WILLS 1540 - 1619
for Alveston, Elberton, Littleton on Severn & Olveston.
Transcribed by Leslie Mahler
Complete Documents can be seen on L.D.S. Film series #0091316 and #0091319
obtainable at your local L.D.S. Family History Library.
WEST, John - Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
MORS, Edward - Olveston (proved at Gloucester)
Edw Meryle; Jn Long; Jn Moul; Rob Body; dtr Isab exec
WETHERS, Richard - Littleton (proved at Canterbury)
BAKER, John - Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
DIER, Elizabeth - Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
land in Somerset to bro Rob; cousin Thos Wasseborough; sis Mary; fathers sis Bridget Philles; Jn Da…; bro Thos; godtr Agn Fowler; exec father in law Thos Segar; overs Thos Pryer, Geo Fowler, Wltr Bowlton & Wlm Batton
CHAMPNIES, John - Elbertonpoor: Rich Han…, Jn Seller & Wlm Winter; childr Henry, Bridget, Anne & Thos; Kath West; wife Anne exec; overs Henry Champnies & Morris Smith
ATKINS, Richard - Alloston (proved at Canterbury)
TISSEN, Ellen - Woodhouse, Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
ORCHARD, Thomas - Littleton (proved at Canterbury)
HAYNES, Robert - Inst, Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
LUCY, Edward - Alveston, gent (proved at Canterbury)
DIER, John, senr - Tockington, Olveston, yeo (proved at Canterbury)dtrs Margt & Mary; bros Thos, Wlm & Rich D; Jn son of Wlm Haynes decsd; Jn son of Jn Smythe decsd; svt Eliz Hicks; cousin Kath Dyer; uncle Thos Pullen; wife Mary exec; overs Henry Parmiter gent, Thos Horte, Jn Smythe & Thos Dyer
BOYES, Catherine - Littleton, widowson Rich B; 3 childr of Wlm Haynes; Wlm Boyes, his wife & 3 childr; dtr Ann B exec; overs Wlm Hayenes of Coott & Wlm Boyes of Littleton; witns Phil Jones
FLOYDE, Catherine - Olveston, widow
son Maurice Tovy, his wife & sons Maurice, Thos & Jn; son Geo Tovy; Eliz Webb; Cath Flower; goody Edwards; Joan Earle; Jane wife of Wlm Howell; Wlm Smithe; son Nichls Tyson exec; overs vicar, Jn Tovy & Anthony West
HICHINGES, John - Elberton
land in Olson to sons Wlm & Edward; childr Anthony, Jn, Alice & Jane; land in Allowston to dtrs Cath & Mary; Joan Greene & her childr; wife Cath exec; overs Jn Garlicke of Tortworth, Rich Taylor of Ercotte; witns Jn Smieth of the Forge & Jn Smith of the Boxtree
HILL, Henry - Ercott, Alleston
bro Jn H; bro in law Jn Smith; sis Alice Legg; bro Rob Legg; father in law Geo Legg; Jn Bishop; exec mother Joan Legg; overs Thos Haynes of Ercott
HOWELL, John - Littleton on Severn (proved at Canterbury)
MAERTEMER, Thomas - Ackeley, Oulveston, husb childr Thos, Wlm, Agn & Geo; cousin Jms Mortimer; sis in law Margt Wodshall; wife Alice exec; overs Jn Hollester, Wlm Horte of Tokenton & Thos Segear; witns Alice Waker
MERICKE, Richard - Olveston
son Thos & his legacy from Eliz Heynes; childr Joan & Jn; bro Edward; Wltr Fraw; wife Agn exec; overs Thos Hort & Wlm Hort; witns Jn Dier, Thos Dier, Wlm Alford, Geo Mortimr & Ralph Greene
SMITH, Morris - Olveston, singleman
sisters dtrs Joan & Eliz Haull; exec sis Eliz Haull; overs Thos Seagr & Anthony West; witns Ralph Greene vicar, bro Jn S of Westuete & Jn Smithe, miller
WERRETTE, William - Elberton, vicar
dtr Eliz exec; witns Giles Dimocke clerk curate of Elberton, Jn Pansell gent & Nichls Smith
HANCOCKE, William - Elberton (proved at Canterbury)
ARCHARD, Margery - Littleton on Severn, widow (proved at Canterbury)
BAKER, Edward - Tockington, yeodtrs Bridget, Eliz & Alice; execs son Jn & Wlm Bye; overs Jn Smyth of Olveston & Edward Pilande; witns Jn Fill, Thos Morse & Jn Tomes
BURNELL, John - Tockington, Olveston
son Wlm; son; dtr; wife exec; witns Simon Burnell & Oswald Baker
GRAYE, Christopher - Tockington, Olveston, husb
poor of Almondsbury; Margt Pulley; wife Margt exec; witns Wlm Camptnes, Jn Barlye & Wlm Gyrgyfeill
LONGE, Edward - Olveston, husb
childr Edward, Jn & Bridget; Jn Tomes; wife Elnr exec; overs Jn Smith & Thos Seager of Olveston; witns Ralph Greene vicar
TEYSON, Nicholas - Elberton (proved at Canterbury)
WEST, Anthony - Olveston, blacksmith childr Jn, Thos, Eliz & Margt; Joan Andres; wife Mary exec; overs Jn Smith, Wltr Boulton & Jn Wickies; witns Ralph Greene
BAKER, Richard - Littleton on Severn, husbdtrs Joan, Margery & Margt; wife Eliz; son Wlm exec; overs Rob Periman & Wlm Boys husb; witns Jn Edward & Thos Prige
CHAMPNEYS, Henry - Elberton (proved at Canterbury)
EARLE, Thomas - Cote, Olveston bur Awste; wifes bro Wlm B…; Wltr Barret; wife Christian exec; overs Jn Seger & Wlm Foster; witns Thos Pryn
(JONES, Morris ?)
