


Witheridge Tithe Apportionment

© Crown Copyright

Transcribed by David Taylor


Land OwnerOccupier of LandThe PlanPlace NameName of Land or PremisesState of CultivationStatute
  Vicar  Improp-
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1462Queen DartDart Brown CloseArable6221      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1463Queen DartGreat Mill ParkMeadow7 39      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1464Queen DartFir PlantationTimber  11      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1465Queen DartHigher Milk ParkTimber418      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1466Queen DartOrchardOrchard1111      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1467Queen DartHouse, Office & GardenHouse & Yard 214      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1468Queen DartHouse, Office & GardenOrchard 113      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1469Queen DartTown ClosePasture8 9      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1470Queen DartLong MeadowMeadow5 38      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1471Queen DartLittle MeadowMeadow1210      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1472Queen DartBatt SeersPasture4 7      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1473Queen DartLittle LagArable2216      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1474Queen DartGreat LeyPasture8117      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1475Queen DartPiley GreenArable5 20      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1476Queen DartBye RoadRoad  28      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1477Queen DartMoorArable9136      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1478Queen Dart Arable 16      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1479Queen DartHigher Field MoorArable3 38      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1480Queen DartFour AcresArable3338      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1481Queen DartFive Acre MoorArable5220      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1482Queen DartPiley MoorPasture9312      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1483Queen DartLower Four AcresArable4136      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1484Queen DartFir PlantationPlantation1 21      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1485Queen DartNew OrchardOrchard2232      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1486Queen DartPiley CloseArable6226      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1487Queen DartBrakeArable6311      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1488Queen DartMay ClosePasture619      
      118 37721721
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1489Upcott SquireLittle Cleave 5110      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1490Upcott SquireGreat Cleave 5338      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1491Upcott SquireGreat Broom Close 7 15      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1492Upcott SquireLittle Broom Close 3 1      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1493Upcott SquireGarden  13      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1494Upcott SquireOffices & YardOffices 13      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1495Upcott SquireLittle Meadow 1114      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1496Upcott SquireOrchard  216      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1497Upcott SquireMeadow 3 37      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1498Upcott SquireFour Acres 4 28      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1499Upcott SquireEight Acres 8120      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1501Upcott SquireHigher Lower ParkArable6 4      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1502Upcott SquireLower Lower ParkArable5 8      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1503Upcott SquireFurze in Lower Lower ParkFurze 222      
Sarah AyreSarah Ayre1504Upcott SquireMoorPasture & Furze4136      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1317WilsonsCopseArable2223      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1318WilsonsCoarse MeadowPasture1120      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1319WilsonsRoberts SpotPasture2 7      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1320WilsonsFir PlantationPlantation1222      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1321WilsonsHigher GreenparkArable5236      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1322WilsonsLower GreenparkArable5322      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1323WilsonsHigher Coney ParkArable3224      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1324WilsonsLower Coney ParkArable514      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1325WilsonsPlotGarden  17      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1326WilsonsLittle MeadowMeadow 213      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1327WilsonsLower Meade ParkMeadow3316      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1328WilsonsHigher Mead ParkArable5 34      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1329WilsonsHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yard2 8      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1330WilsonsLower Coombe ParkOrchard 134      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1331WilsonsAndrews meadMeadow2118      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1332WilsonsHigher Summer LeersArable9318      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1333WilsonsPoor ClosePasture2330      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1334WilsonsNorth Coombe OrchardOrchard1 2      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1335WilsonsBurch SpotArable2337      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1336WilsonsBrakePasture & Furze9 15      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1337WilsonsSummer LeersArable3232      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1338WilsonsMoorPasture11320      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1339WilsonsSun CloseArable72       
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1340WilsonsLaneRoads 136      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1341WilsonsCoarse MeadowsMeadow1 12      
Thomas AyreJacob Yandall1342WilsonsBunch CloseArable5130      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1431Higher Queen DartOrchardOrchard 25      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1432Higher Queen DartHouse, Garden & YardHouse, Garden & Yard 32      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1433Higher Queen DartBack MeadowsBack Meadows4116      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1434Higher Queen DartOrchardOrchard118      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1435Higher Queen DartMill CloseMill Close5114      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1436Higher Queen DartHead PieceHead Piece3 13      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1437Higher Queen DartLittle fieldLittle field1310      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1438Higher Queen DartLong CloseLong Close4 27      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1439Higher Queen DartCorr CloseCorr Close4 15      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1440Higher Queen DartCopseCopse  N      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1441Higher Queen DartBarley CloseBarley Close3137      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1442Higher Queen DartCrooked CloseCrooked Close2136      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1443Higher Queen DartPlotPlot 21      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1444Higher Queen DartThree Corner MeadThree Corner Mead2221      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1445Higher Queen DartGreat MeadGreat Mead2 39      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1446Higher Queen DartCoarse MeadCoarse Mead1211      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1505Piley GroundFour AcresArable4116      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1506Piley GroundThree Corner PlotArable138      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1507Piley GroundNurseryOrchard 118      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1508Piley GroundThree CornersArable3238      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1509Piley GroundThree AcresArable228      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1510Piley GroundEight AcresArable8228      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1511Piley GroundLower FieldArable10220      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1512Piley GroundSix AcrePasture7 18      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1513Piley GroundSecond FieldArable411      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1514Piley GroundFirst FieldArable324      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1763East NewlandSeven AcresArable6 1      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1764East NewlandBottomPasture232      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1765East NewlandFirPlantation 3       
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1766East NewlandFirPasture  19      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1767East NewlandFirst FieldPasture & Furze4239      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1768East NewlandSix AcresArable7228      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1769East NewlandSecond FieldArable5238      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1770East NewlandMeadowPasture & Furze2        
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1771East NewlandEight acresArable8 14      
Richard AyreRichard Ayre1772East NewlandMoorPasture1726      
William Anstey (Drayford)James Ley & Wm Furze617North Street2 Cottages & Gardens2 Cottages & Gardens         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey1217Part of Anstey's CourtHouse & GardenHouse & Garden         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey865????CopseArable         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey866 PlantationPlantation         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey867 Long Acre MeadowMeadow         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey868 NurseryNursery         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey869 Higher Furze CloseArable         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey871 Bye RoadRoad         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey872 Two Cottages          
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey873 GardensGarden         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey874 GardenGarden         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey875 Higher South FieldArable         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey876 Wood CloseArable         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey877 South CloseArable         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey878 Long CloseArable         
William AnsteyWilliam Anstey879 Lower Furze CloseArable         
John AnsteyJohn Anstey870 Two Cottages & FieldArable         
William AnsteySamuel Fisher663Adj to Witheridge MillCottages & GardenCottages & Garden         
William AdamsWilliam Adams739West YeoMoorPasture         
William AdamsWilliam Adams740West YeoCottage & GardenCottage & Garden         
William AdamsWilliam Adams741West YeoGardenGarden         
William AdamsWilliam Adams742West YeoLittle FieldArable         
William AdamsWilliam Adams743West YeoGreat FieldArable         
William AdamsWilliam Adams744West YeoPlantationPlantation         
William AdamsWilliam Adams745West YeoFurze FieldArable         
William AdamsWilliam Adams746West YeoWest FieldArable         
William AdamsWilliam Adams747West YeoLittle Moor FieldArable         
William AdamsWilliam Adams748West YeoLittle Moor FieldArable         
William AdamsWilliam Adams749West YeoPlantationPlantation         
William AdamsWilliam Adams750West YeoWasteWaste         
William AdamsWilliam Adams751West YeoLittle FurzeyArable         
William AdamsWilliam Adams752West YeoPlantationPlantation         
William AdamsWilliam Adams753West YeoPlantationPlantation         
William AdamsWilliam Adams754West YeoGreat Moor ParkArable9216      
William AdamsWilliam Adams755West YeoHellinghay BottomArable 224      
William AdamsWilliam Adams756West YeoNorth HillArable428      
William AdamsWilliam Adams757West YeoHellinghays BottomsPasture2115      
William AdamsWilliam Adams758West YeoHellinghays BottomsPasture3 10      
William AdamsWilliam Adams759West YeoPlantationPlantation 212      
William AdamsWilliam Adams760West YeoGreat DownArable9 24      
William AdamsWilliam Adams761West YeoLittle DownArable6 16      
William AdamsWilliam Adams762West YeoLittle Tree FieldArable 316      
William AdamsWilliam Adams763West YeoLittle Moor ParkArable5215      
William AdamsWilliam Adams764West YeoTree ParkArable4239      
William AdamsWilliam Adams765West YeoPlantationArable1332      
William AdamsWilliam Adams766West YeoLittle MoorArable2 37      
William AdamsWilliam Adams767West YeoPlantationPlantation1220      
William AdamsWilliam Adams768West YeoPlantationPlantation  21      
William AdamsWilliam Adams769West YeoGreat HayesArable8310      
William AdamsWilliam Adams770West YeoPlantationPlantation  14      
William AdamsWilliam Adams771West YeoThree Corner FieldArable4114      
William AdamsWilliam Adams772West YeoCopsePasture1 28      
William AdamsWilliam Adams773West YeoCopseCopse 32      
William AdamsWilliam Adams774West YeoMarshPasture3128      
William AdamsWilliam Adams775West YeoPlantationPlantation  21      
William AdamsWilliam Adams776West YeoThe HillArable5325      
William AdamsWilliam Adams777West YeoPlantationPlantation  37      
William AdamsWilliam Adams778West YeoBramley HayesArable3320      
William AdamsWilliam Adams779West Yeo Plantation  18      
William AdamsWilliam Adams780West YeoPlantationPlantation  19      
William AdamsWilliam Adams781West YeoHayesPasture3333      
William AdamsWilliam Adams782West YeoPlntationStackyard  20      
William AdamsWilliam Adams783West YeoFurze ParkArable5 25      
William AdamsWilliam Adams784West YeoLower Furze ParkArable4 11      
William AdamsWilliam Adams785West YeoHigher QuarryArable5117      
William AdamsWilliam Adams786West YeoQuarry FieldArable426      
William AdamsWilliam Adams787West YeoCopseTimber1 10      
William AdamsWilliam Adams788West YeoSummers seersArable6120      
William AdamsWilliam Adams789West YeoPlantationPlantation 113      
William AdamsWilliam Adams790West YeoLower Sands FieldArable5312      
William AdamsWilliam Adams791West YeoSands FieldArable9 4      
William AdamsWilliam Adams792West YeoGrattonArable919      
William AdamsWilliam Adams793West YeoDown ParkArable6 36      
William AdamsWilliam Adams794West YeoBye RoadRoad  36      
William AdamsWilliam Adams795West YeoNew CloseArable6 20      
William AdamsWilliam Adams796West YeoPlantationPlantation 225      
William AdamsWilliam Adams797West YeoWood ParkArable3326      
William AdamsWilliam Adams798West YeoPlantationCopse2221      
William AdamsWilliam Adams799West YeoLower TunbridgePasture5235      
William AdamsWilliam Adams800West YeoLong CloseArable5227      
William AdamsWilliam Adams801West YeoLake FieldArable9 28      
William AdamsWilliam Adams802West YeoPlantationHouse & Court  25      
William AdamsWilliam Adams803West YeoBye RoadHouse & Court 17      
William AdamsWilliam Adams804West YeoGardenGarden 134      
William AdamsWilliam Adams805West YeoHouse & CourtHouses 14      
William AdamsWilliam Adams806West YeoBarn & YardFarm Yard 16      
William AdamsWilliam Adams807West YeoBakes MeadowMeadow5130      
William AdamsWilliam Adams808West YeoHigher Barn FieldArable5312      
William AdamsWilliam Adams809West YeoPlantationPlantation  24      
William AdamsWilliam Adams810West YeoLower Barns FieldPasture5 20      
William AdamsWilliam Adams811West YeoPond FieldPasture5136      
William AdamsWilliam Adams812West YeoTembridgeMeadow11 30      
William AdamsWilliam Adams813West YeoOrchardOrchard224      
William AdamsWilliam Adams814West YeoWest CloseMeadow4 16      
William AdamsWilliam Adams815West YeoBye RoadRoad 132      
William AdamsWilliam Adams816West YeoEast ClosePasture5326      
William AdamsWilliam Adams817West YeoIslandSaplings  14      
William AdamsWilliam Adams818West YeoCopseCopse 228      
      3821117  17  
Richard AdamsRichard Adams821?????MeadowMeadow 112      
Richard AdamsRichard Adams822 House & OuthousesHouses  13      
Richard AdamsRichard Adams823 House & Bye RoadHouses 126      
Richard AdamsRichard Adams824 GardenGarden  15      
Richard AdamsRichard Adams825 OrchardOrchard 1       
Richard AdamsRichard Adams826 Brick CloseMeadow 226      
Richard AdamsRichard Adams827 Furze CloseArable 310      
Richard AdamsRichard Adams828 MoorArable1236      
Richard AdamsRichard Adams829 South MoorArable1 32      
Richard AdamsRichard Adams830 MarshOziers  28      
      5238 4  4 
James BrownJames Brown1150Part QuanticksOfficeOffice  5      
James BrownJohn Benson1152Part QuanticksHouse(s)House  1      
William BurgessJohn Mann1223Fore StHouseHouse  1      
William BurgessJohn Day1223.5Fore StHouseHouse  1      
William BurgessJohn Hopper1224Fore StHouseHouse  4      
William BurgessAbraham Parker1225Fore StHouseHouse  4      
William Burgess 1226Fore StHouseHouse  1      
Henry BurgessUnoccupied1181West StreetHouse May CottageHouse May Cottage  4      
Henry BurgessHenry Burgess1182West Street BakeryHouseHouse  5      
Honor BurgessHonor Burgess1222Fore StHouseHouse  2      
John BulledJane Foxford1184Adj Bakers South StreetHouseHouse  2      
William BulledHenry Southcott1185South St BakeryHouseHouse  2      
Elizabeth BodleyElizabeth Bodley1201(Gaters & Bodleys)House & GardenHouse & Garden 18      
Elizabeth BodleyElizabeth Bodley1202Garden @ Gaters & BodleysGardenGarden  24      
Mary BodleySamuel Foxford1203Hare & HoundsHouse, Garden & YardGarden 115      
Mary BodleySamuel Foxford1246 Higher MeadowMeadow1338      
Mary BodleySamuel Foxford1247 MeadowPasture1120      
      3233 511 511
William Buck LewisMrs Hosegood1829Little WitheridgeMeadowMeadow1 4      
William Buck LewisMrs Hosegood1830Little WitheridgeHouses & GardensGarden  21      
William Buck LewisMrs Hosegood1831Little WitheridgeHouses & Gardens2 Cottages  18      
      113 19 19
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1832Little WitheridgeNats FieldNats Field2236      
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1833Little WitheridgeLower MarshLower Marsh 233      
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1834Little WitheridgeLittle Nats FieldLittle Nats Field  9      
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1835Little WitheridgeWasteGarden & Waste 113      
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1836Little WitheridgeGrattonArable1322      
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1837Little WitheridgeStoney FieldArable1210      
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1838Little WitheridgeLower BottomPasture 128      
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1839Little WitheridgeCopseTimber & Pasture2138      
William Buck LewisJohn Adams1840Little WitheridgeCleave FieldArable3224      
      14323 1010 1010
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1841Little WitheridgeLittle Halls HillFurze 226      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1842Little WitheridgeLower Halls HillArable4220      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1843Little WitheridgeHigher Halls HillsArable528      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1844Little WitheridgeMeadowPasture1 20      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1845Little WitheridgeRound Ash WoodTimber8315      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1846Little WitheridgeEast Park CloseArable6221      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1847Little WitheridgeMiddle Park CloseArable7 12      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1848Little WitheridgeWest ParkArable8328      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1849Little WitheridgeGardenArable  21      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1850Little WitheridgeBroad CloseArable32       
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1861Little WitheridgeHeads of WoodArable6125      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1852Little WitheridgeSouth CloseArable8 29      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1853Little WitheridgeCopseTimber 21      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1854Little WitheridgeCopseTimber & Pasture 323      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1855Little WitheridgeThree VennArable5329      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1856Little WitheridgeRoadRoad & Waste 18      
William Buck LewisPeter Kemp1856ALittle WitheridgePart of RiverPart of River 16      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2116Heales TenementHouse & GardenHouse & Garden  36      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2117Heales TenementGarden & OrchardOrchard  23      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2118Heales TenementBack OrchardOrchard 15      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2119Heales TenementLong OrchardOrchard 3       
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2120Heales TenementLawn FieldArable2134      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2121Heales TenementBack FieldArable1335      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2122Heales TenementLittle HillArable114      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2123Heales TenementGreat MeadMeadow1136      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2124Heales TenementLittle MeadMeadow11       
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2125Heales TenementJoe's CloseArable2230      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2126Heales TenementBottomMeadow1216      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2127Heales TenementSouth BottomPasture136      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2128Heales TenementBottom Orchard eastOrchard 1       
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2129Heales TenementBottom Orchard WestOrchard 121      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2130Heales TenementCoppiceTimber 118      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2132Heales TenementLong BottomPasture1128      
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood2132Heales TenementRiver   20      
      18132 1810 1810
John BidgoodJohn Cole2133WoodingtonHouse, Courtlage & GardensHouse 223      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2134WoodingtonOld NurseryOrchard1 7      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2135WoodingtonBack OrchardOrchard1 16      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2136WoodingtonPond OrchardOrchard1 28      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2137WoodingtonDry MeadowMeadow2310      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2138WoodingtonMiddle CloseArable33       
John BidgoodJohn Cole2139WoodingtonLawn CloseArable3126      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2140WoodingtonKnuckle CloseArable4 35      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2141WoodingtonBrakeArable325      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2142WoodingtonFive AcresArable5120      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2143WoodingtonAcre OrchardOrchard114      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2144WoodingtonNorth CloseArable435      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2145WoodingtonNorth Closae MeadMeadow338      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2146WoodingtonThree CornerArable2226      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2147WoodingtonLong CleaveArable4114      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2148WoodingtonCottages & GardensOrchard & Cottages 212      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2149WoodingtonButchers MeadPasture 317      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2150WoodingtonMoor (Three Parts)Pasture33       
