



Abstracts from

WILLS 1636 - 1650

for Cromhall, Rangeworthy, Tytherington & Wickwar

Contact: Leslie Mahler

Complete Documents can be seen on L.D.S. Film #0091406 thru to #0091413 obtainable at your local L.D.S. Family History Library.

The modern index to Gloucestershire Wills lists several instances of Wills in the late 1640's period being missing. Yet as will be seen from some of the annotations below, Leslie's search of the microfilms of available Wills has discovered this is happily not the case.


BERRY, John - Tytherington

childr Jn, Mary, Elnr, Joan, Sarah, Sam & Obadiah; Joan dtr of Margt Pickard; wife Edith exec

NORTON, William - Tytherington, gent

dtr Judith wife of Geo Roach & their childr Lionel & Mary; son Wlm & his son Jn; childr Mary & Jn; execs wife Anne & son Wlm; overs bro Rob N, gent & Wlm Bushell of city of Wells, gent

TOMES, Thomas, senr - Wickwar, yeo

dtrs Martha & Mary; dtr Anne wife of Thos Hankerne & their son Thos; dtr Eliz wife of Jn Machin & their childr Sara & Rich; kinsman Alex Tomes of Ingleston; Phil Wirryatt; son Thos exec; overs bro in law Alex Dorney, son in law Jn Machin & kinsman Jn Cam senr


SHIELDE, Edith - Stidcote, Tytherington

sons Henry & Wlm S; dtr Joan wife of Sam Bull; late husb Henry Shield; grandsons Wlm Higgins & Edward Bull; execs son Rowland Higgins & son in law Sam Bull

STOCKE, Katherine - Wickwar

dtr Agn Tanner & her son Rich T; dtr Alice Bishop; grandtr Sara Bishop; Jane & Sara Chamnyes; Henry Tanner; Agn dtr of Rich Stocke of Charfield; Andrew Wimbold; Kath dtr of Alice Crome; childr of Jn Stock; son in law Jn Paine & his son Jn; dtr in law Agn Stock; sons in law Edmund Tanner, Edmund Chamneys, Jn Paine & Thos Bishop; Elnr Stock; exec dtr Margt Stock


BUBB, Maud - Wickwar

Eliz & Rob childr of Jn Coll of Yate; Rob, Wlm, Roger, Eliz & Alice childr of Bartholomew Marrick; maid Frances Fowler; exec dtr Eliz wife of Bartholomew Marrick of Chipping Sodbury; overs Martin Nell of Yate & son in law Bartholomew Marrick

DIMERY, John - Cromhall, yeo

son Thos, his wife & their childr Jn & Mary; son Jn & his wife; son Wlm & his 2 dtrs; Susanna Barnard, Jn Mason, Rich Daniell, Bridget Dimery, Joan Alder, Kath Grumage, Thos Hickes of the Heath, Kath Goodcheap, Mary Hicks, Wlm Grayle, Alice Carle & Cicely Crome; exec son Rob; overs Wlm Pullen of Tytherington & Brice Webb

FOBES, Eleanor - Wickwar, widow

Cicely wife of Thos Dracott; Eliz wife of Wlm Crome; Joan wife of Rob Cole; Joan wife of Thos Ford; Thos Ford & his dtrs Eliz Jedy & Joan & Sara Ford; Eliz dtr of Rob Fobbs; Mary dtr of Eward Fobbs; Joan dtr of Wlm Norton; Sara dtr of Wlm Crome; Dorothy dtr of Rob Cole; Margt wife of Jn Ford; Wlm Norton, Jn Cole, Rich Rousell & Jn Ford; execs / overs Rob Cole & Jn Stocke

PRATT, Abraham - Rangeworthy

son Sam; son Jn & his dtr Joan; son Wlm & his childr; execs childr Jn, Isaac, Martha & Anne

SIMS, Agnes - Wickwar (supposedly misfiled in 1626/ not found)

WOODWARD alias POTTER, Richard - Rangeworthy

son Giles; wife; son Jn exec; overs Jn Hobbs senr & Jn Hooper


HOLLWAY, Martha - Itchington, Tytherington, widow

Frances dtr of Wlm Holway; Elnr dtr of Rich Hickes; Edward Holway & his childr Wlm, Susannah & Jn; Mary wife of Jn Collimore; Judith wife of Wlm Holway; Peter son of Jms Beggood; Martha dtr of Joan Parsloe; dtr Joan exec; overs Wlm Pullin & Edward Leeg

