Tetbury, Gloucestershire
Extract from Kelly's Directory of Gloucestershire, 1897
Transcription by Paul A. Best © 2006
Appleby Albert The Bank Long Street Ashdown George William Wetton M.D Coombe House New Church Street Banks William The Chipping Barber George The Chipping Baxter Frederick New Church Street Box Miss Long Street Bridgeman Mrs Long Street Brown Francis The Green Brown Mrs The Limes Bath Road Butler George The Folly Butler John Long Street Chew Francis Bradley Long Street Cook Reginald Heber Court House Hampton Street Cook Walter New Church Street Cooper Rev. Pearson (Congregational) The Chipping Crew Thomas Smith New Church Street Deavin Edwin The Green Fenwick Capt Chas The Bartons Fowler Mrs The Laurels London Road Fowler Mrs Retreat House Gardner John Wilson The Chipping Gregory Joseph Magdalen Villa London Road Hamblin Charles Northfield Home Francis Market Place Horwood Rev. Thomas George B.A The Vicarage Howell George Woodbine Cottage Hampton Street Howell Miss Silver Street Jennings Misses The Chipping Jones Miss Union Street Keiller Mrs Long Street Kilminster Miss Cirencester Road Kitcat Aubrey Paul Northland Cottage London Road Kricheldorf Carl The Chipping Leacey Mrs Fox Hill Lewis George sen Cirencester Road Lindsay David New Church Street Mann Mrs Chavenage Lane Mayne Richard Cutwell Hill Mills Joseph Henry Northfield Road Ovens Shadrack Thomas Silver Street Oldrey Eustace Nogent Hill House Union Street Paul Alfred Henry The Close Long Street Paul Mrs The Close Long Street Pettifer Tom Valentine F.R.C.V.S The Limes Bath Road Pride George Spencer House Long Street Raymond - Barker Mrs The Ferns Long Street Rich Styles Gordon House Silver Street Rodway Mrs The Croft Rogers William Frederick Long Street Sealy Mrs The Chipping Smith Rev T. Napoleon (Baptist) New Church Street Tanner James Silver Street Trafalgar Viscount J.P The Priory Tull Joseph Thomas M.A Long Street Walker Mrs Church Street Warn William Church Street Wickham John Comley Gordon House Silver Street Wickham William Hill House Union Street Witchell Thomas Henry Church Street |
A Ackland John, Apartments Harper Street. Agg John, Jolly Butchers P.H Church Street. Alexander Walter, Cole Feeding Cakes & Manure Merchant The Chipping and Railway Station. Ancient Order Of Foresters (Lodge No 3972 Robert Palmer sec) Churcg Street. Andrews George, Three Compasses P.H Fox Hill. Appleby Albert, Manager of the County of Gloucester (Lloyds) Bank & Treasurer To The Guardians, Urban & Rural Districy Councils, Highway Board, Tetbury Upton. Parish Council, Bank House Long Street. Ashdown George William Wetton M.D, C.M.Edin, M.R.C.S Eng Surgeon & Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Didmarton District, Tetbury Union, Coombe Ho New Church Street. Assembly Rooms (Richard Edwards proprietor) White Hart Hotel Market Place. B Baker & Son, Cattle Dealers Northfield. Baker Walter Walton, Saddler Long Street. Barnes Albert, Tailor The Chipping. Barnes George, Oilman & Agent For Sutton & Co Long Street. Barnes Henry, Tailor Hampton Street. Baxter Frederick, Proffessor Of Music Church Street. Beale Henry, Royal Oak P.H Cirencester Road. Beard Thomas, Shopkeeper Church Street. Bigwood George, Registrar Of Births & Deaths For Tetbury Sub District & Marriages For Tetbury Union Long Street. Bignell Harriet (Mrs) Shopkeeper Harper Street. Bird Annie (Mrs) Landress Cirencester Road. Boulton Edward, Greyhound Inn Hampton Street. Brain Thomas, Umbrella Maker Long Street. Breazington Emma (Mrs) Dress Maker Long Street. British & Foreign