7 Aug - 25 Sep 1866
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
August & September 1866 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 7 August 1866 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 1st August, at St Marylebone Church, New Road, London, by the Rev --- MOTHERSOLE, Mr Richard MARTIN, late of Beccles, to Mrs Elizabeth Jane IVES, only daughter of the late Mr Henry SHAW, Copping Hall, Cheshire.
On the 3rd March, on his passage from Bombay, Capt. E.J. B. OSBORN, eldest son of the late John OSBORN, Commander R.N., of Aldeburgh, and the beloved brother of Mrs William CLARKE, of Reydon, near Southwold.
On the 28th July, at Bramerton, near Norwich, Mr William WILDE, coroner of that city, in the 76th year of his age.
On the 31st July, at Ellough, from the accidental discharge of a gun, Henrietta Mary FLOWER, fifth child and only daughter of the Rev John FLOWER, of Beccles.
On the 4th August, Miss LENNY, of St George's Terrace, Beccles, aged 70 years.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 14 August 1866 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 4th August, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Lowestoft, by the Rev J. LOCKE, Mr Eustace DURVAN, of Banbury, Oxfordshire, to Miss Mary Elizabeth HYDE, of Lowestoft.
On the 8th August, at the parish church, Gorleston, Suffolk, by the Rev A.D. CAMPBELL, M.A., late minister of Gorleston, assisted by the Rev J. P. BRITTON, of Brightlingsea, Essex, Arthur William BLAKE, of Southtown, Great Yarmouth, to Ellen Louise, second daughter of James LING, of Gorleston.
On the 12th August, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev C.H.SHAW, curate, John Edward ELLIOTT, blacksmith, to Louisa TAYLOR, both of Beccles.
On the 1st August, at Lowestoft, Elizabeth Margaret, second daughter of the Rev Charles N. and Lady Jane WODEHOUSE.
On the 6th August, at Diss, Elizabeth, the beloved wife of Mr Franciss [sic] CUPISS.
On the 6th August, at Ellough Hall, Ada Lillian, the beloved child of John and Mary Ann GIRLING, aged 2 years and 7 months.
On the 6th August, at Halesworth, Mr Edward PRIME, aged 78 years.
On the 3rd March, on his passage from Bombay, Capt. E.J.B OSBORNE, eldest son of the late John OSBORNE, Commander R.N., of Aldeburgh, and bother of Mrs William CLARKE, of Reydon near Southwold.
On the 8th August, at Beccles, Mrs Abraham LING, aged 60 years.
On the 10th August, at Beccles, Mary, wife of James BORRETT, carter, aged 67 years.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 14 August 1866 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BUNGAY At The Norfolk Assizes held on Wednesday, before the Chief Baron KELLY, William BROUGHTON (55), saw sharpener, and Frances BROUGHTON (48), hawker, husband and wife, were indicted for stealing a tin milk pail, value 1 Shilling and 6 Pence, the property of Robert JOHNSON, at Wortwell, on the 18th July last.---The prosecutor, a very deaf, feeble old man, stated that on the above day the prisoners came into his house, and the woman asked him to give her a little hot water. He made a fire for them, and they sat and drank tea as long as they liked, when the man left the house. The woman remained about ten minutes longer, still drinking tea, when she went to his pantry and took out a milk pail, and also left the house, telling him that she was going to fetch some milk. Witness allowed her to go without opposition, because he thought she intended to come back with the milk, but she never returned.---Police constable BARTON said he apprehended the prisoners at Bungay, and found the can in possession of the woman, who alleged that she intended to page it.---In summing up the learned judge said it was right that he should point out to the jury the law as regarded an offence committed by a husband and wife. They would remember that if the two acted in concert and together in committing an offence, the law took it for granted that the wife acted under the control and direction of her husband and protected her from any punishment; but on the other hand if it was shown that the wife acted independently of her husband, and was the originator and first mover of the offence, then they could find both of them guilty. In the present case he thought the woman had acted in concert with and not independently of her husband, and he considered it his duty to tell them that, although there was no doubt about her guilt, yet it would be their duty to acquit her. If they believed that the husband had afterwards joined her, and having become aware of her possession of the pail, showed no disposition to page it, however painful it might be, it would be their duty to find him guilty.---The jury acquitted the woman and found the man guilty of feloniously receiving.---The learned Baron, addressing the female prisoner, said he had no choice but to discharge her. It was with great reluctance that he did so, because there was no doubt that she was as guilty as her husband, but as he had said the law left him no alternative, and she would escape the punishment which she richly deserved.---A former conviction having been proved against the male prisoner, he was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment, twelve of which are to be accompanied with hard labour.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 21 August 1866 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 8th August, at Kirby cane, by the Rev H. DUPUIS, vicar of Richmond, assisted by the Rev A. UPCHER, rector of the parish, Colonel Alfred WILDE, C.B., C.S.I., and A.D.C. to the Queen, to Ellen Margaret third daughter of Colonel G.T. GREENE, C.B.
