




With the Parishes and Villages of Prestbury, Charlton Kings, Swindon, Shurbington, Uckington, Bishops Cleeve, Boddington, Badgeworth, Dowdeswell, Staverton, and Neighbourhoods

From Slaters Commercial Directory, 1858-1859.

Transcribed by Phil Mustoe © 1998

Cheltenham is a market town, parliamentary borough, and fashionable watering place, in the parish and hundred of its name, 95 miles W.N.W. from London, (131 by rail, by the Great Western and Swindon Junction lines), 43 N.N.E., from Bristol, and 9 N.E. from Gloucester; situated in the charming vale of Gloucester, and sheltered on the north east by an immense amphitheatre of eminences formed by the Cotswold hills, which abruptly terminate at about the distance of two miles to the north. Various opinions exist as to the derivation of the name Cheltenham : by some etymologists it is deduced from the Saxon words Chilt and Ham - the former signifying 'an elevated place,' the latter 'a farm' or 'village'; whilst others, with more probability, ascribe its origin to the small river Chilt or Chelt. The town, borough, and hundred of Cheltenham are described, in Domesday book, as having been, previous to the Conquest, 'parcel of the possessions of King William.' Before the discovery of the spa, it was an inconsiderable straggling town - the house for the most part thatched, and their inhabitants, generally speaking poor; a stream of water ran through the street, and it was only by the aid of stepping stones that a communication was effected between the opposite sides of it. The present town is built principally of brick, cemented, which gives it a peculiarly clean appearance : the High street is upwards of a mile and a half in length - every where light, airy, and of considerable width; the pavement for pedestrians is spacious, and usually forms the grand promenade -; the houses in general are well built, and exhibet verandahs and areas, resembling those of the metropolis; the shops are handsome, and many of them sufficiently furnished to gratify the most fastidious taste; and the inns and hotels are of the first order. Within these few years the number of houses has been greatly increased by the erection of many magnificent villas, crescents, parades, and streets, sured to the accomodation of the numerous fashionable families who make this place their permanent or temporary residence. The town is gas lighted, efficiently drained, and plenteously supplied with excellent water - the latter obtained from the adjacent hills, by a company, who have recently provided an additional reservoir of great dimensions to supply the requirements of the increasing population. Since the year 1788, when the town was visited by George III, its increase in population and buildings have been truly astonishing. This may be ascribed not only to its fame waters, but to the salubrity of the atmosphere, the beauty of the scenery around, the character of its amusements, and the refinement of its visitants. As an evidence of the healthfullness of the town, it may be stated that during the period when the cholera ravaged other parts of the country, not a single death occured in Cheltenham from this fatal disease. The ... are kept in excellent order by the respective lessees; the pump room of the Royal Old Wells has dated, been rebuilt, and is now the largest in the country. Full military bands perfom at stated times on the promenades during the season. Jessop's nursery furnishes a delightful recreation on the the florist and botanist, as well as to the admirer of rural beauty.

Cheltenham is not a manufacturing town; its prosperity is wholy attributable to its numerous and respectable class of visitors - to its neighbouring gentry, and other wealthy residents. The malting business is of some importance; there are several large and excellent breweries, and the retail trade of the place is generally flourishing. In the railway system of the country, this locality is eligibly interested: the Western Union, a line in connexion with the Great Western Railway, has its station here; the Bristol and Birmingham Railway includes Cheltenham in its route; and the line hence to Oxford will be a valuable acquisition to both places, in the way of transit communication. There are five newspapers published in Cheltenham weekly; they are ably conducted, and enjoy a respectable amount of patronage - their titles, days of publication, &c, are given in the trades' list

Cheltenham has been divided into wards for parochial and sanitary purposes, and into districts for ecclesiastical purposes. The manor now belongs to James Agg Gardner, Esquire, who purchased it of Lord Sherbourne (in whose family it had been in since the year 1628 for nearly £10,000. Cheltenham is included in the fifty fifth circuit of towns, under the County Court Act, for adjudicating claims to any amount not exceeding £50. The Reform Bill conferred upon the town the priviledge of returning one member to parliament - the Gentleman at present sitting for the borough is Colonel C. F. Berkeley

There are eight churches under the establishment, and chanels for various religious denominations, of which being appended with their situations and officials, we shall only notice, more particularly the most elegant and interesting structures. The parish church of Saint Mary stands nearly in the centre of the town, a short distance from High-street; it is venerable commodious structure, in the form of a cross, with a tower containing an excellent peal of ten sweet toned bells and summounted by an elegant octagonal spire; the living is a perpetual curacy. The Holy Trinity Church, situated on the approach to Pitville, is a neat structure, dependent on the mother church. St. John's erected under the forty years' act, stands in Berkeley street, and is independent of the parish church. The other churches are St. Paul's, in the street of its name; Saint James', in Suffolk square; Christ Church, in Lansdowne place; St. Peter's, on the Tewkesbury road; and St. Philip's, in Leckhampton parish: some of these are elegant buildings, and all are neat and convenient. Of the religious denominations, not of the church, there are buildings for the worship of Baptists, Independents, Methodists, Unitarians, Society of Friends, Roman Catholics, Jews, &c. The Roman Catholic Chapel of St. Gregory is St. James' square, erected in 1857, is an elegant cruciform building, and consists of a nave and aisles, transcept, chancel, lady chapel and organ chamber; it has eight stained glass windows, and the stone carving in the interior is very fine. The porch is very ornamental, and the grouping of the several parts of the edifice is very fine. The Rev. James Catham is the priest; the schools in connection with the chapel will accommodate 400 children. The charities are exceedingly well supported - the principal are an hospital and dispensary; the female orphan asylum; Pates' almhouses, &c. The public education establishments comprise a richly endowed grammar school; the proprietary college; and National, British and Foreign schools, supported by contributions. A literary and philosophical society ; and several well stored libraries are liberally supported. Mr. Bailey's collection in the Queen's circus is a large and choice one, and there is one of theological works on the promenade. The market is held on Thursday, and the fairs on the second Thursday in April, Holy Thursday, and August 5th. The parish of Cheltenham, the limits of which are identical with those comprising the parliamentary borough, contained in 1841, 31,411, inhabitants, and in 1851, 35,051.

Prestbury is 1½ mile N. E. from Cheltenham, on the road to Winchcombe; it contains its parish church dedicated to Saint Mary, but no other building or object meriting particular notice: the living of Prestbury is a vicarage, in the patronage of the family of Agg. The population of this and the following parishes are given after the notice of Staverton.

Charlton Kings is a respectable village, 2 miles S.S.E. from Cheltenham; situated on the new road to Cirencester. A mineral spring, similar to its properties to the Cheltenham waters, was discovered some years since near the village. The Parish church of Saint Mary has been enlarged by means of a grant from the society of enlargement of churches and chapels; the living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Principal and Fellows of Jesus College, Oxford. A place of worship for Baptists, and a day and Sunday school, supported by subscriptions, are in the parish

Swindon is a very inconsiderable parish, 2 miles or rather more, N.N.W. from Cheltenham. The church is dedicated to Saint Lawrence: the living, some years since, was in the gift of the Rev. William Rommey.

Shurdington, also a small parish is about 3 miles S.W. from Cheltenham. The church is dedicated to Saint Paul: the living is a perpetual curacy, annexed to the vicarage of Badgeworth

Uckinton is a chapelry in the parish of Urmstone-Hardwicke, about 3 miles N.W. from Cheltenham. The only place of worship is the parish church of Saint Mary Magdalene, the living of which is a discharged vicarage, in the gift of the Crown

Bishop's Cleeve is a hamlet and village, 3½ miles N. by E. from Cheltenham; situated on an eminence, on the road to Evesham and on the ridge of the acclivity here is a large double entrenchment, called the 'Camps'. The parish churh of Saint Michael is a curious and spacious structure, principally of Norman architecture, with an elaborate and noble arch, in the same style, over the western entance. The spire fell down in 1696, and was replaced in 1700 by the tower that now rises from the centre of the building: the living is a rectory, in the patronage of the family of Townsend

Boddington village is nearly 4 miles N.W. by W. from Cheltenham. The church is dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene: the living is a perpetual curacy annexed to the vicarage of Staverton.

Badgeworth village - anciently a market town, is 4 miles S.S.W. from Cheltenham. This place was at one time much larger than it now is, as evidenced by the foundations of houses which have been discovered in its vicinity. On Cold Pool estate, in this parish, is a mineral spring, the water of which is similar to the springs at Cheltenham. The parish church of the Holy Trinity is a handsome stone building, with a tower at the west end: the living is a vicarage, with the perpetual curacy of Great Shurdington annexed. An endowed charity school is in the parish, and there is a demised fund for apprenticeing children.

Dowdeswell, a very small village, is 3¾ miles S.E. from Cheltenham, situated on the road to Northleach. Within this parish are remains of several ancient fortifications; and near Andover's ford, in this locality, a severe battle was fought betweem Charles I and the parliamentary forces. The parish church of Saint Michael is a cruciform structure, erected in 1577, with a tower rising from the intersection, surmated by a spire: the living is a rectory, in the peculiar jurisdiction of the rector of Withington.

Staverton, an inconsiderable village, is 4½ miles W. from Cheltenham. The church is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist: the living is a vicarage, in the gift of the Crown.

Population &c. The parishes of Prestbury and Staverton, and the chapelry of Uckington are in the hundred of Deerhurst - their population respectively in 1851, was, 1,314, 278 and 173. Charlton Kings and Staverton are in Cheltenham hundred, and contain 3,174 and 221 inhabitants. Badgeworth and Shurdington, in Dudstone hundred, 874 and 173; Bishop's Cleeve (township) in Cleeve hundred, 745; Boddington, in Tewkesbury hundred, 443; and Dowdeswell, In Bradley hundred, 304.


Post Office, Clarence Street, Cheltenham

Mr. M. J. Nicholson, Post Master.

Arrival of the Mails

From London (night mail) West of England and South Wales, every morning at twenty minutes past three
From Birmingham (night mail) and North of England every morning at half past four
From Witney, Winchcomb and West of England every evening at twenty minutes past nine
From Oxford and Witney (coach mail) every evening at seven
From London (day mail) every afternoon at fifteen minutes past three
From Birmingham and Bristol (day mail) at ten minutes before one noon
From Malvern and Tewkesbury at twelve noon



To London (day mail) every morning at a quarter before nine.
To Oxford, Witney, Burford and Northleach every morning at ten minutes past ten
To Gloucester, South Wales, Bristol and West of England every morning at half-past eleven
To Birmingham, and Worcester, at twenty minutes past twelve noon
To Malvern and Tewkesbury every afternoon at tewnty minutes before three
To Birmingham and North of England (night mail) every evening at twenty-five minutes past seven
To London, West of England, Gloucester and South Wales (Night mail) every evening at a quarter before nine
To Witney, Winchcomb, Bristol and West of England every evening at half past ten

On Sundays the night mails only are despatched, and there is only one delivery by Letter Carriers commencing at seven in the morning.

Letters to be registered must be presented at least half an hour before the box closes for the mail by which they are to be dispatched.
Money Orders are granted and paid between nine in the morning, and six in the evening

Post Office, Prestbury Elizabeth Palmer, Post Mistress. - Letters arrive (from Cheltenham every morning at seven, and are despatched at ten minutes past seven
Post Office, Shurdington, Baynham Newmarch Coopey, Post Master. - Letters from London and all parts arrive every morning at a quarter before nine, and are despatched every evening at four.
Post Office, Bishop's Cleeve, William Jewell, Post Master. - Letters from all parts arrive (by foot-post from Cheltenham) every morning at nine, and are despatched thereto every evening at four.
Post Office, Charlton Kings, Andrew Kingston, Post Master. - Letters from all parts arrive (by foot post from Cheltenham) every morning at seven, and are despatched thereto every evening at half past six, and also at half past eight.
Post Office, Staverton, Hannah Elizabeth Harris, Post Master. - Letters from all parts arrive every morning (by foot post from Cheltenham) at half past eight, and are despatched every evening at five in summer, and four in winter