John BidgoodJohn Cole2151WoodingtonMoor CoppiceTimber 13      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2152WoodingtonBere Mead OrchardOrchard 13      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2153WoodingtonBere MeadMeadow219      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2154WoodingtonMoor ParkPasture1232      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2155WoodingtonMoor Park OrchardOrchard  19      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2156WoodingtonPrice's GardenMeadow 236      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2157WoodingtonNurseryArable 119      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2158WoodingtonChamseyArable3330      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2159WoodingtonBroom CloseArable337      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2160WoodingtonDonald CloseArable3236      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2161WoodingtonFurther Broom CloseArable4215      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2162WoodingtonBottomPasture1 35      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2163WoodingtonWindmill FieldArable5226      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2164WoodingtonOver Windmill FieldArable5116      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2165WoodingtonWindmill Cottage & GardensCottage & Garden 117      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2166WoodingtonLittle FieldArable 336      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2167WoodingtonOrchardArable 115      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2168WoodingtonNear MoorArable7320      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2169WoodingtonFurter MoorArable5 34      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2170WoodingtonCleave (Two Parts)Pasture2310      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2171WoodingtonFurther Cleave (Two Parts)Pasture1132      
John BidgoodJohn Cole2172WoodingtonLanes  120      
Mr Thomas BraggMr Thomas Bragg2018StockparkPlantation South of RiverPlantation 29      
Mr Thomas BraggMr Thomas Bragg2020StockparkWest FieldArable3218      
Mr Thomas BraggMr Thomas Bragg2021StockparkOrchardOrchard1113      
Mr Thomas BraggMr Thomas Bragg2022StockparkPasturePasture  28      
Mr Thomas BraggMr Thomas Bragg2023StockparkBottom or HamPasture 237      
Mr Thomas BraggMr Thomas Bragg2024StockparkLane & RiverLane & River 27      
      7 2 72 72
Thomas ColeUnknown Tenant1141Church StreetCottage   2      
Thomas ColeThomas Cole1194Commercial InnInn, Offices & Yard  12      
  1195Garden @ Commercial InnGardenGarden  38      
William ColeWilliam Cole1190Rosemont VillaTwo Cottages   10      
John CominsJohn Partridge649 ArableArable138      
John CominsJohn Partridge650 ArableArable1234      
John CominsJohn Partridge651 ArableArable422      
      73241 41 4
John CominsWilliam Sowden1153Behind The MalthouseHouseHouse  9      
John CominsGeoffrey Gunn1154Behind The MalthouseHouse & GardenHouse & Garden  8      
Richard CominsThomas Cole1208Next to The LawnsHouse & YardHouse & Yard  10      
Robert J CosterRobert J Coster1196Cypress HouseHouse, Garden & YardHouse, Garden & Yard 210      
Robert J CosterRobert J Coster1248 MeadowMeadow1138      
Robert J CosterRobert J Coster1249  Arable 338      
      3 6 510 510
Heirs of John ColwillJames Small1221Fore StreetHouseHouse  3      
Heirs of John ColwillIsaac Yandall1227Fore StreetHouseHouse  3      
Heirs of John ColwillNicholas Bulled1228Fore StreetHouseHouse  2      
Heirs of John ColwillHugh Sowden1229Fore StreetHouseHouse  3      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett93New HouseMoorPasture682       
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett94New HouseHigher BrakePasture10220      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett95New HouseEast Moor ClosePasture7 26      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett96New HouseWest Moor ClosePasture12120      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett97New HouseMoorPasture11113      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett98New HouseFour Acre BrakePasture15220      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett99New HouseFour AcresPasture4326      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett100New HouseMoorPasture28 20      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett101New HouseBob HillArable11215      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett102New HouseTwo AcresArable132      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett103New HouseGreat FurzePasture & Furze63       
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett104New HouseFurze PlotArable 236      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett105New HouseHigher ParkArable7210      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett106New HouseLower Moor ParkArable435      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett110New HouseBroom ParkArable14 34      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett111New HouseOxen ParkArable11330      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett113New HouseColley PlotArable6215      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett114New HouseBarn CloseMeadow614      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett115New HouseThree AcresMeadow414      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett116New HouseNew MeadowMeadow2228      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett117New HouseEast OrchardOrchard2138      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett118New HouseYards & OfficeCattle Court  27      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett119New HouseHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yard 230      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett120New HouseWest OrchardOrchard11       
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett122New HouseCully Park MeadowPasture11       
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett124New HouseCopsePlantation  35      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett125New HouseWest Dark HaysPasture9136      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett126New HouseEast Dark HaysPasture9212      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett127New HouseNew ParkArable314      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett128New HouseBottomsPasture7316      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett130New HouseDark Hays OrchardOrchard 229      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Bennett131New HouseBottomPasture 3       
John Charles Cutliffe
& F W Mefor
Themselves107Part of New HouseFir PlantationPlantation 118      
John Charles Cutliffe
& F W Mefor
Themselves108Part of New HouseFir PlantationPlantation1110      
John Charles Cutliffe
& F W Mefor
Themselves109Part of New HouseFir PlantationPlantation 123      
John Charles Cutliffe
& F W Mefor
Themselves112Part of New HousePlantationPlantation 111      
John Charles Cutliffe
& F W Mefor
Themselves121Part of New HousePlantationPlantation 328      
John Charles Cutliffe
& F W Mefor
Themselves123Part of New HousePlantationPlantation1126      
John Charles Cutliffe
& F W Mefor
Themselves129Part of New HousePlantationPlantation 221      
      5117  3  3
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1033CoombeCopseTimber & Waste 28      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1034 Long CloseArable224      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1035 WasteWaste  24      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1036 Lower BallsArable7130      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1037 Lower BallsWaste  27      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1038 Lower BallsWaste  18      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1039 BottomsPasture22       
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1040 Furze BrakePasture & Furze232      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1042 Broom CloseArable3 26      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1043 Broom Close BottomPasture4 36      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1044 NapArable1313      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1045 West WoodArable8236      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1046 West CleaveArable3222      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1047 Lower Long CoombeArable5 28      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1048 Middle BallsArable539      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1049 North BallsArable8110      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1050 North WoodArable10128      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1051 Higher BallsArable9231      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1052 Cottage & GardenCottages & Garden  33      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1053 Cow ParkArable9234      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1054 Way CloseArable9217      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1055 Oxen ParkArable9 20      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1056 Middle CoombMeadow2328      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1057 Lower MeadowPasture6 20      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1058 Long CleavePasture3324      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1059 Higher Lors CoombMeadow3332      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1060 Calf CloseMeadow324      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1061 Higher MeadowMeadow5115      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1062 West OrchardOrchard 136      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1063 House, Office & YardHouses & Yard226      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1064 LawnPonds & Waste 216      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1065 New OrchardOrchard2118      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1066 East OrchardOrchard1113      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1067 PlantationPlantation  11      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1068 CleaveArable3214      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1069 East CleaveArable2230      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1070 PlantationPlantation  38      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1071 Sun Close MeadowMeadow23       
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1072 GardenGarden  32      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1073 New Plot  28      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1074 Barn CloseArable7 36      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1075 Barn CloseArable512      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam White1076 Lime CloseArable4114      
      168 31012510125
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1077 Higher Barn CloseArable4130      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1078 The MoorPasture2326      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1079 New CloseArable1        
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1080 Back MeadowMeadow1 19      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1081 House, Offices & YardOrchard & Garden 2       
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1082 Front MeadowMeadow 329      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1083 Great MeadowPAsture2333      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1084 Quarry FieldArable2214      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1085 South FieldArable2 9      
John Charles CutliffeWilliam Burgess1086 North FieldArable2 3      
John Charles CutliffeSamuel Foxford1239 Lower FieldArable2223      
John Charles CutliffeSamuel Foxford1240 Middle FieldArable2325      
John Charles CutliffeSamuel Foxford1241 Near FieldArable1226      
John Charles CutliffeSamuel Foxford1242 Bye RoadRoad  38      
John Charles CutliffeSamuel Foxford1243  Arable2220      
John Charles CutliffeSamuel Foxford1244 Furze CloseArable4338      
John Charles CutliffeSamuel Foxford1245 MoorPasture5124      
      20134 135 135
John Charles CutliffeJohn Charles Cutliffe1031 CopseCopse2        
John Charles CutliffeJohn Charles Cutliffe1032 CopseCopse9110      
John Charles CutliffeJohn Charles Cutliffe1041 CopseCopse134       
      1314  26 26
John Elworthy CutliffeJohn Moor1237  Arable3311      
John Elworthy CutliffeJohn Moor1238  Meadow 335      
      436 510 510
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Burgess1088 New CloseArable3132      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Burgess1089 Path FieldArable4 20      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Burgess1090 PlantationPlantation 238      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Burgess1091 Great Path FieldArable834      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Burgess1092 Bye RoadRoad  38      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Burgess1087 OrchardOrchard 216      
      18 28 145 145
John Elworthy CutliffeJohn Elworthy Cutliffe1030 CopseTimber &Plantation12320      
John Elworthy CutliffeJoseph Gibbings1264Part of HeifersHigher Broom ClosePasture914      
John Elworthy CutliffeJoseph Gibbings1265Part of HeifersLower Broom CloseArable8138      
John Elworthy CutliffeJoseph Gibbings1266Part of HeifersNorth MoorPasture12210      
John Elworthy CutliffeJoseph Gibbings1267Part of HeifersCopsePlantation  32      
John Elworthy CutliffeJoseph Gibbings1303Part of HeifersPart of New MoorTimber 1       
John Elworthy CutliffeJoseph Gibbings1304Part of HeifersNew MoorPasture10239      
John Elworthy CutliffeJoseph Gibbings1305Part of HeifersFurze DownPasture & Furze626      
John Elworthy CutliffeJoseph Gibbings1306Part of HeifersHouse Finn MoorPasture1622      
      65 21185185
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1268Part of HeifersLittle Oxen ParkArable1312      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1269Part of HeifersLong Oxen ParkArable5210      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1270Part of HeifersLower Oxen ParkArable3212      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1271Part of HeifersGreat Oxen ParkArable722      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1272Part of HeifersDry MeadowMeadow4130      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1273Part of HeifersGardenGarden  15      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1274Part of HeifersBarn CloseArable5        
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1275Part of HeifersOrchardOrchard  22      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1276Part of HeifersMoor MeadowPasture4224      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1277Part of HeifersOrchardOrchard 2       
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1278Part of HeifersGardenGarden  15      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1279Part of HeifersHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yard1 16      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1280Part of HeifersFir PlantationPlantation  16      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1281Part of HeifersOrchardOrchard 133      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1282Part of HeifersLittle MoorArable2236      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1283Part of HeifersFive AcresArable5113      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1284Part of HeifersFour AcresArable4 28      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1285Part of HeifersSquare CloseArable2 26      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1286Part of HeifersRaggArable1 3      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1287Part of HeifersNew CloseArable4 20      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1288Part of HeifersGreat DownArable9 14      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1289Part of HeifersFore meadowMeadow2322      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1290Part of HeifersQuillettMeadow1111      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Gibbings1291Part of HeifersLittle DownArable1238      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Webber1292Part of HeifersMoor SpotArable2316      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Webber1293Part of HeifersHigher HillArable9220      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Webber1294Part of HeifersLower HillArable6114      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Webber1295Part of HeifersMiddle HillArable7239      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Webber1296Part of HeifersThorn BottomPasture4316      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Webber1297Part of HeifersLong ClosdeArable4136      
John Elworthy CutliffeWilliam Webber1298Part of HeifersRock CloseArable8 38      
      45 9126126
John Elworthy CutliffeJohn Elworthy Cutliffe1299 CopsePlantation1 3      
John Elworthy CutliffeJohn Elworthy Cutliffe1300 Fir PlantationPlantation  31      
      1 34      
John Elworthy CutliffeJohn Veysey1301 Ten AcresArable10128      
John Elworthy CutliffeJohn Veysey1302 Seven AcresArable6320      
      1718 142 142
  1594Colleton Hill FarmFour AcresArable33       
  1595Colleton Hill FarmFir PlantationPlantation  36      
  1596Colleton Hill FarmWest MeadowMeadow4126      
  1597Colleton Hill FarmCopse Meadow OrchardOrchard & Plant 314      
  1598Colleton Hill FarmBottom MeadowPasture 218      
  1599Colleton Hill FarmGreat MeadowMeadow3 6      
  1600Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation 38      
  1601Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation  23      
  1602Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation  15      
  1603Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation  7      
  1604Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation  16      
  1605Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation  24      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1606Colleton Hill FarmHouse, Office & YardMansion House 115      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1607Colleton Hill FarmPlantationOrchard & Plantation2127      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1608Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation 212      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1609Colleton Hill FarmLong Dry PlotMeadow1118      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1610Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation 13      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1611Colleton Hill FarmLittle Dry PlotMeadow 238      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1612Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation 116      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1613Colleton Hill FarmThree AcresArable3 24      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1614Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation2 23      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1615Colleton Hill FarmCordens DownArable & Furze10115      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1616Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation 111      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1617Colleton Hill FarmFirNew Plantation8228      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1618Colleton Hill FarmCross ParkPasture1334      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1619Colleton Hill FarmLittle Ever HallPasture 218      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1620Colleton Hill FarmFir in Little Ever HallPlantation1 22      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1621Colleton Hill FarmFir PlantationPasture122      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1622Colleton Hill FarmFir PlantationPlantation  18      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1623Colleton Hill FarmFir PlantationPlantation114      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1624Colleton Hill FarmFir PlantationPlantation  9      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1625Colleton Hill FarmGreat Ever HillArable6116      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1626Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation1210      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1627Colleton Hill FarmFir Great Furze HillPlantation7 18      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1628Colleton Hill Farm Arable3 4      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1629Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation 28      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1630Colleton Hill FarmFurze CloseArable10 16      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1631Colleton Hill Farmlover CloseNew Plantation9        
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1632Colleton Hill FarmThistle ClosePasture7310      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1633Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation 22      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1634Colleton Hill FarmHigher Yonder ChapelPasture2 20      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1635Colleton Hill FarmLower Yonder ChapelPasture2113      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1636Colleton Hill FarmMiddle Yonder ChapelPasture 136      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1637Colleton Hill FarmMiddle CopseCopse2 24      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1638Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation  23      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1639Colleton Hill FarmLong Chapel FieldPasture1 28      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1640Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation1328      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1641Colleton Hill FarmSouth HillPasture10 20      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1642Colleton Hill FarmGreat Horehill PlantationPlantation12123      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1643Colleton Hill FarmPart of Great Hore HillPasture & Furze534      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1644Colleton Hill FarmMiddle Great Horehill PlantationPasture4222      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1645Colleton Hill FarmHigher Great Horehill PlantationPlantation7215      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1646Colleton Hill FarmHigher Great Horehill PlantationPasture4324      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1647Colleton Hill FarmSouth Great Horehill PlantationPasture836      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1648Colleton Hill FarmClover Great Horehill PlantationPasture3310      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1649Colleton Hill FarmClover Great Horehill PlantationPasture5 20      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1650Colleton Hill FarmLinhay FieldPasture5 8      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1652Colleton Hill FarmFir PlantationArable 320      
  1651Colleton Hill FarmFir PlantationPlantation9227      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1653Colleton Hill FarmHome MoorPasture2318      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1654Colleton Hill FarmHome MoorPasture5131      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1655Colleton Hill FarmHome MoorPasture4214      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1656Colleton Hill FarmUncultivated GroundPasture3 25      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1657Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation2 28      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1658Colleton Hill FarmGreat MoorPasture44210      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1659Colleton Hill FarmLittle New ParkPasture13320      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1660Colleton Hill Farm Pasture8134      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1661Colleton Hill FarmLittle New Park PlantationPasture14        
