


Shropshire Archives


Shropshire Archives 
Shropshire Council,
Community Services,
Castle Gates,

01743 255350

The SHROPSHIRE ARCHIVES is part of Shropshire County Council's Community and Environment Directorate and comprises the former Shropshire Record Office and the Local Studies Library. These services were brought together in a purpose built repository in 1995 to preserve and make available a wealth of material relating to Shropshire past and present.

Opening Hours

Please check the Shropshire Archives Web site before planning a visit to see if the following hours have changed.

Sunday: closed
Monday: closed
Tuesday: closed
Wednesday: 10am-5pm
Thursday: 10am-8pm
Friday: 10am-5pm
Saturday: 10am-4pm


  • Archives of
    • Anglican parishes
    • Non-conformist churches
    • Poor Law Unions
    • Schools
    • Quarter Sessions
    • Borough corporations
    • County Council and District Councils
    • Landed estates and families, including pedigrees
    • Clubs and societies
  • Photographs dating from 1842
  • Prints, drawings and watercolours
  • Shrewsbury newspapers from 1772

MICROFORM SOURCES (for which booking is advisable) include:

  • Family History material such as:
    • IGI for England and Wales
    • Parish Registers
    • Shropshire census returns, 1841-1901
    • G.R.O. Index 1837-1980 (£0.50 for a half-hour session)
  • Some newspapers
  • Maps including Ordnance Survey and tithe maps and apportionments

Printed Sources:

A large collection of books, pamphlets, periodicals and county and town directories for Shropshire.

Advance Booking

Booking is advisable for sources on microform. If in doubt please telephone. Prior notice of visits involving lengthy or specialist research is also welcomed.

Readers Tickets

All visitors are encouraged to obtain a Shropshire Archives Ticket. The Archives does not subscribe to the CARN scheme.

To obtain a ticket the searcher must provide:

  1. Official proof of identity eg. driving licence.
    Students aged 16 and under will need the signature of a parent, tutor or teacher.
  2. Two passport-sized photographs.

A Readers Ticket is essential for those using original source material.


Photographs, microform print-outs and photocopies can be provided within the restrictions of copyright law and depending on the condition of the original.

Coffee Room

A separate lounge area with drinks machine is available for visitors. Food may be eaten in this area. A number of lockers are available for use during visits.

Disabled Access

All public areas, including the toilets, are accessible to wheelchairs.

Research Service

For those unable to visit the centre, our research service can help with family history, house history or other research topics. Transcription and translation of documents may also be undertaken. Details of fees are available on request or on the website.

Group Visits

A seminar room may be booked for school and other groups. Introductory talks explaining the services available can be arranged.

Other Services

The Archives accepts material by gift or loan. Specialist staff are able to offer a range of advice on research matters and the care of documents. Shropshire Archives service is part of Heritage Services comprising archives, local studies, museums and archaeology services. Staff also work with other organisations and societies particularly the Friends of Shropshire Archives, an independent charitable body established in 1990.

Car Parking

Two parking spaces for disabled visitors are provided at the Castle Gates entrance to the building. Nearest car parks are on Raven Meadows (multi story, short to medium stay), at the rear of the Railway Station (surface, long stay) and Frankwell (surface, long stay, leave via footbridge over river).

Park and Ride services every 10 minutes (nearest stop the Railway Station) run between the town centre and Harlescott (Livestock Market, for A49 & A53 north), Meole Brace (Retail Park, for A49 south) and Shelton (Oxon, for A458). Meole Brace and Shelton (Oxon) are both convenient for the A5 By Pass for the north west or south east.


There is no charge for admission to the Archives.


Information supplied on 23rd September 2003 by Tony Carr of Shropshire Archives.

[Original web source created 11 Oct 2003 - Brian Pears]