


Index to

Upton: The heart of Torquay

The story of its church & parish


D.J. Seymour

Exeter: James Townsend & Sons (1963)

Index provided by Terry Leaman


Abbott, A. WPeople's Warden160
Abbott, Capt JosephPeople's Warden159
Abraham familyrelated to Palk family112
Adams, WilliamFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Aitchison, Rev W.Assistant Clergy under Preb F. E. Compton150, 158
Albert , Prince ConsortChurch clock in memory of48
Alford, Amemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Alford, C.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Allchurch, Jmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Allchurch, Wmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Angel, ?People's Warden159
Anning, C. LPeople's Warden116, 160, 161
Anning, Mrs IPCC elected- Parish Church161
Armin, Johnname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Arnold, Dr. G. B.organist6,82
Arrowsmith, Rev G. EPortrait ofbetween 64 & 65
Arrowsmith, Rev George Ernestbiography of150 - 154
Austin, PChoir member161
Ayres Familyowners of the slaughter house17
Ayres, Miss DPCC elected- Parish Church161
Baker, Sidney Ename on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Ball, WPeople's Warden159
Baple, MrHead teacher of Boys school108
Barnes, Rev HAssistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Barnes, Rev RalphBishops registrar40, 51
Barratt, Sir Francis LaylandPortrait in Town Hall121
Bartlett, BTreasurer of book committee8
Bartlett, B.inspected St James bell for inscription112
Bartlett, B. EPCC elected- Parish Church, Sidesman, Bellringer161
Bartlett, SServer161
Bartlett,TChoir member161
Bastard, Lmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Bastard, Leonard Jname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Bastin, Hmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Bates, Miss J. Pexchanged house in Shirburn Road for Rectory154
Bates, Mrsruns Sunday school at St James Church113
Bates, Mrs N. SPCC elected- Parish Church161
Beare, Prof W.of Bristol University8,28
Beddow, Miss Kheadmistress of Upton st James school114
Bell, Mrs C. B.Rectors stall in memory of61
Bellamy, G. JSidesman161
Benthall, Johnsignatory to letter re completion of church33
Bessell, Mrsgave alms dish in memory of her husband80
Bessell, Sydney Jamesalms dish in memory of80
Best, W. T,J Hallett Sheppard was pupil of83, 91
Bevan, Rev J. O.of Canterbury99
Bicknell, MissHead Teacher of infants school108
Bissell, Edith Broaddau of Preb Wolfe67, 69
Blacker, James EdwinName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Blackler, Jmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Blackler, Messrsof Royal Marble Works, St Marychurch67,99,127
Blackmore, Rev JohnMember of new church committee23
Blake, C. W.PCC elected- Parish Church, sidesman,chair of book committee8, 161
Blake, Dr Pagetgave bell for St James111
Blank, MrHead teacher of Boys school108
Boggis, PrebendaryAuthor of History of St Johns7
Bolt, Fmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Bolt, Mrsassisted author in preparation of book8, 17
Bolt, MrsHead teacher of Girls school108
Bolwell, MrHead teacher of Boys school108
Bond, Ememorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Bond, Ernest EdwardName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Bond, Hmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Bond, Herbert LewisName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Bond, Lmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Bond, Wmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Bondfield, MrHead teacher of Boys school108
Bonyun, Frank VernonName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Boreham, Canon FArchdeacon of Cornwall155
Bottomley, Albert Edwardlighting in memory of69
Bottomley, Mrs S. B.gave new lighting in memory of husband69
Boult, Mrsfirst caretaker of new school106
Bourne, AChoir member161
Bowden, Courtenay TFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Bowden, G. J.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Bowden, Mrs Phoebedonor of Church Plate51
Bowe, CRuridecanal Conference Rep, choir member161
Bowe, RChoir member, server161
Brealey, A. J.of book committee, & Sidesman8, 155, 156, 161
Brewer, W. GBellringer161
Bridgman, W. L.People's Warden160
Brombridge, Miss Bassistant at Upton St James school114
Brook, MChoir member161
Brooks, J. HPCC elected- Parish Church, sidesman161
Brooks, Jermyn & Beatricemade oleograph of Queen Victorias Levee of Mayors etc.123
Brown, Alfred John HenryName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Brown, Ememorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Brown, ErnestFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Brown, Ernest SamuelName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Brown, KChoir member161
Browning, FrankBronze Plaque in Town Hall- memorial119
Bryant, Alderman K. R.assisted author in preparation of book8
