


Wainfleet All Saints


“WAINFLEET ALL SAINTS, a parish, market and seaport town in the Marsh division of Candleshoe hundred, parts of Lindsey, county Lincoln, 18 miles N.E. of Boston, and 5½ from Firsby station on the East Lincolnshire railway. It is situated on a small creek in a marshy district skirting the river Steeping, near Boston Deeps. The port formerly admitted vessels of great burthen, but within the last century, owing to the waters being carried off by a wide drain to Boston Scalf, has become so choked that it is only navigable for small craft and lighters. The town chiefly consists of one street; which is well lighted with gas, and contains about 1,300 inhabitants. It has been considerably improved of late years, but was formerly of greater importance than at present. In the 11th year of Edward III. it returned one member to Parliament, and in 1359 it supplied two ships of war for the invasion of Brittany." (There is more of this description).

from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868



  • The parish was in the Wainfleet sub-district of the Spilsby Registration District.
  • Check our Census Resource page for county-wide resources.
  • The table below gives census piece numbers, where known:
Piece No.
1851H.O. 107 / 2109
1861R.G. 9 / 2373
1871R.G. 10 / 3388 & 3389
1881R.G. 11 / 3254
1891R.G. 12 / 2602

Church History

  • The Anglican parish church is dedicated to All Saints.
  • The old church of All Saints was taken down in 1820. The present All Saints was raised on a new site in 1820 and 1821. The new church was thoroughly restored in 1895.
  • There is a photograph of All Saints Church on the Wendy PARKINSON Church Photos web site.
  • Here is a photo of All Saints Church, taken by Ron COLE (who retains the copyright):



Church Records

  • The parish register includes Northolme (or Wainfleet St. Thomas) and dates from 1689.
  • The parish lies in the Calcewaith & Candleshoe Deanery.
  • Check our Late Baptism list for 1842 - 1844.
  • The Primitive Methodists had two chapels here, one built in 1869 on St. John's Street and a smaller one in Wainfleet Bank, built in 1838. The Wesleyan Methodists built theirs in 1804. The Salvation Army had barracks here in 1884. For information and assistance in researching these chapels, see our non-conformist religions page.
  • Check our Church Records page for county-wide resources.

Civil Registration

  • The parish was in the Wainfleet sub-district of the Spilsby Registration District.
  • Check our Civil Registration page for sources and background on Civil Registration beginning in July 1837.

Description & Travel

Wainfleet All Saints is both a village and a parish that lie near the North Sea near Skegness, almost 40 miles east of Lincoln and 9 miles southeast of Spilsby. Thorpe Saint Peter parish forms the northern border, with Wainfleet St. Mary parish to the south.

Wainfleet was a busy port on the Steeping River in Medieval times, but silting of the River and accretion of sand bars off the coast cut off access to the sea. For many decades, Gibraltar Point, 5 miles distant, was the closest ships could get to Wainfleet. That, too, was abandoned in the early 20th century due to accretion of sand banks. The last commercial boats to use The Haven near the point left in the 1920's. The river, particularly the part from the village to the sea, is sometimes called Wainfleet Haven. The parish covers about 1,820 acres.

There is a town of Wainfleet in the Niagara Falls area of Ontario, Canada. The link to Lincolnshire is via Governor Simcoe who selected the names for the townships of what was formerly Lincoln County.

The village is described in early directories as a "small and ancient market town." If you are planning a visit:

You can see pictures of Wainfleet All Saints which are provided by:



The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland - 1868

"WAINFLEET ALL SAINTS, a parish, market and seaport town in the Marsh division of Candleshoe hundred, parts of Lindsey, county Lincoln, 18 miles N.E. of Boston, and 5½ from Firsby station on the East Lincolnshire railway. It is situated on a small creek in a marshy district skirting the river Steeping, near Boston Deeps. The port formerly admitted vessels of great burthen, but within the last century, owing to the waters being carried off by a wide drain to Boston Scalf, has become so choked that it is only navigable for small craft and lighters. The town chiefly consists of one street; which is well lighted with gas, and contains about 1,300 inhabitants. It has been considerably improved of late years, but was formerly of greater importance than at present. In the 11th year of Edward III. it returned one member to Parliament, and in 1359 it supplied two ships of war for the invasion of Brittany." (There is more of this description).



  • In 1818, Parliament past an act to drain this and neighborhing parishes.
  • A Gas Company was formed in 1858 to light the town at night.
  • The Police Station was erected in 1866.
  • In 1886, the Witham General Commissioners straightened and improved the Steeping River between Salem Bridge and the sea.
  • The Clock Tower in the market place was erected in 1899.
  • Boyhood memories are recalled by Garth Swanson of visits to Gibraltar Point.


  • See our Maps page for additional resources.