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1662Colleton Hill FarmEast Moor PlantationPasture & Plantation16220      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1663Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPasture212      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1664Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPasture2129      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1665Colleton Hill Farm Pasture  22      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1666Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPasture7 24      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1667Colleton Hill FarmPart of Long MoorPasture3120      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1668Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPasture1114      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1669Colleton Hill FarmLong West MoorPasture11 20      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1670Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation53       
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1671Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation128      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1672Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation 2       
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1673Colleton Hill FarmPlantationPlantation228      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1674Colleton Hill FarmAlworthy FieldArable43       
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1675Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation  20      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1676Colleton Hill FarmCopsePasture3210      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1677Colleton Hill FarmLower West MoorArable9125      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1678Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation2320      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1679Colleton Hill FarmHigher West MoorPasture14310      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1680Colleton Hill FarmFirPasture3326      
Sir James Colleton BartSir James Colleton Bart1681Colleton Hill FarmFirPlantation15230      
William CockramWilliam Cockram1682 Little Hore HillPasture & Furze6136      
William CockramWilliam Cockram1683 Great Hore HillPasture & Furze17320      
      24116 6  6 
George CornallGeorge Cornall1734AlworthyGreat MoorPasture         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1735AlworthyMoorPasture         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1736AlworthyBottom MoorArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1737AlworthyBottom MoorMeadow         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1738Alworthy Pasture         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1739AlworthyCopseTimber         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1740AlworthyBottomPasture         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1741AlworthyBroom CloseArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1742AlworthyBottomPasture         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1743AlworthyNewlan d CloseArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1744AlworthyLong CloseArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1745AlworthyNorth NothingArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1746AlworthyLittle MeadowMeadow         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1747AlworthyGreat MeadowMeadow         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1748AlworthyFive AcresArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1749AlworthyBarn CloseArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1750AlworthyMeadowMeadow         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1751AlworthyOrchardOrchard         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1752AlworthyHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yd         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1753AlworthyHouse, Office & YardGarden         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1754AlworthyOrchardOrchard         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1755AlworthyBirch CloseArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1756AlworthyShut CloseArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1757AlworthyThree Corner FieldArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1758AlworthyWasteWaste         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1759AlworthyLittle FieldArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1760AlworthyMiddle MoorArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1761AlworthyHigher MoorArable         
George CornallGeorge Cornall1762AlworthyMoorPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake292DownGrattonArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake293DownGrattonArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake294DownGratton MoorPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake295DownCoppiceCoppice         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake297DownLower Mill ClosePasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake298DownCopse in Lower Mill CloseCopse         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake299DownMill CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake300DownNurseryPlantation         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake301DownGutring FieldPAsture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake302DownLittle GrattonArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake303DownWastewaste         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake304DownGardenGarden         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake305DownBarn CloseMeadow         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake306DownMeadowMeadow         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake307DownOrchardOrchard         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake308DownMowhayMowplot         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake309DownMill CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake310DownPond MeadowPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake311DownOrchardOrchard         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake312DownMoor ParkArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake313DownLower Thorn ParkArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake314DownHigher Thorn ParkArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake315DownPotatoe PlotArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake316DownPath CloseFurze & Pasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake317DownPlotArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake318DownMoor ParkPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake319DownHigher Long CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake320DownLower Long CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake321DownSand CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake322DownLittle Sand ClosePasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake323DownSand Close MoorPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake324DownBottomPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake325DownLower Win CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake326DownMiddle Win CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake327DownHigher Win CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake328DownWin Close MoorPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake329DownGardenNursery         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake330DownHillArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake331DownHillPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake332DownBottom MoorPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake333DownHillPasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake334DownHill/FurzeFurze & Pasture         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake1822DownMeadowMeadow         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake1823DownRip ParkArable         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake1824DownOrchardTimber         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake1825DownCopse in Lower Mill CloseTimber         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake1826DownRip Park MeadowMeadow         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake1827DownCopse in Lower Mill CloseCopse         
Richard Comins EsqJames Blake1828DownOrchardOrchard         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1946MarchweekeNorthern CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1947MarchweekeCot House FieldArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1948MarchweekeCottages & CourtlageCottages & Yard         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1949MarchweekeGarden PlotGarden         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1950MarchweekeGarden PlotGarden         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1951MarchweekeGarden PlotArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1952MarchweekeMoorFurze & Pasture         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1953MarchweekeSquare CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1954MarchweekeLime CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1955MarchweekeEast GrattonArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1956MarchweekeWest GrattonArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1957MarchweekeHigher MoorArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1958MarchweekeLower MoorArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1959MarchweekeLower OrchardOrchard         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1960MarchweekeUpper OrchardOrchard         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1961MarchweekeFour AcresArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1962MarchweekeHouse, Courtlage & GardensHouse & Yard         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1963MarchweekeBack OrchardOrchard         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1964MarchweekeBarn MeadPasture         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1965MarchweekeCoarse MeadPasture         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1966MarchweekeMarchweeke BottomPasture         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1968MarchweekeLong CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1969MarchweekeGreat CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1970MarchweekeFore MeadowMeadow         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1971MarchweekeWater CloseArable         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1972MarchweekeBottom OrchardOrchard         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1973MarchweekeLower BottomPasture         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1974MarchweekeLower CoppiceTimber         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1975MarchweekeLanesLanes         
Richard Comins EsqThomas Leach1975AMarchweekeRiverRiver         
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1976WestcottGreat MoorPasture24 16      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1977WestcottMoor ParkFurze & Pasture5338      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1978WestcottLittle MoorArable219      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1979WestcottHigher GrattonArable827      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1980WestcottMiddle GrattonArable7220      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1981WestcottLittle GrattonArable4333      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1982WestcottCoarse GrattonArable7110      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1983WestcottHigher East LeaArable4 10      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1984WestcottHigher West LeaArable715      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1985WestcottLower East LeaArable4325      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1986WestcottLower West LeaArable5230      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1987WestcottCoppice (Two Parts)Plantation 320      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1988WestcottBere Close MeadMeadow4125      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1989WestcottHigher BottomPasture1322      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1990WestcottQuayleArable8210      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1991WestcottHigher Quarry HillArable7 10      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1992WestcottLower Quarry HillArable6 27      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1993WestcottBottom & PondPasture2310      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1994WestcottWaste & CourtalageWaste2210      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1995WestcottHouse, Courtlage & LaneHouse & Yard 317      
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1996WestcottBack Orchard          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1997WestcottHayes Meadow          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1998WestcottBroom Coppice          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy1999WestcottHigher Broom Close          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2000WestcottBroom Close Coppice          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2001WestcottLower Broom Close          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2002WestcottPlot near Courtlage          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2003WestcottPlot near Courtlage          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2004WestcottPlot near Courtlage          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2005WestcottPlot near Courtlage          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2006WestcottPark Meadow          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2007WestcottGarden          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2008WestcottPark Orchard          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2009WestcottLower Bottom          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2010WestcottCoppice adjoining          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2011WestcottEast Hill          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2012WestcottEast Hill Coppice          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2013WestcottGreat Coarse Mead          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2014WestcottWest Hill          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2015WestcottMiddle Hill          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2016WestcottLower Hill          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2017WestcottLower Hill Coppice          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2019WestcottHam          
Richard Comins EsqWilliam Elworthy2019AWestcottRiver          
Thomas CominsThomas Comins1231Garden Opposite The LawnsPart of Lawn   26      
Thomas CominsThomas Comins1232Garden Opposite The LawnsGardens   20      
Thomas CominsThomas Comins1233Garden Opposite The LawnsLawnMeadow2116      
      2222 93 93
Thomas CominsUnoccupied1200Cannington CottageHouse   16      
Thomas CominsUnoccupied1205Opposite DitchettsHouse   3      
Thomas CominsThomas Comins1206Now The Round HouseHouse   7      
Thomas CominsUnoccupied1207The LawnsThe Lawns   24      
Michael DownMichael Down819 Cottage & GardenCottage & Garden  31      
Michael DownMichael Down820    132      
Joseph John DennisSeveral Occupiers1183Venn Bridge/Coombe Road?4 Cottages & Gardens4 Cottages & Gardens 112      
William ElworthyWilliam Lavercoombe610Gunhole4 Cottages & Gardens4 Cottages & Gardens 336      
Richard ElworthyRichard Elworthy573  Arable3220      
Richard ElworthyRichard Elworthy574  Arable2210      
Richard ElworthyRichard Elworthy575  Plantation  22      
      6122 108 108
  414BenleyYew BottomPasture1310      
  415BenleyCopseCopse 215      
  416BenleyCopseCopse 116      
  421BenleyBenley CloseTimber & Copse414      
      9126 47 47
 John Crooke437 Great FieldArable20210      
  1780 Downey MoorPasture58 17      
  1781 Downey MoorPasture3 2      
  1782 Downey MoorPasture2215      
  1783 Part of Downey MoorArable1134      
  1784 Downey First FieldPasture12 21      
  530 BrakePasture & Furze1039      
  531 Lower seven AcresArable7 30      
  532 Higher Seven AcresArable7 20      
  533 Ten AcresArable10 20      
Richard Comins EsqRichard Comins Esq2395BerrycleaveHouse & LaneCottage & Yard  17      
Richard Comins EsqRichard Comins Esq2396BerrycleaveWest HillMeadow 228      
Richard Comins EsqRichard Comins Esq2397BerrycleaveLong HillMeadow 233      
Richard Comins EsqRichard Comins Esq2398BerrycleaveBottom MeadMeadow 218      
Richard Comins EsqRichard Comins Esq2399BerrycleaveGardenGarden  30      
Richard Comins EsqRichard Comins Esq2400BerrycleaveLittle HeleMeadow 216      
Richard Comins EsqRichard Comins Esq2401BerrycleaveOrchardOrchard 217      
Richard Comins EsqRichard Comins Esq2402BerrycleaveOx AcrePasture2136      
      615 9  9 
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2098BatsonHomestead & LaneHouse & Yard         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2099BatsonLarge OrchardOrchard         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2100Batsonittle OrchardOrchard         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2101BatsonBatson MeadMeadow         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2102BatsonLittle MeadMeadow         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2103BatsonLower East CloseArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2104BatsonHigher East CloseArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2105BatsonEast GrattonArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2106BatsonWest GrattonArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2107BatsonGreat South CloseArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2108BatsonLittle South CloseArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2109BatsonGreat Bridge ParkArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2110BatsonLittle Bridge ParkArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2111BatsonHigher Beech CloseArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2112BatsonLower Beech CloseArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2113BatsonBatson MarshPasture         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2114BatsonBatson BottomWaste         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2115BatsonPotatoe Plot AdjoiningArable         
Abraham ColeAbraham Cole2115ABatsonPart of StreamRiver         
Thomas CominsThomas Comins570 Second Cross ParkMeadow         
Thomas CominsThomas Comins571 First Cross ParkMeadow         
  572 GardenGarden         
  607 MeadowMeadow         
  608 PasturePasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell335Bethern or BythingLower Hubby CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell336Bethern or BythingHigher Hubby CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell337Bethern or BythingFurze HillArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell338Bethern or BythingLower Moor FieldArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell339Bethern or BythingLower Moor FieldArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell340Bethern or BythingBything MoorPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell341Bethern or BythingCopseCopse         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell342Bethern or BythingHigher MoorsArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell343Bethern or BythingHigher MoorsArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell344Bethern or BythingOver Moor MeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell345Bethern or BythingMiddle MeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell346Bethern or BythingPlantationPlantation         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell347Bethern or BythingHouse, Office & Yard          
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell348Bethern or BythingWell MeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell349Bethern or BythingCopseWaste         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell350Bethern or Bything Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell351Bethern or BythingBye Road & WastePasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell352Bethern or Bything Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell353Bethern or Bything Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell354Bethern or Bything Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell355Bethern or BythingCopseTimber & Copse         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell356Bethern or BythingLower Copse CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell357Bethern or BythingHigher Copse CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell358Bethern or BythingTanseyArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell359Bethern or BythingLittle MiddleArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell360Bethern or BythingCopseTimber & Copse         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell361Bethern or BythingHill ParkArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell362Bethern or BythingGreat Middle CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell363Bethern or BythingOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell364Bethern or BythingHurl ParkArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell365Bethern or BythingBirch CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell366Bethern or BythingOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell367Bethern or BythingPlotArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Mitchell368Bethern or BythingGrattonPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy370HoleCopseTimber         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy371HoleBottomPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy372HoleGreat ClosePasture         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy373HoleCopseCopse         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy374HoleCopseCopse & Furse         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy375HoleCopseCopse         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy376HoleGrattonArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy377HoleMeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy378HoleMeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy379HoleOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy380HoleCottage & GardenCottages & Garden         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy381HoleBarn CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy382HoleHigher Pifs AcreArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy383HoleNorth CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy384HoleMiddle CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy385HoleEast CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy386Hole Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy387Hole PAsture         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy388HoleWasteWaste         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy389Hole Timber         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy390Hole Waste         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy391Hole Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy392HoleNurseryArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy393HoleOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy394HoleLeakishPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy395HoleOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy396HoleWay CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy397HoleHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yard         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy398HoleOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy399HoleOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy400HoleHigher CloseMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy401HoleOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy402Hole Garden         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy403HoleBroom CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy404Hole Meadow         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy405HoleLong CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy406HoleQuarryWaste         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy407HoleWASTEWaste         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy408HoleLower MeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy409HoleLower Pifs AcreArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy410Hole Watering Place         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy411HoleCopseCopse         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy412HoleGarden PlotArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy413HoleYew BottomPAsture         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy419HoleWoodheadArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy422HoleYew DownArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy423HoleNew CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy424HoleFour AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy425Hole PAsture         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy426Hole Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy427Hole Meadow         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy428HoleHigher BallsArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy429HoleLower BallsFurze & Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy430HoleYonder BallsFurze & Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins576LakelandsWasteWaste         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins577LakelandsCroftArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins578LakelandsFulfordArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins579LakelandsLittle MeadowArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins580LakelandsRudallsArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins581LakelandsBeech CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins582LakelandsFour AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins583LakelandsPaled ClosePasture         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins584LakelandsLinney CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins585LakelandsHouse, Offices & YardHouse & Outhouses         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins586LakelandsMeadowPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins587LakelandsBarn CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins588LakelandsPound CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins589LakelandsOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins590LakelandsPark ClosePasture         