Nobility, Gentry and Clergy

Abbott Colonel Augustus, 29 Lansdown place
Ackerman George, Esq., 7 Grosvenor street
Acton Miss -, 41 Lansdown crescent
Adams Miss Louisa, 1 Bayshill terrace
Adams Mrs. Mary, 1 Queen's prade
Addis Mrs. Martha, 15 Pittville villas
Agar the Lady Margaret, Georgiana House, Bath road
Agar Mrs. Mary, 5 Selkirk parade
Alcock Mrs. Sarah, 2 Regent st
Alder Mr. Henry, 26 Lansdown crescent
Alder Mr. James, Maisonnette, Portland st
Alder John, Esq., Southam Villa, Presbury road
Alder Mr. Thomas, 2 Pitville terrce
Aldridge Miss Fanny, Elmfield, Bayshill lawn
Aldum Joseph B. Esq., 2 Oxford st
Algernon Reverley, Esq., 5 Grosvenor place
Allbut Mr. Joseph, 4 Bayshill prade
Allen Mrs. Colonel, 19 Montpellier terrace
Allen Joseph, Esq., 2 Sussex villa, Clarence square
Amphlett Mr. Edward, 23 Lansdown place
Anderson Mrs. Sarah E., 7 Lypatt
Anderson Mr. Simpson, 5 Montpellier terrace
Andrews Mr. James, 2 Crescent pl
Annesley Arthur, Esq., 37 Clarence sq
Annesley Rev. William, Elm house
Anson Mrs. Catherine, Harcourt lodge, Tivoli lawn
Apthorp Mrs. East, 4 Paragon prde
Arbuthnot Lady Harriet, 3 Montpellier parade
Arbuthnot Mrs. - 36 Clarance sq
Archibald Mrs. Bridget, 11 Lansdown crescent
Arkell Mr. Henry, Boddington
Arkell Mr. John, Bishop's Cleeve
Arkell Mr. Thomas, Boddington
Armitage Rev. North, Kyrle Villa
Armstrong Mrs. -, Wellington Lodge, Wellington square
Arnold Mr. James, 9 St. George's sq
Arthur Mrs. Agnes, 2 Wolseley terr
Ashley Rev. John, D.D., 4 Spring Grove Villa
Atkinson Mrs. Charlotte, Southwood Cottage
Atkinson John Garnett, Esq., 14 Montpellier Spa buildings
Austin Colonel John, 27 Lansdown place
Bacon Mrs. -, 38 Lansdown crscnt
Bagnall Mrs. Georgiana, 19 Lansdown Crescent
Bagshaw Mrs. Eliza Ann, Stanley Villa
Bailes Chas. Esq., Tivoli Lodge, Tivoli
Bailey Rev. Henry E., Cambrian Pavillion, Bath road
Bailey John William, Esq., The Hall, Montpellier
Bailey Mrs. Mary A., 5 Pitville lawn
Baker A. Kingston, Esq. Langford House, the Park
Baker Mrs. Mary, 13 Portland st
Baker Rev. Thomas, 3 Pittville lawn
Baldwin Mr. William, Charlton
Baldwyn Mrs. Mary Ann, Hampton villa
Bamber Mrs. B. L. 10 Selkirk prade
Bamford Robert, Esq., Apsley villa
Banbury Mrs. Sarah, St. George pl
Banner Mrs. Ann, 7 Leamington pl
Barber Mr. Thos., 6 Suffolk square
Barker Colonel Geo., 2 Bayshill terr
Barnes Mrs. Ann, 44 New st
Barnett Charles James, Esq. 5 Bayshill lawn
Barnett Captain Edward, R.A. Presbury
Barnhurst Mrs. Harriet, 3 Oxford st
Baron Miss Elizabeth, 1 St. Margaret's terrace
Barr General David, Zeelught House, Thirlestaine road
Barra R. T. Esq., 5 Pittville villas
Barrett Mrs. Mary Ann, 3 Glebe terrace
Barton Mrs. Emma Francis, 7 Yard terrace
Barton Mr. Henry, 25 Imperial sq
Baskett Mr. Thomas, Grafton Terr, The Park
Bathe Mr. W., Shurdington Road
Battine Mrs. Louisa, Pembroke Lodge, Lansdown
Baxter Mr. Joseph, 79 Winchcombe lane
Baylis Mr. George, Knapp House
Baylis Mrs. James, 14 Brandon terr
Baylis Mrs. Sarah, 4 Sherbourne ter
Baylis Mr. William, Charlton
Beaman Mr. James, 11 Oxford pl
Beamish Richard Esq., 2 Suffolk rd
Bean, Mrs. Martha, 1 Oxford st
Beaumont Mrs. Jane, 9 York road
Beaumont Miss Rebecca, 3 Gt Norwood st
Bedford Miss Susan, 2 Pitville road
Beet Misses Elizabeth and Mary Ann, 2 Oxford buildings,
Behan Mrs. Maria, 10 Lansdown pl
Bell Captain Henry, Chalfont house, the Park
Bell James, Esq., Wellesley House, Wellington square
Bell Mrs. Jane Margaret, 2 Montpellier grove
Bell Mrs. Sarah Francis, Tivoli lawn
Bennett Mrs. Ellen, 50 Clarence sq
Bennett Mrs. Henrietta, 30 Montpellier villas
Bennett Mrs. Louisa, 4 Raymond terrace
Bennett Mrs. Mary, Cyntaf House, Portland st
Bernard Rev. Edward, 7 Oriel terr, Bath road
Bickerstaffe Rev. Marquis John, 16 Lansdown parade
Bidmead Mrs. Caroline, 22 Regent st
Birch Mr. George, 16 Clarence sq
Bird Mrs. Bessy, Segrave House
Bird Charles James, Esq., Little Hatherley, the Park
Bird Mr. George, Bayshill Mansion
Birkett Rev. John, 9 Suffolk square
Birtwistle John, Esq., 3 Beaufort Villa, Pittville
Bishop Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Priory terr
Blackader Charles George, Esq., 6 Painswick lawn
Blakeney Miss Margaret, 21 Suffolk sq
Bland Miss Matilda, 8 Oxford place, London road
Bland Miss Sarah, Park Lodge, Tivoli
Blizard Mrs. Charlotte, 1 Rose Cottage
Blount Rev. Joseph, Manchester walk
Blunt Mrs. Julia, 2 Wellington sq
Blyth Mrs. Ann, 8 Gt. Norwood st
Blyth Mr. Samuel, 1 Paragon bldngs
Bodley Mrs. Mary Anne, Angleby House, Pittville
Boileau Mrs. Edward, 2 Portland pde
Bolton Richard, Esq., 15 Suffolk sq
Boodle James, Esq., 10 Grosvenor pl
Borradaile the Misses, 7 Raymond terrace, London road
Boteler Captain John Harvey, R.N., Monson Villa, St. Margaret
Boultbee Rev. Thomas P. Park House, Thirlstaine road
Boulton Miss Jane, 10 St. James' pl
Bovill Edward, Esq., 46 Clarence sq
Bowles Miss Louisa, 43 Lansdown crescent
Bowly James H., Esq., 22 Suffolk sq
Boyce Rev. William, the Priory, High st
Boyd Rev. Archibald, 3 Osbourne villas
Bradley Mrs. Caroline, Warwick Cottage, Portland st
Bradley Rev. Chas. 19, Royal parade
Bradshaw Captain Robert A. R.N., 4 Paragon buildings
Brandon Colonel John, 6 Pittville villas
Brandt Miss Sophia, 4 Sandford pl
Brayne Henry Robert, Esq., 18 Clarence square
Breckenbury Mrs. Catherine, 4 Clarence square
Brett Mrs. Eliz. 13 Lansdown terr
Brett Colonel James, 24 Lansdown crescent
Bridge Mrs. Eliza, 10 Promenade terr
Bridges Thomas, Evesham Lodge, Presbury road
Briggs Mrs. Mary Ann, 12 Priory st
Briggs Miss Mary Jane, 6 Douro villas
Bright Mrs. Emily, 9 Selkirk parade
Brisbane Mrs. -, 2 Oxford parade
Britt Mrs. -, 23 Suffolk square
Brook Langford Mrs. Eliza, Lansdown lawn
Broughton Mrs. Jemima, 1 Ashling villas
Brounckers Miss Elizabeth, 1 York place, Bath road
Brown Rev. Andrew Morton, M.A., Berkeley place
Brown Mrs. Ann, Salopian villas, Tivoli
Brown Mrs. Fanny Anne Rolls, 5 Lansdown parade
Brown Mr. -, Pembroke Lodge, Lansdown
Brown Mrs. -, Badgeworth
Brown the Misses -, 2 St. Philip's pl
Brown Octavius, Esq., Greenway, Badgeworth
Brown Mrs. Rachael, 3 Oxford terr
Brown Mr. Wallace, 16 Montpellier villas
Browne Mrs. Anne, 23 Tivoli place
Browne Mrs. -, 3 St. Margaret's terrace
Browne Samuel, Esq., Carlton Villa, Carlton street
Browning Mr. Edward, 29 Promenade
Bubb Mr. Thomas, 7 Windsor terr
Buchanan Mrs. Elizabeth, St. James' Villa
Bucke William, Esq., 3 Clarendon villas, Pittville
Buckle Mr. Henry, 18 Priory st
Buckle Miss Mary, Uckington Villa, Uckington
Bulkeley Miss Mina, 13 Park place
Bullock Miss Caroline, 2 York place, Bath road
Burns Lieut. James B. 4 Berkeley st
Burns Col. WIlliam N., 4 Berkeley st
Burroughs Mrs. Charlotte, Camden House, Clarence square
Burrows Mr. John, Charlton Kings
Burrows Mrs. Mary, 5 Crescent terr
Bushby Mrs. -, 17 Wellington square
Butler the Hon. Ann & Charlotte, 6 Pittville parade
Butler Rev. George, 24 Priory st
Byron Rev. John, Uckington
Caldwell Miss. Henrietta, 2 Paragon buildings
Campbell Major-General Andrew, 25 Lansdown place
Campbell Lady Elizabeth Anne, 2 Cambridge villas
Campbell James R. Esq., 1 Osborne villas
Campbell Miss Julia, Swindon House, Swindon
Camps Mr. Henry, Oakly House, the Park
Cane Mrs. Maria, 7 Royal Well terr
Caothorpe Rev. Gordon, 17 Pittville parade
Capel Mrs. Ann Susannah, 4 Montpellier terrace
Capel Mrs. Christopher, Presbury
Carbonell Richard, Esq., 3 Oriel terrace, Bath road
Carbonell Robert, Esq., Blenheim Villa, Winchcombe st
Carden Mrs. Mary, Clarence Lodge, Clarence square
Carrington Edmund, Esq., Trowscoed House, Naunton lane
Carrington Mr. Saml. 8 Pitville lawn
Carter Mr. Jas. 4 Montpellier villas
Carter Mrs. Maria Louisa, 9 Oriel place, Bath road
Carter Captain Vernon Robert, 2 Malvern place
Carwardine Mrs. Sarah, 1 Clare cottages, Bath road
Cecil Mrs. -, Woodland villa, Rodney place
Chalmers Miss Margare Collina House, Evesham road
Chamberlain Rev. George W. Powisland Villa
Chamberlain Mrs. Margaretta, 5 Painswick lane
Chambers Mrs. Eliza, 1 Tivolli Cottage
Champion Thomas, Esq., Walden court, Pittville
Chandler Mr. George, Shurdington
Channer Major George, 9 Lansdown crescent
Charlton Mr. John William, 19 Lansdown terrace
Charlton Mrs. Mary, 28 Clarence sq
Chinnery Charles D. Esq Northwick Villa, Bath road
Chisholm Alexander B. Esq., 2 Lansdown place
Chisholm Colonel John, Cyntaff House, Portland st
Churchill William, Esq., 2 Southfield villas
Clarke Mr. Daniel, 2 Carlton st
Clarke Mrs. Eliza, 38 Clarence sq
Clarke Mrs. Martha, 5 Ormond terrace, Regent st
Clarke the Misses -, 9 Great Norwood st
Clarke Stanley, Esq., Cotswold House, Thirlstaine road
Clarkson Mrs. - , 14 Suffolk square
Clifford Mrs. Louisa, 7 North place
Clubley Mrs. Martha M., 1 Priory buildings
Clutterbuck Miss. Jemima, 6 Priory street
Clutterbuck Mrs. Mary Ann, 4 Pitville terrace
Cobbe Captain Francis, Laurel Lodge, Wellington square
Cocker Mrs. Ann, 6 Oxford parade, London road
Cole Miss Eliza, 15 Lansdown parade
Cole Mrs. Mary, Prestbury
Coleman Mrs. Ann, Portland parade
Coley Mrs. Mary, 17 Cambray pl
Collett Mr. William, 1 North parade, Winchcombe st
Collins Mrs. Frances, 2 Warwick villas, Portland st
Colton Rev. Collins, 4 Lypiatt terrace
Commeline Misses Maria & Laura, 8 Pittville villas
Conran Major-General George, 18 Royal parade
Constable Colonel Brown, 2 Wellesley villas, Wellington road
Cook Charles Turner Esq., 26 Cambray place
Cook Mr. John, Charlton
Cooke Rev. Robert, Malvern Lodge, Lansdown
Cooke Mr. Thomas, Oakland Cottage
Cooke William Esq., 5 Suffolk sq
Cookson Mrs. Jane, Boteler House, the Park
Coombs Mrs. Ann, Mary Villa
Cope Mrs. Caroline, 11 Lansdown pl
Copper Mrs. Mary Ann, 2 Suffolk Lawn
Corbet Holland Esq., Admington House, Pittville
Corfield Mrs. Jane, 2 Ashling villas
Corley Mr. Charles, 1 Worsley terr
Corrie Mr. William Byrom, 35 Lansdown crescent
Cotham Rev. James, Manchester walk
Cousins Mrs. Mary Charlton
Cox Mrs. G., 33 Montpelier terrace
Cox General John, 6 Bays Hill terrace
Cox Mrs. Sarah, 6 Gloucester place
Coyle Colonel Henry, 7 Priory st
Crawford Stewart Esq., 7 Bays Hill villas
Crawley Lieutenant-Colonel Hy., 15 Montpellier street
Creek Mrs. Elizabeth, Coltham House, London road
Cregoe Mrs. C., 1 Pitville Villas
Cresser Miss -, Prestbury
Creswell Mrs. Jane, Ashling Lodge, London road
Crewekead Mrs. Charlotte, 32 Montpellier villas
Cripney Mr. Charles, 11 Royal parade
Croft Miss Mary Anne, 10 Lansdown crescent
Crofton Mrs. Morgan, 51 Montpellier villas
Croker Mrs. Elizbth, 12 Selkirk pde
Croker Mrs. Eliza Ellen, 18 Suffolk square
Cromyn Mrs. Anne Maria, 35 Montpellier terrace
Crook Miss Georgiana, 4 Malvern place
Croster Mrs. Anne, 1 Paragon parade
Crowder Miss Elizabeth, Bordeaux House, Winchcomb st
Crowdy Admiral Charles, 11 Pittville Lawn
Cubbit Capt. Adam R.N., 4 Priory Parade
Cubitt Mrs. Emily, 2 Bath buildings, Bath road
Cumming Mrs. Jane, 36 Lyplatt terr
Cumming the Misses -, 14 Lansdown crescent
Cumming Major William, Prestbury
Cuningham Sir William Dick, Bart., 28 Lansdown place
Currie Mrs. Jane Nathan. 4 Montpellier grove
Curtis Miss -., 5 Priory Buildings, London road
Da Silve, Mr. Solomon M., 5 Blenheim parade
Dane John Esq., 40 Clarence sq
Dangerfield Edward Esq., 1 Berkeley Villa, Pitsville
Dangerfield George N. Esq., 12 Oxford place, London road
Daniel Capt. John E., 3 Pittville ter
Darell Lady Emily, the Pyplatts
Danbeny Geo. Matthews Esq., Allstone Lodge
Davenport Lady Maria, 4 Royal pde
Davies Miss Lydia, Midland Villa
Dean Mrs. Maria, 9 Priory terrace
Dean Mrs. -, 2 Southampton place
Deans Admiral Robert, 3 Malvern place, Lansdown
Decluzean Colonel Marquis, 29 Clarence square
Demainbrez Stephen Esq., Vicarage, Prestbury
Denny Mrs. Mary, Thornville, Lockhampton
Denny Mrs. Sarah Jane, Rothsay House
Denyer Miss Henrietta Matilda, 6 Jersey place
Dent Mr. Edward, 1 Arlington villas, Bath road
Dent Mrs. Mary, 1 Oxford buildings, High st
De Renzy Major-General Bartholomew, 4 Beaufort villas, Pittville
De Saumerez, the Right Hon, Lord James, Montpellier Lodge
Devonshire Mrs. Louisa, 9 Montpellier terrace
Dick General Hope, 10 Lyplatt ter
Dixon Miss Lydia, 10 Lansdown parade
Dixon Miss Margaret, Clarendon Villa, Pittville
Dodson Charles P. Esq., Prestbury Park, Evesham road
Dodwell Mr. Wm., 6 Cambray place
Dorbell Mrs. Lydia, 8 Lansdown villas
Dore Hiss Hannah Maria, 19 Lansdown parade
Dorville Miss Sarah, Park Villa, the Park
Douglas Mrs. Ann, Burwell Lodge, Tivoli
Douglas Col. James W., 4 Bays hill
Dowding Mrs. Barbara Ann, 20 Lansdown parade
Dowllen John, Esq. Prestbury Cottage, Presbury road
Downes Mrs. Harriet, Northwick villas
Downing Mrs. -, 42 Montpellier ter
Dowcock Mrs. Harriet, 1 Oxford pde
Draper Rev. Yorke, 3 Raymond ter, London road
Drury Miss Eliza, 3 Wellington sq
Dunn Mrs. Frances Elizabeth, Montague Villa, Pittville
Durham Miss Mary, 2 Southampton pl
Dwarris Lieutenant William Henry, Rockville, Victoria walk
Dyce Mrs. Clara, Chelt Villa, Charlton Kings
Eades Mrs. Mary Ann, Berkeley place
Eaton Mrs. Mary, 23 Park place
Edwards Miss Henrietta E., Charlton Kings
Edwards Rev. John E., Prestbury
Edwards Major -, 18 Lansdown crescent
Egginton Mrs. Ann, 19 Wellington sq
Eldes Rev. -, Prestbury
Eldridge John Esq., Fauconberg Villa, Bays hill
Ellenborough, the Right Hon. the Earl of, Southam Court
Elliott George Lettsom, Esq. 5 Oxford st
Elliott Mr. Wm., 3 Wellington sq
Ellis Mrs. Elizabeth, Trefdgan House, St. Margaret's place
Ellis Miss Julia Hannah, 5 Royal parade
Ellis Major Richard, 6 Montpellier terrace
Ellis Rev. Samuel, 1 Raymond terr
Ellis-Viner Rev. Alfred, Badgeworth
Ellis-Viner Joseph Esq., J.P., Badgeworth
Elphinston Mrs. Maria, Glack Villa, Promenade
English, Mrs. Catherine, Oxford Lodge, London road
Esdall E. J. Esq., Terhill House
Evans Edmund B. Esq., Weston House, Pitville
Evans Rev. Francis, 20 Lansdown pl
Evans Rev. George, 2 Derby villas, Lansdown
Evans Omwell Lloyd, Esq., Ansley House
Evens Mrs. Fanny Jane, Lassington Villa
Falconer Mrs. Caroline, 12 Oriel place, Bath road
Farquharson Mr. William, Nelson House, Trafalgar st
Ferryman Mr. John G. B., Rode Villa, Shurdington road
Fetter General Thomas, Oakfield
Field Mr. Charles, 9 Jersey place
Figures Mr. Thomas B., 8 Bayshill parade
Findlay Miss Elizabeth, 3 Columbia place
Findon Frederick Esq., Prestbury
Fishbourne Mr. Thomas, 2 Segrave villas
Fisher Mr. James, Priory Villa, London road
Fisher Mrs. Margaret, 26 Montpellier terrace
Fisher Mr. Wm. Montpellier villas
Fitzherbert Mrs. Ellen Caroline, 7 Montpellier terrace
Fletcher Miss Mary, 1 Selkirk parade
Fletcher Miss -, 2 Wellington st
Fletcher Miss Sarah Ann, 1 Selkirk parade
Florence Mrs. Sarah, 18 Promenade
Flowers Mrs. Elizabeth, 1 Southampton place
Foll Hattle, Esq. 3 Queen's parade
Forbes Colonel Jonathon, 12 Lansdown terrace
Ford Mrs. -, 24 Promenade
Ford Mrs. Horace, 25 Promenade
Forrest Colonel Lowther, 2 Saint Margaret's terrace
Fortescue Thomas, Esq. 6 Suffolk lawn
Foster Mrs. -, Wobourn House
Foulkes Mrs. Mary, 1 Montpellier parade
Foxcroft Mrs. -, 20 Montpellier ter
Francillon James, Esq. Ryeworth House, London road
Fraser Captain -, 14 Promenade
Freckleton Mrs. Alice, 7 Wellington sq
Freeby Mr. John, 10 Jersey place
Freeman Mrs. Alice, 1 Keynsham bank, London road
Freeman Mr. George, 6 Bayshill villas
Freeman Mrs. Harriet, Langton Villa, Charlton Kings
Freeman Rev. John, Sandford place
Freeman Joseph, Esq. Charlton Kings
Freese Mrs. - Andover place
Freese Mrs. Isabella Marg. Northwick villas
French Mr. Christopher, 3 Jersey place
Freston the Misses -, the Grove, Charlton
Fricker Edwin, Esq., 3 Grosvenor pl
Frotisher Captain Thomas, R.N., 15 Lansdown parade
Frushard Mrs. Caroline, 14 Promenade
Gabb Rev. James Frederick, Charlton
Gabb Mrs. Mary Ann, 6 Ashling villas
Gaistord Mrs. Eliza, 1 Fairview place
Gaitskill Mrs. Jane, 11 Pittville parade
Gale Charles Francis, Esq. Charlton Kings
Gamnier Rev. Samuel James, Ashley Lodge, Shurdington road
Gardener Mr. George, Polefield
Gardner Mrs. Agg, 9 Bayshill villas
Gardner John, Esq., 13 Priory st
Gardner Mrs. Mary Anne, 2 Saint George's place
Gardner Mrs. R. O., 7 Oriel place, Bath road
Gardner Thomas, Esq., York Villa, Bayshill
Gardner William Esq., Prestwich Lodge
Garle Mrs. Ann, 2 Raymond terrace, London road
Garnett the Misses, Merton Lodge, Tivoli
Garrett Miss Anne, 27 Tivoli place
Garrett John, Esq., Clevemount House, Evesham road
Gaskin Rev. Thomas, 7 Pittville lawn
George Mrs. -, Prestbury
Gibbons Mrs. Alicia F, 3 Bayshill villas
Gibbs Mr. George, Beech Villa
Gilbert Lady -, Southwood Lodge
Giles Mr. John F, Suffolk Lodge
Gill Mrs. Jane Margaret, 2 Tivoli Villa
Gilling Mrs. Sarah, 1 Nelson cottages, Trafalgar st
Gleig Mrs. Caroline, 23 Lansdown ter
Goddard Theophilus B. Esq, 39 High st
Godfrey the Hon. Mrs. -, 9 Lansdown parade
Goldsmidt Rev. Abraham, 5 Saint George's square
Goodchild Mr. John, Ormond place
Gordon Mrs. Elizabeth, 22 Lansdown terrace
Gordon Captain Robert Cumming H. 17 Priory st
Gordon Captain Robert. 14 Pitville lawn
Grafton Mr. Wm. C., 7 Pitville villa
Graham Mrs. Elizabeth, 1 Pittville terrace
Graham Mrs. Hannah, 12 York street
Graham Mrs. -, 7 Suffolk square
Graham Mrs. Maria, Midland terrace, Queen's road
Graham Colonel Wm., 4 Promenade terrace
Grant Mrs. Anna, Nova Lodge, Pittville
Gray Mr. John, 32 Promenade
Gray Mr. Russell, 3 Oriel pl, Bath rd
Greaves Rev. Rd. 14 Pittville parade
Green Miss Elizabeth, 4 Windsor pl
Green Miss Harriet, 4 Windsor pl
Green Mr. Samuel, 2 Victoria walk
Greenway Chas. Esq., 10 Suffolk sq
Greenwood Colonel William, 2 Montague place
Gregory Mrs. Ann, 3 Bayshill parade
Gretton Miss Cath., 2 Clarence sq
Greves J. T. Esq., Grosvenor pl Sth
Grey the Misses -, 1 Blenheim terrace, Portland st
Grey Mrs. -, 1 Segrave Villa, the Park
Griffith Mrs. Mary Anne, 9 Bayshill terrace
Griffiths Edward Lloyd, Esq. 11 Pittville Villas
Griffiths Mr. Joseph, Selkirk st
Griffiths Rev. Lewis, Esq. J.P., Marle Hill, Evesham road
Griffiths Miss Mary, 4 Lansdown parade
Griffiths Mrs Sarah, 12 Oxford parade
Guinness Mrs. Hannah, 9 Pittville villas
Gurney Mr. William, Bays Hill
Gyde W. Esq., Sherborne Villa
Hailes Col. John, 15 Pitville lawn
Haines Mrs. Catherine, 2 Trinity terrace, Portland st
Hales Mrs. Mary Ann, 30 Priory st
Hall Col. Arthur, 17 Suffolk square
Hamerton Lieut-Colonel William M., 22 Lansdown place
Hamilton Rev. James, Swindon Lodge, Swindon
Hammill Miss Ellen, Fawley Lodge
Hancock Rev. Wm. F., 1 Delabere villas, Tivoli
Hanks Mrs. Margaret, Rockville Cottage, Shurdington road
Hanson Mrs. Mary Lucy, Blenheim House, Pittville
Hardy Rev. Edward Creke, 42 Clarence square
Hardy Miss Grace Frances, 20 Lansdown crescent
Hardy Mrs. Maria, 1 Oxford terrace, London road
Harford Charles Lloyd, Esq., Evesham House, Pittville
Harington Mrs. Mary Ann, 21 Park place
Harris Miss Amelia Mary, 2 Lyplatt terrace
Harris Miss Elizabeth, Grosvenor st
Harris John, Esq., 8 Leamington pl
Harrison Col. John B., 13 Clarence sq
Harrison Mr. Lawrence, 11 Lansdown terrace
Harrison Miss Sarah, 8 Oxford parade
Hartland Nathaniel, Esq., Oaklands
Hartley Miss Ann, 1 St. James's sq
Harvey George, Esq., Fairfield House, Bath road
Harvie Mr. David, 23 Lansdown place
Hassell William, Esq., 34 Promenade
Hastings Mrs. Emma, 11 Leamington place
Hawkes Mr. William, 40 Burton st
Hawkins Theophilus, Esq. Pheonix Lodge, Montpellier
Hay Mrs. Eleanor, 7 Lansdown ter
Hay Mr. William K., 4 Douro Villas
Hazeldine Mrs. Thomas, 7 Warwick place
Hazeldine Thomas, Esq., Windsor House, Prestbury road
Hazell Miss Sarah, Albion House, North place
Heath Mrs. Caroline, 11 Lansdown place
Hyett Mr. James, 8 Ormond terrace, Regent st
Inchbald Rev. Wm., 5 Ashling villas
Inglis William A. D. Esq., 1 Lansdown villas
Ireland Thomas James, Esq., 2 Sandford place
Ierdell Captain James S., Cobourgh House, Montpellier
Ingledew Mrs. Elizth, 5 Suffolk Lawn
Irwin John B., 24 Suffolk square
Jacques Miss Gloriana, 2 Osborne villas, Lansdown
James George Mitchell, Esq., Primrose Lawn, Pitville
James Mr. Henry, 5 Royal crescent
James Mrs. Margaret E., 22 Montpellier terrace
James Major John Arthur, 1 Royal parade
Jarram Mrs. -, 1 Segrave place
Johnson Mrs. Sarah Frances, 2 Beaufort villas, Pitville
Johnson William, Esq., Twickenham Villa, the Park
Johnston Mrs. Mary, 10 Clarence sq
Johnstone Mr. William, 43 Saint George street
Jones Admiral Alexander, 11 Lansdown parade
Jones Mrs. Caroline, Painswick Lawn House
Jones Mrs. Eliza, 4 Jersey street
Jones Miss Eliza Emma, Selkirk Villa
Jones Mrs. Jane, 6 Raymond terrace, London road
Jones Capt. John, Ivy Lodge, Tivoli
Jones Mrs. Letitia, 2 Wellington st
Jones Mrs. Mary Ann, Tredford Lodge
Jones William Esq., Cotswold Villa
Jopp Mrs. Eleanor Keith, 7 Lansdown crescent
Joseph Mr. Ellis William, 9 Park pl
Joseph Mrs. Susan, 10 Promenade
Julian Samuel, Esq., Jersey Villa, Hewlett road
Justice Misses Elizabeth & Caroline, 2 Royal parade
Kean Mrs. Grace, 17 Royal crescent
Kelly Mrs. -, 4 Cambridge villas
Kemp Miss Emma, 1 Promenade, the Park
Kennedy Col. Charles Pratt, 13 Lansdown crescent
Kennedy General Clarke, 8 Lansdown crescent
Kennedy Mrs. Fanny, Grove Villa, the Park
Kennedy Major Hugh, 2 Exeter pl
Keys Miss Mary, 2 Sussex place, and 2 Hewlett st
Kierney Miss Maria, 3 Montpelier grove
Kimber Thomas, Esq., 41 Clarence sq
King Miss -, 36 Montpelier villas
Kingan Mr. John, 15 Royal parade
Kirby Major Charles F., 30 Promenade
Kirkland Miss Ann P., 34 Clarence sq
Kirkman Miss Maria, 12 Lansdown pl
Kirwin Capt. Andrew, 8 Promenade terrace
Knight Mrs. Catherine Matilda, Swindon
Knight James, Esq., the Hyde, Evesham road
Knowles Mrs, Elizabeth, Norwood Villa, Bath road
Lace Rev. Wm., 5 Clarence square
Lamb Mrs. Mary, 12 Jersey place
Lancaster Rev. Richd, 3 Suffolk Lawn
Langworthy Mrs. Mary Ann, 440 High street
Lardner Mrs. Margaretta, 2 Oriel villas
Lascelles Captain John F., Springfield Lawn, the Park
Law Col. Andrew, 2 Bayshill terr
Law George, Esq., Kenilworth House, Pitville
Lawson Mrs. Fanny, Herbert Cottage, Tivoli
Lawson James B., Esq., Pine Villa, the Park
Lawson Mr. Robert, 39 Lansdown crescent
Lea Mrs. Fanny, Stoneleigh Villa, Bayshill
Lea Mr. John, Bays hill Lodge
Lee Mrs. -, Pitville Lawn Villa
Lees Mr. George, Lansdown House
Lees Mr. John F., 3 Lansdown villas
Leeson Miss Ellen Ann, Northlands
Lefroy Anthony Thos., Esq., 1 Priory st
Leigh Miss Frances, 3 Bellevue place
Lester Mrs. Charlotte, 42 Lansdown crescent
Lever Mr. Richard, Buckingham House, Wellington st
Leviscourt S. W., Esq., 1 Oxford buildings, High st
Lewis Colonel Charles James, 21 Lansdown crescent
Lewis Mrs. -, 2 Buckingham villas, Wellington st
Lewis Rev. Frederick, 2 North villas, Clarence square
Lewis Mrs. Sarah, 10 Bays hill parade
Lewis Rev. Wm. Garrett, 3 Sussex villas, North place
Liardet Mrs. Jane, 48 Clarence square
Liddell Mr. Richard, the Grotto, Leckhampton
Lindsay Mr. Robert, 9 Lansdown terrace
Lindsey Mr. George, 40 Montpellier ter
Lingard Alexander Esq., Lansdown Lodge
Lingard Miss Mary Ann, Holly Cottage, London road
Lingwood Mrs. Ellen, 2 Lansdown parade
Litchfield Captain Richard, 44 Lansdown crescent
Little Alexander F., Esq., 13 Pittville Lawn
Livell Mr. Thomas M., 11 Priory terrace
Lloyd Miss -, 3 Windsor place
Lloyd Francis Henry, Esq. Selkirk House
Lloyd Rowley Young, Esq., Bibury Cottage, London road
Lloyd Williams Mr. Caulfield, Jersey Cottage, Hewlett road
Locker Mrs. Lucy Man., 35 Clarence sq
Long Mr. John W., 22 Promenade
Long Mr. Wm., Rowenfield House
Lousada Miss Sarah, 4 Lansdown villas
Lowis Miss Isabella, 15 Clarence sq
Lucas Mr. Thomas, 14 Jersey place
Ludlers Mrs. P. M., 10 Rodney terr
Ludlow Mrs. Mary, 4 Keynsham parade, London road
Lumb Richard Kay, Esq., the Elms, the Park
Lund George, Esq., 16 Suffolk sq
Macentire Mrs. Harriet C., 2 Delabere villas, Tivoli
McEwen William, Esq., 398 High st
McGregor Mrs -, 3 Wellington street
Mackpherson Mrs. Ann B., 7 Clarence square
McLeod Mrs. T., 3 Argyle pl, the Park
McMaster Mr. James, 25 Lansdown crescent
McNair Mrs. Harriet, 3 Painswick Lawn
McPherson Mrs. Alxa, 45 Lansdown crescent
Mairis Miss Eliza Martha, 2 Manchester pl
Major Mrs. Catherine, 12 Pittville Lawn
Major Mr. John, Bayshill
Manners Major Chas, 49 Clarence sq
Manning Mr. Jas., Montpellier villas
March Phillips the Misses Harriet & Frances, Lisle Villa, Clarence sq
Marklove Mrs. Mary, Wobourn Hall
Marriott Miss Caroline, 18 Lansdown parade
Marsden Col. Frederick, Tyrol Villa
Marsden Mrs. -, Claremont Cottage, Winchcombe st
Marsh Miss Eliza, 25 Tivoli place
Marsh Mrs. Margaret, 7 Segrave pl
Marshall Mrs. -, 2 Oxford terrace, London road
Marshall Mrs. Mary, Prestbury
Martland Miss Louisa, 4 Grosvenor pl
Marwood Mr. Wm., 8 Grosvenor place
Matson Mr. Alfred, 15 Priory terr
Mathews Mr. Thomas, Bishop Cleeve
Maule Mrs. -, 4 Albion terrace, Gloucester road
Maunsell Mr. John E., 21 Lansdown pl
Maynard Rev. John Martin, 13 York terrace
Meall Mrs. Sarah, Charlton
Meara Miss Mary, 9 Royal crescent
Mein Mrs. J. D., 8 Oriel pl, Bath rd
Melloy Robert, Esq., Painswick Lodge, Shurdington road
Mercer Hugh S., Esq., Charlton King's
Merley Mr. John, 28 Montpelier terr
Merrett Mr. Henry, 439 High st
Metaxa Count Baptiste, Corinthian House, Bath road
Middleton Mrs. Ann, Douglas Lodge, Trafalgar street
Middleton Mrs. Harriet, 17 Pitville villas
Miles Captain George, 14 Oxford pl, London road
Miller Mrs. Catherine Sarah, 9 Wellington square
Millett Capt. Hamlet Wm., 5 Regent st
Millman Christopher G., Esq., 4 Wolsely terrace
Mitchell Capt. Thos. R.N., 4 Oxford par
Mitford Mr. Bertram, Cumberland Lodge, Tivoli
Mockler Mrs. Julia, Park Cot, Tivoli
Moe Rev. John B., Prestbury
Monkhouse Rev. Thomas, 8 Saint George's square
Montgomery General Patrick, 20 Lansdown terrace
Moody Mrs. Fanny, 17 Rodney terr
Moore Miss -, 41 Lansdown cres
Morgan Mrs. -, 10 Oriel, Bath road
Morgan Majr. Hugh, R.A., 12 Pittville la
Morris Mrs. Ann Rogers, Keynsham Lodge, London road
Morris Mr. Edward, 8 Rodney terr
Mortimer Major Edmund, 4 Grosvenor street
Moseley John E., Esq., Prestbury
Mostyn Mrs. Jane Crin, 4 Osborne vil
Mould Mrs. Mary, Albion Lodge, Hewlet road
Mumford Mrs. -, 24 Tivoli place
Munroe Mr. Frederick, 7 Tivoli place
Munroe Mrs. Sarah, 11 Selkirk par
Muntz Mrs. Cath., 28 Lansdown cres
Murguard Mrs. Maria, 9 Montpelier villas
Myers Miss Charlotte, Exeter lawn
Myers Mr. Elias, 13 Manchester walk
Myers Mrs. Hannah Maria, Selkirk st
Mylne Mr. George William, 4 Paragon terrace
Nash David William, Esq., Brandon Villa
Maylor Mrs. Susannah, 8 Priory st
Neill Mrs. Louisa, 11 Clarence sq
Nelmes Mrs. Mary Matilda, 25 Bath parade
Mewbury Mrs. Fanny, 17 Park place
Newell Mrs. Cath., 5 St. George's pl
Newenham Miss Sarah, 8 Lansdown parade
Newland the Misses -, 16 Montpelier terrace
Newman Colonel -, Orde Villa
Newman Edward Lambert, Esq., 1 Pittville lawn
Newman Mrs. Susannah, 24 Clarence square
Newmarch William Henry, Esq., Camden Villa, Clarence square
Newton Mrs. Eleanor, Marle Hill House, Evesham road
Newton Mrs. Eliza, Berkeley street
Newton Mr. Thos., 18 Lansdown place
Nicholay Lady Mary, 10 Royal crescent
Nixon Miss Harriet, Birdlip House, Bath road
Northwick the Right Hon., Lord John, Thirlestaine House, Bath rd
Noyes Mrs. Bendall, Swindon House, Swindon
Nurse Mr. William, 6 Lansdown terrace
Nutt Mrs. Cecilia, 15 Lansdown crescent
Oakey Mrs. Hester, 11 Norwood road
Oates Miss Susan Ellison, 17 Lansdown parade
Ogden Miss Sarah, 6 Brandon terr
Olive Mrs. Elizabeth, 2 Olney place
Olney Mrs. Charlotte, Frankfort Lodge
Ommanney Mrs. Louisa,, 6 Lansdown place
Onslow Mrs. Mary Harriet, 23 Cambray place
Ormsby Miss Ann, 5 Douro villas
Orton Mrs. Barbara, 3 Oxford parade, London road
Osborne Mrs. Lucinda, 34 Lansdown crescent
Osborne Mrs. Lydia, South Cleeve, Pittville
Owen Rev. Edward E., Suffolk sq
Oxley Charles, Esq., Boddington
Pain Mr. John, Welland villa, Prestbury
Paine Mr. George G., 2 Tivoli Cottages, Tivoli
Paine Mrs. Silvia, 9 Fair view place
Parke Mrs. Bridget, 5 Lansdown terrace
Parker Mrs. Mary, 3 St. George sq
Parkin Anthony, Esq., Eamont Lodge, Prestbury road
Parnell Mrs. Mary, North Villa, North place
Parr Mrs. -, 2 York terrace
Parry Miss Ann, 1 Saint John's terrace
Parry Mr. George, 3 Douro villas
Parsons Mrs. Catherine, Prestbury
Parosns Miss Maria, 1 Pittville prde
Patrickson Miss Mary, 3 Parogon terrace
Paul Mrs. Catherine, Murvagh Cottage, Thirlestaine road
Peacock Mrs. Maria, 11 Oriel place, Bath road
Peake Admiral -, Arundel House, Bath road
Peake Mrs. M. H., 9 Exeter lawn
Peaney Mrs. Charlotte, 4 Suffolk sq
Pearce Mr. James, Norwood st
Pearson Chas., Esq., 3 Pittville parade
Pearson Colonel Charles, Bayshill lawn
Pearson Captain Frederick B., Queen's parade
Pemberton the Misses Margaret Mary, 16 Park place
Perrott Mrs. Ann, Willoughby House, Suffolk square
Perry Frederick, Esq., Avondale House, Wellington square
Phillips Rev. Henry, 13 Pittville lawn
Phillips Mrs. -, 23 Lansdown crescent
Phillips Mrs. -, 46 Lansdown crescent
Pickering Mrs. Ann, 25 Park place
Pilkington Thomas, Esq. J.P., 31 Promenade
Pitcher Miss Eliza, 25 Winchcomb st
Place Mrs. Elizabeth, 20 Park place
Pollard Capt. George Thos., Alwington Villa, Pittville
Pollock Mrs. Helen, 5 Paragon par
Pollock Rev. William T., 3 Pittville villas
Pomeroy the Hon. Mrs. Elizabeth, 1 Lansdown parade
Poncia Mr. Henry, Shurdington
Port Rev. George, 16 Priory st
Porter Robert Tindell, Esq., 3 Suffolk square
Potter H. Esq., Fallwood, the Park
Powell Mr. Saml., 18 Cambray place
Power George, Esq., Simclair Villa
Praun Misses Caroline & Henrietta, 8 Lansdown crescent
Prescod Mrs. Mary, Alston lawn
Price Francis, Esq., 1 Jersey place, Hewlett road
Price the Hon. James Hervey, Boulton House, Charlton
Price Mrs. Mary Ann, 12 Brandon terrace
Protheroe Mrs. Sarah, 8 York ter
Pruen John, Esq., South lawn Villa, the Park
Purnell Rev. Thomas, Staverton
Pyrke Duncan, Esq., J.P., 5 Saint Margaret's terrace
Quartley Rev. Hy. Reid, 33 Cambray pl
Quinten Charles Francis, Esq., (vice consul for France), St. James' sq
Rabbitts Rev. Cicero, 5 Pittville terr
Radcliffe Mrs. Catherine, 1 Pittville villas
Ramsay Sir Alexander, 4 Montpelier parade
Ranking Miss Fanny, 2 Paragon terr
Rasdall Mrs. Lucy, 21 Lansdown terr
Raven Mr. John, 12 Great Norwood street
Raymond Mr. George, 1 Lyplatt terr
Read Mrs. Lydia, Herbert Villa, Tivoli
Reade Mrs. Eliza Morris, 4 Lansdown lawn
Reade Cooper Esq., 17 Promenade
Reed Miss Elizabeth, 8 Brandon terr
Reid Mrs. Eliza, 18 Wellington sq
Reid Mrs. Louisa, 35 Monpellier villas
Renoden Mr. John, 2 Sandford st
Reyer Mrs. -, Bishops Cleeve
Reynolds Miss Isabella, 4 Trinity terrace, Portland st
Reynolds Miss Louisa, 2 Montpellier terrace
Richardson Mr. Benjamin, 8 Raymond terrace, London road
Ricketts the Dowager Lady, the Elms
Riddle Mr. Charles, 10 St. James' sq
Riddle Rev. Joseph E., Tudor Lodge, The Park
Riddler Mr. Wm. Ewd., Grosvenor st
Rigg Mrs. Tempe Sophia, Keynsham Villa, London road
Rio Mrs. Eliza, 5 Trinity terrace
Ripley Henry W. Esq, The Priory, High street
Roberts Rev. George, 2 Berkeley st
Robertson Captain Frederick, Rodney House, Rodney terrace
Robertson Miss Isabella, 12 Montpellier Villas
Robertson Mrs. Sarh, Stafford House, The Park
Robinson Miss Barbara, 1 Lansdown terrace
Robinson Rev. Proctor, Rasy House, Charlton Kings
Rock Miss Elizabeth, Painswick lawn
Rogers Rev. William Rogers Coxwell, Dowdeswell Rectory
Rolls Mrs. Martha, 5 Park villas, The Park
Rooker Miss Susan, 3 Wolsely terr
Roper Mr. Henry, 3 Lansdown parade
Ross. Mrs. Elizabeth, 12 Clarence sq
Rowland Mrs. Lucy, Charlton
Rowles William Weston, 1 Trinity terrace, Portland st
Royds Mrs. Fanny, 16 Royal parade
Royds Colonel William, 6 Sandford pl
Russell Mr. Edward, 3 Albion terr., Gloucester road
Russell Mrs. Elizabeth, 17 Lansdown pl
Russell George Esq., Clonbrock House, St. Margarets
Russell Lady Mary, 6 Sherbourne House
Russell Sir. William, Charlton Park
Ruthven Lady -, 12 Suffolk square
Ruthven Hore Esq., 12 Suffolk sq
Ryves Wm. Esq., ROsehough Villa
Sadler Mr. Henry, Shurdington
Sadler Mr. Jsph., Wentworth Lodge, Shurdington
St. Clair Cpatain David, Staverton Court, Staverton
St. Quinton William, Esq.,21 Royal parade
Sanders Robert F., Esq., Loretto, Monpellier
Sandes Mr. Wm., Charlton Lodge
Sandland Rev. 0 31 Montpellier terr
Saunders Rev. James, 2 Bath villas, Bath road
Savage Mrs. Elizabeth, Tetbury Lodge
Scarth Mrs. Elizabeth, Edmonstone House, North place
Scholefield Mrs. Margaret, 1 Argyle place, The park
Schonswar George, Esq., J.P., 1 Keynsham place
Screiber Colonel George, R.A., Roden House, Pitville
Scott Alexander James, Esq., 17 Lansdown crescent
Scott Captain Edmund, 47 Clarence square
Scott General Henry, 5 Montpellier Spa buildings
Scott Miss Susan, 15 Montpellier villas
Scott Mrs. Elizabeth, 47 Lansdown crescent
Searle John Esq., 1 Beaufort villas, Pittville
Seaton Colonel Bruce, 7 Oxford parade
Seward Captain Elliot, Heathfield Lodge, Pittville
Seymour Mrs. Elizabeth, Osborne Lodge, the Park
Shackleford Mrs. Anne, York House
Shapland Miss Lucy, 21 Lansdown parade
Sharp Daniel Thos., Esq., 3 Keynsham bank
Shaw Major Andrew, 9 Royal Well terrace
Shaw Miss Jane, 5 Paragon terrace
Shaw Mrs. Menia, 27 Montpelier terrsce
Sheddon Saml., Esq., 29 Grosvenor st
Sheldon Henry Esq., Staverton House, Staverton
Sheldon Mrs. Sarah, Hewlet st
Sheldon Mr. Thos., Allstone Villa
Shelton Captain Frederick William, 14 Clarence square
Shepherd Mrs. Margaret, 7 Pittville
Sherwood Mrs. Mary Ann, 4 Suffolk lawn
Shewell Edw. W., Esq., 18 Royal crst
Shirley Mrs. Isabella, 14 Lansdown terrace
Showers General -, Westbourne House
Showers Major Edward, Oriel place, Bath road
Shubrick Mrs. Eliza M., 2 Bayshill lawn
Sier Mr. John, 1 Providence terrace, Great Norwood street
Sims the Misses -, Priory Cottage, London road
Skelton Mrs. Rachael, 13 Priory terr
Skillicorne William N. Esq., J.P., 9 Queen's parade
Slade Mr. William, 1 Brandon villa
Sleed Amos, Esq., Southend house
Slegg Mrs. Sarah, 12 Pittville parade
Slinger Rev. John, 1 Blenheim parade
Smee the Misses Elizabeth H. & Emma, Clifton House, Bays hill
Smirke Mr. Edward, Lydney Lodge, Lansdown
Smirke Sir. Robt., 20 Suffolk square
Smirke Mr. Thomas, 8 Montpellier villas
Smith the Misses -, 2 Montpellier parade
Smith Mrs. Harrot, 8 Pittville parade
Smith Rev. James, 7 Selkirk parade
Smith Miss. Jane, Chandos Cottage, Thirlestaine road
Smith Mrs. Lydia, 6 Chorlton place, London road
Smith Mr. Paul, 8 Lyplatt terrace
Smith Mrs. Sarah, 2 Beaufort villas, Pittville
Smith Mr. Thomas, 2 St. John's terrace
Smith Walter Overstone Esq., St. Margaret's House
Smithson Miss Sarah, Cotswold Villa, the Park
Smyth Rev. George Watson, Newick House, Bath road
Smyth Mrs. Harriet, 2 Douro villas
Snelling Mr. James, 8 Priory terrace
Southwood Rev. Thomas Allen, Keynsham Bury, London road
Spedding Colonel Carlisle, 6 Pittville Lawn
Sperry Mr. James, Clarence Villa, Clarence square
Spry Mrs. Ellen, 7 Bayshill terrace
Stanton Mrs. -, Rectory, Leckhampton
Sterling the Misses Margaret & Elizabeth A., 6 Paragon terrace
Stevens Mrs. Colonel, 28 Park pl
Stevens Mrs. Sarah, 6 Park villas, the Park
Stevens Thomas, Esq., 13 Pittville
Stevenson Lieut.-Colonel Thomas, 4 Oriel terrace, Bath road
Stokes Miss Susan Mary, Tyndale House, North place
Strangeways H. B., Esq., Little Shurdington
Stuart Capt. Charles, St. Edmund's, Tivoli
Stuart Miss Emily, 16 Lansdown crescent
Stuart Mrs. Susan Mary, 9 Pittville parade
Stuart William, Esq., 1 Priory parade
Sumner Mrs. Martha, 20 Tivoli pl
Surman John Surman, Esq., Swindon Hall
Sutcliffe Mr. John, 2 Rose Cottage, Dunalley st
Swaine Thomas, Esq., Palsgrave Lodge
Swan Miss Georgena, 30 Grosvenor street
Sweeney John, Esq., Westall House, Montpellier
Swinburne Miss Isabella, 6 Clarence parade
Swinhoe General Samuel, Eslington House, Thirlestaine road
Sykes Miss Mary Ann, 6 Lansdown villas
Talbot Captain -, Prestbury
Tapp Mrs. Elizabeth, 16 Wellington square west
Tarrtt Wiliam M. Esq., 1 Sandford place
Taswell Miss Caroline, Somerset pl
Tate Mrs. Hannah, 13 Selkirk parade
Tatham Mrs. Mary Ann, 2 Oriel place, Bath road
Taylor General -, Prestbury
Taylor Mrs. -, Wellington st
Taylor Mrs. Ann, 11 Royal crescent
Taylor Mrs. Eleanor, Belmore Lodge, Bath road
Taylor Mr. George, 10 Royal parade
Taylor John Esq., 2 Glenfall terrace
Taylor Mr. John, 1 St. Phillip;s pl
Taylor Colonel P. W., 3 Spring Grove Villa
Temple Mr. Christopher, 32 Lansdown crescent
Templar the Misses -, 1 Paragon terrace
Tennison the Misses Isabella and Margaret, 8 Montpelier Spa bldgs
Thick Mr. Charles, Berkeley st
Thompson Mrs. Ann, 7 Oxford place, London road
Thompson Mrs. Hannah Maria, 4 Rodney place
Thornburn David, Esq., Montpellier House
Thorpe Disney, Esq., Prestbury
Thurston Mrs. Sarah, 1 Paragon ter
Tickell Mrs. Margaret, Ravensworth Lodge, Thirlestaine road
Timmins Mrs. Ann Sophia, Oriel Lodge, Bath road
Timmins Miss Julia, 8 Jersey place
Tindle Mr. Robert E., 6 Montpellier villas
Tinson George, Esq., Cleveland, Evesham rd
Todd George, Esq., 3 Lansdown terr
Tonge Capt. Augustus H., R.N., 7 Lansdown villas
Tottenham Cornwallis, Esq., 13 Bays hill villas
Townsend Rev. William Lawrence, Bishop's Cleeve
Travis Samuel, Esq., 8 Wellington sq
Tyre Mrs. Norwood, Chargrove House, Shurdington
Tyre Rev. Charles Brandon, Leckhampton Court, Leckhampton
Tubb Miss Ann, 90 High st
Tucker Colonel Anhute, 4 Lansdown place
Turfrey Mrs. Jane, 10 St. George's square
Turk Miss Anne, 1 Gloucester crsnt
Turnbull Mrs. Emily, 8 Bays Hill villas
Turner Mr. John, Oakland House, Prestbury
Twist Mrs. Ann, Selkirk st
Tyler Mr. John, Hewlet st
Tyrell William Henry, Esq., Charlton Kings
Tyres Thomas Tyres, Esq., Glenmore Lodge, Pittville
Urquhart Rev. Henry John, 27 Park place
Van Hagen Mrs. Harriet, 7 Royal crescent
Vane Lady Charlotte, Arundel Lodge, the Park
Veal Mr. John, 2 Brandon Villa
Velley Mr. Charles H., 5 Seagrave pl
Venables Mrs. ALice, 11 Lyplatt ter
Vernon Miss Ann, Windsor Place
Vipan Benjamin Esq., St. Clair, the Park
Vyvyan Edward Esq., Chandos Villa, Thirlestaine road
Waddington John, Esq., Cotswold Grange
Waddy Mr. John, 10 Priory terrace
Wake Rev. Leonard James, 15 Portland st
Wakeman the Misses -, 4 Priory st
Walker Rev. Edwd, 8 Royal crescent
Walker Mrs. Eliza, Stonham House, Bath road
Walker John, Esq., Farnley Lodge, Vittoria Walk
Walker Mr. Thomas, 4 Bays Hill Lawn
Wall Mrs. Elizabeth, 11 Portland st
Wall Mr. John, Prestbury
Wallace Mrs. Major, Prestbury
Wallace Mrs. -, Montpellier Mansion
Wallace Henry, Esq., Priory Lodge, London road
Wallace Mr. Hill, Camden Lodge, Clarence square
Wallace Major Thomas, 25 Cambray place
Walsh Miss Anna Harriet, 1 Pittville parade
Walwyn Mr. Edward, 24 Regent st
Warburton Mrs. E., Stanbrook Villa
Ward Walter Stephen, Esq., 1 Priory terrace
Wardroper Rev. Charles, 9 Cambray place
Warm Mrs. Jane, 1 Vittoria walk
Warn Rev. Edward, 5 Oriel terrace, Bath road
Warriner Walter H., Esq., Brooks Lodge, the Park
Warwick Mr. Richard, Wyddrington House, Pittville
Wason Rev. Joseph John, Charlton Kings
Watson Miss Anne., Harwood House, Wellington square
Watson William Esq., Beauthorn
Watts Admiral George Edward, Alma House, Essex place
Way Miss Drusilla, 22 Lansdown parade
Webb Miss Ann, Chadnor Villa, Lansdown
Webb Mrs. Ellen, 6 Seagrave place
Webb Mrs. Harriet, 6 St. George parade
Webster James, Esq., Hatherley court
Welch Geo. Esq., J.P., Erle, Swindon
Welch Mr. Walter, Prestbury
West Captain -, Prestbury
West James Banks, Esq., Dedham Lodge, Prestbury
Westropp Mrs. Ann, 29 Park place
Whatley Richard George, Esq., 27 Gloucester place
Wheatley Mr. Charles, Eton Villa, the Park
Wheeler Mr. Charles, 3 Rose Cottage, Dunalley st
Wheeler Mrs. Hannah, 14 Priory st
Whinyates Mrs. -, Rose Cottage, Leckhampton
Whinyates Miss Amy, North place
Whinyates General Edward Charles, Dorset Villa, Pittville
Whinyates General Frederick William, 4 Blenheim parade
Whish Lady Mary, Northwold Villa, Lansdown
White Thomas Hy., Esq., 7 Pittville st
Whitehead Mrs. Emily, St. George's place
Whitehead Henry A., Esq., Prestbury
Whitman Mrs. Anne, 28 Tivoli place
Whitmore Mrs. Emma, 3 Lyplatt ter
Whitsonday Miss Maria, 22 Lansdown crescent
Whittaker the Misses -, Ravensworth House, Thirlestaine road
Whittingstall Mrs. Mary, Parkfield, the Park
Whitworth Mrs. Sarah, 15 Park pl
Wight Andrew, Esq., Lake House, Thirlestaine road
Wightwick Mrs. -, 1 Wellesley Villa, Wellington square
Wilcock Miss Frances, 5 Wellington square
Wilkinson Joseph, Esq.,33 Promenade
Willatts Colonel Peter John, Saint Oswald's the Park
Willey Mrs. Mary Palmer, Summerfield, Bath road
Williams Captain Augustus L., 5 Priory street
Williams Capt. Bold, 3 Berkeley villas, Pittville
Williams Mr. David, 8 Bays' Hill terrace
Williams Mrs. H. L., 3 Nelson Cottages, Trafalgar st
Williams Mr. Henry, 4 Gloucester crescent
Williams Mrs. Jane, Prestbury
Williams Mrs. Lucinda, 12 Park pl
Williams Miss Mary J., 9 Lyplatt terr
Williamson Mrs. Hannah, 8 Lansdown place
Williamson Mrs. Martha, 2 Priory parade, London road
Willyams Captain Vyner, R.N., 2 Keynsham bank
Willis Mr. John Edward, Delmar Villa, Monkpellier terrace
Willis Mrs. Sarah, 9 Gloucester cres
Willis Sherlock, Esq., Manor House, Swindon
Willis Colonel W. P., 9 Pittville Lawn
Wilson Captain Alexander Stewart Selwyn, 13 Pittville parade
Wilson Rev. Charles Henry, 30 Lansdown crescent
Wilson Mrs. Mary Ann, Segrave Lodge, the Park
Wintle Mrs. Ann Box, 6 Keynsham place, London road
Winwood Mrs. Mary, 20 Clarence sq
Wish Mrs. Anne, 14 Lansdown parade
Wood Joseph, Esq., 2 Keynsham place, London road
Wood Mr. Charles Henry, 11 Jersey pl
Wood Colonel Herbert William, 16 Lansdown terrace
Wood Captain Thomas, 21 Rodney terrace
Woodward Mrs. Elizabeth, the Villa, Swindon
Woolwright Mrs. Mary, 4 Selkirk parade
Worcester Mr. Timothy, 17 Brandon terrace
Wormaid Miss Sarah, 27 Promenade
Wormall Miss -, 3 Royal parade
Wright Rev. Harry, Hatherley Lawn
Wright Henry, Esq., Hatherley Lawn
Wybault Patrick Robert, Esq. 12 Lansdown crescent
Wylde Mrs. -, 31 Lansdown crescent
Yates Joseph, Esq., 19 Clarence square
Yeames Mr. Alexander, 11 Priory st
Yeames James, Esq., Acomb House, Charlton Kings
Yerburg Miss Rebecca, 1 Montpellier terrace
Young Mr. George, 5 Suffolk road
Young Col. James, Malvern Lawn, Lansdown
Young Lieut. William Francis, R.N., 4 Oxford st
Younghusband Mrs. Sarah Ann Catherine, 9 North place