childr Mary, Jn, Thos, Margt, Edward, Anne, Jane & Joan; wife Joan exec; overs Jn Orchard, Jn Fill, Rich Agrae, Thos Eerle & Morris Waall
SMITH, Morris - Elberton
Jane & Anne dtrs of Wlm Haynes of Cote; Jn & Eliz childr of Rich Johnes of Wolbrye; wife Florence exec; overs son in law Rich Johnes, Wlm Haynes of Cote & Jn Smithe of the Bridge
BARLYE, John - Olvestonson Wlm; other childr; Mary Selcoke; wife Eliz exec; overs Wlm Chamneyes of Wodhouse & bro Thos Barlye of Alveston; witns Rich Yeomans & Edward White
HANCOKE, Catherine - Elberton
Wlm Smyth; Rich son of Rich Symons; 6 childr of Wlm Pearse of Berkeley; Margt dtr of Wlm Pearse; dtr Agn Pearse; son Nichls H & his wife; son Jn H; exec son Wlm H; overs Rich Taylor minister of Elberton, Jn Dowding & Giles Clarke of Alleston
HORTE, Thomas - Tockington, Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
DOWDINGE, John - Elberton (proved at Canterbury)GRAFTON, Thomas - Alveston
land in Ircote to son Jn; son Edward; dtr Anne; childr Thos, Jn, Wlm, Margery & Mary & their grdfthr Thos Orchard & uncle Wlm Orchard; cousins Joan, Anne, Mary & Eliz Worlocke; wife Alice exec; overs Rich Orchard, Edmund Champneys of Littleton & Thos Dymr ye of Alveston; witns Roger Powell, Jn Goodman & Giles Clarke
SMITH, John - Tockington (Olveston)
Thos, Rob & Margery childr of Edward Hill of Tockington; Isbl dtr of Margt Hall of Olveston; Jn son of Rob Segare of Olveston; Rob Hurne of Caddribroocke, Almondsbury, husb; Wlm son of Jn Haines of Tockington; Jn son of Jn Smythe of Tockington; wife Joan exec; overs bro Jn S & Thos Dier; witns Roger Powell clerk
SMYTHE, John - Elberton
dtr Jane wife of Jms Champneys; dtr Agn; land held of Sir Thos Sadler; wife Isbl exec; overs Jn Smythe of the Bridge, Elberton, Jn Smythe of Olveston & Wlm Heines of Cote
SMYTHE, Robert - Elberton
poor of Olveston; son Thos & his childr Rob & Joan; Rob & Wlm sons of Morris Wall; Thos, Joan & Rob childr of Jn Smythe of the Bridge; land at Tockington to son Wlm; Jn Smythe carpenter; svt Wlm Pearce; wife Ellen exec; overs Jn Smythe of the Bridge, Elberton, & Jn Smythe of the Boxtree
WITHERS, Richard - Littleton on Severn
land in Thornbury to Phil son of Thos Withers of Oldbury decsd; Rich, Phil & Kath childr of Phil Withers of Littleton decsd; Wlm Walter of Cowhill; Alice Howell of Littleton; svt Edward Jayne; wife Joan exec; overs Jn Smyth & Phil Withers; witns Rich Orchard, Jn Steevenes & Rob Earle
MERRICK, Edward - Tockington, OlvestonWltr Fryer, his wife Alice & their childr Jms & Margt; Joan dtr of Rich Merrick; dtr Joan M exec; overs Thos Souger jr & Wltr Bowton; witns Thos Morse & Jms Tasker
PARKER alias ATWAYE, Richard - Alveston
sons Wlm, Jn & Edward; wife Joan exec; overs Thos Dymrye & Jn Hancock; witns Thos Pratt
BOULTON, Walter - Olveston, husbchildr Jn, Margt & Alice; witns Agn wife of Mr Ralph Greene
DOWDINGE, George - Tockington (Olveston) husb
childr Geo & Mary; wife Agn; witns Thos Hollester
EARLE, Joan - Littleton on Severn, widow
Jn son of Jn Earle of Hill; Agn dtr of Rich Earle decsd; dtr Joan Walker of Cowhill; son Jn E & his childr Jms, Thos, Joan & Christian; son Rob E exec; overs Rich Orchard & Wlm Boyce; witns Phil Withers & Wlm Busher
HARPER, Thomas - Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
PARMETER, John - Tockington, Olveston, gent (proved at Canterbury)
SMYTH, William - Littleton, husb
Agn dtr of Jn Mates of Auste; mother Agn S exec; overs bros Wlm Boyce & Rich S; witns Jn Russell & Edmund Champneys
