1 Aug - 29 Aug 1865
Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News
August 1865 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News : assorted extracts
Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 1 August 1865 Page 4, column 5
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 27th July at Huntingfield, by the Rev W. HOLLAND, assisted by the Rev P. GOOCH, William Pickin, son of W. GALE, Esq., of Halesworth, to Anna Maria, fourth daughter of Mr W. CLUTTEN, of Huntingfield Hall.
On the 31st July, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev C.H.SHAW, curate, Thomas Cotten CORNABY, cooper and sawyer. to Mary Ann SPALL, both of the above place.
On the 31st July, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev C.H. SHAW, George BAXTER, railway guard, to Eliza BROWN.
On the 21st July, at Great Yarmouth, Matthew Hastings SWANN, in the 59th year of his age.
On the 27th July, at Harleston, after a short illness, Mr Charles BUCK, in his 56th year.
On the 26th July, at Beccles. in the 83rd year of his age, Mr William ASHFORD, late of Weeley Lodge, Essex.
On the 28th July, Fanny, the beloved wife of George Frederick DRAKE, gent., Beccles, aged 51 years.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 1 August 1865 Page 4, column 1
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
BECCLES REGATTA Monday, August 7th, 1865 First Match: A Silver Cup, of the value of 10 Guineas, for cutter-rigged boats, not to exceed 12 tons. Second Match: a Purse of 5 Guineas, for boats of any rig not exceeding 14 feet. First Boat: 3 Pounds; Second, 1 Pound 10 Shillings; Third 5 Shillings. Rowing Matches for various prizes. A Pig on a greasy pole will be competed for. To conclude with a Duck Hunt. A Fire Balloon will ascend in the course of the evening. Luncheon will be provided on board the Committee's Barge. A Band will attend as usual. A Steam Tug will be in readiness at 6 a.m. on the morning following the Regatta, to take the Yachts to Oulton if desired. W. EVERETT, Esq., Chairman.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 8 August 1865 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 2nd August, at Redenhall Church, by the Rev C.F. TARVER, Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, the Rev C.J. EVANS, eldest son of C. EVANS, Esq., Chancellor of the Diocese of Norwich, Fellow of King's, and Rector of Ovington, to Elizabeth Mary, eldest daughter of the Ven. T.J. OMEROD [sic], Archdeacon of Suffolk, and Rector of Redenhall.
On the 3rd August, at St Andrew's, Thornhill-square, Islington, by the Rev J.O. HARRIS, John Fenn COLE, Captain, R.N., of Crawley, Woburn, Beds., to Mary Anna, only daughter of the late Samuel SUTTON [best guest as print is imperfect], Clifton Lodge, Bungay.
On the 3rd August, at the parish church, Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANHAM, Mr Henry CARR, mariner, to Miss Georgiana COLMAN, both of Lowestoft.
On the 3rd August, at the parish church, Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANHAM, Mr Daniel HALL, to Miss Elizabeth Ann COOK, both of Lowestoft.
On the 23rd July, at Hoddesdon, the Rev Thomas WOOLLEY, M.A., late curate of St Andrew's, Hoxton.
On the 29th July, at Lowestoft, after long and painful afflictions, Mr George SMITH, in his 82nd year.
On the 31st July, at Melford, the Rev Banks ROBINSON, vicar of Little Waldingfield, Suffolk.
On the 3rd August, at Southwold, highly respected and deeply lamented, the Rev W. HOPKINS, for thirty years Pastor of the Congregational Church of that town.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 15 August 1865 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 25th July, at the Trinity Church, Bungay, Mr G. W. MACKLEY, surgeon dentist, of St Giles', Norwich, to Fanny, second daughter of Mr Charles LAIT, of Diss.
On the 2nd August, at Westhall, by the Rev H.A. GOODWIN, Charles Pedgrift, eldest son of Mr Thomas Neslen TURNER, of Chediston, to Matilda, only daughter of Mr Samuel HAMMOND, of the former place.
On the 3rd August, by the Rev C.H. SHAW, Henry WHYATT, farmer, to Eliza PIPE, both of Beccles.
