


Names on the Boer War Memorials - at Durham Road, LowFell - and Saltwell Park, Gateshead


Location Key: s - Saltwell Park   l - Durham Road, Low Fell

Angus, W.G.sLieutenantLothians and Berwickshire Yeomanry
Arkless, J.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Bell, A.sTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Bradley, T.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Cailey, P.sPrivateArgyle and Sutherland Highlanders
Callaghan, J.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Campbell, J.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Connor, J.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Coulson, T.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Cowan, J.R.sPrivateRoyal Engineers
Crone, W.s lSergeantImperial Yeomanry
Cullen, R.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Cumming, K.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Dixon, E.sPrivate (Vol.Coy)Durham Light Infantry
Dodd, A.s lTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Dodd, T.sLance CorporalPrince of Wales Own (West) Yorkshire Regiment
Duffy, F.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
English, F.s lTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Farren, A.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Finneran, J.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Forrest, J.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Hall, R.sPrivateGordon Highlanders
Hall, T.sPrivateKitchener's Fighting Scouts
Harwood, E.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Hoay, P.sSapperRoyal Engineers
Hodson, B.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Hope, T.sTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Hornsey, T.W.sPrivate10th Royal Hussars
Huggins, blank.sPrivateKing's Own Scottish Borderers
Johnson, W.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Jones, S.sPrivate (Vol.Coy)Durham Light Infantry
Leathart, W.B.S.s lTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Loan, J.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Marley, T.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Mason, W.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
McCarrick, H.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
McGlone, G.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
McKinnon, J.sGunnerRoyal Field Artillery
Middlemiss, J.sSergeantImperial Yeomanry
Moad, A.sPrivateColdstream Guards
Monaghan, J.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Morris, C.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Murray, J.F.sQuarter Master SergeantImperial Yeomanry
Neilson, E.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Nicholson, S.sCorporalDurham Light Infantry
Nugent, JJ.sLance CorporalImperial Yeomanry
O'Shaughnessy, J.sTrooperBorder Horse
Pitcher, F.W.sPrivate (Vol.Coy)Northumberland Fusiliers
Plotnicki, G.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Redhead, M.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Richardson, J.sPrivateKing's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
Rigg, R.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Ryan, T.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Scullion, P.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Sellers, H.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Senior, H.sPrivate7th Dragoon Guards
Sheridan, J.sGunner (Vol.Coy)Royal Field Artillery
Sinclair, H.sCorporalNorthumberland Fusiliers
Skae, H.sPrivateGordon Highlanders
Smith, W.L.P.sTrooperGeneral Brabant's Light Horse
Snaith, C.F.sPrivateImperial Light Infantry
Spurgeon, A.H.sPrivateKing's Own Royal Lancasters
Steel, J.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Sturgeon, H.sTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Taafe, C.sTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Thew, J.sPrivateKing's Own Scottish Borderers
Thompson, A.sTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Wakefield, E.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Wakefield, W.J.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Watson, H.sPrivate10th Royal Hussars
Waugh, E.sPrivateNorthumberland Fusiliers
Waugh, J.sTrooperImperial Yeomanry
White, J.sCorporalImperial Yeomanry
Whitfield, R.H.sPrivate (Vol.Coy)Durham Light Infantry
Williamson, A..lTrooperImperial Yeomanry
Williamson, A.W.C.sLance CorporalImperial Yeomanry
Woodcock, G.sPrivateDurham Light Infantry
Yeats, A.sCorporal12th Royal Lancers

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