Academies and Public Schools
Marked thus * are Boarding
Not otherwise described are Day Schools

* Ashwin Eliza & Caroline, 5 Sussex pl
* Barrett Maria, Hewlet st
Blakeman Mary, 20 White Hart st
Booker Ellen, Chester walk
* Bowd A. Spencer, Salopian Villa, Winchcombe st
British School (girls), Bedford buildings - Sarah Lloyd, mistress
British Schools (boys & girls), Grosvenor st - Robert J. Dixon, master; Emma Flower, mistress'
British Schools (boys & girls), St George's street - Henry J. Moore, master; Sarah Lloyd. mistress
Charity School (boys & girls), Devonshire st - John Lane, master
Cheltenham College, Bath road - President - Right Hon. Lord Sherbourne, Vice-President - Right Hon. Lord Clancarty - Principal - Rev. W. Dobson, M. A. - Vice Principal - Rev. G. Butler, M.A.
* Cook Rev. Robert, Malvern Lodge, Lansdown
* Coome Sophia, 1 Norwood terrace, Bath road
* Edwards Ann, 5 Winchcombe st
Fowler Eliza, Prestbury
Fox Catherine Corbet, 16 Grosvenor place, South
* Fursey Thomas, Belmont House, Winchcomb st
* Galway Helen & Evelina, Cambray Lodge
Government School of Arts - 45 Winchcomb street - James P. Knight, master
Grammar School, High street - Dr. Edward Ruper Humphreys, master
Gurner Rose, 34 Winchcomb st
Hayward Amelia, 21 Cambray place
Hyatts the Misses - 6 Winchcombe st
Industrial School, Tewkesbury road - Catherine Shayler, mistress


Infants' Schools

  • Dowdeswell - Julia Garland, mistress
  • Fair View - John Wilkins, master; Caroline Wilkins, mistress
  • Grosvenor st - Christina Brown, mistress
  • (Central), Saint James' square - Agnes Dyer, mistress
  • St. Philip's, Bath road - Esther Ann Cardner, mistress
  • St. Peters, Waterloo st - Ellen King, mistress

Ireland Ann, 3 Bath parade, Bath rd
* Jenkins Emily, 65 St. George's pl
Jordan Elizabeth, 1 Bath buildings, Bath road
Juvenile Proprietary School, Stamford House, Rodney terrace - Rev. G. P. Cordeux, M.A., headmaster
* Kershaw Joseph, 9 Oxford parade
* King Thomas, Hampstead House, the Park
Ladies' College, Cambray place - Dorothy Beale, lady principal
Ladies' College, 6 St. Margaret's place, - Bullock, lady principal
* Lambert Elizabeth, 6 St. George's sq
Lane Esther, Staverton
* Langdon Margaret and Sisters, Painswick lawn
* Lewis John, Prestbury
* Lewis Merene, 6 Gt. Norwood st
* Lewis Susan, 8 North place
Lloyd Sarah, 22 Gloucester place
Lucy Lavina, 10 Oxford place, London road
Martin Henry, Suffolk st


National Schools :-

  • Christ Church, Alstone - Henry Edsor, master; Mary Tomlinson, mistress; Jane Gardner, mistress of Infants' school
  • Saint James', Norwood street - William Pearce, master; Ellen Matilda Mitchell, mistress
  • St. John's, Whitcombe place - Samuel Platt, master; Matilda Lee, mistress
    St. Luke's, Bath road - Henry Roberts, master; Hannah Shurmur, mistress
    St. Mary Magdelen's, Uckington - Catherine Yates, mistress
    St. Mary's Charlton - Henry Folley, master
    St. Mary's, Great Western lane - Agnes Dyer, mistress
    St. Mary's Prestbury - Edward Thomas, master
    St. Michael's, Bishops Cleeve - Charles Buckland, master; Susannah Buckland, mistress
    St. Paul's, Hamilton place - William Smith, master, Sarah Peat, mistress; Elizabeth C. Booker, mistress of Infants' school
    St. Peter's, Leckhampton - Joseph Wheatstone, master
    Trinity Church, Britannia place - John Thomas Meeson, master; Ellen Gaisford, mistress


Normal College, near St. Paul street, North :- Principal - Rev. Chas. H. Bromby - Vice Principal - H. A. James - Training Master - Robert Ross
Norris Thomas, Charlton
Nutt Ann & Charlotte, 9 Grosvenor place
Orpin Ann, 1 Tivoli st
* Procter Georgina, 46 Montpellier terrace
Ragged School, 230 High st - Louisa Lediard, mistress
Roman Catholic (St. Gregory's), St. Paul street, North - Thomas Crotty, master; Jane Harriet Crotty, mistress
Sherrington Eleanor, 26 King st
* Smee Elizabeth & Emma, Clifton House, Bayshill
Smith Henrietta, 13 Park st, London rd
Stephens Louisa, 25 Townsend st
Townsend Mary Ann, 7 Regent st
* Underhill Eliza, Ellesmere Lodge, the Park
* Wallace William S., Berkeley Villa
Westby Jane, 1 Oriel place, Bath road
Williams Hannah, Bath House, Bath road
* Williams Sarah, Portland parade



Baylis Edward, 24 Bath parade
Bridgewater William, 1 Portland st
Byrne William, 2 Bedford buildings
Coome John, 1 Norwood terrace, Bath road
Evans Daniel & Son, 49 St. George pl
Maisey Richard, Albion st


(See also Fire &c., Office Agents, and also House Agents)

Bennett John (for Mudie's Library, and for letting sittings at St. Luke's Church), Rathbone House, Bath rd
Blizard Thomas, (for Doulton & Co's drain and water pipes, in glazed stone ware), Regent place
Bridgewater William (to the London Association for the protection of trade), 1 Portland st
Brown William (estate), 6 Oxford place, London road
Burrows Thomas (to Pickford & Co.), New st
Chaplin & Horne (to the Midland & North Western Railways), 7 Pittville st
Evans Daniel and Son (general), 49 St. George place
Haines Thomas (to Chaplin & Horne carriers, and emigration), 7 Pittville st
Lapdige John (for St. Philip's Church), 13 Suffolk parade
Merrett Henry (to Lea, Carpenter & Co., brewers), St. George's place
Morton James (commissioner), 7 Suffolk road
Pickford & Co. (to the Midland Railway Co.), New St.
Wells Robert & Co. (commission), 86 Winchcombe st
Westley Frederick C. (to the Dublin Art Union Society), 13 Promenade villas


Ale & Porter Merchants
See Under the head Wine and Spirit Merchants

Architects & Surveyors

Dangerfield Henry (and borough surveyor), 32 Cambray place
Engall & Sanders (surveyors), 98 High st. - (See advertisement)
Humphris Daniel James, Keynsham parade, London road
Ingram Hy. Joseph, Montpellier st
Knight William Hill, St. George pl
Maule William L. (road surveyor), Hanover st
Paul Andrew, 91 High st
Sadler George William, 397 High st


Landscape, Portrait, Miniature, &c., Painters
(See also Professors and Teachers.)
Marked thus * are Photographic.