On the 7th August, at Rendham Church, by the Rev C.H. MARRIOTT, Charles William ELLIS [best guess as print is imperfect], of Halesworth, baker, to Caroline, eldest daughter of Mr Charles SKINNER, of Rendham, farmer.
On the 10th August, at St Paul's Church, Knightsbridge, by the Rev Clement BOULTON, rector of Norbury, Derbyshire, assisted by the Hon., and Rev Robert LIDDELL, Colonel Charles Henry GORDON, C.B., (late 93rd Highlanders), Highland Depot Battalion, Aberdeen, to Georgina, eldest daughter of Sir Edmund H.K. LACON [best guess - imperfect print], Bart., M.P., Ormesby House, Norfolk.
On the 13th August, at Beccles Church, by the Rev C.H. SHAW, Mr Thomas H. PEARCE, grocer, to Maria, widow of the late Mr COUSTOS, grocer, Beccles.
On the 3rd August, at Blundeston Parsonage, Suffolk, of diptheria [sic], after a few days' illness, Charlotte Elizabeth, the dearly beloved child of Louis and Eleanor BUTCHER, of Hampstead Heath, aged 11 years.
On the 4th August, aged 80, at the residence of her son, Mr Wm. OWLES, of Brandon, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr John OWLES, of Trinity-street, Bungay, and formerly of Shadow Barn farm, St Margaret's, Suffolk.
On the 7th August, in his 77th year, Mr J. CLARK, draper, late of Great Yarmouth.
On the 8th August, at Lowestoft, aged 58, Mr E. PARDAY, tailor and bookseller, formerly of Newmarket.
On the 10th August, at Halesworth, aged 66 years, Louisa, the beloved wife of Mr John SEAMMEN.
On the 13th August, in his 35th year, the Rev Arthur William BOYCOTT, Perpetual Curate of Aldeby.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 22 August 1865 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
At St Luke's Church, Holloway, by the Rev Alfred CHURCH, M.A., Henry Francis CHURCH, of Muswell-hill and Bedford-row, Esq., to Margaret Emily, widow of the late James WILLIAMS, Esq., M.D., Southwold, Suffolk. [No date given].
On the 15th August, at Burgh, by the Rev Henry M. BARLOW, Edward John, only son of Mr William MEAKIN, of Borrowash, Derby, to Emily, third daughter of the late W.B. BRIGGS, of St Helen's, Westleton.
On the 11th August, Rose, relict of the late James TITLOW, of Lowestoft, aged 91.
On the 15th August, at Herne Bay, Kent, after a short illness, Jane, the beloved wife of Mr George GODDARD, chemist, London, and youngest daughter of the late Robt. WARD, builder, Loddon.
On the 16th August, at Kirtley, near Lowestoft, in his 86th year, Mr Samuel UTTING, late of Fakenham, Norfolk.
On the 20th August, at Mendham, Suffolk, from concussion of the brain in consequence of a fall from his horse, George Chester WOOD, Esq., youngest son of Thomas WOOD, Esq., of Toft Monks, Norfolk, and Brixworth Hall, Northamptonshire.