      37 35275275
Hon Newton FellowesSamuel Burgess/
John Southcott
624Trafalgar HouseTrafalgar SquareA Cottage  2      
Hon Newton FellowesAgnes Burgess625Adj Trafalgar HouseTrafalgar SquareCottage  1      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Burgess626Highfield HouseTrafalgar SquareCottage  3      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1112 Meadow 2212      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1113 Meadow 4115      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1114 Arable 4315      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1115 Arable 6116      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1116 meadow 4338      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1117 Meadow   22      
      23 383 73 7
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary894StuckleysLamb CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary895StuckleysLamb CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary896StuckleysField behind the HouseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary897StuckleysTown MeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary898StuckleysHigher Three AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary899StuckleysLower Three AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary899bStuckleysLittle FieldArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary900StuckleysHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yard         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary901StuckleysMeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary902StuckleysOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary903StuckleysLong MeadowPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary904StuckleysEaven CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary905StuckleysBottom CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary906StuckleysSix AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Vicary907StuckleysBroom CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton910GodswellsBottomPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton911Godswells Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton912Godswells Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton913Godswells Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton914GodswellsLong DownArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton915GodswellsCleaveArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton916GodswellsBottomPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton917GodswellsFive AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton918GodswellsHillArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton919GodswellsThree AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton920GodswellsFour AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton921GodswellsTwo AcresArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton922GodswellsBacksideArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton923GodswellsMeadowOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton924GodswellsOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton925GodswellsOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton926GodswellsCottages & YardHouse & Yard         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton927Godswells Meadow         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton928Godswells Orchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton929Godswells Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton930Godswells Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesRobert J Middleton931GodswellsCopseCopse         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford908Mays,Cobleys & WarrensPasturePasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford932Mays,Cobleys & WarrensHigher GroundArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford933Mays,Cobleys & WarrensCleaveArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford934Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBottomPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford935Mays,Cobleys & WarrensNew ParkArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford936Mays,Cobleys & WarrensLane CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford937Mays,Cobleys & WarrensHorse ParkArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford938Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBroom CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford939Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBottomPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford940Mays,Cobleys & WarrensWasteTimber         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford941Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBottomPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford942Mays,Cobleys & WarrensWasteFurze & Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford943Mays,Cobleys & WarrensThree Corner CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford944Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBye RoadRoad         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford945Mays,Cobleys & WarrensHouse PlotArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford946Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBrakeFurze & Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford947Mays,Cobleys & WarrensLower Brake CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford948Mays,Cobleys & WarrensHigher Brake CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford949Mays,Cobleys & WarrensHigher OrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford950Mays,Cobleys & WarrensHigher BacksideMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford951Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBye Road, Cot & HouseSmiths Shop & Yard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford952Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBottom MeadowMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford953Mays,Cobleys & WarrensOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford954Mays,Cobleys & WarrensRock Lane OrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford955Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBottomsPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford956Mays,Cobleys & WarrensBottomsPasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford957Mays,Cobleys & WarrensLong OrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford958Mays,Cobleys & WarrensPlotArable         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford959Mays,Cobleys & WarrensLong CloseMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford960Mays,Cobleys & WarrensLower BacksideMeadow         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford961Mays,Cobleys & WarrensOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford962Mays,Cobleys & WarrensCottagesHouse & Garden         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford963Mays,Cobleys & WarrensOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford964Mays,Cobleys & WarrensOrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Foxford964.5Mays,Cobleys & WarrensWheat CloseArable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton965TrixiesLong BottomPasture2 16      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton966TrixiesArableArable218      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton967TrixiesArableArable1338      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton968TrixiesArableArable124      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton969TrixiesArableArable2 4      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton970TrixiesPasturePasture126      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton971TrixiesPasturePasture  16      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton972TrixiesGardenOrchard  12      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton973TrixiesGardenOrchard  11      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton974TrixiesMeadowMeadow136      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton975TrixiesBarnHouses  3      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton976TrixiesCottage & GardenOuthouses  8      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton977TrixiesCottageGarden  7      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton978TrixiesCottagesCottages  3      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton979TrixiesGardenOrchard  31      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard & John Moss980 Cottages2 Cottages & Garden  20      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Furze981 Cottage & GardenCottage & Garden  2      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Greenslade983 GardenGarden  8      
Hon Newton Fellowes 984  Meadow126      
Hon Newton Fellowes 985  Meadow 335      
Hon Newton Fellowes 986  Waste  29      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss987 Cottage & GardenCottage & Garden         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Anstey988 Cottage & GardenCottage & Garden         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Anstey989 OrchardOrchard         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton990  Arable         
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Middleton991  Pasture         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker992StockhamGrafs FieldArable5322      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker993StockhamGreat HillArable5318      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker994StockhamLong MeadowArable2 16      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker995StockhamGreat MeadowMeadow212      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker996StockhamLittle FieldArable 34      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker997StockhamMoorFurze & Pasture4 14      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker998StockhamLittle HillArable138      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker999StockhamLittle Higher MoorPasture1320      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1000StockhamWhistlyArable4 32      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1001StockhamOrchardOrchard 16      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1002StockhamOrchardGarden  34      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1003StockhamHouse, Offices & YardHouse & Yard 327      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1004StockhamOrchardOrchard 112      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1005StockhamBarn OrchardMeadow 3       
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1006StockhamClose MeadowPasture 311      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1007StockhamLower Back FieldArable2231      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1008StockhamHigher Back FieldArable312      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1009StockhamLittle MeadowMeadow 325      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1010StockhamFurze CloseArable7111      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1011StockhamLong CloseArable2214      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1012StockhamMoorPasture1116      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1013StockhamMoorPasture122      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Baker1014StockhamCopseTimber  32      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1018Drayford MillHigher FieldArable 318      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1019Drayford MillOrchardOrchard 112      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1020Drayford MillGreat FieldArable2226      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1021Drayford MillGardenGardens  14      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1022Drayford MillOrchardOrchard  18      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1023Drayford Mill Arable 128      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1024Drayford Mill Orchard 3       
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1025Drayford MillHouses, Mill Stream & YardHouses, Mill Stream & Yard 131      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1026Drayford MillFore FieldMeadow 234      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1027Drayford MillDry MeadowMeadow 310      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1028Drayford MillOrchardGardens  28      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Moss1029Drayford MillCopse & WasteOrchard 216      
      7315 89 89
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1120Muxeries Pasture1331      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1121  Arable214      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1122  Arable2215      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Eastmond1123 Barns & YardsBarn & Court  23      
      6333 126 126
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Brown1123.5  Arable  37      
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Churchill1130  Garden  17      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Western1131  Garden  17      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Rown1156Adj MalthouseHouse & YardHouse & Yard  5      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Western1157Now Well CottageHouseHouse  6      
Hon Newton FellowesPhillip Rattenbury1166Angel InnAngel Inn & YardAngel Inn & Yard  12      
  1167 Angel Inn & YardAngel Inn & Yard         
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Chisley1168Paradise CottageHouse & YardHouse & Yard  12      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins1234 Butt CloseMeadow2220      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins1235 Butt CloseMeadow1320      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Comins1236 Butt CloseMeadow2230      
      7 30 1210 1210
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake534South CoombeBottomPasture3225      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake535South CoombeFurze CloseArable3 1      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake536South CoombeMeadowMeadow4324      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake537South CoombeHorse ParkArable322      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake538South Coombe Arable5 30      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake539South Coombe Plantation  6      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake540South CoombeHouse & YardHouse, Office & Yard1116      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake541South CoombeOrchardOrchard2217      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake542South Coombe Arable3335      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake543South CoombeGreat Furze CloseArable10112      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake544South Coombe Arable4310      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake545South Coombe Arable6 20      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake546South Coombe Arable436      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake547South Coombe Arable5238      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake548South Coombe Arable5312      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake549South Coombe Arable5123      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake550South Coombe Arable5128      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake551South Coombe Pasture2224      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Cole Lake552South Coombe Arable3315      
      85 452275227
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Chisley1169Leigh HouseWest StreetHouse  4      
Hon Newton FellowesHenry Louis1170Adj Leigh HouseWest StreetHouse  1      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Western1171Adj Leigh HouseWest StreetHouse  1      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley417Witheridge MillIslandsPasture 129      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley652Witheridge MillAcre FieldArable1116      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley679Witheridge Mill Arable 134      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley680Witheridge MillMill CloseArable1 12      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley681Witheridge MillOrchardOrchard 14      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley682Witheridge MillOrchardOrchard 126      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley683Witheridge Mill2 Cottages & GardensHouse  9      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley684Witheridge MillMill YardGrist Mill  21      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley685Witheridge MillWaste & Stables   10      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley686Witheridge MillOrchardOrchard 132      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley687Witheridge MillGardenGarden 15      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley688Witheridge MillHome MeadowMeadow1120      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley689Witheridge MillYonder MeadowMeadow2228      
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bodley690Witheridge MillMill StreamMill Stream 118      
   Amended ApportionmentFollows after Original Below          
Hon Newton FellowesJames Hewett1099 OrchardOrchard 222 2  2 
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Dennis & Others1100 Little BottomArable2236 67 67
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Western1101 BartonArable525 115 115
Hon Newton FellowesJames Partridge1102 Eight AcresArable816      
Hon Newton FellowesJames Partridge1103 Four AcresArable422      
Hon Newton FellowesEdward White & Others1104 Wood HeadArable4114 6  6 
Hon Newton FellowesWilliam Bowden1105 New ParkArable5312 123 123
Hon Newton Fellowes 1106 MeadowPasture2110 44 44
Hon Newton Fellowes 1107 MeadowMeadow2236 710 710
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Brown1108 Timber Yards   8      
Hon Newton Fellowes 1109 RoadRoads 2       
Hon Newton FellowesElizabeth Adams1110 Roads & Waste   1      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1704Witheridge MoorWitheridge MoorPasture191330      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1705Witheridge MoorWitheridge Moor FieldArable15122      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1706Witheridge MoorBye RoadRoads 112      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1707Witheridge Moor Arable216      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1708Witheridge Moor Arable18 30      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1709Witheridge Moor Arable3136      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1710Witheridge MoorHouse & GardenHouse & Garden 116      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1711Witheridge Moor Arable4 24      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1712Witheridge Moor Arable8 36      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1713Witheridge Moor Arable7 36      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1714Witheridge Moor Arable6 38      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1715Witheridge Moor Arable1115      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1716Witheridge Moor Arable10336      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1717Witheridge Moor Arable15225      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Collins1718Witheridge Moor Arable 220      
      286 12315 315 
Hon Newton FellowesRichard Elworthy431  Pasture25110 72 72
William FordWilliam Ford619  Cottages & Garden  11      
Hugh FoxfordGeorge Mortimer1143Poor HouseHouseHouse  4      
 Thomas Bowden1144Poor HouseHouseHouse  1      
Reps of James FrancisPhillip Rattenbury1259West FordsMeadowMeadow1325      
Reps of James FrancisPhillip Rattenbury1260 Middle FieldMeadow1237      
Reps of James FrancisPhillip Rattenbury1261 Higher FieldArable2 26      
      538 16  16 
John & Geoffery GunnJohn & Geoffery Gunn1163adj The Drang    3      
John & Geoffery GunnJohn & Geoffery Gunn1164The Drang    2      
Richard & Geoffery GunnJohn Gunn1262 ArableArable 230      
Richard & Geoffery GunnJohn Gunn1263 ArableArable 223      
      1113 36 36
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner831HellinghaysHigher DownArable3236      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner832 Cross ParkArable424      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner833 Thistle CloseArable4222      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner834 MoorArable53       
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner835 MoorArable43       
