Leland on Shropshire
The following extract has been taken from a transcript of "Leland's Itinerary". In about 1535 to 1543 John Leland carried out a survey of England and Wales, commissioned by King Henry VIII. His resulting manuscript notes provide a unique picture of England and Wales in the 16thC with descriptions of towns, villages, and countryside, as well as lists of memorial inscriptions and family pedigrees.
The references are to the {Volume}, {Part}, and {Page} from which the succeeding extract was drawn.
{Volume 2.}{Part 4.}{Page 21.}
Oute of a Rolle of the olde Erles of Shrobbesbyri.
Rogerus de Belesmo, Erle of Shrobbesbyri and founder of the Abbay of Shrobbesbyri, was buried in our Lady Chapelle of Shrobbesbyri Abbay.
{Volume 2.}{Part 4.}{Page 22.}
There were 3. sunnes of this Rogerus de Belesmo buried yn the Chapitre House of the Abbay of Shrobbesbyri: wherof one was caullid Hughe de Belesme.
The Erle of Shrobbesbyri, of whom AEneas Sylvius Bisshop of Rome doth make right famose mention, was slayn in Fraunce, and his eldest sunne, by his second wife, that was Lord Lisle, with hym.
Then was the eldest sunne of the Erle elder brother to the Lorde Lisle made Erle, and after was slayne or beheddid at Northampton-feelde.
This Erle had diverse sunnes and doughters.
Emong whom John was the eldest, and was Erle, beyng a good simple manne, and died at Coventre non sine suspitione veneni.
This John had emong his brethern one caullid Gilbert Talbot, after a knight of fame, the which buried the Erle his grandfathers bones brought out of Fraunce at Whitechirche in a fair chapelle, wher he is also buried hymself.
The Erle John lefte George his heir and Erle after hym. George left Fraunces now Erle.
Owte of the Petygre of the Talebotes Barons.
Philip Talebot was a man of fair landes in Herefordshir and Glocestershir, and was buried at Cerdingfeld, [Irchenfield] wher he had a fair lordship.
Gilbert Talbot his sunne made the Priory of Wormisley, and ther was buried, and dyvers after of his line.
The propre name of the Lord Audeley now beyng ys in olde bookes written Touchet, and not Twichet.
I saw in a booke of Master Garther's of the Nevilles that William Neville, sunne to Da Raby and Jane the base doughter of John a Gaunte, was Erl of Kent. But looke more for the treuth of this.
{Volume 2.}{Part 4.}{Page 23.}
The eldest house or manor place of the Langevilles yet remaynith at Litle-Billinge, about a 3. miles est from Northampton: and ther ly divers of them buried.
Syns of later tymes half the barony of Roche in Wales cam by mariage to them: and therby also landes in other partes.
The Langevilles of later tymes hath lyen and buildid fairly at Wolverstun in Bukinghamshire nere Stony-Stratford.
Langeville an 103. yeres old made his landes from his heires general to his bastard sunne Arture. The yonger bastard is now heir.
--------End of extract--------
{Volume 2.}{Part 4.}{Page 26.}
Ponsbyri [Pontesbury] is but an uplandisch tounlet, and is 4. miles toward the south west from Shrewsbyri. There risith a brooke out of an hille therby caullid Ponslithe a litle above the towne, and thens renning goith into Severn aboute half a mile above Shrewsbyri toun.
Ponsbyri is ultra Sabrinam, as Shrewsbyri is: but it is of off Severne ripe a 3. miles by ...
In the chirch of Ponsbyri is a dene and 3. prebendaries. Cole, Subdene of the Kinges Chapel, late Dene of Ponsbyri, did much coste ther of the Mansion House. Ther be 2. other fair houses of the prebendaries.
The Lorde Powys is patrone ther.
On the south side of the chirche yarde appere greate tokens and stones faullen downe of a great manor place or castelle: and therby yet remaynith the name of the castelle paviment.
A quarter of a mile or more of from Ponsbyri Chirch is a wood caullid Hokstow-Forest [Hogstow Forest] longging to the lordship of Caourse.
In the midle way betwixt the chirch of Ponsbyri and this wood appere certen ruines of a castel or pile apon longging also to the Lord Powys. From this hille a man may see to Shrousbyri and other partes there aboute.
{Volume 2.}{Part 4.}{Page 27.}
The wood and foreste of Hokstow hath dere and is large, and one way cummith almost to Caourse Castelle [Cawres Castle] longging now to the Lorde Stafford.
The chauntor of S. Davides tolde me that one Martinus de Turribus a Norman wan the countrey of Kemmeys in Wales, about the tyme of King William Conqueror; and that this Martinus foundid the abbay of S. Dogmael in Kemeis, and that he lyith buried in the quier there.
--------End of extract--------
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 76.}
From Richards castle to Ludlow a 2. miles.
The bridge apon Tende [Teme r.] at Ludlow devidithe withe the streame downe alonge Herfordshire from Shrobbesshire.
The towne of Ludlow beinge in Shrobbesshire on the left ripe of Teme ryver is set apon an hill; so that a man cumming to it any waye conscend ith. It is well waullyd, and by estimation it is about a mile in compas.
There be in the waulls 5. gates. Brode-Gate, and that leadythe to Brod-Strete, the fayrest parte of the towne. Olde Gate is alsoe toward Temde, as Brod-Gate is, but not so nere. Galfride-Gate, Corve-Gate toward the left ripe of Corve river, Mil-Gate. The castle hemithe in one parte of the towne and stondithe on a stronge rokke well dichid betwixte Corve-Gate and Mille-Gate.
There is but one paroche churche in the towne, but that is very faire, and large, and richely adornyd, and taken for the fayrest in all those quartars. It stondithe even in the midle of the towne, and is in the highest ground of it. Thise churche hathe bene muche avauncyd by a brothar-hode therein foundyd in the name of St. John the Evangeliste. The originall thereof was (as the people say there) in the tyme of K. Edward the Confessor; and it is constantely afirmyd there that the pilgrimes, that browght the ringe from beyond the se as a token from St. John thevangelist to Kynge Edward, were inhabitaunts of Ludlow.
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 77.}
This fratarnitie hathe a gardian chosen yerely amonge the burgesses, and to this college longe now a tenne pristes, partly found by endowment of lands, partly by gatheringe the devotion of the people thereabout. These pristes have a fayr howse at the west end of the paroche churche yard; and by it is an hospitall or almeshouse of a 30. pore folks sometyme, and sometyme mo, mayntaynyd partly by the fratarnitie, and partly by mony given for obiits of men buried there in the church.
There was a very rich merchant in Ludlowe not long synce called Hosier, buried in the parish church, who founded a cantarie in a part of the aforesayd colledge, endowing it with 10. or 12. 1. land by the yeare. This stipend is nowe geven to a schoole-maister.