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 22 August 1865 Page 4, column 3
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
LOWESTOFT Melancholy Accident --- On Monday 14th August, an inquest was held at the Suffolk Hotel, before F.B. MARRIOTT, Esq., coroner, on the body of George BUDDS, aged about 37, who was drowned in the harbour on the previous morning, about three o'clock. From the evidence of Henry BRISTOW, a bridgeman employed on the Lowestoft bridge by the Great Eastern Railway Company, it appeared that deceased had been in the employ of the Company about eleven weeks, and it was their turn to be on duty on Saturday night. BRISTOW took the first watch, from 8 to 1 o'clock, when he left the deceased standing in the centre of the bridge. He then went in to the little house which is close to the harbour, and about 10 minutes to 3 o'clock he heard the deceased call out, and he saw that he was in the water. He immediately ran to his assistance, and threw in a line, and called out to deceased, "Hold on here." Deceased asked him to pull him out, which he could not do, neither did he attempt to do so, but made the rope fast, and ran towards the Custom-house for assistance. He met William BROWN, belonging to the Custom-house, and he, with George JARY and Robert WELHAM, came and tried to haul the man ashore. They could not, and BROWN said that they had better go to the man in a boat, which he (BRISTOW) and BROWN did. He believed the deceased must have hold of the rope, or it must have got fastened somewhere, because the four could not haul it in. When they got to the deceased they found him floating on the water, and he (BRISTOW), tied the rope around the deceased's shoulders and he was hauled ashore. When he saw him first, he was about a fathom from the side of the Quay, and directly he was landed, he (BRISTOW) went for Mr CLUBBE, the doctor, who was in attendance about fifteen minutes later.The deceased was taken to the Watch-house. Deceased was probably passing the end of the railings, which were shown to the Jury, and which the bridgemen are in the habit of passing, when he fell into the water. Mary Ann WELHAM, who lives at the Watch-house, corroborated the evidence of the last witness as to the time of the deceased falling into the water, and the assistance rendered by the men to the deceased; and William BROWN, George JARY, and Robert WELHAM also gave corroborative evidence. The latter witness stated that after BRISTOW and BROWN had gone off in the boat, the rope became slack, and heard deceased say, "Oh, dear, Oh!" He (witness) then used the boathook, which was lying over the edge of the Quay, and he must have got hold of the deceased, for he felt a great weight on the hook, but what part he had hold of he could not tell, as it was dark. Captain RIVERS, harbour master, gave evidence as to his being called up. He and Mr CLUBBE tried all they possibly could for upwards of an hour, to restore respiration, but without success. Some conversation took place in respect to the desirability of the men employed at the bridge making themselves fully acquainted with the rules supplied by the Humane Society for the restoration of apparently drowned people, and the coroner considered that it was just as necessary for them to know the rules, and be enabled to act up to them, as the coastguard men. Captain RIVERS said he would from this time make it a point that his men should have the rules read over to them two or three times a week, so that they might be impressed on their memory, for he saw the importance of it; and he also stated that he would cause a gate to be placed as a protection to the spot where the deceased fell in. The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." Deceased has left a widow and six children, the youngest but six weeks old.
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 29 August 1865 Page 4, column 6
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
On the 19th August, suddenly, aged 67, T. CHURCHYARD, Esq., solicitor, Woodbridge.
On the 19th August, at Beccles, in the 72nd year of her age, Sarah, widow of the late Mr Richard DARBY.
On the 20th August, at Beccles, Mr James HOLMES, butcher, aged 48 years.
On the 21st August, Maria, wife of Mr John PRIME, carpenter, of Beccles, aged 58 years.
On the 24th August, at Gillingham, Mr Charles NIXON, aged 66 years.
In addition to the above: -
In addition to the above: -
Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 29 August 1865 Page 4, column 4
From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Before J.L. BEDINGFIELD, Esq., Chairman, Rev J.C. SAFFORD, and Richard MANN, Esq. Offence Under The Highway Act Mr John SALTER, of St Andrew's, farmer, was summoned by police constable KEMP for having 71 sheep straying and lying upon the highway in St Andrew's, Ilketshall, on the 17th August. The offence having been proved by KEMP, Mr SALTER said he did not dispute the fact that the sheep were his, but the information was laid by KEMP from spite, as he (SALTER) had charged him with drunkenness. He said he had, in common with other occupiers in the parish, the right of turning a certain quantity of stock on the common, but as there was no gates, the stock would sometimes stray upon the road. Upon the day in question, he had a boy in charge of the sheep, but as it came on to rain, he had left the sheep to come home alone. As soon as he found this was the case, he sent another boy after them, but Mr KEMP had in the meantime taken them away, and placed them in Mr HARDINGHAM's field. KEMP denied that in bringing this case before the bench he had been actuated by any other motive than a sense of duty. The bench convicted Mr SALTER, who was adjudged to pay a fine of 5 Shillings, and costs 5 Shillings; and the Chairman said the Bench were of opinion that KEMP had not laid the information from the motive named by Mr SALTER, as all the police officers in the district were instructed to take notice of cases such as the one they had just decided.