Page 1, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
CHRISTMAS FRUIT! CHRISTMAS FRUIT! C.F. PARKER, New Market Place, Beccles, Having just made some very large Purchases in Foreign Fruits for Cash, is now offering the same at Greatly Reduced Prices. Fine Selected Raisins, 4 Pence per pound. Fine Patras Currants, 3 Pence per pound. For Quality And Price Unequalled ! Fine Muscatels Fine St Michael Oranges Imperials, in Bottles Barcelona Nuts Jordan Almonds Spanish Ditto Natural Figs Chestnuts Finest Elme Ditto Brazil Fine Prunes Walnuts Teas. Teas. Teas. Try our Noted 2 Shilling Mixture, which surpasses any Packet Tea at 2 Shillings and 6 Pence per pound. Also our Fine Rich-flavoured Souchong and Pekoe Mixture, at 2 Shillings and 6 Pence. Unequalled for strength and quality. From the great increase in the Tea Trade, C.F. PARKER has paid the greatest attention to maintain the liberal support hitherto received. Observe The Address! Opposite The Town Hall, Beccles. Business will be suspended on Thursday, the 26th December, until Friday at 9 o'clock.
And also : -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 10 December 1867 Page 8, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
WEAK DIGESTION! Is there a cure for it? Yes! undoubtedly. STEEL's Sarsaparilla and Rhubarb Pills are well known to be a safe and Certain Cure for Indigestion, Bilious, Liver and all Stomach and Bowel Complaints.---Three taken at bed time first, and Two every night after for 4 nights, will have such a beneficial effect as to convince any suffering in this way that they are entitled to place in Every House as THE Family Medicine. Prepared only by STEEL and Son, Chemists, Beccles; and sold everywhere in Boxes, 1 Shilling 1&½ Pence and 2 Shillings and 9 Pence.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 17 December 1867
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
There is no copy of the newspaper for the 17th December 1867 on the film.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 24 December 1867 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 10th December, at Wissett, George STANDFORD [sic], second son of the late F. STANFORD [sic], Esq., late of The Rookery, Yoxford, to Charlotte Sarah UNGLESS, only daughter of the late W.H. UNGLESS, Esq., of Halesworth.
On the 11th December, at St Bees, Cumberland, Clement PALMER, second son of the late A.R. PALMER, Esq., of Haddiscoe Hall, to Mary Louisa, second daughter of Henry COLLINS, Esq., of Kundallah.
On the 1st December, Sarah, second daughter of Jonathan DAWSON, of Toft Monks, aged 33 years.
On the 10th December, at Great Yarmouth, aged 55, M. BUTCHER, Esq., shipping agent.
On the 15th December, at Chiswick, of paralysis, after nearly five years suffering, Thomas Ayscough THOMPSON, late of Cambridge, and formerly of Southwold.
On the 13th December, Sarah Elizabeth, the beloved child of John and Eliza READ, of Worlingham, aged three years and one month.
On the 17th December, at Beccles, Robert JARMY, gardener, aged 81 years.
On the 22nd December, at Beccles, aged 36 years, Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of Mr David JUDE, Relieving Officer.
On the 22nd December, much respected, aged 68, Mr George GRIMMER, carpenter and builder, of Burgh St Peter's, Norfolk.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 24 December 1867 Page 4, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EAST OF ENGLAND MUSIC HALL, Lower Goat Lane, St Giles' Street, Norwich, (Within One Minute's walk of the Corn Hall). Proprietor Mr Albert D. LANE. Extraordinary Attractions for the Christmas Holidays. First appearance in Norwich of the Celebrated Sisters ALEXANDER, Serio, Characteristic and Burlesque Actresses and Danseuses, who will appear in a new, moral, and pathetic sketch of "Father, come Home." Illustrated in Tableaux, Illuminated by the Lime Light. Special Notice. On Thursday (Boxing-day), there will be a Grand Morning Performance at Two o'clock, as on Saturdays, when Ladies will be admitted to the Hall if accompanied by their husbands or brothers. The whole under the personal superintendence of Albert D. LANE. Admission: - Body of the Hall, 3 Pence; Gentlemen's Saloon, 6 Pence.
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 31 December 1867 Page 5, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 19th December, at St James's, Piccadilly, by the Rev Sir Charles CLARKE, Bart., of Worlingham Hall, the father of the bridegroom, and the Rev Dacres ADAMS, uncle of the bride, Captain Charles Mansfield CLARKE, 57th Regiment, to Gemma Cecilia, only child of William Pitt ADAMS, Esq., Charge d'Affaires and Consul-General to the Republic of Peru.
On the 23rd December, at St John's Church, Lowestoft, by the Rev M.H. BEAUMONT, M.A., Charles TILMOUTH, collector of harbour dues etc, to Maria, eldest daughter of the late Mr Benjamin BRIGGS, of St Helena House, Westleton, Suffolk. [If this of interest to anyone, a description of the wedding is also available from the paper].
On the 25th December, at Beccles church, by the Rev J.J.S. BIRD, Robert Allerton COCK, compositor, to Patience Palmer PURLAND, eldest daughter of the late E. PURLAND, maltster.
On the same day at Beccles church, by the Rev J.J.S. BIRD, Charles BORRETT, shoemaker, to Eliza OXBOROUGH, second daughter of Charles OXBOROUGH, bricklayer.
On the 21st December, at her mother's residence, Starston, in this county, Caroline Jane, the wife of the Rev George Lewis ALLSOPP, M.A., vicar of Ilketshall St Margaret's, Suffolk, and the youngest daughter of the late Charles ETHERIDGE, Esq.
On Tuesday last [24 December], at East Green, Kelsate, in her 32nd year, Anna Maria, the beloved wife of Mr A. WOOLNOUGH, and only daughter of the late Mr W. H. GRIMMER, late of Oulton-hall.
On the 28th December, at the Union House, Shipmeadow, after a short illness, Charles PEARCE, late of Beccles, and formerly of Bungay, aged 50.
In addition to the above: -
East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 31 December 1867 Page 5, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS Housebreaking And Courageous Conduct Of A Female.---On Sunday morning, about two o'clock, the wife of Mr Charles SARGENT, furniture dealer, etc, of Melford, was in bed and awake, when she heard a noise in the pantry, like the rattling of glass bottles. Having awakened her husband and obtained a light, they both went down stairs, and saw two men run out into the yard. Although only attired in their night clothes, they quickly followed the thieves, but soon lost sight of them, but Mrs SARGENT, on looking round, saw a man secreted behind a post, in a crouching attitude. She rushed at him, and having thrown her arms around him, a struggle ensued, in which her face was forced against the wall, and she received a blow on the nose, from which the blood flowed freely. Her husband, being close at hand, took charge of the man, while Mrs SARGENT went to the Police-station, next door. Inspector KEEBLE, who had just arrived home, immediately returned with her, and took the man into custody on the charge of housebreaking. Upon searching him at the station, a hare and a table knife were found in his coat pocket. On returning to Mr SARGENT's house, the latter told the Inspector that he had also lost a goose, and upon looking about, a goose was found in a meadow adjoining the yard. Upon further examination, foot marks of two persons were visible, leading towards the premises. The knife no doubt was used in opening the back door. The prisoner's name is Charles OST, bricklayer, brother to two men were tried at the last Assizes for housebreaking.