The towne-waule enclosethe the northe syde of the cemitery of the paroche churche.
I noted these graves of men of fame in the church of Ludlowe.
Burialls in the churche.
Beaupie, somtyme coferar to Edward the 4. He gevethe a leg in his armes.
Cokkis, a gentleman servitor to Prince Arture.
Doctor Denton, Mastar of St. John's in Ludlow.
... Sulyard, justiciarie in the Marchis of Wales.
... Hosyar, the marchaunt.
There be 2. castelets for conduit watar in the towne, servyd bothe from one springe or head.
There were 2. fayre coleges of friers in Ludlow.
The Whit-Fryers was a fayre and costly thing, and stode without Corne-Gate by northe, almoste in the ende of that suburbe. One ... Ludelaw a knight, lord of Stokecastle or pile towards Bysshop's-castle, was originall fowndar there.
Vernoun by an heire generall is now owner of Stoke, and of late was taken as foundar of this howse.
The Augustin Friers stode without Galford-Gate.
I saw suburbes without all the gates of Ludlowe, savynge that I was not at Mill-Gate.
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 78.}
The suburbe over Temde bridge by southe is caullyd Ludeford, and in it is a litle paroche churche.
There is on the northe syde of the bridge in ripa sinistra Temde, [Teme r.] a churche of St. John standinge without Brode-Gate, sometyme a coledge with a dene and fellows of one Jordann's foundation. There be 3. fayre arches in this bridge over Temde, and a praty chappie apon it of St. Catherine. It is but about 100. yeres syns this stone bridge was erectyd. Men passyd afore by a forde a lytle benethe the bridge.
Ther is a faire stone-bridge ovar Temde at Lentwardine village, a 5. miles above Ludlow. Brompton [Brampton Bryan] pyle or castle a 2. miles from Lantwarden, and 5. miles above Lentwarden is Knighton, a praty towne on Temde.
There is a stone bridge of 2. arches on Temde at Tembyri a market towne in Hereford-shire. Tho. Evan tould mee since that Tembury for a surety is in Worcester-shire, even in the uttermost part of it. It is a 4. miles lower then Ludelawe ripa dextra.
The Baron of Burforde's chefe howse caullyd Burford is a litle above Tembyri ripa sinistra in Shrobbshire. Lidwik [Ledwiche Brook] brooke comithe into Teme about Tembyri ripa sinistra.
The river of Oney [Onny r.] risith toward the quartars of Bysshop's castle at Shelbe [Shelve] a 15. miles from the place where it goithe into Temde [Teme r.] a litle bynethe Bromfelde.
There was a priori or cell of monks at Bromefeld longinge to Glocestar abbay. There were somtyme prebendaries. Gifiard gave it to Glocestar-abbey.
This howse stode betwixt Oney and Temde. Temde renithe nerest to the howse selfe, that stondithe on the lefte ripe of it. Oney cummithe by the bake syde of the orchard by the howse, touchinge it with his right ripe, and a litle bynethe the howse the confluence is of Oney and Temde, and this is a 2. miles above Ludelawe.
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 79.}
There is a praty stone-bridge over Oney a litle above Bromfild. There is also a bridge of stone over Oney watar at Whister [? Wistanstow] 2. miles above Bromefelde; and above this Mastar Vernoun hath a place not far from Oney.
{The following ... appears to be copied from a lost original of Leland's rough notes on the preceding places.}
" Luddeford suburbe and a paroche churche. Temde of 3 arches and a chapell of S. Catherin; it standithe yet. Made within this C yeres, none ther afore but a ford a flite shot lower. S. John thevangelest brotherhed set up in S. Edward the Confessor's tyme by the meanes of 2 pilgrimes of Ludlow that browght a ringe from S. John to Kynge Edward: A College of a X priestes to the brotherhede. An almose howse by the college longynge to the brotherhede havynge a 30 poore folke or some tyme more of the towne: partly holpe by distribution of obits of men lyenge in the churche. Hosier an exceding riche marchaunt of Ludlow made a chauntery at Ludlow and lyethe ther buried. The chaunterye now is annexid of late to a schole mastar. Beaupie, coferer to Kynge Edward the 4, buried in the body of the churche, and one Cokks gentleman serviture to Prince Arthure. Doctor Denton Mastar of Johns, and Suiurd, [? Sluiurd] buried in the presbyterie. 2 conduts castels to serve the towne bothe from one heade. The castle the west parte, Mortimers and the Duks of Yorke lords of it, Lady Genevile Mortimers wyfe. The Whit friers by northe in Corvesgate suburbe. Ludlowes, lord of Stoke Castle or pile towards Bysshops castle. Founders a late Vernoun by mariage of one of the heirs generall of Ludlow. The Augustines Friers without Galforde gate. Mylle-gate, Corvegate, Galfordegate, Old gate, and Brodegate, and within Brodegate, Erode Streate.
" Tenbyri market ripa dextra 4 miles by nethe Ludlow; Burford a litle above ripa sinistra. Lidwik Broke a bridge of 2 arches at Tembyri. A bridge at Lentwardin media via to Knighton ... watar risynge at Chapell Ascs above Bromefeld in Shropshire. Bromfeld 2 myles from Ludelaw, a bridge of stone a litle above so into Tend. Brompton pile or castle a 2. myles above Lentwardine. Cle hills 3 miles est northe est from Ludlow.
" To Prestein a V miles, to Knighton 20 miles, to Shrobesbyri 20 miles, to Worcester 20 miles. To Treestop 20 myles. To Bridge water a 15 miles.
" A stone bridge ovar Oney at Whitster aboute a 2 miles above Bromefelde. A motyd place by Bromefilde now longynge to the Erle of Oxford. Bromfeld priory stoode bytwyxt Tende and Oney hard apon Teme ripa sinistra. The orchard of the howse lyethe on the right ripe of Oney. A bridge of stone over Oney a litle above the orchards of Bromfeld. A bridge of tymbar at Bromefeld ovar Teme. Frithe wood within a myle of Ludlowe."
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 80.}
There is liklyhod that the castle of Bromfeld longyd to Giffard, and by force rased, stode where now is a farme house motyd belonginge to the Erle of Oxford.
Cainham castle, of some callyd Caiholme, now downe, stode (3.) miles from Ludelaw.
Cle hilles stond 3. miles est north este from Ludlow.
From Ludlaw to Worcester 20. miles.
From Ludlaw to Bridgenorthe 15. miles.
From Ludlaw to Prestein a 5. miles.
From Ludlaw to Knighton 10. miles.
From Ludlaw to Bysshop's-castle 20. miles.
From Ludlaw to Shrewsbury 20. miles.
From Ludlaw to Gloucester by Bromard a 30. miles.