On the 13th August, at the Congregational Chapel, Beccles, by the Rev Henry STACEY, Mr George PALMER, of Hackney Road, London, to Miss Lydia BOON, of Gillingham, in this county.
On the 15th August, at St Margaret's Southelmham, Suffolk, by the Lord Bishop of Ely, assisted by the Ven. W.A. BOUVERIE, Archdeacon of Norfolk, the Rev Wareyn [sic] William DARBY, Rector of Shottisham, only Son of the Rev William DARBY, Rector of Riddlesworth, to Charlotte Isabella, eldest daughter of the Rev Edward Adolphus HOLMES, Rector of St Margaret's and Rural Dean.
On the 16th August, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev C.H. SHAW, curate, Charles SPURLING, bricklayer, to Mary Ann PITCHERS, both of Beccles.
On the 12th August, deeply lamented by her family and friends, after a severe affliction, borne with Christian resignation, Martha, the beloved wife of Mr Robert LAY, of Barnby, in the 65th year of her age.
On the 13th August, at the residence of her nephew, Mr Alfred STANFORD, Greenwich, Mrs Susan THOMPSON, London-road, Beccles, aged 66.
On the 18th August, at Beccles, aged 18 months, John Walter, only son of Mr Geo. [sic] BLOWERS.
On the 19th August, of rapid consumption, Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of Francis and Eliza BLUNDERFIELD, Raveningham, in the 13th year of her age.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 28 August 1866 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 17th August, at Denton Independent Chapel, by the Rev F.S BASDEN, Mr Simon CHENEY [sic] of Topcroft, farmer, to Henrietta Jane, the eldest daughter of Mr Henry CUNNINGHAM, also of Topcroft, farmer.
On the 20th August, at Denton, Norfolk, by the Ven. W.A. BOUVERIE, Archdeacon of Norfolk, assisted by the Rev T.D. TURNER, Mr John WELFARE , of New Shoreham, Sussex, to Susanna Amelia BROWN, of Denton.
On the 22nd August, at Bungay, in the 19th year of his age, James Edward, son of Mr J. E. L. HUDSON, of Bungay.
On the 25th August, at Beccles, Sarah, wife of Mr James BALLS, aged 22 years.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 28 August 1866 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS A pair of swallows have for three years made their nest and reared six broods of young birds on a small ledge on the landing at the top of the staircase, close by the entrance to the bedroom in the cottage of Mr John EDWARDS, the parish clerk of Blyford. In 1864 they had two broods of three and four each; in 1865, ditto, four and five; in 1866, ditto, five and four; the latter brood is now to be seen nearly ready to leave the nest. The birds have access to their nest through the bedroom window, which, in fine weather, is left open for them during the night, but in wet and unfavourable weather it is closed, and the worthy clerk in response to the anxious twitter of the birds, on such occasions has been in the habit of rising to open it for them about four o'clock, to enable them to go in pursuit of food for their young. So domesticated have these birds become, that they evince not the slightest anxiety or alarm as the clerk and his wife pass close by them every night on their way to bed.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 4 September 1866 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 18th August, at St George's, Hanover Square, London, by the Rev George EASTMAN, Mr William GOLDSMITH, eldest son of Mr William GOLDSMITH, Farrier, Barnham Broom, Norfolk, to Emma Maria, youngest daughter of the late Mr Richard MILLS, of Beccles.
On the 25th August, at the Catholic Chapel, at Bungay, by the Rev Henry BULLOCK, Mr Thomas H. BOULTER, of Ditchingham, to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Mr John CUDDON, of Great Yarmouth.
On the 22nd August, at Westleton, by the Rev J.A. CLOWES, William, only son of Mr Denny CUTTING, of Beccles, engineer, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Benjamin BRIGGS, of the former place.
