


Fairford, Lechlade & Neighbourhoods, Gloucestershire


Pigot's Directory of Gloucestershire, 1830

Transcribed from microfiche by Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand © 1993

"FAIRFORD is in the hundred of Bright-wells Barrow and lied 8 miles from Cirencester in the Cotswolds. The foundation of the church was by opulent merchant John TAME who in 1493 brought stained glass from Italy. The Lord of the Manor in 1830 was John Raymond BARKER Esq. In 1821 the parish contained 1,547 inhabitants." "LECHLADE lies about four miles from Fairford and is near where the Counties of Wilts, Bucks and Gloucester unite. George MILWARD was Lord of the Manor in 1830. In 1821 Lechlade had a population of 1,154 inhabitants."
ADAMS WilliamBlacksmithFairford
ANDREWS JosephGentLechlade
ANDREWS WilliamSaddlerFairford
ANGELL WilliamTailorLechlade
AVERY RobertMillerQuenington
BAKER JohnBakerFairford
BAKER JohnMaltsterFairford
BARKER John R.Esq.Fairford Park
BARR ElizabethIronmongerLechlade
BARR JosephRoyal Exchange Fire Off.Lechlade
BARR JosephGrocer / DraperLechlade
BARRETT JamesButcherFairford
BATTERTON RoseIronmongerFairford
BEACH Michael H.Esq.Williamstrip Park
BEAL EdwardTailorFairford
BEAL JohnTailorLechlade
BEAL JohnWatch MakerFairford
BEAL ThomasTailorFairford
BEALE ElizabethMilliner / DressmakerFairford
BEALE JohnLinen WeaverFairford
BEENHAM ThomasSchoolmasterCharity Free School, Fairford
BENNETT EdwardRevd.Leigh, Lechlade
BOSBERRY RobertMillerFairford Mill
BOSBERRY RobertPainter/Plumber/GlazierFairford
BOULTON RobertCarrierFairford
BRIGHT John EdwardSurgeonLechlade
BROOKES RobertPainter/Plumber/GlazierLechlade
BROWN ThomasGent.Colne
BURGE JohnSaddlerFairford
CASWELL Jno.CarrierFairford
CASWELL JohnBakerFairford
CHURCH HenryRevd.Fairford
CLACK CharlesBoot & Shoe MakerLechlade
CLACK ThomasBoot & Shoe MakerLechlade
CLINCH DavidCooperFairford
CLINCH JohnCooperFairford
COCKBILL DanielCarpenterLechlade
COCKBILL DanielWheelwrightLechlade
COLLETT HenryButcherFairford
COMBLEY ThomasSlater / PlastererFairford
CONSTABLE RichardFishmongerLechlade
COOKE WilliamSlater / PlastererLechlade
CORNWALL CharlesSurgeon Lunatic AsylumFairford
CORNWALL CharlesSurgeonFairford
COULING DorothyShopkeeperFairford
COWLEY RobertStone MasonFairford
COX PeterCivil EngineerFairford
CRESWELL SackvilleRevd.Bibury
CROUCH ChristopherSurveyor & Land AgentFairford
CROUCH WilliamProtector Fire OfficeFairford
DAWKINS NicholasInnkeeperBull Inn, Fairford
DAWSON JohnBakerFairford
DAY CharlesBoot & Shoe MakerLechlade
DUTTON JamesHon.Bibury House
EDGE JosephShopkeeperColne
EVANS DanielAuctioneerFairford
FARMER RichardStone MasonLechlade
GEORGE WilliamGrocer / DraperLechlade
GILES JamesTailorFairford
GILES RichardClothes DealerFairford
GILES WilliamMaltsterLechlade
GILES WilliamMillerLechlade
GOULDING RobertGrocer / DraperLechlade
GREEN WalterMaltsterFairford
GREENHALF ThomasInnkeeperNew Inn, Lechlade
HALL WilliamPostmasterLechlade
HALL William & ThomasGrocer / DraperLechlade
HANKS WilliamCarrierFairford
HAWKINS JohnWheelwrightFairford
HAWKINS JohnCarpenterFairford
HAWKINS JosephSchoolmasterLechlade
HAYWARD RobertBakerFairford
HEWER RichardTailor & DraperFairford
HIGNALL RobertBoot & Shoe MakerFairford
HILL IsaacStay MakerLechlade
HONEYBONE RichardWatch MakerFairford
HONOR ThomasTavern / Public HouseCrown Inn, Lechlade
HOOPER JeremiahBakerColne
HOOPER JeremiahMillerColne
HUGHES StephenBlacksmithLechlade
ILES AlexanderProp: Lunatic AsylumFairford
ILES ElizabethMilliner / DressmakerFairford
ILES RichardCarrierFairford
ILES RichardAuctioneerFairford