Passynge out of Ludlaw by Corve-gate I cam strayte to Corve-bridge of 5. fayre arches of stone. This Corve ryver goithe from this bridge strayte downe by the castle of Ludlaw, and a litle benethe it goithe into Teamd Temde by the left ripe. Here I marked that Tend (Temd) cummythe by west northe west out of Wales; and Corve cometh through Corvedale in Shropshire by east north east.
From Corve-bridge at Ludlawe I rod a 6. miles partly by meatly good come ground, partly by grownd myxt withe wood ontyll I cam to a poore village caullyd Streford, [Stretford Bridge] wher was a litle broke that about halfe a myle lower rennithe into Oney river ripa sinistra.
I lefte the Egge [Wenlock Edge] and the Longe Forest, 2. great wodds havynge roes, on the right hande cornynge to Streton. Thens I rode a 3.f miles by well woddyd ground to Streton, a prati uplandishe townelet, where by the churche one Brooke a lawyer hathe a praty howse, and here rennythe a broke, the same (as one tould me) that goeth by Stretford. This townelett is the chefist buildinge that is in Streton Dale; Streton Dale is inclosyd with grete hills, well woodyd in some places. It is in lengthe but a 3. miles, and in it be
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 81.}
3. Stretons, Litle Stretton, Great Streton and old Stretton. [All are Stretton] This Stretton Dale longgith to th Erle of Arundle.
From Streton to Libot [Leebotwood] Woode a thoroughe faire 3. miles, by hilly and woody ground.
Thens a mile or more of I left a parke of Mr. Corbet's hard on the left hand. Aftar I passyd a 4. mile by playne ground, beringe some corne, and then a 2. miles by a bettar soyle for corne to Shrobbesbyri. [Shrewsbury] About halfe a myle or I cam to Schrobbsbery I passyd by a forde over Mele broke, and there was a longe narow bridge of tymber over Mele, [? Meole r.] bering the name of the broke. And a myle above Mele bridge there is anothar tymbar bridge ovar Mele caullyd Dagge-bridge. Ther is a stone bridge of 3. arches over Mele as I enteryd into Shrobbesbyri hard by the abbay, and hard byneth this bridge is the confluence of Mele and Severn.
And here by this bridge brekith out an arme of Severn, that at deade low waters in somer scant fletithe over the strond. There is a bridge of 8. low arches ovar this arme, and aftar that it passith thrwghe this bridge it strayte metythe agayne with the great streame.
There be 2. great mayne bridges of stone on the hole river of Severne at Shrobbesbyri. The greatyste and fayrest and highest apon the streame is the Walche bridge havyng 6. great arches of stone, so cawlyd bycause it is the way out of the towne into Wales. This bridge stondithe on the west syde of the towne, and hathe at the one ende of it a great gate to enter by into the towne, and at the othar end toward Wales a mighty stronge tower to prohibyt enemies to entre onto the bridge.
The second bridge is lower on Severn at the ... parte of the towne, and this hathe 4. great archis besyd the drawbridge.
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 82.}
The towne of Shrobbesbyri standithe on a rokky hill of stone of a sadde redd earth, and Severne so girdethe in all the towne that savinge a litle pece by ... it wer an isle. It is comonly caullyd now in Walche Moythik. Writers in Walsche caul it Penguern, id est, caput Alneti.
Schrobbesbyri is the very Englyshe word truly writen, not muche dissonant from Penguern, and Salapia in Latin goith far from the Walche name.
The towne is strongly waulyd and defendyd with watar, the whiche is to be countyd m a maner for the towne diche.
There be in the towne 3 gates.
The castle hathe bene a stronge thinge, it is now muche in ruine. It stondithe in the north parte of the towne. The towne is more then a mile in compasse within the waulle.
There be 4. parish churches within the towne. The principall is St. Ceddes (Chadde). Ther is a deane and 10. prebendaries in a colegiate churche of the patronage of the Byshope of Lichefild.
There is an hospitale by St. Ceddes, the society of the mercers of Shrewsbury mayntayne it.
The second is St. Marie's, a colegiate churche with a dene and 9. pore prebendaries. The kinge is patron of it. One Degorie Walter a marchant of Shrewsbury made an hospitall in hominum memoria at the west end of St. Marye's churche.
The paroche churche of St. Alchmunde was impropriate to Lilleshull priorie.
The paroche church of St. Julian hard by St. Alchmunds impropriate to Batelfeld chaple, a mile out of Shrobbesbyri north.
The Grey Freres in Shrobesbury of the Charlton's foundation, and there laye the Lady Charleton, whome they tooke as their foundresse. And this howse stode apon Severne banke a litle above the bridge of 5. arches. One D. Francis a frere of late dayes reedified almost a great part of this fryers house.
The house of the Blacke Friers was of the Lady Genevill's foundation, and this stode a litle without the waulle apon Severn syd, at the end of Marwaulle Strete. Many gentlemen kyllyd at Batelfild were buried in this churche of Blacke Fryers.
The Augustin Friers were of the foundation of the Staffords. It stode a litle bynethe the Walche bridge.
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 83.}
Owen Glendowre promisyd Percy to have joynyd with hym at Battaylfilde.
Batelfild chapell is a mile out of Shrobbesbyri by north. Kynge Henry the 4. foundyd this litle colledge, and endowed it. A gentleman called ... who was owner of the ground whereon it was builded had the patronage thereof geven to him and his heires.
There is a fayre stone bridge on Severne a 4. miles above Shrobbesbery caullyd Monford bridge, a late renewyd. Shrawarden castle is in ripa laeva of Severne 2. miles above Mountford bridge, and a mile above this castle is Buttington bridge over Severne. There is also a bridge over Severne about Welsh-Poole.
There is a fayre stone longe bridge on Sevarne to passe ovar toward Roxcestar at Acham village.
Roxcester [Wroxeter] is a mile and halfe lower on Severn than Acham [Atcham] ripa sinistra.
The destruxtion of Roxcester be all lykelihod was the cawse of the erection of Shrobbesbyri. For Roxcester was a goodly waullyd towne ontyll it was destroied by the Danes.
The ryver of Terne cummithe into Severne, almoste in the mydle waye betwixt Acham and Roxcester.
The Wreken hill, of som caullyd Mount Gilbert. The roots of this hille standinge by the lefte rype of Severn be not past a mile from Roxcester. This Wreken hille is the highest ground of all the contrye thereabout, and standithe as a Pharos, baren of wood. There is in the toppe of this hille a delicate playne ground beringe good fine gresse, and in this playne is a fayre fountayne.
There is of late a new bridge made over Terne by Ser Rowland Hill a marchaunt of London, a little above the confluence of Terne and Severne.
Crowlington bridge of stone and tymbar a 5. miles or more above Terne.
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 84.}
Stoke bridge of tymbar a 3. miles highar, and Stoke [Stoke-upon-Tern] a praty tounlet ripa sinistra, and Hudelet [Hodnet] a townelet ... Stoke about a mile dextra ripa Terni.
