Estate Duty Office Will of Joanna Pullin of Uplowman, Widow (1835)
© Crown Copyright
Devon Heritage Centre 1078/IRW/P/1305
Transcribed by Art Ames
Proved in Archdeaconry Court 17 November 1835
Appeared personally Richard Squire of the said parish of Uplowman the testamentary trustee named in the last Will and Testament of the above named Joanna Pullin deceased who died on the seventeenth day of June last
This is The last Will and Testament of me Joanna Pullin of the parish of Uplowman in the county of Devon widow
I give and bequeath to my brother Richd Squire of the parish and county aforesd yeoman his exors admors and assigns all the household goods and furniture liquors and provisions which shall be or about my house at the time of my decease together with all monies and securities for money which shall be then due and owing to me
Upon trust and to the intent that my said brother in trust shall in one month or as soon as shall be convenient sell all my household furniture either by public auction or private contract and place the money arising from such sale or private contract on such good security as my said brother in trust shall think fit and at so much interest percent as can be obtained and the interest which shall accrue from such principal money to be added to the principal as often as can be conveniently done until my son Henry Pullin shall attain the age of 25 years
Then I give and bequeath to my said son Henry Polin his exors admors and assigns ten pounds more than half the money which shall be then due and owing to me
And when my daughter Mary Pullin shall attain the age of 25 yrs I give and bequeath to her her exors admors and assigns all the remainder of my money which shall be then due and owing provided she marry agreeable to the consent of my said brother in trust
But if my said daughter Mary Pullin marry contrary to his wish then and in such case I give and bequeath to her only one shilling and her share or portion which shall be forfeited by so marrying as aforesaid I give and bequeath to my said son Henry Pullin his exors admors and assigns
But in case either of my said children should happen to die before he or her attain the age of 25 years I give and bequeath all my property to the then surviving child his or her exors admors and assigns
Provided also and I do further declare that the said trustee hereby appointed his exors admors and assigns shall be charged and chargeable for such money only as he or they shall actually receive by virtue of the trusts hereby in him or them reposed and shall not be accountable for any involuntary losses and that it shall be lawful for him and them with and out of the principal and interest of the said trust money to retain to and reimburse him and themselves all costs charges damages and expenses which he or they may suffer and sustain or be part unto in or about the execution of the aforesaid trusts or in relation thereto
And I hereby charge my household goods and principal money with the payment of the said legacies as well as with the payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses hereby revoking all former Will or Wills by me made and I do declare this to be my last Will and Testament and contained in this one sheet of paper and I appoint my said son Henry Pullin sole Executor of this my Will
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twentieth day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty five
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Joanna Pullin the testatrix in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
Nicholas Baskerville Hugh Redwood