Bible Society ( Miss Brodley sec) Long Street. Bromley Stephen, Carpenter Combers Road. Broom Francis, Carpenter & Wheelwright Hampton Street. Broom John Curtis, Carpenter & Whellwright London Road. Brown Francis, Builder & Contractor The Green. Brown James Sisum, Carriage Builder Long Street. Bull Edward, Carpentor & Fancy Repository Long Street. Butler Robert, Butcher Long Street. Burnett Edward, Dentist ( Attends 1st & 3rd Wednesday In The Month 2.30 To 6pm) Market Place. Buye William Alfred, Supt Registrar & Clerk To The Guardians & Assesment & School Attendance Comittees & To The Tetbury Upton Parish Council Market Place C Cavell Martha (Miss) Dress Maker Long Street. Chapman Albert, Trap Proprietor Silver Street. Chapman Charles, Saddler Market Place. Cirencester Working Mens Conservative Association Benefit Society (Joseph Young dist sec) Chipping Street. Clark James, Ironmonger & Photographer Long Street. Clark Sarah (Miss) Fancy Repository Long Street. Cleaver Esther (Mrs) Laundress Northfield. Cleverley Matilda (Mrs) Laundress Cirencester Road. Compton William, Fox Inn Fox Hill. Conservative Association, Cirencester Division (Geo Pride sec) Tetbury District Spencer House Long Street. Constable Elizabeth (Mrs) Laundress Cutwell. Cook Reginald H. & Nathaniel & Walter, Brewers Maltsters & Wine & Spirit Merchants Hampton Street. Cooley Isaac, Newsagent & Grocer Church Street. Corrall Robert Henry, Watch Maker Long Street. Cottage Hospital (William Wickham M.R.C.S Eng & L.S.A & George William Wetton Ashdown M.D, C.M Edin, M.R.C.S Eng Medical Officers ; G. Pride Hon Sec, Miss Hobkinson Matron) Malmesbury Road. County Of Gloucester Bank (now Lloyds Bank Limited) County Police Station (Henry Hoskins Sergnt) Long Street. Cox Annies (Mrs) Apartments Silver Street. Cox William Frederick, Apartments Silver Street. Crew Thomas Smith, Builder New Church Street. Cull Frederick Carpentor Church Street. Cull Henry, Bell P.H New Church Street. Cull Jesse, Dining Rooms Chipping Street. Cull William, Tiler & Plasterer Union Street. Curry James Alfred John, Cooper Long Street. Cuss Jane (Mrs) Laundress Fox Hill. D Dance Edwin John, Deputy Registrar Of Births & Deaths For Tetbury Sub District & Marriages For Tetbury Union New Church Street. Davis Elizabeth (Mrs) Apartments New Church Street. Davis Oscar, Cabinet Maker Long Street. Dickensen Jane (Mrs) Shopkeeper Church Street. Dispensary (William Wickham M.R.C.S. Eng Medical Officer, Albert Appleby Treas, Geo Bigwood sec) E Edwards Richard, White Hart Family & Commercial Hotel & Posting House Market Place. F Fairweather T. Lay, Dental Surgeon ( Attends Wednesdays 2.30 To 6pm) Westward Ho Long Street. Fisher Frederick, Grocer Charlton Road. Ford Thomas Andrew, Prince & Princess P.H Market Place. Fowler George, Furniture Broker Silver Street. Frazer George & Sons, Tailors Long St & at Cirencester. G Gale William George, Grocer & Patent Medicine Vendor & China & Glass Dealer Long Street. Gardner John Wilson, Gen Irinmonger & Implement Agent Long Street. George Frederick Jn, Grocer & Wine & Spirit Dealer Church Street. Goldsmith John, Stamp Distributor Chipping Street. Goodrich Edmund, Fruiterer Church Street. Goodrich Mary (Mrs) Reg Office For Servants Church Street. Gregory William, Drill Instructor To P Troop Badminton Squadron Gloucestershire Yeomanry Cavalry Cottons Lane. H Haine Joseph Wm, Inland Revenue Officer Cirencester Road. Hale Christopher, Smith Carpenter & Wheelwright LongFurlong. Harbour Sophia & Sarah (Misses) Fancy Drprs Long Street. Harmer