At Drayton a market towne a 2. miles hier is a small bridge.
There is a stone bridge over Severn at Buldewas, [Buildwas] where the abbey of Whit Monkes was ripa dextra. Els there is none betwixt Acham and Brigenorth.
Tho. Cleobury, sometimes Abbot of Doure, tould me that there was one of the antient bishops of Lichfeild, that was in Offa King of Merches tyme, that lived an hermites life at Buldewas, after such tyme as the pall of the Archbishop of Lichfeild was taken from Lichfeild and restored againe to Canterbury.
From Schrobbesbyri to Chestar a 30. miles.
From Schrobbesbyri to Oswestrye a 12. miles.
From Schrobbesbyri to Roxcester a 4. miles, comonly cawlyd 3 miles.
From Schrobbesbyri to Wenloke 8. miles.
From Schrobbesbyri to Whitchurche a 15. miles.
From Schrobbesbyri to Mountgomery a 16. miles.
From Schrobbesbyri to Bridgenorth a 16. miles.
From Shrobbesbury to Counde a pore village a 4. miles by metely good ground, corne and grasse, but noe greate wood in sight. There cummithe downe from southe a praty broke caullyd Rhe, [Now Cound r.] passinge thrughe the smaull villag, and a litle lower goithe into Severne. There is a narow bridge of tymbre at Cound over Rhe brooke. From Cound to Harley village a 2. miles.
Thens to Wenneloke a market towne, environid with hills, in Shrobbeshire, where was an abbay, a 2. miles by roughe ground, passynge ovar an highe rocky hill caulyd Wenlok Egge.
There comithe by west from the hills by Wenlok a litle broket, and passythe thrughe the midle of the towne. I have hard this watar caullyd Rhe. It goithe into Severne, that is about a 2. miles ripa dextra from Severn.
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 85.}
From Wenloke to Morfeld [Morville] a village a 6. miles by sume corne, pasture and wood ground. I saw a litle priory or cell caullyd Morfilde on the right hand as I enteryd into this village.
From Morefeld to Bridgenorthe two miles. The towne of Bridgenorthe stondithe apon an eminent ground on the right ripe of Severne, ut aqua defluit. It hathe bene strongly waullyd, but the waulls of it be now all in ruine. There be 4. gates in the waulls.
There is a dyke for the waulls, savynge where Severne is nighe, for there nature hathe made a terrible dyke, Severne runninge in a depe valley betwixt 2. stepe hills.
The name of Bridgenorthe is but of late tymes usurpyd. It is caullyd in all auncient records Bridge. Some thinke that this terme shuld cum up of a forest caullyd Morthe thereby, right agaynst the towne trans Sabrinam. The towne selfe is scant a mile in compace.
The castle stondithe on the southe parte of the towne, and is fortyfied by est withe the profound valley instede of a diche. The walls of it be of a great hight. There were 2. or 3. stronge wards in the castle, that now go totally to ruine. I count the castle to be in compas more then the third parte of the towne.
There is one mighty gate by northe in it, now stoppyd up, and a litle posterne made of force therby thrwghe the waull to enter into the castle. The castle grownd, and especially the base courte, hathe now many dwelling howsys of tymbar newly erectyd in it.
There is but one paroche churche in the towne, and that is faire and dedicate to St. Leonard.
There is one very fayre strete in the towne goinge from northe to southe, and of eche syde of this strete the howses be galeried; so that men may passe dry by them yf it rayne, accordinge to some strets in Chestar citie.
The towne stondithe by clothinge, and that now decayed there, the towne sorely decayethe therwith.
{Volume 2.}{Part 5.}{Page 86.}
Ther is a colegiate churche of St. Mary Magdalen of a dene and 6. prebendaries within the castle. The churche it selfe is now a rude thing. It was first made by Robertus de Belesmo for a chapell only for the castle, and endowid it with lands; and afore that this chapell was establishid in the castle ther was a like foundation made at Quatforde of a chaple of St. Marie Magdalene by Robertus de Belesmo Erle of Schrobbesbyri at the desyre of his wyfe, that made a vowe thereof in a tempest on the se.
This Quateford is by northe est from Bridgenorthe on Severn, whereas yet appere great tokens of a pile or manner place longing that time to Robertus de Belesmo. There be in the bridge at Bridgenorthe stondynge est in respecte of the towne 8. greate arches, and a chaple of St. Sythe apon it.
There is a praty longe strete of meane buildynge trans pontem, and this is caullyd the Low Towne. In it is a chapell of St. John.
Strayte apon this Low Towne, and este apon Bridgnorth, is a grounde hilly and welle woddyd, called Morfe. It was a forest or chace havynge deere; but now it hathe none.
In this forest or wood (as some constantly affirme) Kynge Ethelstane's brother ledde in a rokke for a tyme an heremite's lyfe. The place is yet sene and is caullyd the Heremitage. The glory of the waulls of Bridgnorthe and the strenght of the castle there have decayed syns suche tyme as one of the Mortymers in a rebellion kept it by force.
--------End of extract--------
{Volume 3.}{Part 6.}{Page 40.}
In the midde way betwyxt Bishops Town and Montgomery is a prety rille ther devidinge Caursland, a notable parte of Shropshire from Chirbirhe hunderithe. This Caursland, sometyme longinge to the Duke of Buckyngham, croketh mervelously about the uppar parts of Shropeshire.
Offa's Dike apperith manifestly by the space of a ii. miles almost in the midde way betwixt Bisshops Castelle and Montgomery, and ther it is in one .. . not very far from the mote on a hille toppe as a limes betwixt Causeland lordship, or Montgomeri, and Herfordshire, and againe not far touchith a litle in Shirbyri [Chirbury] hunderith, and againe passith a litle by Caurseland.
I hard also at Montgomery, that Offa's Dike apperith sumwhat about Radenor, and againe within a iii. myle of Oswestre.
Cumming from Bisshops Castelle to Clunne lordshippe cummeth doune a greate woode grouing on a hille, and under the hille within a mile and a half of Bisshoppes
{Volume 3.}{Part 6.}{Page 41.}
Towne is a riveret caullid Onke, [Unk r.] and rennith by this wooddy hille, and a quarter mile of a this side from Clunne Castelle cummith into Clunne. Clunne risith ... and at Lenterdine cummith into Teme.
Bytwixt Clunne and Knighton is a river caulid Cluideford, that after a smaulle course of running cummeth into Teme.
Teme River at Knightton devideth there Melennith [Mellenydd] from Clunne lordshippe.
Knighton, as I remembre, standith bytwixt ii. rivers. Teme cumming down from Knighton.
Teme risith in Melennith hilles a v. or vi. miles from Knighton, halfe a mile above a chapel caullid, as I remembre, Bostel.