Bryant, S. Aorganist at St James Church113
Bulleid, Mr S.helped at St James' Mission143
Bulleid, SPeople's Warden160
Burke, JohnName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Burridge, Mrsassisted author in preparation of book8
Burridge, Mrsof Upton Farm16
Burt, Edward FBorough Librarian130
Burt, W. C.presented Sanctuary chairs- timber from Torwood Manor77
Burt, William C.Rectors warden, People's Warden159
Bussell, Mr H. Burtdesigned railings105
Butland, Robert LFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Bye, Hphoto ofbetween 64 & 65
Campbell, Hmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Carleton, Williamof Torquay, clock maker, rehung bells, put clock into town hall47, 48, 117
Caroe, W. D.drew up designs for permanent St James church110
Carpenter, DrDean of Exeter152
Carpenter, Gmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Carpenter, Rev BoydBishop of Ripon99
Cary, LouisaFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Cary, Mrsdonor of Church Plate51
Cary, Robert Shedden Sulyardeland owner in town36
Causle, Mrs DPCC elected- St James161
Cawdle, HenryPeople's Warden159
Cawdle, WilliamClockmaker, made clock for church49
Cecil, Bishopdedicated North chapel68
Chamberlayne, Missconducted mothers meetings at St James' mission144
Chapman, Samuel Cwater Engineer119
Chapman, WChoir member161
Chapple, Alfredname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Chertier, A.of Orfevre, Paris, maker of cruet set at St James112
Chick, Thomasname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Churchward, Missfirst headmistress of new infants school106, 108
Churston, LordPresident of garden association55
Clarke, Dr NormanBishop of Plymouth155
Clarke, Elizabeth E. K.bequeathed Brass communion rails75
Close, Mrlent Seraphone for Consecration ceremony35
Coates, EPCC elected- Parish Church, sidesman161
Coleman, Fmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Coleman, Fredname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Coller, JPCC elected- Parish Church, sidesman161
Collier, Hon Johnpainter of portrait of C. H. Spragge121
Collings, NChoir member, server161
Collins, Miss CPCC elected- St James161
Compton, Prebendarypreached at 100th anniversary152
Compton, Prebendary F. E.Portrait ofbetween 64 & 65
Compton, Rev Frederick Edwardbiography of149
Cooke, Rev R. D.officiated at Rev Gregg's funeral146
Cornish, Percyname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Courtenay-Dunn, Adrian LancelotName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Coutenay- Dunn, Miss J. S. Hheadmistress of Upton st James school114
Cowell, JohnName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Cowie, DrDean of Exeter72
Craddock, PChoir member161
Craddock, Thomasorganist6, 55, 83, 88, 89, 91
Crane, ThomasBas reliefs by him in Lauriston Villa, where he lived132
Crane, Walterson of Thomas, describes Lauriston Villa in a book132
Crawshaw, Lordassisted author in preparation of book8
Crook, L. Jof book committee, PCC elected- Parish Church, sidesman8, 161
Cross Mrsof North Bovey8
Crowe, Dr F. J. W.organist6, 84
Crute, Francisconductor of Philharmonic Society152
Cuming, HughFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
D'Arcy, Mrdonor of Church Plate51
Daubeny, Rev H. R. VAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg144, 158
Davey, Amemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Davey, Anne"first doorkeeper of church", buried in churchyard103
Davidson, Thomasarchitect for New Town Hall118
Davis, Rev W. B.Assistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Dawson E. Wdescendant of Dawson family29
Dawson Major A. H. Fassisted author in preparation of book8
Dawson, Charles Thomasof Whatton House, Leics. Gave £2000 for new church21, 23, 28, 35, 39, 66
Dawson, Charles Thomas Snr.Father of Charles & Edward21, 26
Dawson, E. Wassisted author in preparation of book8
Dawson, Edwardbrother of Charles, Hon member of Church Committee21, 26, 27, 29
Dawson, Susanwife of Chas snr & dau of Thomas March Phillipps21
Day, Fmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Day, Frederick EdwardName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Delbridge, Rmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Dibbins, Sergt.first Beadle64, 104
Dickerof Exeter built first organ87
Dixon,town surveyor designed "old" Town Hall117
Downes, Jmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Downes, JamesName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Downey, Mrsassisted author in preparation of book8
Dreaper, Rev R. WAssistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Drew, R. W.designed drinking fountain at hospital127
Drinkwater, Mrfirst headmaster of new boys school106, 108
Dunn, MrsChurch cleaner161
Eddy, A.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Eden, H.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Eden, Herbert GeorgeName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Edinburgh, Duke ofsigned Town Hall visitors book123