Ernest Peter, Master Of Workhouse Relieving & Vaccination Officer Union Street. Hill Charles, Coal Dealer New Church Street. Hill Geaoge, Baker The Green. Hill Thomas Printer Bookseller Stationer News Agent & Publisher Of The Tetbury Advertiser & Malmesbury Chronicle Long Street. Hoare Richard, Apartments London Road. Hodges Gilbert, Commercial Traveller Northfield. Holborow Richard, Grocer & Agent For W & A Gilbey Limited Wine & Spirit Merchants Long Street. Holborow Richard, Plumber Market Place. Holoborow Robert, Grocer Combers Mead. Holloway Geo, Ormonds Head Hotel & Auctioner Long Street. Horton Elizabeth (Mrs) Prince Of Wales P.H Harper Street. Houghton Thomas, House Decorator Long Street. Hugginson & Co, Coal Merchants Railway Station. Hugginson Frederick, Confectioner Union Street. Hunt Harriet (Mrs) Dress Maker New Church Street. Hussey John, Plumber Church Street. I Ind Frances, Cattle Dealer Northgate. Ind James, Cattle Dealor, Northgate. Ind Mary Ann (Mrs) Apartments The Green. J Jenkins William Sessions, Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector To The Urban & Rural District Councils & School Attendance Officer, Hatfield Cottage Bath Road & Builder & Quarry Owner Charlton Road. Jennings Misses, Girls Collegiate School The Chipping. Jones Joseph, Butcher & Dairyman Church Street. Jones Thomas, Stone Mason Cutwell. K Kitcat Aubrey Paul, Solicitor see Paul & Kitcat. Kricheldorf Carl, Artist The Chipping. L Lamb Edmund Thos, Photogrphr & Fancy Repos Church Street. Lamb Frederick Charles, Boot Maker Church Street. Lamb William, Tiler & Plasterer The Green. Lawn Frederick Charles, Boot Maker Church Street. Lewis George, Baker Long Street. Liddiard Eliza (Miss) Preparatory School Union Street. Lindsay David, Agent To Capt George Lindsay Holford Chipping Street. Little Emily (Miss) Shopkeeper Chipping Street. Lloyds Bank Limited ( County Of Gloucester Branch) Albert Appleby Manager Long Street Draw On London Office 72 Lombard Street E.C Lucas George Tailor Fox Hill. Lucas Mary (Mrs) Apartments New Church Street. Ludlow Thomas, Auctioneer see Holloway & Ludlow. M Maggs James Samuel, Baker Church Street. Mann Arthur Thomas, Boot Maker Long Street. Mann Elijah Thomas, Crown P.H Union Street. Mann Ernest, Chimney Sweeper Union Street. Millard Aaron, Stationer & Tea Dealer Church Street. Mitchell Olivia (Miss) Coal Dealer & Grocer Market Place. Mutual Improvement Society (A. Appleby Pres) Market Place. O Orum James, Rope Maker Long Street. P Paul & Kitcat (Alfred Henry Paul & Aubrey Paul Kitcat) Solictors Long Street. Palmer Robert, Eight Bells P.H Church Street. Paul Alfred Henry (Firm Paul & Kitcat) Solicitor & Commisioner For Oaths Clerk To The Magistrates, The Feoffees & The Urban District Council Long Street. Peglar Frederick, Shopkeeper Church Street. Perrett William, Boot Maker Church Lane. Pettifer Tom Valentine F.R.C.V.S Vetinary Surgeon, Vetinary Inspector To The Board Of Agriculture & Wilts & Gloucester County Councils Bath Road. Phillips Albert, Baker Church Street. Player James, Shopkeeper Harper Street. Price Charles, Carrier Chavenage Lane. Price James, Haulier, Upton Road. Price Thomas, Lime Burner & Quarry Owner Cottons Lane. Pride Fanny Ann (Mrs) Draper Long Street. Pride George, Commission & Land Agent & Sec To Tetbury Gas Co Limited Long Street. Pride Henry, Farmer Combers Mead. Pride Sarah (Mrs) Grocer & Farmer Long Street. Prout & Co Grocers Long Street. Prout Alfred, Draper Bristol House Long Street. R Radford Herbert, Proprietor Of Public Weighing Machine Chipping