




"LETHERINGSETT, picturesquely seated in the well-wooded valley of the Glaven, 1½ mile W. of [Holt], has in its parish 273 souls, and 844A. of land, belonging to several owners, the largest of whom is W.H.C. Hardy, Esq., who resides at the Hall, a handsome mansion with a Grecian portico, and beautiful gardens and plantations. His large brewery and malthouse are ornamental buildings, near the river, where a bridge was built by subscription, in 1818. The hall was erected and the grounds planted and laid out by the late W. Hardy, Esq. The Church (St. Andrew,) has a round tower and three bells, and was built soon after the Conquest, by the Earl of Buckingham. The living is a discharged rectory, valued in the King's Book at £12, and now having 27A. of glebe, a good residence, and a yearly rent of £253, awarded in 1839, in lieu of tithes. The Rev. Charles Codd, B.A., is patron and incumbent." [William White, History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk (1845) - Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]



The Monumental Inscriptions in the Hundred of Holt (Walter Rye).
The parishes covered include Letheringsett.
See Thornage

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Cemeteries



See also Norfolk Parish Links: Censuses


Church Directories

  • In 1883 the parish was in the Deanery of Holt, in the archdeaconry of Norwich.
    It could have been in a different deanery or archdeaconry both before and after this date.
  • The parish church is dedicated to St Andrew.

Church History

Church of St Andrew
Description, history, services, pictures, etc.
Church of St Andrew
Description and pictures.
Church of St Andrew
Services, etc.
Linnell, Charles Lawrence Scruton
Letheringsett with Bayfield: Church and Parish.
With lists of rectors.
[Stowmarket, Ashlock Magazine Centre, 1986]
Morris, Colin
Letheringsett: The early history of a parish church.
[Institute of Historical Research, in "Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research", vol. xliv, no.109, 1971]

Church Records

Archdeacons' Transcripts
Baptisms 1714-1812, Marriages 1714-1810 and Burials 1714-1812.
[Parish Register Transcription Society, Dart Series, 2000?]
These are included in Boyd's Marriage Index.
They are not included in Phillimore's Marriage Registers.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Church Records


Civil Registration

For the civil registration of births, marriages and deaths between 1837 and 1930 (and for the censuses from 1851 to 1901), Letheringsett was in Erpingham Registration District.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Civil Registration


Description & Travel

Letheringsett Post Mill
Description, history and picture.
Letheringsett Water Mill
Description, history and pictures.
Letheringsett Water Mill
Description and pictures.
Letheringsett Brewery Water Mill
Description, history and pictures.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Description and Travel

You can see pictures of Letheringsett which are provided by:




Historical Geography

Letheringsett is in Holt Hundred.

Parish outline and location.
See Parish Map for Holt Hundred
Description of Holt Hundred
1845: White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk


Cozens-Hardy, Basil
The history of Letheringsett in the county of Norfolk: with extracts from the diary of Mary Hardy, 1773-1809.
[Norwich, Jarrold, 1957]
Durst, David W.
Letheringsett: Industrial Archaeology in a Rural Setting.
Part 1 - Introduction - vol.5, no.3, 1993.
Part 2 - The Watermill- vol.5, no.4, 1994.
Part 3 - Hall Farm Sawmill - vol.5, no.5, 1995.
Part 4 - The Brewery - vol.7, no.4, 2004.
Part 5 - Water Systems - vol.8, no.1, 2006.
Part 6 - Notes on Johnson Jex - vol.8, no.2, 2007.
Part 1 - Introduction updated - vol.8, no.2, 2007.
[Norwich, Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society, in "Journal of the Norfolk Industrial Archaeology Society"]
Mellor, Derick
The Glaven Valley: Historical Jottings.
[Cromer, Cheverton and Son, 1989]
Mellor, Derick
The Glaven Valley: Further Historical Jottings.
(Compiled by Marjorie Missen).
[Blakeney?, 1994]

Land & Property

Cozens-Hardy, Beryl
Gardens of Letheringsett Hall and Estate: historical notes and tour guide.
[Letheringsett, 1985]
Great Britain. Inclosure Commissioners
Statement of claims: Holt (113 claims) and Letheringsett (11 claims).
Drawn up in pursuance of the Act of Inclosure, 1807.
Great Britain: Statute
Holt and Letheringsett Inclosure Act, 1807.
An act for inclosing lands in the parish of Holt and Letheringsett, in the county of Norfolk.
[An independently printed edition of the act, 1807]
Great Britain: Statute
Holt and Letheringsett Inclosure Act, 1809.
An act to amend an act passed in the forty-seventh year of His present Majesty for enclosing lands in the parishes of Holt and Letheringsett, in the county of Norfolk.
[An independently printed edition of the act, 1809]

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Land and Property



You can see maps centred on OS grid reference TG063388 (Lat/Lon: 52.907401, 1.066016), Letheringsett which are provided by:


Poor Houses, Poor Law



These figures are from the population tables which were produced after the 10-yearly national censuses. The "Families" heading includes families and single occupiers.

Year   Inhabited
Families Population
1801 46 47 236
1811 47 51 280
1821 51 52 251
1831 57 60 278
1841 62 -- 273
1851 64 -- 314
Year   Inhabited
Families Population
1861 67 -- 323
1871 67 69 259
1881 68 68 280
1891 67 68 284
1901 61 61 234
1911 -- 66 254

There may be more people living in detached parts of the parish (if there were any) and, if so, the number may or may not be included in the figures above. It is quite difficult to be sure from the population tables.

Other population figures