Elizabeth, Queen, secondchildrens corner commemorating coronation65
Elliot, L. T.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Elliot, L.W.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Elliot, Miss Ggave piano to church152
Elliott, Leonardname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Emperor of Abyssiniasigned Town Hall visitors book123
Endacott, P.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Endacott, Percyname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
England, Fredname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Evans, MissHead Teacher of infants school108
Evans, MrHead teacher of Boys school108
Exeter, Henry Bishop oflaid foundation stone 9th April 184426, 27
Fanshawecoat of arms in church101
Fanshawe, Annmemorial in church98
Fanshawe, Harrietmemorial in church98
Farrant, WilliamPeople's Warden159
Fayle, Rev RMember of new church committee23
Field, H.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Field, Harryname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Field, Harry GrahamName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Ford, Hmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Ford, Rev RAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Fordyce, Gen C. F.drinking fountain in memory of127
Fowler, Charlesentrant in competition for design of new church25
Fowler, Charlesorganist83
Fowles, Miss Margaretsister of Claude88
Fowles, Mr Claudeorganist at All Saints, Babbacombe88
Franks, Horganist at St James Church113
Fredriksen, MServer161
Freeman, Andrewauthority on organs75
Frost, Tomcoachman to Rev R. R. Wolfe at Manaton140
Froude, Parsonof Knowstone40
Froude, WilliamBronze Plaque in Town Hall- memorial120
Fuller, Mr A.verger of church29,153
Gardiner Missdonor of Church Plate51
Gedye, J.organist81, 87, 88
Gedye, MrPerformed on Seraphone at consecration ceremony35
Gedye, Rev F. WAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Gent & Co of Leicestermade clock for new Town Hall124
George VI, KingBlue stools used at Coronation65
Gervis, Dr F. Hchurchwarden148, 160
Gibbings, Wmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Gibson, MissHead teacher of Girls school108
Gilbert, Wmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Giles, TForeman26, 29, 30, 52
Gillard, N.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Gilley, MrClerk of Works26
Gilley, Mrs DenysMayoress152
Glanfield, Councillor JohnChairman of building committee, new Town Hall118, 119
Glanfield, JohnFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Godfrey, Canon F. L.assisted author in preparation of book8
Gorham, Rev G. C.appointed to Brampford Speke40
Gosling, Richardbuilder of new market130
Goss W. A.contractor for Market St Methodist Church129
Goss, E. Wassisted author in preparation of book8, 85
Goss, Edmund Percy MabinName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Grater, Amemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Gray, Mrs K. RPCC elected- St James161
Gray, Rev K. R.assisted author in preparation of book8, 112, 156
Gray, Rev K. R.Assistant clergy under Rev P Sands159, 161
Greaves, Rev Talbotbought the living of Upton at collapse of Haldon Estate145
Green, VChoir member161
Gregg, Miss Mdau of Dr Gregg76
Gregg, Mrs 72,73, 113
Gregg, Rev Edward Peasebaptistry in memory of64, 72, 72, 73, 78,110
Gregg, Rev Edward Peasebiography of141-146
Gregg, Rev Edward PeasePortrait ofbetween 64 & 65
Grenfell Miss Sdonor of Church Plate51
Grisewood, Freddiesigned Town Hall visitors book123
Grose, Jmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Hack, JamesMember of new church committee23, 37
Hacker, Arthur, R.A.Portrait painter6, 121, 140
Haliburton, MrContributed £5000 for the building of Ellacombe Church136
Hallett, Charlesname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Halliday, RBorough Librarian130
Hancock, W.HBellringer161
Hannaford, Fmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Hannant, CChoir member161
Harbottledesigned police station in Market Street131
Hardy, A. C.married Phoebe Wolfe146
Hardy, Mrs PhoebeDaughter? of Prebendary Wolfe8, 66, 69, 136
Hare, Marcuspresent at meeting ref new church22,23 ,32
Harland, C. J.Rectors warden159
Harris, Dr J.Vicar of St Saviours7,33, 54
Harris, Jos. Hsignatory to letter re completion of church33
Harris, Missfirst headmistress of new girls school106, 108
Harris, Rev DrMember of new church committee23
Harrison, J.assisted author in preparation of book, PCC elected- St James8, 156, 161
Harrison, PChoir member161
Hart & Coof London, made ironwork for railings105
Hart, Gchorister84, 161
Hart, Rchorister84
Hartland, Mr E. A.designer of reredos etc68
Harty, E. J.People's Warden160
Harty, Mr E. J.appointed People's churchwarden145
Harvey Brotherswinning builder for new church26, 31, 50, 65