SYMONDS, Thomas - Woodhouse, Olveston
Wlm Champnies; kinsman Edward Symonds of Acton; witns Jn Gane
WICKES, Thomas - Alveston, yeowife Joan; childr Thos, Nichls, Edward, Geo, Moses, Joan & Joshua; sis in law Dorothy Ward; execs sons Jn & Wlm; overs Nichls Veale of Alveston gent & bro in law Jn Taylor of Vealsend; witns Thos Pratt, Wlm Parker & Laundres Taylor
PERRYMAN, Robert - Littleton on Severn (proved at Canterbury)SMYTHE, Florence - Elberton
son Wlm Heines of Cote, his wife Eliz & dtrs Jane & Agn; Margt wife of Thos Hollyster of Tockington; Wlm son of Rob Heines; dtr Eliz wife of Rich Jones & their dtr Eliz; Joan Brooke; Launsell Elbroe; godtrs Margt Hollyster & Mary Champneys; execs son in laws childr Jn & Eliz Jones; overs Rich Jones, Wlm Heines of Cote, Jn Smythe of the Bridge & Jn Smythe of the Boxtree
CLARCK, Margaret - Elberton, widowchildr Thos, Jms, Joan & Jane; son Jn C exec; overs uncle Jn Smythe; witns Jms Champnes
HAMPTON, William - Tockington, husb - bond with Alice Baker of Tockington,
widow & her son Jn B, dated (15?) oct 1604
HANCOCK, Thomas - Inst, Wolson (Olveston)
childr Morris, Eliz, Anne & Jn; wife Agn exec; overs Jn Walter of Horefild & Thos Edmonds of Inst; witns Rich Taylr minister of Elberton & Jn Edmonds
HEYNES, William - Coate, Olveston
dtrs Jane & Agn; sons in law Adam & Jn Orchard; godson Jn Enrye; bro in law Wlm Boyce; Lawnsell Elbroe; wife Eliz exec; overs Jms Champneys of Elberton, Wlm Boyce of Littleton & Jn Harte of Auste
MYLARDE, Joan - Owlston (Olveston)
father in law Alex Bruton exec; Agn Myles; overs Jn Filde & Ewan Griffin; witns Wlm Chamnes
SMYTHE, Robert - Olveston, yeo
childr Eliz, Bridgett, Mary & Morris; mother; wife Joan exec; overs father in law Jn Orchard & bro Jn S; witns Jn Hollwey, Wlm Buddinge & Ralph Greene vicar
BABER, John - Olveston, gent (proved at Canterbury)MARTEN, John, jr - Elberton (proved at Canterbury)
PEERS, William - Olveston
Thos Gyllett; wife Alice exec; overs Ralph Greene vicar & Thos Midleton
SMITH, John - Elberton (proved at Canterbury)
SMITH, John - Littleton on Severn (proved at Canterbury)
WEEKES, Joan - Alveston, widow
dtr Joan W; son Wlm W exec; overs bro in law Jn Tayler of Alveston & Thos Weekes of Long Newnton, Wilts; witns Landres Taylor, Cath Hutchins, Eliz wife of Jn Taylor, Margt Taylor & Dorothy Ward
BRUTON, Alexander - Woodhouse, Olvestondtr Margt; bro Henry B; wife Isbl exec; overs Nichls Franckombe, Jn Fyll & Jn Dyer
HORTE, William - Tockington, Olveston
childr Jn, Thos, Wlm, Rich, Edward, Joan, Edith & Cath; Henry, Alice & Rich Dymry; Jn Yeevans; Rob Payton jr; wife Agn exec; overs Simon Burnell, Edward Brasy & Wlm Dymry
HOULT, Alice - Elberton, widow
dtr Eliz wife of Rich Simons & their son Wlm; Wlm, Jacob, Mary, Nichls, Ellen, Judith & Agn childr of Jn Pickman; Joseph, Mary & Margt childr of Nichls Smith; exec son in law Nichls Smith; overs Jn Smith of the Box & Rich Taylor vicar
LEGG, George - Ircott, Alveston, husbson Rob; son Jn L & his childr Mary, Anne, Edward & Jn; Eliz Hill; dtrs childr Edith & Ann Brook; dtr Alice Brook; Margery Milendyne; exec son in law Chris Brook; overs Nichls Legg & Rich Skull
MARWENT, Thomas - Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
SEAGER, Agnes - Hasell, Olveston, widow