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference TF498592 (Lat/Lon: 53.108556, 0.236292), Wainfleet All Saints which are provided by:


Military Records

From the War Memorial, by John Emerson (with additional notations):

Erected in memory of the men of Wainfleet all Saints who fell in the Great War 1914-1918

Surname Given names Rate Brig. Btn.Died CemeteryNotes
BAKEREdward     b
BARTONCharles F.Cpl.4M G C11 Dec 1917Etretat Churchyard Ext. 
BARTONJohn HenryPte.ClearingA S C16 Apr 1918Barton-on-Humber new Cem. 
BATEMANJohn C.     a
BEEGeorgeChiefR. N. R.H M T "Gambri"18 Jan 1918Chatham Naval Mem. 
BEMROSEAlecPte.1/5Lincs13 Oct 1915Loos Mem. 
BEMROSEPercyLCpl.1Lincs1918Poziers Mem. 
BOGGJohn GeorgePte.4Lincs15 Apr 1918Ploegsteert Mem. 
CALVERTFredPte.9King's Own Yorks2 Dec 1916Wainfleet All Saints 
CARTWRIGHTFrancis     b
CHAMBERSGeorge W.     b
CLEMENTSEdgar     b
COOTEJonathan     b
ELEYReginaldPte.19Durham Light Inf.1 Jun 1918Poziers Mem. 
FAWCETTErnest     b
FLETCHERDavid     b
HANSONAlexander H.Pte.41R A S C13 Feb 1919Cologne Southern Cem. 
HARNESSFrederick WilliamPte.DM G C11 Apr 1917Arras Mem. 
HARNESSJohn ThomasPte.2Lincs25 Oct 1918Awoingt Brit. Cem. 
HOLEHOUSEArthur HaroldPte.9South Staffs20 Apr 1917Vlamertinghe Mil. Cem. 
JOHNSONArthur     b
JOHNSONEdward     b
JOHNSONWilliam M.     b
KEYGeorge A.     a
NEEDHAMCharlesSgt. Mjr.6Lincs28 Nov 1916Thiepval Mem. 
PACEYEdward     a
PETTITTGeorge W.     b
PETTITTJames W.Pte13Liverpool28 Mar 1918Dury Crucifix Cem. 
ROGERSONHarold2nd Lieut.13Mdlsx1 Jun 1917Ypres Mem. 
STEPHENSONGeorge     b
STEPHENSONSidney A. D.LCpl.2/4Lincs3 Apr 1917Templeux-le-Guerard Com. Cem. 
STEVENSWalter ReginaldPte.88M G C18 Nov 1916Thiepval Mem. 
SUTTONHerbert     b
SUTTONJames     b
TAYLORGeorge     b
THOMPSONThomas BatemanPte.6Leics.2 Oct 1917Tyne Cot Mem. 
WALMSLEYFred     b
WALMSLEYJohn W.     b
WATERSJohn     b
WILKINSONAlbert JamesPte.1/5Lincs13 Oct 1915Loos Mem. 
WILKINSONSidney     b
WOODLIFFHarry HibbardGunr.115R G A31 May 1918La Neuville Brit. Cem. 


  1. Not found in Commonwealth War Grave Com. database.
  2. Not enough info. (Too many matches in CWGC database.)

Also in memory of the men who fell in the second world war of 1939-1945

Surname Given names Rate Brig. Btn.Died CemeteryNotes
AVISONDouglasGunr.7R A29 May 1941Athens Mem. 
COLESJohn HenryPte. Dental Corps10 May 1942Wainfleet All Saints 
KIRKJoseph     b
REEVESKenneth BasilSgt. R A F V R14 Jan 1944Hanover War Cem. 
STOCKBRIDGELeonardSgt.500 Sq.R A F V R2 Apr 1943El Alia Cem. 
WOODStanley     b

They died for peace, let us live for it.


Names, Geographical

  • The name Wainfleet is from the Old English waegn+fleot, or "stream that can be crossed by a wagon". The name is Wenflet in the 1086 Domesday book.
    [A. D. Mills, "A Dictionary of English Place-Names," Oxford University Press, 1991]

Politics & Government

  • The parish was in the ancient Candleshoe Wapentake in the East Lindsey district in the parts of Lindsey.
  • You may contact the local Town Council concerning civic or political issues, but they are NOT staffed to assist you with family history searches.
  • For today's district governance, see the East Lindsey District Council.

Poor Houses, Poor Law

  • Bastardy cases would be heard in the Spilsby petty session hearings held every other Monday.
  • As a result of the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act, the parish became part of the Spilsby Poor Law Union.



In 1851, Wainfleet (All Saints and St. Mary combined) had a population of 2,082.



  • Magdalen College School was founded in 1459 by William of Wainfleet. The school is affiliated with Magdalen College at Oxford.
  • A National School was built in 1857 to hold up to 220 children.
  • St. Luke's National School was built at Wainfleet Bank in 1869 to hold up to 50 children.
  • The Wesleyans had a school built here in 1820 to hold up to 158 children.
  • See our Schools page for more information on researching school records.