About half way bytwixt Knighton and New Radenor cummith Lugge owt of Melennith, and so doune to Presteine a good market town therabout deviding the lordship of Prestein longging to the King, and Lug Harneis lordship longging to the Baron of Burforde.
Steple-Castelle on Lug in Lug Harneis longynge to the Baron of Burford.
At Prestein towne and market most part of the cunteri of Melennithe fetche their corne.
Prestein in Walsche is caullid Llanandrew. [Llan Andras]
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Of surety ii. brokes cum by Ludlo yn Shrewisbiri-shire, that is to say Temde, and Corve. Temde cummeth ynto Severn betwyt Powik and Wykcestre.
The town of Ludlo is very propre, welle walled and gated, and standeth every way eminent from a botom. In the side of the town as a peace of the enclosing of the walle is a fair castel. Withyn the town even yn the mydle is one paroch chyrch. Withowt the waulles be aliquot sacella, and ii. howses of Freres Augustines and Carmelites. Among other gates of the town ther is Corve-Gate and Galford-Gate.
The Bishop of Hereforde hath a castel of good strenketh yn the marches toward Shreuisbyri-shire cawlled Bisshops Castel, and ther to lieth a town cawlled Bisshopes Town, wher is wekely kept a very good market.
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Syr John Talbot that maried Troutbeks heire dwellith in a goodly logge on the hy toppe of Albrighton Parke. It is in the very egge of Shropshire 3. miles from Tunge. [Tong]
Corbet of Morton Corbet viii. c. marke lande, it liith round about the shire. He hath a manor by Layton Bussard in Bukinghamshir.
Corbet of Lee, 2. miles from Caurse Castel [Cawres Castle] of a yongger brother of Morton. It cam yn partely by mariage, c. mark lande.
Sum say that of late dayis Corbettes were owners of Caurse Castel.
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Corbet of Langmer, [Longnor] 4. miles from Shrobsbyri toward Ludlo. Ther is a park, xl. li. lande.
Syr Richarde Mainewering of Higthfeld, 2. miles from Whitchirch.
John Dodde of Cloreley, a mile from Hightfeld, [Cloverley, Ightfeld] a c. marke.
Syr Robert Nedarh of Sheinton, 4 c. marke lande.
Grosevenour of Beleporte, 3. miles owt of Draiton Market. This man and Grosevenour of Eiton Bote in Chestre cam of 2. yongger brethern of Grosevenour of Houme, whos v. doughtters and heires were maried ...
Shakerley of Lancastre maried the eldest daughter, and had the manor of Houme.
Newport of Archhaul a lordship of a c. li. with park, and hath a c. li. lande by. This man, and Mitton of Cotton by Shrobsbyri had Syr John Boroues landes in Shropshir and Warwik. Mitton had his best house More Haul in Warwicshire.
Leighton of Leighton.
Leighton of Watelesborow.
Leighton of Plasch a mile or 2. from Acton Burnel.
Leighton of Rodimer 2. miles from Chorleton Castel, and is on Roden Ryver.
Mitton caullid lorde of Mouthey, [Mowddwy in Merioneth] but I trow he be but steward to the King there. His house is at Cotton a quarter of a mile owt of Shreusbyri, 2. c. mark lande.
Trentam of Shropshire dwellid in the toune self, wher his best house was, a man of 1. li. lande. Now he hath sold his lande in Shropshir, and hath boute Rocestre Priory in Stafordshir on Dove.
Thornes of Shreusbyri, 1. li. land.
Onesloo of Oneslo, xl. li. land. 2. miles from Shreusbyri. Oteley of Pichefert, [Pitchford] 4. miles from Shousbyri and a mile from Acton Burnel, a c. li. lande.
Skriven of Frodisley a mile from Acton Burnel, c. mark land.
Le of Longmer [Longnor] a fair manor and park, c. li. land, a mile from Acton Burnel. He is elder brother to Le that maried Leighton's wif of Watelborow.
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Laken of Wyley, [Willey] wher is a park. 3. miles from Bridgnorth, 3. c. markes.
Gateacre of Gataker, a c. marke lande, 3. mile from Brigenorth.
Wolrige of Dudmistre [Dudmaston] of Severne Bank. c. mark lande.
Haughton of Becbyri, 4. miles from Brigenorth. xl. li. land.
Yong of Caineton. c. mark.
Vernoun of Hodenet Syr Henry Vernoun sun. 2. c. markes by one of the heire of Ludlo.
Cotton of Cotton, a 1. li. lande.
Chorleton of Apeley hard by Welington.
Chorleton of Wombridge uncle to ...
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Oswestre xii. miles north west from Shrobbesbyri.
It is from Traflon, [Trallwng, i.e., Welshpool] alias the Walsche Pole, xii. miles.
From Wrexesham x. miles.
From White-Chirch in Shrobbeshire xii. miles.
From Oswestre to Wrexham x. miles, and thens the hyway to Chester viii. miles.
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From Ruthine xv. mile, and so to Denbigh v. mile.
From Flynt Castelle xx. miles.
From Ellesmere, wher was a castelle, and very fair polis yet be. Ellesmere hath a 4. streates of meately good building, privilegid with ii. faires, but no cummun market now.
The site of Croixoswalde [Croes Oswallt, i.e., Oswald's tree] is on a plain in a Valley xii. long miles by champain having almost no wood, north-weste from Shreusbyri.
The cumpace of the towne withyn the waulle is aboute a mile.
There be 4 gates, the New Gate [Porth newydd] (Portnewith) by south.
The Blake Gate, alias Portdee, [Porth du] by south est toward Shrobsbyri.
The 3. Beteriche Gate, unde et vici nomen qua ducit in urbem, north est toward Chester.
The 4 Wulliho Gate, alias Montain Gate, quia per eam ad vicinos monies itur quarta milliarii parte distantes, north west toward the montaine of Penllin [Penllyn] in Merionneth.
There be no towers in the waulles beside the gates.
The tounne is dikid about and brokettes ren ynto it.
The Chirch of S. Oswalde is a very faire leddid chirch with a great tourrid steple, but it standith without the NewGate; so that no chirch is there withyn the towne. This chirche was sumtime a monasterie caullid the White Minster. After turnid to a paroche chirch, and the personage impropriate to the abbay of Shreusbyri. The cloister stoode in hominum memoria ubi monumenta monachorum. The place and streate wer the chirch standithe is caullid Stretllan. [Stryd y llan = Church Street]
There be chapelles clene without the suburbes. One betwixt Stratllan [Stryd y llan = Church Street] and Porth de [Porth du] (Sacellum S.Joannis Bapt.). The secund without the same suburbe within a bow shot of S. Oswalde (S. Osuualdi Sacellum ubi et Fons Osualdi). The 3. north est toward Chester (of S. Editha). Ther be withyn the towne a x. notable streates. The 3. moste notable streates be: the Crosse Streate, ubi crux lapidea. The
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Bayly Streate, ubi forum maximum et mercatores. The 3. the New-Gate Streat.