HOLWELL, Henry, senr - Wickwar, taylor

childr Wlm, Joan & Henry; wife Alice exec

PICKE, Thomas - Cromhall

childr Thos, Joan, Ann & Jn; Joan, Eliz & Agn Hooper; wife Agn exec; overs father in law Rich Stock & Rob Pick

PICKE, William - Cromhall, limeburner

childr Jn, Wlm, Joseph, Rich & Mary; dtr Margt wife of Jn Houlder & their dtrs Mary & Sara; wife Cicely exec; overs bro Rob P & son Rob P

WALKER, Anthony - Wickwar, cordiner

dtrs Martha & Mary; wife Cath exec; overs Alex Dorney & Thos Adey of Wickwar

WALKER, Mary - Wickwar, widow

son Jn, Rowland & Anthony; kinswmn Mary wife of Edward Collins; cousin Matt & Sara childr of Edward Collins; cousins Thos, Jn, Joan, Sara & Eliz, childr of Matt Walker; cousins Mary & Thos childr of Jn Walker; Eliz & Alice dtrs of Rowland Walker; cousins Mary & Martha dtrs of Anthony Walker; dtr Susan Walker; Joan, Kath & Eliz dtrs of Thos Walker; dtr Kath Peare & her dtr Anne; son Matt W exec; overs Tobias Higgins, parson & Rob Webb


BARNES, Thomas - Whiteild, Cromhall, yeo

dtr Alice Roberts & her 2 childr; dtr Susanna Lynnett & her childr Giles & Margt; supposed dtr Mary Adlam; Wlm Pearce; wife Eliz exec; overs Morgan Hickes & Nicholas Stinchcombe of Tortworth

COMPIRE, Alice - Wickwar

grandtrs Eliz & Mathew, dtrs of Jn Tomes; bros Jn, Rob, Jms & Wlm Wimbery; bro Chris Wimbery & his wife Eliz; sis Jane Hathway; sis Ann Browne; grandson Jn Sylcok; exec- grandtr Mary wife of Jn Sylcoke; overs Rich Powell, rector of Charfield & Rob Compeir of Hylsly in Hawkesbey

JOANES, Thomas - Rangeworthy, shoemaker

dtr Elnr & her childr Jn, Dan, Sara & Giles Ridly & 2 others; dtr Eliz & her childr Ellen, Eliz, Sara & Mary Hobbes; dtr Joan exec; overs bros Wlm & Jn Joanes


ATWELLS, John, senr - Cromhall

svts Wlm Capre & Margt Peirce; sons svt Edmund Clerk; Joan Harmer & Ruth Lawrence; grandson Jn son of Edward Atwells; cousin Thos Hickes; land in Tortworth to son Jn & his childr Rich, Jn & Anne; dtr in law Edith Atwells; wife Anne exec; overs Wlm Edwards of Alveston, Thos Hicks senr, Brice Webb & son Jn

HOOPER, William - Rangeworthy

wife Alice; childr Thos, Wlm & Eliz; overs Wlm Dole & Sam Pratt

PROUTT, Arthur - Wickwar, yeo

kinswmn Eliz Grove; childr of bro Rob; sis Mary Shipman & her son Henry; mother Margt Proutt exec; overs Tobias Higgins, minister & Mr Wlm Mayo of Charfield

SHEARMAN, Thomas - Rangeworthy, husb

childr Rob, Joan & Eliz; execs wife Eliz & bro Rob; overs Jms Phillipps & Thos Horwood


MARNLY or MALONE, Ambrose - Cromhall

Eliz Demery; wife Alice; son Ambrose exec; overs Henry Demerey & Thos Ch...