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner836 Frog MoorPasture3 38      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner837 South DownArable1310      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner838 DownArable5213      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner839 MoorArable4 3      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner840 MoorArable3315      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner841 PlantationWaste  23      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner842 PlantationPlantation 228      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner843 North MeadowMeadow1312      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner844 Garden CloseArable4226      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner845 Bottom MeadowMeadow2 33      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner846 Barn MeadowMeadow1 12      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner847 Barn & Bye RoadHouse & Yard1230      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner848 OrchardOrchard 26      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner849 PlantationPasture122      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner850 Bottom MeadowArable 122      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner851 OrchardOrchard2113      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner852 Honey MeadowArable 333      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner853 Pond CloseArable1320      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner854 South CloseArable4118      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner855 Lower Furze CloseArable2312      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner856 Higher Furze CloseFurze1235      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner857 BottomArable3216      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner858 CopsePlantation & Timber1124      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner859  Arable1236      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner860  Arable 133      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner861 WasteWaste  25      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner862 BottomArable1 28      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner863 Gratton OrchardOrchard 318      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner864 Gratton OrchardArable2138      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner880 Bottom Close OrchardArable41       
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner881 Higher Five AcresArable2326      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner882 Lower Five AcresArable3 4      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner883 OrcgardOrchard 11      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner884 Quarry CloseArable1110      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner885 New MeadowMeadow1222      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner886 MeadowMeadow2323      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner887 Hous, Office & YardHouse & Yard 216      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner888 Lower Broom CloseArable4337      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner889 Higher Barn CloseArable4 10      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner890 OrchardOrchard 227      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner891 New MeadowArable1330      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner892 Dial CloseArable2122      
Richard GardnerRichard Gardner893 Dial BottomPasture1214      
Reps of Jn Hunt & Mr ColesG Eddiford & Others1186Tracey Green/Fords Folly ?5 Cottages & GardensTracey Green  29      
William LakeMary Gooding1145Poor HouseHouseHouse  1      
William LakeJohn Blackmoor1146Poor HouseHouseHouse  1      
Warren Melhuish EsqJohn Rattenbury591 MeadowMeadow1336      
Warren Melhuish EsqJohn Rattenbury592  Arable1327      
Warren Melhuish EsqJohn Rattenbury593 GardenArable  28      
      4 11 1010 1010
 Alexander Adams1161Wheelwrights CottageHouseHouse  6      
 Hugh Foxford1162The Black Dog InnHouseHouse  2      
  594 GardenGarden  13      
  595 MeadowMeadow 213      
  596 OrchardOrchard 1       
  597 ArableArable1 16      
  598 MeadowMeadow1 6      
  599 ArableArable  25      
  600 MeadowMeadow115      
      4138 125 125
Thomas MoorThomas Moor1191AvondaleHouse & GardenHouse & Garden  14      
Hon Newton FellowesHenry Davie1165The Pound HouseHouseHouse  5      
Hon Newton Fellowes 1155MalthouseHouseHouse  2      
Hon Newton FellowesThomas Western1204Trafalgar SquareHouseHouse  4      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes369 PlantationPlantation1 20      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes418 CopseCopse6228      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes982 WasteWaste 130      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes1015 PlantationPlantation & Coppice35 34      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes1015.5 Bye RoadRoad 212      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes1016 PlantationPlantation13124      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes1016.5 Bye RoadRoad 12      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes1017 PlantationPlantation318      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes1118 Barton WoodOak Coppice40328      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes1119 CopseOak Coppice5 32      
Hon Newton FellowesHon Newton Fellowes1158 StableStable  2      
      107 10144144
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1684East HorestownLower FieldsArable5334      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1685 MoorPasture373       
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1686 Horestown MoorMeadow71 18      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1687 Lower FieldsArable525      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1688 Middle FieldArable4320      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1689 Higher FieldArable5235      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1690 Linhay FieldArable5135      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1691 Broad CloseArable5320      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1692 Sixteen AcresArable15325      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1693 Three AcresArable314      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1694 MoorPasture & Furze5 30      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1695 Eleven AcresArable10116      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1696 Quarry FieldArable5116      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1697  Arable1120      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1698 WastePasture3320      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1699 Two AcresArable5320      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1700 Tree FieldArable6 39      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1701 Tree FieldArable6338      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1702 Witheridge Moor FieldArable15 24      
Hon Newton FellowesJohn Downey1703 Witheridge Moor Field   8      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1773Ford DownRose MoorArable3317      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1774 Rose MoorPasture & Furze4330      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1775 Rose MoorArable4 24      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1776 GardenArable 2       
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1777 Rose MoorPasture12 10      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1778 Rose MoorPasture20318      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1779 Part of Rose MoorPasture6330      
      6419 16  16 
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1515Ford DownLower DownsArable61       
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1516 Higher Lower DownArable6112      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1559 Four AcresArable4322      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1560 Two AcresArable2318      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1561 Four AcresArable4223      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1562 Barns CloseArable3132      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1563 Fir PlantationPlantation  36      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1564 MeadowMeadow1212      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1565 WasteWaste 130      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1566 Barns & YardsHouses  29      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1567 Garden OrchardGardens  20      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1568 OrchardOrchard 224      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1569 Five AcresArable4 6      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1570 Little Wall MeadowMeadow1 18      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1571 Long MeadowArable3 12      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1572 Long MoorPasture & Furze4230      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1573 BottomPasture2 13      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1574 Round HillArable 239      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1588 BottomPasture 320      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1589 BottomPasture 2       
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1590 Great CleaveArable7125      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1591 Little CleavePasture3 18      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale15921 BottomPasture 137      
Rev Thomas MaitlandWilliam Smale1593     22      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1930TidlakesHouse & CourtlageHouse  19      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1931 Garden PlotOrchard  34      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1932 Lower MarshArable2130      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1933 Plot at RiverArable233      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1934 Lower HillMeadow 17      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1935 OrchardOrchard2 15      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1936 Middle HillArable 1       
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1937 Coppice in Middle HillTimber1314      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1938 Middle MarshPasture  30      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1939 Marsh OrchardOrchard1130      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1940 Little OrchardOrchard 128      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1941 Higher MarshPasture  15      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1942 Great HillArable13       
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1943 CoppicePasture4 5      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1944 Higher HillArable 126      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1945 Long CloseArable136      
Robert MayWilliam Voysey1945A Part of RiverPart of River4 6      
      22 15 196 196
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2173HencefordLower FrogwellArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2174 Middle FrogwellArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2175 Lower HayesMeadow         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2176 Middle HayesMeadow         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2177 Little GrattonMeadow         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2178 Little Coarse GrattonMeadow         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2179 Great GrattonArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2180 Higher FrogwellArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2181 BrakeFurze & Pasture         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2182 Hele MeadPasture         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2183 Lower BottomPasture         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2184 Bottom OrchardOrchard         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2185 Outside Pinney CloseArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2186 Inside Pinney CloseArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2187 Broad CloseArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2188 Barns CloseArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2189 House, Courtlage & GardenHouse & Yard         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2190 Back OrchardOrchard         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2191 New OrchardOrchard         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2192 Little OrchardOrchard         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2193 Short MeadowArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2194 Fore MeadowMeadow         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2195 Bean OrchardOrchard         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2196 Eastern CloseArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2197 Bottom MeadMeadow         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2198 Waste at RoadWaste         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2199 Bottom Mead OrchardOrchard         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2200 Nursery PlotMeadow         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2201 Five AcresArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2202 Hare BottomPasture         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2203 Hare Bottom OrchardPlantation & Orchard         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2204 Sign Post FieldArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2205 South Moor FieldArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2206 Great Moor FieldArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2207 New Moor FieldArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2208 Windmill FieldArable         
Robert Mildon & OthersWilliam Stevens2209 Great Moor FieldPasture         
Revd J P NeilRevd J P Neil606The ManseThe ManseChapel  8      
Richard NorrishRichard Norrish1151The SquareHouseHouse  1      
Joseph NicholasJoseph Nicholas1218Part of Anstey's CourtHouseHouse  2      
Mary OliverJames Jones611Ebrington RowCottage & Garden8 Cottages & Gardens         
Mary OliverJohn Hodge Ebrington RowCottage & Garden          
Mary OliverMary Turner Ebrington RowCottage & Garden          
Mary OliverJohn Cooke Ebrington RowCottage & Garden          
Mary OliverJohn Fawne Ebrington RowCottage & Garden          
Mary OliverRobert Crooke Ebrington RowCottage & Garden          
Mary OliverAndrew Mitchell Ebrington RowCottage & Garden          
Mary OliverThomas Southcott Ebrington RowCottage & Garden          
      1 30 4  4 
Richard OliverPhillip Healey1211Fore StreetHouse & YardHouse & Yard  24      
Richard OliverPhillip Healey1213Fore Street3 Houses & Gardens3 Houses & Gardens  26      
Richard OliverWilliam Hill1212Fore Street    13      
James PartridgeSamuel Sutton1172Stable Behind Paradise CottageStableStable  2      
James PartridgeRobert Dockett1173House Adj Stable aboveHouseHouse  1      
James PartridgeThomas Budd1174HighfieldHouseHouse  1      
James PartridgeThomas Hooper1175Adj HighfieldHouseHouse  1      
John Partridge 1197Now Methodist ChapelHouse, Yard & GardenHouse, Yard & Garden  25      
 Richard Mitchell1111 MeadowMeadow1136 46 46
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2061Mill (Barton)House, Courtlage & GardenHouse & Yard113      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2062 GardenGardens 130      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2063 Dog GardenMeadow  19      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2064 Front OrchardOrchard 126      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2065 Back OrchardOrchard3110      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2066 Long OrchardOrchard3110      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2067 Pond Meadowmeadow3310      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2068 Western MeadowMeadow2121      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2069 Western CloseArable9136      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2070 West Close MeadMeadow3123      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2071 Barn CloseArable2435      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2072 East GrattonArable5332      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2073 West grattonArable7 23      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2074 East DownArable6223      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2075 West DownArable8223      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2076 Hake BottomPasture & Furze14 20      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2077 Little BottomPAsture 225      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2078 Great Lammer CloseArable11 22      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2079 Little Lammer CloseArable324      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2080 Higher White LeaArable12 24      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2081 Lower White LeaArable15213      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2082 Little White LeaArable2 35      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2083 Higher Broom CloseArable13210      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2084 Lower Broom CloseArable12 16      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2085 Mill BottomPasture8120      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2086 Little Bottom with TreesPlantation1320      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2087 PlantationPlantation2225      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2088 PlantationPlantation 312      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2089 PlantationArable 15      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2090 PlantationPlantation 13      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2091 PlantationPlantation 35      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2092 PlantationPlantation 1       
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2093 PlantationPlantation  24      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2094 Coppice in West GrattonWaste 120      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2095 Coppice West Close MeadpWaste 221      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2096 West Close OrchardOrchard  20      
John PartridgeAbraham Cole2097 Lanes & Part of RiverRiver1212      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2210WestwayWest Mount PleasantPasture4 30      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2211 East Mount PleasantArable6220      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2212 Little Mount PleasantArable1 28      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2213 Middle Mount PleasantPasture2 37      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2214 Little ParkArable12       
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2215 Park CoppiceTimber1120      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2216 Great ParkArable525      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2217 Park OrchardGarden 1       
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2218 West Furze ClosePasture & Furze8110      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2219 East Furze ClosePasture & Furze6230      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2220 Round HillArable5235      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2221 Lower Mead & CoppicePasture3 36      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2223 Hoppers GardenPasture1 12      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2223 Near Mill PlotPasture 224      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2224 Further Mill PlotPasture 310      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2225 House, Courtlage & GardensHouse & Yard 113      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2226 Back OrchardOrchard1 30      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2227 Fore OrchardOrchard  23      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2228 Fore MeadowMeadow3 14      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2229 Coppice Side of RoadCopse & Thistle 223      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2230 Higher MeadowMeadow1310      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2231 Middle MeadowMeadow2 26      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2232 Higher Colley ParkMeadow2226      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2233 Lower Colley ParkPasture2326      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2234 RookeryTimber 220      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2235 Colley Park CoppiceTimber132      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2236 Coppice South of Fore MeadTimber & Waste 1       
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2237 Coppice EAst of Fore MeadTimber  25      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2238 Coppice East of Fore MeadTimber  15      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2239 Lane & Part of River 1110      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2240EastwayHouse, Courtlage & YardHouse & Yard 117      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2241 OrchardOrchard 32      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2242 Acres FieldPasture1222      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2243 East Lane FieldArable1217      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2244 West Lane FieldMeadow2 11      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2245 west OrchardOrchard 213      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2246 Long FieldPasture3216      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2247 Great CloseArable9212      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2248 Eastway CoppiceTimber2120      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2249 Six AcresPasture6230      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2250 Four AcresArable4332      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2251 Mill ClosePAsture5232      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2252 Weir CloseArable4 36      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2253 Three AcresMeadow2124      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2254 Little MeadowMeadow2 5      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2255 Potatoe PlotArable 130      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2256 BrakePAsture2110      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2257 Little BottomPAsture113      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2258 Front MeadowMeadow2212      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2259 Eastway BottomPasture42       
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2260 The BaillsArable7138      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2261 Balls CoppiceTimber 22      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2262 Eastway MoorFurze & Pasture4 24      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2263 Winton OatsArable5210      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2264 Lanes   30      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2265 Part of River  120      
      79 1935 35 
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2266MinchinePoor CloseFurze4137      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2267 MoorFurze & Pasture8310      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2268 Moor PlotArable2 36      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2269 Smaller Moor PlotArable 216      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2270 GrattonArable4 23      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2271 Lomans LandArable2214      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2272 Three Corner LandArable3110      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2274 4 Cottages & GardensCottages & Gardens 17      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2275 Moor FieldArable3 36      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2276 Yonder FieldArable2129      
    Middle FieldArable2226      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2278 Barn CloseArable2331      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2279 Higher Broad CloseArable42       
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2280 Middle Broad CloseArable415      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2281 Yonder Broad ClosePasture5230      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2282 Cross ParkPasture2        
