


Will of William Blamey, Miner of Upton Pyne

Proved 5 February 1811

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/1613, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Ellenbro' Quire Numbers: 50 - 101

Transcribed by Ros Dunning

This is the last Will and Testament of me William Blamey of Upton Pyne in the County of Devon Miner I give and bequeath unto my Wife Eliza Blamey All my Household Goods and ffurniture Horse Saddle and Bridle that may be in my Possession at the time of my decease Also I give to my said Wife the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid her at the end of twelve months after my decease her giving up possession of the said Dwellinghouse Orchard and Premises to my Executor hereinafter named without having committed any voluntary waste thereon I give unto my Sister Mary Oppy of Gwennap in the County of Cornwall the sum of Thirty Pounds to my Sister Ann the Wife of William Long of Gwennap the sum of twenty pounds and to my Sister Catherine Row the sum of ten pounds And I give and devise unto my Nephew Philip Blamey All that Messuage or Tenement Garden Orchard and Premises commonly called the Magnes or Black Pit Orchard situate in Upton Pyne aforesaid To hold the same unto the said Philip Blamey his Heirs and Assigns for ever subject nevertheless to the payment thereout to my Sister Catherine Rowe the sum of Ten pounds per Annum during her life payable half yearly the first payment thereof to be made at the end of six months next after my decease with power of distress and entry in case of nonpayment as in the case of distress for rent All the rest residue and remainder of my Real and Personal Estate and Effects I give devise and bequeath unto my said Nephew Philip Blamey his Exors Admors or Assigns Upon the trusts and for the ends intents and purposes hereinafter mentioned that is to say Upon Trust to convert the same into Money and at the end of three months after my decease pay unto my brothers Joel Blamey and ffrancis Blamey the sum of fforty Pounds and to pay unto them the said Joel and ffrancis Blamey their Exors Admors or Assigns the tenth part each of the remainder of my said Real and Personal Estate at the end of twelve months after my decease and to annually to pay to each of them my said Brothers their Exors Admors or Assigns other tenth parts of my said residue until the same be exhausted and fully applied And I give unto my Executor Philip Blamey the Interest that may accrue on the said residue unapplied and in his hands Upon the trusts aforesaid And I make constitute and appoint my said Nephew Philip Blamey sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me made and declare this only to be my last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the fourteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighteen _ William Blamey

(Attestation Clause)

James Torrell Exeter _ John Godfrey Junr. _ George Howe his Clerks

Proved at London 5 February 1811