* Baker William S., Sandford road
Bennett Robert S., 24 Montpellier st
Colson Theodore, 13 Grosvenor st
* Dunton Joseph, 371½ High st
* Edwards Edwin, 1 Market arcade
George Emma (wax flowers), 16 Regent st
Havill Frederick, 10 Cambray pl
Healey James (portrait), Oxford pssge
* Hendley William Hy., 21 Pittville st
* Hobson Paul, Sandford road
* Humphreys & Helliwell, Bayshill
* Laurence Isaac, 12½ Colonnade
Laurence Louisa (in hair), 12½ Colonnade
* Maillard Osmond C., 2 Regent st
Marklove Henry (landscape, &c., painter, and picture restorer), 82 High st
* Pottinger Charles, Imperial Gardens promenade
Quintin Henry (portrait & animal), St. James' square
* Ruck William, Montpellier walk
* Skeolan Peter Paul, 4 Colonade
Smith Alfred, 6 Grosvenor st
Wellington Eliza (heradic), 20 Montpellier walk
Williams Edwin, 13 Royal crescent
* Wood Charles, Grosvenor pl. South


Marked thus * are Commissioners for administering oaths in Chancery; thus $ perpetual Commissioners
for taking acknowledgements of deeds by married women

Arkell Anthony Ellis, Grosvenor House, Grosvenor place
Billings Thomas, 61 Regent st
Boodle William, Manchester walk
* Bubb John & Benjn, Clarence st
* Chesshyre Chas. John, 56 Regent st
* Cox John Sermon (and notary), Bath st
Gale Charles Francis, Promenade bldgs
* Griffiths F. & E. (and clerks to the magistrates), High st
*$ Gwinnett & Ticehurst (and stewards of the manor), Essex place
Jessop Charles H., Church st
*$ Jessop Walter, Church st
Jones Baynham, Cambray place
* Jones Thomas, Glenville Cottage, North place
*$ Lingwood Robert Sole (and solicitor to the County Benefit Building Society, and Cheltenham Tradesmens' Protection Society, 2 Promenade place, Clarence st
Marshall Frederick, Rodney terrace
Packwood George, 12 Chester walk
*$ Packwood John, 12 Chester walk
* Phillipps James Rees, Essex place
Plumbe Henry, Essex place, and at Winchcomb
* Pruen Septimus, 30 Cambray place
Ridge George, Grosvenor pl. South
Russell Edward, 106 Albion st
Stiles Henry, back of Cambray place, and at Northleach
*$ Straford Joseph Cooper, Cambray Lodge
* Tanner Robert Tregoze, 23 Grosvenor place, South
Towle James De Lacy, Promenade buildings
Wheeler Robert, 2 Regent st
*$ Williams & Brydges, High st
Williams Chas. Henry, 6 Regent st
Williams Thomas, Stamp Office, 1 Ormond place
*$ Winterbotham & Bell, Essex pl
Yearsley Stephen, 5 Gloucester crescent, Gloucester road


Auctioneers & Appraisrs

Bridgewater William (valuer), 1 Portland st
Cooke John, Grosvenor place, South
Engall & Sanders (and valuers), 98 High st - (See advertisement)
Evans Danl. & Son, 49 St. Georges pl
Green Edwin James, 10 Regent st
Humphreys Henry, 70 Winchcomb st
Laurence John, 3 Queen's Circus
Leach Benjamin, 156 High st, and Tivoli
Lewis Thomas, 75 High st
Malvern Thomas, 8 North st
Sweeting George, 385 & 386 High st
Urch & Sebright (appraisers), 16 Gloucester place
Villar James, 1 Portland st
Weaver & Moore, 55 High st
Williams Thomas, 75 High st
Wood Thos., 31 St. Paul's st, North

(See also Confectioners & Pastry cooks).

Ballinger Thomas, 2 Pittville st, and 69 High st
Barnes John, 2 Suffolk road
Beard William, 20 Great Norwood st
Blandford George, Charlton Kings
Bloodworth Charles, 306 High st
Bloodworth James, Albion st
Brown Edwin, 29 Henrietta st
Brumsdon George, 15 St. George's pl
Bucknell John, 4 Winchcombe st
* Caldicott Edward (& pastrycook), 11 & 12 Winchcomb st
Carew John, 342 High st
Chambers Jabez, 9 Albion st
Clarke Richard, 270 High st
Cole John, Prestbury
Crew John, 86 High st
Cull James, 3 Burton st
Davis Thomas, Fair view st
Drew Edwin, 6 Thirlestaine place, Bath road
Gabb Daniel, Bath road
Gloucester Bread and Flour Company, 325 High st - James Webb, manager
Gorton Edwin, 41 Montpellier villas
Gray Mary Anne, 17 Clarence st
Green Stephen, 174 & 286 High st
Greening John, Charlton Kings
Hawker Joseph, 7 King st
Hiron James, Norwood st, Shurdington road
Hughes Isaac, 37 New st
Isher William, 6 Adelaide buildings, Bath road
Long Joshua, 250 High st
Margrett Henry, 61 High st
Mayer Charlotte, 8 Keynsham bank, London road
Meek George, Lyplatt st, Tivoli
Powell Mary Ann, the Cross
Price William F., Steam Flour Mill, Bath road
Sims Joseph, Tewkesbury road
Sims Thomas, 148 High st
Skelton William, 14 St. James' pl
Snowsell Elijah, 197 High st
Summers Henry, 214 High st
Surman Thomas, 26 York st
Tayler Samuel, Sherborne st
Tibbles Thomas, Adelaide buildings, Bath road
Townley James (crumpet, &c.), 18 Albion st
Troughton Hoseph, 257 High st
Tyler Richard, 1 Suffolk road
Tyler Thomas, Suffolk parade
Wall Hannah, 229 High st
Wells Thomas, 50 St. George st
Wheeler Samuel, Charlton Kings
* Williams Charles Henry, 66 Winchcomb st



County of Gloucester Bank, High st - (draw on Robarts & Co. London, and the London & Westminster) - Edward Frampton & James Greathead Strachen, managers
Gloucestershire Banking Company, 394 High street - (draw on Williams, Deacon & Co. London) - Theophilus B. Goddard, manager
National Provincial Bank of England, 398 High st - (draw on the London & Joint Stock Bank) - William McEwen, manager
Bank of Deposit (Branch), 1 Crescent place - Jas. S. Smith, manager
Savings' Bank, Essex place - James Rees Phillipps, actuary



Fallon James, 9 St. James' square
Graves John Thomas, 29 Grosvenor place South
Partridge Wm. 14 Pitville villas


Basket & Sieve Makers

Brewer Denis, 7 Montpellier st
Charlwood Thomas, Back st
Cheney Richard, Bath road
Humphreys Edwin, Up. Norwood st
Malvern Charles & Son (dealers), 366 High st
Nicholls Joshua, Market
Tinker Jas. (& osier dealr), 163 High st



Montpellier Baths, Bath road - H. J. Ingram, proprietor


Berlin Wool Warehouses

Coles Frances, 420 High st
Cook & Coates, 5 Promenade villas
Cox Edgar, 80 High st
Draper Maria, 370 High st
Finnemore Elizabeth, 2 Colonade
Gaspard Samuel, 3 Pitville st


Billiard-Room Keepers

Banaster William, 103 High st
Buckman John Bishop, Assembly rooms, High st
Claridge John, Montpelier
Godfrey Fredk, Promenade buildgs


Bird & Animal Preserves

Skelton Nathan, 6 Norwood terrace, Bath road
White Henry, 13 Rodney terrace
White Thomas, 10 Norwood terrace, Bath road



Acock Daniel, Tewkesbury road
Acock John, Swindon
Bick George, Haydon green, Shurdington
Bliss William, Rutland st
Bushell William, Bath road
Carr Michael, Regent place
Clark George, Badgeworth
Coopey Baynham, New march, Shurdington
Dustin Herbert, Prestbury
Etheridge Joseph, Bishops Cleeve
Fletcher Thomas, 3 Milson st
Holliday John, New st
Holliday John, Shurdington
Humphris Edwin, Charlton
Merrett John, Charlton Kings
Nash Joseph, Staverton
Parks William, Prestbury
Scriven William, Charlton
Smith William, Tewkesbury road
Sollis William, Bishop's Cleeve
Stallard John, Bishop's Cleeve
Stratford Wm., Brandon place, Shurdington road
Trender Thomas, Tewkesbury road
Underwood George, Regent place
Young John, Gloucester road

Boarding and Lodging Houses

Abraham Lucy, 32 Imperial square
Attewell Grace, 19 Imperial square
Ayliff John, 13 Northfield terrace
Bailey Ann, 3 Ashling villas
Bailey Caroline, 28 Montpelier villas
Bailey George, 31 North place
Bailey William, 6 Carlton st
Baker Charlotte, 29 Imperial square
Baker Mary, 12 Regent st
Ball Wm., 2 Pittville lawn
Banbury Sarah, 8 Grosvenor st
Barker James, 16 St. George's place
Barrington Charlotte, 7 Portland st
Battin Harriet, 7 Queen's parade
Bayliff John, 32 Montpellier terrace
Begwell John, 16 Cambray place
Bell Hannah, 7 Northfield terrace
Bench Henry, 15 Rodney terrace
Bennett Elizabeth, 2 Bellevue place
Bennett Sarah, 8 Selkirk parade
Bickerdike Mary, 1 Camden terr
Bird Ellen, 2 Columbia pl., Winchcomb st
Blunt Robert, 1 Oxford villas
Boulding James, 1 Rodney terr
Bowles Ann, 32 Clarence sq
Bradford Ann, 6 Imperial square
Bradshaw Chas., 5 Keynsham pl
Brain Lydia, 5 Royal crescent
Brewer Jane, 13 Royal parade
Brewitt Eliza, 14 York terrace
Brown John, 19 Rodney terrace
Brown John, 1 Crescent parade
Browning Sarah, 3 Portland st
Bryan John, 5 Promenade
Bryan Thomas J., 19 St. George's st
Bryant Mary Ann, 4 Wellington square
Bridgman David, Gothic pl., Portland st
Bullock Thomas, 33 Clarence sq
Burbidge Mary, 27 Imperial square
Burton John, 3 Camden terr
Butler Joseph, 2 Promenade
Butt Eliz., 1 Oriel villas, Bath rd
Butt John, 33 Lansdown crescent
Byrne Wm., 6 Promenade terr
Cameron Harriet, 7 Fairview
Campbell Jane, 8 St. George's sq
Chritchley Phoebe, Bath st
Churches Ann, 2 Clarence parade
Clare Mary, 25 Great Norwood st
Clark Frederick, Bellevue buildings
Clark Wm., 6 Northfield terrace
Collins Mary, 3 Montpelier Spa buildings
Collis John, 3 Gloucester crescent
Condon Mary, 6 Paragon parade
Cook Thomas, 14 Imperial square
Cooke Joseph, Hewlett st
Coulston John, 1 Manchester place
Cox Anne, 2 St. George's parade
Craddock Charles, Crescent parade and 1 Montague place
Croady Ann, 39 Montpellier terrace
Cronk Dorethea, 15 Imperial square
Crook George, 10 Bayshill terrace
Crump John, 4 Hewlett road
Curtis Henry, 1 Royal well terrace
Dale Elizabeth, Regent place
Davies Jane, 1 Bath place, Bath rd
Davis Eliza, 1 Essex place
Davis Elizabeth, Regent place
Davis Mary, 1 Gloucester place
Davis Thomas, 10 Montpellier Spa buildings
Davis William Smart, 3 & 4 Montpellier Spa place, and 23 and 24 Promenade villas
Day Mary, Hewlet st
Dean Elizabeth, 8 Suffolk parade
Denchfield James, 15 St. George st
Dowrick Charles, 20 Imperial square
Dudfield Sarah, 33 Montpelier terrace
Dyer Ann, 3 Grosvenor street
Dyer William, 9 Norwood terrace, Bath road
Edwards John, 4 Bayshill terrace
Etheridge Henry, 6 Promenade
Faulkes Ann Maria, 43 Montpelier ter
Fisher Mary, 7 Lansdown parade
Flight Joshua, 8 Northfield terrace
Follett Margaret, 5 Royal Well terr
Forty Jane, St. George's place
Franklin Hannah, Shurdington road
Franklin Penneiah, 5 & 6 Bath pl., Bath road
French Joseph, 13 Montpellier Spa buildings
Fry William, 3 Gloucester place
Fryer Eliza, 13 Bayshill terrace
Gardner Amy, 9 Montpellier st
Garrett Charles, Thirlestaine Villa, Bath road
Gibbons John, 1 St. James' terrace
Gillman Kate Jane, 8 Clarence sq
Gillman Mary, 1 Promenade terrace
Gobell Mary, 3 Rodney terrace
Goding John, 2 Portland st
Goodburn Benjamin, 9 Montpellier st
Goodchild John, 20 Promenade
Gray Jane, 9 St. George's parade
Green Sarah, 5 York terrace
Griffin John, 24 Great Norwood st
Griffiths Ann, 29 Montpelier villas
Griffiths Mary, 2 Montpelier Spa place
Grimes Charles, Hewlet st
Gwinnell Sarah, 2 Promenade terr
Haines Mary, 66 St. George's pl
Halford Amelia, 1 North villas, North place
Hall Henry, 3 Priory buildings
Hall Sarah, 2 Queen's parade
Hamilton Ellen, 2 Lansdown terr
Hand James, 34 Imperial square, and 1 Queen's parade
Hands Edmund, 16 Suffolk parade
Hardwick Eliza, 12 Promenade
Hargest Richard, 14 Montpelier villas
Harper Ann, 37 Montpellier terrace
Hartland Esther, 5 Rodney terrace
Harvey Esther, 1 St. George's parade
Heale John, 7 Rodney terrace
Hewitt Ann, 4 Oxford buildings, London road
Hinton William, 6 York terrace
Hollis Hannah, 3 Royal Well terrace
Holmes Jane, 5 Portland st
Hopgood Charlotte Clifford, 4 Ashley villas
Hopkins Sarah, Suffolk road
Horspool Richard, 38 Montpelier ter
House Mary, 5 Carlton st
Howard Elizabeth, 11 Promenade ter
Howett Eliza, 17 Regent st
Hughes Margaret, 3 Rodney place
Hughes Martha, 6 Queen's parade
Hutchinson Robert, 11 York terrace
Iles John, 9 Northfield terrace
Imm Elizabeth, 2 Montpelier Spa buildings
Ings Eliza, 17 North place
Ireland Mary, Berkeley Cottage, Hewlett st
James Ann, 16 St. George's st
Jewell Jane, 27 Lansdown crescent
Jewell William, 7 St. Paul's st
Jones Charles, 17 Imperial square
Jones Elizabeth, 10 Oxford parade, London road
Jones Mary, 12 Rodney terrace
Kayte Elizabeth, 19 Cambray place
Kendall John, Shurdington road
Kernan Catherine, Belgrave House, Promenade
King Thomas, 14 Royal crescent
Knight Sarah, 10 Montpelier st
Lane Elizabeth W., 36 Montpelier ter
Lane Henry, 6 Royal parade
Lang Gilead, 10 York terrace
Lea John, Bays hill Lodge
Leighton Thomas, 6 Bellevue place
Lewis Ann, 18 Ambrose st
Linnell Catherine, 1 Clarence parade
Linton Mary, 16 North place
Loveridge Samuel, 9 Promenade terrace
Macdonald Alicia, 1 Bellevue place
Mace Charles, 8 Suffolk square
Mailes Mary, 13 Lansdown place
Marriott Mary, 26 Imperial square
Marsh Elizabeth, 10 Imperial square
Mason Susannah, 4 Rodney terrace
Mayer Mary, 44 Montpellier villas
Maynard Robert, 12 Montpellier Spa Buildings
Mays Elizabeth, 8 St. James' place
Medins Eliza, Thornbury House, London road
Meggs William, 8 Promenade
Merrett Anne, 7 Rotunda terrace
Millard Elizabeth, 4 Portland terrace
Mills William, 7 Cambray place
Millward John, 29 Montpellier terrace
Minnett Thomas, 15 Montpellier st
Mitchell Sarah, 20 Cambray place
Morgan Elizabeth, 1 Cambridge villas
Morgan Harriet, 3 Manchester place
Morgan Rebecca, 47 Montpellier terrace
Morris Jemima, 9 Royal parade
Mosen Ann, 41 Montpellier terrace
Moule Henry, 5 Imperial square
Murphy Anne, 3 Promenade
Newman George, 3 Promenade terr
Oakes Mary, 13 North place
Olding Anne, 17 Royal parade
Orchard Thomas, 2 Paragon parade
Osman Dinah, 3 Oxford buildings, London road
Owen Hannah, 2 Essex place
Page Henry, 88 Winchcomb st
Parker Angelina, 3 Arlington villas, Bath road
Parker John, 29 Lansdown crescent
Partas Thomas, 21 Imperial square
Pegler Samuel, 4 Blenheim terrace
Perrin Josiah, Hewlet st
Peters Mary, 6 Montpelier st
Peyton Louisa, 1 Sussex villas, Clarence square
Phelps Harriet, 2 Segrave pl, Pittville
Phillips James, 11 Imperial square
Phillips March, Esq., Vallombrosa, Circus road
Phillips Thomas, 5 Oxford parade
Phillips William, 16 Royal crescent
Pittman Thomas, 31 Imperial sq
Powell Geo., 3, 7, 9 & 16 Imperial sq
Powell James, 5 Bays hill terrace
Powell John, 18 Imperial square
Powell Wm., 40 Lansdown crescent
Print Elizabeth, 16 St. George's st
Pritchard Edward, 28 Imperial sq
Privett Mary Ann, 28 Cambray pl
Prowting Mary, 4 Regent st
Pugh Nemia, 2 Sherborne terrace
Reid Elizabeth, 8 Imperial square
Rhodes William, 4 Crescent terrace
Ridler Sarah, 30 Imperial square
Roberts Ann, 9 Promenade
Roberts William, 11 Gloucester place
Robinson Doratha, 1 Cambray place
Robinson Elizth., 13 St. George's st
Rock Ellen, 5 Pittville parade
Rowe William, 14 Fair View place
Ryder Sarah, 6 Royal Well terrace
Sadlier Edwin, 6 Montpellier Spa buildings
Sandwich Eleanor, 11 Montpellier Spa buildings
Saunders Sophia, 14 North place
Scott Ann, 2 Royal crescent
Scott Susan, 7 Montpellier Spa buildings
Sellors John, 12 Bays hill terrace
Sermon Fanny, 4 Royal Well ter
Sewell Charlotte, 22 Bath parade, Bath road
Shipway Edwin, 16 Promenade
Simmonds Thomas, 21 Clarence sq
Sims John, 1 Imperial square
Slader Elizabeth, 30 Montpellier ter
Smith Charlotte, 7 Gloucester place
Smith Jeremiah O., 17 Montpellier terrace
Smith Mary, 8 Royal Well terrace
Smith Robert, 19 Montpellier villas
Snow Thomas, 33 Imperial square
South Elizabeth, 7 St. George's ter
South John, 11 Northfield terrace
Stanley Kezia, 27 Grosvenor st
Steadman George, 14 Northfield ter
Stephens Charles, 6 Trinity ter
Stephens mary, Hewlet st
Stephens Parry , 20 Rodney ter
Stevens Louisa, Hewlet st
Stewart Elizabeth, 30 North place
Tabriain Daniel, 1 Columbia place, Winchcomb
Taylor Ann, King street
Taylor Benjamin, 1 Montpellier Spa buildings
Taylor Eliza O., 13 Promenade
Thache Mary Ann, 29 North place
Thick Charles, 9 Lansdown place
Thomas Mary, 14 Norwood terrace, Bath road
Thornbury Thomas, 4 Fairview pl
Tibbs Catherine, 4 Montpellier Spa buildings
Tomlinson Ann, 2 Royal Well ter
Tomlinson Hannah, 20 Royal parade
Trigg mary, 12 Lansdown place
Tubb Joseph, 7 Bays hill parade
Tucker Charles, 3 Paragon parade
Tumney Anne, 5 Bellevue place
Turner James, 11 Bayshill terrace
Twamley Thomas, 5 Rodney place
Underwood Mary, 39 Clarence sq
Vanstone Francis, 3 Oxford villas
Vial James, 18 Montpellier terrace
Viney Jane, 6 Paragon buildings, Bath road
Voice John, Essex place
Wall James, 22 Imperial sq
Wallis Stephen, 2 Imperial sq
Walton Henry, 13A Promenade
Wasley Thomas L., 3 Bayshill ter
Watson Rebecca, 48 Montpellier ter
Watts William, 4 Promenade
Webb William, 8 Bayshill terrace
Wellington Mary, 6 Suffolk road
Wells Mary Ann, 2 Regent place
Went Anne, 13 St. George's parade
Went Elizabeth, 7 Royal Well ter
Westbrook George, 2 Pittville parade & Billbrook House, Pittville gates
Westbrook George, Winchcomb st
Whitbread Margaret, 14 Bays Hill terrace
White John, 12 Imperial sq
Whitehead Jas., 5 Promenade ter
Wilkes Edwin, 22 Promenade villas
Wilks Kezia, 8 Royal parade
Williams James, Suffolk parade
Williams Jane, St. James' square
Williams John Lewis, 19 Portland st
Winkworth John, 17 Clarence sq
Wood Anne and Elizabeth, 15 Saint George's parade
Wood Hannah, 13 Townsend st
Woodman Philip, 23 Imperial sq
Workman Samuel, 6 Rodney terr
Worsted Thomas, Wellington st
Wright Ann, 17 Ambrose st



Bailey William, 5 Queen's circus
Cochrane Henry J., 12 Colonnade
Davies Henry, 2 & 3 Montpelier wlk
Marchent Walter, 107 Albion st
Power William, Albion st
Webb William, 315 High st


Booksellers & Stationers

Andrews Charles, 129 High st
Bailey William, 5 Queen's circus
Bennett John, Rathbone House, Bath road
Bettam Elizabeth, 307 High st
Chadwick John Taylor, 6 Montpelier walk
Clee William, 4 Clarence st
Cochrane Henry J., 12 Colonnade
Davies Henry, 2 & 3 Monpellier st
Eaton Thomas Kerby, 137 High st
Edwards Richard, 396 High st
Fox Samuel, 8 Albion st
Gardner Henry Bannister, 62 Winchcombe st
Gaspard Samuel, 3 Pittville st
Gastrell Frederick, 14 Suffolk parade
Groves Catherine, 6 Chester walk
Leonard Edward, Bath st
Lyford Thomas, 2 Clarence st
New James, 371 High st
Newbold William, 73 High st
Parker Robert, 8 Montpellier walk
Pink John William, 20 Pittville st
Sharland Edward, 14 St. George's pl
Shenton Thomas B., 90 Winchcomb st
Shipton Thomas, 384 High st
Webb Charles, 7 Winchcomb st
Webb William, 315 High st
Westley Frederick C., 96 High st & 13 Promenade villas
Wight & Bailey, 4 Promenade villas
Williams George Arthur and Son, 393 High street
Williams Mary, 7 Chester walk


Boot and Shoe Makers

Adcock Charles, Tewkesbury road
Archer John, 7 Winchcomb place
Aston John, Prestbury road
Baker Ephraim, 261 High st
Baker Joseph, 63 Burton st
Barnes Robert, Stanhope st
Bellamy Thomas, Charlton Kings
Bennett William, Albion st
Bettam Richard, 419 High st
Blake Joseph, 32 Park st
Bostwick John, London road
Bridgman David, Portland st
Bridgman John, Charlton Kings
Broom Stephen, 29 Clarence st
Bryant Frederick, 27 Townsend st
Buckingham Robert, 170 High st
Buckland Wm., 10 Winchcomb st
Candle John, Bath road
Chacey Edwin, 1 Tivoli place
Clements Joseph, Tewkesbury road
Cloudesley Wm., 42 Burton st
Coombs Thomas, 4 Burton terrace
Cormick Henry, Duke st
Davis John, Lypiatt st, Tivoli
Didcote John, Woodford House, Bath road
Draper Richard, 377 High st
Domeney John, Bedford buildings
Edwards Henry, 17 Rosehill st
Edwards James, 11 Market arcade
Edwards John Thomas, 185 High st
Eggleston Daniel, 38 Queen st
Ellacott John, 131 High st
Evenson Francis, 2 Suffolk parade
Fell James, Tewkesbury road
Fisher William, Prestbury
Franklin Abraham, 308 High st
Franklin Joel, 300 High st
Freeman Charles, Prestbury
French John, 69 Winchcomb st
Gibbins George, Bath st
Gibbins James, 28 New st
Glover Thomas, Sun st
Greening Timothy, Charlton
Hall Henry, Charlton
Harris Wm., Charlton Kings
Hawkes William, 22 Corpus st
Hawkins Jas., 1 Montpelier retreat
Haywood Edwin, Bath road
Herbert Henry, 248 High st
Hillson Joseph, 39 Winchcomb st
Hobbs George, Tewkesbury road
Huntley Thomas, 10 Bath road
Jackson Joseph, Waterloo st
Jackson Robt., 12 St. Paul st South
James Thomas, Cuba cottage
Jessop John, 10 Chester walk
Jewell Henry, North st
Keefe James, Bath road
Knight John, 3 Portland terrace
Knight Joseph, 167 High st
Langston William, Prestbury
Laurence William, 2 Duke st
Lewis Henry, 11 St. Paul st South
Lloyd George, Bath road
Lodge Joseph, Croft st, Leckhampton
McDermott Edward, 212 High st
Mather Henry, 37 Grosvenor st
Mather Henry, 29 Albion st
Mather Reuben, 222 High st
Merrett Elisha, 86 Albion st
Messenger Chas., 30 Manchester walk
Nott John, 28 Albion st
Palmer Alfred, Dunalley st
Parker Wm. Fredk., 8 St. Ann's terr
Pash Joseph A., 133 High st
Phipps Jonathon, 26 Mount Pleasant
Pitcher James, 85 Winchcombe st
Pitcher James, 1 Chester walk
Powell Wm., 14 Gloucester place
Press Charles, 13 Montpellier walk
Price John, 21 Henrietta st
Probert John, 4 Market arcade
Randle Thomas, Albion st
Read Stephen, 327 High st
Roberts George, 18 Vernon place
Robins Robert, St. Paul st South
Rowley Thomas, Charlton
Ryder Thomas, Albion st
Saddler Wm., St. Margaret's road
Saloman Samuel (French) 15 Montpellier walk
Saunders Sophia, 14 North place
Schwamenkruge Stephen, 17 Suffolk parade
Sharland Edwd., 14 St. George's pl
Sharpe Wm., 11 Colonnade
Sheppard Wm., 7 Hamilton place
Simmonds Jos. G., 28 St. George's pl
Siret & Ferguson, 139 High st
Skidmore Robert, Charlton
Skobell Richard, 27 Regent place
Slade William, & Thomas, 12 Promenade villas
Smith James, Larput place
Smith Robert, London road
Smith Wm., Rose & Crown passage
Spencer Timothy, Back Bayshill terr
Spill Wm., 15 Manchester walk
Stait Thomas, Bishops Cleeve
Steel John Dunn, 78 High st
Stroud John, 5 Montpelier avenue
Tarlton Charles, 27 Bath st
Taylor Henry, 326 High st
Tell James, Tewkesbury road
Turtle Henry, Ambrose st
Viner James, 3 Suffolk road
Wakefield John, Shurdington
Walker William, 276 High st
Webb Charles, 4 White Hart st
Western John, Charlton
Williams James, 11 Chester walk
Willis John, 376 High st
Wright Alfred, Paragon House, Bath road
Yeuell Tos., York House, Bath rd
Young Henry, New market