Domus Civica, the Bouth Haulle of tymber, a fair house, standith by the castel.
Madocus, filius Meredoci, Princeps Polsiae, castrum, ut aiunt, posuit. Extat turris in castro nomine Madoci. Et ibidem camera Richardi 2. regis, constructa post caedem Arundovalii lasae majestatis condemnati.
The houses withyn the towne of Oswestre be of tymbre and slatid.
There is a bayly and sergiantes.
Ther is a castelle sette on a mont be likelihod made by hand and dichid by south west betwixt Beterice Gate and Williho Gate, to the wich the town waul cummith.
The towne standith most by sale of cloth made in Wales.
There is a fre schole on the south west side of the chirch made by one Davy Holbeche a lawier, steward of the town and lordeship, and gave x. li. land to it. Sum say that this David made David Yn yn London.
There be 4. suburbes. The greatest wherin be iiii. streates, thus caullid, Stratellan; the secunde suburbe strete Wulliho; [Willow or Wallia] the 3. Beteriche, [Beatrice] wher be many barnes for corne and hay to the number of a vii. score several barnes. The 4. Blake Gate Streate, and ther be with other howses a xxx. barnes for corne longging to the tounes men. There goith thorowg the town by the crosse a broke cumming from a place caullid Simons Welle, a bow shot without the waulle by north-west. This broke [Avon Crwys] cummith in thorough the waulle betwixt Wulliho Gate and New-Gate, and so renning thorough the towne, and goith oute under the Blak-Gate.
S. Oswaldes Wei is a bow shot from S. Oswaldes Chirch in the feldes south west. Fabulantur aquilam brachium Oswaldi a stipite praeripuisse, sed excidisse ei quo loco nunc fans est superstitione nuper Celebris. Ther is a chapel over it of tymber and the fountein environed with a stone
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Ther is a brook caullid Betterich, bycause it rennith thorough a bridglet of tymber at Beterich-Gate.
The 3. goyth under the stone bridges of Wulli-Gate, New-Gate and Blake-Gate. Then go they all 3. with Crosse Broke a mile lower by south west in to Morda Ryver.
Morda risith in a hille caullid Llanvarda [Lan Vorda] wher was a chirch now decaid. Sum say this was the paroch chirch of Oswestre.
The soile about Oswestre is playn, except toward the north west into Merionithshere fruteful of corne and grasse.
There be wooddes toward Whitigton as in the lordshipe of Llouenhene Dinas [Llwyn hen dinas] in Witington Parke and yn Witington More.
Hene Dinas a quarter of a mile out of Oswestre northwest. The toune or castelle of Hene Dinas [Hen Dinas = old fort] standith apon a rounde hillet aboute half a mile in cumpace. Ther be iii. greate diches in the botom of the hillet cumpasing it, and in the toppe of the hille now grow great treas of oke. The commune people say that ther was a cite withyn those diches. I think rather a campe of men of war, wheras peraventure was the campe when Penda and Oswaldes did fight. There is a nother hillet of caste yerth bytwixt it and Oswester not far from Dinas self.
The town of Whitington is a gret mile north est from Hene Dinas. It is a village in a valley conteining a hunderith houses, and hath a dichid round castelle not very large in the midle of the village.
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BY Alberbyri Chirch in Shropshir appere the ruines of Fulke Guarine, the noble warriars castel, and lesse then a mile of was Album Monasterium, where he is buried, suppressid for Chicheles College in Oxforde.
Bytuixt Albertbiri and Shreusbiri a vi. miles of ground plentiful of corne, wood and pasture.
From Shreusbiri to Haghmon [Haughmond] Abbay of Blak Chanons ii. miles. Within iii. quarters of a mile leving Severn on the right hond I enterid into a woodde, and sone after over a broke that issueth thoroug Penlesmere, and sone after goith into Severn.
Thens ridyng partely thorough morisch grounde and pasture I cam to Morton Corbet village, wher I saw a fair castel of Mr. Corbettes, and a ii. miles beyond that I passid over Roden riveret, rising not far above Went village, a mile from that place.
And so a v. miles to Price [Prees] a litle thoroug-fare a vii. miles of, the way being sumwhat plaine, hethy, and partely fruteful of corne. Mr. Sanford hath a place and a fair poole by yt in a wood side, a mile and a half from Pryce. So to Whitchirch by meately fruteful, sandy ground a iii. mylis. At the hither ende of Whitchirch is a veri faire poole, having bremes, pikes, tenches, perches and daces, the wich except bremes be the commune fisches of al the pooles of Shropshire, Chester and Lancastre shire; in sum be also trouttes.
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The tounne of Whitchirch in Shropshire hath a veri good market. And there in the paroche chirch is buried Syr Gilbert Talbot.
From Whitchirch a mile and a half of I cam by the pale of the large parke of Blakmer longging to the Erle of Shreusbiri, wherin is a very fair place or loge. The park [a] hath both redde dere and falow. In the park (as I hard say) be iii. faire poles, of the wich I saw by the pale the largest caullid Blakein, wherof the parke is namid.
It is to be supposid that thes pooles, for the most part in moresch groundes and lying sumwhat in low groundes, dreane the moist places about them, and so having no place to issue owt stagne there.
Sum be likelyhod have begon of marie pittes. For the sandy grounde of sum partes of Shropshire, and especially of Chestrejshire and Lancastreshire, wille not bere corne plentifully but it be merlyd.
Sum pooles peraventure hath gatheryd ... and water, wher greate plen ty of turves and petes hath bene diggid.
Aquae dulces in Shropshire: Tyrne, Melblodewel, Cunet.
Hospitalia in Shropshir: Berton, Salopsbyri, Bruges.
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Archaul, alias Arcalu, [Arcoll] in Shropshire, and this lordship cam syns be bying onto the Newportes of Shropshire.
There was one of the Giffardes of Shropeshire companion to Syr Robert Knolles in the batelles of Fraunce that was a waster of his lande.
Alveley. [a] There was a faire place of the Mortimers aboute Teme ryver side. Mr. Cometon now hath it.
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Wire [a] Forest, where of summe part is sett in Wicestershire, but the moste parte in Shropshire, and stretchithe up from Holt apon Severne onto Bruge Northe. [b] Bewdley is set in the marchis of this forest, and stretchithe a 2. miles beyond to a watar cawlyd ... Wire is more then xx. mills compas.
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Market townes in Shropshire.
Bridgenorth a xiiii. miles from Shorbbesbyri.
Welington a vii. miles from Shrobbesbyri toward London way.
Drayton [Market Drayton] apon Terne river a xii. miles from Shrewisbyri.
