From White's Devonshire Directory of 1850
A small scattered village 4½ miles E-NE of Tiverton, near the Lowman rivulet, has in its parish about 3000 acres of land and 428 inhabitants, of whom 80 are in WHITNAGE tithing, which is in Halberton Hundred, near the Grand Western Canal. The Manor of Uplowman anciently belonged to the "de Lomen" or "de Lumine" family, and afterwards to the Willington, Beaumont and Powlett families. The manorial rights now belong to the Elworthy family ,but the soil belongs to various freeholders ,the largest of whom are W.M.Praed, Wm. Nation and R.H.Clarke, Esqrs. The Rev S. Pidsley, BA, is lord of the Rectorial Manor worth £150 per anum. And patron and Incumbent of the Rectory valued in KB at £21. 0s. 10d. and in 1831 at £601. He has 43A 3R 6P of glebe and a large residence which was mostly rebuilt in 1832 and has tasteful grounds. The tithes were commuted in 1842 for £500 per year. The Church (St. Peter,) is an ancient structure, with a tower and 5 bells.At the East end of the village was an ancient Chapel called Beauchapel , but all traces of it disappeared some centuries ago. In 1638 Bartw. Calwoodleigh left 40 shillings a year for poor parishoners, out of a house and close called Collisaw. They also have the following yearly doles....£2 out of Landrake Estate in Tiverton, left in 1684 by John Chave. £3. 13s. out of Splatford Meadows left by Wm. Chave in 1719, and £1 out of the poor rates, as the interest of £20 given by John Chave in 1723. A school for poor children is supported by subscription.
Elworthy Miss Susan, Combe
Parr Humphy, joiner, Wood-end
Redwood Chas., miller, Stag Mill
Redwood John, Vict. Crossways
Pidsley Rev, Sydenham, BA Rectory
Sloman Dorcas, Schoolmistress.
Elworthy, James
Holloway & son.
Badcock, John
Brice, Thomas Whitnage
Brade, John
Chave, Edward Windhayes
Clapp, Wlm
Frankpitt, Rd.
Frankpitt, Wm.
Kerslake, Wm
Morse, Dennis sen & jun. Whitnage
Squire, Richard.
Stooke, Edm.
Sweet, Ann
Sweet George.
Barrett, John
Dunster, Wm
Carter, Robert
Redwood, John
Redwood, Robt.
Brian Randell, 16 Jul 1998