Devon GENUKI Service providers
The following people are some of the most energetic among the many have provided the information for the GENUKI Devon pages. If you have information to offer or if you would just like to help in maintaining these pages, then please get in touch with **Job vacancy**.
The list of the people providing the information on these WWW pages is given here to acknowledge their contributions, and to provide a contact for reporting errors and for supplying additional information. Please do NOT send general genealogical queries to them as they are not professional researchers, and they put in the considerable amount of effort to provide this service in their own free time. The most appropriate place to ask general questions is the soc.genealogy.uk+ireland newsgroup.
Area/page | Hosted by | Information Provider |
BDM Notices from Australian Newspapers | GENUKI/Devon | Bev Edmonds |
Book and article Indexes | GENUKI/Devon | Michael Steer |
Devon Online Parish Clerks scheme | GENUKI/Devon | Deborah O'Brien |
Devon Wills Project | GENUKI/Devon | Richard Grylls |
Index Library extracts concerning Devon PCC Wills and Admons | GENUKI/Devon | Jean E. Harris |
Inquest Reports, and Game Certificates | GENUKI/Devon | Lindsey Withers |
Inquisitions Post Mortem | GENUKI/Devon | Fay Sampson Priestley |
Map of Devon | GENUKI/Devon | Colin Hinson |
Marriage Witness Index | Penn State University | Hugh Winters |
Quarter Session Calendars of Prisoners | GENUKI/Devon | Brian Bassett |
Register Offices | Phil Stringer | Peter Abbott |
Visitations of Devon | Nigel Batty-Smith | Nigel Batty-Smith |
Will transcripts | GENUKI/Devon | Ros Dunning |
Workhouse and School Census transcriptions | GENUKI/Devon | Betsy Rubel |
1891 Census transcriptions | GENUKI/Devon | Lesley Dawson, Bob Muchamore†, Dennis Radford |
Branscombe | GENUKI/Devon | Ronald Branscombe |
Exeter St Sidwell | GENUKI/Devon | James Brannan |
Northam | GENUKI/Devon | David Carter |
Walkhampton | Peter R Hamilton-Leggett | Peter R Hamilton-Leggett |