Braziers and Tin-Plate Workers

Ballinger Henry James, 3½ Suffolk rd
Chapman John, 165 High st
Cormell John, 7 & 8 Tivoli place
Davis Albion, 277 High st
Deane William, 98 Albion st
Marshall R. E. & C., 5 Clarence st
Norris William, 183 High st
Packwood Isaac, 4 Victoria st
Rennison James, 5 Bath road
Smith Edward, 196 High st
Watts Anne, 24 Winchcombe st
Williams John, Dodd's Cottages, North place


Carter William, Montpellier villas
Burge Thomas, St. James' square
Dowle Chas., 3 Carlton pl., Hewlett
Gardner John (the trustees of), 160 High street
Grant Charles, Back st
Harris & Leighton, Albion Brewery, Gloucester road
Harris James (and maltster), Mount pleasant
Jefferies Edward, Queen's Brewery, Trafalgar st
Laurence & Hodge, Tewkesbury road
Lea, Carpenter & Co., St. George's pl
Pointer Henry (and maltster), 64 Winchcombe st
Saunders Ashby, Grafton Brewery, Leckhampton
Stibbs Thomas George, Sherborne pl
Stinchcombe William & Samuel, St. George's terrace
Tanner James, Bedford buildings


Brick Makers

Baylis Thomas, Bishop's Cleeve
Candle William, Bath road
Darby Thomas, Leckhampton road
Phillips John, Queen's road
Thackwell Frederick (and red ware), Nanton lane, Bath road
Winning John, Leckhampton road


Brush Makers

Antill Joseph, 14 Tewkesbury rd
Joyner Edwin, 5 Gt. Norwood st
Joyner William & Edwin, 15 Suffolk parade
Malvern Charles & Son, 366 High strand, 33 Winchcombe st
Wilks Edwin (and rope & twine), Montpelier & 1 St. George's sq
Williams John & Son, 382 High st



Acock John, 54 Winchcombe st
Allibone Isaac, 68 St. George's pl
Baker Luke, 68 Winchcomb st
Baker William (conservatory), Sandford road
Billings Edward, Selkirk st
Bird Charles, 25 Gloucester place
Blizard Thomas, Regent place
Bodley John & Son, 20 Bath parade
Broom John & Son, 17 Portland st
Broom Samuel & Son, Regent pl
Channon W. C. & L., 10 St. George's pl
Clark Frederick, Belle vue buildings, High st
Cormell & Sons, Tivoli place
Cullis John, 3 Gloucester crescent, Gloucester road
Darby Thomas, Leckhampton
Davis John, 3 Patchley villas, Prestbury
Dimock Edward J., 81 Winchcomb st
Gore William Alfred, 56 Regent st
Gurner William, Seagrave Cottage, Prestbury road
Humphris Daniel James, Keynsham parade, London road
Humphris Joseph, Sherborne st
Hunt William, Victoria st
James Thomas, 1 Regent place
Keitley Richard, 2 Suffolk st
Kent Samuel, 22 Manchester walk
Lane John, 37 Winchcomb st
Lane Joshua, 17 Montpellier st
Malvern Thomas, 2 Portland st
Mills John, Bath road
Morgan John Henry, 3 Bedford buildings
Morris James, 22 North place
Packer & Son, Kingston place
Parsonage George, 4 & 5 St. George's parade
Pooton James, 1 Glenfall terrace
Pope William John, Albuera villa, Painswick lawn
Rainger Charles, 9 Bath pl, Bath road
Roberts John, 3 Regent st
Sadler William, Charlton Kings
Smith William, Oxford passage
Swinnell James, 7 Gt. Norwood st
Taylor Thomas G., Queens road
Thomson George, Kingston place
Tomlinson & Harper, Regent place
Urch & Seabright, 16 Gloucester place
Vobes James, Bath road
Walters John, Charlton Kings
Williams Charles, 30 St. George's pl
Williams Wm., 18 Northfield terrace
Winstone Charles, Sherborne ter


Marked thus * are Pork Butchers

Attewell Edwin, 1 Winchcomb st, & 13 Mount Pleasant
Baggs Henry, 338 High st
Ballinger Charles, 3 Adelaide buildings, Bath road
Barrett John, 5 Suffolk parade
Birt Allen, Tewkesbury road
Burrows John, 22 Mountpelier st
Butler George, 282 High st
Clark John, Charlton
Coulson John, 202 High st
Cross Henry, 19 Norwood st
Crump John, Hewlett's road
Davis George, 10 Mount plesant
Davis William Hathway, 432 High st
Dutton Henry, 270 High st
Field & Waghorne, 5 Winchcomb st
Filmer Robert R., 1 Gt. Norwood st
Fox Charles Thomas, 421 High st
* Green William, 296 High st
Hastings James, 28 St. Paul's st, Nth
Hastings Thomas, Mount Pleasant
Hastings Wm. Alexr., 141 High st
Hayward John, 330 High st
Hayward William, Tewkesbury st
Helps Ann, 11 Regent place
Herbert Peter, Tewkesbury road
Hicks William, 5 Market arcade
Hitch Henry, Shurdington road
Holland Edward, 24 Pittville st
Holliday Charles, 11 Pittville st
Hopson Paul, 313 High st
Hughes Joseph, 4 Tivoli place
Hyde Edward, 280 High st
Keylock John, 3 Portland terrace
* Knight William, 322 High st
Lambourn Joseph (pork), 5 St. James' terrace
Lane James, 267 High st
Mander George, 411 High st
Minett Henry, Bishop's Cleeve
Organ John, Bishop's Cleeve
* Owen John, 280 High st
Page John, 348 High st
Phillimore Edward, 119 High st
Phillips Samuel, Sherborne st
Pleydell John, 251 High st
Price Richard, 317 High st
Rodway Frederick, 13 Colonnade, and 278 High st
Sheepway Edwin Thomas, 29 Bath st
Smith John, Bath road
Smith John, 13 Monpellier st
Stockwell Samuel, 39 St. Paul's st, North
* Strouiger Robert, 92 Winchcomb st, and 93 High st, and Montpellier street
* Thompson Alfred, 213 High st
* Townsend Alfred, 23 Winchcomb st
Turner Evan, 424 High st
Waghorne John & Son, 416 High st
* Waghorne William, 91 Winchcomb st
Warner Thomas, 346 High st
Wasley Thomas, 323 High st
Webb Edwin, Clare terrace, Bath rd
White Thomas, 13 New st
* Willis Thomas Fidher, 13 Winchcomb street & 301 High st
Wood William, London road

Cabinet Makers and upholsterers

Bailey Hansell, Winchcomb st
Bowcott William, 2 Cambray place
Brookes Thomas, 80 Winchcomb st
Clayton John, 2 Albion st
Cooke John, 285 High st
Cother William, 21 Corpus st
Crawford John, 18 North place, & 43 Winchcomb st
Cooke George, 52 Burton st
Crook Ezra, 339 High st
Deane Henry, 2 Chester walk
Dee John, 22 Clarence st
Elliott Robert, 4 Grosvenor st
Freeman Charles, 36 Winchcomb st
Gunter James, 111 Suffolk road
Hillen John, 13 Rotunda terrace
Holland Edward, Prestbury
Humphries Joseph, Sherborne st
James Philip, 2 Montpelier terrace
Lane Christopher, 4 Gt. Norwood st
Lane William, 15 Ambrose st
Malvern Charles, 11 North st
Masters Richard, 332 & 333 High st
Millard John, 2 Leamington place
Pear Thomas, 8 Carlton st
Powell George, 35 Promenade
Rawlins Thomas, 7 Market arcade
Sayer William, 425 High st
Sparkes George, Bath road
Sweeting George, 385 & 386 High st, and 11, 17 & 18 Pittville st
Taylor Henry, Royal Well circus
Thorn William, 76 High st
Urch & Seabright, 16 Gloucester pl
Wood Daniel, 51 St. George's pl

Carpenters and Joiners

Allibone Isaac, 68 St. George's pl
Bailey John, 14 Sandford st
Ballinger John, 67 New st
Belcher John, near St. Paul's st
Biddle Thomas, Uckington
Billings Edward, Selkirk st
Burrows William, London road
Burton John, 3 Camden terrace
Charlwood William, 34 St. James' st
Chick Thomas, Cross st, Leckhampton
Clark Frederick, Belle vue buildings, High st
Clement John, Market arcade
Cook Thomas, Shurdington rd
Cooke Henry, 21 Albion st
Coopey Baynham Newmarch, Shurdington
Crockett Henry, 19 Chapel st
Davis William, 1 Carlton st
Denley James, Suffolk road
Dollings Robert, 1 St. George's pl
Fryer Thomas, 52 St. Paul's st, Nrth
Gibbons John, 6 St. Ann's terrace
Grassing William, Tewkesbury road
Green William, 9 Chester walk
Haines Thomas, 58 Burton st
Hooper William, 167 High st
Hughes William, 16 Albion st
Humphris Joseph, St. James' st
Humphris Joseph, Sherborne st
Hunt Thomas, Victoria st
Hyett John, Haydon's Elm, Boddington
Jackson John, Bishop's Cleeve
James Thomas, Regent place
Jones William, Tewkesbury road
Lane Christopher, 4 Gt. Norwood st
Lane John, 37 Winchcomb st
Lane Mark, 4 Gt. Norwood st
Morris James, 22 North place
Mustoe & Hawkes, Charlton Kings
Newcombe George, 9 St. Paul's st, North
Newman George, Park Cottage, London road
Pear Thomas, 8 Carlton st
Pooton James, 1 Glenfall terrace
Powell John, 9 Suffolk road
Price John, Charlton Kings
Roberts John Henry, 7 Henrietta st
Salisbury William, Suffolk rd
Scott John, 25 St. Paul's st, North
Sessions George, 5 Hatherly st
Seymour Samuel, 4 Brandon terrace
Simmonds David, Charlton Kings
Stephens Thomas, 20 Henrietta st
Tarling James, Bishop's Cleeve
Townsend Thomas, 18 Corpus st
Williams John, 41 Duke st
Williams Thomas, Regent place


Carpet Warehouses

Debenham, Son & Freebody, Cavendish House, Promenade
Shirer & Sons, Imperial Circus, Promenade


Carvers and Gilders

Child Stephen, 4 Birdlip pl, Bath rd
Chreiman Olave, 406 High st
Cowling John, 35 Brunswick st
Eccles James, 11 Suffolk parade
Ewens Benedict, 18 Promenade villas
Gardner George Archard, 18 North pl
Kent John, 67 Winchcomb st
Knight William, 3 Henrietta st
Poole Joshua Thos., 74 Winchcomb st
Whitcombe Arthur (and looking glass and picture frame maker), 11 Clarence st


Chemists & Druggists

Barron William, 27 WInchcomb st
Beaven & Power, 114 High st
Beetham Michel, 7 Promenade villas
Bennett John (and cupper), 96 Winchcomb st
Board Thomas, 317 High st
Butcher Thomas, 418 High st
Clarke Benjn. Joseph, 369 High st
Cull Edwin, 408 High st
Davies Thomas, 337 High st
Dodwell John, 422 High st
Finch John, 150 High st
Finch Joseph Newman, 293 High st
Fletcher & Palmer, 10 & 11 Montpellier avenue
Gazard Joseph, 82 Winchcomb st
Gibbon Dan, 109 High st
Gregory Charles & Wm., 189 High st
Gregory Edward, 3 Suffolk Parade
Gunstone Richard John, 357 High st
Hingston Andrew, Charlton
Horsley John, 390 High st
Jeffrey Russell, Leamington place
Jeffs Hubert, 19 Winchcombe st
Lewis Daniel, 104 High st
Myers Dyneley, 431 High st
Phillips George, 266 High st
Prockter Richard E., 397 High st
Shrimpton Charles, 125 High st
Smith Nathaniel, 373 High st, and Montpellier walk
Spier Edward Pearce, Bath road
Tily John, 18 Clarence st
Waite Joseph, 1 Ormond villas
Warder A. W., 399 High st
Wheeler Edwin (homoepathic), 1 Promenade place


Child-bed & Baby Linen Warehouses

Butcher Catherine, Paragon House, Bath road
Laurence Elizabeth, 14 Queen's circus
Smith & King, 9 Promenade villas


China, Glass, &c. Dealers

Antill Joseph, Tewkesbury road
Gardner & Barnard, 355 High st
Garrison Samuel, 341 High st
Groom John, 9 Henrietta st
Hayward Thomas, 79 Winchcomb st and 13 Market arcade
Hiatt Henry, 3 Portland square
Lewis James, 324 High st
Lewis Sarah, 27 Great Norwood st
Lyne George, 117 High st
Maberley James A., 201 High st
Norman Charles & William, 9 Promenade villas
Potter Dennis, Suffolk road
Skinner Francis, 102 Albion st
Wells Charlotte, 253 High st
Yates Joseph, 6 Clarence st


Clothes Dealers

Beard Thomas, 320 High st
Cardwardine Mary Ann, 202 High st
Davis Albion, 277 High st
Dickins William, 284 High st
Dike Samuel, 319 High st
Dwyer Hugh, 32 New st
Evans Isabella, 12 Ambrose st
Fear Edith, 1 New st
Franklin Abraham, 308 High st
Franklin Joel, 300 High st
Greenaway Harriet, 294 High st
Herbert Edward, 27 North place
Jones James, 3 New st
King Amelia, Manchester walk
Palmer Joseph, 281 High st
Stephens Samuel, Bath road
Trotman James, 188 High st


Coach and Fly Owners
For Hire
(See also Hotels.)

Bease John, Lamb yard
Bease Richard, Chester walk
Bendall Samuel, Bell mews, Bath rd
Carter Samuel, St. George's place
Cummings John W., back of Lansdown place
Davis Charles, 1 Corpus st
Fowles Robert, back of Lansdown terrace
Glover Richard, back of Lansdown place
Hensley William, 18 Portland st
Hilyer James, 35 Winchcomb st
Johnson Thomas, 22 Albert place
Kitchener Thomas, Imperial Mews
Ricketts Jos., back of Lansdown pl
Saville Thomas, North place
Smith Charles, Charlton Kings
Spreadbury James, Bath road, and back of Lansdown crescent
Staples John, Winchcomb place
Styles Charles, Montpellier villas
Wakefield Obed, 55 Winchcomb st
Williams Thomas, 10 Exmouth place
Workman John, Wolseley villa mews


Coach Builders & Harness Makers

Arkell & Jackson, 38, 75 and 76 Winchcomb st
Doxsey Andrew, 9 St. George's place
Dredge George, Sherborne place
Hiam Henry, Sherborne terrace
Little, Freeman & Veare, St. Georges' parade
Morris William, 28 Mount pleasant
Richards William, Albion st
Stevens John, 77 High st


Coal Merchants and Dealers

Aldridge John, Grosvenor terrace
Ballinger John, 67 New street
Birt Edwin, 2 Portland terrace
Bubb Charles, Sherborne street
Candle Charles, 3 Clare terrace, Bath road
Cooke William, 6 Bedford bldgs
Cox Matthew, Bath road
Crowther George, Gloucester road
Eaton Benjamin, New street
Eaton James, Britannia place
Gardner Thomas, Sandford st
Groves William, Tewkesbury bridge wharf
Haines Thomas, 7 Pittville street
Hiart Henry, 3 Portland square
Jordan William, Tewkesbury bridge wharf
Lewis William, St. Margaret's road
Maslin William, Albion st
Mason George, Victoria street
Mills Maria, 268 High st
Milton John, Tewkesbury road
Mustoe Richard, Sherborne st
Nicholson T. & J. B. (and stone), New street
Oldham Nathaniel, Grosvenor terr
Palmer Alfred, Regent place
Pope William, Grove street
Reuberson Thomas, Hanover st
Rollison James, 14 St. George's parade and Tewkesbury road
Shephard Henry, Columbia street
Smith John, Swindon road
Spencer James, Rosehill street, Hale's road
Strange William, Suffolk street
Taylor John James, Tewkesbury bridge wharf
Taylor William, Townsend st
Voile Thomas, 8 Colonnade
Webb William J. & Co., 17 & 18 Tivoli place
Willett S. & Sons, 24 Manchester walk and 7 Bath place
Williams Charles, 30 St. George's pl
Williams John & Sons, 383 High street and Great Western and Alston Wharfs
Winning Peter (& wood), Bath road
Workman George, Gloucester road
Workman George, 10 Pitville st
Yeomans Edward, Swindon road

Confectioners & Pastry Cooks.
(See also Bakers.)

Allen Stephen, 3 Suffolk road
Barnes John, 2 Suffolk road
Bland Lucy & Mary, Hewlet st
Brookes Samuel, 3 Birdlip place, Bath road
Caldicott Edward, 12 Winchcomb street
Cooper William, 1 Queen's circus
Cox John, 142 High st
Davis George, Albert street
Davis Thomas, 317 High st
George Wm. Frederick, 367 High st
Gray Mary Ann, 17 Clarence st
Hedge Thomas N., 63 High st
Hooper William, 369 High st
Hyde Charles, 329 High st
Jones Mary Ann, Belleview Lodge
King William, 13 Montpellier walk
Leacey John Philip, 85 High st
Margrett Henry, 61 High st
Powell Mary Ann, the Cross
Sims Thomas, 148 High st
Tilley Charles, 1 Bath cottage
Tinkler George, 120 High st
Tyler Richard, Suffolk road
Tyler Thomas, Suffolk parade
Wakefield Jasper, 4 Leamington pl
Weekes Eleanor, 12 Manchester wlk
Wilkins Thomas, 63 Winchcomb st



Ballinger John, 67 New st
Barradell Sml., 20 Great Norwood st
Clinch William, Market House
Hooper Thomas H., 62 High st
Kear Thomas, 217 High st
Long Thomas, 203 High st
Phipps Henry, Bath road

Corn and Flour Dealers
Marked thus * are also Hay and Straw Dealers

Attwood Thomas, 95 High st
Baker Jane, Bath road
Buckle Walter, Bath road
* Candle Charles, Bath road
* Clare John, 133 High st
* Davis John, 21 Winchcomb st
Little Edward, Tewkesbury road
* Mills Maria, 268 High st
* Mills Thomas, 31 Winchcomb st
Rainbow Ephriam, 8 High st
Russell Charles, Great Norwood st
Sims Joseph, Tewkesbury road
* Williams Charles Henry, 66 Winchcomb st


Corn Merchants
Attending the Market held at the Lamb Hotel, High street

Attwood Thos.
Baskerville -
Blizard & Co.
Fluck R.
Gray H.
Healing & Sons
Kimberley J. K.
Price William F.
Lucy W. C. & Co.
Phillpotts & Co.
Rice & Co.
Robinson J. & T.
Sturge J. & C.
Walker James
Weston J., Bath road Mill


Curriers and Leather Sellers

Bishop Henry, 191 High st
Brown George, 6 North street
Creed Thomas, 10 St. George st
Freeman John & Son, 11 Henrietta st
Lloyd Charles, 2 St. George st
Mustoe John, 34 Gloucester place



Neesham William, 87 High st
Neill Joseph Thomas, (surgical instrument maker), 19 Albion st
Sparrow Edward, Dowswell passage, 192 High st
Williams John Lewis, 19 Portland st



Baker John, Painswick terrace
Baldwin John, 9 Winchcomb st
Cooke John, 8 St. George's parade
Edney William, 24 Bath st
Elworthy John, 411 High st
Etheridge William, Montpellier st
Hayward Charles, 29 Townsend st
Hewer Robert, Oriel House, Bath rd
Hooper George, 11 Suffolk road
Kilmister John, Tivoli st
Kingman Thomas, 24 Montpelier st
Long Henry, 264 High st
Nelson David, 1 Well walk
Newman Samuel, 9 Suffolk parade
Phillips William, 3 Tivoli place
Purcell William, 18 Milsom st
Waine Matilda, 2 Allstone place
Webb John, 5 Winchcomb place
Whitehead Elizabeth, 1 Royal Well pl
Wood James, 4 Winchcomb place



Alex Montague, 2 Rodney terrace
Cullis George Henry, 4 Cambray pl
Gregory Edward, 3 Suffolk parade
Oakey Charles, 41 Winchcomb st
Palmer Thomas Gill, 1 Royal cresnt
Penny George, 14 Rodney terrace
Quintin Adolphus, St. James's sq
Robertson James, 6 Oriel terrace
Spier Edward Pearce, Bath road
Tibbs Somerset, 58 Regent st


Dress Makers
See Milliners and Dress Makers


Barnes Grace, Belle Vue Lodge
Denley William, 6 Chester walk
Gay & Contant, 410A High st
Lyne George, 117 High st
Parker Caleb, Rotunda terrace
Parker Job, 7 North st


Eating-House Keepers

Gammon John, 290 High st
Matthews Mary, Rose & Crown passage
Miller Leonard, Rose & Crown passage
Shailes Samuel, 3 Church st
Thornton Richard, 105 Albion st
White Mary, 12 North st


Engravers and Copper Plate Printers

Bailey William, 5 Queen's circus
Burden Henry, 8 Winchcomb st
Cochrane Henry J., 12 Colonade
Furber Thos., Montpellier exchange
Gardner Francis, 2 Regent st
Harvey William, Back of Clarence st
Leonard Edward, Bath st
Lyford Thomas, (and seal), 2 Clarence street
Manning William, Rose and Crown passage
Mayer John, 3 St. George's parade
Radford Jonas, 56 St. George's place
Stanton H. T., 3 Chester walk
Stevens Wm., 15 Pittville street
Williams Joseph, 9 North st
Williams William, 12 Colonnade


Fancy Repositories

Alder Daniel & Son, 1 Promenade
Burwell Rowell, 11 Promenade villas
Davison James, 361 High st
Draper Maria, 370 High st
Haviland Richard, 353 High st
Karo Hirtz, 14 Montpellier walk

Fire &c. Office Agents

Alliance, Winterbotham and Bell, Essex place
Birmingham (fire), Thos. Butcher, 418 High street; & Henry Dartnall, Pate Villa, Corpus st
British Provident, Edwin Broom, 17 Portland st
Church of England, Henry Plumbe, Essex place
City of Glasgow (life), Robert Wheeler, 2 Regent street
City of London (life), Spencer Purser, 379 High street
Colonial (life), Frederick C. Westley, 13 Promenade villas
County (fire), Robert Wheeler, 2 Regent street; George Sweeting, 386 High street, and Weaver and Moore, 55 High street
Crown (life), Gwinnett & Ticehurst, Essex place
Eagle (life), Thomas Williams, Ormond place; and Henry Dartnall, Pate Villa, Corpus street
Eagle & Albion, Robert T. Tanner, 23 Grosvenor place, South
Economic (life), Dan Gibbon, 109 High st
European (life), Samuel Gaspard, 3 Pittville street, & John Dodwell. 422 High st
Globe, Charles & Martin Lane, 17 Montpellier wk; Baynham Jones, Cambray place, & Winterbotham and Bell, Essex place
Gresham (life), Benjamin J. Clarke, 369 High street
Imperial, Wm. Byrne, 2 Bedford Buildings, Clarence st; and Laurence and Son, 3 Queen's Circus
Law (fire), Robert Sole Linwood, 2 Promenade place, Clarence street; and Gwinnett & Ticehurst, Essex pl
Law Union, Charles J. Chesshyre, 57 Regent st
Leeds & Yorkshire (fire), Henry Dartnell, Pate Villa, Corpus st
Liverpool and London, Henry Dangerfield, 32 Cambray place
London, James New, 371 High st
Manchester (fire); Thos. Davies, 337 High st, and Daniel James Humphris, Keynsham parade
Mutual (life), John Horsley, 390 High street
National (life), Edward Ashe, 4 Pittville street, and Thomas S. Smith, 1 Crescent place
National Assurance & Investment Association, William M. Bell, Colonade
National Mercantile (life), Richard J. Gunstone, 357 High st
National Provincial, Thomas Jones, North place
Pelican (life), Daniel Jas. Humphris, Keynsham parade
Peoples' Provident (life), Dyneley Myers, 431 High st
Phoenix (fire), Cox and Paul, 94 High st, & John Sermon Cox, Bath street, & Robert T. Tanner, 23 Grosvenor place, South
Plate Glass Insurance Company, Robt. Wells & Co., 85 Winchcomb street
Provident (life), George Sweeting, 386 High st, & Weaver & Moore, 55 High st
Rock (life), Frederick Marshall, Rodney terrace
Royal, John Alcock, 54 Winchcomb st, & Thomas Williams, Ormond pl
Royal Exchange, George Ridge, 41 Grosvenor place, South
Royal Naval, Military & East India (life), Benjamin J. Clarke, 369 High st
Saint George, Frederick Marshall, Rodney terrace
Scottish Provincial, Chas. Henry Williams, 6 Regent st
Scottish Union, James Healey, 4 Portland st
Sovereign (life), Joseph N. Finch, 293 High st
Standard (life), Andrew Paul, 94 High street
Star, Charles Armstrong, 24 Manchester walk, and Thomas Davies, 337 High st
State (fire), Thomas S. Smith, 1 Crescent place
Sun, Walter Jessop, Church st, and Benjamin Bubb, Clarence st
Travellers' & Marine, Robert T. Tanner, 23 Grosvenor pl, South
Union, Engall & Sanders, 98 High st
Unity (fire), Richard J. Gunstone, 357 High st
Unity General, John Bennett, Rathbone House, Bath road
Universal (life), E. J. Young, Promenade villas
Western (life), James Rees Philips, Essex place
Widows' Fund and General (life), Richard Wells & Co., 86 Winchcomb street
Yorkshire, Henry Pointer, 64 Winchcomb street


