Ullett Rd, Sefton Park Unitarian, Liverpool
^Click the arrow on the line above to find links to search for web sites of current churches when one is not listed here, or within the address. Some churches keep closing so if it has had to close then please let us know.
It was founded in 1896 and designed and built by Thomas Worthington & his son Percy. Building started in 1896 and was completed in 1902. The stained glass windows were thought to be designed by Edward Byrne-Jones - they were definitely made by William Morris' company. Inside the church are murals and arts & crafts style decorations.
Unitarians believe in the Unity or unipersonality of God, as opposed to the doctrine of the Trinity - hence the name 'Unitarian'. Unitarianism only became legal in 1813 but was particularly influential in the 19th century.
This site provides historical information about churches, other places of worship and cemeteries. It has no connection with the churches etc. themselves. For current information you should contact them directly.
It is located at SJ3771288513 (Lat/Lon 53.389764, -2.938048). You can see this on maps provided by:
- OpenStreetMap
- Google Maps
- StreetMap (Current Ordnance Survey maps)
- Bing (was Multimap)
- Old Maps Online
- National Library of Scotland (Old Ordnance Survey maps)
- Vision of Britain (Click "Historical units & statistics" for administrative areas.)
- English Jurisdictions in 1851 (Unfortunately the LDS have removed the facility to enable us to specify a starting location, you will need to search yourself on their map.)
- Magic (Geographic information) (Click + on map if it doesn't show)
- GeoHack (Links to on-line maps and location specific services.)