


Witheridge Land Tax 1793

© Crown Copyright

Transcribed by David Taylor


Owner of Lands 1793Occupier of Land 1793
Heirs of Mr John PartridgeWm Adams
Heirs of Mr John PartridgeWilliam Thomas
Heirs of Mr John PartridgeWm Greenway
John Chichester EsqGeorge Venner
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood
John BidgoodJohn Bidgood
Samuel WilcocksSamuel Wilcocks
John PartridgeJohn Partridge
Robert VennRobert Venn
Rev Mr RadfordThomas Friend
William Bowdon & Jn MayJohn May
Sir Thomas Ackland & Mrs CleaveMrs Cleave
Mary DownThomas Bennett
Sir Stafford NorthcottMrs Cleave
John Chichester EsqRichard Elworthy
John Chichester EsqThomas Bennett
John Chichester EsqJohn Hedgeman
Mr Robert Ayre & Thomas DrakeJohn Bidgood
Mr Robert Ayre & Thomas DrakeJohn Bidgood
Mr Robert Ayre & Mr Thomas DrakeJohn Bidgood
Owner of Lands 1793Occupier of Land 1793
Sir Thomas Ackland & Thomas Melhuish CominsThomas Melhuish Comins
Rev M MelhuishMr John Cooke
Rev M MelhuishJohn Heard
Sir Thomas Ackland & Rev M MelhuishRichard Melhuish Esq
Rev M MelhuishRichard Milford
Rev M MelhuishPeter Crooke
Rev M MelhuishWm Smale
Rev M MelhuishWm Smale
Mr BeardJohn Kent
Sir Thomas Ackland & Rev M MelhuishJohn Tanner
Heirs of Richard GreensladeThos Marley
Mrs Thomazin AyreMary Heywood
Mrs Thomazin AyreMary Heywood
Mrs Thomazin AyreMary Heywood
Sir Thomas Ackland & Heirs of Thomas AyreThos Marley
Clergy of South MoltonJohn Thorne
William CockramWilliam Cockram
William Pennycott GentWilliam Davey
Mr Robert Ayre & Marys AddicottMary Addicott
Mr Robert Ayre & Heirs of Thomas AyreThoms Ayre & Sam Downs
Rev Mr John CutcliffeSam Partridge
Mr Thomas TannerJohn Davey
Owner of Lands 1793Occupier of Land 1793
Henry Hawkins Tremayne EsqGeorge Thorne
Henry Hawkins Tremayne EsqCharles Westacott
Henry Hawkins Tremayne EsqThomas Western
George Buck EsqJohn Price
Rev M MelhuishRev M Melhuish
Rev M MelhuishJacob Cobley
Richard Melhuish Esq & Mr PearseJames Coles
Sir Thomas Ackland BartMr Wm Luxton
Rev M MelhuishMr Richard Cooke
Mr Thomas ElworthyMr Thomas Elworthy
Mr Thomas ElworthyThos Smale
George Spike Esq & Mr Thomas ElworthyWilliam Adams
 Richard Gibbins & Francis Cornall
Heirs of Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqMr J Foxford
Heirs of Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqJames Partridge
Heirs of Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqGeorge Spencer
Heirs of Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqJohn Vicary
Heirs of Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqFrancis Cornall
Heirs of Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqJohn Vicary
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqWilliam Bradford
Rev Mr John CutcliffeMr Geo Bodley & John Smale
George Buck EsqMr Hosegood
Owner of Lands 1793Occupier of Land 1793
Henry Arthur Fellowes Esq 
Rev Mr DickensRev Mr Dickens
Rev Mr MelhuishWm Lake
Rev Mr MelhuishSamuel Wilcocks
Rev Mr MelhuishMr Henry Mildon
Rev Mr MelhuishMr Blake & Wm Comins
Rev Mr MelhuishMrs Spry
Rev Mr MelhuishWilliam Comins
Rev Mr MelhuishWilliam Comins
Rev Mr MelhuishWalter Tidboald
Mr Richard ElworthyMr Richard Elworthy
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqMr Richard Elworthy
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqMr Richard Elworthy
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqWilliam Lake
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqRichard Downey
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqWalter Tidboald
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqJohn Guarnsory
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqJn Smale, Jn Tanner & Robert Stooke
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqThomas Walker
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqJohn Burgess
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqWm Comins
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqRichard Downey
Henry Arthur Fellowes & Heirs of Mr StephensWalter Tidboald
Heirs of Mr StephensWalter Tidboald
Matthew HerringAlexander Crooke
Thomas Melhuish CominsThomas Melhuish Comins
Wm Smale & Thos Melhuish CominsThomas M Comin & Hugh Foxford
Henry Hawkins TremayneRichard Melhuish
Henry Hawkins TremayneJohn Burgess
Henry Hawkins Tremayne EsqJohn Burgess
Henry Hawkins TremayneJames Packer
Henry Hawkins Tremayne EsqSamuel Wilcocks
Mr MorrishThomas Western
Mr Richard ElworthyMr Richard Elworthy
Richard ElworthyRichard Elworthy
Poor of CreditonMr James Cole
Poor of CreditonWalter Tidboald
Mrs YardWilliam Greenslade
Edward BodleyEdward Bodley
George BodleyGeorge Crooke
Mr NorrishMr Henry Mildon
William CominsWilliam Comins
William CominsWilliam Comins
Henry Arthur Fellowes EsqJames Davey
Thos GunnThos Gunn