Fishmongers & Dealers in Game

Baylis William, 335 High st
Bliss Jesse, 378 High st
Harpin & Co. (and venison dealers), 108 High st
Marment Philip, 152 High st
Pritchard Westley, 92 High st
Woodward & Butt, 3 Montpellier avenue
Wyatt Henry, 6 Montpellier st
Young & Co., 16 & 17 Colonade


French Polishers

Curtis Henry, 12 Bedford buildings
Gowanlock Thomas, Essex Lodge


Fringe Manufacturers

Bird Jane, Essex Lodge
George Emma, 16 Regent st


Fruiterers and Green Grocers

Baylis William, 335 High st, and Albion st
Beard Charles, Bath road
Bennett Robert S., 2 London road
Bowles John, 5 London road
Bradburn John, 281 High st
Brotheridge John, Tewkesbury rd
Clarke John, 273 High st
Cook Samuel, 27 Manchester walk
Cooke Edward, 230 High st
Cooper John, 72 High st
Cosnett Thomas, 170 High st
Dale Abraham, 1 Promenade villas
Dean William, 43 Montpelier villas
Durbin mary Ann, Bath road
Edmonds Joseph, 354 High st
Elliott Thomas, 260 High st
Evans Richard, 24 Mount pleasant
Flack Frances, Tewkesbury road
Freeman Chas., 4 Montpellier avenue
Garratt James, 27 Bath st
Gough Mary, 1 Leamington place
Gregory David, 2 Gt. Norwood st
Hall John, St. Paul's st, South
Harris John, 6 New st
Herbert Henry, 248 High st
Herbert Wm., 1 St. George's st
Hicks Samuel, 14 St. James' st
Hiscox John, Cottage pl, St. Margaret's
Holmes Maria, 107 Albion st
Ireland Mary Ann, 68 High st
Jones John, 10 Henrietta st
Jones Thomas, 204 High st
Lawrence John, 145 High st
Lusty William, Market arcade
Manning John, 97 Winchcomb st
Mansfield Giles, Bath rd
Morris John, 18 Colonade
Moss William, 7 Winchcomb st
Mustoe William, Bath road
Ody William, 4 Montpelier st
Paine John, 7 Suffolk parade
Palmer Joseph, 281 High st
Payne John, 247 High st
Pearce John, 103 Albion st
Pett William S., 2 Suffolk st
Rodburn Philip, New st
Rowley George, Regent place
Siddall William, 16 Montpellier walk
Skinner William, 12 North place
Smith Edward, 321 High st
Smith Isaac, 232 High st
Smith John James, 278 High st
Smith Thomas, 194 High st
Stafford Robert, 231 High st
Thackwell Elizabeth, High st
Tilley Charles, 1 Bath Cottage
Turk John, 303 High st
Vaughan John, 21 Winchcomb st
Weaver Sarah, 39 Winchcomb st
Willis William, Tram way
Wilson William, 15 Colonnade
Wigzell Silas, 9 Ambrose st
Winter Stephen, 2 Bath road


Furniture Brokers

Alderslade Thomas P., 226 High st
Bayliss Henry, 61 Burton st
Bellamy Joseph, Bath road
Brooker James, 27 Clarence st
Brown Edward, Shurdington
Clark Thomas, 305 High st
Cook Thomas, St. George st
Crook Ezra, 339 High st
Garrett James,Bath House, Bath road
Hillett Solomon, 180 High st
Hall William, 92 High st
Hatch John, 425 High st
Hiscox Brothers, 56 Winchcomb st
Hurcomb William, Gloucester road
Islip James, 302 High st
Laurence Matthew, 216 High st
McCarthy Daniel, 20 Albion st
Mace Charles, 3 & 4 Suffolk parade
Masters Richard. 332 & 333 High st
Meyer Benjamin, 10 Portland st
Millington Alfred, 46 Winchcomb st
Morgan John Henry, 3 Bedford bldgs
Page Henry, 404 High st
Potter Dennis, Suffolk road
Sayer William, 425 High st
Shurnier Nathaniel, New Market arcade
Slaite Alfred, 12 Tewkesbury road
Stephens Samuel, Bath road
Sweeting George, 385 & 386 High st



Ashe Edward F., 4 Pittville st
Samuel Emanuel, 5 Colonnade

(See also Nursery and Seedsmen.)

Bastin George, 10 Sandford terrace
Baugh Thomas, Tewkesbury road
Beamish Samuel, 5 Painswick parade
Brian Richard, Prestbury
Bourne Joseph, 14 Albert place
Burgess Charles, London road
Clift James & William, Tivoli Gardens
Cooke Thomas, Shurdington road
Cosnett Thomas, Tewkesbury road
Dovey Thomas E., Tewkesbury road
Hiscox John, Cottage pl., St. Margaret
Holden James, Mauds Holme
Holder John, Prestbury
Hopwood William, Jersey gardens, Jersey place
Mann Thomas, Charlton Kings
Moss Henry, Prestbury
Payne John, 247 High st
Pearman Robert, Leckhampton
Pett Wm. Samuel, 2 Suffolk road
Phillips Richard, Ormond place
Poole David, 5 Tivoli place
Pound Peter, Hewlett road
Reeves John, Charlton Kings
Skinner William, 12 North place
Smith John James, 278 High st
Stadden James, Rosehill street, Hales road
Turner John, Shurdington road
Turner Joseph, Prestbury
Vaughan Charles, Tewkesbury road
Weaver Thomas, Queens road
Williams Joseph, Prestbury
Yates George, Leckhampton
Young James, Hewlet road


Ginger Beer, Soda Water &c. Manufacturers

Gibbon Dan (soda water), 109 High st
Niblett Charles, Grosvenor place


Grocers & Tea Dealers
(See also Shopkeepers, &c. and also Tea Dealers.)

Adams Thomas, Bath road
Ballinger Thomas, 93 Winchcomb st and 22 Bath st
Banbury Sarah, 22 Winchcomb st
Barnfield Edward Foxwell, 88 Winchcomb st
Bartholomew John Stevens, 74 High st
Bastin Frederick, Bath road
Baxter David Felix, 403 High st
Beard Henry, 59 High st
Beckinsale Ruth, 187 High st
Beckinsale Thomas, 426 High st
Buckle Walter, Bath road
Carew John, 312 High st
Chambers Jabox, 9 Albion st
Cooper Valentine, Bath road
Crew John, 83 Winchcomb st, and 86 and 312 High st
Fetrish & Co., 2 Montpellier st
Fisher Samuel W., 299 High st
Fluck Rosa, 3 Tivoli place
French Joseph, 430 High st
Giller Thomas, 79 High st
Goding John, 2 Portland st
Green Stephen, 174 & 286 High st
Haselton Charles, 328 High st
Hastings Henry, 25 Pittville st
Hawarden J. & S., 318 & 134 High st
Hill Henry, 1 Suffolk parade
Hurlston Michael, 1 Montpellier Exchange
Ireland C. N. & C., 272 High st
Johnson Richard, 24 Gloucester pl
Jull George & Co., 2 Queen's circus
Lawrence Charles, Bath road
Malvern Charles, 226 High st. and 18 & 19 Suffolk parade
Merrett Charles, 428 High st
Parsons William, Suffolk road
Partridge John, 127 High st
Patterson Daniel M. F., 1 & 2 Montpellier avenue
Pearman Walter, 17 St. George pl
Piper William Henry, Northwick place, Bath road
Pratt Henry B., 10 Clarence st
Rundell Samuel, 2 Royal Well place
Sadler John, 7 London road
Seilig Samuel, 24 Pittville st, and 262 High st
Silk Jacob, 346 High st
Skelton William, 14 St. James' pl
Smith William, 18 Great Norwood st
Stone John, 331 High st
Tarling Thomas, 62 Sherborne st
Tibbles Thomas, 1 Adelaide buildings', Bath road
Townsend George, 3 Leamington place
Treeby Philip L., 387 High st
Wall Alfred, Bath road
Wallis James, 214 High st
Warren Leonard Holland, 15 Albion st
White and Co., 309 High st
White William & Co., 400 High st
Williams Edward, 6 London road
Workman George, 244 High st

Haberdashers, Hosiers and Lacemen
(See also Silk Mercers.)

Barnard William, 364 High st
Bastin Richard, 7 St. James' sq
Baughan John, Bath road
Beard Wm., 20 Great Norwood st
Beckingsale William, 429 High st
Bowd David, 193 High st
Brewer Sarah, 304 High st
Brimall Charles, 2 & 3 Promenade villas
Brown Robert, 27 Pittville st
Capleton John Carlisle, 4 Promenade villas
Chaplin Harriet, 205 High st
Debenham Son & Freebody, Cavendish House, Promenade
Edwards Geo., 8 Montpellier avenue
Fish and Sweeting, 22 Montpellier walk
Hart Sarah, 28 Great Norwood st
Henwood Thomas & Frederick, 101 High st
Hissey Elizabeth Ann, 103 High st
Hobbs Charles, 151 High st
Howell Susannah (lace dealer), 9 Montpellier walk
Kingdon Francis, 5 Promenade villas
Larkin Patrick, 10 Montpellier villas
Pauline Caroline (& Embroidery), 10 Montpellier walk
Rock Elizabeth, 2 Bath cottages
Sims Henry, 2 Adelaide buildings, Bath road
Smith Wm. F., 3 Promenade villas
Tetley George, 26 Pittville st
Woodman Mary, 7 St. James' place

Hair Dressers
Marked thus * are also Perfumers.

Barker William Henry, 5 Winchcomb st
* Bubb Job, 26 Winchcomb st
Clifford Emanuel D., Tewkesbury rd
Davis George, 66 High st
Dibbs William, 33 Mount pleasant
Dowswell George, 336 High st
Fennell George, 218 High st
Fennell John, Sherborne terrace
Gore John, 12 Montpellier walk
Griffiths Thomas, Church st
* Hanford William, 363 High st
* Lincoln George, 6 Montpellier avenue
* Mark Alexander, 1 Clarence st
Palmer Henry, 4 London road
Poulston George, 208 High st
Poulston George, 5 Suffolk road
Restall James, 169 High st
Rowland Robert, 96 Albion st
Shea John, 18 Winchcomb st
Smith Charles, 5 Adelaide buildings, Bath road
Smith Joseph, 2 Grosvenor st
Smith Richard, St. James' st
* Stevens Henry, 13 Albion st
Teague John, Ambrose st
Ursell Francis. 8 Montpellier st
Williams Charles, 2 St. James' ter
* Wood Frederick, 8 Clarence sq



Beecroft Samuel, 136 High st
Cape & Co., 1 Colonnade & 362 High st
Plant Thomas, 345 High st
Stevens James C., 350 High st
Turner George, Regent st
Turner William, 314 High st



Bowls William, 4 Britannia place
Bubb Charles, Sherborne st
Haines Thomas & Co., 7 Pittville st
Hiatt Henry, 3 Portland square
Mustoe Charles, 11 Union st
Mustoe Richard, Sherborne st
Wells Robert & Co., 86 Winchcomb st


Hay and Straw Dealers
See Corn and Flour Dealers.

Horse Dealers

Chapman Benjamin & Robert, 9 Warwick place
Jacobs Frederick, Montpellier
James John, Westall Court Farm, Lansdown
Price Frederick, New st
Reeves George, Montpellier
Tanner James, Bedford buildings

House Agents
Marked thus * are also Estate

* Bridgewater William, 1 Portland st
Collins Samuel, 11 Hewlet st
Coome John, 1 Norwood terrace, Bath road
* Engall & Sanders, 98 High st, - (See advertisement).
Evans Daniel & Son, 49 St. George's place
* Humphris Daniel James, Keynsham parade, London road
Lane Charles & Martin, 17 Montpellier walk
Laurence & Son, 3 Queen's circus
Leach Benjamin, 156 High st
Malvern Thomas, 8 North st
Urch and Seabright, 16 Gloucester place
Villar James (and general), 1 Portland street
Ward William, 8 Pittville st
Wood Richard, 442 High st
Young & Gilling, Promenade villas


Hurdle Makers & Wood Dealers

Ballinger John, 67 New st
Birt John (fire), 25 Ambrose st
Cooke William, 6 Bedford buildings, Clarence st
Field William, Albion st
Hayward Thomas, Union st
James Isaac, Lypiatt st, Tivoli
Mason George, Victoria st
Mitchell Thomas, Charlton
Parry Thomas, Victoria st
Smith Samuel, Holyoak Cottage, Bath road
Winning Peter, 1 Clare st, Bath road

Inns and Hotels
(See also Taverns and Public Houses.)

Beehive Inn, William Carter, Montpellier villas
Bellevue Hotel, Martha Thomas, 55 High st
Crown Inn, Thomas Studd, High st
Eight Bells Hotel, Elizabeth Wilson, Church st
Fleece Hotel (posting house, family and commercial), Henry Nicholls, 162 High st
Lamb Hotel, Charles Scott, 116 High st
Lansdown Hotel (family & boarding), Thomas Darby, Lansdown parade
Old Swan, Wm. George Evans, 60 High st
Queen's Family Hotel & Boarding House, William Smart Davis, Promenade
Plough Hotel (family), John Benjamin Churchill, High st
Railway Station Hotel, Edward Gray, Gloucester road
Royal Hotel, Richard Aveson, 97 High st
Star Hotel (commercial), John Mustoe, Regent st
Sydney Arms, Frederick Augustus Bretherton, 19 Pittville st



Albino Donato (hardwareman), 177 High street
Beard Thomas (hardwareman), 321 High street
Bennett Elizabeth, 249 High street
Bushell John & Son, 1 Lypiatt st
Chapman John, 165 High st
Cormell John, 7 & 8 Tivoli place
Fisher Charles (and tool maker), 34 Winchcomb st
Halford Joseph, 142 High st
Hancock & Son, Charlton Kings
Herbert John, 334 High st
Humphris & Attwood, 405 High st
McAlpine John, 100 High st
Mallory Robert & Henry, 395 High st
Manning John (and hardwareman), 316 High st
Marshall R. E. & C. (and manufacturers of stove grates, hurdles, verandas, &c), 5 Clarence st
Norris William, 183 High st
Organ Daniel, 423 High st
Smith Edwin, 196 High st
Watts Anne, 24 Winchcomb st
Wilks John (and iron merchant), 287 High st


Italian Warehouses

Freeman Charles, 4 Montpellier avenue
Giller Thomas, 79 High st
Hurlston M. P., 1 Montpellier Exchange
Jull George & Co., 2 Queen's circus
Patterson Daniel M. F., 1 & 2 Montpelier avenue
Primer David, 125 High st
White William & Co., 400 High st


Jewellers - Working
(See also Silversmiths & Jewellers.)

Brown Frederick, 4 Montpelier walk
Gordon George, 84 High st
Laurence Francis, 4 Rotunda ter
Laurence Isaac, 12½ Colonnade
McLean Daniel, 10 North st
Oakey Charles, 41 Winchcomb st
Radnedge John, 15 Regent st


Letter-Press Printers
See Printers - Letter Press.

Libraries and Reading Rooms

Andrews Charles, 129 High st
Bailey William, 5 Queen's circus
Bettam Elizabeth, 307 High st
Chadwick John T., 6 Montpellier walk
Church of England, Bedford Buildings - John Wilkins, secretry
Cochrane Henry J., 12 Colonnade
Davis Henry, 2 & 3 Montpelier walk
Montpellier Library, Henry Davies, Montpelier street
Shipton Thomas, 384 High st
Westley Frederick C., 13 Promenade villas, and 96 High st
Wight & Bailey, 4 Promenade villas
Williams George Arthur & Son, 393 High street

Linen & Woollen Drapers
(See also Haberdashers and also Silk Mercers.)

Barratt John, 167 High st., and 6 Waterloo terrace, Bath road
Beckingsale William, 429 High st
Booth Frederick, 163 High st
Cox Edward, Gt. Norwood st
Debenham, Son & Freebody, Cavendish house, Promenade
Dicks John, 289 High st
Downing James, 135 High st
Dunn & James, 124 High st
Fish & Sweeting, 22 Montpellier walk
Fox & Boucher, 138 High st
French Edward, 155 High st
Hamer Aaron & Co., 368 High st
Harris George, 413 High st
Isaacs Joseph, 7 Montpellier avenue
Joynes Henry, 344 High st
Lang Jane, 17 Promenade villas
Maddison James, 385 High st
Morgan William, 310 High st
Newman & Lance, 126 & 128 High st
Nicholson John H., 381 High st
Payne Wm. Benjamin, 84 High st
Phipps James, 407 High st
Provident Clothing Society, 91 High st
Rippon Henry E. & Brother, 173 High st
Shirer & Sons, Imperial circus, Promenade
Spencer William M., 198 High st
Tippett Thomas, 80 Winchcomb st
Verriour Frederick, 347 High st
Walton Wm. & Co., 94 Winchcomb st
Walwyn James, 83 High st
Whitbread Henry, 5 Leamington pl
Witherspoon Joseph, 449 High st


Livery Stable Keepers

Carter Samuel, St. George's pl
Chapman Benjamin, Warwick place, Winchcomb st
Davis William S., Promenade
English George Henry, back of Lansdown place
Fowles Robert, Back of Lansdown terrace
Glover Richard, Suffolk rd, Lansdown pl
Holman William, St. George's terrace
Humphreys & Son, 70 Winchcomb st
Jacobs Frederick, Montpelier
James John, Imperial Mews
Kitchener Thomas, Imperial Mews
Oliver Thomas (trainer), Prestbury
Smith James, Regent st
Spreadbury James, Bath Villa mews
Wirdman Edwin, Royal hotel mews


Loan Building Societies

Cheltenham and Gloucestershire Benefit Loan Society, 2 Bedford buildings - William Byrne, secretary
County of Gloucestershire Building Society, 2 Promenade place, Clarence st. - Robert S. Lingwood, solicitor; C. W. Massey, secretary
County of Gloucester Loan Society, Essex place - George Rogers, secretary
Equitable Loan Society, Essex place, William Bain, secretary


Lodging Houses
See Boarding and Lodging Houses.

Machine Makers

James Isaac (and patentee & manufacturer of the liquid manure distributor, and manufacturer of the patent economic washing machine), Lypiatt st, Tivoli. - (See advertisement)
Quintin Charles Francis (& manufacturer of the patent kneading machine), St. James' square


(See also Malsters under the head of Brewers.)

Dowle Charles, 24 Gloucester place, and Hewlett st, and Barratt mill
Sadler William, Shurdington
Shill Thomas & John. Bishop's cleeve
Turk William & Charles, America Passage, Charlton Kings


Marine Store Dealers

Aldington Thomas, 3 Mount pleasant
Bayliss Sarah, Ambrose st
Chevalier William, 292 High st
Coleman William, Bath road
Dodwell Henry, Swindon road
Munro David, 36 Sherborne st
Porter Edward, 263 High st
Regan Thomas, 178 High st and Bath road mill



Atwood Saml., Barrett's Mill, High st
Boulter Frederick, Allstone Lr mill
Chandler Henry, Boddington
Cole John, Prestbury
Jones Wm., Albion mills, Regent pl
Matthews John, Charlton
Perry Thos. G., Upper Allstone mill
Price William F., Bath road

Milliners & Dress Makers

Adams & Berkeley, 14 portland st
Ashley Sarah, 17 Hamilton place
Ashmeades Hannah, 5 Chorlton pl., London road
Baker Sarah, 3 Cambray place
Ballinger Louisa, Buckingham Cottage, Wellington st
Banning Louisa, 34 Grosvenor st
Barnard Sarah, 17 Henrietta st
Barnett Emily, Park st, London road
Bartholomew Mary Ann, 21 Promenade villas
Benmore Esther, Regent st
Bennett Charlotte, 5 St. George's sq
Bevan Ann, 5 North place
Boodle Fanny Maria, 32 North pl
Bowles Augustine, Camden Cottage, Portland st
Bridgman Eliza, Portland st
Buckman & Norman, 4 Tavistock pl
Capleton John Carlisle, 4 Promenade villas
Carter Jane, 12 St. George's parade
Candle Mary Ann, 3 Clare terrace, Bath road
Chapman Mary Anne, 4 Promenade villas
Chritchley Phoebe, Bath st
Collett Evilina & Emily, 2 Ormond villas
Cook Annette, 24 Montpellier walk
Courtney Lucy, 20 Promenade villas
Crawford hester, 43 Winchcomb st
Dix John, 410 High st
Doleman Mary, 3 Clarence parade
Dollings Mary Anne, 1 St. George's pl
Draper Maria, 370 High st
Early Julia, Bath House, Bath road
Field Henry John, 380 High st
Finch Catherine, 6 Promenade villas
Fisher Elizabeth, 4 Royal well pl
Foley Sarah, 18 Clarence st
Forty Elizabeth, 55 St. George pl
Frankis Maria Louisa, 1 Cambray pl
Gammond Emma, 27 Winchcomb st
Gardner Frances, 2 Regent st
Gardner Mary Ann, 4 Regent st
Geater Elizabeth, 11 Park st
Giles Charlotte, Westall pl., Bath rd
Glover Sarah Anne, 15 Montpelier st
Gregory Anne, 27 Cambray place
Hadden Eliza, 256 High st
Hale Caroline, 6 Well walk
Hands Amelia, 6 St. James' terrace
Hands Charlotte, 415 High st
Hayes Edward Thomas, 192 High st
Henwood Thos. & Fredk, 102 High st
Herbert Elizabeth, 27 North place
Hill Caroline, 417 High st
Hodges Eliza Jane, 24 White Hart st
Humphreys Martha, Bath road
Ind Sarah, 1 Portland place
Ings Eliza, 17 North place
Justice Harriet, 22 Park st
King Elizabeth, 16 Clarence st
Lang James, 17 Promenade villas
Laurence Elizabeth, 3 Queen's circus
Leonard Anne, 5 Sherborne terrace
Lovack Augusta, 19 Montpelier walk
Lovell Catherine, 25 Bath st
Maillard Elizabeth, 2 Regent st
Mansfield Mary Jane, 9 St. James' pl
Mayer Emma and Sarah Ann, 10 Portland st
Morris Sophia, 22 North place
Moulton Louisa, 7 Montpelier promenade
Newman Amelia, 2 Tivoli st
Paine Mary Ann, 6 Regent st
Parker Sarah, 3 St. George's square
Perks Ann, Grosvenor st
Pipe Mary & Eliza, Queen's circus
Platt Charlotte, Regent villas
Poole Elizabeth, 74 Winchcomb st
Powell Mary Ann, 1 Gloucester pl
Pritchard Eliza, 5 Gloucester pl
Purnell Harriet & Rebecca, Essex House
Revell Eliza, 4 Portland terrace
Richards Jane, 1 Northfield terrace
Samuel Emanuel, 5 Colonnade
Smith Eliza, 4 Warwick place
Smith Wilhelmina, 3 St. James' terr
Smith William T., 3 Promenade villas
Spearman Mary Anne, 4 Colonnade
Sperry Eleanor, 227 High st
Stinson Ellen, 10 Promenade villas
Thornton Harriet, 81 High st
Trotman Mary, Charlton Kings
Vale Emma, 15 Gloucester place
Viner Charlotte, 2 Providence terrace, Great Norwood st
Walker Mary, 5 Suffolk parade
Ward Elizabeth, 11 St. George place
Watkins Elizbth., Painswick terrace
Watts Mary, 11 St. George place
White Ann, London road
Williams Hannah, Springwell Cottage, Bath road
Williams Sarah, 55 St. George's pl
Winstone Elizabeth & Martha, Glenville Cottage, North place
Woolrich Elizabeth, 2 North place


Music & Musical Instrument Sellers

Enngblut Alexander, 3 St. George pl
Finlayson Wm., 8 Promenade villas
Hale & Son (and music sellers to the Queen), Promenade House
Halton Joseph, 3 Promenade place
Voigt Augustus William (& pianoforte maker, tuner & repairer), 3 Regent st
Voigt George Augustus (pianoforte maker), Saint George's House, St. George's place
Woodward George (and pianoforte tuner and repairer), 14 Promenade East - (See advertisement)


Newspaper & Periodical Dealers

Andrews Charles, 129 High st
Bettam William, 307 High str
Cochrane Henry J., 12 Colonnade
Gardner Henry Bannister, 62 Winchcomb st
Gastrell Frederick, 14 Suffolk parade
Green William H., 269 High st
Groves Catherine, 10 Manchester wlk
Humphreys Edwin, Clare terrace, Bath road
Humphries Joseph, Sherborne st
Leonard Edward, Bath st
Sharland Edward, 14 St. George's st
Shenton Thos. B., 90 Winchcombe st
Westley Frederick C., 96 High st, and 13 Promenade villas


With their Publishers and Days of Publication

Cheltenham Chronicle (Tuesday) John LOwe, Regent st
Examiner (Wednesday), Norman & Cummings, 9 Clarence st
Free Press (Saturday), Albert Harper, 318 High st
Journal (Monday), Mary Hadley. Queen's buildings, High st
Looker-On (Saturday), Henry Davies, 2 & 3 Montpelier st

Nursery and Seedsmen
(See also Gardeners)

Clark John, 58 High st
Heath William, Sandford road
Hodges Samuel, Imperial Nursery, Promenade
Hopwood William, Jersey Gardens, Jersey place, Hewlett st
Hurlston Edmund (florist), Swindon rd
Jessop Brothers, St. James' square
Jessop Charles Hale, St. James' square
Jung & Schneider (and florists), German gardens, St. George's road, Bays hill
Pates John (and florist), Kingston gardens
Pipe Wm. (and florist), Montpelier Nursery



Davison James, 361 High st
Underhill John, 16 Clarence st



Beard Thomas, 321 High st
Franklin Abraham, 308 High st
Franklin Joel, 300 High st

Painters and Glaziers
(See also Plumbers, &c.)

