


Yarkhill, Herefordshire - Post Office Directory, 1863


Extract from Post Office Directory of Herefordshire, 1863

Transcription by Barbara Haner © 2004


YARKHILL is a parish, 9 miles north-west from Ledbury, and 7 north-east from Hereford, in Radlow hundred, Ledbury union, rural deanery of Frome, and Hereford archdeaconry and bishopric. The church of St. John is a plain stone building, with bath stone dressings, including a nave and chancel, with a square castellated tower; this church (with the exception of tower and chancel) has been lately rebuilt; and a vestry has been added by the vicar. The living is a discharged vicarage, value £220 per annum, with residence; in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Hereford; the Rev. Hugh Bird, M.A., of Magdalen College, Cambridge, is the vicar. Earliest date of register, 1559. The Vicarage house, composed of brick with stone dressings, commands a fine view of Stoke Edith Park (the seat of the Right. Hon. Lady Emily Foley) in the foreground, and of the Hatterell and Malvern Hills on the right and left in the distance; 10½ acres are attached to the vicarage. The little river Frome flows through the parish. The population in 1861 was 568; the acreage is 1,666. The parochial charities amount to £7 per annum. The soil is stiff clay, producing abundant crops of wheat, beans, and hops. In Ledbury county court district.

Parish Clerk, John Lewis.



Bird Rev. Thomas Hugh, M.A., J.P., Vicarage
Taylor Mrs, The Castle


Cole William, shoemaker
Deem William, farmer, Little Yarkhill
Hall George, farmer, Garford
Hollings John, Green lane
Lewis Reuben, wheelwright, Grove
Lewis John, wheelwright & parish clerk, Upper Cotts
Lewis Thomas, agricultural instrument maker, Cotts
Moore James, farmer, Monkbury court
Morris Edward, farmer, Middle court
Morris Mrs. farmer, Monkhide
Pitt John, farmer, The Castle
Smith Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Grove
Smith William, New inn, Newton
Vevers John Brace, farmer, Yarkhill court
Wargent Thomas, shoemaker
Wilson Benjamin, farmer, Pride wood

Letters through Ledbury which is the nearest money order office

[Transcribed by Barbara E. Haner in June 2004
from a personal copy of Post Office Directory of Herefordshire, 1863]