Harvey, Graham RobertName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Harvey, J & WHarvey Bros, contractors for church36, 37, 47
Harvey, JacobMember of new church committee22, 23, 24, 33
Harvey, Johnarchitect of new hospital125, 127
Harvey, John Tapleyarchitect of new market130
Harwood, William HenryName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Hawker, Rev C. M.Assistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Hawkins, Venble. J. S.Archdeacon of Totnes66
Headowners of the timber yard18
Head, Mrs H. M. E.assistant at Upton St James school114
Heathfield, Williamname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Heaviside, OliverBronze Plaque in Town Hall- memorial120
Hele & Coof Plymouth, made new organ70, 75, 88, 89
Hele, Johnorganist of St Peters, Plymouth92, 93
Hele, Melvilleson of John93
Helley, Lorganist at St James Church113
Hemans, Rev P. WAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Henderson, Mrsuggestion re tower & spire44
Henley, Albert GeorgeName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Hex, Frederick SFreeman of Borough of Torquay, Town Clerk118, 122, 126
Hibberd, Stuartof B. B. C., opened new church hall116
Hicks, Rev T. N.Assistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe, gave bible to church64, 158
Hider, G.assisted author in preparation of book8
Hider, G. E.organist at St James Church113
Hield, Harold ATown Clerk119
Hield, HerbertFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Hill, GCurate54
Hill, H. MBellringer161
Hill, Prebendaryof St Pauls Cathedral, preached on new school opening day106
Hill, Victor ThomasName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Hodges, Sydneypainter of March Phillipps portrait120
Hogger, JServer161
Hogger, MChoir member, server161
Holding, W.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Holding, William AlfordName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Hole, Hmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Hole, MrHead teacher of Boys school108
Honeysett, Bertram ThomasName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Hooper, BriscoePortrait in Town Hall121
Hooper, H. Dundeeson of Briscoe Hooper, presented fathers clock to Town Hall122
Hopton, Revd Mrdonor of Church Plate51
Horn, I. BPeople's Warden159
Horsewill, JohnName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Hoskins, Prof. W. G.assisted author in preparation of book8
Houchin, Sq/Ldr J. Flayman156, 161
Howard Mrsdonor of Church Plate51
Howe, Sarahburied in churchyard103
Howell, A. RRectors warden160
Humphry Abam, gentname on St James bell112
Hunkin, DrBishop of Truro152
Hunter, Thomassignatory to letter re completion of church33
Huxham, Fmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Irdeale, Councillor Geo.Mayor of Torquay119
Isaac, Albertname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
James Mr Jwrote minutes37
James Mrsdonor of Church Plate51
James, C.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
James, Charles ThomasName on World War 1 memorial in church62
James,Rev Johnreplaced Mallock at Tor & as chair of building committee30, 31
Jarvis, Jname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Jarvis, J.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Jarvis, JamesName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Jarvis, MissHead teacher of Girls school108
Jenkinsowners of the marble works18
Jenkins, Missesunsuitable for choir56
Job, AChoir member161
Job, Antonychoir boy & keen geologist80
Johns, "Alfie"verger153
Johnson, CServer161
Johnston, J. Charteris, RevFreeman of Borough of Torquay122, 129
Joint, Philipname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Jones, JosephBorough Librarian130
Jones, PServer161
Jordan, Amemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Jordan, Bmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Joseph, Mr & Mrspresented silver inkstand123
Juliancoat of arms in church101
Julian, Henry Forbesmemorial in church, was lost on the Titanic sinking98
Julian, MrsWife of Henry F Julian99
Jupe, Mrsdonor of Church Plate51
Kelly, Edwin GeraldName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Kent, Duke of1st signature in visitors book123
Ker familylived at "the Castle"132
Kerr, Archdeacon Massisted author in preparation of book8
Kirkland, NChoir member161
Kitson 5, 61,69, 73,126
Kitsoncoat of arms in church101
Kitson Maj R. P.told author about early days8, 38, 70, 74
Kitson, CharlesChurchwarden, Rectors warden, People's Warden47, 54, 159
Kitson, Johnsecond son of Wm Kitson, portrait in Town Hall121
Kitson, JohnFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Kitson, Major R. Poffered Hengrave as site of a hospital126
Kitson, Mrs Williamof Hengrave gave panel for reredos73
Kitson, W. H.Rectors warden159
Kitson, WilliamMember of new church committee23,25, 26,28, 33, 37, 55,66, 72, 74, 106, 119, 135
Kitson, Williamsecond son of Rev William Kitson- Portrait in Town Hall121, 130, 146