ILES RichardGlobe Fire Office AgentFairford
ILES RichardGrocer / DraperFairford
INMAN MaryBakerFairford
IVIN RichardShopkeeperQuenington
IVIN RichardStone MasonQuenington
JACOBS JohnButcherLechlade
JOHNSON ThomasButcherLechlade
JONES ThomasDay & Boarding SchoolFairford
JONES WilliamRevd.Lechlade
JOY JamesBoot & Shoe MakerLechlade
JOY SamuelBoot & Shoe MakerLechlade
JUSTER WilliamTailorLechlade
KEBLE JohnRevd.Fairford
KEBLE John junrRevd.Fairford
KENT ThomasShopkeeperFairford
KENT ThomasMaltsterFairford
KEYLOCK WilliamCarrierFairford
KNIGHT CharlesBoot & Shoe MakerFairford
KNIGHT EdwardBoot & Shoe MakerFairford
LAWRENCE WilliamShopkeeperColne
LEA StephenTailorFairford
LEIGH FrancisRevd.Hatherop House
LOCKWOOD JohnMaltsterLechlade
LOCKWOOD JohnWine & Spirit MerchantLechlade
LOUGHTON JohnWheelwrightFairford
LOUGHTON JohnCarpenterFairford
LUDLOW HenryTavern / Public HouseRed Lion Inn, Lechlade
MABBATT RobertBlacksmithFairford
MARGETTS CorneliusCarpenterFairford
MARGETTS CorneliusShopkeeperQuenington
MATTHEWS RichardTavern / Public HouseSwan Inn, Lechlade
MILLER ThomasButcherFairford
MILLS JohnTailorFairford
MILLWARD GeorgeEsq.Manor House, Lechlade
MINCHIN WilliamButcherFairford
MITCHELLS WilliamCarpenterFairford
MONDAY WilliamTavern / Public HouseBell Inn, Lechlade
NASH ElizabethMrs.Lechlade
PACE Richard & SonSurveyor Builder ArchitectLechlade
PETERS John WilliamRevd.Quenington
PINNOCK JamesCooperLechlade
PODMORE WilliamGrocer / DraperFairford
POPE RichardShopkeeperColne
PORTER JohnMaltsterColne
PRICE JohnGrocer / DraperFairford
PRICE RobertGentQuenington
RADWAY Joshua CarbyPaper MakerQuenington Mill
RICE FrancisRevd.Fairford
RIXON JohnMillerLower Mill Lechlade
ROBINS JasperTailorLechlade
ROSE RichardMachine MakerFairford
ROSE RichardTavern / Public HouseWhite Hart Inn, Fairford
RYMAN WilliamCoal MerchantLechlade
SAUNDERS WilliamBlacksmithFairford
SAVORY JnoBlacksmith & IronfounderFairford
SCRIVEN ThomasSlater / PlastererFairford
SHUGER ThomasCoal MerchantLechlade
SIMPSON WilliamMaltsterColne
SLAYTER GeorgeSurgeonLechlade
SMITH RobertTailorFairford
SMITH WilliamBakerLechlade
SPICER FrancisCarpenterLechlade
STANLEY RichardSaddlerLechlade
STEVENS GeorgeTailorLechlade
STEVENS WilliamSaddlerFairford
STRONG GeorgeStone MasonFairford
THOMAS WilliamRevd.Fairford
THOMPSON EdwardWool StaplerFairford
TOVEY EdwardGardener &c.Lechlade
TOVEY Henry & RobertMillerFairford
TOVEY Henry & RobertMaltsterFairford
TOVEY JohnSlater / PlastererFairford
TOVEY RobertSlater / PlastererLechlade
TOVEY WilliamPainter/Plumber/GlazierLechlade
TOVEY WilliamSlater / PlastererFairford
TOWNSEND JohnGent.Fairford
TRUBY GilesButcherLechlade
TUCKWELL WilliamGent.Colne
TURNER ThomasGrocer / DraperLechlade
VINES Jacob & SamuelMaltsterFairford
WACE CatherineMrs.Lechlade
WAKEFIELD Charles----Quenington
WAKEFIELD JohnBoot & Shoe MakerFairford
WALKER RichardGent.Lechlade
WALKLET WilliamWheelwrightLechlade
WANE John HurstWine & Spirit MerchantFairford
WANE JonathanEsq.Fairford
WANE WilliamGentFairford
WEBB JaneShopkeeperFairford
WHEELER WilliamIronmongerLechlade
WHEELER WilliamBlacksmithLechlade
WHETMATH CharlesBasket MakerFairford
WICKES WilliamShopkeeperFairford
WICKES WilliamCoal MerchantFairford
WILKINS RichardBakerFairford
WILLIAMS JohnBakerLechlade
WILLIS ThomasBakerLechlade
WILLIS ThomasConfectionerLechlade
WILSON JohnGrocer / DraperFairford
WILSON RobertInnkeeperGeorge Inn, Fairford
WILSON RobertPostmasterFairford
YEATMAN HenryApothecary &c.Lechlade
YELLS DavidConfectionerFairford

[Transcribed by the late Ted Wildy of Auckland, New Zealand on 22nd October 1993]