poor of Alveston; son Jn S & his childr Rich, Thos & Alice; Edward son of Agn Hancock by Jn Dyer of Woodhouse decsd; dtrs Agn Hancock & Mary Adies; Mary & Joyce dtrs of Jn Dyer of Woodhouse decsd; Jn Adies of Frampton & his childr Anne, Margery, Mary & Jn; son Jn S & his son Jn; son Jms S; Jn, Eliz & Morris childr of Thos Hancock of Inst decsd; legacy from Edward Baker; son Jn S exec; overs Jms & Thos Seager
SEAGER, Thomas, senr - Olveston, yeo
Jn Seager of Over & his son Thos; Nichls Gromage; decsd son Jn & his sons Thos & Jn; godson Thos son of Edward Hill; svt Edward Longe & his father in law Thos Middleton; svt Eliz Parker; poor: Jn Edwards, Chris Stredewe, Jn Godwyn, Jn Stephens, Rob Gromage & Wltr Fryer; son Thos S exec; overs Thos Morse of Tockington & Jn Seager of Hasell
WIGOLL, John - Elberton
bro Nichls W; Thos, Jn & Elnr childr of Rich Tuile; exec Rich Tuile vicar of Elberton; witns Rich Fowler & Rich Simones
Apparently none of the wills have survived, as only inventories are found for this year.
BADDER, Nicholas - Tockington, Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
CHAMPNIES, John - taken by Edward Bracie, Jms Ayler & Wlm & Edmund Champnies
EARLE, Christian - Cote, Olveston, taken by Arthur Baker, Jms Matts & Wlm Skrin of Awste
GILES, Thomas - "Oldson", taken by Thos Budinge & Thos Seger
HICKMANS, Morris - taken by Jn Thurston, Jn Peasley & Wlm Hickmans
HICKS, John, senr - Olveston taken by Jn Hoolbrocke, Thos Hollister, Thos Sighna & Henry Duddinge. Mention of Edward Duddinge of Charleton & his bro Jn D
HOLLISTER, Thomas - Tockington, Olveston, yeo (proved at Canterbury)
JOHNES, John - Hasell, Olveston - taken by Jn Pollen, Jn Segar, Jn Tayler & Jn Smithe
MACHIN, Joan - dated 1608, taken by Wlm Tovy, Rob Cooke & Thos Sighma
ROCHE, William - Olveston, singleman, taken by Jn Tovye senr, Thos Haynes senr, Jn Tovye of Elberton & Jn Garlond
TOVYE, Agnes - Olveston, widow, taken by Rich Watts & Thos Hort; exec Wlm Tovye
DIER, John - Tockington, Olveston5 childr; witns Jn Goodman, Thos Sharman & Edmund Stenger
DIMERY, James - Alveston
cousin Jn Dimery; Matt, Joan, Eliz, Thos & Cath Dimery; childr of Rich Tayer; bros Rich & Jn D; bro Wlm D & his son Henry; bro Thos D exec; witns Jn Wickes & Henry Clarcke
FISHEPOLE, John - Olveston, yeo
Margt dtr of Domynecke Haynes; exec Morris son of Domynecke Haynes; overs Domyneck Haynes & Thos Veale; witns Thos Hort & Wlm Symes
GILLET, John - Olveston
son Thos; wife Eliz exec; overs uncle Wlm Peers
GREENE, Robert - Alveston
dtr Susan & Hobbs Pullen; execs childr Wlm & Ellen; overs Thos Smyth & Rich Watts of Ircott; witns Thos Arthrington, Wlm Berry & Thos Baynton
HEATH, George - Tockington, Olveston
childr Jn & Joan; wife Margt exec
HOLBROOKE, Catherine - Olveston, singlewoman (proved at Canterbury)
MARTON, Joan - Elberton, widow
Wlm Hancocke of Auste; Wlm Latteridge of Auste; Rich Latteridge of Thornbury; dtrs Margt & Ellen; son Rob M exec; overs Jn Peaseleye & Jms Champnyes
PARMITER, Henry - Tockington, Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
PROUTE, Samuel - Olveston
childr Sam, Nichls & Eliz; wife Judith exec; overs Wlm Cox of Olveston & Rich Fowler of Elberton; witns Thos Smith & Rob Cox
RODDMAN, John - Tockington, Olveston
wife; Rich Hobbs; witns bro Thos R & Margt Peerce
SCRIVEN, John - Elberton
wife Agn exec; overs Wlm Hancocke & Rich Fowler
TAYLER, Richard - Elberton, clerk
childr Thos, Rob, Jn & Ellen; bro Thos T of Bucknell; sis Eliz Grumege; wife Ellen exec; overs Evan Powell parson of Charfield & Humphrey Stodard parson of Rockhampton; witns Jn Thurston & Rich Foweller
TOVEY, John, senr - Olveston, yeo