Knowles, Mr F. L.photographer of Reddenhill Road8, 66
Labdon, Cmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Lacey, Mr H. K.house surgeon at Hospital126
Ladmore, Mr P. Wdesigned new library129
Land, Albert EdwardName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Lane,organist at St James Church113
Lane, Fmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Lane, Gmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Lane, Hmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Lane, Rev E. Acurate at Parish church and vicar of St James110, 146
Lane, Rev E. AAssistant Clergy under Rev J Tongue & Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Lang, DChoir member, server161
Lang, S. EBellringer161
Langley, DrBishop of Ripon134
Large, Rev J. JAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg144, 158
Larwill, A. J.chorister84
Larwill, Rev H. B. R.assisted author in preparation of book8
Lavers, Amemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Lavers, Missof Upton Leigh, gave parsonage house142
Lavers, Mr W.shared cost of harmonium for mission cottage109,126
Leaman of Torrdecorated church72
Leaman, Doradid sketches for Centenary booklet153
Leaman, F. J.of Leamans of Tor, churchwarden72, 103, 151,153, 156, 160
Lear, Frederick HenryName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Ledger, H. C.PCC elected- St James161
Leeming, Rev WAssistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Lemon, Mrsa school caretaker106
Lewis, Rev AAssistant clergy under Rev G. E. Arrowsmith152, 158
Lewis, JohnName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Lewis, Mrs APCC elected- Parish Church161
Lewis, PServer161
Linten, Fredname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Lohr, Mr F. N.music conductor92
Lombe, T. R.on school management committee106
Lord Alexandersigned Town Hall visitors book123
Louis, Mrs Belfieldwife of Admiral Louis of Cadewell31, 32
Louise, Princessburied in churchyard104
Lown, Mr C. R.executed illuminated scroll65, 102
Lown, Mrs VRuridecanal Conference Rep161
Lumzden, Mrs Grantdonor of Church Plate51
Luxmoore, Charles Noblehusband of Stella104
Luxmoore, Maria Stuart (Stella)wife of Charles Noble Luxmoore68
Luxmoore, Mr. C. N.gave marble dais for lectern61, 68, 75, 76, 79,147
Luxmoore, Stelladau of A. B. Sheppard104
Luxton, Arthurname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Lyle, Mrs HRuridecanal Conference Rep161
Lyle, PPCC elected- Parish Church161
Lyle, P. MSidesman, bellringer161
MacDonald, Rev. H. C.Assistant Clergy under Preb F. E. Compton149, 158
Majendie, Mrsdonor of Church Plate51
Mallock 5
Mallock C. H.Member of new church committee23
Mallock, Rev. WilliamIncumbent of Tor & Chairman of new church committee21, 22, 24, 25, 29,30, 55, 63
Mannering, Canonof Bristol Cathedral149
March PhillippsSee Phillipps 
March, Alderman Frank J.Mayor, unveiled book of Remembrance118
March, Frank JFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Martin, E.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Martin, Ernest HenryName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Martin, Miss MPCC elected- St James161
Matcham of Plymouthcontractors for Belgrave Church128
Matthews, E.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Matthews, J. JRectors warden160
May, George HenryChurchwarden, memorial in church99, 160
May, SisterChurch sister147
Maynard, Ernestorganist of Bath Abbey152
Maynard, G. J.chorister84
Medland, Bmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Merchant, DChoir member161
Merchant, RChoir member, server161
Meyrick, Col. Wm Henry Knightchairman of market company130
Middleton, AChoir member161
Minton, Mrof Minton tiles, gave flooring. He retired to Torquay77
Mitchell, George PatrickName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Mohan, BChoir member161
Mohun, John deknight, lord of Dunster13
Molyneaux, Rev FAssistant Clergy under Rev J Tongue158
Moor, Rev G. C. FAssistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Moore, Schorister84
Moore, Samueltable in memory of, former verger (tailor lived in Belgrave Rd)63
Moore, SilasName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Moore, Templesubmitted plans for a font65, 66, 69, 73, 78, 80
Morris, Tmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Morrish, Sydneypainter of William Kitson portrait121
Mortimer, Dr. R. C.Bishop of Exeter118,152
Mostyn, Tompicture of "Adoration of the Magi"65, 68
Moxhay, Tomescaped from Clink via sewer117
Moyse, Charles Eof McGill University, Montreal, Freeman of Borough of Torquay122, 129
Mudge, MatthewFarmer of Upton (1782-1861)13, 104
Mudge, Williamburied in churchyard104
Nicholson, Rev G. H.assisted author in preparation of book8
Nicklin of Birminghammaker of Briscoe Hooper clock in Town Hall122
Nicole, Mrs Dgave Processional Cross in memory of her husband155
Nicole, Rev R. C.Assistant clergy under Rev G. E. Arrowsmith152, 158
