


6 Aug - 27 Aug 1867


August 1867 East Suffolk Gazette

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 6 August 1867 Page 5, column 4


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library




On the 31st July, at Beccles, the wife of the Rev S.K. BLAND, of a daughter.





On the 3rd August, at Beccles, aged 57 years, Matilda, relict of the late Mr Stephen BARTRAM.

On the 28th July, the Rev Charles TUFNELL, vicar of Stourpaine, Dorsetshire, aged 44.

In addition to the above: -


East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 6 August 1867 Page 5, column 2


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

EPITOME OF SUFFOLK NEWS ....Parish Chests.---By some mischance the Stowmarket parish boxes containing the records and historical papers of the parish, extending over a period of 600 years, were removed by the contractors when the church was restored, and were lost sight of until Tuesday week, when they were found to have been placed upon the waste piece of land in Ipswich-street, and left exposed to the weather. It is stated that some of the parchments having been taken away, attention was drawn to the circumstances, and the remainder have been removed to a place of greater safety. It will be seen by Hollingworth's History of Stowmarket that some of the documents were of great antiquarian value. Indeed, it was said by the late vicar, who arranged them, that they were the most complete set of parish records in the Eastern Counties. It is hoped by all interested that the damage and loss are not so great as anticipated.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 13 August 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library




On the 7th August, at No.1, Theodovor Laurel Place, Penge, the wife of Mr M. PETTIGREW, of a daughter.




On the 1st August, at Gorleston, by the Rev T. ALLNUTT, Mr John LONDON to Miss Mary Bloom IVES, both of Halesworth.

On the 3rd August, at St Peter's, Eaton-square, Pimlico, by the Rev J. FULLER, Mr J. PARKER, of Belgrave-terrace, to Isabella, only daughter of the late Captain BAXFIELD, of Lowestoft.

On the 5th August, at the parish church, Lowestoft, by the Rev A. HANHAM, Mr Henry DAVIS to Miss Emma HOWARD, both of Lowestoft.

On the 6th August, at St Paul's, Onslow-square, the Rev A. MATCHETT, curate of Halesworth, to Susan Ellen, eldest daughter of the late Rev T.G. ROBERTS, M.A., Rector of Llanrwst [sic].

On the 7th August, at the Church of St Clement Danes, Strand, London, by the Rev F.G. LITTLECOTT, F. Marsham LARK, only son of the late Alfred LARK, Gisleham, Suffolk, to Rachel, eldest daughter of William COUSINS, Chelmsford, Essex.





Recently, at Manchester, J. STEPHENSON, M.D., late a member of the Yarmouth Town Council, aged 36.

On the 5th August, at the residence of her son-in-law (Mr J. L. L. HUDSON), Bungay, aged 78, Mrs Maria BROWNE, relict of the late Mr Benjamin BROWNE, formerly of Lowestoft.

On the 7th August, at Lowestoft, Sarah, the beloved wife of Mr Richard HOTT [corrected to HOLT in the next issue of the paper], fish merchant, of that town, in her 85th year.

On the 8th August, at Beccles, James NUNN, currier, aged 74 years.

On the 11th August, at Beccles, Esther TOWNSEND, in her 70th year.

In addition to the above: -


East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 13 August 1867 Page 4, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

SOUTHWOLD ....Death From Drowning.---We regret to record that William, son of Mr Crisp John PLANT, of this town, aged 16, was unfortunately drowned at Tobago, West Indies. It appears from evidence given at the inquest that he was on board the barque, Mary, of London, John SPICER, master, and on the 1st July last, was employed in washing the decks. He was soon missed, and every inquiry was made without success. After an interval of three days his body was discovered floating near the ship, from which it was surmised that he overbalanced himself whilst hauling up water at the ship's side.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 20 August 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On the 7th August, at Lowestoft, in her 85th year, Sarah, wife of Mr Richard HOLT, fish merchant.