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2283 Little MeadowArable1132      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2284 Square MeadowMeadow1115      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2285 House, Courtlage & GardensHouse & Yard1128      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2286 OrchardOrchard1212      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2287 Hither Lane ClosePasture3234      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2288 Yonder Lane CloseArable3 4      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2289 Moor PlotArable1        
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2290 Little MoorPasture3130      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2291 Eastway FieldPasture2232      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2292 Yonder HillArable5330      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2293 Coppice at Yonder HillArable 115      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2294 Near HillOrchard3230      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2295 BottomPasture1225      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2296 West BottomPasture1230      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2297 Three Corner MeadPasture3336      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2298 Middle MeadMeadow1232      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2299 Fore MeadMeadow132      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2300 Yonder MeadMeadow2 20      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2301 Verdant CloseMeadow238      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2273 Waste at RoadArable 18      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2302 LanesWaste 3       
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2303 Part of River   32      
      10122053 53 
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2304Lands South of RiverWest HillPasture & Furze5 20      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2305 Coppice under West HillCopse 130      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2306 Great HillPasture & Furze93       
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2307 Coppice under Great HillCopse 212      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2308 Mill CourtlageCottage  15      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2309 Coppice ClosePasture & Furze335      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2310 Garden PlotPasture & Furze 1       
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2311 Large CoppiceTimber6211      
John PartridgeJohn Partridge2312 Part of River   32      
      27 13 13  13 
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1857HeleMoor PlotArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1858 West Moor (Two Parts)Pasture & Furze         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1859 Furze BrakePasture & Furze         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1860 Higher Long CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1861 Crossway CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1862 Seven AcresArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1863 Little CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1864 East MoorPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1865 Ten AcresArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1866 E|ast GrattonArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1867 West GrattonArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1868 Lower Long CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1869 Little MeadPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1870 Little Horse ParkArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1871 Great Horse ParkArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1872 GardenArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1873 Horse Park OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1874 Back OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1875 House, Courtlage & YardHouses & Yard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1876 Barn CloseMeadow         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1877 Cripping CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1878 Willow CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1879 Pond MeadMeadow         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1880 Broom CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1881 Lower OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1882 Higher Lamb ParkArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1883 Lower Lamb ParkArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1884 Higher Notts DownArable & Furze         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1885 Four AcresArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1886 Lower Notts DownArable & Furze         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1887 Eight AcresArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1888 Orth Down BottomPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1889 North HillArable & Furze         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1093 South HillArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1891 Higher HamPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1892 Lower HamPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1893 Tuckers Cottage & GardenCottage & Garden         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1894 Plot behind Tuckers CottagePasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1895 Ham or Bridge MeadPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1896 Bridge OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1897 Lane MeadArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1898 Higher MeadMeadow         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1899 Long CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1900 Blackmore House & LaneCottage & Yard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1901 Blackmores GardenArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1902 Blackmores OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1903 Anthonys FieldArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1904 Lower HamPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1905 Rookery OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1906 Rookery MeadMeadow         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1907 Little Long CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1908 Higher Clarks CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1909 Lower Clarkes CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1910 Clarkes HamPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1911 Manleys MeadMeadow         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1912 Manlys House & GardensCottage & Yard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1913 Manleys OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1914 Large GardenGarden         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1915 Higher Cottage & GardenCottage         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1916 OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1917 East Cottage & GardenCottage & Court         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1918 Plot Behind East CottageGarden         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1919 East Cottage OrchardOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1920 Higher HamPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1921 Weir HamPasture & Furze         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1922 Great CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1923 Higher Batten CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1924 Lower Batten CloseArable         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1925 Middle HamPasture         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1868B Coppice in Lower Long CloseTimber & Waste         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1926 Coppice & Waste Side of RoadWaste         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1926A Part of RiverRiver         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1927 Cottage & GardenCottage & Garden         
John Partridge EsqJohn Baker1929 Long GardenOrchard         
John Partridge EsqJohn Partridge Esq1928Stourton WoodFront OrchardOrchard 1       
John Partridge EsqJohn Partridge Esq2035 Stourton WoodTimber4        
John Partridge EsqJohn Partridge Esq2027 Lodge & GardensCottage & Garden 1       
John Partridge EsqJohn Partridge Esq2034 Ash CoppiceTimber1 30      
John Partridge EsqJohn Partridge Esq2036 Plantation at Broad MeadPlantation  37      
John Partridge EsqJohn Partridge Esq2051 Plantation at Back OrchardPlantation  35      
John Partridge EsqJohn Partridge Esq2057 Orchard below Broom ClosePlantation  27      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2026StourtonGreat DownArable12 15      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2028 Lodge DownArable5130      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2029 East DownArable5230      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2030 East Dowm CoppiceTimber2120      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2031 Long DownArable8 20      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2032 Wood MeadPasture2328      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2033 Great Wood MeadPasture5110      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2035 Broad Mead with CoppicePasture3326      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2037 Great GrattonArable9330      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2038 Long GrattonArable8225      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2039 West Crabtree CloseArable5314      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2040 East Crabtree CloseArable4224      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2041 Lower Grape CloseArable4335      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2042 Barn CloseMeadow2        
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2043 Barn Close OrchardOrchard 117      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2044 Broom Close & CoppiceArable918      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2045 Hayes MeadowMeadow2120      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2046 Calves MeadowPasture23       
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2047 Western MeadowPasture1110      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2048 Plot South of RiverWaste 110      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2049 House, Courtlage & GardensHouse & Yard1220      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2050 Back OrchardOrchard3314      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2052 The LeaArable7314      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2053 Willow CloseMeadow425      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2054 Furze CloseArable6 30      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2055 Nursery PlotNursery 25      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2056 Bottom CoppicePasture2116      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2058 Cleave OrchardOrchard4 14      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2059 Cleave OrchardOrchard513      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2060 Front MeadowMeadow3 30      
John Partridge EsqWilliam Bragg2060A Lanes and Part of River  324      
John PikeThomas Ascott1719RundenThree CornersArable3128      
John PikeThomas Ascott1720 Long CloseArable5135      
John PikeThomas Ascott1721 Back GardenArable 120      
John PikeThomas Ascott1722 Back FieldArable42       
John PikeThomas Ascott1723 Five AcresArable5 36      
John PikeThomas Ascott1724 Coarse SpotPasture 235      
John PikeThomas Ascott1725 Bye RoadRoad 120      
John PikeThomas Ascott1726 BrakePasture & Furze3 30      
John PikeThomas Ascott1727 MoorfieldArable3215      
John PikeThomas Ascott1728 Fore FieldArable5126      
John PikeThomas Ascott1729 House & GardenCottage 111      
John PikeThomas Ascott1730 Barn CloseArable112      
John PikeThomas Ascott1731 Middle Barn CloseArable132      
John PikeThomas Ascott1732 Lower Barn CloseArable2136      
John PikeThomas Ascott1733 MoorPasture1617      
Robert RudallRobert Rudall1220Fore StreetHouseHouse  3      
John RattenburyThomas Rudall1230Fore StreetHouseHouse  2      
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2403YeatheridgeHouse, Courtlage & GardensHouse & Yard         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2404 OrchardOrchard & Waste         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2405 Higher OrchardOrchard         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2406 Great OrchardOrchard         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2407 New CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2408 Higher LeaArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2409 Lower Weir CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2410 Higher Weir CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2411 Flush CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2412 Water ParkArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2413 Tree FieldArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2414 Cover CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2415 Roads & WasteRoads & Waste         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2416 Five AcresArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2417 Great CloseFurze & Pasture         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2418 Lamb CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2419 MoorPasture         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2420 Gribble CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2421 Little Road ParkArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2422 Higher MeadMeadow         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2423 PlotArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2424 Great Road ParkArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2425 Meadow GardenMeadow         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2426 Little GardenMeadow         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2427 Lower LeaArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2428 Venns AcreArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2429 Great MeadArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2430 Coarse MeadMeadow         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2431 East Dock CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2432 West Dock CloseArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2433 Salt MarshPasture         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2434 BroomsArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2435 Large Lower PlotArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2436 Small Lower PlotArable         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2437 Coppice at Higher West CloseTimber         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2438 Coppice at Lower West CloseTimber         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2439 Coppice Small PieceWaste         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2440 West |Down CoppiceCopse         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2441 Long CoppiceTimber         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2442 Beverns CoppiceTimber         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2443 Bottom Plot CoppiceCopse         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2444 Corner Mead CoppiceCopse         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2445 Road Park CoppiceTimber         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2446 Gribble Close CoppiceFurze & Copse         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2447 Water Park CoppiceCopse         
John RadfordWilliam Fewings2448 Lanes Water Yard Yard          
George SearleGeorge Searle
& Francis Heard
618North StreetTwo Cottages & GardensTwo Cottages & Gardens  11      
 Mrs Mary Partridge1209Fore StreetOffice & YardOffice & Yard  4      
 William Western1210Bow CourtOffice & YardOffice & Yard  6      
John SkinnerJohn Skinner1159  Garden  36      
John SkinnerJohn Skinner1160Adj Black Dog House & Yard  10      
Rev W P ThomasWilliam Rippin503  Meadow         
Rev W P ThomasWilliam Rippin504  Arable         
Rev W P ThomasWilliam Rippin505  Arable         
Rev W P ThomasWilliam Rippin506  Arable         
Rev W P ThomasWilliam Rippin507  Arable         
Rev W P ThomasWilliam Rippin508  Waste         
Rev W P ThomasWilliam Rippin509  Arable         
Rev W P ThomasWilliam Rippin510  Arable         
 John Anstey1199Fountain House           
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber1WheadonNorth HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber2 MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber3 Drain FieldPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber4 StrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber5 Western QuarryArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber6 East Quarry CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber7 Higher AcreArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber8 Higher Moor ClosePasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber9 Higher East CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber10 Little MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber11 Garden CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber12 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber13 BackrideArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber14 Path FieldsArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber15 Higher Four AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber16 Broom ClosePasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber17 Copse in Broom ClosePasture & Copse         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber18 Bottom CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber19 Gutter ClosePasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber20 Thorn Bush FieldPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber21 Higher Three AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber22 Lower Three AcresPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber23 MowplotGarden         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber24 House & GardenHouse & Yards         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber25 Offices & YardArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber26 AcreArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber27 Moor Field No 1Meadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber28 Pond MeadowArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber29 Moorfield No 3Arable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber30 Moorfield No 4Arable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber31 Moorfield No 5Arable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber32 Moorfield No 6Arable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber33 Moorfield No 2Arable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber34 Poor FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber35 Lower Four FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber36 Moor FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber37 Furze BrakeArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber38 Six AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Webber39 Four AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis40South GrendonSouth Grendon MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis41 Great North CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis42 Little North CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis43 Higher BottomArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis45 Lower BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis46 Acre FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis47 Coarse BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis48 Lower Two AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis49 Five AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis50 Four AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis51.5 Lower OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis51 Dry MeadowArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis52 Back OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis53 House & OfficesHouse         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis54 MowplotMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis55 Higher Gratton          
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis56 Lower GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis57 Moor PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis58 Long MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis59 Little Higher MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis60 Lower MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis61 Pond CloseMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis62 HillMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Louis63 Great FieldMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams RowdenHigher Moor CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams64 FollyArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams65 NurseryNursery         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams66 Moor PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams67 Higher North CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams68 Inner CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams69  Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams70 Garden CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams71 Honey CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams72 Higher BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams73 Stoney Close          
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams75 Higher Bottom          
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams76 CopseCopse         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams77 Lower GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams78 Higher GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams79 Fore OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams80 Back OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams80A House, Office & YardHouse & Yard         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams80B Pond OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams81 Little MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams82 MoorFurze & Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams83 MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams84 Coarse SpotMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams85 Barn MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams86 MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams87 Lower MeadMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams88 MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams89 Higher HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams90 Middle HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Adams92 Lower Bottom          