Nightingale, Florenceward in new hospital named after126
Northcote-Cooke, CharlesRectors warden159
Odell, Dr WilliamPeople's Warden160
Oliver, ThomasRectors & peoples warden159
Ormerod, the Missesmade payment of choir their own responsibilty142
Pack, Cmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Pack, Charliename on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Packe, MissHead Teacher of infants school108
Palk, Charles HerbertName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Palk, R. WSidesman161
Palk, Robertlord of the manor15
Palk, Sir Lawrencegave 325ft of frontage onto Turnpike road for church, gave site for hospital in Higher Union St & new Market24, 33, 34, 35, 36, 44, 54,57, 66, 106, 125, 130
Palmer, Pmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Pannell Messrsof Exeter, completed new bells46, 47
Pannell, Charlesof Exeter, completed new bells51, 52
Pardew, Johnviolinist92
Payne, Rev E. G.first vicar of St James Church110
Pease, Louisa Annwife of Rev Richard Wolfe135
Pease, T. B.of Chapel-Allerton, Yorks, father of Louisa Ann135
Peckins, W. N.secy of market company130
Pedley, Prebendary G. H. K.preached at opening of new church hall116
Pengelly, Williamexploration of Kents Cavern41
Penney, John & Peggyof Penney's cottage17, 104
Penney, John & Peggyphoto ofbetween 64 & 65
Penwill, Wmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Perrett, Hedleyvalet to Rev R. R. Wolfe at Manaton140
Phillipps, H. C.Member of new church committee23,33, 37, 126
Phillipps, H. C. Marchof Wellswood Hall, People's Warden5, 21, 24, 54,130, 159
Phillipps, Henry Cranmer MarchPortrait in Town Hall120
Phillips, Lovellcoat of arms in church100
Phillips, Missorganist at St James Church113
Phillips, Miss J. Lovellpaid for new windows71,73, 79
Phillips, Philip Lovell Collyermemorial in church95
Phillpotts, Bishop HenryBishop of Exeter, lived at Bishopstowe29, 39, 41, 54, 136
Phillpotts, Bishop HenryPortrait ofbetween 64 & 65
Phillpotts, EdenFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Pickard, L.PCC elected- Parish Church, sidesman161
Pike, J. R.assisted author in preparation of book, Borough Librarian8, 130
Pinder & Halliwellof Halifax, the "flying Jacks" repairs to spire45/6
Plumer, HerbertFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Pollard, WilliamMember of new church committee23
Porter, CChoir member161
Potter, SChoir member161
Powell, William, M. B., FRCSmemorial in church97,126
Pratt, F.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Pratt, Frederick GeorgeName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Priestley, Mrfrom St Austell, sold his organ to St James church110
Prince Peter of Oldenburglaid foundation stone of new hospital125
Princess Alexandrasigned Town Hall visitors book123
Princess Marie Louisesigned Town Hall visitors book123
Prowse, Mrverger of Tor Church8
Pugh, Rev Isaacpresented Bible to Town Hall123
Puginweathercock designed by44/5
Raikes, Canonofficiated at Rev Gregg's funeral146
Raikes, Rev J. WAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Reid, FSidesman161
Rendell, William Jamesname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Rendle, VSidesman161
Rice, Michael G.organist83
Richards, Edesigner of Upton St James School114
Richardson, Ald. J. B.Portrait in Town Hall121
Rider, Hphoto ofbetween 64 & 65
Ridgeway familyof Torwood Grange, acquired Upton14
Rigand, Missesdonor of Church Plate51
Risely, Georgeorganist at Bristol91
Roberts, C.People's Warden160
Roberts, Capt Gilbert, C.B.E., RNdesigned & executed Glastonbury chairs61
Roberts, MrHead teacher of Boys school108
Roberts, MrsHead Teacher of infants school108
Roberts, Mrsheadmistress of Upton st James school114
Roberts, N. JBellringer161
Roberts, RBellringer161
Robertson Dr.Bishop of Exeter,67
Robins, Amemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Robinson, Mrs Lynnassisted author in preparation of book8
Roborough, Ladyassisted author in preparation of book8,29
Rockhey, John F.Portrait in Town Hall, Freeman of Borough of Torquay121, 122, 123, 126
Rooke, Mr R. H.Mayors Secretary8
Rose, HectorRectors warden159
Rosslee,MChoir member161
Rouse, C. V.deacon156
Rouse, Rev Ccurate of St James, Assistant clergy under Rev P Sands111, 159
Routley, Frederick Jname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Rowcroft, EllaFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Rowe, Rev A.assisted author in preparation of book8
Rowe, Thomas James TurnerName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Rowell J. Carchitect of Belgrave Church & Market St Methodist128, 129
Roxburgh, Rev A. WAssistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Salvin, AnthonyWinning Architect for design of new church24,31, 36, 47, 52, 60, 69
Samuel, Mrsdonor of Church Plate51
Sanderson, Rev LAssistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Sands, Mrs D. EPCC elected- Parish Church161
Sands, RevRector of Upton143
