Nottinghamshire Personal Names
Multiple surnames
- There's a rich body of information on the Hugh Wallis web site.
- Submit a Query or Surnames for your lost Nottinghamshire ancestors at Rootsweb GenBBS Pages for Nottinghamshire. If you include Surnames in your query the surname list will be updated regularly.
Specific surnames
- Chris Drakes has a One Name Study on DRAKES/DRAX/DRACASS/DRACAS and variants.
- New (as of April 2005) is the HIND(E) surname forum.
- Celia RENSHAW advises that the surname STARBUCK is rare and, in the 17th century, mostly found where Derbys, Notts and Leics meet around Wilne and Attenborough.
- Ever go on a wildgoose chase? Here's one that may be worthwhile. Try looking up your WILLGOOSE connections.
Other resources you might wish to search are:
- Don't forget to do the Global searches at Family Search, or Rootsweb. Use the Advanced Search features, where provided, to limit your searches to Nottinghamshire.
- What's behind some of those Christian or given names? Look at the Behind The Name site.
Future site or source listings will be accepted on this page only if they offer a general lookup. This is not intended to be a surname exchange page to replace those already in existance.