HOUBOROW, Thomas, senr - Wickwar, husb

sons Jn & Thos; dtr Joan wife of Rich Russell; dtr Ursula wife of Sam Pratt; 2nd dtr named Joan; Jn, Thos, Wlm & Mary, childr of Rich Russell; Jn Curnock; wife Margery exec; overs Thos Evans & Rich Russell


HOELL, John - Cromhall, rector

dtr Eliz wife of (Nicholas?) Webb of Lower Stone; dtrs Mary & Sarah; mill at Westerleigh; sons Jn & Nathan; son Rich to study as minister at Oxford; wife exec; overs Morgan & Arthur Hicks;

HOWBROW, John - Wickwar, husb (mostly illegible)

mother Margery Howbrow; bro Thos; sis Ursula Pratt; exec Sam Pratt

LENNY, Catherine - Cromhall (also found in 1647)

late son Oswald, his wife Eliz & their 2 childr

LENNY, Uzzell / Oswald - Cromhall (missing)


BEACHGOOD, Nicholas - Tytherington (missing)

EVANS, Thomas - Rangeworthy godson Jn Dage; present wife Elnr exec

SMITH, Edward - Tytherington, smith (listed as missing)

childr Jn, Eliz, Wlm & Edward; Rich Mainston of Nibley; wife exec; overs Jn Smyth senr & Joseph Pullen


DYMERY, Richard, senr - Cromhall, yeo

wife Joan; childr Thos, Rob & Wlm; Geo Crome; grandchildren; kinswmn Mary Baker; son Rich exec; overs Jn Attwell & bro Henry D


HICKS, Henry - Itchinton, Tytherington, husb

Nicholas Williams & his childr Peter, Jms & Mary; sisters Martha, Agn & Joan Hickes; bro Peter exec; overs bro Jn H & Geo Parsluie of Itchinton, mason

KITE, John - Wickwar

bro Wlm & his 4 childr; bro in law Jn Davis & his childr Jn & Mary; godtr Sara dtr of Wlm Hallwell; Jn & Mary childr of Rich Fowler; sis Alice; sis in law Joan Roush; wife Frideswide exec; overs uncle Benedict Fobes & kinsman Thos Hollister, husb

LENEY, Catherine - Cromhall, widow (also found in 1644)

son in law Jn Dymery & his childr Joan, Ann, Edith, Eliz & Rich; Thos son of Uzzell Leney deceased; Wlm son of Joseph Picke; dtr in law Eliz Leney; exec Rich son of Uzzell Leney deceased; overs Uzzell Crome & Rich Russell

PRATT, John - Rangeworthy

dtr Joan; bro Wlm & his dtrs Eliz, Mary & Silvister; present wife Joan exec; overs uncle Jn Jones & bro Sam P


CULLMORE, Henry - Tytherington, husb (supposedly missing)

sisters dtr Sara Smith; Jms son of Wlm Pullen

HIGGINS, Tobias - Wickwar, minister

childr Eliz, Margt & Obadiah; land in Tortworth to son Tobias; wife Margt exec; overs son in law Wlm Higgins

PULLEN, William - Tytherington (fragmentary / listed as missing)

bro Rob; son Jms exec; overs .. Cullimore


GRIFFIN, John - Cromhall, broadweaver (listed as Griffith in index / supposedly missing)

chlidr Jn, Eliz & Ann; present wife Edith exec

MOWSELL, Henry - Wickwar (listed as missing)

son Wlm & his childr Henry, Thos & 3 others; son Rich & his dtr Anne; land in Ringswood, Wiltshire; son Morris & his 3 childr; son Jn; dtr Eliz wife of Thos Ishell & their 4 childr; present wife Eliz exec; overs Tobias Higgins, minister, son Rich, Rich Bruton of Wooton & son in law Thos Ishell

VIEDLER, William - Cromhall, yeo

bros Briss, Thos & Rob; Mary dtr of Rob Viedler; Rich son of Thos Shever; svt Sarah Parcle; Jane Alin; execs dtr Alice & Rich Russell of Wickwar; overs bro in law Thos Dymry & Jn Russell of Wickwar


BAKER, John - Wickwar, clothworker

son Jn; unborn child; wife exec; overs uncle Thos Pollin & master Jn Hickes

COLE, Robert - Wickwar, broadweaver

son Henry; dtr Joan wife of Wlm White; dtr Dorothy exec; overs Rich & Morris Mousell

CREW, Richard - Wickwar, tanner

son in law Matt Neyle & his wife Deines; son in law Wlm Byshop & his wife Mary; childr Thos, Sara, Alice, Rich & Margt; wife Margt exec

HICKES, Richard - Tytherington, husb

childr Eliz, Rich, Wlm, Jn, Henry, Martha, Joan, Elnr, Mary & Sara; unborn child; wife Eliz exec