Sands, Rev PPortrait ofbetween 64 & 65, 116,161
Sands, Rev Percybiography154 - 157
Scoresby, Dr William M.memorial in church, Assistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe54, 96, 97, 104,133, 158
Scoresby, Rev Dr.Portrait ofbetween 64 & 65, 66
Scott, Gilbertdesigned chancel66, 70, 71, 73, 89, 137
Scott, Sir Giles Gilbertundertook construction of N Chapel68, 75, 80
Scott, William Gname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Scruby, Mrsgrand daughter of Rev R. R. Wolfe140
Scruby, Mrs P.Daughter of Prebendary Wolfe8
Sermon, E. H.Mayor119
Sermon, Edward HFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Seymour, D. Jorganist & author86, 161
Seymour, Gertrude,candle sticks in memory of79
Shedden, Mrdonor of Church Plate51
Shedden, Mrsdonor of Church Plate51
Sheppardcoat of arms in church101, 126
Sheppard Mrs & familygave organ screen in memory of A. B. Sheppard61, 62, 71, 72, 75, 77
Sheppard, Alfd ByardChurchwarden- both Peoples and Rectors48, 57, 61, 63,69, 74, 159
Sheppard, H. Jorganist at St James Church113
Sheppard, J Hallettorganist82
Shipley, TSidesman161
Shopland, A.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Shopland, ArchieName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Skinner, Lmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Smerdon familyfarmed at Manton140
Smerdon, Councillor JohnCarnegie Library built during his Mayoralty124
Smerdon, Mrof Higher Coombe8
Smith Rev W. P.Member of new church committee23
Smith, Mrs Parkswife of Incumbent of St Johns chapel31, 63
Smith, Rev Mr Parksof St Johns chapel37, 40, 63, 65
Sole, W. H.on school management committee106
Southcombe, Amemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Southcott, Herbert John WilliamName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Spacagna, Vincentname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Sparrowe, J. Eorganist at St James Church113
Sparrowe, V.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Sparrowe, Vernon EdwinName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Spencer, Mrsdonor of Church Plate51
Spragge & sondismantled organ in St Austell111
Spragge, Ald. Col. C. H.Portrait in Town Hall, Freeman of Borough of Torquay121,122
Spragge, Alderman Col. C. H.Mayor, laid stone for new Town Hall118
Spurr, J. W. Eorganist at St James Church113
Squires, Fmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Squires, Hmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Stacey, KChoir member161
Statham, Prebendaryofficiated at Rev Gregg's funeral146
Stephens, Miss DPCC elected- St James161
Stevens,CChoir member161
Stickland, HPCC elected- Parish Church161
Stickland, NChoir member161
Stone, JohnName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Sugden, Haroldname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Swete, J. B.artist9
Tain, Pmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Tanner, William HenryName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Tayleur, Louisadau of Preb Wolfe67
Taylor, Mr J. T Reeves,layman156, 161
Taylor, JRectors warden160
Taylor, MissChurch sister152
Taylor, Mrs HRuridecanal Conference Rep161
Taylor, T. J Reeves,Rectors warden80, 116, 160, 161
Temple, Bishoppreached on new school opening day106
Tennant, Majordonor of Church Plate51
The Queensigned Town Hall visitors book123
Thomas, W. DenisDeputy Mayor119
Thompson, Robert"the Mouseman" made Rectors stall61
Thompson, Ronaldorganist152
Thrupp, ?Rectors warden160
Tippett, Williamname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Tongue, Rev Johnwindow in memory of64
Tongue, Rev JohnPortrait ofbetween 64 & 65
Tongue, Rev Johnbiography146 - 148
Towell, Charles TFreeman of Borough of Torquay, Opened New Town Hall118, 122, 123
Tower, AlexanderRectors warden57, 159
Trethewey Broserected Upton St James school114
Trevelyan, Mrs Gdonor of Church Plate51
Trotman, JohnName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Trotman, W. W.organist5, 59, 66, 85, 92, 93, 111, 147
Tucker Mr D. Wowner of bungalow called "The Hollow"18
Tucker of Plymouthreassembled organ at St James111
Tucker, Rev C. C.Assistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Tucker, W.J.PCC elected- St James161
Tully Mr"was turned out of his seat"39
Tunkin, J.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Tunkin, John Patrick ReedName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Tunkin, MrSexton & Cleaner147
Tunnicliffe, Amemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Turner, N. JBellringer161
Turner, Pmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Turner, Reginald PercyName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Turner, Rev C. C.Assistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Turner, Sidney ArthurName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Turner, WilliamPeople's Warden160
Tyler, Rev W.Church Army Captain, curate, Ass. clergy under Rev P Sands15, 159