Street. Radford Lucy (Miss) Dress Maker Chipping Street. Riddick Titus, Boot & Shoe Maker Church Street. Rudder Elizabeth Mary (Miss) Dress Maker London Road. Rudder John, Boot & Shoe Maker Church Street. S Sattley & Sons, Watch Makers Market Place. Simpkins Frances, Blacksmith Church Street. Smith R. T & Co, Carting Agents For Great Western Railway Co Market Place. Smith Cornelius, Carpenter Market Place. Sparrow Jonas, Carpenter Northfield. Sparrow Septimus, Stone Mason Northfield. Sparrow Theophilus, Carpenter Cirencester Road. Street Mary (Miss) Dress Maker Long Street. Street Robert, Cycle Agent Long Street. Street Samuel, Drapper Church Street. Street Wm, Ironmonger, Bill Poster & Town Crier Long Street. Stroud Mutual Provident Sick Benefit Society (Albert Cooley District Sec) Long Street. Styles Henry, Tailor & Woollen Draper Market Place. Sutton & Co (George Barnes Agent) Parcel Carriers Long Street. T Taylor Frederick, Tailor Combers Mead. Telling Alfred, Hair Dresser Church Street. Tetbury Advertiser & Malmesbury Chronical (Thos Hill Proprietor & Publisher : Published First Wednesday In The Month) Long Street. Tetbury Club (G.T. Webb Hon Sec) The Chipping. Tetbury Cricket Club (E.N. Oldrey Sec) Cirencester Road. Tetbury Fire Brigade (Fredk Broom Capt) Market Place. Tetbury Gas Co Limited (George Prde Sec ; Hubert Philpot Manager) Combers Mead. Tetbury Liberal Club (Charles Cook Sec) Long Street. Tetbury Parish Library (Miss Paul Sec) Town Hall Market Place. Tetbury Philharmonic Society ( A.P. Kitcat Hon Sec) Long Street. Tetbury Water Works (H. Philpot Mngr) Blind Lane. Thomson Alexander Low, Chemist & Druggist Long Street. Topps Albert Edward, Baker Market Place. Topps Thomas, Greengrocer Market Place. Town Hall (W. Street, Hall Keeper) Market Place. Townsend Thomas, Market Gardener Fox Hill. Townsend Thomas, Jun, Boot P.H & Hurdle Ma Market Place. Tuck George & Co Drapers & China & Glass Dlrs Church Street. Tugwell Rchard, Draper Church Street. Tull Joseph, M.A. Boys School Long Street. Tyndall Maria (Mrs) Apartments Market Place. V Vanstone Harriet (Miss) Dress Maker Church Street. Vick Robert & Son, Shoeing Smiths The Chipping. Vick Ernest, Confectioner Church Street. W Walker Sarah (Mrs) Chemist & Druggist Church Street. Walker George, Haulier Upton Road. Warn & Sons, Brewers & Wine & Spirit Mers Church Street. Warn William John, Beer Retailer Church Street. Wear Willam George, Bell P.H New Church Street. Webb Edwin, Talbot Commercial Hotle Silver Street. Webb George Thomas, Draper & Tailor Market Place. Weston Birt Estate Office (Capt Holford's) David Lindsay Agent Chipping Street. White Frederick, Jobbing Gardener Union Street. White Hart Hotel (Richard Edwards Prop) Market Place. White Jesse, Registered Lodging House Harper Street. White William, Farmer Cirencester Rd. Wickham William M.R.C.S Eng Surgeon & Medical Officer Tetbury Workhouse & Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator Tetbury District, Hill House Union Street. Wildsmith Samuel Frederick, Plough P.H Long Street. Wilkins Ellen Sarah (Miss) Dress Maker The Green. Williams Charle, Hair Dresser Market Place. Williams James, Tobacconist Market Place. Williams Joseph Edgar, Fishmonger Market Place. Witchell Thos. Hy, Brewer & Spirit Mer Church Street. Witchell William, Ironmonger Church Street. Wood Thomas, Chimney Sweeper Cutwell. Y Young John, Apartments London Road. Young Joseph, Florist & Seedsman Chipping St & Northfield. |
[Transcribed by Paul A. Best in March 2006 from a personal copy of the Directory]