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach132EsseBeareGreat MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach133 North RumseryArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach134 Church YardArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach135 Great RumseryArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach136 BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach137 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach138 BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach139 Stuckham BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach140 Old ClosePasture         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach141 Old Close PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach142 BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach143 Old CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach144 Part of MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach145 Pitch ParkArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach146 Little MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach147 New CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach148 West Summer SeersArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach149 East Summer seersArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach150 Higher Long DownArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach151 HaysArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach152 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach153 House, Offices & YardHouse & Yard         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach154 Little MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach155 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach156 CopseCopse         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach157 Great MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach158 Coarse Plot OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach159 Bottom MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach160 East Beere CoppiceCopse         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach161 Great OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach162 Coney ParkMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach163 Lower Long DownArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach164            
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach165 Horse SummerArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach166 Four AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach167 Five AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach168 New MeadowArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach169 Barren NapArable         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach170 Barren Nap MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach171  Meadow         
Revd W P ThomasJohn Comyne Leach172 IslandWaste         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend173BradfordNorth DownFurze & Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend174 East DownFurze & Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend175 South DownFurze & Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend176 Little DownArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend177 Great PlaneArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend178 West Down PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend179 Young OrchardNursery         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend180 West Down PlantationPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend180A WastePasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend180B Taylors MeadowPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend180C Willow PlotPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend181 Daisey LandArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend182 WastePasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend183 South Down PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend184 South DownArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend185 Long HandArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend186 Higher Broad CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend190 Lower Broad CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend191 Quarry CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend192 East Close OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend193 PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend194 PlantationArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend195 PlantationPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend196 PlantationPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend197 Barn & YardBarn & Yard         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend198 East Broad MeadowPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend199 West Broad MeadowArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend200 East Horse ClosePasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend201 West Horse CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend202 Coarse PiecePasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend205 Middle Middle HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend206 Higher Middle HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend207 Tree FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend208 Furze CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend209 GardenArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend210 Barn & RoadCottage & Waste         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend211 Field behind BarnArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend212 Field before BarnArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend213 Clump FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend217 Clump FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend220 Plantation FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend222 CopsePlantation         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend223 Higher BroomArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend224 Lower BroomMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend226 The LawnMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend231 Great OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend232 GardenGarden         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend233 Cottage & GardenLodge         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend234 WasteCottage & Garden         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend235 Copse          
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend236 Copse & Island          
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend237 Back MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend238 House, Office & YdHouse & Yard         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend239 Pasture PieceWaste         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend240 Little ChamseyMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend241 ChameryMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend241.5 BottomTimber & Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend242 GardenGArden         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend243 GardenArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend244 Late HillMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend245 WastePlantation         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend246 PlotWaste         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend247 Garden MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend248 WoodTimber & Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend249 Cottage & GardenCottage & Garden         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend253 BankPonds & Bank         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend254 BottomPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend255 Bradford MeadowPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend258 Bradford MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend259 Bradford MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend260  Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend262  Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Townsend263 Bye RoadRoad         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke188Part Mill FarmGardenArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke189  Arable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke271 GardenOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke276 Bradford Moor HeadMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke277  Arable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke278  Arable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head475West PelevenWest GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head476 Middle GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head477 East GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head478 Down MeadMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head479 West MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head480 MoorFurze & Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head481 DownlandArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head482 CleaveFurze & Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head485 OrchardOrchard & Meadow         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head484 West CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head485 House & OrchardHouse & Yard         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head486 GardenGarden         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head487 MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head488 OrchardMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head489 Cleave MeadowPasture         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head490 Midlde MeadowPasture         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head491 Shut CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head492 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head493 Pond CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head494 Orchard CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head495 Higher HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head496 HallArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head497 Great MeadowPasture         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head498  Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head499 GardenArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head500 PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head501 CopseTimber & Copse         
Revd W P ThomasThomas Head502 BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Comins621North StreetStables   10      
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Burgess622North StreetBarn & Stables   2      
Revd W P ThomasSamuel Burgess623North StreetBarn & Stables & Yard   11      
Revd W P ThomasMr John Rippin627Broad StreetCottage   3      
Revd W P ThomasThomas Carpenter628Broad StreetCottage   3      
Revd W P ThomasThomas Greenslade629Broad StreetCottage   3      
Revd W P ThomasJohn Brown &
Thomas Western
631Adj HodgesTwo Cottages   2      
Revd W P ThomasUnoccupied632Rectory GroundsHouse   12      
Revd W P ThomasMr John Manning633North Side SquareHouse & Yard   7      
Revd W P ThomasJohn Western634North Side SquareHouse & Yard   12      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Mitchell635North Side SquareHouse & Yard   4      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill636The Bell InnHouse & Yard   20      
Revd W P ThomasJames Eastmond630Part of HodgesHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yard  28      
Revd W P ThomasJames Eastmond637  Arable 228      
Revd W P ThomasJames Eastmond638 First FieldMeadow122      
Revd W P ThomasJames Eastmond639 OrchardOrchard 16      
Revd W P ThomasJames Eastmond640  Meadow1122      
Revd W P ThomasJames Eastmond641 Second Lime CloseMeadow2330      
Revd W P ThomasJames Eastmond642 First Lime CloseMeadow2 20      
      9 161101011010
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill653Part of HodgesOrchardOrchard 16      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill654  Meadow1 28      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill655  Meadow3234      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill656  Meadow1135      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill657  Meadow2218      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill658  Meadow2239      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill659  Meadow2230      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill660  Arable1336      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill661 CopseCopse334      
Revd W P ThomasRichard Churchill662  Arable1 12      
Revd W P ThomasRev J P Benson676 Garden  122      
Revd W P ThomasJohn Western1138 FieldMeadow1226      
Revd W P ThomasSeveral Tenants1140Church StreetThree Cottages & Garden   7      
Revd W P Thomas 1142Church Street    6      
Revd W P ThomasPhillip Rattenbury1167Behind Angel InnStable & Yard   9      
Revd W P ThomasJohn Moor1176West StreetHouse   5      
Revd W P ThomasJohn Day1177West StreetHouse   3      
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Hill1178Broad StreetHouse   1      
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Cockram1179West StreetHouse   2      
Revd W P ThomasJohn Brown1180West StreetHouse   4      
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Hawkes1198Cannington HouseHouse, Workshop & Garden   18      
Revd W P ThomasDr Robert Coster1250Pt With - Cannington Arable1312      
Revd W P ThomasDr Robert Coster1251  Meadow2 36      
Revd W P ThomasDr Robert Coster1252 PondGarden  14      
Revd W P ThomasDr Robert Coster1253  Meadow1111      
      5133 13  13 
Revd W P ThomasJohn Western1147Church StreetHouseHouse  2      
Revd W P ThomasJames Clapp1148Church StreetHouseHouse  2      
  1149Church StreetGardenGarden  27      
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas44PlantationsYoung PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas74 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas91 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas203 Lower Middle PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas204 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas214 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas215 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas216 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas218 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas219 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas221 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas225 PlantationRoad         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas227 Part of LawnMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas228 House, Office & YdHouse Yd         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas229 GardenGarden         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas230 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas250 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas251 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas252 PondPond         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas256 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas264 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas265 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas266 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas267 CopseCopse & Plantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas268 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas269 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas270 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas257 CopseCopse & Timber         
Revd W P ThomasRevd W P Thomas261 PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1357North CoombeSix AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1358 Coppice in Six AcresTimber         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1359 CopseTimber         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1360  Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1361 Eight AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1362 ParkMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1363 Higher LeaArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1364 Three AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1365 Eight Acres OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1366  Arable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1367 BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1368 Lower Long CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1369 Higher Long CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1370 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1371 House & OfficesHouse         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1372 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1373 Lower ---Arable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1374 Burn CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1375 Lower Broom CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1376 BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1377 Hill OrchardsOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1378 CleaveArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1379 CopsePasture         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1380  Arable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1381 Little MeadowArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1382 Lower MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1383 FollyArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1384 Great FollyArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1385 Lower MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1386 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1387 PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1388 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1389 Part of MoorArable & Furze         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1390 Five AcresPasture & Furze         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1391 Oxen ParkArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1392 Oxen PArkPasture & Furze         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1393 Garden PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1394 Turnip CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1395 New CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1396 WasteWaste         
Revd W P ThomasRichard Norrish1397 Higher MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1447Leat FarmHigher HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1448 Lower FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1449 HillPAsture         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1450 GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1451 GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1452 CopseTimber         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1453 MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1454 MoorPAsture         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1455 Pasture PieceMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1456 Eastern HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1457 Fir PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1458 MoorPAsture         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1459 PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1460 PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe1461 MoorPAsture         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe279 Budge MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe280 Mill CloseMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe281 Ham MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe282 HamPAsture         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe283 Stable MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe284 House & OfficesHouse & Yard         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe285 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe286  Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe287  PAsture         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe288 MeadowPAsture         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe289 Fir PlantationPlantation         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe290 HillsArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe291 Middle HillArable         
Revd W P ThomasAnne Battiscombe296  Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1500Hill TownWasteWaste         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1517 BroomeryPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1518 MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1519 Bottom of MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1520 Clover FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1521 Phillips SpotArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1522 Church CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1523 Guernsey FieldPasture & Furze         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1524 Square CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1525 Little CroftPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1526 Great CroftArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1527 Moorey MeadPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1528 Turf ClosePasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1529 Two AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1530 One and a Half AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1531 Broom CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1532 Long CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1533 Higher Back CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1534 Barn CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1535 Lower Back CloseMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1536 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1537 Fore MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1538 Barns & YardsBarn & Linhay         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1539 GardenOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1540 MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1541 Western MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1542 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1543 House, OfficesHouse & Yard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1544 Fore MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1545 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1546 Back OrchardMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1547 Five AcresArable         
  1548 Seven AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1549 GardenArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1550 White PieceArable & Furze         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1551 Middle MoorArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1552 Four AcresGarden         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1553 GardenPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1554 Coarse MeadowOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1555 OrchardArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1556 Mews PlotArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1557 DownsArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1558 Ten AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1575 Corley BallArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1576 Eight AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1577 MoorlandArable & Furze         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1578 MoorlandArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1579 Lower Ends CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1580 Higher Ends CloseNursery         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1581 GArdenArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1582 Five AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1583 Three AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1584 Four AcresPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1585 Bottom of MoorArable         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1586 GardenPasture         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Smale1587 BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole438PillevenPart of MoorArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole439 MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole440 The MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole441 Two AcresArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole442 MoorPasture         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole443 Great Moor FieldPasture & Furze         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole444 Coarse BottomPasture         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole445 Bare CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole446 Copse in Bare CloseCopse         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole447  Pasture         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole448 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole449 Half AcrePasture         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole450 Copse in Bare CloseCopse         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole451 Copse in Bare CloseCopse         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole452 Lower MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole453 Bare Close OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole454 Acre FieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole455 Lower Moor CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole456 BrakeArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole457 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole458 Moor CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole459 Pond OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole460 Coarse MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole461 Little MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole462 GardenGarden         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole463 House, Office & YardHouse & Yard         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole464 Ledger OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole465 East GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole466 West GrattonArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole467 Pilleven Broadfield ClosePasture         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole468 BroadfieldArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole469 Higher MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole470 Broom Close OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole471 Broom Close OrchardArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole472 Lower Broad CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole473 West Broom CloseArable         