bro Maurice T of Elberton; svt Agn Merrick; dtr Mary Herryn; dtr Faith; Wlm Dyer; Jn Holdbrooke; son Jn T exec; overs Nichls Francombe & Thos Fill; witns Thos Haines jr
BARLY, Thomas - Tockington, Olvestonchildr Wlm & Mary; Rob son of Thos Haines; son in law Thos Hill; house at Alleston; son Nichls & his childr Rich & Eliz; wife Marian exec; overs Thos Haines senr & Jn Smyth jr
CLARKE, William - Alveston, husb (proved at Canterbury)
DYMERY, John - Alveston, husb
Joan dtr of Thos Dymery; poor of Thornbury; witns Margt Keeble, Edward & Thos Parker
a court deposition concerning this will is found near the end of 1616. The introduction mentions Wlm Ryder, mayor of Thornbury, Guy Selcocke & Eliz Hoop. Dated 20 june 1611. Those mentioned:
1. Jn Seager of Hazell, Olveston, yeo, age 50 - his wife & Parkars wife are childr of bros
2. Julius Keeble of Alveston, husb, age 28, born near Siston, his wife Margts father lived at Wotton under Edge
3. Wlm Rider, mayor of Thornbury, age 35
4. Edward Parkar of Alveston, yeo age 52; Jn Dymery decsd & his bro Thos; Ann Clearke; Agn wife of Humphrey Spicer of Alveston
5. Thos Parkar of Alveston, age 18, born Acton, son of Edward P
also at the end of 1616, there is a deposition stating that Thos Morse of Olveston gent & Jn Addies of Frampton on Severn gent went to an office in Westminster at the request of Jn Seager of Hazell, dated 18 feb 1608
GARLAND, William - Olveston, singleman
kinsman Thos Edmonds & his 3 childr; Joan Browne of Henbury; exec father Jn G; witns Jn Usseles
HAINES, Thomas, senr - Olveston, carpenter
Wlm son of Jn Haines carpenter; Thos Edmonds of Inst; Agn Merrick; son Rob exec; overs bro Jn J & Thos Midleton
HUNGERFORD, John - Ercott, Alleston
childr Jn, Margt & Anne; wife Kath exec; overs son Wlm H of Hambroke; witns Chris Broocke & Wlm Beares
KEBBELL, Edward - (Olveston?)
aunt Margt Buret; sis …; wife Eliz exec; witns Jn Dier, Jn Smyth, Thos Fell & Jn Holbrock
SEAGER, Thomas - Elberton, yeo
bur near father in Olveston; poor of Rockhampton & Tytherington; godson Thos son of Jn Seager of Over; kinsmn Wlm Edmonds; svts Mary Haines, Joan Brooke, Thos Hill & Jn Stevans; tenants Wlm Symes, Thos Baylie & Jn Rickets; Wltr Fryer; Jn Stevens of Hasell; wife Alice; Jn Waulter of Horfield yeo; dtr Eliz exec; overs Jn Seager of Hasell, Thos Morse of Tockington & Wltr Webbe of Elberton; witns Geo Morse
TILER, William - Groony, Alveston
2 dtrs named Ellen; 3 other childr; wife exec; witns Thos Webbe & Jn Hancocke
BAKER, Margery - Littleton on Severn, singlewoman (proved at Canterbury)COLLEMORE, Joan - Olveston
son Thos; dtr Joan exec; witns Agn & Ralph Greene
DIER, Richard - Olveston, singleman
poor of Henbury; Gillian Andrees; Joan Reede; Wlm Latchemoore; sisters son; Jn Hollister; bro Wlm D; sis Agn; Thos Ignam; Thos Seager & his wife; Edward Grene; Joan Tovy; Rob Cooke & his son; Mary Sampsone; exec uncle Ralph Greene; overs Jn Tovy & Rob Cooke
HIGGINBOTHAM, Ralph - Littleton on Severn, clerk
childr Jane, Jn & Ralph; Mary Holbroke; wife Edith exec; overs Ralph Greene clerk & Wlm Boyze; witns Jn Holbrooke
LOVELL, Katherine - Olveston, singlewoman
Agn, Joan & Jane Lovell; bro Jn L exec; overs Wlm Eyton & Jn Dringe; witns Thos Hort, Wlm Price & Moses Randell
MARTON, Ellen - Elberton, singlewoman
sis Margt M; bro Jn M & his son Thos; sis in law Joan Mrton; uncle Wlm Hancocke of Auste; Wlm Latteridge of Auste; Rich Latteridge of Thornbury; bro Rob M & his unborn child; exec bro Rob M; overs Jn Peasely & Jms Champnyes
