


2 April - 25 June 1861


Transcriptions of Beccles and Bungay Weekly News

April - June 1861 Beccles & Bungay Weekly News Births, Marriages, & Deaths

Transcribed from microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library
Janelle Penney --- 2000, 2001

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 2 April 1861 Page 4, column 1

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.

No births, deaths or marriages announced in this issue of the paper.  Instead: - 

BEAUTIFUL TEETH MR H. F. BATCHELOR SURGICAL AND MECHANICAL DENTIST Banks Street, Beccles, Respectfully announces that he continues to supply his INIMITABLE SETS of ARTIFICIAL TEETH, on the Gum Coloured India Rubber, with all the latest improvements, from 2 Pounds 10 Shillings 0 Pence. MINERAL TEETH of the best quality in Gold, Platina, etc at equally low charges. As H.B. makes every part himself, Accuracy of Fit, and Beauty of Construction may be depended upon. Attends at Mr CATTERMOLE'S, Carver and Gilder, near the Corn Hall, Bungay, the first Thursday, and at Mr F. W. PEDGRIFT'S, Halesworth, the last Tuesday in every Month. Testimonials and References of the highest respectability. Parties waited upon if requested. 24 YEARS EXPERIENCE

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 9 April 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


On the 2nd April, at the parish church, Beccles, by the Rev W.F. DAVENPORT, Mark WILKINS, to Mary Ann BROWN, of the same place.


On the 2nd April, at Beccles, in the 4th year of his age, Albert Joshua, the son of Mr Henry YOUELL, pump maker.

On the 2nd April, at Pulham St Mary, Phillip Buxton ETHERIDGE, Esq., aged 76.

On the 3rd April, at St Margaret's Southelmham, near Bungay, aged 76, Mr James HAWES, carpenter, and sub-postmaster. The deceased had filled for a number of years several parochial offices, and was highly respected for his integrity and intelligence.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 16 April 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


13 April, of pulmonary consumption, at Bungay, aged 27 years, Anna Maria, eldest daughter of Mr William Thompson BAKER, writer.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 23 April 1861 Page 4, columns 5

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


On the 21st April, at St Nicholas Church, Great Yarmouth, Mr David SHARMAN, eldest son of Mr David SHARMAN, of Beccles, to Miss Harriet PERRY, of the above place.


18 April, at Beccles, Minnie, the beloved wife of H. HARDINGE, Esq.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 30 April 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


On the 26th April, aged 4 years, after a short illness, Sarah Ann, second daughter of Mr George RAVEN, baker and confectioner, Bungay.

On the 28th April, at Southwold, aged 68, Mr Joseph ARTHY, whose kindness of manners and charitable disposition procured respect of all who knew him; the poor especially have lost a sincere and valuable friend, to whom a great proportion of his time was entirely devoted.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 7 May 1861 Page 4, column 3

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library. No births, deaths, marriages announcements in this issue of the paper.

Instead: -

SOUTHWOLD THE LATE MR JOSEPH ARTHY---The funeral of this lamented gentleman, on Thursday last, was attended by the High Steward, (Robert WAKE, Esq.), the Mayor (Alfred LILLINGTON, Esq.), and Members of the Town Council, preceded by the mace-bearers in mourning, and Trinity Pilots, and members of the Friendly Sailors and Albion Clubs, and the Odd Fellows Society, all alike desirous of evincing their respect for one who had ever been the poor man's friend.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 14 May 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


9 May, by special licence, at the Congregational Meeting-house, London-road, Lowestoft, by the Rev Richard LEWIS, Mr William CHANDLER, of Ringsfield Hall, in this county, to Ellen BARNARD, of Lowestoft.


3 May, at Beccles, Kitty, daughter of Mr James LOCKWOOD, aged 3 months.

3 May, at Wenhaston, Mr Robert RACKHAM, aged 85 years.

3 May, at Beccles, much respected, after a long illness, Mr Henry RACKHAM, shoemaker, aged 23 years.

9 May, at Beccles, Anna Maria, daughter of Mr G. EDWARDS, aged 15 months.

6 May, after a long and painful illness, J. W. STRATFORD, eldest son of Mr John STRATFORD, builder, aged 33 years.

9 May, at Beccles, Heber [sic] Thomas HARDINGE, Esq., Superintendent of Police, aged 25 years.

9 May, at Bungay Uplands, Mr James GOWER, aged 86 years.

10 May, at Beccles, Alice, daughter of Mr Martin BOOTH, aged 9 weeks.

10 May, at Beccles, Mrs Susan RAVEN.

11 May, at Beccles, Thomas Samuel, son of Mr John FORDER, aged 13 years.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 21 May 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


On the 29th April, at Thorness, Isle of Wight, the wife of Alfred HUGHES, Esq., of a daughter.


At Ipswich on the 11th May, aged 62, Mary Ann, widow of the late Mr Richard DUNNINGHAM.

At Southwold, on the 11th May, Mr John LLOYD, brewer, aged 82.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 28 May 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


On the 21st May, aged 7 years, James William, son of Mr William TUTTLE, 19 Regent Road, Great Yarmouth.

21 May, after a few days illness, Margaret, wife of the Rev Edward John HOWMAN, rector of Bexwell, in the county of Norfolk, in the 68th year of her age.

On the 25th May, at Ditchingham, Bungay, in the 81st year of her age, Mrs Sophia TIBNAM, widow of the late Mr Edward TIBNAM, many years hemp cloth manufacturer of the same place.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 4 June 1861 Page 4, column 3

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.

No births, deaths and marriages. Instead : -

YARMOUTH DEATH BY CHOKING ---On Saturday evening, a sergeant of the East Norfolk Militia named SEELY, while at tea, was suddenly choked by a piece of meat, which he was in the act of swallowing, sticking in his throat. Medical aid was at once sent for, but the unfortunate man died instantaneously; he was buried in the Cemetery with military honours, on Wednesday. The deceased was a native of Norwich, and was a fine clean-made young fellow of about 26 years of age.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 11 June 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.

No births, deaths and marriages. Instead : -

THE ANNUAL FEAST of the Bungay Change Ringers was held at the Fleece Inn, On Monday, the 3rd inst., when twenty-five members of the club and others sat down to a substantial dinner provided by Mr and Mrs MARTIN. Jervas HOLMES, Esq., occupied the chair, and Captain MOORE, the vice chair. During the afternoon several touches of Bob Major and Treble Bob were rung in St Mary's Tower, and in the evening courses of Bob Royal Grand Sircatess and Maxams were rung on Capt. MOORE's hand bells.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 18 June 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


On the 5th June, Mary Eliza, wife of Mr Charles WARNES, farmer, Rumburgh, in the 30th year of her age.

On the 11th June, at Beccles, William, son of Mr Charles MEACHAM, tailor, aged 3 years.

On the 13th June, at Beccles, Charlotte, wife of Mr Robert TOOK, postman, aged 43 years.

On the 13th June, deeply regretted by all his friends and neighbours, aged 24 years, Thomas, only son of Mr Thomas WOODTHORPE, Gisleham, Norfolk.

Beccles & Bungay Weekly News 25 June 1861 Page 4, column 4

From microfilm supplied by the British Library Newspaper Library.


On the 18th June, at Beccles Church, by the Rev J. T. JOHNSTON, Mr James DUNNINGHAM, to Eliza Victoria THORNTON, youngest daughter of Richard THORNTON, Esq.


On the 13th June, at Yoxford, aged 66, Susan, widow of Mr Robert APPLETON, architect, of Halesworth.

On the 18th June, at Bungay, William ROE, aged 77 years.