Vachell, E. T.assisted author in preparation of book8
Vanstone, Messrsbuilt new Church hall115, 156
Vincent, William ArthurName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Vinning, Worganist83
Vivian 5, 126
Vivian, Kitson & Cobankers for new church committee23, 51, 74
Vyse, Rev G. EAssistant Clergy under Rev J Tongue158
Wailes, Williamsupplied glass for Apse windows29, 31, 63,73, 77
Waldron, Mr & Mrsof Tormohun House, held garden party152
Waldron, Thomascopies of his medallions in Lauriston Villa132
Walker, Miss H. H. 8,12
Walkerdyne, Rev W. EAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Wallis, Dr F. S.Curator of Torquay Museum8
Walters, E. J.chorister84
Walters, LChoir member161
Walters, RChoir member161
Walters, W. Hchorister84
Ward, MissChurch sister149
Ward, Rev LAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Ward, RowlandFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Warner Rev G. T.donor of Church Plate51
Warner, Rev G. F.Assistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
Warren, Rmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Warring, James Albertname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Watkin, Hugh 9, 13
Watson, PChoir member161
Watts, Jmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Way, Wmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Weaver, Aorganist at St James Church113
Webb, ASidesman161
Webb, CChoir member161
Webb, Mrof Webbs Hotel, gave donation to new hospital125
Webb, Mr H.organist84
Weeks, Charliename on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Weeks, John AlbertName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Wellington, Duke ofmemorial service held for, spire built in memory of43, 44
Wesley, Dr S. S.organist at Exeter Cathedral87,89
Westall, Rt. Rev WBishop of Crediton79
Westcott, F.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Westcott, Frank HaroldName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Westwater, Smemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Wheatley, Rev JAssistant Clergy under Preb R. R. Wolfe158
White, MrsHead Teacher of infants school108
White, Pmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
White, Percyname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
White, Rev PAssistant clergy under Rev G. E. Arrowsmith152, 156, 158
White, W.memorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
White, W. Jmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Whiteway, Rmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Whittell, Charlesinscribed memoriam on paten at St James112
Wilding, Dorothytook Photo of Queen which hangs in Mayors Parlour123
Wilkins, R.of Bristol, contractor for new Town Hall118
Wilkinson, Archdeaconpreached at redecorated church72
Wilkinson, William Johnname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Wilks, Drgave chancel screen in memory of his wife, Sarah71, 72
Williams, Charles Leeorganist6, 83
Williams, DChoir member84, 161
Williams, Gmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Williams, LSidesman161
Williams, L. W. GHon Treasurer161
Williams, Leonard CharlesName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Williams, Smemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Williams, Tmemorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Willis, Bishopdedicated childrens corner65
Wilson, Rev E. AAssistant Clergy under Rev. E. P. Gregg158
Windeatt, APCC elected- Parish Church, sidesman161
Windeatt, Henryname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Windeatt, Mr A.photographer8
Winter, Ememorial to WW1 fallen, formerly in school now in hall108
Winter, Ernest Herbertname on WW1 memorial at St James church113
Winter, G. MitchellFreeman of Borough of Torquay122
Wippell, Messrs.Of Exeter79
Wish, WmMember of new church committee23
Wolfecoat of arms in church102
Wolfe PrebendaryPortraits ofbetween 64 & 65
Wolfe, Rev Richard Robbinsbiography134-141
Wolfe, Capt. G. D. H. 6, 66, 102, 140
Wolfe, Generalkinsman of Richard R Wolfe134
Wolfe, Johnfather of Richard R Wolfe134
Wolfe, Louisa Annwife of Preb Wolfe67
Wolfe, Miss LDaughter of Prebendary Wolfe8, 66
Wolfe, Phoebegrand dau of R. R. wolfe, married A. C. Hardy146
Wolfe, Prebendary R. R. M.Afirst Rector6,7, 26, 31, 32,33, 35, 37,38, 43, 47, 52, 53, 54, 64, 65, 67,70, 72, 73, 104, 106, 109, 125, 126, 130, 132
Wolfe, Rev CharlesPoet, kinsman of Richard R Wolfe134
Wolfe, Walter Proudfootaltar rail in memory of69
Wood, Drorganist of Exeter Cathedral85,142
Wood, Sir Henrysigned Town Hall visitors book123
Woodley, Jamesof St Marychurch marble works66
Woolcombe, PrebendaryBishops Chaplain35
Woollcombe Revpreached at church88
Wotton, A. R. GPCC elected- Parish Church, sidesman, bellringer161
Wray, W. B.organist81
Wright, Jamesfarmer of Upton farm16
Wyatt, James WilliamName on World War 1 memorial in church62
Youngs, ERuridecanal Conference Rep, sidesman161


Brian Randell, 11 Jul 2001