MOORE, Richard - Tockington, Olveston, labourer
wife Mary exec; overs Edward Bracye & Geo Morse
MORTIMER, William - Olveston
Geo Mortimer & his childr Jn, Henry, Joan, Eliz, Mary & Christian; Jms Mortimer & his childr Thos, Mary & Margt; Thos Adye; Chris Stradowe; Rich & Cath Wyman; Bowlton the tyler; Eliz Jordann; Wltr Peerce; Rob Bromadge; widow Stephens; bro Geo M exec; overs Nichls Francombe & Rich Yeomans; witns Wlm Mortimer & Ralph Greene
RODMAN, Thomas - Olveston, blacksmith
childr Thos & Margt; aprntc Rich Hobbs; wife Bell exec; overs Mr Ralph Greene & Thos Midleton
WATTS, Richard - Earthcott, Alveston (proved at Canterbury)
BAKER, Arthur - Tockington, Olveston (proved at Canterbury)BROOKE, Alice - Alveston, widow (inventory)
appraised by Wlm Tyler gent, Rich Tayler, Thos Dymery & Wlm Weekes yeo
CHAMPNYES, Ann - Elberton, widow
land in Thornbury to son Henry C; dtr Bridget & her son Jn Baylye; kinsman Rich Fox of Hamun; son Thos C exec; overs Jms Champnyes, Rich Folen & Henry Smyth
DIMRIE, Richard - Olveston, yeo
son Jn; wifes childr Maurice, Eliz & Mary Smyth; childr of sis Urslie; Rich son of Thos Dimrie of Alveston; Rich son of Wlm Dimrie of Elberton; Rich son of Rich Tayeare of Thornbury; Rich son of Wlm Budinge of Olveston; Edward son of Maurice Walle; wife Joan exec; overs Thos Dimrie of Alveston & Jn Orchard of Almondsbury
HICMAN, William - Elberton, taylor
childr Cath, Rich & Thos; dtr Mary & her aunt Shepperd; (decsd?) son Edward; legacy of Henry Hicman to dtr Agn; legacy of Thos Shepperd to son Wlm; wife Agn exec; overs Jn Thurston senr & Rich Vowler
PRIER, Alice - Olveston, spinster
masters childr Joan Fishpill & 3 others; Edith Pearse; Agn Marshe; Agn Taylor; bro Jn P exec; witns Edward Fishpill
RANDALL, Moses - Olveston
wife of Davy Valentes; godson Moses Wyman; Alice dtr of Rich Boulton of Tockington; dtr of Wlm Prise; son in law Jn Gurgefeild; dtr of Rich Yemans; wife Edith exec; overs Ralph Greene vicar & Jn Hoolbrooke
TAYLOR, John - Vealesend, Alveston, yeo
childr Thos, Rob, Susan & Mary; wife Eliz exec; overs Nichls Veel gent, Jn Segar of Hasell, bro Rich T & Thos Dymerie; witns Thos Janson & Lawndres Taylor
THURSTON, John - Littleton
land in Oldbury to sons Thos & Edward; Wlm son of Arthur Stones; dtr Alice under 21; Jn Parry; Wlm Arthur; Francis Taylor; Rich Foster; Rich Earle; son in law Phil Boyce; exec uncle Rich Archard senr; overs Wlm Boyce & Jn Whitfield; witns Rich Russell & Wlm Stones
ADIS, Thomas - Woodhouse, Olvestondtr Alice; wife Eliz exec; overs Nichls Framcomb & Anthony Field
DOWDIN, Margaret - Elberton, widow
Jn & Rob Pickard; godtr Margt Pickard; son Wlm Smithe & his childr Rich, Jn, Joan & Mary; Wlm Hancocke & his dtrs Margt, Agn, Cath & Joan; Margt dtr of Wltr Webb; son Henry Dowdin; son Wlm Smith exec; overs Wltr Webb & Wlm Hancocke; witns Nichls Parnell
HORT, Jane - Tockington, Olveston, widow
dtrs Joan & Mary; Joan & other childr of Jn Loffell; Margt Cox & her dtrs; Eliz Chamell; Henry Reeme & his sons Rich, Henry & Jn & dtrs; sons Thos, Wlm & (Custer?) Hort; Mary wife of Wlm Tossey & their son Edward & other childr; Thos son of Wlm Hort; Agn & Joan Towey; Rich Wales & his bro Thos; son Chris H exec; overs Ralph Greene clerk, Jn Loffell & Thos Hort
SKULL, Richard - Earthcott, Alveston
godtr Joan Hungerford; wife Margt exec; witns Thos Smith & Rich Dier
SMITH, Katherine - Littleton on Severn, widow