On the 16th August, at Bungay at the residence of Mrs George TAYLOR, her sister, Miss Sarah COOK, formerly of Sweffling, Suffolk, eldest daughter of the late Mr John COOK, of Halesworth.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 11 September 1866
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library No marriage or death announcements. Instead: - Page 5 [supplement], column 5
EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS ...About a year ago a curious old gold cross and chain were found in the Castle Bailey, at Clare. The discovery of this ancient relic excited great interest throughout the whole kingdom. Her Majesty the Queen was made acquainted with the fact of its discovery through information given by Mr Stephen JENNER, of Clare Hall, as the owner of the Castle Bailey, to her Majesty's Treasury; whereupon her Majesty was pleased to express a desire to possess this curious relic for herself. Accordingly it was delivered up by the person who had taken possession of it, to the Treasury, for her Majesty, and the Queen now possesses it as her own, it being claimed for her as " treasure trove." We have now the pleasure of communicating the pleasing intelligence that, upon a representation lately made by Mr JENNER to the Queen, through Sir T. M. BIDDULPH, the Keeper of the Privy Purse, that the real finder of this ancient relic was a poor youth of Clare, named Walter LORKING, has [sic - misprint for 'her'?] Majesty has been pleased to send him, through Mr JENNER, a donation of 3 Pounds.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 18 September 1866 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 8th September, at Staithe-road, Bungay, the wife of Mr George WEBBER, Officer of Inland Revenue, of a son.
On the 5th September, John SHELLY, of Plymouth, eldest son of J.W. SHELLY, Esq., of Great Yarmouth, to Rosalind Faulkner, daughter of the late Lieut.-Col. George SMITH, of Plympton Lodge.
On the 15th September, at Ringsfield Church, by the Rev J.R. CROWFOOT, B.D., Rector of Wangford, the Rev Robert Chapman WHITING, M.A, Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge, eldest son of the Rev R. WHITING, Rector of Ringsfield, to Mary Elizabeth, third daughter of the late John GARDEN, Esq., Redisham Hall.
On the 2nd September, at Tunbridge Wells, aged 85, Anne Frances, widow of the late Edward Thos. [sic] HUSSEY, Esq., of Galtrim, in the county of Meath, and eldest Sister of the late Sir Edmund BACON, Bart., of Raveningham-Hall [sic].
On the 4th September, at Loddon, Esther, the beloved wife of William BAKER, grocer etc., aged 66.
On the 7th September, at Bungay, Alfred William, youngest son of Mr Walman [sic] DURRANT, aged 2 years.
On the 8th September, at Great Yarmouth, much respected, aged 82, Mr James DOUGLAS, for many years manager of Messrs GROUT and Co.'s silk manufactory.
On the 10th September, at Wrentham, Mrs Sarah ALLGAR, aged 77.
On the 13th September, at Ipswich, Elizabeth, widow of the late Edward BACON, Esq., banker, aged 79.
On the 15th September, at Norwich, Robert H. BEART, Esq., in the 62nd year of his age.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 25 September 1866 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 21st September, the wife of the Rev A.O. HARTLEY of a son.
On the 18th September, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev J.T. JOHNSTON, rector, William POLL, to Elizabeth MAYHEW, both of Beccles.
On the 19th September, at Ringsfield, by the Rev R.C. WHITING, M.A., (late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge) brother of the bride, the Rev Frederick BROWN, M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Vicar of Barnard Castle, Durham, to Anna Chapman, eldest daughter of the Rev Robert WHITING, M.A., Rector of Ringsfield- cum-Redisham-Parva [sic].
On the 14th September, at Southwold, Fanny, the fondly loved and deeply lamented wife of Mr William E. WAYTH, Trinity Pilot, and third daughter of Mr John LOWSEY, Trinity Pilot, aged 28.
On the 16th September, at Southwold, Mr James LOWSEY, sailmaker, only brother of the late Mr John LOWSEY, Trinity Pilot, aged 63.
On the 17th September, at Beccles, William WYATT, labourer, aged 43 years.
On the 18th September, at Beccles, Francis Alexander, the infant son of Mr Thomas CLAXTON, aged 6 months.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 25 September 1866 Page 1, column 2
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
ROOT CULTIVATION Is The Basis Of Profitable Farming. PRENTICE's Manures. Mangold Manure..........8 Pounds 10 Shillings per Ton. Turnip Manure..............6 Pounds 10 Shillings per Ton Superphosphate..........6 Pounds per Ton Soluble Guano...........12 Pounds per Ton Are especially prepared to produce large crops, and may be used with equal advantage for Cole Wort, Kohl Rabi, etc, with or without farm yard manures. Address early orders to Thomas PRENTICE & Co., Agricultural Chemical Works, Stowmarket. Or to any of their Agents:---Mr John CRISP, Beccles; Mr H. LING, Bulcamp; Messrs BULLOCK Brothers, Aylsham; Messrs T. and J. W. BUNN, Great Yarmouth; Mr Z. LONG, Attleborough; Mr G. SMITH, Dereham; Mr F. SMITH, Ryburgh; Mr R. D. SAVORY, Burnham Sutton; Mr D. SAYER, Barnham Broom Mill.