Revd W P ThomasAbraham Cole474 Copse in Bare CloseCopse         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke272Part of Mill FarmGarden & HouseHouse & Garden         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke273 MeadowMeadow         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke274 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke275 OrchardOrchard         
Revd W P ThomasWilliam Crooke275A Mill & StreamMill         
Revd W P ThomasT F Healey601 MeadowMeadow         
Poor of CreditonJohn Moor1124PenfordCottage and GardenCottages & Garden         
Poor of CreditonJohn Moor1125 GardenGarden         
Poor of CreditonJohn Moor1126 MeadowGarden         
Poor of CreditonJohn Moor1127 ArableGarden         
Poor of CreditonJohn Rattenbury1254ShippenhayFirst FieldMeadow         
Poor of CreditonJohn Rattenbury1255 Second FieldMeadow         
Henry PullenWilliam Comins1192Post Office HouseHouse & Garden          
Henry PullenHenry Pullen1193BelmontHouse & Garden          
Henry PullenPhillip Rattenbury1256 Second FieldMeadow         
Henry PullenPhillip Rattenbury1257 First FieldArable         
Henry PullenUnoccupied1258Pullens RowSeven Cottages          
Mrs Elizabeth ParkerHerself &
Mrs Mary Blackmoor
1219Part Anstey's CourtTwo Cottages          
John Partrisge
& James Francis
Honor Burgess609 FieldGarden & Allotments         
 John Western1132 Meadow          
 John Western1133 Orchard          
 John Western1134 Garden          
 John Western1135 Garden          
John PartrisgeJohn Chave613LashbrookeCottage & Garden          
John PartrisgeJames Loosemoor614Adj LashbrookeCottage & Garden          
John PartrisgeThomas Southcott1139 MeadowMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess565Burns & Tracey GreenLower FieldArable         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess564 Three AcresArable         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess565 Three Acres MeadowArable         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess566 Garden CloseMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess567 Second Path FieldArable         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess568 First Path FieldPasture         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess569  Pasture         
 Henry Burgess             
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess647 ArableArable         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess658 ArableArable         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess1128 Haymans FieldMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess1129 Haymans FieldMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess1187Burns & Tracey GreenCottage & GardenCottage & Garden         
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess1188 Field          
Henry Heale TremayneHenry Burgess1189Became the Drill HallHouse & GardenHouse & Garden         
Henry Heale TremayneJohn Moor643 GardenArable         
Henry Heale TremayneThomas Southcott644 Foakes First FieldArable         
Henry Heale TremayneThomas Southcott645 Foakes Second FieldArable         
Henry Heale TremayneThomas Southcott646 Foakes Third FieldArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne691Dart RaffeMarshMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne692 Waste          
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne693 MeadowMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne694 CopseBushes         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne695 The BottomsPasture         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne696 CopsePasture         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne697 OrchardOrchard         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne698 CopseTimber & Plantation         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne699 Lower Broad ParkArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne700 OrchardOrchard         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne701 Cottages & GardenCottages         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne702 Little MeadowArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne703 GardenArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne704 Long CloseArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne705 GardenArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne706 HillArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne707 WastePAsture         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne708 HillArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne708.5  PAsture         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne709 Higher ShillingsArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne710 Lower ShillingsArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne711 Road Park MeadowMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne712 Little MeadowMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne713 Lower MeadowMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne714 Wood ParkArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne715 Broom ParkArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne716 CopseBushes         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne717 Coarse MeadowArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne718 South Furze CloseArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne719 OrchardOrchard         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne720 Little MeadowMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne721 House & OfficesHouse         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne722 GardenGarden         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne723 OrchardOrchard         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne724 MeadowMeadow         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne725 PlantationPlantation         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne726 GrattonArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne727 Horse CloseArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne728 Way CloseArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne729 North Furze CloseArable & Plantation         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne730 Copse Or WasteTimber & Plantation         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne731 Two AcresArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne732 MoorPasture         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne733 Round CloseArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne734 Higher Olde ParkArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne735 Middle Old ParkArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne736 Lower Old ParkArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne737 North Oxen ParkArable         
Henry Heale TremayneWilliam Thorne738 Great Oxen ParkArable         
Revd W P ThomasHenry Burgess1136 GardenArable  35      
Revd W P ThomasHenry Burgess1137 MeadowMeadow2 12      
      217 77 77
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1307WilsonsMoorPasture39 6      
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1308 Nine AcresArable9110      
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1309 Five AcresArable5220      
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1310 Three AcresArable3 30      
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1311 Little MeadowPasture11       
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1312 Bye RoadWaste & Road 138      
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1313 Higher FieldArable4 32      
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1314 Lower FieldArable3227      
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1315 Bye RoadRoad 120      
Thomas MatthewsWilliam Webber1316 New ClosePasture8116      
      751392 72 7
  1343  Arable3322      
  1344 Two AcresArable21       
  1345 BottomPasture1118      
  1346  Arable3318      
  1347 BottomPasture1 36      
  1348  Arable5328      
  1349 Court CloseArable3336      
  1350 Court Close OrchardOrchard1 7      
  1351 Offices & YardHouse 225      
  1352 Barn CloseMeadow1213      
  1353 GardenGarden  9      
  1354 OrchardOrchard1 14      
  1355  Meadow3134      
  1356  Arable3136      
  2313Upcott ShillatonHouse, CourtlageHouses         
  2314 Back MeadMeadow         
  2315 GardenGarden         
  2316 Coarse Ox ParkWaste         
  2316 Coarse Middle PiecePasture         
  2317 Coarse Lower PiecePasture         
  2318 Ox Park OrchardOrchard         
  2319 Potato PlotArable         
  2320 Little Ox ParkArable         
  2321 Great Ox ParkArable         
  2322 Eight Acres Long CloseArable         
  2324 Eight Acres Long CloseArable         
  2325 Eight Acres OrchardFurze         
  2326 Higher ToballArable         
  2327 Middle ToballArable         
  2328 Lower ToballArable         
  2329 Deaths ClosePasture         
  2330 Lower New ClosePasture         
  2331 Higher New CloseArable         
  2332 Lower MoorPasture         
  2333 Higher MoorPasture         
  2334 Lower Long CloseArable         
  2335 Higher Long CloseArable         
  2336 East CloseArable         
  2337 Great End MoorArable         
  2338 Coarse End MoorArable         
  2339 Little End MoorArable         
  2340 Large MoorPAsture         
  2342 HinleersArable         
  2343 Pigs ClosePAsture         
  2344 Little PlotPAsture         
  2345 ChillyArable         
  2346 OrchardOrchard         
  2347 OrchardOrchard         
  2348 Nursey PlotNursery         
  2349 Rugs CloseArable         
  2350 Near East MoorArable         
  2351 Middle East Moor (Two)Arable         
  2352 Further East MoorArable         
  2353 Further West MoorArable         
  2354 Near West MoorArable         
  2355 PlantationTimber & Plantation         
  2356 Little OrchardOrchard         
  2357 House & CourtlageCottage         
  2358 Back OrchardOrchard         
  2359 Little MeadMeadow         
  2360 Great MeadMeadow         
  2361 Clover HillMeadow         
  2362 Lower ParkArable         
  2363 CoppiceTimber & Plantation         
  2364 Coarse Mead NorthArable         
  2365 Coarse Mead NorthPasture         
  2366 Coarse Mead SouthPasture         
  2367 House ShillatonsCottage         
  2368 CoppiceTimber & Waste         
  2369 Shillaton MeadMeadow         
  2370 Three CornerArable         
  2371 Church LandArable         
  2372 Broad ClosePasture & Furze         
  2373 Shillaton MoorPasture & Furze         
  2374 Little Broad ClosePasture & Furze         
  2375 Coarse PlotArable         
  2376 Lower Upcott MeadWaste         
  2377 Plot WestPasture         
  2378 Plot EastMeadow         
  2379 South Park MeadMeadow         
  2380 Field AdjoiningPasture         
  2381 Court MeadPasture         
  2382 Great South CloseArable         
  2383 Little South CloseArable         
  2384 Little Plane CloseArable         
  2385 Great Plane CloseArable         
  2386 Daisey CloseFurze         
  2387 Little Bottom AdjoiningPasture         
  2388 CoppiceTimber         
  2389 Three Corner PlotTimber         
  2390 BottomPasture         
  2391 Furze BrakePasture & Furze         
  2392 Mill BottomPasture & Furze         
  2393 Rabbins CloseArable         
  2394 Town CloseArable         
  2395 Lanes & Part River          
Henry Heale Tremayne EsqWilliam Burgess1093BroomhouseHigher FieldMeadow2 6      
Henry Heale Tremayne EsqWilliam Burgess1094 OrchardOrchard 230      
Henry Heale Tremayne EsqWilliam Burgess1095 First FieldMeadow2 2      
Henry Heale Tremayne EsqWilliam Burgess1096 West Closemeadow112      
Henry Heale Tremayne EsqWilliam Burgess1097 Little MeadowMeadow 36      
Henry Heale Tremayne EsqWilliam Burgess1098 OrchardOrchard 1       
      7 6 19  19 
Mrs Elizabeth TannerThomas Cole559Dyers Pasture 225      
Mrs Elizabeth TannerThomas Cole560  Arable1118      
Mrs Elizabeth TannerThomas Cole561  Meadow1339      
Mrs Elizabeth TannerThomas Cole562  Meadow2126      
      6128 122 122
 John Vaughan620North Street Cottage & Garden         
 Richard Commins615 GardenGarden         
 Richard Commins616 FieldMeadow         
Samuel TuckerSamuel Luce909 PastureArable         
Mrs Grace Tremlett 1216Part of Anstey's CourtCottagesCottages         
  602 MeadowMeadow         
  603 ArableArable         
  604 MeadowMeadow         
  605 MeadowMeadow         
 John Chave612 OrchardOrchard         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1398MatsonBurch CloseArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1399MatsonNew MeadowMeadow         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1400MatsonNew OrchardOrchard         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1401MatsonMalson MeadowMeadow         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1402MatsonGreat MeadowMeadow         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1403MatsonBack Meadowmeadow         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1404MatsonHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yard         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1405MatsonOrchardOrchard         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1406MatsonBarn CloseArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1407MatsonChurch CloseArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1408MatsonGrattonArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1409MatsonHigher MoorPasture         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1410MatsonDownArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1411MatsonBrakeArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1412MatsonHillArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1413MatsonLower MoorPasture & Furze         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1414MatsonLittle HillArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1415MatsonLong CloseArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1416MatsonLittle DownArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1417MatsonPleasant FieldArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1418MatsonLittle BrakeArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1419MatsonBottom CloseArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1420MatsonHead PieceArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1421MatsonGreat FieldArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1422MatsonLittle MeadowMeadow         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1423MatsonWasteWaste         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1424MatsonMeadowMeadow         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1425MatsonPlane FieldArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1426MatsonBarn FieldArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1427MatsonCastle FieldArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1428MatsonLittle FieldArable         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1429MatsonBury MeadPasture         
Eliz Tanner & Mrs J WalshGeorge Davie1430MatsonLower FieldsArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott432West NewlandChurch PathArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott433West NewlandMiddle Higher LandPasture         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott434West NewlandMoorPasture         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott435West NewlandClover FieldPasture         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott436West NewlandHigher BrakePasture & Furze         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1785West NewlandYonder BrakePasture         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1786West NewlandMoorPasture         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1787West NewlandLittle Moor FieldArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1788West NewlandBye Moor FieldArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1789West NewlandPlotArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1790West NewlandCopsePlantation & Timber         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1791West NewlandStrawberry OrchardOrchard         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1792West NewlandSouth CloseArable & Furze         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1793West NewlandPotato FieldPasture & Furze         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1794West NewlandSouth Close PlotArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1795West NewlandLower South CloseArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1796West NewlandLower South ClosePlantation & Timber         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1797West NewlandEast Close OrchardOrchard         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1798West NewlandBye North CloseArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1799West NewlandRock HillPasture & Furze         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1800West NewlandClover HillArable & Furze         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1801West NewlandLower Great HillArable & Furze         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1802West NewlandHigher Great HillArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1803West NewlandWest CloseArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1804West NewlandWest CloseTimber         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1805West NewlandPlotArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1806West NewlandPigs CloseArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1807West NewlandNew MeadowMeadow         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1808West NewlandLittle nOrth CloseMeadow         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1809West NewlandPlotMeadow         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1810West NewlandHouseCottage & Garden         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1811West NewlandOrchardOrchard         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1812West NewlandMeadowMeadow         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1813West NewlandLittle MeadowMeadow         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1814West NewlandDwelling HouseHouse         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1815West NewlandOrchardOrchard         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1816West NewlandGardenMowplot         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1817West NewlandEast Close Orchardarable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1818West NewlandOrchardOrchard         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1819West NewlandPlantationPlantation & Timber         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1820West NewlandPlantationArable         
Thomas AddicottThomas Addicott1821West NewlandInner Higher LandArable         
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson553(Glebe?)Six AcresArable6121      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson554 East CloseArable4226      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson555 Fulford HillArable4338      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson556 Barn & YardBarn & Yard  15      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson557 Barn CloseArable3222      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson558 Fulford FieldArable4112      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson664 Great SanctuaryPasture5310      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson665 MeadowArable2 14      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson666 Part of SanctuaryArable3212      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson667 OrchardOrchard 137      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson668 MeadowMeadow 19      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson669 Middle SanctuaryArable3 2      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson670 Higher SanctuaryMeadow5 38      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson671 Bell CloseMeadow2 4      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson672 OrchardOrchard  36      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson673 MeadowMeadow2 16      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson674 GardenGarden  18      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson675The RectoryGarden & HouseGarden & House 128      
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson677 Office & YardOffice & Yard  34      
      492325  5  
Rev W P ThomasRev J P Benson678 Church & Church YardChurch & Church Yard1110      
    Roads & Rivers on Plans 1 & 2Roads & Rivers on Plans 1 & 284136      
    Roads & Rivers on Plan 3Roads & Rivers on Plan 3342       
      119 36      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary511VoxenThe BrakeArable & Furze7 20      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary512VoxenFurze CloseArable5314      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary513VoxenMeadowMeadow1130      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary514VoxenMeadowMeadow1120      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary515VoxenOrchardOrchard 24      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary516VoxenHouse, Office & YardHouse & Yard 228      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary517VoxenPasture PiecePasture1 4      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary518VoxenOrchardOrchard 111      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary519VoxenNorth CloseArable7236      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary520VoxenLower Mill ClosePasture7 34      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary521VoxenHigher Mill CloseArable634      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary522VoxenThe MoorPasture722      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary523VoxenHigher FieldArable5 14      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary524VoxenLittle FieldArable3 29      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary525VoxenGreat FieldArable9129      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary526VoxenThe ParkArable51       
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary527VoxenWest CloseArable4310      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary528VoxenWest CloseCopse  13      
Richard ElworthyJohn Vicary529VoxenWest CloseWaste  12      
James EastmondJames Partridge1214Off Fore StreetGardenGarden  10      
James EastmondJames Partridge1215Off Fore StreetGardenGarden  32      