At Blorehethe, a mile above Drayton by north, was a feelde faught bytwene King Edwardes men and Henry the 6. The Erle of Saresbyri and northen men on King Edwardes parte overcam the Lordes Audeley (slain) and Dudeley (woundid) with Quene Margaret, wife to Henry the 6, and Chestershir men lost the feld. She cam Eccleshall thither. Hauls Bisshop of Chester her chapeleyn caussid the queene to ly ther.
Whitechirche a xiiii. or xv. miles from Shrewisbyri.
Newport apon a brooke a xii. or xiiii. miles from Shrewisbyri. With in a mile of Newport is a goodly large mere or poole.
Peter Undergod, a gentilman longging to an Englisch Prince of Wales, did build St. John's Hospital withowt ... gate of Ludlo and aftar gave landes onto hit.
{Volume 5.}{Part 9.}{Page 13.}
Bisshops Castel a very celebrate market.
Castelles in Shropshire.
Brigenorth on Severn xiiii. myles from Shreusbiri lower on the river.
Caurse [Cause] Castel on a hil v. myles from Shreusbiri by sowth west longging to the Duke of Bokingham, now to the Lorde Staford.
Montgomeri the Kinges Castel (in the Shire, but not de) xii. myles from Shrewsbyri. It was ons a great wallid town caullid Cairovalduine.
Chirburi Hunderid was annexid to Montgomerike as a help to have men out of hit for defence.
Ludlo xx. myles from Shreusbiri.
Newport apon a brooke, or moore, xiiii. miles by east from Shreusbiri.
Whitchirch apon a broket a xvi. miles by west from Shreusbiry.
Draiton apon Terne river a xiiii. miles from Shreusbiri. Wigmore Castel a xx. myles from Shreusbiri standing on a brocket sumtime almost dry.
Whittington, a castel of the Lorde Fizwaren's, vi. miles from Shreusbiri upward almost on Severn, and by this goith Offa's diche.
Shrawardine iiii. miles from Shreusbiry, longging to the Erle of Arundel ii. miles from Whitington, bytwyxt Shreusbiri and hit.
Redde Castel by Whitchirch, a late the Lorde Audeles. viii. myles plaine northe from Shreusbiri, now al ruinus. It hath bene strong and hath decayid many a day.
Middle Castel longging to the Lord of Darbe iii. miles from Shrewsbyri, veri ruinus.
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Morton Corbet in a marres, iiii. myles from Shreuisbiri by north, longging to the Corbettes.
Knoking [Knockin] Castel in Shropshire now a ruinus thing longid to the Lorde Lestraunge, and now to the Erle of Darby,
Chorleton [Charlton] Castel on Terne, longging to the Lord Poys, vi. miles from Shrewisbiri, and a myle from Tern village.
Terne is to say a lake or poole.
Cortham Castel apon Corfe riveret, (unde et Corvesdale,) xiiii. myles from Shreusbiri by south.
Acton Burnel was a goodly manor place, or castel, iiii. myles from Shreusbyri, wher a Parliament was kepte in a greate barne. It longgid ons to the Lord Lovel, then to the Duke of Northfolke, and now to Syr John Dudle.
Burnelles doughter was maried to the Lorde Lovel, and thereby the Lovelies landes encresid, and after was made Vicount Lovel. Lovel had Acton Burnel.
Sum of thes castelles though they be yn Shropshire, yet thei be not de. For they be privilegid, and use their owne lawes and courtes, except the last statute let them.
Oswestre Castel is now in Shropshire.
Kensham [Caynham] Castel clene doun, it stoode within a ii. milis of Ludlo on a hille toppe.
Holgate [Holdgate] Castel (sumtime longing to the Lord Lovel) stondeth under the Cle hilles harde by Corvesdale a vi. miles from Ludlo. The Duke of Northfolk exchaungid it for other landes with Mr. Dudeley.
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Bramscrofte, a very goodly place like a castel, longging to the Erle of Shrewsbiri. It stondeth in Cle Hilles or abowt them a ... miles from Ludlo.
Stokesay longing sumtime to the Ludlos, now to the Vernuns, buildid like a castel v. miles owt of Ludlo.
Syr Richard Ludlo had ii. doughters. One was marled to Humfrey Vernoun, and the other to Thomas Vernoun, bretherne to the late Syr Henry Vernoun of the Peke. The 3. sun of Henry maried one of Montgomerye's heyres.
Shepeton Corbet Castel a vi. or vii. miles from Ludlo almost in the way bytwixt Ludlo and Bisshops Castel.
Hopton Corbet [Hopton Castle] half way bytwixt Bisshops Castel and Wigmoore, and a iii. miles from Shepeton.
Bisshops Castel well maintenid is set on a stronge rokke, but not veri hy.
Abbays and Priories in Shropshire.
The Abbay of Shrobbesbyri. [Shrewsbury]
Album Monasterium by Albertbyri, long syns suppressid.
Ombridge, [Wumbridge] Blake Chanons, in the way to London, ii. miles beyonde Welington market, and a ii. miles beyond
Lincel [Lilleshall] Abbay.
Lincel, or Lilleshull.
Brerewoodde, [Brewood in Staffordshire. Shropshire does not touch Derbyshire.] a priory of white nunnes lately suppressid, in the very marche of Shropshire toward Darbyshire.
Billevoise. [Buildwas Abbey] Whit monkes.
Haghmon. [Haughmond] Blake Chanons.
Wenloch. Blak monkes.
Tunge, [Tong] a litle thorough-fare betwixte Ulnorhampton [Wolverhampton; Leland distinctly writes n for u ( = v) in this name] and Newport, 7. mile from Ulnorhampton, 5. from Newporte. It is in Shropshire. There is college and wardon, with an almose house of the auncient foundation of the
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Vernouns of Haddon in the Peke. Many, or almost al, ly there that were famous of them sins the fundation.
Ther was an olde castel of stone caullid Tunge Castel. It standith half a mile from the toune on a banke, under the wich rinnith the broke that cummith from Weston to Tunge. Weston is 2. miles of, and is in Stafordshire. Syr Henry Vernoun a late daies made the castel new al of brike.
Rivers in Shropshire,
Terne risith nere Mere [Maer] village in Stafordshire; it goeth by Draiton, Ternehil, Besteford and Slepe villages, and cummith into Severn at Acham village a ii. myles from Shrewsbyri. I hard otherwise that hit cam ynto Severn abowt Ternebridge.
Corfe rising in Corvesdale cummith into Teme at Ludlo.
Corvedale plentiful of corne strecchith from abowt Wenlock to Ludlo.
Ree [Rea r. of Shropshire. It is a long way off Wenlock] cummyng by Wenloche.