bro Jn Baker of Thornbury, his wife Agn & their dtrs Mary & Judith; Edward Swayne & his wife Susan; Jn son of Thos Pach; Thos Pryer of Thornbury; Jn Pach senr; exec Thos Pach; overs neighbs Wlm Boyce & Rich Orchard jr; witns Wlm Bourne
WHITE, Edward - Woodhouse, Olveston (proved at Canterbury)
BAALL, William - Woodhouse, Olveston, husb
land in Almondsbury to wife Joan; dtr in law; son; witns Nichls Francombe, Eliz Adie widow, Rebecca wife of Rich Pearce & Agn wife of Chris Houlder
GREENE, William - Littleton
Peter Croome & his childr Rich, Jn & Eliz; bro in law Hobbs Pullen of Tytherington & his 4 childr; late father Rob G; Eliz dtr of Rich Smith of Littleton; Joan Pullen & Thos Morton svts of Peter Croome; sis Ellen G; witns Thos Smith
SKULL, Margaret - Earthcot, Alveston, widow
Joan dtr of Jn Hill of Earthcot; Rob Shippen of Acton; Alice Stock; Thos & Rob sons of Thos Smith of Earthcot; widow Doging of Thornbury; Jn & Margt Hill; exec Thos Smith; witns Thos Jocham
SMYTH, Nicholas - Elberton, weaver
son Joseph by present wife Joan; childr Margt & Nichls; son Thos exec; overs Jn Jones & Rich Fowler; guardians Henry Doudinge & Henry Smyth; witns Thos Haines
TAYLER, Richard - Earthcott, Alveston, yeo
dtr Eliz wife of Wlm Berry & their childr Wlm, Rob, Jn, Henry, Agn, Joan, Eliz & Rich; Jms Eddies, his wife Alice & their son Jms; wife Margery exec; overs Wlm Hobes of Itchington, Thos Jocham of Earthcot & Jn Dimock of Over; witns Thos Smith & Jn Hill
CHAMNYES, James - Elberton, gentchildr Eliz, Rich, Jane, Bridget, Jn & Toby; wife exec; overs bro Edward C, Thos Champneys, Rich Waller & Henry Smyth; witns Rich Fowler
CLARKE, Giles - Alveston (proved at Canterbury)
CLARKE, Samuel - Alveston
bros Rob & Giles; sisters Agn, Alice & Joan; aunt Faith Whelpley; Thos Tyler; Tho Grome; bro Jn & his 5 childr; bro Wlm & his 3 childr; godmother Alpas; Rob Barnet; Jn & Thos Ford; Jn Earle; Wlm Willcokes; Barbara & Thos Lyppett; mother; godfather Nichls Tyler; Rob Tayler; Thos Maunsell; exec father Giles C; witns Jn Clarke & Geo Wikes
PRYNNE, Bridgett - Olveston
son Jms P; Wlm Goodman; son Jn Smyth exec; overs nephews Henry Smyth & Jn Jones
SMYTH, Eleanor - Elberton, widow
Wlm & 4 other childr of Maurice Walle; son Thos S & his 6 childr; dtr Kath S & her childr Rob, Thos, Wlm, Kath & Mary; kinswmn Edith Reeve; Margery Reeve; Margt Vidler; son Wlm S exec; overs Wltr Webbe senr & Henry Doudinge; witns Thos Haines notary
SYMONS, John - Olveston, husb
wifes son Jn Evans; Benn Ellabee; poor of Almondsbury; wife Marian exec; overs Ralph Greene vicar & Edward Beasie; witns mother in law widow Horte & Goody Lynche
TYLER, William - Alveston
son Nichls; nephew Wlm Haynes jr; wife Jane exec; witns Giles Clarke, Thos Dymery & Jn Prigge
WATTS, Thomas - Olveston, husb
bro Edward; exec Thos Dyper innholder; overs Jn Oliver taylor; witns Jn Baker
ADIES, Isabell - Woodhouse, Olveston, widowson Jn A & his dtr Eliz; dtr Jane; son in laws dtr Alice Taylor; son in law Rob Taylor exec; overs Mr Ralph Greene & landlord Nichls Francombe; witns Geo Morse
GODDEN, John - Olveston
dtrs Ellen & Margt; wife exec; overs Ralph Greene vicar
MIDLETON, Thomas - Olveston, yeo
land in Hill to dtr Mary; goods at Frampton Cotterell; wife Elnr exec; overs Mr Ralph Greene vicar & Jn Smyth senr; witns Thos & Wlm Haines
SMITH, Joan - Elberton, widow
son Joseph S & his wife Bridget; childr Nichls, Margt & Thos; Jn son of Joseph Smith; son Joseph S exec; overs Henry Smith & Jn Jones; witns Henry Dowdinge & Rich Fowler