On the 9th August, at the residence of his mother, at New Buckenham, Mr George LANT, of Beccles, aged 28. He was interred in the ground of the Baptist Meeting House, Beccles, on Thursday last.---On Sunday, the Rev S.K. BLAND, preached a funeral sermon at the Baptist Chapel, which was attended by about fifty of the members of the Manchester Unity of Odd Fellows, to which he had belonged.

On the 13th August, at Kirby Cane, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr William FISHER, in the 36th year of her age, deeply regretted by a large circle of friends.

On the 14th August, at the residence of his mother, Bank House, King's Lynn, Captain Samuel Gurney CRESWELL, R.N., third son of the late Francis CRESWELL, Esq., aged 39.

On the 15th August, at Bungay, Mr James WILKINSON, for many years a respectable tradesman of Great Yarmouth, aged 84.

On the 15th August, at Flixton-road, Bungay, in his 22nd year, William, the beloved son of George and Harriet CATCHPOLE.

On the 19th August, at Beccles, Mary Ann, third wife of William FLOWERS, labourer, aged 66 years.

In addition to the above: -


East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 20 August 1867 Page 4, column 6


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

YARMOUTH Shocking Accidents.---On Tuesday, a man named Samuel WELLS, in the service of Mr FENNER, fish salesman, of this port, while engaged in steeping some sails in a vat containing liquid in a boiling state, by some means slipped and fell into the vessel. The cries of the poor fellow brought prompt assistance, and he was removed at once to the hospital, where it was found he had sustained severe injuries to his body and lower extremities. The sufferer is, we are happy to state, progressing as favourably as can be expected considering the severe character of the scalds.---An accident of almost as serious a nature occurred in the early part of the week, to a seaman named Anthony ROVE, who, while engaged unloading a timber laden vessel at the quay, was knocked down by a number of deals which had been insecurely stacked. In this case the sufferer was almost killed by the falling timber, but plenty of assistance being at hand, he was extricated from his perilous position when he was found to have sustained severe contusions and internal injuries. As in the previous case, the suffer was promptly removed to the hospital, where he is progressing favourably.

East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 27 August 1867 Page 5, column 5


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library





On May 1st, at the Port Philip Club Hotel, Melbourne, Charles LEGGETT, Esq., solicitor, of Bombay, aged 31 years, eldest surviving son of the late Francis LEGGETT, Esq., of Bombay, and Yoxford, Suffolk.

On June 18th, in his 31st year, the eldest surviving son of the Rev Charles HEBERT, vicar of Lowestoft, Robert Francis HEBERT, chief mate of Mr GREEN's ship Blackwall, in lat. 39.20 S., and long. 142 E., drowned by the swamping and overturning of a lifeboat, in which he had been two hours searching for a seaman overboard.

Lately at Weston Supermare, aged two years, Bliss Mary, daughter of the late Captain Bliss J. HUME, of H.M. 80th Regiment, and Grand daughter of the late Rev W.F. THRING, D.D., rector of Sutton Veney, and Vicar of Fisherton, Delamere, Wilts.

On the 16th August, Frederick, and 19th August, William, at 4 Marlborough Terrace, Yarmouth, twin sons of the Rev Thomas COLLYER and Emma, his wife, of Gisling, in this county.

On the 19th August, at her residence, 1, Oxford Terrace, Cheltenham, Hannah Maria, widow of the Rev R. HARDY, D.D., rector of Loughborough, and daughter of the late Rev C. SMEAR, of Frostenden Grove, in this county, aged 91.

On the 21st August, at Alnwick Castle, in the 90th year of his age, the Most Noble George PERCY, Duke of Northumberland.

In addition to the above: -


East Suffolk Gazette And Beccles And Bungay Weekly News 27 August 1867 Page 1, column 2


From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library

HARNESS PASTE The great object to be effected, besides that of a Brilliant Polish, is to produce an article that will Preserve the Leather. The above qualities are combined in that manufactured by A.G. LOVE, Smallgate Street, Beccles, Sold in Boxes One Shilling each.