Bourne & Son, 31 Burton st
Browning David, 28 Ambrose st
Bussell Alfred, 62 St. George's pl
Carter Joseph, 32 New st
Channon Daniel, Portland st
Channon W. C. & L., 10 St. George's pl
Davis Joseph (painter), 5 Great Norwood st
Ellis George, 11 St. James' place
Garton Samuel, Sterling Lodge, London road
Gibbons John, Suffolk parade
Haines William, 49 St. George st
Keen William D., St. Paul st North
Lane Joshua, 17 Montpellier st
McVitie Walter, 59 St. Paul st North
Martin Samuel, North pl, Pittville
Morris James, 22 North place
Page Richard, 3 Grosvenor st
Parsonage George, 4 and 5 St. George's parade
Phelps George, 16 Park st
Potter Peter, 11 Rotunda terrace
Richards William Francis, 32 Winchcombe street
Seward Joseph, Elm st
Walker William, 6 & 7 Clarence st
Waller John (heraldic), 16 Saint George's place
Watts Richard, 55 Burton st
Willett S. & Sons, 24 Manchester walk


Paper Hangers

Channon W. C. & L., 10 Saint George's place
Garton Samuel, Sterling lodge, London road
Forbett Robert, 20 St. Paul st. North
Lane Joshua, 17 Montpellier st
Leakey James S., 412 High street
Overbury Thomas, 6 Well walk
Parsonage George, 4 and 5 Saint George's parade
Paynter Thomas & Son (and manufacturer), Oxford pl., London road
Pilley John, 3 Victoria st
Thornton Thomas, Tewkesbury rd
White John, 36 Winchcomb st
Willett George, 13 North st


Pawn Brokers

Isaac Andrew Michael, 89 Winchcomb street
Moses Israel, 172 High st
Pike Joseph, 210 High st
Soloman Phineas, 199 High st
Sternberg David, 191 High st
Sternberg Samuel, Chester walk

(See also Surgeons)

Abercrombie John, 13 Suffolk sq
Ackworth Edward, 26 Promenade
Allardyce James, 31 Cambray place
Arnott George, Rodney lodge
Bagnall George, 23 Promenade
Bernard William K., 12 Cambray pl
Bird Henry, Montague Lodge, Cambray place
Brooks Wm. Philpot, Sherborne lodge
Cannon AEneas, 15 Cambray place
Cochrane Henry J., 12 Colonnade
College Thomas Richards, Lauriston House, Bays hill
Comyn Stephen, Wolsley villa, Imperial square
Cook Francis, 1 Suffolk lawn
Crofton William, 4 Segrave place, Pittville
Falcon Robert, 5 Lansdown place
Gibney William, 9 Rodney terrace
Hewson George Francis, Warwick House, Portland st
Hooper William Henry, 2 Bath villas
Irving John, 5 Priory st
Jeanneret Henry, Oak ville, Charlton Kings
Keir Adam, 37 Lansdown Crescent
Ker Claudias Buchanan, 8 Royal prde
Logan David, 3 Oriel villas
McDowell Robert, 1 Oriel terrace
Porter John Henry, 8 Portland st
Reynolds Thomas F., 14 Lansdown place
Robinson Collings, 10 Oxford st
Scott George, Lothian villa, Pittville
Smith Thomas, Portland House, Albion street
Speer Stanhope, 1 Wellington st
Turnbull Dennis, Sherborne place
Wright Thomas, 4 St. Margarett's terr


Piano Forte Tuners

Enngblut Alexander, 3 St. George's pl
Voigt Augustus William (and repairer), 3 Regent st
Woodward George (and teacher & repairer), 44 Promenade East - (See advertisement)


Plasterers & Bricklayers

Arundell Robert, Sandford Cottage
Barnes William, 15 Norwood terrace
Bidmead William, 13 Bath parade
Booy Edward, Albert st
Boyce Thomas, 32 Fair View place
Casher Thomas, Prestbury
Channon W. C. & L., 10 Saint George's place
Clutterbuck Henry, Malvern st
Coates James, 12 Gloucester place
Dutton Richard, St. George's square
Gegg Jane, 30 Gloucester place
Hill William, Dunalley st
Hodges William, Ambrose st
Lanwarn James, 47 Tivoli st
Mayo Henry, Victoria st
Overbury Thomas, 6 Well walk
Powell William, 12 Hatherley st
Seymour Samuel, Leckhampton rd
Skuse George, Sherbourne place
Smith John, Shurdington road
Spackman Charles Wm., 8 Albert pl
Stanley Benjamin, 1 Olney place
Tuslin Thomas & William, Great Norwood st
Ursell William, Uckington
Williams Henry, Back street, Swindon road

Plumbers, Painters and Glaziers
(See also Painters and Glaziers)

Baker Luke, 68 Winchcomb st
Balcomb William, 5 Thirlestaine place, Bath road
Bidmead William, Carlton st
Bodley John & Son, 20 Bath parade
Bourne & Son, 31 Burton st
Bourne Samuel, 2 Tewkesbury road
Brown John, 17 St. George's st
Browning David, 28 Ambrose st
Bussell Alfred, 62 St. George's pl
Channon W. C. & L., 10 St. George's place
Coome Joseph, 11 Queen's buildings, High st
Cull William, 65 St. Paul's st, North
Dimock Edwd. Jas., 81 Winchcomb st
Doogood Thomas, Winchcomb st
Ellis George, 11 St. James' place
Gibbons Geo., 20 Montpelier villas
Gibbons George, St. James' terrace
Gore Henry, 3 Brunswick place
Haselton Daniel, 59 Regent st
Hill Walkter, Exeter lawn
Jeens Henry, Exmouth place, Hewlett st
Kilbey Henry, Victoria st
Lane Joshua, 17 Montpellier st
McVitie & Sons, 10 Pittville st
Martin Samuel, North place, Pittville
Niblett James, St. Paul's st, South
Parslow John, 8 Albion st
Parsonage Geo., 5 St. George's parade
Phelps George, 16 Park street
Porter Joseph, Amber college, Dunalley st
Potter Petert, 11 Rotunda terrace
Preston Joseph, 29 Gloucester place
Smith Thomas, 8 Winchcomb st
Smith William, Oxford passage
Walker William (and glass dealer, and oil and colour merchant), 6 and 7 Clarence st
Wetherstone Edward, 70 High st
White John, 38 Winchcomb st
Willett Henry, 2 Bath parade
Willett Samuel & Sons, 24 Manchester walk, and 7 Bath place, Bath road


Marked thus * are also Game Dealers

* Harpin & Co., 108 High st
Jordan Joseph, 147 High st
Marment Philip, 152 High st
* Pritchard Westley, 92 High st
Sheppard Mary, 8 Market arcade
Stuart Alexander, 78 High st
* Wyatt Henry, 6 Montpelier st
Young & Co., 16 & 17 Colonnade

Printers-Letter Press

Bailey William, 5 Queen's circus
Bowes John, 5 Grosvenor st
Clee William, 4 Clarence st
Davies Hy., 2 & 3 Montpelier walk
Hadley Mary, Queen's buildings, High st
Harper Alfred, 318 High st
Harper Samuel Charles, 26 Grosvenor street
Leonard Edward, Bath st
Lowe John, Regent st
Manning Wm., Rose & Crown passage
Mayer John, 3 St. George's parade
Neale Charles, 10 Market arcade
Norman & Cummings, 9 Clarence st
Power William, 88 Albion st
Radford James (lithographi0, 56 St. George's place
Shenton Thos. B., 90 Winchcomb st
Willey Thomas, Oxford passage

Professors & Teachers
Marked thus * are Teachers of Music and thus + of Dancing

Barnett John (music), Percy House, Wellington square
* Binfield T. S., North place
Boden James (languages), Chargrove villa, Shurdington
* Bretherton Frederick Augustus, 19 Pittville st
Brough Wm. (drawing), 19 Priory st
Bunting Frederick (mathematics), Westall place, bath road
+ Byrn James, 50 Regent street, and Ormond place
+ Byrn Lucy, 50 Regent street, and Ormond place
Cartier Francies (French), 18 Montpellier villas
* Clarke Benjamin, 12 Burton st
Cobley John (fencing), Charlton Kings
Colson Theodore (drawing), 13 Grosvenor st
* Cox Samuel, 4 Bath place
Denning William, 4 Norwood terrace, Bath road
Dunton Jos. (archery), 371½ High st
Dynham William H. (mathematics), 22 Tivoli place
Flageollet Eugene (languages), 14 Albert place
* Grice Le Mary Ann (& singing), 45 Montpellier terrace
Grier Thomas (mathematics), 7 Montpellier villas
* Haddrill John, 11 Grosvenor st
* Haddrill Louisa, 11 Grosvenor st
* Hatton Joseph, 3 Promenade place
* Jarrett Edward William, 2 Painswick lawn
* Joesbury Benjamin, 20 Manchester walk
Jung Wilheim (languages), 33 Ambrose st
Lillywhite James (cricket), 6 Suffolk parade
Major John (harp), 4 Whitcomb pl
* Milner Elizabeth, 30 North place
+ Quintin Charles Francis, St. James' square
Schneider Gustave (languages), St. George's road
* Smith Jeremiah Oakwell, 17 Montpelier terrace
Tiesset Amelia (French), 46 Winchcomb street
* Uplow Jas., Eldon Cottage, Bath road
* Ward John, St. George's terrace
* Woodward Edwin George, 14 Promenade, East - (See advert)
* Woodward George (& singing), 14 Promenade, East - (See advert)


Rope Makers

Tallboy James, 288 High st
Wilks Edwin, Montpelier, and 1 St. George's square


Saddlers and Harness Makers

Acock Thomas, 22 Albion st
Bye John, 111 High st
Cockrell Joseph, 14 Colonnade
Griffith William, Prestbur
Jeffs William, 8 Henrietta st
Maule Mary Ann, 242 High st
Stallard Henry, Charlton Kings
Trigg Edward, 36 Grosvenor st
Turk George, 84 Winchcomb st
Welch William, 15 Clarence st
Wiggall Joseph, 26 Gloucester place



Bowd David Arthur, Regent place
Brown James, 43 Tivoli st
Lewis George, 7 Clarence st; manufactory, Rose & Crown passage
Tapera James Philip, 12 Suffolk prde
Turner James, 1 Montpellier promenade
Ursell Alfred, Inkerman Cottage, Lansdown
Vines Ann, 31 Ambrose st
Winter & Son, Grosvenor terrace, and Sherborne place



Baker Jane, 3 Thirlestaine place, Bath road
Clare John, 136 High st
Lawrence John, 145 High st
Rainbow Ephraim, 84 High st

Shopkeepers & Dealers in Grocers and Sundries

Aldridge John, Bishops Cleeve
Andrews Hannah, 87 Albion st
Arme Anne, Sherborne st
Baller Maria, Park st
Band Joseph, 15 Park st
Barrington Henry, Prestbury
Barton Mary Ann, Clare terrace, Bath road
Baston Louisa, Millbrook st
Baylis John, Prestbury
Baylis John, 6 Hamilton place, St. Paul's
Bendall Elizabeth, Fairview st
Bignell John, 2 Tivoli place
Bruton James, Beaufort buildings
Burton James, Tewkesbury road
Carew John, 312 High st
Carter John, Tewkesbury road
Candle Michael, Dowdeswell
Clapton Joseph, Queen st
Clark Thomas, Shurdington
Coates Thomas, Worcester st
Craddock Charles, Rosehill st
Critchley Sarah, Hamilton place
Crowse Wm., St. George's road
Cullis Hannah, 25 Regent place
Damsell Samuel, 32 Burton st
Daw Wm., Charlton Kings
Day Joshua, Sherborne st
Deane Harriet, Prestbury
Dixon Eliza, 207 High st
Domney Gideon, 10 Rutland st
Dosson John, Charlton Kings
Drew Edwin, 6 Thirlestaine place, Bath road
Drew James, Victoria st
Drew Thomas, Staverton
Dyer Thomas, 16 Rosehill street, Hales rd
Edger Edmond John, Hungerford st
Edmunds Jane, 38 St. Paul's st N.
Edwards Thomas, 16 Rutland st
Fletcher Thomas, Charlton place, London road
Gabb Daniel, Bath road
Greenaway Harriet, 294 High st
Greenwood Eliz., Charlton Kings
Griffin Hannah, 15 St. James st
Harris Elizabeth, Charlton Kings
Hayward Frederick, Tewkesbury rd
Horlick John, Tewkesbury road
Hughes Thomas, 10 Hewlet st
Humphreys Edwin, Clare terrace, Bath road
James Benjamin, Charlton Kings
Jones Joshua, 25 Brunswick st
Joyner Wm., 1 Hermitage terrace, Bath road
Keen Thomas, 8 King st
Kempster Catherine, Sherborne st
Kethro Isaac, Oriel House, Bath rd
Leacey Philip, 1 Regent place
Lee William, Bishop's Cleeve
Lloyd George, Bath road
McIwain John, Victoria st
Mander William, 3 Hewlett road
Maul Mary Ann, 242 High st
Meek George, Lypiatt st, Tivoli
Merriman George, Staverton
Miles Robert, Norwood st, Shurdington road
Mills Thomas, 5 Chester walk
Morgan Thomas, 53 Rutland st
Mustoe Thomas, 297 High st
Normientt Thomas, Prestbury
Organ John, Bishops Cleeve
Palmer Elizabeth, Prestbury
Peacey Charles, 12 Regent place
Pearce William, Tewkesbury road
Pick Job, Shurdington
Pike Thomas, Hatherly cottages
Pope William, Grove st
Robinson Thomas, Prestbury
Rouse John, 11 Hewlet st
Scrivens William, Charlton Kings
Sheldon John, 16 Mount pleasant
Sims Joseph, Tewkesbury road
Slater Jas., 3 Norwood terr, Bath road
Smith John, 1 Painswick parade
Spencer John, 2 Winchcomb place
Spratt Nathaniel, 25 Duke st
Surman Thomas, 26 York st
Sydenham James, Tewkesbury road
Taylor Mary, Charlton Kings
Thompson Esther, 33 Brunswick st
Trueman Joseph, Upper Dowdeswell
Ursell William, Uckington
Walker Edward, Fairview st
Walker John, Tewkesbury road
Wall Hannah, 229 High st
Wallis James, 214 High st
Wasley Thomas, Swindon
Webber William, 225 High st
Wheeler Samuel, Charlton Kings
White Richard, 29 Manchester walk
Williams Winifred, Tewkesbury road
Wilson Robert, Gloucester road

Silk Mercers
(See also Linen Drapers.)

Debenham, Son & Freebody, Cavendish House, Promenade
Hamer Aaron & Co., 368 High st
Maddison James, 389 High st
Nicholson John H., 381 High st
Smith William Thompson, 3 Promenade villas

Silversmiths & Jewellers
(See also Watch & Clock Makers.)

Davison James, 361 High st
Furber & Son, Montpellier Exchange
Hawkins Charles, 354 High st
Isaachar Woolfe, 7 Colonnade
Karo Hirtz, 14 Montpellier walk
Laurence George (& hair worker), 11 Montpelier walk
Martin, Basket & Martin, 4 Imperial circus, Promenade
Vent John D., 365 High st
Waite Thomas, 349 High st



Cambray, Baynaham Jones, lessee, Imperial square
Montpellier (& pleasure gardens), Thomas Gordon, lessee
Pivville (and pleasure garden), John Bishop Backman, lessee
Royal Old Wells, Samuel Onley, lessee


Spirit Vaults

Bellingham George, 298 High st
Cook John, 142 High st
Dobell John, 71 & 246 High st, and Mount pleasant, & Arched bldgs
Leader Ann, 19 Clarence st
Nicholls Henry, 162 High st
Pointer henry, Winchcomb st
Vaughan Henry, Rodney terrace


Stay Makers

Adams Eliza, 8 Montpelier st
Arundell Amelia, 10 Park street, London road
Brice Sarah, 8 Montpelier st
Donovan Sarah, 5 Montpelier walk
Dyer Mary, 6 Providence terrace, Great Norwood st
Elliott Sarah, Queen's circus
Hardman mary, Prestbury
Haywood Frances and Susan, 18 Colonnade
Herbert Elizabeth, 27 North place
Jones Mary, 55 Winchcomb street
Probert Maria, 4 Market arcade
Purser Spencer, 379 High st
Wheeler Martha Amelia, 1 Winchcomb place


Stone & Marble Masons

Blackwell George R., 64 High st
Bowd David Arthur, Regent place
Brown James, 43 Tivoli street
Davis Uriah, 4 Gloucester place
Iles Henry, Hanover st, St. Pauls'
Lewis George (marble), 14 Clarence street; manufactory, Rose and Crown square
Ryland Henry T., Albion st
Ryland Thomas, Victoria street
Shurmer George, Victoria street
Tombs Richard, 2 Gloucester crescent, Gloucester road
Ursell Alfred, Lansdown
Vines Ann, 31 Ambrose st
Winstone Charles, Sherborne terr
Winter Leonard & Son, Grosvenor terrace and Sherborne place
Wood James, Union street


Straw Bonnet Makers

Candle Mary Ann, 3 Clare terrace, Bath road
Dowswell Sarah, 336 High st
Doxsey Mary Ann, 4 St. James' st
Feltham Caroline, 6 Henrietta st
Frankis Maria Louisa, 1 Cambray st
Goodingham Ann, 8 Chester walk
Hawkes M. A., 24 Park st
Healing Eliza, 4 St. George st
Hill Caroline, 417 High st
Humphries Mary, Clare ter, Bath rd
Merrett Hannah Maria, 86 Albion st
Stratton Harriet, Tewkesbury road
Wetherstone Susan, 70 High st

(See also Physicians)

Askwith Robert, Huntley lodge, Suffolk road
Beach Hnry, Rutland House, Regent place
Brookes & Philson, Sherborne Lodge
Copeland George F., 5 Bayshill villas
Cottle Thomas, Putney Villa, Winchcomb street
Coventry John, 5 Oriel place, Bath rd
Dalton & Jessop, 13 Imperial sq
Edwards Charles W., Havelock House, Bath road
Elcum Charles Frederick, 3 Crescent terrace
Eves Augustus, 13 Cambray place
Gabb Alfred William, Bellevue House, London road
Gabb & Walters, Bellevue House, London road
Gregory Charles, 2 St. George's pl
Gregory Charles & William, 189 High street
Hastings Hugh, 8 Cambray place
Hawkins Clement, 24 Cambray pl
Holt Charles R., Charlton Kings
Jessop Walter, 4 Royal crescent
Jobern William Southwell, Pitville parade
Newman Robert, 96 High st
Orrell John, 6 Sussex place
Porter John Henry, 8 Porter st
Potter Jephson, Sussex House, Winchcomb st
Prentice Charles, 2 Oxford villas
Rumsey Henry William, Gloucester House
Sadler Thomas, Shurdington
Sheldon William T., Bishop's Cleeve
Vowell Christopher, Minister House, Bath street
Walters Charles Astley, Mona House, London road
Winterbotham Lauriston, 13A Promenade
Wood nathaniel Stenson, 2 Oriel terrace


See Architects and Surveyors.

Marked thus * are also Drapers

Anderton John, 2 Ormond place
Barnes Benjamin, 12 Albion st
* Bastard Wm., 8 Promenade villas
* Beard Thomas, 320 High st
Berry William, 7 Well walk
Boyce William, 21 Sherborne place
Bradbury Joseph, 251 High st
* Bray Robert, 6 Montpelier avenue
Brimall Charles, 2 & 3 Promenade
Brown William, Brunswick st
Butt William, Albion st
* Cape & Co., 1 Colonnade and 362 High street
Colchester Frederick M., Hamilton place
Combe Charles, Prestbury
Cormack John, 13 Bedford's bldgs
Cross William, 27 Grosvenor st
Cull William, Prestbury
Delemere William Alfred, Bath st
Dike Samuel, 349 High st
* Dix William Thomas, 132 High st
Domeney David, 6 Queen's bldgs
* Draper Wm., Montpellier avenue
Dwyer Hugh, 32 New st
Early Cornelius, Manchester walk
Early Herbert, 23 Bath street
Evans George, Stanhope st
* Felton William, 3 Suffolk road
Field Robert, Regent st
Guppey John, Prestbury
Hampton Edward, North st
Hands John Henry, 23 Montpelier st
Hardwick Joseph & Son, 372 High st
Harper William, 186 High st
Harris Christopher, Bath road
Heath William, Wellington Lodge, Bath road
Heath Wm. jun., Boswell Cottage, Montpellier
James Benjamin, Charlton Kings
Jenkins John, 6 New Market arcade
Jenkins Thomas, 4 Dodd's cottages, North place
Jones Samuel, Duke st
Kilmister William, Shurdington road
* King Samuel, 13 Beaufort buildings
King William Thomas, 11 Manchester walk
Knight Alfred, 4 Chorlton place, London road
Lawley Henry, 26 Manchester walk
* Luck Edward, Regent st
Maddison William, Portland st
* Mayer Frederick, 65 Regent st
Maynard William, St. Paul st. South
Merrett William, 3 Queen's bldngs
Mills Joseph, 28 Townsend st
Mullis Samuel, 40 St. James' st
* National Clothing Company, 352 High st
* Nutt & Son, 401 High st
O'Brien Charles, Townsend st
* Payton Thomas, 26 Bath st
Phipps Henry, Warwick place
* Pilley Charles, Mount pleasant
* Pilley Henry, 3 Winchcomb place
* Pilley William, 20 Portland st
Pritchard John, 61 St. Paul's st North
Pryce John S., 59 Burton st
Pryce William, 223 High st
* Rossiter James, 375 High st
* Rundell Samuel, 2 Royal Well pl
Selby James, Milsom st
* Sharland James, 11½ Promenade villas
* Shirer and Sons, Imperial circus
* Shurmer & Cooke, 78 Winchcomb st
Sims Henry, 2 Adelaide buildings, Bath road
Singer Samuel, 1 Grosvenor st
Smith Edward, 43 St. Paul's st North
Smith John, 15 Burton st
Smith William, 7½ London road
Stamp Charles, Portland st
Stokes Thomas, 5 Warwick pl
* Stucke Henry J., 7 Clarence st
Summers Alfred, 1 St. Paul's street South
* Tinkler Joseph, 21 Portland st
Tuckey John, Gloucester place
Walton Benjamin, 12 St. George's pl
Webb Frederick, 29 St. George's pl
Wellington Thomas, 22 Winchcomb street
Wheeldon George, 1 Orchard pl
Wilks Fred. Augustus, 3 Colonnade


Tallow Chandlers

Page George, Sherborne st
Partridge John, 127 High st

Taverns & Public Houses

Albion, John White, Gloucester rd
Barleymow, John Preston, Tewkesbury road
Bath Inn, James Phillips, Albion st
Bath Road, John Knight, Bath road
Bayshill Tavern, William & Samuel Stinchcombe, St. George's terr
Beaufort Arms, James Clifford, London road
Beehive, James Rowland, Prestbury
Bell, Valentine Cooper, Bath rd
Bell, Benjamin Alcock, High st
Bell Tap, George Andrews, Winchcomb st
Berkeley Arms, William Poulson, Albion st
Boar's Head, George Gregory, 28 Henrietta st
Clarence Tavern, Anne Leader, 19 Clarence st
Cleveland Arms, Henry Markey, Tewkesbury road
Coach & Horses, George Evans, 8 Portland square
Collett's Brewery, Frances S. Large, St. Paul's Cottage, near St. Paul's Church
Compasses, Samuel Bobbett, Park st
Coopers' Arms, William C. Betteridge, 77 Winchcomb st
Coopers' Arms, William Gunner, 65 High st
Cross Hands, Jas. Yeend, Tewkesbury road
Cross Keys, George Phillips, Tewkesbury road
Crown & Cushion, James Horspool, Bath road
Crown & Harp, William Cresswell, Bishop's Cleeve
Dolphin, James Henry Plaister, St. George's street
Duke of Sussex, William Watts, St. Paul's st South
Duke of Wellington, William Matthews, St. James' street
Duke of York, Henry Taylor, Charlton Kings
Exmouth Arms, Henry Leech, Bath road
Fountain, George Mills, Bath road
Fox & Hounds, Congreve Harris, Prestbury road
Full Moon, Thomas Clarke, 171 High street
George, William Brunsdon, High st
Golden Heart, James Brookes, 224 High street
Great Western, Samuel Pilgrim, Clarence st
Green Dragon, William Richard White, Albion st
Greyhound, George Mickelwright, 12 North st
Grotto, Wm. Gardner, Prestbury
Haydon's Elm, John Hyett, Boddington
Horse and Groom, James Bubb, St. James' street
King William IV., William Witts, Bath road
King's Arms, Wm. Hayward, Prestbury
King's Arms, Henry Herbert, Gloucester road
King's Head, Mary Anne Blanton, 295 High st
Lamb Tap, Geo. Miller, 99 Albion st
Lansdown Tavern, Thomas Werrett, Gloucester road
Leckhampton Tavern, Edwd. Crethley, Shurdington road
London Inn, William Melvin, Charlton Kings
Mitre, Josiah Nicholls, Sandford st
Nag's Head, Joseph Wood, 233 High st
New Inn, William Smith, Hewlet road
New Inn, Hannah Evans, Shurdington
New Inn, John Greening, Charlton Kings
Norwood Arms, Henry Vines, Bath rd
Phoenix Inn, Richard Lloyd, High st
Pilgrims Inn, Joseph Davis, 61 Rutland st
Plough, William Lane, Gloucester road, Staverton st
Prince of Prussia, Edwd. Charlwood, 215 High st
Prince of Wales, John Giles, 6 Portland st
Queen's Hotel Tap, William Smart Davis, Trafalgar st
Railway Inn, Mary Thornett, Tram rd
Railway Inn, Martha Turner, Ambrose st
Red Lion, Charlotte Hallewell, 311 High st
Rose and Crown, George Beach, Rose and Crown passage
Royal Hotel, William Smith, Charlton Kings
Royal Standard, John P. Sweeney, Back st
Russell Arms, Stephen Nash, Hales rd
Salisbury Arms, William Salisbury, 2 Montpelier st
Sandford Inn, Jas. Price, Sandford st
Shakspere, John Clayton, 274 High st
Sherborne Arms, Henry Iles, Sherborne street
Sudeley Arms, Geo. Holland, Portland square
Suffolk, John Enson, Suffolk road
Sun, Wm. Jenkins, 235 High st
Tivoli Tavern, John Wheatstone, Tivoli place
Turf Tavern, Mary Titley, 100 Albion st
Turk's Head, Emanuel Williams, Mount pleasant
Unicorn, Samuel Williams, Hungerford street, St. Paul's
Wellington, George Holder, High st
White Lion, Mary Ann Dowding, Gloucester road
Wheat Sheaf, David Crump, Leckhampton
White Swan, Jane Preston, near Boddington
Worcester Arms, Mary Baldwin, Tewkesbury road
York, George Taylor, High st