SMYTH, John, senr - Tockington, Olveston, yeo
poor of Thornbury & Almondsbury; son Thos S of Olveston decsd & his childr Edward & Dorothy & their mother Margt wife of Thos Prior of Henbury; Joan & Cicely Jones; kinsman Thos Haines of Olveston & his sons Jn & Thos; kinsman Wlm Haines of Inst & his childr Wlm & Agn; son Jn S of Olveston & his childr Jn, Eliz & Mary; dtr Edith S; son Jn exec; overs Thos Storke & kinsman Thos Haynes of Olveston; witns Thos West
WAKER, John - Olveston; inventory taken by Jn Tovy, Thos Storke, Henry Waker, Wltr Woohall & Thos Seager
WALLE, Maurice - Olveston, yeo
childr Rob, Margt, Jn & Thos; wife Cath; wifes aunt Eliz Simson of Stone; son Wlm exec; overs Thos Seger of Dilling & Jn Orchard of the Worthie; witns Jn Garland & Jn Long
ALFORD, William - Tockington, Olveston2 dtrs; son; wife exec; overs Geo Mortimer & Nichls Francombe
HAINES, Morris - Olveston
childr Morris, Agn & Joan H; poor of Almondsbury; wife Cath exec; overs Edward Brasie & Rob Hunt; witns Jn Crosseman, Domne Haines, Thos Ridge & Jn Elkins
MACHIN, James - Olveston
sons Jn & Henry; wife Joan exec; overs Thos Hort & Wlm Champnys; witns Edward Brace & Wlm Burnell
MIDLETON, Eleanor - Olveston, widow
son Jn Longe & his father Edward Longe decsd; dtr Mary M; son Thos M decsd; son Edward Longe & his dtr Jane; dtr Bridget wife of Wlm Haines & their dtr Joan; son Edward Longe exec; overs Jn Smyth; witns Thos Haines
SMITH, Nicholas - Alveston, husb (proved at Canterbury)
ARCHARD, Richard - Elberton (proved at Canterbury)
FRANKCOMBE, Nicholas, senr - Woodhouse, Olveston, yeo
land in Tockington to sons Edward & Nichls; dtrs Mary, Eliz & Kath; wife Kath; previous wives; svt Wlm Jones; dtr in law Mary White; chidlr of son Rob F & dtr Jane Gwilliams; son Rob exec; overs bro in law Jn Toovy & Edward Bracy; witns Wlm Bourne
HAINES, William - Inst, Olveston, yeo
childr Wlm, Agn & Nichls; wife Jane exec; overs Thos Edmonds & Jn Edmonds of Inst; witns Joseph Smith & Jn Hollm
HILL, Edward - Inst, Olveston, gent (found in 1620)
poor of Almondsbury; sons childr Mary, Eliz & Edward; svts Rowland Thomas, Jn Baker, Henry Prewett, Mary Hort, Joan Handcoke & Joan Smyth; Wlm Lugge; Edward West; Thos Baker; Anne Crowne; son Thos exec; overs cousin Wltr Hill & Wlm Rider of Thornbury gent; witns Rob Arthington & Peter Crowne
HOLLWAIE, John, senr - Olveston, yeo (found in 1629)
wife Martha & her dtr Joan Hollwaie; childr Margery & Jn; dtr Maud & her childr Margery & Joan Hicks; dtr Joan wife of Wlm Bampton of Lateridge, Iron Acton; son Wlm exec; overs Jn Smyth senr & Thos Middleton of Olveston, yeo; witns Geo Morse
PARRYE, John - Littleton, labourer
dtrs Margery & Agn; dtr Cath living with Thos Thurner of Cowhill; wife Mary exec; overs Wlm Boyce & Rich Russell jr; witns Rich Orchard senr & Phil Withers
deposition 24 feb 1619 mentioning Jn Adlam of Inst & Wlm Lugge of Elberton; concerning Mr Thos Hill of Inst & his wife who lived with Jn Adlam while her husb was away
1. David Valentine of Olveston, husb age 46
2. Wlm Wade of Olveston, husb age 25
3. Joseph Smith in Olveston 3 years, before at Northweeke, age 30, born at Elberton
deposition concerning Thos Hill of Olveston & Margt Haynes
1. Agn Merrick widow, of Olveston for 40 years, born Pucklechurch, age 60
2. Eliz Stradewe of Olveston for 44 years, age 70
3. Rich Boughton or Bowden of Olveston, age 55 tyler & his wife Christiana, married 30 years, from Auste, age over 40