Roden risith in the lake of Cumbremere. [The Roden seems to rise in Colemere (near Ellesmere), and does not run near Whitchurch; the rest of its course is rightly indicated] After hit it runneth by Whitchirch, a good market town, by Lee [Lee Brockhurst] village, and Shabiry [Shawbury] village, and at Walcote into Terne. Ther be very gret bremes and other good fischis in Cumbremere.
Oney [Onny r.] cummith into Teme abowt Eromefeld a celle to Glocestre.
Harmer Pole a mile from Shrobbesbyri.
Teme river enterith into the farther syde of Severne not far from Powik mile [Powick mill] a mile and a half beneth Wicester.
The site and commodites of the soile of Shropshire.
Ther be founde in morisch and mossy ground a vii. miles from Shrobbesbyri, and yn other places of the Shire, fyrwoodde rootes, and also the hole trees hewen downe in olde time; but of whom, or for what cause, no man there can telle.
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They finde them lying yn the grounde, sumtime a foote or ii. depe, sumtime a v. or vi. foote depe. Many of them be of a greate lengthe, and withowt twysxe. Yn brenning they smel welle.
Mortimers Clebyri [Cleobury Mortimer] in Shropshire, a village and a parke by Wire forest, yn the way bytuixt Ludlo and Beudeley.
Cle [Clent Hills] hilles be devided ynto 3. partes.
The hilles next to Wenlok be caullid the Broune Cle, and ther be dere.
Sainct Margeretes Cle toward Ludlo.
Theterston Cle [Titerstone Clee] betwixt the forest of Wyre, where is fair timbre, and Ludlo.
Ledewik broke [Ledwyche brook] springith in Cle hilles, and renning a vii. miles goith into Teme at Burforde, wher is the house of the barony of Burforde longing to Mr. Cornwale.
Cle hilles begin a iiii. miles from Tembyri, and strech within a iiii. miles of Wenlok. So that be gesse I cownt them in lenght an viii. or x. miles.
In these hilles risith Rhe [Rea r.] river, and at Newton Milles in Wicestreshire a iii. miles beneth Tembyri cummith into Tame.
The limites of Shropshire.
Blakemere, a very large parke nye to White-Chirche, ys (as I have harde say) yn sum parte a limes betwixte Shropshire and Chestreshire. In the parke is a fair maner place. Monkbridge, a mile beneth Tembyri, is (as I ther hard say) a limes to Wicestreshire, Shropshir, and Herfordshire.
Langfelde Dale.
Strettons Dale.
Syr Richarde Manoring, chefe of that name, dwellith a iii. miles be est from Price [Prees] village at a village caullid Hightfelde, [Ightfield] having a parke and greate plenty of wood about hym.
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Sandford dwellith at Sanforde, wher is onely his place and a parke, iii. miles be south from Whitechirch.
Newport dwellith at a place caullid Archaule. [a] It stondith betwixt Roden and Terne rivers toward their mouthes.
Syr John Talbot dwellith a xvi. miles from Shrewsbyri in the way to London toward Hampton village. His howse stondith in a parke called Pepper Hill.
The hedde howse of the Chorletons is now at Appley, half a mile from Welington market, a mile from the Wreken hilles. Howbeit Chorleton castel semith in time past to have bene the principal. Ther be divers of the Chorletons gentilmen of Shropshire.
Chorleton of Chorleton [b] Castel maried the heyre of the Lorde Powis, and Gray. Sins Lorde Poys maried Chorleton's heyre.
Arture Newton hath almost made away al his landes.
Yerne is made yn certen places of Shropshire, and especially yn the wooddes betwixte Belvoys [c] and Wenloke.
Colys be diggid hard by Ombridge, where the priory was.
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Nedam a knight dwellith at Shenton a iiii. miles from Cumbremere by est. He hath buildid a faire house. It is motid. Shenton ys yn Shropshire, and Syr John Nedam was chefe Justice of Chestre, much set up this name.
{Volume 5.}{Part 9.}{Page 184.}
Bysshops Castle a 23. miles by north northe west from Hereford in Shropshire. It is xii. miles from Shrowsbirie.
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Cle [Clee] Hills.
Cle Hills be holy in Shropshire. Tende [Terne r.] river devide them from sume parte of Worcestershire, but from Shropshire by the more parte of the ripe.
No great plenty of wood in Cle Hills, yet ther is sufficient brushe wood. Plenty of cole, yerth, stone, nether excedinge good for lyme, whereof there they make muche and serve the centre about. Cle Hills cum within a 3. good myles of Ludlow. The village of Clebyri [Cleobury Mortimer] standythe in the rootes by est of Cle Hills 7. myles from Ludlow in the way to Beaudeley. [Bewdley] There was a castle in Cleberie nighe the churche by northe. The plote is yet cawled The Castell Dike. There be no market townes in Cle Hills.
The highest parte of Cle Hills is cawlyd Tyderstone. [Titterstone] In it is a fayre playne grene, and a fountayne in it. There is anothar hill a 3. miles distaunt from it caulyd The Browne
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Cle. There is a chace for deare. Ther is anothar cawllyd Caderton's Cle, and ther be many hethe cokks, and a broket, caulyd Mille Brokcet, springethe in it, and aftar goithe into a broket cauled Rhe, [a] and Rhe into Tende by neth Tende Bridge. There be some blo shopps to make yren apon the ripes or bankes of Mylbroke, comynge out of Caderton Cle or Casset Wood.
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The last Lord Grey of Codnor left 3. doughtars, whereof one was maried to Syr Rowland Lentalle of Notynghamshire, a nothar to Newport of Shropshire, and the third to one Souche a yongar brothar of the howse of the Lord Souches. Thes 3. had the Lord Grayes lands in copartition, where of the lordeshipe of Ailesford in Kent and How Hundred was parte, the whiche Mastar Wyat now hathe bowght. There were some of the lord Grayes of Codnor byried at Ailesford Freres.
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William Fitz Alane foundyd Haghemon anno Dom. 1101. the 1. of W. Ruffus. Ther was an hermitage and a chapell before the erectynge of the abbey. W. Fitz Allyn and his wyffe, with Richard Fitz Allen and othar, ar ther buried, and Richard Fitz Alan a child, whiche child fell, as is sayde, by the neclygence of his norice out of hir armes from the batelments of the castle of Shrawardig. [a]
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The abat of Haghmon told me that he hathe hard that the castell of Acton Burnell or goodly manor place, where the Parliament was kepte, was first made by one Burnell a bysshope.
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Roder [a] ryver rysethe, as some say, in a great poole callyd Hurmer a 6. myles from Shrobbesbyry by northe.
Ther yssuythe out of this pole a broke, and aftar resortith to an othar poole callyd Wibbemere, and here, as the moste commune sayenge is, risethe Roden ryver, that aftar a 6. or 7. myles course commythe into Terne a 2. myles above Terne Bridge.