Retailers of Beer

Alder William Frederick, 13 Winchcomb st
Arkell James, Painswick terrace
Attwood Mary, 265 High st
Baker Edwin, 20 Burton st
Batsford Edward, 2 Waterloo terrace, Bath road
Best Richard, 34 Burton st
Bishop John, Evesham road
Bowles Thomas, North place
Brawn Caroline, 1 London road
Brawn Charles, St. Paul's st South
Buckle Benjamin, 12 Henrietta st
Burge Thomas, Knapp place
Butler Edward, Gloucester road
Carter John, Tewkesbury road
Chadwick William, 6 Chapel st
Clarke Thomas, Bath road
Cloudsley Robert, New st
Cooke Abel, Gloucester road
Cooper James, 8 Sufoolk parade
Cotton Robert, Leckhampton
Crew John, New st
Crowther George, Gloucester road
Cull John, 33 Burton st
Davis Henry, 9 Winchcomb place
Dowle Charles, Carlton place
Evans John, Prestbury
Farr William, Oxford passage
Flower William, Royal well place
Fountain Thomas, 317 High st
Garrard Rebecca, Brunswick st
Gillman John, 259 High st
Glee James, Tewkesbury road
Grant Charles, Swindon road
Hall Charles, Gloucester place
Hall James, 39 Burton st
Hall William, Hatherly cottages
Hambling Andrew, Park st, London road
Hancock William, Rotunda terrace
Hanning John, 64 Burton st
Harper John Francis, Regent Place
Harris James, Mount pleasant
Hart David, Sherborne st
Hathaway William, 94 Albion st
Hawkins John, New st
Heming Thoms, Shurdington
Hodges William, Manchester walk
Holloway Thos., Parput pl., St. Paul's
Hoskins Charles, 96 Albion st
Kear Thomas, 217 High st
Lake William, 291 High st
Lane Elizabeth, 19 Ambrose st
Lawrence Isaac, 5 Corpus st
Lee William, Bishop's Cleeve
Lewis Thomas, 200 High st
Little Ann, Bishop's Cleeve
Longdon George, 5 Montpellier retreat
McIlwain John, Victoria st
Marmon William, Duke st
Matthews Thomas, York st
Meeke Giles, North st
Midwinter James, 54 St. George pl
Millett James, Grosvenor terrace
Minshull William John, Townsend st
Mitchell James Pike, 11 Sherborne pl
Morgan William Knott, Brunswick st
Morris Hannah, 3 St. George st
Neale William, Tewkesbury road
Nest Elizabeth, 240 High st
O'Brien Charles, St. George's place
Overbury Frederick, Hanover st
Packer Thomas, 12 Northfield terr.
Paget John, 7 St. Paul st North
Palmer George, Prestbury road
Palmer John, 275 High st
Parry Henry, Queen's buildings
Parry Thomas, Hamilton place
Parry Thomas, Victoria st
Pearrot William, 5 St. James' st
Pick Job, Shurdington
Poole Joseph, 73 Winchcomb st
Poulson William, Albert st
Powell John, Stanhope st
Price Frederick, New st
Rawlings Thomas, 5 Henrietta st
Roberts Giles, Bath road
Roberts William, 3 Regent place
Rodway Edwin, 4 Grosvenor st
Rowland John, 28 Albert place
Sanderson Edward, America passage
Savory Hannah, Duke st
Shailes Samuel, 3 Church st
Skinner William, 12 North place
Skipp Isaac, Mount pleasant
Smith Ethelbert, King st
Spring Charles, Albion st
Stephens Mary, Britannia place
Stockum Thomas, Glouceter road
Surman Solomon , Worcester street
Tanner George, Tewkesbury road
Tanner James, St. George's place
Tansell James, Painswick parade
Taylor John James, Tewkesbury rd
Taylor Mary, Charlton Kings
Taylor William, Townsend st
Teall William W., Bishop's Cleeve
Thompson Richard, Manchester walk
Thornhill John, Tewkesbury road
Twyning Mary Ann, Russell st
Wakley Edward, Albert st
Wall John, 4 Suffolk road
Ward Joseph, Regent st
Webley William, Bath st
Wells Thomas, 50 St. George st
White David, Bath road
Williams Ann, Fairview st
Williams Winnifred, Tewkesbury road
Yeend John, 5 Rose-hill st

Tea Dealers & Drapers

Binning Wm., 23 St. Paul' st., Nrth
Burgess Robert, 22 Sherborne place
Dyson Alexander, 41 St. George st
Hastings Alex., 44 St. George st
McMichael John, 18 St. Paul's st, Nrth
Reid Wm., Midland terr., Queen's road
Wyllie Thomas, 10 Grosvenor st


Temperance Hotels

Walter George, Bedford buildings
Williams James, Chester walk


Timber Merchants

Blizard Thomas (and slate), Albion Mills, Regent place
Broom Samuel & Son, Regent place
Cormell & Sons, Tivoli place
Mason George, Victoria st
Parry Thomas, Victoria st
Smith Silas, London road
Taylor Thomas G., Queen's road
Tuckett Thomas, Suffolk st
Walters John, Charlton Kings
Williams William, 18 Northfield terr


Tin-Plate Workers
See Braziers, &c.


Beams Henry, 15 North st
Blake Daniel, 20 Winchcomb st
Clee Titus, 391 High st
Fluck William, 406½ High st
Gardener Charles Fredk., 1 Regent st
Hands William, 3 Clarence st
Nightingale James, Tewkesbury road
Vaughan Henry, 112 High st


Toy Dealers & Perfumers
(See also under the head Hair Dressers.)

Alder Daniel & Son, 1 Promenade
Burwell Rowell, 11 Promenade villas
Davison James, 361 High street
Elworthy John, 411 High street
Haviland Richard, 353 High street
Kilminster Wm., 70 St George's pl
Poulston George, 5 Suffolk road


Trunk and Portmanteau Makers

Bick George, 21 Montpellier walk
Gay Charles, 409 High street
Higgins John, 1 Winchcomb street
Jones John, 17 New street
Waite James, 24 Clarence street
Wilks Edwin, Montpellier



Cooke George, 52 Burton street
Lane John, Mount pleasant
Lloyd Charles, 16 Ambrose street
Malvern Charles, Hanover street
Waite James, 24 Clarence street, and Rose and Crown passage


Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturers

Candy Wm., 25 Manchester walk
Niblett Eli, 402 High street
Patrick Jon, 13 Ambrose street
Standford Richard, 6 Pittville st
Wilcox Thomas, Rose and Crown passage


(See also Carpenters and Upholsterers)

Allebone Isaac, 68 George's place
Broom John & Son, 17 Portland st
Crawford John, North place, and 43 Winchcomb street
Crockett Henry, 19 Chapel street
Dean Henry, 2 Chester walk
Dolling Robert, 1 St. George's place
Draper William, 3 Rotunda circus
Lang James, 17 Promenade villas
Morris James, 22 North place
Parsonage Geo., 4 & 5 St. George's parade
Rodway Francis, 4 Bedford buildings
Sessions George, Hatherly street
Sparkes George, Bath road
Taylor Henry, Royal Well circus
Wakefield Pearson, Vernon place, Bath street

(See also Cabinet Makers and Upholsterers).

Alder Hamilton & Alder, Albion st
Bendall Samuel, 8 Tivoli place
Bowcott William, 2 Cambray place
Dee John, 22 Clarence street
Excell Ann, 2 St. George's street
Gowanlock Thomas, Essex place
Heane Anne, Warwick buildings
Millard Rachael, 14 Portland place
Peters Mary, 6 Montpellier street
Rodway Francis, 4 Bedford buildings
Sweeting George, 386 & 386 High st
Wakefield Pearson, Vernon place, Bath street


Veterinary Surgeons

Baker Harriet (forge), Ormond pl
Bryer William W., St. George's terr
Hooper Henry William, Albion st
Law James, 324½ High street
Wheeler Daniel, 6 and 7 Albion st

Watch and Clock Makers

Alino Doneto, 177 High street
Box Joseph, 152 High street
Davison James, 361 High street
Faville John, Sherborne terrace
Furber & Son, Montpellier exchange
Hawkins Charles, 354 High street
Howlett John, 9 Clarence parade
Huber Joseph, 87 Winchcombe st
Isaachar Woolte, 7 Colonade
Laurence Geo., 11 Montpellier walk
Major William, 15 Fair View place
Major William, 9 Winchcomb st
Martin Baskett & Martin, 4 Imperial circus
Nichols William, 5 St. James st
Rouse Frederick, 414 High street
Spencer Thomas, Prospect Cottage, Bath road
Vimpany Richard, 6 Winchcomb st
Waite Thomas, 349 High street
Watts Benjamin, 60 St. George's pl
Williams William, 19 Colonnade


Wheel Chair Makers

Dredge George, Sherborne place
Hacker James, Ambrose street
Hiam Henry, Sherborne terrace
Weston William, Grosvenor street



Belgrove John, Mitre street
Burrows William, London road
Cooper Baynham Newmarch, Shurdington
Dale George, Regent place
Eldridge Thos. & Jos., Jersey street
Etheridge Joseph, Leckhampton
Hyett John, Haydon's Elm, Boddington
Jackson John, Bishop's Cleeve
James Isaac, Lypiatt street, Tivoli
Mustoe & Hawkes, Charlton Kings
Pick Job, Shurdington
Stevens Henry, Prestbury
Talboy Ephraim, Nag's Head yard, High street
Tarling James, Bishop's Cleeve
Tuckett Thomas, Suffolk street
White Thomas, Sun street
Williams Thomas, Regent place
Young John, Gloucester road



Ballinger Henry Jas., 3½ Suffolk rd
Bushell John & Son, Lypiatt st, Tivoli
Collins James, Gloucester place
Garrison Joseph, Rose & Crown Passage
Hancock James & Son, Charlton
Long John, New Market arcade
Mulcock William, 2 St. Paul street, North
Neale Thomas & Son, St. George's terrace
Organ Jeremiah, 26 Regent place
Piff Thomas, New street
Scrivens William, Charlton Kings
Stokes George, 34 Gloucester place
Tomlinson Wm., 62 New st


Window Blind Makers

Kilbey Charles, North st
Stallard Henry, Portland st
Stephens Thomas, 20 Henrietta st

Wine and Spirit Merchants
Marked thus * are also Ale and Porter Merchants

Atkins George, 4 Ormond place
Bellingham George, 298 High st
* Boyer and Co., 19 Promenade villas
* Caffieri Hector, Montpellier street
* Churchill John Benjamin, High st
* Cook John, 342 and 343 High st
* Dobell John, 9 Colonnade
Healy James, 9 Portland st
Leech Henry, Bath road
* Mills Brothers, 100 High st, and 3 Montpellier st
* Pointer Henry, 65 Winchcombe st
* Smith George, 66 Regent st
Thomas Martha, 55 High st
Vaughan henry, Ropney terrace
White William & Co., 400 High st


Woollen Drapers
(See also Linen and Woollen Drapers.)

Baker Thomas, 95 Winchcomb st
Dunn & Co., 124 High street
Hill George, 33 Pittville street



Arkell Edward, farmer, Dowdeswell
Baker Wm., greenhouse builder, Sandford road
Bass Thomas, officer of inland revenue, 13 Gloucester road
Bease Richard, oil cloth manufacturer, Chester walk
Bell William Moody, surgical instrument maker, 8 Colonnade
Boodle Thomas, assistant overseer, 4 Saint George's square
Chadwick J. T., feather wkr, 6 Montpellier walk
Chalke Jos., carpet designer, 43 Burton st
Chreiman Olave, artists repository, 405 High street
Clarke Samuel, law stationer, Essex pl
Day Richard, millwright, Sun st
Derby John, cattle dealer, Prestbury
Dibble Daniel, stocking weaver, Tewkesbury road
Donovan Henry D., medical mesmerist and phrenologist, 5 Montpellier walk
Dyer Daniel, dealer in birds, Bath st
Dyke Hy., assistant overseer, Oxford cottage
Evens Benedict, artists' repository, 18 Promenade villas
Fisher Saml., cheese & bacon fetr., 140 High st
Fletcher Samuel, wire worker, 9 Pittville st
Forty Henry, tax collector, 23 Manchester walk
Franklyn Samuel, cork cutter, 15 Henrietta st
Glass John, parish clerk, 13 Regent st
Gloucester and Cheltenham Tram Road Company, Gloucester road
Green Jos, rustic work mnfctr, Old Wells
Groom John, glass cutter and china mender, 9 Henrietta st
Habgood John, tripe dresser, North st
Hall Sarah, lace warehouse, 13 Pittville st
Hayward Samuel, last maker, 10 Ambrose st
Herbert Edward, waterproofer, 27 North pl
Herbert John, farmer, Dowdeswell
Hill John, farmer, Leckhampton
Humphris Daniel James, contractor, Keynsham parade
Ireland Richard, tax collector, Prestbury
Jackson Thomas, lime burner and stone merchant, Bath road
Jenkins Thomas, dealer in curiosities, Bath road
Jones & Darbymanfctrs. of salts, Bath rd
Jones Charlotte, lace worker, 28 Manchester walk
Laurence Francis, antiquarian, 1 Rotunda terrace
Lowe Edward, chiropodist, 438 High st
Lovell George, last maker, 25 Bath st
McLoughin Chas., gun maker, 89 High st
Maillard Elizabeth, widow's cap maker, 2 Regent street
Manning Wm., cork cutter, 316 High st
Nicholls John, deputy chief constable, 4 Crescent place
Ogden James, fishing tackle manufacturer, 28 Winchcomb st
Page Robert, embroidery designer, 354 High street
Parker George, stone merchant, Bath rd
Partridge John N., cider dealer, 6 Gloucester crescent, Gloucester road
Pitt Abraham, lath render, 8 Fairview pl
Reeves George, riding school, Montpelier
Shackleford A. & W. C., railway coach and carriage makers, Great Western Station
Simmonds Joseph, stocking weaver, 22 Townsend street
Teall William W., winnowing machine maker, Bishop's Cleeve
Thomas & Harris, wax and paper flower manufacturer, 16 Pittville st
Tucker George, Honiton lace manufacturer, 23 Clarence street
Urch John, clerk and agent to Trinity Church, 72 Winchcomb st
Waite Henry, Collector, 10 Bath place
Wellington Eliza, heraldic artist, 20 Montpelier walk
Williams Henry, organ builder, 50 Saint George's place
Williams William, slate merchant, 18 Northfield terrace


Public Buildings, Offices, &c.

and their Ministers

Churches of the Establishment


Christ Church, Lansdown - Rev. Archibald Boyd, incumbent; Rev. John M. Maynard, curate
Holy Trinity, Badgeworth - Rev. Alfred Ellis Viner, vicar
St. James, Suffolk sqaure - Rev. Francis D. Gilby, incumbent; Rev. Henry Pruen, curate
St. John's, Berkeley st - Rev. George Roberts, incumbent
St. John's, Staverton - Rev. Thos. Purnall, rector
St. Lawrence's, Swindon - Rev. Lewis Griffiths, rector
St. Luke's, Sandford - Rev. William F. Hancock, incumbent; Rev. George Hancock, curate
St. Mary's, High street - Rev. Edward Walker, perpetual curate; Rev. Marquis John Bickerstall and Rev. Wm. J. Pollock, curates
St. Mary's, Prestbury - Rev. John Edwards, vicar; Rev. John B. Moe, curate
St. Mary Magdalene, Urmstone, Hardwick - Rev. John Byron, rector
St. Michael's, Bishop's Cleeve - Rev. William Lawrence Townsend, rector; Rev. William Henry Franklin Hepworth, curate
St. Michael's, Dowdeswell - Rev. William R. Coxwell Rogers, rector
St. Paul's, - Rev. Charles H. Bromby, incumbent; Rev. William Lace, curate
St. Paul's, Shurdington - Rev. Alfred Ellis Viner, vicar; Rev. Harry Wright, curate
St. Peter's, Leckhampton - Rewkesbury road - Rev. William Hodgson, perpetual curate; Rev. George Griffiths, curate
St. Philip's, Grafton st - Rev. Joseph Esmond Riddle, incumbent
Trinity, Portland st - Rev. Gordon Calhorpe, incumbent; Rev. Charles Harris, curate
Dissenting Chapels
Baptist, Cambray place - Rev. J. Smith
Baptist, Crescent parade - Rev. William G. Lewis
Baptist, Saint James' place - Rev. John Freeman
Baptist, King st - Ministers various
Independent, Clare st, Bath road
Independent, Winchcomb st - Rev. Dr. Andrew M. Brown
Methodist (Wesleyan) Chapels - Norwood st; Saint George st; Albert st.; Regent st.; and Mount Pleasant
Presbyterian, High street - Ministers Various
Society of Friends', Manchester Walk
Unitarian, Royal Well place - Rev. John Gow
Roman Catholic, St. James' square - Rev. James Cotham, priest; Rev. Henry Joseph Blount, curate
Lady Huntingdon's, North place - Rev. J. Leonard James Wake
Jews' Synagogue, St. James' sqaure - Rev. Abraham Goldshmidt, reader
Latter Day Saints' Manchester Walk



Winchcombe Street

Secretary - Thomas Barber
Matron - Mary Folk
Schoolmistress - Margaret Morrison
Surgeon - Clement Hawkinson
Chaplain - Rev. Gordon Calthorpe

Workhouse - Back street
Master - Christopher Thompson
Matron - Mary Thompson
Schoolmaster - James Lloyd
Schoolmistress - Eliza Harris
Chaplain - Rev. T. W. Norwood
Surgeon - John Coventry
Clerk to the Board of Guardians - Rowland J. Ticehurse, Essex place


of Births, Deaths and Marriages

Superintendent Registrar - Rowland Jas. Ticehurse, Essex place
Registrar of Marriages for the Union - Samuel Harper, Emerald cottage, Warwick place
Registrar of Births and Deaths - Samuel Harper, Emerald cottage, Warwick place
Registrar for Charlton Kings' District - N. Pearman, Leckhampton
Registrar of Births and Deaths for Bishop's Cleeve District - George Hemming Jackson, Bishop's Cleeve


Regent Street

Judge - James Francillen, Esq.
High Bailiff - Thomas Malvern
Registrar - Charles Francis Gale



Almshouse (Pate's), Albion st
Assembly and Club Rooms, 392 High st - John Bishop Buckman, lessee
Aviary Gardens, Saint James' square - Jessop Brothers, proprietor
Bible and Tract Depository, 4 Clarence st - William Mitchell, agent
Borough Rate Office (East & North Wards), 4 Essex place - George Rogers, collector
Cemetery, High street
Cheltenham College, Bath road - Rev. W. Dobson, M.A., principal
Cheltenham Gas Light and Coke Company - 321 High st - F. & E. Griffiths solicitors; William Esson, Manager
Cheltenham Imperial Club and Association (limited), 7 Promenade, Richard Watts, secretary
Court House, Crescent place - F. & E. Griffiths, clerks
Dispensary for Diseases of Women & Children, and lying-in institution, Bath st - Walter Jessop, surgeon
Dispensary, (branch), Oxford passage - David Hartley, surgeon
Female Refuge Asylum, Winchcomb st
Female Training Institution, Saint Mary's Hall - Mrs. - Hobart, superintendent
Females Home, Winchcomb st
Fire Engine Stations, Regent st
Gas Company's Office, Public offices, 321 High st - F & E. Griffiths, solicitors; William Esson, manager
Homoepathic Dispensary, Essex place - Hugh Hastings, surgeon
Hospital and Dispensary, Sandford - William Gibney & John Abercrombie, physicians; Thomas Wright and - Reeves, surgeons : David Hartley, house surgeon
Imperial Club, Promenade - Richard Watts, secretary
Inland Revenue Office, Sydney Arms, Pittville st - John Tusting, supervisor
Litery & Philosophical Institution, Promenade villas - Thomas Williams, Esq., honorary secretary
Magistrates' Office, Public Offices, High st - Geo Edmund Williams, clerk
Manor Office, Portland st - James Tynte Agg Gardner, Esq. lord of the manor, Gwinnett & Ticehurst, stewards, Essex place
Masonic Hall, Portland st - Henry Russell, keeper
Mendicity Society, Chapel place - Samuel McGrath, agent
Picture Gallery, 35 Promenade - George Powell, proprietor
Picture Gallery, (Lord Northwick's - Private), Thurlestaine House, Bath rd
Plough Club, High st
Plough Hotel Coach, Railway and Parcel Office 386 High st - John B. Churchill, proprietor
Police Station, Crescent place - John Nicholls, deputy chief constable
Property, Income and Assessed Tax Office, Public Offices, High st - George E. Williams, clerk; George Bailey, assistant clerk
Public Offices, High street
Sewers' Office (Commissioners of), High street
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 371 High street - James New, agent
Stamp Office, Ormond place - Thomas Williams, distributor
Tax Office, Shrubbery Cottage, North place - William Richardson, surveyor of taxes
Town Commissioners' Offices, High st - George Edmunds Williams, clerk
Town Hall, Regent st
Water Works Office, 63 Regent st - John McEquham, superintendent; Edward A. Cossens, collector
York Rooms, York Hotel passage, High st
Young Men's Christian Association, Promenade buildings - Henry J. Stucke, secretary



To BROADWAY, a Coach from the Crown Inn, goes through Winchcomb, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening at five
To LEAMINGTON, the Queen, from the George Hotel Office, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at fifteen minutes past eleven, goes through Evesham and Stratford upon Avon
To MALVERN, the Royal Mail, from the Plough and George Hotels, every afternoon at half-past three, goes through Tewkesbury and Upton
To NORTHLEACH, the Rival Royal Mail, from the Plough every morning at eleven
To OXFORD, the Rival, from the Plough Hotel, every morning at eleven, goes through Northleach, Whitney & Burford
To WINCHCOMB, Court's Coach, from the Crown Inn, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening at six


On the Bristol and Birmingham Line

Station, Gloucester Road. Wm Turnbull, station master; Charles Sketchley, goods' manager
On the Western Union Line
Cheltenham Branch of the Great Western Railway
Station, Saint James's square . . . George Nicholson Lailey, station master
Omnibuses, from the Plough & the George and some of the other Hotels, attend the departure, and await the arrival of the different trains


To ALDERTON, Charles Clarke, from the Crown, High st, Tuesday and Sat.
To BECKFORD, James N. Barrow, from the Crown, Thursday and Saturday and Thomas Taylor, from the Eight Bells, Tuesday
To BIRMINGHAM, Chaplin and Horne, per rail and Robert Wells and Co. per road, daily
To BISHOPS CLEEVE, Isaac Jackson, from the Crown, Thursday & Saturday
To BOURTON, Thomas Trotman, from the Shakespear, Tuesday
To BOURTON-ON-THE-WATER, - Clifford, from the Crown, High st, Sat
To BRIMFIELD, Henry Merchant, from the Crown, Tuesday and Thursday
To BRISTOL, Chaplain and Horne, per rail, daily
To BROADWAY, R. Vigard, from the Bell Tap, Tuesday and Saturday
To BROCKHAMPTON, George Westmacourt, from the Old Swan, Tuesday
To CHADWORTH, Mary Thornton, from the Old Swan, Tuesday
To CIRENCESTER, Chaplin & Horne, per rail and Robert Wells & Co., per rail daily; C. Arkel, from Russell's passage, 187 High st, and H. Cook, from the Albion Porter Stores, Monday and Friday, and - Bailey, from the Crown, Tuesday and Thursday
To DUMBLETON, - James, from the Crown, High st, Saturday
To DURSLEY, W. Organ, from the Bell Tap, Saturday
To ELLERFIELD, William Halford, from the Bell Tap, Thursday
To ELSTONE, William SMith, from the Old Swan, Tuesday
To GLOUCESTER, Chaplin & Horne, per rail, Robert Wells & Co. per rail; T. Blaistead, from the Shakspear, and - Wasley, from 241 High st, daily
To GUITING POWER, Wm. Greening and John Hunt, from the Crown, Thursday and Saturday
To HEREFORD, Chaplin and Horne, per rail daily
To KIDDERMINSTER, Chaplin and Horne, per rail daily
To LAMBERTON, Thomas Warren, from the Bell Tap, Wednesday & Saturday
To MANCHESTER, LIVERPOOL &c., Chaplin & Horne, per rail daily
To MONMOUTH, BRECON & HEREFORD, Chaplin & Horne, per rail daily
To NAUNTON, Stephen Jaques, from the Crown, Tuesday and Saturday
To NEWMARKET, George Pegler, from the Eight Bells, Tuesday
To NORTH CERNEY, Job Belcher, from the Sydney Arms, Tues. and Sat
To OVERBURY, James Hampton, from the Bell Tap, Tuesday
To OXFORD and WITNEY, Chaplin & Horne, per rail, daily
To SLAUGHTER, J. Heywood and Thomas Trotman, from the Shakspear, Tuesday and Thursday
To STOW, J. Hornsby, from the Old Swan, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, and Merriman, from the Crown, High st, Monday, Tuesday and Friday
To STROUD, W. Gyde, from the Crown, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Chaplin and Horne, per rail, daily
To TEWKESBURY, Chaplin & Horne, per rail, daily, and J. Clifton, from the King's Head, Tuesday
To WORCESTER, Chaplin and Horne, per rail, daily




[Transcribed by Phil Mustoe 29th March 1998]